IA update: Update access and control section
This is the fifth commit of the information architecture changes and
has the following changes:
- The icon for access and control has been updated
- Access and control section has been updated to security and
access section
- Security settings page has been updated to policies page and moved to
security and access section
- Client sessions page has been updated to sessions page
- Local user management page has been updated to user management page
- SSL certificates page has been updated to certificates page
Signed-off-by: Sandeepa Singh <sandeepa.singh@ibm.com>
Change-Id: Ie93cee9002742ecf7d33615636f4f159f4395fc4
diff --git a/src/views/SecurityAndAccess/UserManagement/ModalUser.vue b/src/views/SecurityAndAccess/UserManagement/ModalUser.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f8757c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/views/SecurityAndAccess/UserManagement/ModalUser.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+ <b-modal id="modal-user" ref="modal" @hidden="resetForm">
+ <template #modal-title>
+ <template v-if="newUser">
+ {{ $t('pageUserManagement.addUser') }}
+ </template>
+ <template v-else>
+ {{ $t('pageUserManagement.editUser') }}
+ </template>
+ </template>
+ <b-form id="form-user" novalidate @submit.prevent="handleSubmit">
+ <b-container>
+ <!-- Manual unlock form control -->
+ <b-row v-if="!newUser && manualUnlockPolicy && user.Locked">
+ <b-col sm="9">
+ <alert :show="true" variant="warning" small>
+ <template v-if="!$v.form.manualUnlock.$dirty">
+ {{ $t('pageUserManagement.modal.accountLocked') }}
+ </template>
+ <template v-else>
+ {{ $t('pageUserManagement.modal.clickSaveToUnlockAccount') }}
+ </template>
+ </alert>
+ </b-col>
+ <b-col sm="3">
+ <input
+ v-model="form.manualUnlock"
+ data-test-id="userManagement-input-manualUnlock"
+ type="hidden"
+ value="false"
+ />
+ <b-button
+ variant="primary"
+ :disabled="$v.form.manualUnlock.$dirty"
+ data-test-id="userManagement-button-manualUnlock"
+ @click="$v.form.manualUnlock.$touch()"
+ >
+ {{ $t('pageUserManagement.modal.unlock') }}
+ </b-button>
+ </b-col>
+ </b-row>
+ <b-row>
+ <b-col>
+ <b-form-group :label="$t('pageUserManagement.modal.accountStatus')">
+ <b-form-radio
+ v-model="form.status"
+ name="user-status"
+ :value="true"
+ data-test-id="userManagement-radioButton-statusEnabled"
+ @input="$v.form.status.$touch()"
+ >
+ {{ $t('global.status.enabled') }}
+ </b-form-radio>
+ <b-form-radio
+ v-model="form.status"
+ name="user-status"
+ data-test-id="userManagement-radioButton-statusDisabled"
+ :value="false"
+ @input="$v.form.status.$touch()"
+ >
+ {{ $t('global.status.disabled') }}
+ </b-form-radio>
+ </b-form-group>
+ <b-form-group
+ :label="$t('pageUserManagement.modal.username')"
+ label-for="username"
+ >
+ <b-form-text id="username-help-block">
+ {{ $t('pageUserManagement.modal.cannotStartWithANumber') }}
+ <br />
+ {{
+ $t(
+ 'pageUserManagement.modal.noSpecialCharactersExceptUnderscore'
+ )
+ }}
+ </b-form-text>
+ <b-form-input
+ id="username"
+ v-model="form.username"
+ type="text"
+ aria-describedby="username-help-block"
+ data-test-id="userManagement-input-username"
+ :state="getValidationState($v.form.username)"
+ :disabled="!newUser && originalUsername === 'root'"
+ @input="$v.form.username.$touch()"
+ />
+ <b-form-invalid-feedback role="alert">
+ <template v-if="!$v.form.username.required">
+ {{ $t('global.form.fieldRequired') }}
+ </template>
+ <template v-else-if="!$v.form.username.maxLength">
+ {{
+ $t('global.form.lengthMustBeBetween', { min: 1, max: 16 })
