Theme customization

Customization of the application requires knowledge of Sass and CSS. It also will require becoming familiar with the Bootstrap and Bootstrap-Vue component libraries. This section outlines the global options and variables that can be removed or updated to meet organizational brand guidelines.

Environment specific builds

Any organization can create a build that meets their branding and other customization needs. This includes customization of the state store, routing, application navigation, and theming.

Read more in the Build Customization section

Configuring environment specific builds

The complete instructions can be found in the env directory in a file called or by viewing the Configuring environment specific builds page

Bootstrap Sass Options

The Bootstrap Sass options are global styling toggles. The naming convention for these built-in variables is enabled-*.


This option enables or disables the border-radius styles on various components.

  • Set to false to remove rounded corners on all container elements and buttons


This option enables or disables background-image icons within textual inputs and some custom forms for validation states.

  • Set to false due to inability to style icons using CSS

More information

Bootstrap Sass Variables

These are global variables that Bootstrap defines in the /node_modules/bootstrap/scss/variables.scss helper file. Adding a variable listed in this file to the /src/assets/styles/bmc/helpers/_variables.scss file will override the Bootstrap defined value.


This variable sets the base CSS transition style throughout the application.

  • Set to all $duration--moderate-02 $standard-easing--productive


This variable sets the transition when showing and hiding elements.

  • Set to opacity $duration--moderate-01 $standard-easing--productive


This variable sets the CSS transitions throughout the application when expanding and collapsing elements.

  • Set to height $duration--slow-01 $standard-easing--expressive

More Information

OpenBMC Custom Sass Options


This variable determines when the primary navigation is hidden and when the hamburger menu is displayed. The breakpoint is defined using a Bootstrap function that only accepts a key from the Bootstrap $grid-breakpoints map.

  • xs - Navigation is always displayed
  • sm - Navigation displayed when the viewport is greater than 576px
  • md - Navigation displayed when the viewport is greater than 768px
  • lg - Navigation displayed when the viewport is greater than 992px
  • xl - Navigation displayed when the viewport is less than 1200px

Responsive Resources


This variable determines the height of the OpenBMC Web UI header element.

  • Default value: 56px


This variable determines the width of the primary navigation menu when expanded.

  • Default value: 300px


This option sets the background of page containers. Changing the value of this variable will change the background color for the following elements:

  • Login page
  • Primary navigation section
  • Quick links section on the overview page


  • Default value: $gray-200


The semantic naming of this variable identifies its purpose. This color should always be slightly darker than the $container-bgd value.

  • Default value: $gray-300

Updating Colors

Supporting a different color palette is a simple process. The default color palette is supported using the Sass variables outlined in the color guidelines and color maps outlined in the theme's overview. The following sections provide directions to update the settings to meet your organization's needs.


The OpenBMC Web UI uses Sass variables and maps to build its layout and components. Bootstrap variables and maps use the !default flag to allow for overrides. There are three Sass maps created to establish the color palette. These include the color map, theme-color map, and gray map. These maps are used by Bootstrap to build the application's CSS stylesheets.

All Colors

The OpenBMC Web UI custom colors are available as Sass variables and a Sass map in /src/assets/styles/bmc/helpers/_variables.scss. The OpenBMC theme only requires a subset of the colors to create the look and feel of the application. Adding, removing, or updating the color variables and map is how the application color palette can be customized. Using these variables outside of the helper files is discouraged to avoid tightly coupling the OpenBMC Web UI theme to specific colors.

The color map is not as important as the theme-color map. A tight-coupling of the Sass variable name to the color name makes it hard to use the color map keys for customization. Using these keys in Sass stylesheets or single-file components is discouraged.

Theme Colors

The theme color variables and the theme-color map consist of a subset of the color variables. This smaller color palette creates a scheme that is not dependent on specific colors like blue or green. Several of the Bootstrap theme-color map keys are required to generate the CSS styles. The OpenBMC Web UI theme-color map has the same keys as the Bootstrap theme-color map with custom values.

The theme-color map is used heavily throughout the application. The Bootstrap-Vue components variant prop also utilizes the theme-color map. This map is the key to customizing the application's color palette. Take a look at the color guidelines to better understand default theme-colors map.

Gray Colors

The gray color palette contains nine shades of gray that range from light to dark. Bootstrap sets a default gray color value for each color variable from 100-900 in increments of one hundred, for example, $gray-100, $gray-200, $gray-300 through gray-900. Bootstrap does not create a color map for any of the colors except gray. The Bootstrap documentation indicates that adding color maps for all the default colors is scheduled to be delivered in a future patch. The OpenBMC Web UI color theme overrides all shades of the Bootstrap default gray variable values.

Learn more about Bootstrap colors

Bootstrap Color Functions

  • color('<color map key>)
  • theme-color('<theme color map key>)
  • gray('<gray color palette key'>)


.some-selector {
  color: color("blue");
  background: theme-color("light");
  border: 1px solid gray("900")

Learn more about using Bootstrap functions

Adding a logo

The updated page header can include a small logo. The guidelines for adding a logo and the suggested logo dimensions are currently in progress. It may be challenging to meet all organization brand guidelines due to the minimal height of the page header. The company logo might be able to be set in the primary navigation, but a design supporting that option will be the focus of future design work.