Add timezone to profile settings page

 - Users will have two options to select a timezone.
 - UTC and browser offset timezone are the two options for the application.
 - date-fns and date-fns-tz is used for date and time manipulations because:-
   - The package size of library is smaller.
   - It allows for importing functions to work with the native date object
     rather than having to create a moment instance that carries a larger payload.

Signed-off-by: Sukanya Pandey <>
Change-Id: I581803f230f501c0d34d0b53e7c2d89e8466ee60
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 115937b..ae92065 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
     "bootstrap": "4.4.1",
     "bootstrap-vue": "2.12.0",
     "core-js": "3.3.2",
+    "date-fns": "2.14.0",
+    "date-fns-tz": "1.0.10",
     "js-cookie": "2.2.1",
     "lodash": "4.17.19",
     "vue": "2.6.11",