Merge pull request #1527 from wghoffa/sbe_rel

Op-build Update 10-05-2017
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot/ b/openpower/package/hostboot/
index f67d368..9ac41bd 100644
--- a/openpower/package/hostboot/
+++ b/openpower/package/hostboot/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 HOSTBOOT_VERSION_BRANCH_MASTER_P8 ?= 695bd891343faf1f0ef85fe53148590e58239efd
-HOSTBOOT_VERSION_BRANCH_MASTER ?= 8e7e2adfdfe90a1061ce87b8a657bab152a73358
+HOSTBOOT_VERSION_BRANCH_MASTER ?= 4b9c63c334eda4e0363e5117a2a4eb375cd92252
 HOSTBOOT_SITE ?= $(call github,open-power,hostboot,$(HOSTBOOT_VERSION))
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot/p9Patches/hostboot-0002-TOR-Magic-header-support.patch b/openpower/package/hostboot/p9Patches/hostboot-0002-TOR-Magic-header-support.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f13ec7f..0000000
--- a/openpower/package/hostboot/p9Patches/hostboot-0002-TOR-Magic-header-support.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1429 +0,0 @@
-From 583cf99ed879916632f823444129c21056267d4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Claus Michael Olsen <>
-Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2017 23:42:50 -0600
-Subject: [PATCH] TOR Magic header support
-SBE-Image-Coreq=No (SBE image is back compatible)
-This commit adds an 12-byte header to all TOR ring sections:
-- for improved self-containment of TOR ring sections incl
-  stand-alone ring sections like .overrides which, currently,
-  has no meaningful size info associated with it in the PNOR,
-- to support a more data-driven implementation of TOR API,
-- to eliminate the current usage of XIP_MAGIC ids to inform the
-  TOR APIs which ring section they are dealing with, and
-- to improve debugging binary ring sections.
-The TOR header expands on the current TorNumDdLevels field in the
-HW ring section and is added to all other ring sections as well,
-e.g. for the SBE and OVRD ring sections.  Most importantly, the
-TOR header adds the TOR magic number which is unique for each
-possible TOR ring section. Also, of quite practical importance,
-a size field has been added so that the size of a true standalone
-section like .overrides can be extracted (since its size in PNOR
-is not indicative of its size).
-Further, to support the use of ddLevel and chipType in the TOR
-header fields, these two data points need to be always supplied
-whenever calling ring_apply. Thus, updates have been made to the file as well as the override .pl script.  While
-making these changes, we also decided to change the --type arg
-to the --bOverrides arg to make the arguments being passed less
-confusing in view of the Centaur commit that's coming and its
-demands to make codes less data dependent, incl make and script
-files which should simply inform the functional intent of the
-"user". The user shouldn't presume it knows about which specific
-type of ring section needs to be produced.
-Further, the DD level block struct has been increased from 8B
-to 12B to avoid the unnecessarily complex merging of the
-ddLevel and offset into the same 4B field. It's included in
-this commit since this is also going to break the lab and
-because the required code changes are in the same places
-where the code changes needed for the TOR header are.
-Further, xip_tool has been updated to support the new TOR
-header so that it can be called by supplying a standalone
-ring section, such as overrides.bin. Various changes have
-been made in xip_tool's dissect section to support overrides
-as well.
-This code uses many  of the code changes in 33778 except
-changes to p9_tor.C|H are at a bare minimum focusing on the
-functional changes and keeping any cleanups to a minimum changing
-only some variable names associated with the functional changes
-for improved readability of the code.
-CMVC-Prereq: 1034144
-CMVC-Prereq: 1035575
-Change-Id: I29ba8905ac55dad5c10878a94fb94468e5580ea0
-Tested-by: Jenkins Server <>
-Tested-by: HWSV CI <>
-Reviewed-by: Jennifer A. Stofer <>
-Reviewed-by: Christian R. Geddes <>
- src/build/citest/etc/bbuild                        |   2 +-
- src/build/citest/etc/workarounds.postsimsetup      |  23 +-
- .../p9/procedures/hwp/customize/p9_xip_customize.C |   1 -
- .../p9/procedures/hwp/pm/p9_hcode_image_build.C    |   7 -
- src/import/chips/p9/utils/imageProcs/p9_ringId.H   |  23 +-
- src/import/chips/p9/utils/imageProcs/p9_tor.C      | 362 +++++++++++----------
- src/import/chips/p9/utils/imageProcs/p9_tor.H      |  97 +++---
- 7 files changed, 286 insertions(+), 229 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/build/citest/etc/bbuild b/src/build/citest/etc/bbuild
-index aaea664..fac4cb6 100644
---- a/src/build/citest/etc/bbuild
-+++ b/src/build/citest/etc/bbuild
-@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-diff --git a/src/build/citest/etc/workarounds.postsimsetup b/src/build/citest/etc/workarounds.postsimsetup
-index cced000..70d7f20 100755
---- a/src/build/citest/etc/workarounds.postsimsetup
-+++ b/src/build/citest/etc/workarounds.postsimsetup
-@@ -32,22 +32,29 @@
- #mkdir -p $sb/simu/data/cec-chip/
- #cp $BACKING_BUILD/src/simu/data/cec-chip/base_cec_chip_file $sb/simu/data/cec-chip
- #patch -p0 $sb/simu/data/cec-chip/base_cec_chip_file $PROJECT_ROOT/src/build/citest/etc/patches/my_patch_File
--#pull in new actions in p9_memory.act RTC 171066
--#pull in SBE makefile change for DD2.1
--sbex -t 1032604
--cd $sb/sbei/sbfw/
--mk -a && mk install_all
--cd -
- #changes needed for Cumulus
- #@TODO RTC:178949
- echo "Applying SIMICS workaround to support Cumulus"
- sbex -t 1031560
--sbex -t 1032617
--sbex -t 1033442
- cd $sb/simu
- mk -a
- echo "Copying centaur and p9c action files"
- sbex -t 1032952
- sbex -t 1033805
-+#pull in href tor
-+sbex -t 1035576
-+#pull in hwsv tor
-+sbex -t 1034144
-+mkdir $sb/../obj/ppc/hwsv/server/buildhwpfimport/hwpf2/tools/x86_binaries -p
-+cp /gsa/rchgsa/home/c/r/crgeddes/documents/hbBuild/p9_ipl_build $sb/../obj/ppc/hwsv/server/buildhwpfimport/hwpf2/tools/x86_binaries/
-diff --git a/src/import/chips/p9/procedures/hwp/customize/p9_xip_customize.C b/src/import/chips/p9/procedures/hwp/customize/p9_xip_customize.C
-index c30f31e..cd6e494 100644
---- a/src/import/chips/p9/procedures/hwp/customize/p9_xip_customize.C
-+++ b/src/import/chips/p9/procedures/hwp/customize/p9_xip_customize.C
-@@ -302,7 +302,6 @@ fapi2::ReturnCode get_overlays_ring(
-     // Get Gptr overlay ring from overlays section into ringBuf2
-     l_rc = P9_TOR::tor_get_single_ring(
-                i_overlaysSection,
--               P9_XIP_MAGIC_SEEPROM,
-                l_ddLevel,
-                i_ringId,
-                P9_TOR::SBE,
-diff --git a/src/import/chips/p9/procedures/hwp/pm/p9_hcode_image_build.C b/src/import/chips/p9/procedures/hwp/pm/p9_hcode_image_build.C
-index 781208b..e34a97d 100644
---- a/src/import/chips/p9/procedures/hwp/pm/p9_hcode_image_build.C
-+++ b/src/import/chips/p9/procedures/hwp/pm/p9_hcode_image_build.C
-@@ -1893,7 +1893,6 @@ uint32_t getPpeScanRings( void* const     i_pHwImage,
-                       sgpeOvrdRings.getRingName( quadCmnOvrdRingId ) );
-             rc = tor_get_single_ring( i_pOverride,
--                                      P9_XIP_MAGIC_SEEPROM,
-                                       i_chipState.getChipLevel(),
-                                       quadCmnOvrdRingId,
-                                       P9_TOR::SBE,
-@@ -2373,7 +2372,6 @@ fapi2::ReturnCode layoutCmnRingsForCme( Homerlayout_t*   i_pHomer,
-             }
-             rc = tor_get_single_ring( i_ringData.iv_pRingBuffer,
--                                      P9_XIP_MAGIC_CME,
-                                       i_chipState.getChipLevel(),
-                                       coreCmnRingId,
-                                       P9_TOR::CME,
-@@ -2491,7 +2489,6 @@ fapi2::ReturnCode layoutInstRingsForCme(    Homerlayout_t*   i_pHomer,
-                 tempSize = i_ringData.iv_sizeWorkBuf1;
-                 rc = tor_get_single_ring( i_ringData.iv_pRingBuffer,
--                                          P9_XIP_MAGIC_CME,
-                                           i_chipState.getChipLevel(),
-                                           io_cmeRings.getInstRingId(0),
-                                           P9_TOR::CME,
-@@ -2556,7 +2553,6 @@ fapi2::ReturnCode layoutInstRingsForCme(    Homerlayout_t*   i_pHomer,
-                 tempSize = i_ringData.iv_sizeWorkBuf1;
