Add fans hardware status missing properties

Adds identify LED, name - hardware type, health rollup,
fan speed, and location number properties to table.

Signed-off-by: Dixsie Wolmers <>
Change-Id: I5f209b853ab70becf4c4289e871da1ce279d1ac3
diff --git a/src/locales/en-US.json b/src/locales/en-US.json
index d525bc4..31b4446 100644
--- a/src/locales/en-US.json
+++ b/src/locales/en-US.json
@@ -379,11 +379,15 @@
       "connectTypesSupported": "Connect types supported",
       "description": "Description",
       "efficiencyPercent": "Efficiency percent",
+      "fanSpeed": "Fan speed",
       "firmwareVersion": "Firmware version",
       "graphicalConsole": "Graphical console",
+      "hardwareType": "Hardware type",
       "health": "Health",
       "id": "ID",
+      "identifyLed": "Identify LED",
       "indicatorLed": "Indicator LED",
+      "locationNumber": "Location number",
       "instructionSet": "Instruction set",
       "manufacturer": "Manufacturer",
       "maxConcurrentSessions": "Max concurrent sessions",
diff --git a/src/store/modules/Health/FanStore.js b/src/store/modules/Health/FanStore.js
index b4a4189..fca1f32 100644
--- a/src/store/modules/Health/FanStore.js
+++ b/src/store/modules/Health/FanStore.js
@@ -11,12 +11,27 @@
   mutations: {
     setFanInfo: (state, data) => { = => {
-        const { MemberId, Status = {}, PartNumber, SerialNumber } = fan;
+        const {
+          IndicatorLED,
+          Location,
+          MemberId,
+          Name,
+          Reading,
+          ReadingUnits,
+          Status = {},
+          PartNumber,
+          SerialNumber,
+        } = fan;
         return {
           id: MemberId,
           health: Status.Health,
           partNumber: PartNumber,
           serialNumber: SerialNumber,
+          healthRollup: Status.HealthRollup,
+          identifyLed: IndicatorLED,
+          locationNumber: Location,
+          name: Name,
+          speed: Reading + ' ' + ReadingUnits,
           statusState: Status.State,
diff --git a/src/views/Health/HardwareStatus/HardwareStatusTableFans.vue b/src/views/Health/HardwareStatus/HardwareStatusTableFans.vue
index 10b14a4..fb998a3 100644
--- a/src/views/Health/HardwareStatus/HardwareStatusTableFans.vue
+++ b/src/views/Health/HardwareStatus/HardwareStatusTableFans.vue
@@ -55,10 +55,39 @@
             <b-col sm="6" xl="4">
+                <!-- Name -->
+                <dt>{{ $t('') }}:</dt>
+                <dd>{{ tableFormatter( }}</dd>
+              </dl>
+              <dl>
+                <!-- Serial number -->
+                <dt>{{ $t('pageHardwareStatus.table.serialNumber') }}:</dt>
+                <dd>{{ tableFormatter(item.serialNumber) }}</dd>
+              </dl>
+              <dl>
+                <!-- Part number -->
+                <dt>{{ $t('pageHardwareStatus.table.partNumber') }}:</dt>
+                <dd>{{ tableFormatter(item.partNumber) }}</dd>
+              </dl>
+              <dl>
+                <!-- Fan speed -->
+                <dt>{{ $t('pageHardwareStatus.table.fanSpeed') }}:</dt>
+                <dd>{{ tableFormatter(item.speed) }}</dd>
+              </dl>
+            </b-col>
+            <b-col sm="6" xl="4">
+              <dl>
                 <!-- Status state -->
                 <dt>{{ $t('pageHardwareStatus.table.statusState') }}:</dt>
                 <dd>{{ tableFormatter(item.statusState) }}</dd>
+              <dl>
+                <!-- Health Rollup state -->
+                <dt>
+                  {{ $t('pageHardwareStatus.table.statusHealthRollup') }}:
+                </dt>
+                <dd>{{ tableFormatter(item.healthRollup) }}</dd>
+              </dl>
@@ -114,16 +143,15 @@
           tdClass: 'text-nowrap',
-          key: 'partNumber',
-          label: this.$t('pageHardwareStatus.table.partNumber'),
+          key: 'locationNumber',
+          label: this.$t('pageHardwareStatus.table.locationNumber'),
           formatter: this.tableFormatter,
           sortable: true,
-          key: 'serialNumber',
-          label: this.$t('pageHardwareStatus.table.serialNumber'),
+          key: 'identifyLed',
+          label: this.$t('pageHardwareStatus.table.identifyLed'),
           formatter: this.tableFormatter,
-          sortable: true,
       searchFilter: searchFilter,