Merge pull request #124 from brihh/master

sync opbuild with latest hostboot commits.
diff --git a/openpower/package/habanero-xml/habanero-xml-0001-Revert-Merge-pull-request-18-from-open-power-bofferd.patch b/openpower/package/habanero-xml/habanero-xml-0001-Revert-Merge-pull-request-18-from-open-power-bofferd.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a921c5..0000000
--- a/openpower/package/habanero-xml/habanero-xml-0001-Revert-Merge-pull-request-18-from-open-power-bofferd.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-From b1eb2395a4bf796603cb34aa5913f43b84c42855 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Bill Hoffa <>
-Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 07:56:06 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] Revert "Merge pull request #18 from
- open-power/bofferdn-hab-loadline"
-This reverts commit ddb962894919657517f0d9bca4540a427953f987, reversing
-changes made to a98bf456ff5d9f18dc2af1ffc59d67a302029a76.
-	habanero.xml
- habanero.xml | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
- 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/habanero.xml b/habanero.xml
-index 8768f72..1aa85a8 100644
---- a/habanero.xml
-+++ b/habanero.xml
-@@ -4967,6 +4967,30 @@
- 		<default>1</default>
- 	</attribute>
- 	<attribute>
-+		<id>PROC_R_DISTLOSS_VCS</id>
-+		<default></default>
-+	</attribute>
-+	<attribute>
-+		<id>PROC_R_DISTLOSS_VDD</id>
-+		<default></default>
-+	</attribute>
-+	<attribute>
-+		<id>PROC_R_LOADLINE_VCS</id>
-+		<default></default>
-+	</attribute>
-+	<attribute>
-+		<id>PROC_R_LOADLINE_VDD</id>
-+		<default></default>
-+	</attribute>
-+	<attribute>
-+		<default></default>
-+	</attribute>
-+	<attribute>
-+		<default></default>
-+	</attribute>
-+	<attribute>
- 		<id>PROC_X_BUS_WIDTH</id>
- 		<default>2</default>
- 	</attribute>
-@@ -6996,30 +7020,6 @@
- 		<default>0</default>
- 	</attribute>
- 	<attribute>
--		<id>PROC_R_DISTLOSS_VCS</id>
--		<default></default>
--	</attribute>
--	<attribute>
--		<id>PROC_R_DISTLOSS_VDD</id>
--		<default></default>
--	</attribute>
--	<attribute>
--		<id>PROC_R_LOADLINE_VCS</id>
--		<default></default>
--	</attribute>
--	<attribute>
--		<id>PROC_R_LOADLINE_VDD</id>
--		<default></default>
--	</attribute>
--	<attribute>
--		<default></default>
--	</attribute>
--	<attribute>
--		<default></default>
--	</attribute>
--	<attribute>
- 		<default>0,0x0000000000000000</default>
- 	</attribute>
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0002-Disable-centaur-memory-throttle.patch b/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0002-Disable-centaur-memory-throttle.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 632738c..0000000
--- a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0002-Disable-centaur-memory-throttle.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-From 79836dad6267a420ccdd5d3a050ea012227cc9e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Dean Sanner <>
-Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 10:39:12 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] Disable centaur memory throttle
-Change-Id: I86098af366a60b8132f802d8304f1ef883cff542
- .../mss_thermal_init/mss_thermal_init.C            |  3 +-
- src/usr/hwpf/hwp/initfiles/mba_def.initfile        | 49 ----------------------
- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/dram_initialization/mss_thermal_init/mss_thermal_init.C b/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/dram_initialization/mss_thermal_init/mss_thermal_init.C
-index c295d0f..c607f9b 100644
---- a/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/dram_initialization/mss_thermal_init/mss_thermal_init.C
-+++ b/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/dram_initialization/mss_thermal_init/mss_thermal_init.C
-@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ fapi::ReturnCode mss_thermal_init(const fapi::Target & i_target)
- // Write the IPL Safe Mode Throttles
- // For centaur DD2 and above since OCC only writes runtime throttles for this
-+#if 0
-       uint8_t l_enable_safemode_throttle = 0;
-       l_rc = FAPI_ATTR_GET(ATTR_CENTAUR_EC_ENABLE_SAFEMODE_THROTTLE, &i_target, l_enable_safemode_throttle);
-       if (l_rc) return l_rc;
-@@ -618,6 +618,7 @@ fapi::ReturnCode mss_thermal_init(const fapi::Target & i_target)
- 	      if (l_rc) return l_rc;
- 	  }
-       }
-       FAPI_INF("*** %s COMPLETE ***", procedure_name);
-       return l_rc;
-diff --git a/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/initfiles/mba_def.initfile b/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/initfiles/mba_def.initfile
-index 4a66dca..2dad4f4 100644
---- a/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/initfiles/mba_def.initfile
-+++ b/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/initfiles/mba_def.initfile
-@@ -1516,55 +1516,6 @@ scom 0x0301040E     {
- #cfg_nm_ras_weight, bits 45:47 = ATTR_MSS_THROTTLE_CONTROL_RAS_WEIGHT
- #cfg_nm_cas_weight, bits 48:50 = ATTR_MSS_THROTTLE_CONTROL_CAS_WEIGHT
--scom 0x03010416     {
--    bits    ,   scom_data                                 ,       ATTR_FUNCTIONAL,     expr;
--    0:14    ,   ATTR_MSS_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_MBA   ,            1            ,     any;          # cfg_nm_n_per_mba	MSS_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_MBA
--    15:30   ,   ATTR_MSS_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_CHIP  ,            1            ,     any;          # cfg_nm_n_per_chip	MSS_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_CHIP
--    31:44   ,   ATTR_MSS_MEM_THROTTLE_DENOMINATOR         ,            1            ,     any;          # cfg_nm_m	MSS_MEM_THROTTLE_DENOMINATOR
--    45:47   ,   ATTR_MSS_THROTTLE_CONTROL_RAS_WEIGHT      ,            1            ,     any;          # cfg_nm_ras_weight
--    48:50   ,   ATTR_MSS_THROTTLE_CONTROL_CAS_WEIGHT      ,            1            ,     any;          # cfg_nm_cas_weight
--    51      ,   0b0                                       ,            1            ,     (ATTR_EFF_DIMM_TYPE == 2 ) && (ATTR_EFF_CUSTOM_DIMM == 1);          # cfg_nm_per_slot_enabled	Set to 0 for CDIMM, Set to 1 for everything else
--    51      ,   0b1                                       ,            1            ,     ((ATTR_EFF_DIMM_TYPE == 1) || ((ATTR_EFF_DIMM_TYPE == 2) && (ATTR_EFF_CUSTOM_DIMM == 0)) || (ATTR_EFF_DIMM_TYPE == 3));          # cfg_nm_per_slot_enabled	Set to 0 for CDIMM, Set to 1 for everything else
--    52      ,   0b0                                       ,            1            ,     (ATTR_EFF_DIMM_TYPE == 2) && (ATTR_EFF_CUSTOM_DIMM == 1);          # cfg_nm_count_other_mba_dis	Set to 0 for CDIMM, Set to 1 for everything else
--    52      ,   0b1                                       ,            1            ,     ((ATTR_EFF_DIMM_TYPE == 1) || ((ATTR_EFF_DIMM_TYPE == 2) && (ATTR_EFF_CUSTOM_DIMM == 0)) || (ATTR_EFF_DIMM_TYPE == 3));          # cfg_nm_count_other_mba_dis	Set to 0 for CDIMM, Set to 1 for everything else
--    53      ,   0b1                                       ,            1            ,     (ATTR_CENTAUR_EC_ENABLE_NM_CHANGE_AFTER_SYNC == 1);          # cfg_nm_change_after_sync
--#Register Name	N/M Throttling Control
--#Mnemonic	MBA_FARB4Q
--#Attributes	PAR:EVEN	Bit	Field Mnemonic	Attribute or Setting to use
--#Description	N/M throttling control (Centaur only)
--#MBA_FARB4Q(0:1)		cfg_rhmr_en			01		Track only (only FIRs will go off, signaling when a block would have occurred)
--#MBA_FARB4Q(2)			cfg_rhmr_secondary_en	0		Secondary Structure disabled (this is for repair sequence)
--#MBA_FARB4Q(3)			cfg_rhmr_hash_swizzle_en	0		Disable swizzling hash (so we don't switch which rows correspond to which counters)
--#MBA_FARB4Q(4:9)		Reserved			000000		Don't Care
--#MBA_FARB4Q(10:11)		cfg_rhmr_decrement_weight	01		Decrement by 1 (minimum weight)
--#MBA_FARB4Q(12:18)		cfg_rhmr_primary_decr_intv	1111111	Slowest rate of decrements. Once ever 2^14 or 16K DRAM clocks*
--#MBA_FARB4Q(12:18)		cfg_rhmr_primary_decr_intv	0000011	 decrement every 512 DRAM clocks for 100K accesses to hash group
--#MBA_FARB4Q(19:25)		cfg_rhmr_secondary_decr_intv	0000000	Don't care
--#MBA_FARB4Q(26)		cfg_rhmr_sim_en		0		Disable sim mode
--#   -- bits 27:41 (cfg_emer_n) = ATTR_MRW_SAFEMODE_MEM_THROTTLE_NUMERATOR_PER_CHIP
--#   -- bits 42:55 (cfg_emer_m) = ATTR_MRW_MEM_THROTTLE_DENOMINATOR
--#*I think this corresponds to protecting a row from being hammered 64K times.