-                 rc = tor_get_single_ring( i_ringData.iv_pRingBuffer,
--                                          P9_XIP_MAGIC_CME,
-                                           i_chipState.getChipLevel(),
-                                           io_cmeRings.getInstRingId(0),
-                                           P9_TOR::CME,
-@@ -2667,7 +2663,6 @@ fapi2::ReturnCode layoutCmeScanOverride( Homerlayout_t*   i_pHomer,
-                       cmeOvrdRings.getRingName( coreCmnOvrdRingId ) );
-             rc = tor_get_single_ring( i_pOverride,
--                                      P9_XIP_MAGIC_SEEPROM,
-                                       i_chipState.getChipLevel(),
-                                       coreCmnOvrdRingId,
-                                       P9_TOR::SBE,
-@@ -3019,7 +3014,6 @@ fapi2::ReturnCode layoutCmnRingsForSgpe( Homerlayout_t*     i_pHomer,
-                 l_ringVariant = BASE;
-             }
-             rc = tor_get_single_ring( i_ringData.iv_pRingBuffer,
--                                      P9_XIP_MAGIC_SGPE,
-                                       i_chipState.getChipLevel(),
-                                       torRingId,
-                                       P9_TOR::SGPE,
-@@ -3138,7 +3132,6 @@ fapi2::ReturnCode layoutInstRingsForSgpe( Homerlayout_t*     i_pHomer,
-                 quadSpecRingId = io_sgpeRings.getInstRingId( ringIndex );
-                 rc = tor_get_single_ring( i_ringData.iv_pRingBuffer,
--                                          P9_XIP_MAGIC_SGPE,
-                                           i_chipState.getChipLevel(),
-                                           quadSpecRingId,
-                                           P9_TOR::SGPE,
-diff --git a/src/import/chips/p9/utils/imageProcs/p9_ringId.H b/src/import/chips/p9/utils/imageProcs/p9_ringId.H
-index 2c29ba3..d78e52b 100644
---- a/src/import/chips/p9/utils/imageProcs/p9_ringId.H
-+++ b/src/import/chips/p9/utils/imageProcs/p9_ringId.H
-@@ -68,9 +68,10 @@ typedef enum RingVariant   // Base variables
-     NOT_VALID = 0xff
- } RingVariant_t;
- typedef struct
- {
--    uint8_t  variant[3];
-+    uint8_t  variant[P9_RINGID_VARIANT_ORDER_SIZE];
- } RingVariantOrder;
-@@ -244,6 +245,7 @@ const uint8_t INSTANCE_RING_MASK = 0x7F;
- namespace PERV
- {
-+// FIXME: this struct is nonsense - no one uses these fields (we only need the variant number)
- struct RingVariants
- {
-     uint16_t iv_base;
-@@ -289,6 +291,7 @@ static const CHIPLET_DATA g_pervData =
- namespace N0
- {
-+// FIXME: this struct is nonsense - no one uses these fields (we only need the variant number)
- struct RingVariants
- {
-     uint16_t iv_base;
-@@ -318,12 +321,13 @@ static const CHIPLET_DATA g_n0Data =
-     2, // N0 Chiplet ID is 2.
-     9, // 9 common rings for N0 Chiplet
-     3, // 3 instance specific rings for N0 chiplet
--    3
-+    3  // FIXME: number of variants? doesn't match RingVariants below!
- };
- };
- namespace N1
- {
-+// FIXME: this struct is nonsense - no one uses these fields (we only need the variant number)
- struct RingVariants
- {
-     uint16_t iv_base;
-@@ -363,6 +367,7 @@ static const CHIPLET_DATA g_n1Data =
- namespace N2
- {
-+// FIXME: this struct is nonsense - no one uses these fields (we only need the variant number)
- struct RingVariants
- {
-     uint16_t iv_base;
-@@ -398,6 +403,7 @@ static const CHIPLET_DATA g_n2Data =
- namespace N3
- {
-+// FIXME: this struct is nonsense - no one uses these fields (we only need the variant number)
- struct RingVariants
- {
-     uint16_t iv_base;
-@@ -434,6 +440,7 @@ static const CHIPLET_DATA g_n3Data =
- namespace XB
- {
-+// FIXME: this struct is nonsense - no one uses these fields (we only need the variant number)
- struct RingVariants
- {
-     uint16_t iv_base;
-@@ -476,6 +483,7 @@ static const CHIPLET_DATA g_xbData =
- namespace MC
- {
-+// FIXME: this struct is nonsense - no one uses these fields (we only need the variant number)
- struct RingVariants
- {
-     uint16_t iv_base;
-@@ -519,6 +527,7 @@ static const CHIPLET_DATA g_mcData =
- namespace OB0
- {
-+// FIXME: this struct is nonsense - no one uses these fields (we only need the variant number)
- struct RingVariants
- {
-     uint16_t iv_base;
-@@ -551,6 +560,7 @@ static const CHIPLET_DATA g_ob0Data =
- namespace OB1
- {
-+// FIXME: this struct is nonsense - no one uses these fields (we only need the variant number)
- struct RingVariants
- {
-     uint16_t iv_base;
-@@ -584,6 +594,7 @@ static const CHIPLET_DATA g_ob1Data =
- namespace OB2
- {
-+// FIXME: this struct is nonsense - no one uses these fields (we only need the variant number)
- struct RingVariants
- {
-     uint16_t iv_base;
-@@ -616,6 +627,7 @@ static const CHIPLET_DATA g_ob2Data =
- namespace OB3
- {
-+// FIXME: this struct is nonsense - no one uses these fields (we only need the variant number)
- struct RingVariants
- {
-     uint16_t iv_base;
-@@ -647,6 +659,7 @@ static const CHIPLET_DATA g_ob3Data =
- }; // end of namespace OB2
- namespace PCI0
- {
-+// FIXME: this struct is nonsense - no one uses these fields (we only need the variant number)
- struct RingVariants
- {
-     uint16_t iv_base;
-@@ -676,6 +689,7 @@ static const CHIPLET_DATA g_pci0Data =
- namespace PCI1
- {
-+// FIXME: this struct is nonsense - no one uses these fields (we only need the variant number)
- struct RingVariants
- {
-     uint16_t iv_base;
-@@ -705,6 +719,7 @@ static const CHIPLET_DATA g_pci1Data =
- namespace PCI2
- {
-+// FIXME: this struct is nonsense - no one uses these fields (we only need the variant number)
- struct RingVariants
- {
-     uint16_t iv_base;
-@@ -735,6 +750,7 @@ static const CHIPLET_DATA g_pci2Data =
- namespace EQ
- {
-+// FIXME: this struct is nonsense - no one uses these fields (we only need the variant number)
- struct RingVariants
- {
-     uint16_t iv_base;
-@@ -832,6 +848,7 @@ static const CHIPLET_DATA g_eqData =
- namespace EC
- {
-+// FIXME: this struct is nonsense - no one uses these fields (we only need the variant number)
- struct RingVariants
- {
-     uint16_t iv_base;
-@@ -868,7 +885,7 @@ static const uint8_t INVALID_RING = 0xFF;
- #ifndef __PPE__
- struct ringProperties_t
- {
--    uint8_t iv_torOffSet;
-+    uint8_t iv_torOffSet;  // FIXME: misnomer
-     char iv_name[50];
-     CHIPLET_TYPE iv_type;
- };
-diff --git a/src/import/chips/p9/utils/imageProcs/p9_tor.C b/src/import/chips/p9/utils/imageProcs/p9_tor.C
-index b9b793a..d4879c8 100644
---- a/src/import/chips/p9/utils/imageProcs/p9_tor.C
-+++ b/src/import/chips/p9/utils/imageProcs/p9_tor.C
-@@ -41,9 +41,7 @@
- // While using tor_tor_get_block_of_rings and tor_get_single_ring API,
- // it is used pass by value
- //
--#include "p9_ringId.H"
- #include "p9_tor.H"
--#include "p9_xip_image.h"
- #include "p9_scan_compression.H"
- #include "p9_infrastruct_help.H"
-@@ -72,7 +70,6 @@ const char* ringVariantName[] = { "BASE",
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static
- int get_ring_from_sbe_image( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
--                             uint64_t        i_magic,           // Image Magic Number
-                              RingID          i_ringId,          // Ring ID
-                              uint16_t        i_ddLevelOffset,   // DD level offset (wrt i_ringSection)
-                              RingType_t&     io_RingType,       // Common, Instance
-@@ -85,11 +82,13 @@ int get_ring_from_sbe_image( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section
-                              uint32_t        i_dbgl )           // Debug option
- {
-     int      rc = TOR_SUCCESS;
-+    uint32_t torMagic;
-     uint32_t tor_slot_no = 0; // TOR slot number (within a TOR chiplet section)
-     uint16_t dd_level_offset; // Local DD level offset, if any (wrt i_ringSection)
-     uint32_t acc_offset = 0;  // Accumulating offset to next TOR offset
--    uint32_t ppe_offset = 0;  // Local offset to where SBE PPE section starts
--    uint32_t cplt_offset = 0; // Local offset to where SBE chiplet section starts
-+    uint32_t ppe_offset = 0;  // Local offset to where SBE PPE ring section starts
-+    uint32_t ppe_cplt_offset = 0; // Local offset to where the pool of chiplets starts
-+    uint32_t cplt_offset = 0; // Local offset to where a specific chiplet section starts
-     uint16_t ring_offset = 0; // Local offset to where SBE ring container/block starts
-     uint32_t ring_size = 0;   // Size of whole ring container/block.