+ }}
+ </template>
+ <template v-else-if="!$v.form.username.pattern">
+ {{ $t('global.form.invalidFormat') }}
+ </template>
+ </b-form-invalid-feedback>
+ </b-form-group>
+ <b-form-group
+ :label="$t('pageUserManagement.modal.privilege')"
+ label-for="privilege"
+ >
+ <b-form-select
+ id="privilege"
+ v-model="form.privilege"
+ :options="privilegeTypes"
+ data-test-id="userManagement-select-privilege"
+ :state="getValidationState($v.form.privilege)"
+ @input="$v.form.privilege.$touch()"
+ >
+ <template #first>
+ <b-form-select-option :value="null" disabled>
+ {{ $t('global.form.selectAnOption') }}
+ </b-form-select-option>
+ </template>
+ </b-form-select>
+ <b-form-invalid-feedback role="alert">
+ <template v-if="!$v.form.privilege.required">
+ {{ $t('global.form.fieldRequired') }}
+ </template>
+ </b-form-invalid-feedback>
+ </b-form-group>
+ </b-col>
+ <b-col>
+ <b-form-group
+ :label="$t('pageUserManagement.modal.userPassword')"
+ label-for="password"
+ >
+ <b-form-text id="password-help-block">
+ {{
+ $t('pageUserManagement.modal.passwordMustBeBetween', {
+ min: passwordRequirements.minLength,
+ max: passwordRequirements.maxLength,
+ })
+ }}
+ </b-form-text>
+ <input-password-toggle>
+ <b-form-input
+ id="password"
+ v-model="form.password"
+ type="password"
+ data-test-id="userManagement-input-password"
+ aria-describedby="password-help-block"
+ :state="getValidationState($v.form.password)"
+ class="form-control-with-button"
+ @input="$v.form.password.$touch()"
+ />
+ <b-form-invalid-feedback role="alert">
+ <template v-if="!$v.form.password.required">
+ {{ $t('global.form.fieldRequired') }}
+ </template>
+ <template
+ v-if="
+ !$v.form.password.minLength || !$v.form.password.maxLength
+ "
+ >
+ {{
+ $t('pageUserManagement.modal.passwordMustBeBetween', {
+ min: passwordRequirements.minLength,
+ max: passwordRequirements.maxLength,
+ })
+ }}
+ </template>
+ </b-form-invalid-feedback>
+ </input-password-toggle>
+ </b-form-group>
+ <b-form-group
+ :label="$t('pageUserManagement.modal.confirmUserPassword')"
+ label-for="password-confirmation"
+ >
+ <input-password-toggle>
+ <b-form-input
+ id="password-confirmation"
+ v-model="form.passwordConfirmation"
+ data-test-id="userManagement-input-passwordConfirmation"
+ type="password"
+ :state="getValidationState($v.form.passwordConfirmation)"
+ class="form-control-with-button"
+ @input="$v.form.passwordConfirmation.$touch()"
+ />
+ <b-form-invalid-feedback role="alert">
+ <template v-if="!$v.form.passwordConfirmation.required">
+ {{ $t('global.form.fieldRequired') }}
+ </template>
+ <template
+ v-else-if="!$v.form.passwordConfirmation.sameAsPassword"
+ >
+ {{ $t('pageUserManagement.modal.passwordsDoNotMatch') }}
+ </template>
+ </b-form-invalid-feedback>
+ </input-password-toggle>
+ </b-form-group>
+ </b-col>
+ </b-row>
+ </b-container>
+ </b-form>
+ <template #modal-footer="{ cancel }">
+ <b-button
+ variant="secondary"
+ data-test-id="userManagement-button-cancel"
+ @click="cancel()"
+ >
+ {{ $t('global.action.cancel') }}
+ </b-button>
+ <b-button
+ form="form-user"
+ data-test-id="userManagement-button-submit"
+ type="submit"
+ variant="primary"
+ @click="onOk"
+ >
+ <template v-if="newUser">
+ {{ $t('pageUserManagement.addUser') }}
+ </template>
+ <template v-else>
+ {{ $t('global.action.save') }}
+ </template>
+ </b-button>
+ </template>
+ </b-modal>
+import {
+ required,
+ maxLength,
+ minLength,
+ sameAs,
+ helpers,
+ requiredIf,
+} from 'vuelidate/lib/validators';
+import VuelidateMixin from '@/components/Mixins/VuelidateMixin.js';