--scom 0x03010417     {
--    bits    ,   scom_data                                 ,       ATTR_FUNCTIONAL,     expr;
--    0:1     ,   0b01                                      ,            1            ,    (ATTR_CENTAUR_EC_ENABLE_ROW_HAMMER_FEATURE == 1);
--    2       ,   0b0                                       ,            1            ,    (ATTR_CENTAUR_EC_ENABLE_ROW_HAMMER_FEATURE == 1);
--    3       ,   0b0                                       ,            1            ,    (ATTR_CENTAUR_EC_ENABLE_ROW_HAMMER_FEATURE == 1);
--    4:9     ,   0b000000                                  ,            1            ,    (ATTR_CENTAUR_EC_ENABLE_ROW_HAMMER_FEATURE == 1);
--    10:11   ,   0b01                                      ,            1            ,    (ATTR_CENTAUR_EC_ENABLE_ROW_HAMMER_FEATURE == 1);
--    12:18   ,   0b0000011                                 ,            1            ,    (ATTR_CENTAUR_EC_ENABLE_ROW_HAMMER_FEATURE == 1);
--    19:25   ,   0b0000000                                 ,            1            ,    (ATTR_CENTAUR_EC_ENABLE_ROW_HAMMER_FEATURE == 1);
--    26      ,   0b0                                       ,            1            ,    (ATTR_CENTAUR_EC_ENABLE_ROW_HAMMER_FEATURE == 1);
--    42:55   ,   SYS.ATTR_MRW_MEM_THROTTLE_DENOMINATOR                ,            1            ,    (ATTR_CENTAUR_EC_ENABLE_SAFE_MODE_THROTTLE == 1);
- # CDIMM = 0, RDIMM = 1, UDIMM = 2, LRDIMM = 3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0017-Do-not-fail-IPL-for-missing-OSYS-SS-data.patch b/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0002-Do-not-fail-IPL-for-missing-OSYS-SS-data.patch
similarity index 100%
rename from openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0017-Do-not-fail-IPL-for-missing-OSYS-SS-data.patch
rename to openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0002-Do-not-fail-IPL-for-missing-OSYS-SS-data.patch
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0004-Revert-SW294127-INITPROC-FSP-Hostboot-fast-exit-powe.patch b/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0004-Revert-SW294127-INITPROC-FSP-Hostboot-fast-exit-powe.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index bb5a0ae..0000000
--- a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0004-Revert-SW294127-INITPROC-FSP-Hostboot-fast-exit-powe.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,544 +0,0 @@
-From 114bf3bb36fffe6c3c9c5894ebaae5772edb35ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Andrew Geissler <>
-Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2015 12:28:05 -0600
-Subject: [PATCH] Revert "SW294127:INITPROC: FSP&Hostboot - fast exit power down"
-This reverts commit bffe97031429bd5656930f7453c496ce2594e5e6.
- .../mss_draminit_mc/mss_draminit_mc.C              |   19 +-
- src/usr/hwpf/hwp/initfiles/mba_def.initfile        |  423 +++++---------------
- 2 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 324 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/dram_training/mss_draminit_mc/mss_draminit_mc.C b/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/dram_training/mss_draminit_mc/mss_draminit_mc.C
-index 53f3132..350efb7 100644
---- a/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/dram_training/mss_draminit_mc/mss_draminit_mc.C
-+++ b/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/dram_training/mss_draminit_mc/mss_draminit_mc.C
-@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- /*                                                                        */
- /* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
- /*                                                                        */
--/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2015                        */
-+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2014                        */
- /* [+] International Business Machines Corp.                              */
- /*                                                                        */
- /*                                                                        */
-@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
- /* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
- /*                                                                        */
- /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
--// $Id: mss_draminit_mc.C,v 1.48 2014/12/05 15:37:43 dcadiga Exp $
-+// $Id: mss_draminit_mc.C,v 1.47 2014/09/24 14:48:18 dcadiga Exp $
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // *! (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 2011
- // *! All Rights Reserved -- Property of IBM
-@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Version:|  Author: |  Date:  | Comment:
- //---------|----------|---------|-----------------------------------------------
--//  1.48   | dcadiga  |05-DEC-14| Powerdown control at initfile
- //  1.47   | dcadiga  |09-SEP-14| Removed SPARE cke disable step
- //  1.46   | gollub   |07-APR-14| Removed call to mss_unmask_inband_errors (moved it to proc_cen_framelock)
- //  1.45   | dcadiga  |14-FEB-14| Periodic Cal Fix for DD2
-@@ -255,14 +254,12 @@ ReturnCode mss_draminit_mc_cloned(Target& i_target)
-         // Step Five: Setup Power Management
-         FAPI_INF( "+++ Setting Up Power Management +++");
--        //Procedure commented out because domain reduction enablement now handled at the initfile
--        //rc = mss_enable_power_management(l_mbaChiplets[i]);
--        //if(rc)
--        //{
--        //   FAPI_ERR("---Error During Power Management Setup and Enable rc = 0x%08X (creator = %d)---", uint32_t(rc), rc.getCreator());
--        //   return rc;
--        //}
-+        rc = mss_enable_power_management(l_mbaChiplets[i]);
-+        if(rc)
-+        {
-+           FAPI_ERR("---Error During Power Management Setup and Enable rc = 0x%08X (creator = %d)---", uint32_t(rc), rc.getCreator());
-+           return rc;
-+        }
-     }
-diff --git a/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/initfiles/mba_def.initfile b/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/initfiles/mba_def.initfile
-index 61eba9e..88aafb9 100644
---- a/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/initfiles/mba_def.initfile
-+++ b/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/initfiles/mba_def.initfile
-@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
--#-- $Id: mba_def.initfile,v 1.70 2014/12/05 16:21:33 yctschan Exp $
-+#-- $Id: mba_def.initfile,v 1.69 2014/09/24 14:44:15 asaetow Exp $
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-- Version:|Author: | Date:  | Comment:
- #-- --------|--------|--------|--------------------------------------------------
--#--     1.70|yctschan|12/05/14| Updated settings for fast exit power down
- #--     1.69|asaetow | 9/24/14| Force SpareCKE sync. Spare DRAM workaround.
- #--     1.68|jdsloat | 4/04/14| Turned off Power controls for GA1 concerns - Turn back on at a later date
- #--     1.67|tschang | 4/01/14| Adjusted the PUP Avail and SEPD/FEPD time.
-@@ -144,12 +144,93 @@ define def_equal_test     =  (SYS.ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT32_1 == SYS.ATTR_SCRATCH_UINT
- #    <valueType>uint32</valueType>
- #    <enum>DISABLE = 0</enum>
-+#    <targetType>TARGET_TYPE_MBA_CHIPLET</targetType>
-+#    <description>Bit wise representation of master ranks in each DIMM that are used for reads and writes. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Can be overwritten by ODM vendors if done from the PNOR or odm_eff_cnfg.
-+#Dimensions are [port][dimm]  A/B=Mba_0 C/D=Mba_1 There are only two DIMM ranks: DIMM0 and DIMM1 where DIMM0 is the furthest from the centaur.
-+#creator: mss_eff_cnfg
-+#consumer: various
-+#firmware notes: none</description>
-+#    <valueType>uint8</valueType>
-+#    <writeable/>
-+#    <odmVisable/>
-+#    <odmChangeable/>
-+#    <array> 2 2</array>
-+#    <persistRuntime/>
-+#    <targetType>TARGET_TYPE_MBA_CHIPLET</targetType>
-+#    <description>Specifies the number of master ranks per DIMM.</description>
-+#    <valueType>uint8</valueType>
-+#    <writeable/>
-+#    <odmVisable/>
-+#    <odmChangeable/>
-+#    <array> 2 2</array>
-+#    <targetType>TARGET_TYPE_MBA_CHIPLET</targetType>
-+#    <description>Number of ranks in each DIMM. Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Can be overwritten by ODM vendors if done from the PNOR or odm_eff_cnfg.
-+#values are 0,1,2, 4 up to 32
-+#creator: mss_eff_cnfg
-+#consumer: various
-+#firmware notes: none</description>
-+#    <valueType>uint8</valueType>
-+#    <writeable/>
-+#    <odmVisable/>
-+#    <odmChangeable/>
-+#    <array> 2 2</array>
-+#    <persistRuntime/>
-+#    <id>ATTR_EFF_DRAM_BANKS</id>
-+#    <targetType>TARGET_TYPE_MBA_CHIPLET</targetType>
-+#    <description>Number of DRAM banks.  Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Can be overwritten by ODM vendors if done from the PNOR or odm_eff_cnfg.  Each memory channel will have a value.
-+#creator: mss_eff_cnfg
-+#consumer: various
-+#firmware notes: none</description>
-+#    <valueType>uint8</valueType>
-+#    <writeable/>
-+#    <odmVisable/>
-+#    <odmChangeable/>
-+#    <id>ATTR_EFF_DRAM_ROWS</id>
-+#    <targetType>TARGET_TYPE_MBA_CHIPLET</targetType>
-+#    <description>Number of DRAM rows.  Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Can be overwritten by ODM vendors if done from the PNOR or odm_eff_cnfg.  Each memory channel will have a value.
-+#creator: mss_eff_cnfg
-+#consumer: various
-+#firmware notes: none</description>
-+#    <valueType>uint8</valueType>
-+#    <writeable/>
-+#    <odmVisable/>
-+#    <odmChangeable/>
-+#    <id>ATTR_EFF_DRAM_COLS</id>
-+#    <targetType>TARGET_TYPE_MBA_CHIPLET</targetType>
-+#    <description>Number of DRAM columns.  Used in various locations and is computed in mss_eff_cnfg. Can be overwritten by ODM vendors if done from the PNOR or odm_eff_cnfg.  Each memory channel will have a value.