-     RingVariantOrder* ring_variant_order;
-@@ -98,23 +97,35 @@ int get_ring_from_sbe_image( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section
-     CHIPLET_DATA* l_cpltData;
-     uint8_t l_num_variant;
--    if (i_magic == P9_XIP_MAGIC_HW)
-+    torMagic = be32toh( ((TorHeader_t*)i_ringSection)->magic );
-+    // Calculate the offset (wrt start of ringSection) to the SBE PPE
-+    //   ring section. This offset, ppe_offset, will point to the
-+    //   TORB header of the SBE PPE ring section.
-+    if (torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_HW)
-     {
-         dd_level_offset = i_ddLevelOffset;
-         ppe_offset = *(uint32_t*)((uint8_t*)i_ringSection + dd_level_offset);
-         ppe_offset = be32toh(ppe_offset);
-     }
--    else if (i_magic == P9_XIP_MAGIC_SEEPROM)
-+    else if (torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_SBE  ||
-+             torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_OVRD ||
-+             torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_OVLY)
-     {
-         ppe_offset = 0;
-         dd_level_offset = 0;
-     }
-     else
-     {
--        MY_ERR("Magic number i_magic=0x%016lX is not valid for SBE\n", (uintptr_t)i_magic);
-+        MY_ERR("torMagic=0x%08x is not valid for SBE\n", torMagic);
-         return TOR_INVALID_MAGIC_NUMBER;
-     }
-+    // Calculate the offset (wrt start of ringSection) to where the
-+    //   pool of chiplet offsets begins in the SBE PPE ring section,
-+    //   which is right after the TORB header.
-+    ppe_cplt_offset = ppe_offset + sizeof(TorHeader_t);
-     // Looper for each SBE chiplet
-     for (int iCplt = 0; iCplt < SBE_NOOF_CHIPLETS; iCplt++)
-     {
-@@ -129,7 +140,7 @@ int get_ring_from_sbe_image( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section
-             return TOR_INVALID_CHIPLET;
-         }
--        l_num_variant = (i_RingVariant == OVERRIDE || i_RingVariant == OVERLAY) ? 1 : l_num_variant;
-+        l_num_variant = (torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_OVRD || torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_OVLY) ? 1 : l_num_variant;
-         if (i_dbgl > 1)
-         {
-@@ -154,19 +165,20 @@ int get_ring_from_sbe_image( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section
-                            (ring_id_list_common + i)->ringName, i, iVariant);
-                 }
--                if ((strcmp( (ring_id_list_common + i)->ringName,
--                             RING_PROPERTIES[i_ringId].iv_name) == 0)
--                    && ( i_RingVariant == ring_variant_order->variant[iVariant]
--                         || ( (i_RingVariant == OVERRIDE || i_RingVariant == OVERLAY) && i_magic == P9_XIP_MAGIC_SEEPROM)))
-+                if ( ( strcmp( (ring_id_list_common + i)->ringName,
-+                               RING_PROPERTIES[i_ringId].iv_name) == 0 ) &&
-+                     ( i_RingVariant == ring_variant_order->variant[iVariant] ||
-+                       torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_OVRD ||
-+                       torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_OVLY ) )
-                 {
-                     strcpy(o_ringName, RING_PROPERTIES[i_ringId].iv_name);
--                    acc_offset = dd_level_offset + ppe_offset + iCplt * sizeof(TorPpeBlock_t);
-+                    acc_offset = dd_level_offset +
-+                                 ppe_cplt_offset +
-+                                 iCplt * sizeof(TorPpeBlock_t);
-                     cplt_offset =  *(uint32_t*)( (uint8_t*)i_ringSection +
-                                                  acc_offset );
-                     cplt_offset = be32toh(cplt_offset);
--                    acc_offset = dd_level_offset + ppe_offset + cplt_offset;
-+                    acc_offset = dd_level_offset + ppe_cplt_offset + cplt_offset;
-                     ring_offset = *(uint16_t*)( (uint8_t*)i_ringSection +
-                                                 acc_offset +
-                                                 tor_slot_no * sizeof(ring_offset) );
-@@ -175,7 +187,7 @@ int get_ring_from_sbe_image( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section
-                     if (i_RingBlockType == GET_SINGLE_RING)
-                     {
-                         acc_offset = dd_level_offset +
--                                     ppe_offset +
-+                                     ppe_cplt_offset +
-                                      cplt_offset +
-                                      ring_offset;
-                         ring_size = be16toh( ((CompressedScanData*)
-@@ -233,7 +245,7 @@ int get_ring_from_sbe_image( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section
-                                    "   Chiplet section's offset to RS4 header = 0x%08x \n"
-                                    "   Full offset to RS4 header = 0x%08x \n"
-                                    "   Ring size = 0x%08x \n",
--                                   i, dd_level_offset, ppe_offset, cplt_offset, ring_offset, acc_offset, ring_size);
-+                                   i, dd_level_offset, ppe_cplt_offset, cplt_offset, ring_offset, acc_offset, ring_size);
-                         }
-                         return rc;
-@@ -296,14 +308,16 @@ int get_ring_from_sbe_image( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section
-                                 strcpy(o_ringName, RING_PROPERTIES[i_ringId].iv_name);
-                                 acc_offset = dd_level_offset +
--                                             ppe_offset +
-+                                             ppe_cplt_offset +
-                                              iCplt * sizeof(TorPpeBlock_t) +
-                                              sizeof(cplt_offset); // Jump to instance offset
-                                 cplt_offset =  *(uint32_t*)( (uint8_t*)i_ringSection +
-                                                              acc_offset );
-                                 cplt_offset = be32toh(cplt_offset);
--                                acc_offset = cplt_offset + dd_level_offset + ppe_offset;
-+                                acc_offset = cplt_offset +
-+                                             dd_level_offset +
-+                                             ppe_cplt_offset;
-                                 ring_offset = *(uint16_t*)( (uint8_t*)i_ringSection +
-                                                             acc_offset +
-                                                             tor_slot_no * sizeof(ring_offset) );
-@@ -312,7 +326,7 @@ int get_ring_from_sbe_image( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section
-                                 if (i_RingBlockType == GET_SINGLE_RING)
-                                 {
-                                     acc_offset = dd_level_offset +
--                                                 ppe_offset +
-+                                                 ppe_cplt_offset +
-                                                  cplt_offset +
-                                                  ring_offset;
-                                     ring_size = be16toh( ((CompressedScanData*)
-@@ -376,7 +390,7 @@ int get_ring_from_sbe_image( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section
-                                                "   Chiplet section's offset to RS4 header = 0x%08x \n"
-                                                "   Full offset to RS4 header = 0x%08x \n"
-                                                "   Ring size = 0x%08x \n",
--                                               i, dd_level_offset, ppe_offset, cplt_offset, ring_offset, acc_offset, ring_size);
-+                                               i, dd_level_offset, ppe_cplt_offset, cplt_offset, ring_offset, acc_offset, ring_size);
-                                     }
-                                     return rc;
-@@ -441,7 +455,6 @@ int get_ring_from_sbe_image( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static
- int get_ring_from_sgpe_image ( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
--                               uint64_t        i_magic,           // Image Magic Number
-                                RingID          i_ringId,          // Ring ID
-                                uint16_t        i_ddLevelOffset,   // DD level offset
-                                RingType_t&     io_RingType,       // Common, Instance
-@@ -453,24 +466,42 @@ int get_ring_from_sgpe_image ( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring sectio
-                                char*           o_ringName,        // Name of ring
-                                uint32_t        i_dbgl )           // Debug option
- {
-+    uint32_t     torMagic;
-     uint32_t acc_offset = 0;   // Accumulating offset to next TOR offset slot
-     uint32_t ring_offset = 0;
-     uint16_t chiplet_offset = 0;
-     uint32_t ringSize = 0;
-     int temp = (i_ddLevelOffset >> 2) + 4;    // converting byte  to word counter
-     uint32_t spge_offset = 0;
-+    uint32_t ppe_cplt_offset = 0; // Local offset to where the pool of chiplets starts
-+    torMagic = be32toh( ((TorHeader_t*)i_ringSection)->magic );
--    if (i_magic == P9_XIP_MAGIC_HW)
-+    // Calculate the offset (wrt start of ringSection) to the SGPE PPE
-+    //   ring section. This offset, inappropriately denoted "temp" here
-+    //   but which needs to be renamed to "ppe_offset" asap, will point
-+    //   to the TORG header of the SGPE PPE ring section.
