Don't check for warm reset on reset button press

When the reset button is pressed, it checks for warm reset by
waiting 500ms for other signals to indicate a power off.  If
power stays on, then the BMC returns to the 'on' state.

However, if the POST complete GPIO, which is also triggered by
the reset button, takes longer than 500ms to be detected, it will
trigger another check for warm reset.  In addition, it is treated
as a second warm reset and the reset reason from the reset button
gets overwritten.

This changes the reset button to not trigger a warm reset check.
This makes the warm reset check depend on the POST complete GPIO
already being asserted which leaves open a window where if the
reset button is pressed during boot before POST complete, then
the warm reset will not be handled.

Tested: Confirmed that when POST complete de-asserts after the
warm reset check from the reset button press that the reset
reason is correctly set to the reset button.

Change-Id: I837a8b245c25e2a974301f1a58c28c41d63c4be2
Signed-off-by: Jason M. Bills <>
diff --git a/power-control-x86/src/power_control.cpp b/power-control-x86/src/power_control.cpp
index 8daf4b7..987a76f 100644
--- a/power-control-x86/src/power_control.cpp
+++ b/power-control-x86/src/power_control.cpp
@@ -1425,10 +1425,6 @@
-        case Event::resetButtonPressed:
-            setPowerState(PowerState::checkForWarmReset);
-            warmResetCheckTimerStart();
-            break;
         case Event::powerOffRequest: