IA update: Update access and control section

This is the fifth commit of the information architecture changes and
has the following changes:

- The icon for access and control has been updated
- Access and control section has been updated to security and
access section
- Security settings page has been updated to policies page and moved to
security and access section
- Client sessions page has been updated to sessions page
- Local user management page has been updated to user management page
- SSL certificates page has been updated to certificates page

Signed-off-by: Sandeepa Singh <sandeepa.singh@ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ie93cee9002742ecf7d33615636f4f159f4395fc4
diff --git a/src/views/SecurityAndAccess/Sessions/Sessions.vue b/src/views/SecurityAndAccess/Sessions/Sessions.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd4c06a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/views/SecurityAndAccess/Sessions/Sessions.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+  <b-container fluid="xl">
+    <page-title />
+    <b-row class="align-items-end">
+      <b-col sm="6" md="5" xl="4">
+        <search
+          :placeholder="$t('pageSessions.table.searchSessions')"
+          data-test-id="sessions-input-searchSessions"
+          @change-search="onChangeSearchInput"
+          @clear-search="onClearSearchInput"
+        />
+      </b-col>
+      <b-col sm="3" md="3" xl="2">
+        <table-cell-count
+          :filtered-items-count="filteredRows"
+          :total-number-of-cells="allConnections.length"
+        ></table-cell-count>
+      </b-col>
+    </b-row>
+    <b-row>
+      <b-col>
+        <table-toolbar
+          ref="toolbar"
+          :selected-items-count="selectedRows.length"
+          :actions="batchActions"
+          @clear-selected="clearSelectedRows($refs.table)"
+          @batch-action="onBatchAction"
+        >
+        </table-toolbar>
+        <b-table
+          id="table-session-logs"
+          ref="table"
+          responsive="md"
+          selectable
+          no-select-on-click
+          hover
+          show-empty
+          sort-by="clientID"
+          :fields="fields"
+          :items="allConnections"
+          :filter="searchFilter"
+          :empty-text="$t('global.table.emptyMessage')"
+          :per-page="perPage"
+          :current-page="currentPage"
+          @filtered="onFiltered"
+          @row-selected="onRowSelected($event, allConnections.length)"
+        >
+          <!-- Checkbox column -->
+          <template #head(checkbox)>
+            <b-form-checkbox
+              v-model="tableHeaderCheckboxModel"
+              data-test-id="sessions-checkbox-selectAll"
+              :indeterminate="tableHeaderCheckboxIndeterminate"
+              @change="onChangeHeaderCheckbox($refs.table)"
+            >
+              <span class="sr-only">{{ $t('global.table.selectAll') }}</span>
+            </b-form-checkbox>
+          </template>
+          <template #cell(checkbox)="row">
+            <b-form-checkbox
+              v-model="row.rowSelected"
+              :data-test-id="`sessions-checkbox-selectRow-${row.index}`"
+              @change="toggleSelectRow($refs.table, row.index)"
+            >
+              <span class="sr-only">{{ $t('global.table.selectItem') }}</span>
+            </b-form-checkbox>
+          </template>
+          <!-- Actions column -->
+          <template #cell(actions)="row" class="ml-3">
+            <table-row-action
+              v-for="(action, index) in row.item.actions"
+              :key="index"
+              :value="action.value"
+              :title="action.title"
+              :row-data="row.item"
+              :btn-icon-only="false"
+              :data-test-id="`sessions-button-disconnect-${row.index}`"
+              @click-table-action="onTableRowAction($event, row.item)"
+            ></table-row-action>
+          </template>
+        </b-table>
+      </b-col>
+    </b-row>
+    <!-- Table pagination -->
+    <b-row>
+      <b-col sm="6">
+        <b-form-group
+          class="table-pagination-select"
+          :label="$t('global.table.itemsPerPage')"
+          label-for="pagination-items-per-page"
+        >
+          <b-form-select
+            id="pagination-items-per-page"
+            v-model="perPage"
+            :options="itemsPerPageOptions"
+          />
+        </b-form-group>
+      </b-col>
+      <b-col sm="6">
+        <b-pagination
+          v-model="currentPage"
+          first-number
+          last-number
+          :per-page="perPage"
+          :total-rows="getTotalRowCount(allConnections.length)"
+          aria-controls="table-session-logs"
+        />
+      </b-col>
+    </b-row>
+  </b-container>
+import PageTitle from '@/components/Global/PageTitle';
+import Search from '@/components/Global/Search';