-+    if (torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_HW)
-     {
-         spge_offset = *((uint32_t*)i_ringSection + temp);  //DD level offset index
-         temp = be32toh(spge_offset);
-     }
--    else if (i_magic == P9_XIP_MAGIC_SGPE)
-+    else if (torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_SGPE)
-     {
-         spge_offset = 0;
-         i_ddLevelOffset = 0;
-         temp = be32toh(spge_offset);
-     }
-+    else
-+    {
-+        MY_ERR("torMagic=0x%08x is not valid for SGPE\n", torMagic);
-+        return TOR_INVALID_MAGIC_NUMBER;
-+    }
-+    // Calculate the offset (wrt start of ringSection) to where the
-+    //   pool of chiplet offsets begins in the SGPE PPE ring section,
-+    //   which is right after the TORG header.
-+    ppe_cplt_offset = temp + sizeof(TorHeader_t);
-     GenRingIdList* ring_id_list_common = NULL;
-     GenRingIdList* ring_id_list_instance = NULL;
-@@ -494,18 +525,18 @@ int get_ring_from_sgpe_image ( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring sectio
-                          RING_PROPERTIES[i_ringId].iv_name) == 0) && ( i_RingVariant == j ))
-             {
-                 strcpy(o_ringName, RING_PROPERTIES[i_ringId].iv_name);
--                uint32_t var = 0 + i_ddLevelOffset + temp;
-+                uint32_t var = 0 + i_ddLevelOffset + ppe_cplt_offset;
-                 int temp1 =  var / sizeof(uint32_t);
-                 ring_offset =  *((uint32_t*)i_ringSection + temp1);
-                 ring_offset = be32toh(ring_offset);
--                var = ring_offset + i_ddLevelOffset + temp;
-+                var = ring_offset + i_ddLevelOffset + ppe_cplt_offset;
-                 temp1 = var / sizeof(uint16_t) + local;
-                 chiplet_offset  = *((uint16_t*)i_ringSection + temp1);
-                 chiplet_offset = be16toh(chiplet_offset);
-                 if (i_RingBlockType == GET_SINGLE_RING)
-                 {
--                    var = ring_offset + chiplet_offset + i_ddLevelOffset + temp;
-+                    var = ring_offset + chiplet_offset + i_ddLevelOffset + ppe_cplt_offset;
-                     ringSize = be16toh( ((CompressedScanData*)
-                                          ((uint8_t*)i_ringSection +
-                                           var))->iv_size );
-@@ -545,7 +576,7 @@ int get_ring_from_sgpe_image ( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring sectio
-                         {
-                             MY_INF(" Hex details (SGPE):  Chiplet #%d offset 0x%08x  local offset 0x%08x  " \
-                                    "ring offset 0x%08x  start adr 0x%08x  ringSize=0x%08x \n",
--                                   i, var, temp, ring_offset, chiplet_offset, ringSize);
-+                                   i, var, ppe_cplt_offset, ring_offset, chiplet_offset, ringSize);
-                         }
-                         return TOR_RING_FOUND;
-@@ -611,18 +642,18 @@ int get_ring_from_sgpe_image ( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring sectio
-                         if ( i == io_instanceId && k == i_RingVariant )
-                         {
-                             strcpy(o_ringName, RING_PROPERTIES[i_ringId].iv_name);
--                            uint32_t var = CPLT_OFFSET_SIZE + i_ddLevelOffset + temp;
-+                            uint32_t var = CPLT_OFFSET_SIZE + i_ddLevelOffset + ppe_cplt_offset;
-                             int temp1 =  var / sizeof(uint32_t);
-                             ring_offset =  *((uint32_t*)i_ringSection + temp1);
-                             ring_offset = be32toh(ring_offset);
--                            var = ring_offset + i_ddLevelOffset + temp;
-+                            var = ring_offset + i_ddLevelOffset + ppe_cplt_offset;
-                             temp1 = var / sizeof(uint16_t) + local;
-                             chiplet_offset  = *((uint16_t*)i_ringSection + temp1);
-                             chiplet_offset = be16toh(chiplet_offset);
-                             if (i_RingBlockType == GET_SINGLE_RING)
-                             {
--                                var = ring_offset + chiplet_offset + i_ddLevelOffset + temp;
-+                                var = ring_offset + chiplet_offset + i_ddLevelOffset + ppe_cplt_offset;
-                                 ringSize = be16toh( ((CompressedScanData*)
-                                                      ((uint8_t*)i_ringSection +
-                                                       var))->iv_size );
-@@ -667,7 +698,7 @@ int get_ring_from_sgpe_image ( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring sectio
-                                     {
-                                         MY_INF(" Hex details (SGPE):  Chiplet #%d offset 0x%08x  local offset 0x%08x  " \
-                                                "ring offset 0x%08x  start adr 0x%08x  ringSize=0x%08x \n",
--                                               i, var, temp, ring_offset, chiplet_offset, ringSize);
-+                                               i, var, ppe_cplt_offset, ring_offset, chiplet_offset, ringSize);
-                                     }
-                                     return TOR_RING_FOUND;
-@@ -735,7 +766,6 @@ int get_ring_from_sgpe_image ( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring sectio
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static
- int get_ring_from_cme_image ( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
--                              uint64_t        i_magic,           // Image Magic Number
-                               RingID          i_ringId,          // Ring ID
-                               uint16_t        i_ddLevelOffset,   // DD level offset
-                               RingType_t&     io_RingType,       // Common, Instance
-@@ -747,24 +777,38 @@ int get_ring_from_cme_image ( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section
-                               char*           o_ringName,        // Name of ring
-                               uint32_t        i_dbgl )           // Debug option
- {
-+    uint32_t torMagic;
-     uint32_t acc_offset = 0;   // Accumulating offset to next TOR offset slot
-     uint32_t ring_offset = 0;
-     uint16_t chiplet_offset = 0;
-     uint32_t ringSize = 0;
-     int temp = (i_ddLevelOffset >> 2) + 2;  // converting byte  to word counter
-     uint32_t cme_offset = 0;
-+    uint32_t ppe_cplt_offset = 0; // Local offset to where the pool of chiplets starts
--    if (i_magic == P9_XIP_MAGIC_HW)
-+    torMagic = be32toh( ((TorHeader_t*)i_ringSection)->magic );
-+    if (torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_HW)
-     {
-         cme_offset = *((uint32_t*)i_ringSection + temp);  //DD level offset index
-         temp = be32toh(cme_offset);
-     }
--    else if (i_magic == P9_XIP_MAGIC_CME)
-+    else if (torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_CME)
-     {
-         cme_offset = 0;
-         i_ddLevelOffset = 0;
-         temp = be32toh(cme_offset);
-     }
-+    else
-+    {
-+        MY_ERR("torMagic=0x%08x is not valid for CME\n", torMagic);
-+        return TOR_INVALID_MAGIC_NUMBER;
-+    }
-+    // Calculate the offset (wrt start of ringSection) to where the
-+    //   pool of chiplet offsets begins in the CME PPE ring section,
-+    //   which is right after the TORC header.
