IA update: Update access and control section
This is the fifth commit of the information architecture changes and
has the following changes:
- The icon for access and control has been updated
- Access and control section has been updated to security and
access section
- Security settings page has been updated to policies page and moved to
security and access section
- Client sessions page has been updated to sessions page
- Local user management page has been updated to user management page
- SSL certificates page has been updated to certificates page
Signed-off-by: Sandeepa Singh <sandeepa.singh@ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ie93cee9002742ecf7d33615636f4f159f4395fc4
diff --git a/src/store/modules/SecurityAndAccess/UserManagementStore.js b/src/store/modules/SecurityAndAccess/UserManagementStore.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..362f3f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/store/modules/SecurityAndAccess/UserManagementStore.js
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+import api, { getResponseCount } from '@/store/api';
+import i18n from '@/i18n';
+const UserManagementStore = {
+ namespaced: true,
+ state: {
+ allUsers: [],
+ accountRoles: [],
+ accountLockoutDuration: null,
+ accountLockoutThreshold: null,
+ accountMinPasswordLength: null,
+ accountMaxPasswordLength: null,
+ },
+ getters: {
+ allUsers(state) {
+ return state.allUsers;
+ },
+ accountRoles(state) {
+ return state.accountRoles;
+ },
+ accountSettings(state) {
+ return {
+ lockoutDuration: state.accountLockoutDuration,
+ lockoutThreshold: state.accountLockoutThreshold,
+ };
+ },
+ accountPasswordRequirements(state) {
+ return {
+ minLength: state.accountMinPasswordLength,
+ maxLength: state.accountMaxPasswordLength,
+ };
+ },
+ },
+ mutations: {
+ setUsers(state, allUsers) {
+ state.allUsers = allUsers;
+ },
+ setAccountRoles(state, accountRoles) {
+ state.accountRoles = accountRoles;
+ },
+ setLockoutDuration(state, lockoutDuration) {
+ state.accountLockoutDuration = lockoutDuration;
+ },
+ setLockoutThreshold(state, lockoutThreshold) {
+ state.accountLockoutThreshold = lockoutThreshold;
+ },
+ setAccountMinPasswordLength(state, minPasswordLength) {
+ state.accountMinPasswordLength = minPasswordLength;
+ },
+ setAccountMaxPasswordLength(state, maxPasswordLength) {
+ state.accountMaxPasswordLength = maxPasswordLength;
+ },
+ },
+ actions: {
+ async getUsers({ commit }) {
+ return await api
+ .get('/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts')
+ .then((response) =>
+ response.data.Members.map((user) => user['@odata.id'])
+ )
+ .then((userIds) => api.all(userIds.map((user) => api.get(user))))
+ .then((users) => {
+ const userData = users.map((user) => user.data);
+ commit('setUsers', userData);
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.log(error);
+ const message = i18n.t('pageUserManagement.toast.errorLoadUsers');
+ throw new Error(message);
+ });
+ },
+ getAccountSettings({ commit }) {
+ api
+ .get('/redfish/v1/AccountService')
+ .then(({ data }) => {
+ commit('setLockoutDuration', data.AccountLockoutDuration);
+ commit('setLockoutThreshold', data.AccountLockoutThreshold);
+ commit('setAccountMinPasswordLength', data.MinPasswordLength);
+ commit('setAccountMaxPasswordLength', data.MaxPasswordLength);
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.log(error);
+ const message = i18n.t(
+ 'pageUserManagement.toast.errorLoadAccountSettings'
+ );
+ throw new Error(message);
+ });
+ },
+ getAccountRoles({ commit }) {
+ api
+ .get('/redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles')
+ .then(({ data: { Members = [] } = {} }) => {
+ const roles = Members.map((role) => {
+ return role['@odata.id'].split('/').pop();
+ });
+ commit('setAccountRoles', roles);
+ })
+ .catch((error) => console.log(error));
+ },
+ async createUser({ dispatch }, { username, password, privilege, status }) {
+ const data = {
+ UserName: username,
+ Password: password,
+ RoleId: privilege,
+ Enabled: status,
+ };
+ return await api
+ .post('/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts', data)
+ .then(() => dispatch('getUsers'))
+ .then(() =>
+ i18n.t('pageUserManagement.toast.successCreateUser', {
+ username,
+ })
+ )
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.log(error);
+ const message = i18n.t('pageUserManagement.toast.errorCreateUser', {
+ username,
+ });
+ throw new Error(message);
+ });
+ },
+ async updateUser(
+ { dispatch },
+ { originalUsername, username, password, privilege, status, locked }
+ ) {
+ const data = {};
+ if (username) data.UserName = username;
+ if (password) data.Password = password;
+ if (privilege) data.RoleId = privilege;
