op-build update 12-11-2017

Changes Included for package sbe, branch master:
b6054b3 - spashabk-in - 2017-12-01 - Enable DD2.2 in op build
277f0f1 - Nick Bofferding - 2017-12-01 - Secure Boot: Temporarily whitelist various registers to resolve blacklist issues
dc787af - David Kauer - 2017-12-01 - Modify INT FIR configuration settings
8847e89 - Prasad Bg Ranganath - 2017-12-01 - SBE:putring: Ring Id validation check
f5ee895 - Dan Crowell - 2017-12-01 - Revert ATTR_CEN_ECID back to ATTR_ECID
fca1480 - Joel Stanley - 2017-12-01 - fapi2: Fix template call sites for GCC 7
7bd8c25 - Yue Du - 2017-12-01 - STOP: EX deconfigure masking for EQ chiplet FIR
0a78e28 - nagurram-in - 2017-11-28 - Added chiplet range for 0x107D0 scom address in BL/WL csv
5888fd5 - Joe McGill - 2017-11-28 - remove NV iovalid assertion from FW and add scan inits to resolve glsmux xstate
5c10f8a - Sachin Gupta - 2017-11-28 - Update backing build
7d7c9d3 - spashabk-in - 2017-11-24 - Handle OCC SRAM secure mem window
7f62dd0 - Richard J. Knight - 2017-11-23 - p9_xip_tool support for DD level section parsing
0bc3183 - Sachin Gupta - 2017-11-23 - Correct tracing
f4bcd3c - Sachin Gupta - 2017-11-21 - Adding client id in FIFO interface
1fcbd7b - spashabk-in - 2017-11-21 - Security binary search bug fix
20b1e79 - Raja Das - 2017-11-20 - PPE empty PK FFDC handler to save-off required registers
666c72a - spashabk-in - 2017-11-20 - Change FAPI_IMP traces in p9_pm_ocb_init to FAPI_DBG
d3f8a78 - Daniel Howe - 2017-11-18 - update data token init to use scans on p9c 1.1
0b422e4 - spashabk-in - 2017-11-17 - Add sbe commit id in PIBMEM
ba0028f - Claus Michael Olsen - 2017-11-17 - Update: xip_tool: Introducing image section type (IST).
c2b4524 - Daniel Howe - 2017-11-17 - Allow lpc_ed for p9n 2.2 per HW418117 fix
7f96036 - Raja Das - 2017-11-17 - Updated Backing build in customrc to move to latest Simics DD2
3d41a2c - Joe McGill - 2017-11-16 - p9.filter.pll.scan.intifile -- set 0 BGoffset for P9C DD1.1
348d8d2 - Claus Michael Olsen - 2017-11-16 - HW425038 INT ARX timeout workaround - Updated initfiles to 49241
722d8a4 - Prasad Bg Ranganath - 2017-11-16 - Fix bug in cache query state procedure
fc526ec - Ricardo Mata - 2017-11-16 - Added CI throttling support, HW init updates, and fixed a bug with tce arb.
7a920c4 - Joe McGill - 2017-11-16 - mvpd_access_defs.H -- add enum for AW keyword access
9f2e808 - Claus Michael Olsen - 2017-11-14 - cleanup: xip_tool: Fixing two command arguments.
608cfa2 - Claus Michael Olsen - 2017-11-13 - Small change to dd container header file.
5556610 - Prasad Bg Ranganath - 2017-11-13 - PM: Fix QCSR and CCSR update
854ee94 - David Kauer - 2017-11-13 - HW425038 INT ARX timeout workaround
f3e9580 - Nick Klazynski - 2017-11-13 - HW403465 applies to all chips; Revert NDD2.1 RL; add SW406970
a99727e - Joe McGill - 2017-11-13 - IO, FBC updates to enable ABUS for Fleetwood
2ad7f67 - spashabk-in - 2017-11-09 - Get FW security from CBS bit
2551c3e - Claus Michael Olsen - 2017-11-07 - Overlays and multi-DD XIP related updates to xip_image and dd_container
dbb8adc - Martin Peschke - 2017-11-07 - p9_dd_container: simple generic standalone DD level container
55c0c77 - Nick Klazynski - 2017-11-03 - Fixing NCU and Core generated initfiles core to support CDD1.1
8232301 - Ben Gass - 2017-11-03 - Adding p9c_11 support.
1 file changed
tree: e201751dc6a385183e6826cc51b3857d71605ae4
  1. ci/
  2. dl/
  3. openpower/
  4. output/
  5. .gitignore
  6. .gitmodules
  10. op-build-env
  11. README.md

OpenPOWER Firmware Build Environment

The OpenPOWER firmware build process uses Buildroot to create a toolchain and build the various components of the PNOR firmware, including Hostboot, Skiboot, OCC, Petitboot etc.


Issues, Milestones, pull requests and code hosting is on GitHub: https://github.com/open-power/op-build

Mailing list: openpower-firmware@lists.ozlabs.org
Info/Subscribe: https://lists.ozlabs.org/listinfo/openpower-firmware
Archives: https://lists.ozlabs.org/pipermail/openpower-firmware/

Building an image

To build an image for a Palmetto system:

git clone --recursive git@github.com:open-power/op-build.git
cd op-build
. op-build-env
op-build palmetto_defconfig && op-build

There are also default configurations for other platforms in openpower/configs/ such as Habanero and Firestone.

Buildroot/op-build supports both native and cross-compilation - it will automatically download and build an appropriate toolchain as part of the build process, so you don't need to worry about setting up a cross-compiler. Cross-compiling from a x86-64 host is officially supported.

Dependencies for 64-bit Ubuntu/Debian systems

  1. Install Ubuntu (>= 14.04) or Debian (>= 7.5) 64-bit.

  2. Enable Universe (Ubuntu only):

     sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
     sudo add-apt-repository universe
  3. Install the packages necessary for the build:

     sudo apt-get install cscope ctags libz-dev libexpat-dev \
       python language-pack-en texinfo \
       build-essential g++ git bison flex unzip \
       libssl-dev libxml-simple-perl libxml-sax-perl libxml2-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc \
       wget bc

Dependencies for 64-bit Fedora systems

  1. Install Fedora 25 64-bit (older Fedora should also work).

  2. Install the packages necessary for the build:

     sudo dnf install gcc-c++ flex bison git ctags cscope expat-devel patch \
       zlib-devel zlib-static texinfo perl-bignum "perl(XML::Simple)" \
       "perl(YAML)" "perl(XML::SAX)" "perl(Fatal)" "perl(Thread::Queue)" \
       "perl(Env)" "perl(XML::LibXML)" "perl(Digest::SHA1)" libxml2-devel \
       which wget unzip tar cpio python bzip2 bc findutils ncurses-devel