-+    ppe_cplt_offset = temp + sizeof(TorHeader_t);
-     GenRingIdList* ring_id_list_common = NULL;
-     GenRingIdList* ring_id_list_instance = NULL;
-@@ -788,18 +832,18 @@ int get_ring_from_cme_image ( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section
-                          RING_PROPERTIES[i_ringId].iv_name) == 0) && ( i_RingVariant == j ))
-             {
-                 strcpy(o_ringName, RING_PROPERTIES[i_ringId].iv_name);
--                uint32_t var = 0 + i_ddLevelOffset + temp;
-+                uint32_t var = 0 + i_ddLevelOffset + ppe_cplt_offset;
-                 int temp1 =  var / sizeof(uint32_t);
-                 ring_offset =  *((uint32_t*)i_ringSection + temp1);
-                 ring_offset = be32toh(ring_offset);
--                var = ring_offset + i_ddLevelOffset + temp;
-+                var = ring_offset + i_ddLevelOffset + ppe_cplt_offset;
-                 temp1 = var / sizeof(uint16_t) + local;
-                 chiplet_offset  = *((uint16_t*)i_ringSection + temp1);
-                 chiplet_offset = be16toh(chiplet_offset);
-                 if (i_RingBlockType == GET_SINGLE_RING)
-                 {
--                    var = ring_offset + chiplet_offset + i_ddLevelOffset + temp;
-+                    var = ring_offset + chiplet_offset + i_ddLevelOffset + ppe_cplt_offset;
-                     ringSize = be16toh( ((CompressedScanData*)
-                                          ((uint8_t*)i_ringSection +
-                                           var))->iv_size );
-@@ -839,7 +883,7 @@ int get_ring_from_cme_image ( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section
-                         {
-                             MY_INF(" Hex details (CME):  Chiplet #%d offset 0x%08x  local offset 0x%08x  " \
-                                    "ring offset 0x%08x  start adr 0x%08x  ringSize=0x%08x \n",
--                                   i, var, temp, ring_offset, chiplet_offset, ringSize);
-+                                   i, var, ppe_cplt_offset, ring_offset, chiplet_offset, ringSize);
-                         }
-                         return TOR_RING_FOUND;
-@@ -905,18 +949,18 @@ int get_ring_from_cme_image ( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section
-                         if ( i == io_instanceId && k == i_RingVariant )
-                         {
-                             strcpy(o_ringName, RING_PROPERTIES[i_ringId].iv_name);
--                            uint32_t var = CPLT_OFFSET_SIZE + i_ddLevelOffset + temp;
-+                            uint32_t var = i_ddLevelOffset + ppe_cplt_offset + CPLT_OFFSET_SIZE;
-                             int temp1 =  var / CPLT_OFFSET_SIZE;
-                             ring_offset =  *((uint32_t*)i_ringSection + temp1);
-                             ring_offset = be32toh(ring_offset);
--                            var = ring_offset + i_ddLevelOffset + temp;
-+                            var = ring_offset + i_ddLevelOffset + ppe_cplt_offset;
-                             temp1 = var / sizeof(uint16_t) + local;
-                             chiplet_offset = *((uint16_t*)i_ringSection + temp1);
-                             chiplet_offset = be16toh(chiplet_offset);
-                             if (i_RingBlockType == GET_SINGLE_RING)
-                             {
--                                var = ring_offset + chiplet_offset + i_ddLevelOffset + temp;
-+                                var = ring_offset + chiplet_offset + i_ddLevelOffset + ppe_cplt_offset;
-                                 ringSize = be16toh( ((CompressedScanData*)
-                                                      ((uint8_t*)i_ringSection +
-                                                       var))->iv_size );
-@@ -947,7 +991,7 @@ int get_ring_from_cme_image ( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section
-                                     {
-                                         MY_INF(" Hex details (CME):  Chiplet #%d offset 0x%08x  local offset 0x%08x  " \
-                                                "ring offset 0x%08x  start adr 0x%08x  ringSize=0x%08x \n",
--                                               i, var, temp, ring_offset, chiplet_offset, ringSize);
-+                                               i, var, ppe_cplt_offset, ring_offset, chiplet_offset, ringSize);
-                                     }
-                                     memcpy( (uint8_t*)(*io_ringBlockPtr), (uint8_t*)i_ringSection + var,
-@@ -960,14 +1004,6 @@ int get_ring_from_cme_image ( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section
-                                         MY_INF(" After get_ring_from_cme_image Size %d \n", io_ringBlockSize);
-                                     }
--                                    if (i_dbgl > 1)
--                                    {
--                                        MY_INF("  0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x \n",
--                                               var, temp, ring_offset, chiplet_offset, ringSize);
--                                        MY_INF("Chiplet %d   ChipletRing TOR offset  %d   %d  Size %d %d \t\n",
--                                               i,  ring_offset, chiplet_offset, ringSize, temp);
--                                    }
-                                     return TOR_RING_FOUND;
-                                 }
-                                 else
-@@ -986,6 +1022,7 @@ int get_ring_from_cme_image ( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section
-                                 if (chiplet_offset)
-                                 {
-                                     MY_ERR("Ring container is already present in the CME section \n");
-                                     return TOR_RING_AVAILABLE_IN_RINGSECTION;
-                                 }
-@@ -1032,7 +1069,6 @@ int get_ring_from_cme_image ( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section
- ///
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int tor_access_ring(  void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
--                      uint64_t        i_magic,           // Image Magic Number
-                       RingID          i_ringId,          // Ring ID
-                       uint16_t        i_ddLevel,         // DD level
-                       PpeType_t       i_PpeType,         // SBE, CME, SGPE
-@@ -1046,12 +1082,15 @@ int tor_access_ring(  void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
-                       uint32_t        i_dbgl )           // Debug option
- {
-     int rc = 0;
-+    uint32_t       torMagic;
-+    TorHeader_t*   torHeader;
-+    TorDdBlock_t*  torDdBlock;
-     uint8_t  bDdCheck = 0;
-     uint32_t ddLevelOffset = 0;
-     uint32_t ddLevelCount = 0;
-     uint32_t ddLevel = 0;
-     uint32_t ddBlockSize = 0;
--    uint32_t temp = 0, local = 0;
-+    uint32_t temp = 0;
-     if (i_dbgl > 1)
-@@ -1059,10 +1098,12 @@ int tor_access_ring(  void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
-         MY_INF("Entering tor_access_ring()... \n");
-     }
--    if (i_magic == P9_XIP_MAGIC_HW)
-+    torHeader = (TorHeader_t*)i_ringSection;
-+    torMagic = be32toh(torHeader->magic);
-+    if (torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_HW)
-     {
--        ddLevelCount =  *((uint32_t*)i_ringSection + 0);
--        ddLevelCount = be32toh(ddLevelCount);
-+        ddLevelCount = torHeader->numDdLevels;
-         if (ddLevelCount > MAX_NOOF_DD_LEVELS_IN_IMAGE)
-         {
-@@ -1078,14 +1119,14 @@ int tor_access_ring(  void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
-             MY_INF("tor_access_ring(): No of DD levels: %d \n", ddLevelCount);
-         }
--        // start at one since we use that as an offset
--        for (uint8_t i = 1; i <= ddLevelCount; i++)
-+        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ddLevelCount; i++)
-         {
--            local = 2 * i;
--            ddLevelOffset  =  *((uint32_t*)i_ringSection + local);
--            ddLevel = be32toh(ddLevelOffset) >> 24 & 0x000000FF;
--            ddLevelOffset = be32toh(ddLevelOffset) & 0x00FFFFFF;
-+            torDdBlock = (TorDdBlock_t*)( (uint8_t*)torHeader +
-+                                          sizeof(TorHeader_t) +
-+                                          i * sizeof(TorDdBlock_t) );
-+            ddLevel = torDdBlock->ddLevel;
-+            // Local ddLevelOffset
-+            ddLevelOffset = be32toh(torDdBlock->offset);
-             if (i_dbgl > 1)
-             {
-@@ -1095,11 +1136,10 @@ int tor_access_ring(  void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
-             if ( ddLevel == i_ddLevel)
-             {
--                ddLevelOffset = ddLevelOffset + sizeof(TorNumDdLevels_t);
--                local = local + 1;
--                ddBlockSize = *((uint32_t*)i_ringSection + local);
--                ddBlockSize = be32toh(ddBlockSize);
-+                // Convert to global ddLevelOffset
-+                ddLevelOffset = ddLevelOffset +
-+                                sizeof(TorHeader_t);
-+                ddBlockSize = htobe32(torDdBlock->size);
-                 bDdCheck = 1;
-                 break;
-             }
-@@ -1115,7 +1155,9 @@ int tor_access_ring(  void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
-             return TOR_DD_LEVEL_NOT_FOUND;
-         }
-     }
--    else if ( i_magic ==  P9_XIP_MAGIC_SEEPROM)
-+    else if ( torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_SBE  ||