+import InputPasswordToggle from '@/components/Global/InputPasswordToggle';
+import Alert from '@/components/Global/Alert';
+export default {
+ components: { Alert, InputPasswordToggle },
+ mixins: [VuelidateMixin],
+ props: {
+ user: {
+ type: Object,
+ default: null,
+ },
+ passwordRequirements: {
+ type: Object,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ originalUsername: '',
+ form: {
+ status: true,
+ username: '',
+ privilege: null,
+ password: '',
+ passwordConfirmation: '',
+ manualUnlock: false,
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ computed: {
+ newUser() {
+ return this.user ? false : true;
+ },
+ accountSettings() {
+ return this.$store.getters['userManagement/accountSettings'];
+ },
+ manualUnlockPolicy() {
+ return !this.accountSettings.accountLockoutDuration;
+ },
+ privilegeTypes() {
+ return this.$store.getters['userManagement/accountRoles'];
+ },
+ },
+ watch: {
+ user: function (value) {
+ if (value === null) return;
+ this.originalUsername = value.username;
+ this.form.username = value.username;
+ this.form.status = value.Enabled;
+ this.form.privilege = value.privilege;
+ },
+ },
+ validations() {
+ return {
+ form: {
+ status: {
+ required,
+ },
+ username: {
+ required,
+ maxLength: maxLength(16),
+ pattern: helpers.regex('pattern', /^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/),
+ },
+ privilege: {
+ required,
+ },
+ password: {
+ required: requiredIf(function () {
+ return this.requirePassword();
+ }),
+ minLength: minLength(this.passwordRequirements.minLength),
+ maxLength: maxLength(this.passwordRequirements.maxLength),
+ },
+ passwordConfirmation: {
+ required: requiredIf(function () {
+ return this.requirePassword();
+ }),
+ sameAsPassword: sameAs('password'),
+ },
+ manualUnlock: {},
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ methods: {
+ handleSubmit() {
+ let userData = {};
+ if (this.newUser) {
+ this.$v.$touch();
+ if (this.$v.$invalid) return;
+ userData.username = this.form.username;
+ userData.status = this.form.status;
+ userData.privilege = this.form.privilege;
+ userData.password = this.form.password;
+ } else {
+ if (this.$v.$invalid) return;
+ userData.originalUsername = this.originalUsername;
+ if (this.$v.form.status.$dirty) {
+ userData.status = this.form.status;
+ }
+ if (this.$v.form.username.$dirty) {
+ userData.username = this.form.username;
+ }
+ if (this.$v.form.privilege.$dirty) {
+ userData.privilege = this.form.privilege;
+ }
+ if (this.$v.form.password.$dirty) {
+ userData.password = this.form.password;
+ }
+ if (this.$v.form.manualUnlock.$dirty) {
+ // If form manualUnlock control $dirty then
+ // set user Locked property to false
+ userData.locked = false;
+ }
+ if (Object.entries(userData).length === 1) {
+ this.closeModal();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ this.$emit('ok', { isNewUser: this.newUser, userData });
+ this.closeModal();
+ },
+ closeModal() {
+ this.$nextTick(() => {
+ this.$refs.modal.hide();
+ });
+ },
+ resetForm() {
+ this.form.originalUsername = '';
+ this.form.status = true;
+ this.form.username = '';
+ this.form.privilege = null;
+ this.form.password = '';
+ this.form.passwordConfirmation = '';
+ this.$v.$reset();
+ this.$emit('hidden');
+ },
+ requirePassword() {
+ if (this.newUser) return true;
+ if (this.$v.form.password.$dirty) return true;
+ if (this.$v.form.passwordConfirmation.$dirty) return true;
+ return false;
+ },
+ onOk(bvModalEvt) {
+ // prevent modal close
+ bvModalEvt.preventDefault();
+ this.handleSubmit();
+ },
+ },