
Use a toast message to indicate the status of a user action. For example, a user saves a form successfully, a toast message with the success variant is displayed. If the user action was not successful, a toast message with the danger variant is displayed.

There are different transitions for the toast messages. The success toast message will auto-hide after 10 seconds. The user must manually dismiss the informational, warning, and error toast messages. The BVToastMixin provides a simple API that generates a toast message that meets the transition guidelines.

// Sample method from Reboot BMC page
rebootBmc() {
  .then(message => this.successToast(message))
  .catch(({ message }) => this.errorToast(message));

// Methods used in this example
methods: {
  makeSuccessToast() {
    this.successToast('This is a success toast and will be dismissed after 10 seconds.');
  makeErrorToast() {
    this.errorToast('This is an error toast and must be dismissed by the user.');
  makeWarningToast() {
    this.warningToast('This is a warning toast and must be dismissed by the user.');
  makeInfoToast() {
    this.infoToast('This is an info toast and must be dismissed by the user.');

Additional options

The first argument for each method will be the toast body content. It accepts a string value or an array of strings for toasts needing to display multiple lines of content.

The BVToastMixin also accepts additional options as a second argument. Pass an object with a title property to change the default toast title. Include a refreshAction property, set to true, to include a link that refreshes the application. Include a timestamp property, set to true, to include a timestamp in the toast.

methods: { makeInfoToast() { this.infoToast([ 'This is a toast with multi-lined body content.', 'Just pass an array of strings!' ], { title: 'This is an example', refreshAction: true, timestamp: true }) } }