-+              torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_OVRD ||
-+              torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_OVLY )
-     {
-         if ( i_PpeType == CME || i_PpeType == SGPE
-              || i_RingBlockType == GET_DD_LEVEL_RINGS
-@@ -1126,11 +1168,11 @@ int tor_access_ring(  void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
-         }
-         else
-         {
--            ddLevelOffset = 0;
-+            ddLevelOffset = sizeof(TorHeader_t);
-             ddBlockSize = 0;
-         }
-     }
--    else if ( i_magic ==  P9_XIP_MAGIC_CME)
-+    else if (torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_CME)
-     {
-         if ( i_PpeType == SBE || i_PpeType == SGPE
-              || i_RingBlockType == GET_DD_LEVEL_RINGS
-@@ -1141,11 +1183,11 @@ int tor_access_ring(  void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
-         }
-         else
-         {
--            ddLevelOffset = 0;
-+            ddLevelOffset = sizeof(TorHeader_t);
-             ddBlockSize = 0;
-         }
-     }
--    else if ( i_magic ==  P9_XIP_MAGIC_SGPE)
-+    else if (torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_SGPE)
-     {
-         if ( i_PpeType == SBE || i_PpeType == CME
-              || i_RingBlockType == GET_DD_LEVEL_RINGS
-@@ -1156,15 +1198,18 @@ int tor_access_ring(  void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
-         }
-         else
-         {
--            ddLevelOffset = 0;
-+            ddLevelOffset = sizeof(TorHeader_t);
-             ddBlockSize = 0;
-         }
-     }
-     else
-     {
--        MY_ERR("Magic number i_magic=0x%016lX\n is not valid.\n", (uintptr_t)i_magic);
-+        if (i_dbgl > 0)
-+        {
-+            MY_ERR("torMagic=0x%08x is not valid\n", torMagic);
-+        }
--        return TOR_AMBIGUOUS_API_PARMS;
-+        return TOR_INVALID_MAGIC_NUMBER;
-     }
-     if (i_RingBlockType == GET_DD_LEVEL_RINGS)
-@@ -1275,22 +1320,23 @@ int tor_access_ring(  void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
-     else if ( i_RingBlockType == GET_SINGLE_RING ||
-               i_RingBlockType == PUT_SINGLE_RING )
-     {
--        if (i_PpeType == SBE &&
--            ( i_magic == P9_XIP_MAGIC_HW ||
--              i_magic == P9_XIP_MAGIC_SEEPROM))
-+        if ( i_PpeType == SBE &&
-+             ( torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_HW   ||
-+               torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_SBE  ||
-+               torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_OVRD ||
-+               torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_OVLY ) )
-         {
--            rc = get_ring_from_sbe_image ( i_ringSection,
--                                           i_magic,
--                                           i_ringId,
--                                           ddLevelOffset,
--                                           io_RingType,
--                                           i_RingVariant,
--                                           io_instanceId,
--                                           i_RingBlockType,
--                                           io_ringBlockPtr,
--                                           io_ringBlockSize,
--                                           o_ringName,
--                                           i_dbgl);
-+            rc = get_ring_from_sbe_image( i_ringSection,
-+                                          i_ringId,
-+                                          ddLevelOffset,
-+                                          io_RingType,
-+                                          i_RingVariant,
-+                                          io_instanceId,
-+                                          i_RingBlockType,
-+                                          io_ringBlockPtr,
-+                                          io_ringBlockSize,
-+                                          o_ringName,
-+                                          i_dbgl );
-             if (rc)
-             {
-@@ -1312,22 +1358,21 @@ int tor_access_ring(  void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
-                 return TOR_RING_BLOCKS_FOUND;
-             }
-         }
--        else if (i_PpeType == CME &&
--                 ( i_magic == P9_XIP_MAGIC_HW ||
--                   i_magic == P9_XIP_MAGIC_CME))
-+        else if ( i_PpeType == CME &&
-+                  ( torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_HW ||
-+                    torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_CME ) )
-         {
--            rc =  get_ring_from_cme_image ( i_ringSection,
--                                            i_magic,
--                                            i_ringId,
--                                            ddLevelOffset,
--                                            io_RingType,
--                                            i_RingVariant,
--                                            io_instanceId,
--                                            i_RingBlockType,
--                                            io_ringBlockPtr,
--                                            io_ringBlockSize,
--                                            o_ringName,
--                                            i_dbgl);
-+            rc =  get_ring_from_cme_image( i_ringSection,
-+                                           i_ringId,
-+                                           ddLevelOffset,
-+                                           io_RingType,
-+                                           i_RingVariant,
-+                                           io_instanceId,
-+                                           i_RingBlockType,
-+                                           io_ringBlockPtr,
-+                                           io_ringBlockSize,
-+                                           o_ringName,
-+                                           i_dbgl );
-             if (rc == TOR_RING_NOT_FOUND)
-             {
-@@ -1379,22 +1424,21 @@ int tor_access_ring(  void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
-                 return TOR_RING_BLOCKS_FOUND;
-             }
-         }
--        else if (i_PpeType == SGPE &&
--                 ( i_magic == P9_XIP_MAGIC_HW ||
--                   i_magic == P9_XIP_MAGIC_SGPE))
-+        else if ( i_PpeType == SGPE &&
-+                  ( torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_HW ||
-+                    torMagic == TOR_MAGIC_SGPE ) )
-         {
--            rc =  get_ring_from_sgpe_image ( i_ringSection,
--                                             i_magic,
--                                             i_ringId,
--                                             ddLevelOffset,
--                                             io_RingType,
--                                             i_RingVariant,
--                                             io_instanceId,
--                                             i_RingBlockType,
--                                             io_ringBlockPtr,
--                                             io_ringBlockSize,
--                                             o_ringName,
--                                             i_dbgl);
-+            rc =  get_ring_from_sgpe_image( i_ringSection,
-+                                            i_ringId,
-+                                            ddLevelOffset,
-+                                            io_RingType,
-+                                            i_RingVariant,
-+                                            io_instanceId,
-+                                            i_RingBlockType,
-+                                            io_ringBlockPtr,
-+                                            io_ringBlockSize,
-+                                            o_ringName,
-+                                            i_dbgl );
-             if (rc == TOR_RING_NOT_FOUND)
-             {
-@@ -1448,10 +1492,11 @@ int tor_access_ring(  void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
-         }
-         else
-         {
--            MY_ERR("\t Code bug: We are unpreparred for this input parm combination: \n"
--                   "\t i_PpeType=%d\n"
--                   "\t i_magic=0x%016lX\n",
--                   i_PpeType, (uintptr_t)i_magic);
-+            if (i_dbgl > 0)
-+            {
-+                MY_ERR("\t Unsupported combination of i_PpeType=%d and torMagic=0x%08x\n",
-+                       i_PpeType, torMagic);
-+            }
-             return TOR_AMBIGUOUS_API_PARMS;
-         }
-@@ -1466,7 +1511,8 @@ int tor_access_ring(  void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
-     }
-+} // End of tor_access_ring()
-@@ -1476,7 +1522,6 @@ int tor_access_ring(  void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int tor_get_single_ring ( void*         i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
--                          uint64_t      i_magic,           // Image Magic Number
-                           uint16_t      i_ddLevel,         // DD level
-                           RingID        i_ringId,          // Ring ID
-                           PpeType_t     i_PpeType,         // SBE, CME, SGPE
-@@ -1489,7 +1534,7 @@ int tor_get_single_ring ( void*         i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
-     uint32_t rc;
-     char i_ringName[25];
--    uint8_t l_instanceId = i_instanceId;
-+    //@FIXME: This should really be ALLRING. But it's not used as input.
