A "store" is a container that holds the application's state. Learn more about Vuex.
# Store structure └── store ├── api.js # axios requests ├── index.js # import store modules ├── plugins └── modules └── FeatureName # feature module ├── FeatureStore.js # feature store ├── AdditionalFeatureStore.js # additional features per store ├── AnotherFeatureStore.js # additional features per store
The application store is divided into modules to prevent the store from getting bloated. Each module contains its own state, mutations, actions, and getters. Learn more about Vuex modules.
Import new store modules in src/store/index.js
// `src/store/index.js` import Vue from "vue"; import Vuex from "vuex"; import FeatureNameStore from "./modules/FeatureNameStore"; Vue.use(Vuex); export default new Vuex.Store({ state: {}, mutations: {}, actions: {}, modules: { feature: FeatureNameStore, // store names can be renamed for brevity }, });
A store module will look like this.
import api from "@/store/api"; import i18n from "@/i18n"; const FeatureNameStore = { // getters, actions, and mutations will be namespaced // based on the path the module is registered at namespaced: true, state: { exampleValue: "Off", }, getters: { // namespace -> getters['featureNameStore/getExampleValue'] getExampleValue: (state) => state.exampleValue, }, mutations: { // namespace -> commit('featureNameStore/setExampleValue) setExampleValue: (state) => state.exampleValue, }, actions: { // namespace -> dispatch('featureNameStore/getExampleValue') async getExampleValue({ commit }) { return await api .get("/redfish/v1/../..") .then((response) => { commit("setExampleValue", response.data.Value); }) .catch((error) => console.log(error)); }, // namespace -> ('featureNameStore/saveExampleValue', payload) async saveExampleValue({ commit }, payload) { return await api .patch("/redfish/v1/../..", { Value: payload }) .then(() => { commit("setExampleValue", payload); }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error); }); }, }, }; export default FeatureNameStore;