-+#creator: mss_eff_cnfg
-+#consumer: various
-+#firmware notes: none</description>
-+#    <valueType>uint8</valueType>
-+#    <writeable/>
-+#    <odmVisable/>
-+#    <odmChangeable/>
- # mba tmr0 register timings are added to the value below
- define def_margin1      = (1);
- define def_margin2      = (0);
--define def_margin_pup_fast   = (0);
-+define def_margin_pup_fast   = (7);
- define def_margin_pup_slow   = (0);
- define def_margin_rdtag = (4);
-@@ -263,22 +344,6 @@ define def_C3c_C4C_ddr4                       = ((def_2b_1socket_ddr4)||(def_2b_
- define def_C4A_ddr4                           = ((def_2a_1socket_ddr4)||(def_2a_2socket_ddr4)||(def_3a_ddr4_cdimm  )||(def_7a_1socket_ddr4)||(def_7a_2socket_ddr4)||(def_3a_1socket_ddr4)||(def_3a_2socket_ddr4)||(def_4a_ddr4_cdimm));
- define def_IS5D                               = ((def_5d_1socket     )||(def_5d_2socket));
--# ODT Mappings
--define  def_odt_mapping_1a           = (def_1a_1socket);
--define  def_odt_mapping_1b1dimm      = (def_1b_1socket      ||def_3a_1socket      ||def_3a_1socket_ddr4 ||def_3b_1socket      ||def_3c_1socket_ddr4);
--define  def_odt_mapping_1b2dimm      = (def_3c_2socket_ddr4   ||def_1b_2socket        ||def_3a_2socket        ||def_3a_2socket_ddr4   ||def_3b_2socket);
--#define  def_odt_mapping_1bcdimm      = (def_1a_2socket        ||def_1b_cdimm        ||def_3a_cdimm        ||def_3a_ddr4_cdimm   ||def_3b_cdimm        ||def_3b_ddr4_cdimm   ||def_3c_cdimm        ||def_3c_ddr4_cdimm);
--define  def_odt_mapping_1bcdimm      = (def_1a_2socket        ||def_3a_cdimm        ||def_3a_ddr4_cdimm   ||def_3b_cdimm        ||def_3b_ddr4_cdimm   ||def_3c_cdimm        ||def_3c_ddr4_cdimm);
--define  def_odt_mapping_1c2dimm      = (def_1c_2socket_odt);
--define  def_odt_mapping_1c1dimm      = (def_1c_1socket_odt);
--define  def_odt_mapping_1ccdimm      = (def_1c_cdimm        ||def_4a_cdimm        ||def_4a_ddr4_cdimm   ||def_4b_ddr4_cdimm   ||def_4c_ddr4_cdimm);
--define  def_odt_mapping_1dx82dimm    = (def_1d_2socket);
--define  def_odt_mapping_1dx4         = (def_1d_1socket);
--define  def_odt_mapping_2abc         = (def_2a_1socket      ||def_2a_2socket        ||def_2a_1socket_ddr4 ||def_2a_2socket_ddr4   ||def_2a_cdimm        ||def_2a_ddr4_cdimm   ||def_2b_1socket      ||def_2b_2socket        ||def_2b_1socket_ddr4 ||def_2b_2socket_ddr4   ||def_2b_cdimm        ||def_2b_ddr4_cdimm   ||def_2c_1socket      ||def_2c_2socket        ||def_2c_1socket_ddr4 ||def_2c_2socket_ddr4   ||def_2c_ddr4_cdimm);
--define  def_odt_mapping_56781lrdm    = (def_5b_1socket      ||def_5c_1socket      ||def_7a_1socket      ||def_7a_1socket_ddr4 ||def_7b_1socket      ||def_7b_1socket_ddr4 ||def_7c_1socket      ||def_7c_1socket_ddr4);
--define  def_odt_mapping_56782lrdm    = (def_5b_2socket        ||def_5c_2socket        ||def_7a_2socket        ||def_7a_2socket_ddr4   ||def_7b_2socket        ||def_7b_2socket_ddr4   ||def_7c_2socket        ||def_7c_2socket_ddr4);
--define  def_odt_mapping_5d1dimm      = (def_5d_1socket);
--define  def_odt_mapping_5d2dimm      = (def_5d_2socket);
- #gdial std_size           (            MBA_SRQ.mba_tmr1q_cfg_tfaw, MBA_SRQ.pc.MBAREF0Q_cfg_trfc,  MBA_SRQ.pc.MBAREF0Q_cfg_refr_tsv_stack, MBA_SRQ.pc.MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_pdn, MBA_SRQ.pc.MBARPC0Q_cfg_pdn_pup, MBA_SRQ.pc.MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail, MBA_SRQ.mba_tmr0q_RRSMSR_dly  , MBA_SRQ.mba_tmr0q_RRSMDR_dly, MBA_SRQ.mba_tmr0q_WWSMSR_dly, MBA_SRQ.mba_tmr0q_WWSMDR_dly  , MBA_SRQ.MBA_TMR0Q_Trrd,   MBA_SRQ.srqdbg.cfg_std_size_id)=
-@@ -1944,31 +2009,29 @@ scom 0x03010432    {
- #
- scom 0x03010434    {
-     bits    ,   scom_data   ,       ATTR_FUNCTIONAL,   expr;
--    2       ,   0b0       ,           1            ,   (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 0); # cfg_min_max_domains       36
--    2       ,   0b1       ,           1            ,   (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED != 0); # cfg_min_max_domains       36
--#    3:5     ,   0b001       ,           1            ,   any; # cfg_min_max_domains       36
--    6:10    ,   0b00100  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly4  == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 1) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail   - performance enhancemnt
--    6:10    ,   0b00011  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly4  == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 2) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail   - performance enhancemnt
--    6:10    ,   0b00101  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly5  == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 1) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
--    6:10    ,   0b00100  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly5  == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 2) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
--    6:10    ,   0b00110  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly6  == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 1) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
--    6:10    ,   0b00101  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly6  == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 2) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
--    6:10    ,   0b00111  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly7  == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 1) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
--    6:10    ,   0b00110  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly7  == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 2) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
--    6:10    ,   0b01000  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly8  == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 1) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
--    6:10    ,   0b00111  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly8  == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 2) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
--    6:10    ,   0b01101  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly13 == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 1) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
--    6:10    ,   0b01100  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly13 == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 2) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
--    6:10    ,   0b10000  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly16 == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 1) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
--    6:10    ,   0b01111  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly16 == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 2) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
--    6:10    ,   0b10100  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly20 == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 1) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
--    6:10    ,   0b10011  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly20 == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 2) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
--    6:10    ,   0b10111  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly23 == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 1) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
--    6:10    ,   0b10110  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly23 == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 2) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
--    6:10    ,   0b11010  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly26 == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 1) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
--    6:10    ,   0b11001  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly26 == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 2) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
--    6:10    ,   0b11101  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly29 == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 1) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
--    6:10    ,   0b11100  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly29 == 1) && (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && ((CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 2) || (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE == 3)); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-+#    3:5     ,   0b010       ,           1            ,   any; # cfg_min_max_domains       36
-+    6:10    ,   0b00100  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly4  == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 0); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail   - performance enhancemnt
-+    6:10    ,   0b00100  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly4  == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 1); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail   - performance enhancemnt
-+    6:10    ,   0b00101  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly5  == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 0); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-+    6:10    ,   0b00101  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly5  == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 1); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-+    6:10    ,   0b00110  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly6  == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 0); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-+    6:10    ,   0b00110  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly6  == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 1); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-+    6:10    ,   0b00111  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly7  == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 0); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-+    6:10    ,   0b00111  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly7  == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 1); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-+    6:10    ,   0b01000  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly8  == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 0); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-+    6:10    ,   0b01000  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly8  == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 1); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-+    6:10    ,   0b01101  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly13 == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 0); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-+    6:10    ,   0b01101  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly13 == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 1); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-+    6:10    ,   0b10000  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly16 == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 0); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-+    6:10    ,   0b10000  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly16 == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 1); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-+    6:10    ,   0b10100  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly20 == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 0); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-+    6:10    ,   0b10100  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly20 == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 1); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-+    6:10    ,   0b10111  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly23 == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 0); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-+    6:10    ,   0b10111  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly23 == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 1); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-+    6:10    ,   0b11010  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly26 == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 0); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-+    6:10    ,   0b11010  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly26 == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 1); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-+    6:10    ,   0b11101  + def_margin_pup_slow   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly29 == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 0); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-+    6:10    ,   0b11101  + def_margin_pup_fast   ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail_dly29 == 1) && (ATTR_EFF_DRAM_DLL_PPD == 1); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_avail     36
-     11:15   ,   0b00011     ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pdn_pup_dly3 == 1); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_pup       37
-     11:15   ,   0b00100     ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pdn_pup_dly4 == 1); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_pup       37
-     11:15   ,   0b00101     ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pdn_pup_dly5 == 1); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_pup       37
-@@ -1977,286 +2040,20 @@ scom 0x03010434    {
-     16:20   ,   0b00100     ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_pdn_dly4 == 1); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_pdn       38
-     16:20   ,   0b00101     ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_pdn_dly5 == 1); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_pdn       38
-     16:20   ,   0b00110     ,           1            ,   (def_MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_pdn_dly6 == 1); # MBARPC0Q_cfg_pup_pdn       38
--    22      ,   0b0         ,           1            ,   (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 0);
--    22      ,   0b1         ,           1            ,   (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED != 0);
-+    22      ,   0b0         ,           1            ,   any; # cfg_min_domain_reduction_enable set to 1 to enable power controls
-     23:32   ,   0b0000000011,           1            ,   any; # Set min doman reduction time to 30.7 us (10.245us * 3)
-     42      ,   0b1         ,           1            ,   any; # Force SpareCKE sync
--    43      ,   0b1         ,           1            ,   any; # Use 1 in 8k 2:1 cycle pulses for min domain reduction time interval
-+    43      ,   0b0         ,           1            ,   any; # Use 1 in 8k 2:1 cycle pulses for min domain reduction time interval