-     RingType_t l_ringType;
-     l_ringType = COMMON;
-@@ -1499,13 +1544,12 @@ int tor_get_single_ring ( void*         i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
-     }
-     rc = tor_access_ring( i_ringSection,
--                          i_magic,
-                           i_ringId,
-                           i_ddLevel,
-                           i_PpeType,
-                           l_ringType,
-                           i_RingVariant,
--                          l_instanceId,
-+                          i_instanceId,
-                           GET_SINGLE_RING,
-                           io_ringBlockPtr,
-                           io_ringBlockSize,
-@@ -1531,7 +1575,7 @@ int tor_get_single_ring ( void*         i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
- int tor_get_block_of_rings ( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section ptr
-                              uint16_t        i_ddLevel,         // DD level
-                              PpeType_t       i_PpeType,         // SBE,CME,SGPE
--                             RingType_t      i_RingType,        // Common, Instance
-+                             RingType_t      i_ringType,        // Common, Instance
-                              RingVariant_t   i_RingVariant,     // Base,CC, RL, Ovrd, Ovly
-                              uint8_t         i_instanceId,      // Instance ID
-                              void**          io_ringBlockPtr,   // Output ring buffer
-@@ -1545,20 +1589,17 @@ int tor_get_block_of_rings ( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section
-     uint32_t rc = 0;
-     char i_ringName[25];
--    uint8_t l_instanceId  = i_instanceId;
--    RingType_t l_ringType = i_RingType;
--    if (l_ringType == ALLRING && i_PpeType != NUM_PPE_TYPES)
-+    if (i_ringType == ALLRING && i_PpeType != NUM_PPE_TYPES)
-     {
-         // Get block of rings specific to a PPE type
-         rc = tor_access_ring( i_ringSection,
--                              P9_XIP_MAGIC_HW,
-                               NUM_RING_IDS,
-                               i_ddLevel,
-                               i_PpeType,
--                              l_ringType,
-+                              i_ringType,
-                               i_RingVariant,
--                              l_instanceId,
-+                              i_instanceId,
-                               GET_PPE_LEVEL_RINGS,
-                               io_ringBlockPtr,
-                               io_ringBlockSize,
-@@ -1566,17 +1607,16 @@ int tor_get_block_of_rings ( void*           i_ringSection,     // Ring section
-                               i_dbgl );
-     }
--    else if (l_ringType == ALLRING && i_PpeType == NUM_PPE_TYPES)
-+    else if (i_ringType == ALLRING && i_PpeType == NUM_PPE_TYPES)
-     {
-         // Get DD level block of rings
-         rc = tor_access_ring( i_ringSection,
--                              P9_XIP_MAGIC_HW,
-                               NUM_RING_IDS,
-                               i_ddLevel,
-                               i_PpeType,
--                              l_ringType,
-+                              i_ringType,
-                               i_RingVariant,
--                              l_instanceId,
-+                              i_instanceId,
-                               GET_DD_LEVEL_RINGS,
-                               io_ringBlockPtr,
-                               io_ringBlockSize,
-@@ -1622,39 +1662,17 @@ int tor_append_ring(  void*           i_ringSection,      // Ring section ptr
-     char       i_ringName[25];
-     uint32_t   l_buf = 0;
-     uint32_t*  l_cpltSection = &l_buf;
--    uint8_t    l_instanceId  = i_instanceId;
--    RingType_t l_RingType = i_RingType;
-     uint32_t   l_ringBlockSize;
-     uint16_t   l_ringOffset16;
--    uint64_t   l_magic;
-     uint32_t   l_torOffsetSlot;
--    if (i_PpeType  == SBE)  // Assign i_magic variant as SBE image
--    {
--        l_magic = P9_XIP_MAGIC_SEEPROM;
--    }
--    else if (i_PpeType == CME)  // Assign i_magic variant as CME image
--    {
--        l_magic = P9_XIP_MAGIC_CME;
--    }
--    else if (i_PpeType == SGPE) // Assign i_magic variant as SGPE image
--    {
--        l_magic = P9_XIP_MAGIC_SGPE;
--    }
--    else
--    {
--        MY_ERR("PPE type (i_PpeType=%d) is not supported \n", i_PpeType);
--        return TOR_AMBIGUOUS_API_PARMS;
--    }
-     rc = tor_access_ring( i_ringSection,
--                          l_magic,
-                           i_ringId,
-                           0x00,
-                           i_PpeType,
--                          l_RingType,
-+                          i_RingType,
-                           i_RingVariant,
--                          l_instanceId,
-+                          i_instanceId,
-                           PUT_SINGLE_RING,
-                           (void**)&l_cpltSection, // On return, contains offset (wrt ringSection) of
-                           // chiplet section's common or instance section
-@@ -1665,7 +1683,11 @@ int tor_append_ring(  void*           i_ringSection,      // Ring section ptr
-     if (rc)
-     {
--        MY_ERR("tor_access_ring() failed w/rc=0x%x \n", rc);
-+        if (i_dbgl > 0)
-+        {
-+            MY_ERR("tor_append_ring() failed in call to tor_access_ring w/rc=0x%x \n", rc);
-+        }
-         return rc;
-     }
-@@ -1700,6 +1722,10 @@ int tor_append_ring(  void*           i_ringSection,      // Ring section ptr
-     // Update the ringSectionSize
-     io_ringSectionSize += l_ringBlockSize;
-+    // Update also the size in the TOR header
-+    TorHeader_t* torHeader = (TorHeader_t*)i_ringSection;
-+    torHeader->size = htobe32(be32toh(torHeader->size) + l_ringBlockSize);
-     return TOR_SUCCESS;
- }
-diff --git a/src/import/chips/p9/utils/imageProcs/p9_tor.H b/src/import/chips/p9/utils/imageProcs/p9_tor.H
-index 94b5274..cc8f15a 100644
---- a/src/import/chips/p9/utils/imageProcs/p9_tor.H
-+++ b/src/import/chips/p9/utils/imageProcs/p9_tor.H
-@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
- #ifndef _P9_TOR_H_
- #define _P9_TOR_H_
--#include "p9_ring_id.h"
- #include "p9_ringId.H"
- #define MAX_TOR_RING_OFFSET  (256*256-1)  // Max value of 2Byte uint
-@@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ namespace P9_TOR
- extern const char* ppeTypeName[];
- extern const char* ringVariantName[];
--#define  TOR_VERSION  2
-+#define  TOR_VERSION  3
- //
- // TOR Magic values for top-level TOR image and TOR sub-images
-@@ -53,7 +52,34 @@ enum TorMagicNum
-     TOR_MAGIC_CEN   = (uint32_t)0x544F524E,   // "TORN"
- };
-+// Chip types to represent p9n, p9c, centaur
-+enum ChipType
-+    CT_P9N,
-+    CT_P9C,
-+    CT_CEN,
- typedef uint8_t ChipType_t;
-+const ChipType_t INVALID_CHIP_TYPE = 0xff;
-+typedef struct ChipTypeList
-+    const char* name;
-+    ChipType_t  type;
-+} ChipTypeList_t;
-+const ChipTypeList_t CHIP_TYPE_LIST[] =
-+    {"p9n",     CT_P9N},
-+    {"p9c",     CT_P9C},
-+    {"cen",     CT_CEN},
- //
- // TOR header field (appears in top of every HW, SBE, CEN, OVRD, etc ring section)
-@@ -65,26 +91,26 @@ typedef struct
-     ChipType_t chipType;    // Value from ChipType enum
-     uint8_t    ddLevel;     // =0xff if MAGIC_HW, >0 all other MAGICs
-     uint8_t    numDdLevels; // >0 if MAGIC_HW, =1 all other MAGICs
--    uint32_t   size;        // Size of the TOR ringSection.
