Update EventLogStore request to use Redfish

Changes to WebSocketPlugin to dispatch event log GET request
when new event interfaces are received.
By re-fetching the Redfish logs the health status icon in the
application header will always reflect the visible event logs.
The plugin was previously only updating the header status, so
it was possible for the header status and event logs to be
out of sync.

- Changed to use Redfish endpoint for event log GET request
- Update AppHeader Health status icon to reflect changes
  made with Redfish log Severity property

Signed-off-by: Yoshie Muranaka <yoshiemuranaka@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I73a3a441dcbbb3a29ef9a51f961c062689cb5add
diff --git a/src/store/modules/Health/EventLogStore.js b/src/store/modules/Health/EventLogStore.js
index 418e455..2f0b800 100644
--- a/src/store/modules/Health/EventLogStore.js
+++ b/src/store/modules/Health/EventLogStore.js
@@ -1,117 +1,58 @@
 import api from '../../api';
-  emergency: 'xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Emergency',
-  alert: 'xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Alert',
-  critical: 'xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Critical',
-  error: 'xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Error',
-  warning: 'xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Warning',
-  notice: 'xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Notice',
-  informational: 'xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Informational',
-  debug: 'xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Debug'
-const priorityMapper = severity => {
-  switch (severity) {
-    case EVENT_SEVERITY.emergency:
-    case EVENT_SEVERITY.alert:
-    case EVENT_SEVERITY.critical:
-    case EVENT_SEVERITY.error:
-      return 'high';
-    case EVENT_SEVERITY.warning:
-      return 'medium';
-    case EVENT_SEVERITY.notice:
-    case EVENT_SEVERITY.debug:
-    case EVENT_SEVERITY.informational:
-      return 'low';
-    default:
-      return '';
-  }
-const getHealthStatus = allEvents => {
-  let status = 'good';
-  for (const event of allEvents) {
-    if (!event.Resolved && event.priority === 'medium') {
-      status = 'warning';
+const getHealthStatus = events => {
+  let status = 'OK';
+  for (const event of events) {
+    if (event.severity === 'Warning') {
+      status = 'Warning';
-    if (!event.Resolved && event.priority === 'high') {
-      status = 'critical';
+    if (event.severity === 'Critical') {
+      status = 'Critical';
   return status;
+// TODO: High priority events should also check if Log
+// is resolved when the property is available in Redfish
+const getHighPriorityEvents = events =>
+  events.filter(({ severity }) => severity === 'Critical');
 const EventLogStore = {
   namespaced: true,
   state: {
-    allEvents: [],
-    highPriorityEvents: [],
-    healthStatus: null
+    allEvents: []
   getters: {
     allEvents: state => state.allEvents,
-    highPriorityEvents: state => state.highPriorityEvents,
-    healthStatus: state => state.healthStatus
+    highPriorityEvents: state => getHighPriorityEvents(state.allEvents),
+    healthStatus: state => getHealthStatus(state.allEvents)
   mutations: {
-    setAllEvents: (state, allEvents) => (state.allEvents = allEvents),
-    setHighPriorityEvents: (state, highPriorityEvents) =>
-      (state.highPriorityEvents = highPriorityEvents),
-    setHealthStatus: (state, status) => (state.healthStatus = status)
+    setAllEvents: (state, allEvents) => (state.allEvents = allEvents)
   actions: {
     async getEventLogData({ commit }) {
       return await api
-        .get('/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/enumerate')
-        .then(response => {
-          const responseData = response.data.data;
-          const eventLogs = [];
-          for (const key in responseData) {
-            const event = responseData[key];
-            const { Id } = event;
-            if (responseData.hasOwnProperty(key) && Id) {
-              const { EventID, Description, Timestamp, Severity } = event;
-              eventLogs.push({
-                logId: Id,
-                priority: priorityMapper(Severity),
-                timestamp: new Date(Timestamp),
-                eventID: EventID,
-                description: Description,
-                ...event
-              });
+        .get('/redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/EventLog/Entries')
+        .then(({ data: { Members = [] } = {} }) => {
+          const eventLogs = Members.map(
+            ({ Id, Severity, Created, EntryType, Message }) => {
+              return {
+                id: Id,
+                severity: Severity,
+                date: new Date(Created),
+                type: EntryType,
+                description: Message
+              };
-          }
-          const healthStatus = getHealthStatus(eventLogs);
-          const highPriorityEvents = eventLogs.filter(
-            ({ priority, Resolved }) => priority === 'high' && !Resolved
           commit('setAllEvents', eventLogs);
-          commit('setHighPriorityEvents', highPriorityEvents);
-          commit('setHealthStatus', healthStatus);
         .catch(error => {
           console.log('Event Log Data:', error);
-    },
-    checkHealth({ commit, getters }, interfaces) {
-      if (getters['healthStatus'] === 'critical') return;
-      for (const key in interfaces) {
-        const event = interfaces[key];
-        const eventPriority = priorityMapper(event.Severity);
-        const isEventResolved = event.Resolved;
-        if (!isEventResolved) {
-          if (eventPriority === 'high') {
-            commit('setHealthStatus', 'critical');
-            break;
-          }
-          if (eventPriority === 'medium') commit('setHealthStatus', 'warning');
-        }
-      }