- }
--# had to shifts the data to be able to get it into the proper positions
--define shift_pwr_map1 = (ATTR_VPD_CKE_PWR_MAP >> 60);
--define shift_pwr_map2 = (ATTR_VPD_CKE_PWR_MAP >> 56);
--define shift_pwr_map3 = (ATTR_VPD_CKE_PWR_MAP >> 52);
--define shift_pwr_map4 = (ATTR_VPD_CKE_PWR_MAP >> 48);
--define shift_pwr_map5 = (ATTR_VPD_CKE_PWR_MAP >> 44);
--define shift_pwr_map6 = (ATTR_VPD_CKE_PWR_MAP >> 40);
--define shift_pwr_map7 = (ATTR_VPD_CKE_PWR_MAP >> 36);
--define shift_pwr_map8 = (ATTR_VPD_CKE_PWR_MAP >> 32);
--define shift_pwr_map9 = (ATTR_VPD_CKE_PWR_MAP >> 28);
--define shift_pwr_map10 = (ATTR_VPD_CKE_PWR_MAP >> 24);
--define shift_pwr_map11 = (ATTR_VPD_CKE_PWR_MAP >> 20);
--define shift_pwr_map12 = (ATTR_VPD_CKE_PWR_MAP >> 16);
--define shift_pwr_map13 = (ATTR_VPD_CKE_PWR_MAP >> 12);
--define shift_pwr_map14 = (ATTR_VPD_CKE_PWR_MAP >> 8);
--define shift_pwr_map15 = (ATTR_VPD_CKE_PWR_MAP >> 4);
- # MBAPC1Q    power control settings reg 1
- #
- scom 0x03010435    {
-     bits    ,   scom_data   ,       ATTR_FUNCTIONAL,   expr;
--    0:3    ,   shift_pwr_map1 ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 2); # slow exit pdown
--    0:3     ,   0x8         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1a        == 1); # cfg_mrnk0_rd_cke    36
--    0:3     ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b1dimm   == 1);
--    0:3     ,   0xD         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b2dimm   == 1);
--    0:3     ,   0x8         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1bcdimm   == 1);
--    0:3     ,   0x9         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c2dimm   == 1);
--    0:3     ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c1dimm   == 1);
--    0:3     ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1ccdimm   == 1);
--    0:3     ,   0xF         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx82dimm == 1);
--    0:3     ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx4      == 1);
--    0:3     ,   0x8         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_2abc      == 1);
--    0:3     ,   0x8         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56781lrdm == 1);
--    0:3     ,   0x8         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56782lrdm == 1);
--    0:3     ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d1dimm   == 1);
--    0:3     ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d2dimm   == 1); # cfg_mrnk0_rd_cke    36
--    4:7    ,   shift_pwr_map2 ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 2); # slow exit pdown
--    4:7     ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1a        == 1); # cfg_mrnk1_rd_cke    36
--    4:7     ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b1dimm   == 1);
--    4:7     ,   0xE         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b2dimm   == 1);
--    4:7     ,   0x4         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1bcdimm   == 1);
--    4:7     ,   0x5         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c2dimm   == 1);
--    4:7     ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c1dimm   == 1);
--    4:7     ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1ccdimm   == 1);
--    4:7     ,   0x7         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx82dimm == 1);
--    4:7     ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx4      == 1);
--    4:7     ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_2abc      == 1);
--    4:7     ,   0x4         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56781lrdm == 1);
--    4:7     ,   0x4         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56782lrdm == 1);
--    4:7     ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d1dimm   == 1);
--    4:7     ,   0xF         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d2dimm   == 1);
--    8:11   ,   shift_pwr_map3 ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 2); # slow exit pdown
--   8:11    ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1a        == 1); # cfg_mrnk2_rd_cke    36
--   8:11    ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b1dimm   == 1);
--   8:11    ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b2dimm   == 1);
--   8:11    ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1bcdimm   == 1);
--   8:11    ,   0x9         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c2dimm   == 1);
--   8:11    ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c1dimm   == 1);
--   8:11    ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1ccdimm   == 1);
--   8:11    ,   0xF         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx82dimm == 1);
--   8:11    ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx4      == 1);
--   8:11    ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_2abc      == 1);
--   8:11    ,   0x8         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56781lrdm == 1);
--   8:11    ,   0x8         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56782lrdm == 1);
--   8:11    ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d1dimm   == 1);
--   8:11    ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d2dimm   == 1);
--   12:15   ,   shift_pwr_map4 ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 2); # slow exit pdown
--   12:15   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1a        == 1); # cfg_mrnk3_rd_cke    36
--   12:15   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b1dimm   == 1);
--   12:15   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b2dimm   == 1);
--   12:15   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1bcdimm   == 1);
--   12:15   ,   0x5         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c2dimm   == 1);
--   12:15   ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c1dimm   == 1);
--   12:15   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1ccdimm   == 1);
--   12:15   ,   0x7         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx82dimm == 1);
--   12:15   ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx4      == 1);
--   12:15   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_2abc      == 1);
--   12:15   ,   0x4         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56781lrdm == 1);
--   12:15   ,   0x4         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56782lrdm == 1);
--   12:15   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d1dimm   == 1);
--   12:15   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d2dimm   == 1);
--   16:19   ,   shift_pwr_map5 ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 2); # slow exit pdown
--   16:19   ,   0x2         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1a        == 1); # cfg_mrnk4_rd_cke    36
--   16:19   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b1dimm   == 1);
--   16:19   ,   0x7         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b2dimm   == 1);
--   16:19   ,   0x2         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1bcdimm   == 1);
--   16:19   ,   0xA         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c2dimm   == 1);
--   16:19   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c1dimm   == 1);
--   16:19   ,   0x3         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1ccdimm   == 1);
--   16:19   ,   0xF         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx82dimm == 1);
--   16:19   ,   0x2         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx4      == 1);
--   16:19   ,   0x2         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_2abc      == 1);
--   16:19   ,   0x2         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_2abc      == 1);
--   16:19   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56781lrdm == 1);
--   16:19   ,   0x2         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56782lrdm == 1);
--   16:19   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d1dimm   == 1);
--   16:19   ,   0xF         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d2dimm   == 1);
--   20:23   ,   shift_pwr_map6 ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 2); # slow exit pdown
--   20:23   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1a        == 1); # cfg_mrnk5_rd_cke    36
--   20:23   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b1dimm   == 1);
--   20:23   ,   0xB         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b2dimm   == 1);
--   20:23   ,   0x1         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1bcdimm   == 1);
--   20:23   ,   0x9         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c2dimm   == 1);
--   20:23   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c1dimm   == 1);
--   20:23   ,   0x3         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1ccdimm   == 1);
--   20:23   ,   0xD         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx82dimm == 1);
--   20:23   ,   0x1         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx4      == 1);
--   20:23   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_2abc      == 1);
--   20:23   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56781lrdm == 1);
--   20:23   ,   0x1         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56782lrdm == 1);
--   20:23   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d1dimm   == 1);
--   20:23   ,   0xF         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d2dimm   == 1);
--scom 0x03010435    {
--    bits    ,   scom_data   ,       ATTR_FUNCTIONAL,   expr;
--   24:27   ,   shift_pwr_map7 ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 2); # slow exit pdown
--   24:27   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1a        == 1); # cfg_mrnk6_rd_cke    37
--   24:27   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b1dimm   == 1);
--   24:27   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b2dimm   == 1);
--   24:27   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1bcdimm   == 1);
--   24:27   ,   0xA         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c2dimm   == 1);
--   24:27   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c1dimm   == 1);
--   24:27   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1ccdimm   == 1);
--   24:27   ,   0xF         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx82dimm == 1);
--   24:27   ,   0x2         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx4      == 1);
--   24:27   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_2abc      == 1);
--   24:27   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56781lrdm == 1);
--   24:27   ,   0x2         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56782lrdm == 1);
--   24:27   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d1dimm   == 1);
--   24:27   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d2dimm   == 1);
--   28:31   ,   shift_pwr_map8 ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 2); # slow exit pdown
--   28:31   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1a        == 1); # cfg_mrnk7_rd_cke    37
--   28:31   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b1dimm   == 1);
--   28:31   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b2dimm   == 1);
--   28:31   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1bcdimm   == 1);
--   28:31   ,   0x9         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c2dimm   == 1);
--   28:31   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c1dimm   == 1);
--   28:31   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1ccdimm   == 1);
--   28:31   ,   0xD         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx82dimm == 1);
--   28:31   ,   0x1         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx4      == 1);
--   28:31   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_2abc      == 1);
--   28:31   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56781lrdm == 1);
--   28:31   ,   0x1         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56782lrdm == 1);
--   28:31   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d1dimm   == 1);
--   28:31   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d2dimm   == 1);
--   32:35   ,   shift_pwr_map9 ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 2); # slow exit pdown
--   32:35   ,   0x8         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1a        == 1); # cfg_mrnk0_wr_cke    38
--   32:35   ,   0x8         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b1dimm   == 1);
--   32:35   ,   0xD         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b2dimm   == 1);
--   32:35   ,   0x8         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1bcdimm   == 1);
--   32:35   ,   0xA         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c2dimm   == 1);
--   32:35   ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c1dimm   == 1);
--   32:35   ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1ccdimm   == 1);
--   32:35   ,   0xF         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx82dimm == 1);
--   32:35   ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx4      == 1);
--   32:35   ,   0x8         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_2abc      == 1);
--   32:35   ,   0x8         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56781lrdm == 1);
--   32:35   ,   0x8         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56782lrdm == 1);
--   32:35   ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d1dimm   == 1);
--   36:39   ,   shift_pwr_map10,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 2); # slow exit pdown
--   32:35   ,   0xF         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d2dimm   == 1); # cfg_mrnk0_wr_cke    38
--   36:39   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1a        == 1);
--   36:39   ,   0x4         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b1dimm   == 1);
--   36:39   ,   0xE         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b2dimm   == 1);
--   36:39   ,   0x4         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1bcdimm   == 1);
--   36:39   ,   0x6         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c2dimm   == 1);
--   36:39   ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c1dimm   == 1);
--   36:39   ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1ccdimm   == 1);
--   36:39   ,   0x7         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx82dimm == 1);
--   36:39   ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx4      == 1);
--   36:39   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_2abc      == 1);
--   36:39   ,   0x4         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56781lrdm == 1);