-+    uint32_t   size;        // A place holder for now, but will be used in a later commit.
- } TorHeader_t;
-+#define UNDEFINED_DD_LEVEL (uint8_t)0xff
-+// Subsequent TOR fields (listed in order they appear in TOR for easier understanding)
- typedef struct
- {
--    uint32_t TorNumDdLevels;
--    uint32_t reserved;
--} TorNumDdLevels_t;
--typedef struct
--    uint32_t TorDdLevelAndOffset;
--    uint32_t TorDdBlockSize;
--} TorDdLevelBlock_t;
-+    uint32_t offset;
-+    uint32_t size;
-+    uint8_t  ddLevel;
-+    uint8_t  reserved[3];
-+} TorDdBlock_t;
- typedef struct
- {
--    uint32_t TorPpeTypeOffset;
--    uint32_t TorPpeBlockSize;
-+    uint32_t offset;
-+    uint32_t size;
- } TorPpeBlock_t;
- typedef struct
-@@ -95,6 +121,13 @@ typedef struct
- typedef uint16_t TorRingOffset_t;  // Ring offset value in TOR offset slot
-+//@FIXME Discard asap
-+typedef enum TorOffsetSize
-+} TorOffsetSize_t;
- #define TOR_SUCCESS                           0
- #define TOR_RING_FOUND                        0
- #define TOR_RING_BLOCKS_FOUND                 0
-@@ -117,6 +150,7 @@ typedef uint16_t TorRingOffset_t;  // Ring offset value in TOR offset slot
- #define TOR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL                 17
- #define TOR_TOO_MANY_DD_LEVELS               18
- #define TOR_OFFSET_TOO_BIG                   19
-+#define TOR_INVALID_VARIANT                  20
- // Different options to extract data using tor_access_ring API
- typedef enum RingBlockType
-@@ -142,12 +176,6 @@ typedef enum PpeType
-     NUM_PPE_TYPES = 0x03
- } PpeType_t;
--typedef enum TorOffsetSize
--} TorOffsetSize_t;
- ///
- /// ****************************************************************************
- /// Function declares.
-@@ -161,9 +189,6 @@ typedef enum TorOffsetSize
- /// TOR API supports two type of binary image. 1) HW image format and 2)
- /// SEEPROM image format binary
- ///
--/// \param[in]  i_magic A uint64_t variable to indicate XIP image format
--/// ring section passed
- /// \param[in]  i_ringId A enum to indicate unique ID for the ring
- ///
- /// \param[in]  i_ddLevel A variable to indicate chip DD level. TOR API
-@@ -211,8 +236,7 @@ typedef enum TorOffsetSize
- /// and the following n number of operation based on the call.
- ///
- /// GET_SINGLE_RING (\a i_ringVariant) - traverse on \a i_ringSection buffer
--/// based on the following input param \a i_magic which gives details of image
--/// type, \a i_ringId which gives ring info, \a i_ddLevel which gives dd spec
-+/// based on \a i_ringId which gives ring info, \a i_ddLevel which gives dd spec
- /// (Used only for HW image/optional for other image) i_ppeType which gives ppe
- /// type info, \a i_ringVarint gives ring variant info and \a io_instance which
- /// gives chiplet instance specific while accessing instance specific ring and
-@@ -222,33 +246,29 @@ typedef enum TorOffsetSize
- /// data copied into io_ringBlockPtr. \a o_ringName returns ring string name.
- ///
- /// GET_DD_LEVEL_RINGS (\a i_ringVariant) - traverse on \a i_ringSection
--/// buffer based on the following input param \a i_magic which gives details
--/// of image type and \a i_ddLevel which gives dd spec(Used only for HW image
-+/// buffer based on \a i_ddLevel which gives dd spec (used only for HW image
- /// /optional  for other image) On return, \a io_ringBlockPtr contains DD level
- /// specific ring section and \a io_ringBlockSize contains size of the data
- /// copied into io_ringBlockPtr. \a Other params are optional.
- /// This ringVariant works on HW image.
- ///
- /// GET_PPE_LEVEL_RINGS (\a i_ringVariant) - traverse on \a i_ringSection
--/// buffer based on the following input param \a i_magic which gives the detail
--/// of image type, i_ppeType which gives ppe type info  and \a i_ddLevel which
--/// gives dd spec(Used only for HW image/optional for other image) On return,
-+/// buffer based on \a i_ppeType which gives ppe type info  and \a i_ddLevel which
-+/// gives dd spec used only for HW image/optional for other image) On return,
- /// \a io_ringBlockPtr contains PPE type specific ring section and
- /// \a io_ringBlockSize contains size of the data copied into io_ringBlockPtr.
- /// \a Other params are optional. This ringVariant works on HW image.
- ///
- /// GET_CPLT_LEVEL_RINGS (\a i_ringVariant) - traverse on \a i_ringSection
--/// buffer based on the following input param \a i_magic which gives the detail
--/// of image type, i_ppeType which gives ppe type info, \a i_ddLevel which gives
--/// dd spec(Used only for HW image/optional for other image) and \a io_RingType
-+/// buffer based on \a i_ppeType which gives ppe type info, \a i_ddLevel which gives
-+/// dd spec (used only for HW image/optional for other image) and \a io_RingType
- /// which gives ring type info. On return, \a io_ringBlockPtr contains chiplet
- /// specific ring type ring section and \a io_ringBlockSize contains size of
- /// the data copied into io_ringBlockPtr. \a Other params are optional.
- ///
- /// PUT_SINGLE_RING (\a i_ringVariant) - traverse on \a i_ringSection buffer
--/// based on the following input param \a i_magic which gives detail of image
--/// type, \a i_ringId which gives ring info, \a i_ddLevel which gives dd spec
--/// (Used only for HW image/optional for other image), i_ppeType which gives
-+/// based on \a i_ringId which gives ring info, \a i_ddLevel which gives dd spec
-+/// (used only for HW image/optional for other image), i_ppeType which gives
- /// ppe type info, \a i_ringVarint gives ring variant info and \a io_instance
- /// which gives chiplet instance specific while accessing instance specific
- /// ring and returns chiplet number while accessing common ring. On return,
-@@ -261,7 +281,6 @@ typedef enum TorOffsetSize
- ///
- /// \retval non-0 See \ref TOR API RETURN errors
- int tor_access_ring( void*           i_ringSection, // Ring address Ptr any of .rings, .overrides and .overlays.
--                     uint64_t        i_magic,          // Image Magic Number
-                      RingID          i_ringId,         // Unique ring ID
-                      uint16_t        i_ddLevel,        // DD level info
-                      PpeType_t       i_PpeType,        // PPE type : SBE, CME, etc
-@@ -282,9 +301,6 @@ int tor_access_ring( void*           i_ringSection, // Ring address Ptr any of .
- /// It contain details of p9 Ring which is used for scanning operation.
- /// TOR API supports HW image format  only
- ///
--/// \param[in]  i_magic A uint64_t variable to indicate XIP image format
--/// ring section passed
- /// \param[in]  i_ringId A enum to indicate unique ID for the ring
- ///
- /// \param[in]  i_ddLevel A variable to indicate chip DD level. TOR API
-@@ -316,7 +332,6 @@ int tor_access_ring( void*           i_ringSection, // Ring address Ptr any of .
- ///
- /// \retval non-0 See \ref TOR API RETURN errors
- int tor_get_single_ring ( void*          i_ringSection,
--                          uint64_t       i_magic,          // Image Magic Number
-                           uint16_t       i_ddLevel,
-                           RingID         i_ringId,
-                           PpeType_t      i_PpeType,