+ if (status !== undefined) data.Enabled = status;
+ if (locked !== undefined) data.Locked = locked;
+ return await api
+ .patch(`/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${originalUsername}`, data)
+ .then(() => dispatch('getUsers'))
+ .then(() =>
+ i18n.t('pageUserManagement.toast.successUpdateUser', {
+ username: originalUsername,
+ })
+ )
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.log(error);
+ const message = i18n.t('pageUserManagement.toast.errorUpdateUser', {
+ username: originalUsername,
+ });
+ throw new Error(message);
+ });
+ },
+ async deleteUser({ dispatch }, username) {
+ return await api
+ .delete(`/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username}`)
+ .then(() => dispatch('getUsers'))
+ .then(() =>
+ i18n.t('pageUserManagement.toast.successDeleteUser', {
+ username,
+ })
+ )
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.log(error);
+ const message = i18n.t('pageUserManagement.toast.errorDeleteUser', {
+ username,
+ });
+ throw new Error(message);
+ });
+ },
+ async deleteUsers({ dispatch }, users) {
+ const promises = users.map(({ username }) => {
+ return api
+ .delete(`/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username}`)
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.log(error);
+ return error;
+ });
+ });
+ return await api
+ .all(promises)
+ .then((response) => {
+ dispatch('getUsers');
+ return response;
+ })
+ .then(
+ api.spread((...responses) => {
+ const { successCount, errorCount } = getResponseCount(responses);
+ let toastMessages = [];
+ if (successCount) {
+ const message = i18n.tc(
+ 'pageUserManagement.toast.successBatchDelete',
+ successCount
+ );
+ toastMessages.push({ type: 'success', message });
+ }
+ if (errorCount) {
+ const message = i18n.tc(
+ 'pageUserManagement.toast.errorBatchDelete',
+ errorCount
+ );
+ toastMessages.push({ type: 'error', message });
+ }
+ return toastMessages;
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ async enableUsers({ dispatch }, users) {
+ const data = {
+ Enabled: true,
+ };
+ const promises = users.map(({ username }) => {
+ return api
+ .patch(`/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username}`, data)
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.log(error);
+ return error;
+ });
+ });
+ return await api
+ .all(promises)
+ .then((response) => {
+ dispatch('getUsers');
+ return response;
+ })
+ .then(
+ api.spread((...responses) => {
+ const { successCount, errorCount } = getResponseCount(responses);
+ let toastMessages = [];
+ if (successCount) {
+ const message = i18n.tc(
+ 'pageUserManagement.toast.successBatchEnable',
+ successCount
+ );
+ toastMessages.push({ type: 'success', message });
+ }
+ if (errorCount) {
+ const message = i18n.tc(
+ 'pageUserManagement.toast.errorBatchEnable',
+ errorCount
+ );
+ toastMessages.push({ type: 'error', message });
+ }
+ return toastMessages;
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ async disableUsers({ dispatch }, users) {
+ const data = {
+ Enabled: false,
+ };
+ const promises = users.map(({ username }) => {
+ return api
+ .patch(`/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username}`, data)
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.log(error);
+ return error;
+ });
+ });
+ return await api
+ .all(promises)
+ .then((response) => {
+ dispatch('getUsers');
+ return response;
+ })
+ .then(
+ api.spread((...responses) => {
+ const { successCount, errorCount } = getResponseCount(responses);
+ let toastMessages = [];
+ if (successCount) {
+ const message = i18n.tc(
+ 'pageUserManagement.toast.successBatchDisable',
+ successCount
+ );
+ toastMessages.push({ type: 'success', message });
+ }
+ if (errorCount) {
+ const message = i18n.tc(
+ 'pageUserManagement.toast.errorBatchDisable',
+ errorCount
+ );
+ toastMessages.push({ type: 'error', message });
+ }
+ return toastMessages;
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ async saveAccountSettings(
+ { dispatch },
+ { lockoutThreshold, lockoutDuration }
+ ) {
+ const data = {};
+ if (lockoutThreshold !== undefined) {
+ data.AccountLockoutThreshold = lockoutThreshold;
+ }
+ if (lockoutDuration !== undefined) {
+ data.AccountLockoutDuration = lockoutDuration;
+ }
+ return await api
+ .patch('/redfish/v1/AccountService', data)
+ //GET new settings to update view
+ .then(() => dispatch('getAccountSettings'))
+ .then(() => i18n.t('pageUserManagement.toast.successSaveSettings'))
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.log(error);
+ const message = i18n.t('pageUserManagement.toast.errorSaveSettings');
+ throw new Error(message);
+ });
+ },
+ },
+export default UserManagementStore;