--   36:39   ,   0x4         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56782lrdm == 1);
--   36:39   ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d1dimm   == 1);
--   36:39   ,   0xF         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d2dimm   == 1);
--   40:43   ,   shift_pwr_map11,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 2); # slow exit pdown
--   40:43   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1a        == 1); # cfg_mrnk2_wr_cke    38
--   40:43   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b1dimm   == 1);
--   40:43   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b2dimm   == 1);
--   40:43   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1bcdimm   == 1);
--   40:43   ,   0xA         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c2dimm   == 1);
--   40:43   ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c1dimm   == 1);
--   40:43   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1ccdimm   == 1);
--   40:43   ,   0xF         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx82dimm == 1);
--   40:43   ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx4      == 1);
--   40:43   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_2abc      == 1);
--   40:43   ,   0x8         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56781lrdm == 1);
--   40:43   ,   0x8         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56782lrdm == 1);
--   40:43   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d1dimm   == 1);
--   40:43   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d2dimm   == 1);
--   44:47   ,   shift_pwr_map12,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 2); # slow exit pdown
--   44:47   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1a        == 1); # cfg_mrnk3_wr_cke    38
--   44:47   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b1dimm   == 1);
--   44:47   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b2dimm   == 1);
--   44:47   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1bcdimm   == 1);
--   44:47   ,   0x6         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c2dimm   == 1);
--   44:47   ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c1dimm   == 1);
--   44:47   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1ccdimm   == 1);
--   44:47   ,   0x7         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx82dimm == 1);
--   44:47   ,   0xC         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx4      == 1);
--   44:47   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_2abc      == 1);
--   44:47   ,   0x4         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56781lrdm == 1);
--   44:47   ,   0x4         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56782lrdm == 1);
--   44:47   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d1dimm   == 1);
--   44:47   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d2dimm   == 1);
-+    0:63    ,   ATTR_VPD_CKE_PWR_MAP ,          1            ,    any; # data from VP now
- }
--scom 0x03010435    {
--    bits    ,   scom_data   ,       ATTR_FUNCTIONAL,   expr;
--   48:51   ,   shift_pwr_map13,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 2); # slow exit pdown
--   48:51   ,   0x2         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1a        == 1); # cfg_mrnk4_wr_cke    38
--   48:51   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b1dimm   == 1);
--   48:51   ,   0x7         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b2dimm   == 1);
--   48:51   ,   0x2         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1bcdimm   == 1);
--   48:51   ,   0x6         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c2dimm   == 1);
--   48:51   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c1dimm   == 1);
--   48:51   ,   0x3         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1ccdimm   == 1);
--   48:51   ,   0xF         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx82dimm == 1);
--   48:51   ,   0x2         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx4      == 1);
--   48:51   ,   0x2         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_2abc      == 1);
--   48:51   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56781lrdm == 1);
--   48:51   ,   0x2         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56782lrdm == 1);
--   48:51   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d1dimm   == 1);
--   48:51   ,   0xF         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d2dimm   == 1);
--   52:55   ,   shift_pwr_map14,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 2); # slow exit pdown
--   52:55   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1a        == 1); # cfg_mrnk5_wr_cke    38
--   52:55   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b1dimm   == 1);
--   52:55   ,   0xB         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b2dimm   == 1);
--   52:55   ,   0x1         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1bcdimm   == 1);
--   52:55   ,   0x5         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c2dimm   == 1);
--   52:55   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c1dimm   == 1);
--   52:55   ,   0x3         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1ccdimm   == 1);
--   52:55   ,   0xD         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx82dimm == 1);
--   52:55   ,   0x1         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx4      == 1);
--   52:55   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_2abc      == 1);
--   52:55   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56781lrdm == 1);
--   52:55   ,   0x1         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56782lrdm == 1);
--   52:55   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d1dimm   == 1);
--   52:55   ,   0xF         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d2dimm   == 1);
--   56:59   ,   shift_pwr_map15,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 2); # slow exit pdown
--   56:59   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1a        == 1); # cfg_mrnk6_wr_cke    38
--   56:59   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b1dimm   == 1);
--   56:59   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b2dimm   == 1);
--   56:59   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1bcdimm   == 1);
--   56:59   ,   0x6         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c2dimm   == 1);
--   56:59   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c1dimm   == 1);
--   56:59   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1ccdimm   == 1);
--   56:59   ,   0xF         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx82dimm == 1);
--   56:59   ,   0x2         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx4      == 1);
--   56:59   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_2abc      == 1);
--   56:59   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56781lrdm == 1);
--   56:59   ,   0x2         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56782lrdm == 1);
--   56:59   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d1dimm   == 1);
--   56:59   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d2dimm   == 1);
--   60:63   ,   ATTR_VPD_CKE_PWR_MAP,     1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 1) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 2); # slow exit pdown
--   60:63   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1a        == 1); # cfg_mrnk7_wr_cke    38
--   60:63   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b1dimm   == 1);
--   60:63   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1b2dimm   == 1);
--   60:63   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1bcdimm   == 1);
--   60:63   ,   0x5         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c2dimm   == 1);
--   60:63   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1c1dimm   == 1);
--   60:63   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1ccdimm   == 1);
--   60:63   ,   0xD         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx82dimm == 1);
--   60:63   ,   0x1         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_1dx4      == 1);
--   60:63   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_2abc      == 1);
--   60:63   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56781lrdm == 1);
--   60:63   ,   0x1         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_56782lrdm == 1);
--   60:63   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d1dimm   == 1);
--   60:63   ,   0x0         ,          1            ,    (SYS.ATTR_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED == 2) && (CENTAUR.ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE != 1) && (def_odt_mapping_5d2dimm   == 1);
- ###########################
- # MBA CKE mapping tables  #
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0006-sbe-pnor.patch b/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0006-sbe-pnor.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cbf25e1..0000000
--- a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0006-sbe-pnor.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-From 961d01024912ce7b0547095d38921bdd61ae8cd8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Brian Horton <>
-Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 10:14:31 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] fix SBE/PNOR merge issues
-Change-Id: I74752dbfa50fc78be66a9f185a7c6bc4d31732cd
- src/usr/sbe/sbe_update.C |    4 ++--
- 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/usr/sbe/sbe_update.C b/src/usr/sbe/sbe_update.C
-index a559229..5ac4909 100644
---- a/src/usr/sbe/sbe_update.C
-+++ b/src/usr/sbe/sbe_update.C
-@@ -1791,8 +1791,8 @@ namespace SBE
-                                         reinterpret_cast<void*>(SBE_IMG_VADDR),
-                                         ((io_sbeState.seeprom_side_to_update ==
-                                          EEPROM::SBE_PRIMARY ) ?
--                                            PNOR::SBE_SEEPROM0 :
--                                            PNOR::SBE_SEEPROM1  ),
-+                                            SBE_SEEPROM0 :
-+                                            SBE_SEEPROM1  ),
-                                         PNOR::WORKING,
-                                         imageWasUpdated );
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0006_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE.patch b/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0006_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7a902b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0006_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+From c474b26291b009f7a9c97e2bf94ad2917f11b1b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Dan Crowell <>
+Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2015 23:03:57 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] Add support for POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE to ISDIMMs
+Change-Id: If9de980385cac7706b321a9fefc1158dc540b7e0
+ .../usr/hwpf/hwp/mvpd_accessors/getMBvpdAttr.H     |   11 +++-
+ .../hwp/mvpd_accessors/getControlCapableData.C     |   54 ++++++++++----------
+ src/usr/hwpf/hwp/mvpd_accessors/getMBvpdAttr.C     |   16 ++++++
+ src/usr/hwpf/hwp/mvpd_accessors/getMBvpdAttrData.C |    3 +
+ 4 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/include/usr/hwpf/hwp/mvpd_accessors/getMBvpdAttr.H b/src/include/usr/hwpf/hwp/mvpd_accessors/getMBvpdAttr.H
+index 07ea5fc..810cb40 100644
+--- a/src/include/usr/hwpf/hwp/mvpd_accessors/getMBvpdAttr.H
++++ b/src/include/usr/hwpf/hwp/mvpd_accessors/getMBvpdAttr.H
+@@ -46,11 +46,14 @@ namespace getAttrData
+     const uint8_t NUM_PORTS = 2;   //Each MBA has 2 ports
+     const uint8_t NUM_DIMMS = 2;   //Each port has 2 DIMMs
+     const uint8_t NUM_RANKS = 4;   //Number of ranks
+-    const uint8_t PORT_SECTION_SIZE = 64; //Each port has 64 bytes
++    //Each port has 64 bytes of space, but only 62 bytes is useable
++    const uint8_t PORT_SECTION_SIZE = 64; 
++    const uint8_t PORT_SECTION_USED = 62; 
+     struct port_attributes
+     {
+-       uint8_t port_attr[PORT_SECTION_SIZE];
++       uint8_t port_attr[PORT_SECTION_USED];
++       uint8_t nonport_data[PORT_SECTION_SIZE-PORT_SECTION_USED];
+     };
+     struct mba_attributes
+     {
+@@ -102,6 +105,7 @@ namespace getAttrData
+         UINT32_BY2        =0x0004,   // uint32_t [2]
+         UINT32_BY2_BY2    =0x0005,   // uint32_t [2][2]
+         UINT64            =0x0006,   // uint64_t
++        UINT8             =0x0007,   // uint8_t  
+     };
+     const uint16_t OUTPUT_TYPE_MASK = 0x00FF;
+@@ -111,6 +115,7 @@ namespace getAttrData
+     typedef uint32_t UINT32_BY2_t [2];
+     typedef uint32_t UINT32_BY2_BY2_t [2][2];
+     typedef uint64_t UINT64_t;
++    typedef uint8_t UINT8_t;
+     //  Special processing
+     //  Rules:
+@@ -343,6 +348,8 @@ template<>class MBvpdAttrDataType<fapi::ATTR_VPD_TSYS_ADR>
+     { public: typedef fapi::ATTR_VPD_TSYS_ADR_Type Type; };
+ template<>class MBvpdAttrDataType<fapi::ATTR_VPD_TSYS_DP18>
+     { public: typedef fapi::ATTR_VPD_TSYS_DP18_Type Type; };
++template<>class MBvpdAttrDataType<fapi::ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE>
++    { public: typedef fapi::ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE_Type Type; };
+ // Template function that checks that the type is as expected.
+diff --git a/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/mvpd_accessors/getControlCapableData.C b/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/mvpd_accessors/getControlCapableData.C
+index 4e4fe02..90afda6 100644
+--- a/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/mvpd_accessors/getControlCapableData.C
++++ b/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/mvpd_accessors/getControlCapableData.C
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
+ /*                                                                        */
+ /* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+ /*                                                                        */
+-/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2014                             */
++/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2014,2015                        */
+ /* [+] International Business Machines Corp.                              */
+ /*                                                                        */
+ /*                                                                        */
+@@ -40,38 +40,38 @@ fapi::ReturnCode getControlCapableData(
+                 const fapi::Target &i_mbTarget,
+                 uint8_t & o_val)
+ {
+-    //Record:VSPD, Keyword:MR, offset: 253, 1 byte.
