Update HWMON path when supply becomes present

If the monitor starts when a power supply is missing, and then it is
later added, the path to the HWMON directory will need to be updated.
It is also possible that the power supply could be removed, something
else added, and then the power supply gets added back, which could
also require an update to the HWMON directory, as the path may have

Change-Id: I9d6f6f2967e6c8fa419b7dbee052d18dc2552951
Signed-off-by: Brandon Wyman <bjwyman@gmail.com>
diff --git a/power-supply/power_supply.cpp b/power-supply/power_supply.cpp
index f6f658a..8a00d59 100644
--- a/power-supply/power_supply.cpp
+++ b/power-supply/power_supply.cpp
@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@
       presentTimer(e, [this]()
+                       // The hwmon path may have changed.
+                       pmbusIntf.findHwmonDir();
                        this->present = true;