+import TableCellCount from '@/components/Global/TableCellCount';
+import TableRowAction from '@/components/Global/TableRowAction';
+import TableToolbar from '@/components/Global/TableToolbar';
+import LoadingBarMixin from '@/components/Mixins/LoadingBarMixin';
+import BVPaginationMixin, {
+  currentPage,
+  perPage,
+  itemsPerPageOptions,
+} from '@/components/Mixins/BVPaginationMixin';
+import BVTableSelectableMixin, {
+  selectedRows,
+  tableHeaderCheckboxModel,
+  tableHeaderCheckboxIndeterminate,
+} from '@/components/Mixins/BVTableSelectableMixin';
+import BVToastMixin from '@/components/Mixins/BVToastMixin';
+import SearchFilterMixin, {
+  searchFilter,
+} from '@/components/Mixins/SearchFilterMixin';
+export default {
+  components: {
+    PageTitle,
+    Search,
+    TableCellCount,
+    TableRowAction,
+    TableToolbar,
+  },
+  mixins: [
+    BVPaginationMixin,
+    BVTableSelectableMixin,
+    BVToastMixin,
+    LoadingBarMixin,
+    SearchFilterMixin,
+  ],
+  beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next) {
+    // Hide loader if the user navigates to another page
+    // before request is fulfilled.
+    this.hideLoader();
+    next();
+  },
+  data() {
+    return {
+      fields: [
+        {
+          key: 'checkbox',
+        },
+        {
+          key: 'clientID',
+          label: this.$t('pageSessions.table.clientID'),
+        },
+        {
+          key: 'username',
+          label: this.$t('pageSessions.table.username'),
+        },
+        {
+          key: 'ipAddress',
+          label: this.$t('pageSessions.table.ipAddress'),
+        },
+        {
+          key: 'actions',
+          label: '',
+        },
+      ],
+      batchActions: [
+        {
+          value: 'disconnect',
+          label: this.$t('pageSessions.action.disconnect'),
+        },
+      ],
+      currentPage: currentPage,
+      itemsPerPageOptions: itemsPerPageOptions,
+      perPage: perPage,
+      selectedRows: selectedRows,
+      searchTotalFilteredRows: 0,
+      tableHeaderCheckboxModel: tableHeaderCheckboxModel,
+      tableHeaderCheckboxIndeterminate: tableHeaderCheckboxIndeterminate,
+      searchFilter: searchFilter,
+    };
+  },
+  computed: {
+    filteredRows() {
+      return this.searchFilter
+        ? this.searchTotalFilteredRows
+        : this.allConnections.length;
+    },
+    allConnections() {
+      return this.$store.getters['sessions/allConnections'].map((session) => {
+        return {
+          ...session,
+          actions: [
+            {
+              value: 'disconnect',
+              title: this.$t('pageSessions.action.disconnect'),
+            },
+          ],
+        };
+      });
+    },
+  },
+  created() {
+    this.startLoader();
+    this.$store
+      .dispatch('sessions/getSessionsData')
+      .finally(() => this.endLoader());
+  },
+  methods: {
+    onFiltered(filteredItems) {
+      this.searchTotalFilteredRows = filteredItems.length;
+    },
+    onChangeSearchInput(event) {
+      this.searchFilter = event;
+    },
+    disconnectSessions(uris) {
+      this.$store
+        .dispatch('sessions/disconnectSessions', uris)
+        .then((messages) => {
+          messages.forEach(({ type, message }) => {
+            if (type === 'success') {
+              this.successToast(message);
+            } else if (type === 'error') {
+              this.errorToast(message);
+            }
+          });
+        });
+    },
+    onTableRowAction(action, { uri }) {
+      if (action === 'disconnect') {
+        this.$bvModal
+          .msgBoxConfirm(this.$tc('pageSessions.modal.disconnectMessage'), {
+            title: this.$tc('pageSessions.modal.disconnectTitle'),
+            okTitle: this.$t('pageSessions.action.disconnect'),
+            cancelTitle: this.$t('global.action.cancel'),
+          })
+          .then((deleteConfirmed) => {
+            if (deleteConfirmed) this.disconnectSessions([uri]);
+          });
+      }
+    },
+    onBatchAction(action) {
+      if (action === 'disconnect') {
+        const uris = this.selectedRows.map((row) => row.uri);
+        this.$bvModal
+          .msgBoxConfirm(
+            this.$tc(
+              'pageSessions.modal.disconnectMessage',
+              this.selectedRows.length
+            ),
+            {
+              title: this.$tc(
+                'pageSessions.modal.disconnectTitle',
+                this.selectedRows.length
+              ),
+              okTitle: this.$t('pageSessions.action.disconnect'),
+              cancelTitle: this.$t('global.action.cancel'),
+            }
+          )
+          .then((deleteConfirmed) => {
+            if (deleteConfirmed) {
+              this.disconnectSessions(uris);
+            }
+          });
+      }
+    },
+  },
+<style lang="scss">
+#table-session-logs {
+  td .btn-link {
+    width: auto !important;
+  }