+-    const uint32_t MR_KEYWORD_SIZE = 255;
++    fapi::ReturnCode l_rc;
+-    struct mr_keyword
+-    {
+-        uint8_t filler[253];
+-        uint8_t position; //offset 253
+-        uint8_t extraFiller[MR_KEYWORD_SIZE-sizeof(filler)-sizeof(position)];
+-    };
+-    fapi::ReturnCode l_fapirc;
+-    mr_keyword * l_pMrBuffer = new mr_keyword;
+-    uint32_t l_MrBufsize = MR_KEYWORD_SIZE;
+-    do{
+-        l_fapirc = fapiGetMBvpdField(fapi::MBVPD_RECORD_VSPD,
+-                    fapi::MBVPD_KEYWORD_MR,
+-                    i_mbTarget,
+-                    reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(l_pMrBuffer),
+-                    l_MrBufsize);
+-        if(l_fapirc)
++    FAPI_DBG("getControlCapableData: start");
++    do {
++        // ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE is at the membuf level, but the
++        //  getMBvpdAttr() function takes a mba, so need to do a
++        //  conversion
++        std::vector<fapi::Target> l_mbas;
++        l_rc = fapiGetChildChiplets( i_mbTarget,
++                                     fapi::TARGET_TYPE_MBA_CHIPLET,
++                                     l_mbas );
++        if( l_rc )
+         {
+-            FAPI_ERR("getControlCapableData: Read of MR Keyword failed");
++            FAPI_ERR("getControlCapableData: fapiGetChildChiplets failed");
+             break;
+         }
+-        o_val = l_pMrBuffer->position;
+-    }while(0);
++        // If we don't have any functional MBAs then we will fail in
++        //  the other function so just return a default value here
++        if( l_mbas.empty() )
++        {
++            o_val = fapi::ENUM_ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE_NONE;
++            break;
++        }
+-    delete l_pMrBuffer;
+-    l_pMrBuffer = NULL;
++        // Call a VPD Accessor HWP to get the data
++        FAPI_EXEC_HWP(l_rc, getMBvpdAttr,
++                      l_mbas[0], ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE,
++                      &o_val, sizeof(ATTR_VPD_POWER_CONTROL_CAPABLE_Type));
++    } while(0);
++    FAPI_ERR("getControlCapableData: end");
+-    return l_fapirc;
++    return l_rc;
+ }
+ }
+diff --git a/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/mvpd_accessors/getMBvpdAttr.C b/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/mvpd_accessors/getMBvpdAttr.C
+index b13e4f9..7be8ed2 100644
+--- a/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/mvpd_accessors/getMBvpdAttr.C
++++ b/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/mvpd_accessors/getMBvpdAttr.C
+@@ -976,6 +976,22 @@ fapi::ReturnCode returnValue (const MBvpdAttrDef*   i_pAttrDef,
+             (*(UINT64_t*)o_pVal) = l_value;
+             break ;
+         }
++        case  UINT8:            // uint8_t
++        {
++            // make sure return value size is correct
++            if (sizeof(UINT8_t) != i_valSize)
++            {
++                l_fapirc = sizeMismatch(sizeof(UINT8_t),
++                                        i_valSize,
++                                        i_pAttrDef->iv_attrId);
++                break; //return with error
++            }
++            // only 1 value is present, it isn't stored per mba/port
++            uint8_t l_value = (reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(i_pBuffer))[l_attrOffset];
++            (*(UINT8_t*)o_pVal) = l_value;
++            break ;
++        }
+         default: // Hard to do, but needs to be caught
+             FAPI_ERR("returnValue: invalid output type 0x%04x for"
+                        " attribute ID 0x%08x",
+diff --git a/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/mvpd_accessors/getMBvpdAttrData.C b/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/mvpd_accessors/getMBvpdAttrData.C
+index 4b18e40..5a599b5 100644
+--- a/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/mvpd_accessors/getMBvpdAttrData.C
++++ b/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/mvpd_accessors/getMBvpdAttrData.C
+@@ -178,6 +178,9 @@ const MBvpdAttrDef g_MBVPD_ATTR_DEF_array [] =
++// Membuf-level data that is stored within MR
+ };
+ const uint32_t g_MBVPD_ATTR_DEF_array_size =
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0007-mss-thermal-init-SW297647_and_undo.patch b/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0007-mss-thermal-init-SW297647_and_undo.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f6eafe5..0000000
--- a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0007-mss-thermal-init-SW297647_and_undo.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-From 430bf7d7b8194bf7789db053999464390e143fdc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Brian Horton <>
-Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 16:13:11 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] mss thermal patch from Mike Pradik
-AND undeo 1.18 attribute change
-Change-Id: I0c3e9d126077fb18bb771909631e0491da4b5f99
- .../mss_thermal_init/mss_thermal_init.C            |   26 ++++++++++++++++----
- 1 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/dram_initialization/mss_thermal_init/mss_thermal_init.C b/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/dram_initialization/mss_thermal_init/mss_thermal_init.C
-index e09f47f..dc21852 100644
---- a/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/dram_initialization/mss_thermal_init/mss_thermal_init.C
-+++ b/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/dram_initialization/mss_thermal_init/mss_thermal_init.C
-@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
- /* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
- /*                                                                        */
- /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
--// $Id: mss_thermal_init.C,v 1.19 2015/02/12 23:23:56 pardeik Exp $
-+// $Id: mss_thermal_init.C,v 1.18c CHANGED IN OPENPOWER PATCH brianh   Exp $
- // $Source: /afs/awd/projects/eclipz/KnowledgeBase/.cvsroot/eclipz/chips/centaur/working/procedures/ipl/fapi/mss_thermal_init.C,v $
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // *! (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 2011
-@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Version:|  Author: |  Date:  | Comment:
- //---------|----------|---------|-----------------------------------------------
-+//   1.18v | brianhk  |11-MAR-15| undo 1.18 change
-+//   1.18u | pardeik  |03-MAR-15| user version to be like v1.20
- //   1.18  | pardeik  |12-FEB-15| change ATTR_MRW_MEM_SENSOR_CACHE_ADDR_MAP to
- //                              | a centaur target (was system)
- //   1.17  | pardeik  |19-NOV-14| Use MRW attribute for SC address map for ISDIMMs
-@@ -160,6 +162,7 @@ fapi::ReturnCode mss_thermal_init(const fapi::Target & i_target)
-       const uint8_t I2C_BUS_ENCODE_PRIMARY = 0;
-       const uint8_t I2C_BUS_ENCODE_SECONDARY = 8;
-       const uint8_t MAX_NUM_DIMM_SENSORS = 8;
-+      const uint8_t MAX_I2C_BUSSES = 2;
-       // Variable declaration
-       uint8_t l_dimm_ranks_array[l_NUM_MBAS][l_NUM_PORTS][l_NUM_DIMMS];	// Number of ranks for each configured DIMM in each MBA
-@@ -249,6 +252,19 @@ fapi::ReturnCode mss_thermal_init(const fapi::Target & i_target)
-           l_custom_dimm[i] = fapi::ENUM_ATTR_EFF_CUSTOM_DIMM_NO;
-       }
-+      // zero out the l_dimm_ranks_array so it is initialized for later use if there is a deconfigured MBA
-+      for (uint8_t i = 0; i < l_NUM_MBAS; i++)
-+      {
-+	  for (uint8_t j = 0; j < l_NUM_PORTS; j++)
-+	  {
-+	      for (uint8_t k = 0; k < l_NUM_DIMMS; k++)
-+	      {
-+		  l_dimm_ranks_array[i][j][k]=0;
-+	      }
-+	  }
-+      }
-       for (uint8_t mba_index = 0; mba_index < l_target_mba_array.size(); mba_index++){
-          l_rc = FAPI_ATTR_GET(ATTR_CHIP_UNIT_POS, &l_target_mba_array[mba_index], l_mba_pos);
- 	 if (l_rc) return l_rc;
-@@ -279,7 +295,7 @@ fapi::ReturnCode mss_thermal_init(const fapi::Target & i_target)
-       else
-       {
- 	  // sensor cache address map for non custom dimm temperature sensors (which i2c bus and i2c address they are)
--	  l_rc = FAPI_ATTR_GET(ATTR_MRW_MEM_SENSOR_CACHE_ADDR_MAP, &i_target, l_dimm_sensor_cache_addr_map);
-+	  l_rc = FAPI_ATTR_GET(ATTR_MRW_MEM_SENSOR_CACHE_ADDR_MAP, NULL, l_dimm_sensor_cache_addr_map);
- 	  if (l_rc) return l_rc;
-       }
-@@ -399,9 +415,9 @@ fapi::ReturnCode mss_thermal_init(const fapi::Target & i_target)
- 	  l_cdimm_number_dimm_temp_sensors = 0;
- 	  // cycle through both primary and secondary i2c busses, determine i2c address and enable bits
--	  for (uint8_t k = 0; k < 2; k++)
-+	  for (uint8_t k = 0; k < MAX_I2C_BUSSES; k++)
- 	  {
--	      for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
-+	      for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_DIMM_SENSORS; i++)
- 	      {
- 		  if (k == 0)
- 		  {
-@@ -492,7 +508,7 @@ fapi::ReturnCode mss_thermal_init(const fapi::Target & i_target)
-          // Iterate through the num_ranks array to determine what DIMMs are plugged
- 	 // Enable sensor monitoring for each plugged DIMM
-          uint32_t l_iterator = 0;
--         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++){
-+         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < l_NUM_MBAS; i++){
- 	    if (l_dimm_ranks_array[i][0][0] != 0){
- 	       l_ecmd_rc |= l_data_scac_enable.setBit(l_iterator);
- 	    }
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0007_mss_thermal_undo.patch b/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0007_mss_thermal_undo.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..455b3c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0007_mss_thermal_undo.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+From d7b5b4a29107c17ad97b2c25cec11f51df485ea1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Brian Horton <>
+Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 13:26:40 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] undo 1.18 change
+Change-Id: I477dd4a478fc3c752a7f4f9dd1dff9f03ce39cc1
+ .../mss_thermal_init/mss_thermal_init.C            |    5 +++--
+ 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/dram_initialization/mss_thermal_init/mss_thermal_init.C b/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/dram_initialization/mss_thermal_init/mss_thermal_init.C
+index a98b58d..b90d1d6 100644
+--- a/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/dram_initialization/mss_thermal_init/mss_thermal_init.C
++++ b/src/usr/hwpf/hwp/dram_initialization/mss_thermal_init/mss_thermal_init.C
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
+ /* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+ /*                                                                        */
+ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+-// $Id: mss_thermal_init.C,v 1.20 2015/03/02 20:43:37 pardeik Exp $
++// $Id: mss_thermal_init.C,v 1.20a CHANGED IN OPENPOWER PATCH brianh Exp $
+ // $Source: /afs/awd/projects/eclipz/KnowledgeBase/.cvsroot/eclipz/chips/centaur/working/procedures/ipl/fapi/mss_thermal_init.C,v $
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // *! (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 2011
+@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Version:|  Author: |  Date:  | Comment:
+ //---------|----------|---------|-----------------------------------------------
++//   1.20a | brianh   |31-MAR-15| under 1.18
+ //   1.20  | pardeik  |02-MAR-15| initialize l_dimm_ranks_array to zero
+ //                              | use const variables in for loops instead of numbers
+ //   1.18  | pardeik  |12-FEB-15| change ATTR_MRW_MEM_SENSOR_CACHE_ADDR_MAP to
+@@ -295,7 +296,7 @@ fapi::ReturnCode mss_thermal_init(const fapi::Target & i_target)
+       else
+       {
+ 	  // sensor cache address map for non custom dimm temperature sensors (which i2c bus and i2c address they are)
+-	  l_rc = FAPI_ATTR_GET(ATTR_MRW_MEM_SENSOR_CACHE_ADDR_MAP, &i_target, l_dimm_sensor_cache_addr_map);
++	  l_rc = FAPI_ATTR_GET(ATTR_MRW_MEM_SENSOR_CACHE_ADDR_MAP, NULL, l_dimm_sensor_cache_addr_map);
+ 	  if (l_rc) return l_rc;
+       }
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0010-Support-partial-good-Xbus.patch b/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0010-Support-partial-good-Xbus.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index df1a728..0000000
--- a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0010-Support-partial-good-Xbus.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-From 07b936c1c5f97314719e7e988e6c07810637b8c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Dean Sanner <>
-Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 09:11:14 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 3/8] Support partial good Xbus
-Change-Id: I245cd9947d5b7a05ff9a8f92ff18c658b1fe09d6
-Tested-by: Jenkins Server
-Reviewed-by: Daniel M. Crowell <>
-Reviewed-by: Brian H. Horton <>
-Reviewed-by: A. Patrick Williams III <>
-(cherry picked from commit a0f4a934254572ce49a1ddf5e4d5d944b52779be)
- src/usr/hwpf/plat/fapiPlatAttributeService.C | 22 ++++++++++++++++++----
- 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/usr/hwpf/plat/fapiPlatAttributeService.C b/src/usr/hwpf/plat/fapiPlatAttributeService.C
-index 6e4f400..7da841a 100644
---- a/src/usr/hwpf/plat/fapiPlatAttributeService.C
-+++ b/src/usr/hwpf/plat/fapiPlatAttributeService.C
-@@ -58,11 +58,14 @@
- #include <hwpf/hwp/pll_accessors/getPllRingInfoAttr.H>
- #include <hwpf/hwp/winkle_ring_accessors/getL3DeltaDataAttr.H>
- #include <fapiAttributeIds.H>
-+#include <hwas/common/hwasCommon.H>
- // The following file checks at compile time that all HWPF attributes are
- // handled by Hostboot. This is done to ensure that the HTML file listing
- // supported HWPF attributes lists attributes handled by Hostboot
- #include <fapiAttributePlatCheck.H>
- //******************************************************************************
- // Implementation
- //******************************************************************************
-@@ -1239,6 +1242,7 @@ fapi::ReturnCode fapiPlatGetEnableAttr ( fapi::AttributeId i_id,
- {
-     fapi::ReturnCode l_rc;
-     TARGETING::Target * l_pTarget = NULL;
-+    o_enable = 0;
-     // Get the Targeting Target
-     l_rc = getTargetingTarget(i_pFapiTarget, l_pTarget);
-@@ -1271,10 +1275,20 @@ fapi::ReturnCode fapiPlatGetEnableAttr ( fapi::AttributeId i_id,
-                 o_enable = 1;
-                 break;
-             case fapi::ATTR_PROC_X_ENABLE:
--                // The enable flag reflects the state of the pervasive chiplet,
--                //  NOT the bus logic, so always return true since we don't
--                //  support partial good on the XBUS chiplet
--                o_enable = 1;
-+                // Need to support having the X bus chiplet partial good
-+                // Look at the saved away PG data
-+                TARGETING::ATTR_CHIP_REGIONS_TO_ENABLE_type l_chipRegionData;
-+                l_rc = FAPI_ATTR_GET(ATTR_CHIP_REGIONS_TO_ENABLE, i_pFapiTarget,
-+                                     l_chipRegionData);
-+                if (l_rc) {
-+                    FAPI_ERR("fapi_attr_get( ATTR_CHIP_REGIONS_TO_ENABLE ) failed. With rc = 0x%x",
-+                             (uint32_t) l_rc );
-+                    break;
-+                }
-+                else if (l_chipRegionData[HWAS::VPD_CP00_PG_XBUS_INDEX] != 0)
-+                {
-+                    o_enable = 0x1;
-+                }
-                 break;
-             default:
-                 o_enable = 0;
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0011-Pull-model-name-and-serial-from-OSYS-record-if-avail.patch b/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0011-Pull-model-name-and-serial-from-OSYS-record-if-avail.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f20e0b..0000000
--- a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0011-Pull-model-name-and-serial-from-OSYS-record-if-avail.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-From 438ebf4b5acbaab0da69009d4248a6aac45fbed6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Dan Crowell <>
-Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 16:44:59 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 3/5] Pull model name and serial from OSYS record if available
-The supported level of OP planar VPD has the system model
-name inside OSYS:MM, not OPFR:DR.
-Change-Id: Iaa9c4e00325f8fa6efb7a9fca1275bcea2759308
-Reviewed-by: William H. Schwartz <>
-Tested-by: Jenkins Server
-Reviewed-by: A. Patrick Williams III <>
-(cherry picked from commit 2114a66c76558f41cd305fc294ccdfaf6607c0e5)
- src/usr/devtree/bld_devtree.C | 142 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
- 1 file changed, 126 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/usr/devtree/bld_devtree.C b/src/usr/devtree/bld_devtree.C
-index f2e9438..622178a 100644
---- a/src/usr/devtree/bld_devtree.C
-+++ b/src/usr/devtree/bld_devtree.C
-@@ -1034,18 +1034,26 @@ errlHndl_t bld_fdt_system(devTree * i_dt, bool i_smallTree)
-     // Nothing to do for small trees currently.
-     if (!i_smallTree)
-     {
-+        //===== compatible =====
-         /* Fetch the MRW-defined compatible model from attributes */
-         ATTR_OPAL_MODEL_type l_model = {0};
-         TARGETING::Target* sys = NULL;
-         TARGETING::targetService().getTopLevelTarget(sys);
-         sys->tryGetAttr<TARGETING::ATTR_OPAL_MODEL>(l_model);
--        /* Add compatibility node */
-+        /* Add compatibility value */
-         const char* l_compats[] = { "ibm,powernv", l_model, NULL };
-         i_dt->addPropertyStrings(rootNode, "compatible", l_compats);
--        /* Add system model node */
--        // Based off of the DR field in the OPFR
-+        //===== model =====
-+        /* Add system model value
-+           Depending on the vintage of the planar VPD, there are 3 places
-+           we need to look for this data.
-+           1) OSYS:MM
-+           2) OPFR:DR
-+           3) Default to 'unknown'
-+         */
-+        bool foundvpd = false;
-         // TODO RTC 118373 -- update to account for firestone/memory riser
-         TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_membTargetList;
-         getAllChips(l_membTargetList, TYPE_MEMBUF);
-@@ -1061,42 +1069,144 @@ errlHndl_t bld_fdt_system(devTree * i_dt, bool i_smallTree)
-             errhdl = deviceRead( l_pMem,
-                                  NULL,
-                                  vpdSize,
--                                 DEVICE_CVPD_ADDRESS( CVPD::OPFR,
--                                                      CVPD::DR ));
-+                                 DEVICE_CVPD_ADDRESS( CVPD::OSYS,
-+                                                      CVPD::MM ));
-             if(errhdl)
-             {
--                TRACFCOMP(g_trac_devtree,ERR_MRK" Couldn't get DR size for HUID=0x%.8X",
-+                TRACFCOMP(g_trac_devtree,ERR_MRK" Couldn't get OSYS:MM size for HUID=0x%.8X",
-                           TARGETING::get_huid(l_pMem));
--                i_dt->addPropertyString(rootNode, "model", "unknown");
--                errlCommit(errhdl, DEVTREE_COMP_ID);
-+                // Try the OPFR record
-+                errlHndl_t opfr_errhdl = deviceRead( l_pMem,
-+                                           NULL,
-+                                           vpdSize,
-+                                           DEVICE_CVPD_ADDRESS( CVPD::OPFR,
-+                                                                CVPD::DR ));
-+                if(opfr_errhdl)
-+                {
-+                    TRACFCOMP(g_trac_devtree,ERR_MRK" Couldn't get OPFR:DR size for HUID=0x%.8X",
-+                              TARGETING::get_huid(l_pMem));
-+                    delete opfr_errhdl; //delete OPFR log, VPD is just bad
-+                }
-+                else
-+                {
-+                    delete errhdl; //ignore lack of OSYS due to older vpd
-+                    errhdl = NULL;
-+                    char drBuf[vpdSize+1];
-+                    memset(&drBuf, 0x0, (vpdSize+1)); //null terminated str
-+                    errhdl = deviceRead( l_pMem,
-+                                         reinterpret_cast<void*>( &drBuf ),
-+                                         vpdSize,
-+                                         DEVICE_CVPD_ADDRESS( CVPD::OPFR,
-+                                                              CVPD::DR ));
-+                    if(errhdl)
-+                    {
-+                        TRACFCOMP(g_trac_devtree,ERR_MRK" Couldn't read OPFR:DR for HUID=0x%.8X",
-+                                  TARGETING::get_huid(l_pMem));
-+                    }
-+                    else
-+                    {
-+                        foundvpd = true;
-+                        i_dt->addPropertyString(rootNode, "model", drBuf);
-+                    }
-+                }
-             }
-             else
-             {
--                char drBuf[vpdSize+1];
--                memset(&drBuf, 0x0, (vpdSize+1)); //ensure null terminated str
-+                char mmBuf[vpdSize+1];
-+                memset(&mmBuf, 0x0, (vpdSize+1)); //ensure null terminated str
-                 errhdl = deviceRead( l_pMem,
--                                     reinterpret_cast<void*>( &drBuf ),
-+                                     reinterpret_cast<void*>( &mmBuf ),
-                                      vpdSize,
--                                     DEVICE_CVPD_ADDRESS( CVPD::OPFR,
--                                                          CVPD::DR ));
-+                                     DEVICE_CVPD_ADDRESS( CVPD::OSYS,
-+                                                          CVPD::MM ));
-                 if(errhdl)
-                 {
--                    TRACFCOMP(g_trac_devtree,ERR_MRK" Couldn't read DR for HUID=0x%.8X",
-+                    TRACFCOMP(g_trac_devtree,ERR_MRK" Couldn't read OSYS:MM for HUID=0x%.8X",
-                               TARGETING::get_huid(l_pMem));
-                 }
-                 else
-                 {
--                    i_dt->addPropertyString(rootNode, "model", drBuf);
-+                    foundvpd = true;
-+                    i_dt->addPropertyString(rootNode, "model", mmBuf);
-                 }
-             }
-         }
--        else //chassis info not found, default to unknown
-+        // just commit any errors we get, this isn't critical
-+        if( errhdl )
-+        {
-+            errlCommit(errhdl, DEVTREE_COMP_ID); //commit original OSYS log
-+        }
-+        if( !foundvpd ) //chassis info not found, default to unknown
-         {
-             TRACFCOMP(g_trac_devtree,ERR_MRK" VPD not found, model defaulted to unknown");
-             i_dt->addPropertyString(rootNode, "model", "unknown");
-         }
-+        //===== system-id =====
-+        /* Add system-id value
-+           1) OSYS:SS
-+           2) Default to 'unavailable'
-+         */
-+        // TODO RTC 118373 -- update to account for firestone/memory riser
-+        foundvpd = false;
-+        if( l_membTargetList.size() )
-+        {
-+            // TODO RTC 118373 - Should be able to read from attribute
-+            TARGETING::Target * l_pMem = l_membTargetList[0];
-+            size_t vpdSize = 0x0;
-+            // Note: First read with NULL for o_buffer sets vpdSize to the
-+            // correct length
-+            errhdl = deviceRead( l_pMem,
-+                                 NULL,
-+                                 vpdSize,
-+                                 DEVICE_CVPD_ADDRESS( CVPD::OSYS,
-+                                                      CVPD::SS ));
-+            if(errhdl)
-+            {
-+                TRACFCOMP(g_trac_devtree,ERR_MRK" Couldn't get OSYS:SS size for HUID=0x%.8X",
-+                          TARGETING::get_huid(l_pMem));
-+                // Note - not supporting old vpd versions without OSYS here
-+            }
-+            else
-+            {
-+                char ssBuf[vpdSize+1];
-+                memset(&ssBuf, 0x0, (vpdSize+1)); //ensure null terminated str
-+                errhdl = deviceRead( l_pMem,
-+                                     reinterpret_cast<void*>( &ssBuf ),
-+                                     vpdSize,
-+                                     DEVICE_CVPD_ADDRESS( CVPD::OSYS,
-+                                                          CVPD::SS ));
-+                if(errhdl)
-+                {
-+                    TRACFCOMP(g_trac_devtree,ERR_MRK" Couldn't read OSYS:SS for HUID=0x%.8X",
-+                              TARGETING::get_huid(l_pMem));
-+                }
-+                else
-+                {
-+                    foundvpd = true;
-+                    i_dt->addPropertyString(rootNode, "system-id", ssBuf);
-+                }
-+            }
-+        }
-+        // just commit any errors we get, this isn't critical
-+        if( errhdl )
-+        {
-+            errlCommit(errhdl, DEVTREE_COMP_ID);
-+        }
-+        if( !foundvpd ) //serial number not found, default to unavailable
-+        {
-+            i_dt->addPropertyString(rootNode, "system-id", "unavailable");
-+        }
-     }
-     return errhdl;
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0013-Enable-vrml-mvpd.patch b/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0013-Enable-vrml-mvpd.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 04118e9..0000000
--- a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0013-Enable-vrml-mvpd.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-From a5d5840c4780a39be436e2dde2a53037b1b82635 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Bill Hoffa <>
-Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 19:22:44 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] Add VRML MVPD Enablement for Habanero
-Change-Id: I7dd2d155e295a5fee09010ba173c82748e25221d
- src/include/usr/vpd/mvpdenums.H | 1 +
- src/usr/vpd/mvpd.H              | 1 +
- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/include/usr/vpd/mvpdenums.H b/src/include/usr/vpd/mvpdenums.H
-index 950245f..fd4ddaf 100644
---- a/src/include/usr/vpd/mvpdenums.H
-+++ b/src/include/usr/vpd/mvpdenums.H
-@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ enum mvpdRecord
-     LWPE        = 0x20,
-     VWML        = 0x21,
-     MER0        = 0x22,
-+    VRML        = 0x23,
-     // Last Record
-diff --git a/src/usr/vpd/mvpd.H b/src/usr/vpd/mvpd.H
-index 60a8491..e9fe905 100644
---- a/src/usr/vpd/mvpd.H
-+++ b/src/usr/vpd/mvpd.H
-@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ namespace MVPD
-         { LWPE, "LWPE" },
-         { VWML, "VWML" },
-         { MER0, "MER0" },
-+        { VRML, "VRML" },
-         // -------------------------------------------------------------------
-         // DO NOT USE!!  This is for test purposes ONLY!
-         { MVPD_TEST_RECORD, "TEST" },
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0016-Initialize-I2C-Switches-in-struct-to-zero.patch b/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0016-Initialize-I2C-Switches-in-struct-to-zero.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d7da480..0000000
--- a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0016-Initialize-I2C-Switches-in-struct-to-zero.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-From 4c31ecf3b63f4f21e677d7359f64de22cd8fc1eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Mike Baiocchi <>
-Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 10:31:21 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] Initialize I2C Switches in struct to zero
-There are multiple uses for the I2C Switches in the misc_args_t
-struct used in I2C operations.  The struct was not defaulting the
-switches value to zero and there were negative consequences of this
-early in the IPL for the i2cPresence() function.
-Fixes open-power/hostboot#18
-Change-Id: I83d34770ff04cfe31bf07b320d8821c8fa80c705
-CQ: SW2999529
-Tested-by: Jenkins Server
-Reviewed-by: MATTHEW A. PLOETZ <>
-Reviewed-by: Daniel M. Crowell <>
-Reviewed-by: A. Patrick Williams III <>
- src/usr/i2c/i2c.C        | 4 +++-
- src/usr/i2c/i2c_common.H | 5 ++++-
- 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/usr/i2c/i2c.C b/src/usr/i2c/i2c.C
-index 1f2b8a0..f8583b8 100755
---- a/src/usr/i2c/i2c.C
-+++ b/src/usr/i2c/i2c.C
-@@ -688,7 +688,9 @@ bool i2cPresence( TARGETING::Target * i_target,
--        //Set Host vs FSI switches
-+        // Set I2C Mode (Host vs FSI) for the target
-+        args.switches.useHostI2C = 0;
-+        args.switches.useFsiI2C  = 0;
-         i2cSetSwitches( i_target, args );
-         err = i2cSetBusVariables(i_target,
-diff --git a/src/usr/i2c/i2c_common.H b/src/usr/i2c/i2c_common.H
-index 68865a5..1772ea2 100644
---- a/src/usr/i2c/i2c_common.H
-+++ b/src/usr/i2c/i2c_common.H
-@@ -75,7 +75,10 @@ struct misc_args_t
-                   polling_interval_ns(0),
-                   timeout_count(0),
-                   offset_length(0),
--                  offset_buffer(NULL){};
-+                  offset_buffer(NULL)
-+                  {
-+                      memset(&switches, 0x0, sizeof(switches));
-+                  };
- };
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot/ b/openpower/package/hostboot/
index 478f3ed..aa689ce 100644
--- a/openpower/package/hostboot/
+++ b/openpower/package/hostboot/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
-HOSTBOOT_VERSION ?= bda236e6e0c7d3aa5165160abbd5ead92ac0a68e
+HOSTBOOT_VERSION ?= f18b0d9ab1a518dc5556bb01b264b67ad63f6f00
 HOSTBOOT_SITE ?= $(call github,open-power,hostboot,$(HOSTBOOT_VERSION))
diff --git a/openpower/package/palmetto-xml/palmetto-xml-0001-Revert-Merge-pull-request-12-from-open-power-bofferd.patch b/openpower/package/palmetto-xml/palmetto-xml-0001-Revert-Merge-pull-request-12-from-open-power-bofferd.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eea695..0000000
--- a/openpower/package/palmetto-xml/palmetto-xml-0001-Revert-Merge-pull-request-12-from-open-power-bofferd.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-From 55eae8d646b3c95df32b67ef8d67887581f94fa0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Bill Hoffa <>
-Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 08:15:06 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] Revert "Merge pull request #12 from
- open-power/bofferdn-pal-loadline"
-This reverts commit dbe13549a81c15c81e1fbd2d3de80ea91dd20503, reversing
-changes made to 167ded68387aa69fabb28e6cafaa6ae4bf165a40.
-	palmetto.xml
- palmetto.xml | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
- 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/palmetto.xml b/palmetto.xml
-index 6df6652..89669ab 100644
---- a/palmetto.xml
-+++ b/palmetto.xml
-@@ -2854,6 +2854,30 @@
- 		<default>1</default>
- 	</attribute>
- 	<attribute>
-+		<id>PROC_R_DISTLOSS_VCS</id>
-+		<default></default>
-+	</attribute>
-+	<attribute>
-+		<id>PROC_R_DISTLOSS_VDD</id>
-+		<default></default>
-+	</attribute>
-+	<attribute>
-+		<id>PROC_R_LOADLINE_VCS</id>
-+		<default></default>
-+	</attribute>
-+	<attribute>
-+		<id>PROC_R_LOADLINE_VDD</id>
-+		<default></default>
-+	</attribute>
-+	<attribute>
-+		<default></default>
-+	</attribute>
-+	<attribute>
-+		<default></default>
-+	</attribute>
-+	<attribute>
- 		<id>PROC_X_BUS_WIDTH</id>
- 		<default>2</default>
- 	</attribute>
-@@ -3735,30 +3759,6 @@
- 		<default>0</default>
- 	</attribute>
- 	<attribute>
--		<id>PROC_R_DISTLOSS_VCS</id>
--		<default></default>
--	</attribute>
--	<attribute>
--		<id>PROC_R_DISTLOSS_VDD</id>
--		<default></default>
--	</attribute>
--	<attribute>
--		<id>PROC_R_LOADLINE_VCS</id>
--		<default></default>
--	</attribute>
--	<attribute>
--		<id>PROC_R_LOADLINE_VDD</id>
--		<default></default>
--	</attribute>
--	<attribute>
--		<default></default>
--	</attribute>
--	<attribute>
--		<default></default>
--	</attribute>
--	<attribute>
- 		<default>0,0x0000000000000000</default>
- 	</attribute>