op-build update 6-8-2020
Changes Included for package hostboot-binaries, branch master:
b2449ae - hostboot - 2020-06-05 - UPDATE executables for the NVIDIA gpu and/or ring files for hw060520a.opmst10
Changes Included for package sbe, branch master-p10:
0b656b9 - Ben Gass - 2020-06-04 - Update register header files to include registers for hwsv
c0ed37a - Srikantha Meesala - 2020-06-03 - Updated latest simics release and otprom path into CI
Changes Included for package hcode, branch master-p10:
8ab44e5 - hostboot - 2020-06-05 - Release tag & head commit information updated for hw060520a.opmst10
1773359 - hostboot - 2020-06-05 - Release tag & head commit information updated for hw060420a.opmst10
917120c - Adam Hale - 2020-06-05 - p10 MC initfile update
d94a4e3 - Andre A. Marin - 2020-06-05 - Add snapshot of ocmb/explorer for master-p10 branch
cc198ec - hostboot - 2020-06-05 - Fix auto-mirror
9d71fec - Prem Shanker Jha - 2020-06-05 - Self-Save-Restore: Workaround to fix simics istep 16.1 failure.
fd84cea - Greg Still - 2020-06-05 - PM: add new vratio array attributes, override flag on VPD validation controls
5fd9ac6 - Rahul Batra - 2020-06-05 - PGPE: Add SCOM Pstate Start/Stop
1d554d9 - Ben Gass - 2020-06-05 - Update register header files to include registers for hwsv
5dae135 - Sumit Kumar - 2020-06-05 - Auto mirror fix to EKB commit 96964
a8fe24b - hostboot - 2020-06-04 - Release tag & head commit information updated for hw060320a.opmst10
09f921d - Joe McGill - 2020-06-04 - update MC, IOHS PLL bucket definitions
b4aa05e - Anusha Reddy Rangareddygari - 2020-06-04 - Adding new attribute for boot dpll bypass
d5dce83 - Joe McGill - 2020-06-04 - update MC, IOHS PLL bucket definitions
bffff21 - Douglas Holtsinger - 2020-06-04 - Cronus integration test of getspr / getgpr (RAM)
b17439b - Greg Still - 2020-06-04 - QME Hcode: add core throttle table
ff510a0 - Anusha Reddy Rangareddygari - 2020-06-04 - Adding new attribute for boot dpll bypass
0c24f6d - Ben Gass - 2020-06-04 - Remove MC freq 1200 (DDR4-2400) from frequency buckets.
5058947 - Joe McGill - 2020-06-04 - SP to SBE mailbox -- add skewadjust, dcadj bypass controls
73f9afa - Joachim Fenkes - 2020-06-04 - Add attributes for core/cache clock adjust parameters
30e6760 - Raja Das - 2020-06-04 - Picked P9 SBE console Attribute to P10
69b8d12 - Joe McGill - 2020-06-04 - initial implementation of SP to SBE mailbox support
f68cc6c - Ilya Smirnov - 2020-06-04 - Remove writeable Property From ATTR_FUSED_CORE_MODE
3ddfde0 - Douglas Holtsinger - 2020-06-04 - Implement p10_ram_core base class RAM procedures (2/2)
bcc3f8a - Joe McGill - 2020-06-04 - add placeholder for frequency bucket, SBE scratch register headers
0ccc5fa - Douglas Holtsinger - 2020-06-04 - Implement p10_ram_core base class RAM procedures (1/2)
8796f98 - Andre A. Marin - 2020-06-04 - Add snapshot of ocmb/explorer for master-p10 branch
cc062db - Joe McGill - 2020-06-04 - p10_pervasive_attributes -- partial good attribute updates
a1ab8c9 - Joachim Fenkes - 2020-06-04 - Attribute updates for PLL names and mux config
42fab59 - Joe McGill - 2020-06-04 - pervasive, clock attributes -- set defaults and remove MRW hide directives
1200cd1 - Joe McGill - 2020-06-04 - early istep attribute updates
f86ee3f - Greg Still - 2020-06-04 - p10_sbe_select_ex cleanup
63b4168 - Anusha Reddy Rangareddygari - 2020-06-04 - P10 Attributes updates
a66bdeb - Greg Still - 2020-06-04 - p10_sbe_select_ex Level 2
6620cdb - Nicholas Landi - 2020-06-04 - Port p10_sbe_instruct_start procedure
b211ba7 - Anusha Reddy Rangareddygari - 2020-06-04 - Initial import of P10 pervasive attributes
e0b4bcd - Dan Crowell - 2020-06-04 - Interface for OCMB getVPD
10b01f6 - whs - 2020-06-04 - Packaging of memory vpd on Nimbus, MCA->MCS
22c5749 - whs - 2020-06-04 - Changes related to packaging of memory vpd on Nimbus
62e4300 - Richard J. Knight - 2020-06-04 - Update getVPD interface
8f93148 - Matt K. Light - 2020-06-04 - reorder data in VPDInfo to get rid of -Wreorder warning
74fb6ea - Richard J. Knight - 2020-06-04 - VPD Accessor Changes for P9
48f2448 - hostboot - 2020-06-04 - Fix auto-mirror
2aec68b - Mark Pizzutillo - 2020-06-04 - Port p9a_omi_init to p10
8e44923 - Greg Still - 2020-06-04 - QME Hcode: add core throttle table
Changes Included for package hostboot, branch master-p10:
5787304 - Matthew Raybuck - 2020-06-07 - Allow FSP to access HW for EECACHE population
3c95f8e - Ilya Smirnov - 2020-06-06 - Conditionally Execute callInitMctp in HBRT
bb76ee2 - Mike Baiocchi - 2020-06-05 - Create Informational Error Log for KEY_CLEAR_REQUST_MFG
c5a7d9e - Daniel M Crowell - 2020-06-05 - Revert "Support encoding un-prefixed location code..."
0476e10 - Caleb Palmer - 2020-06-05 - PRD: Fix endianness of dqMapping in mem capture data
922ab4f - Christian Geddes - 2020-06-05 - Enable caching of remote eeproms
377103b - Christian Geddes - 2020-06-05 - Disable call to build PDR repo in HBRT until PHYP makes changes
ff22c95 - Ilya Smirnov - 2020-06-05 - PLDM File IO: Get MCL Lids via PLDM
037318f - Corey Swenson - 2020-06-05 - Move the clearing of DIMM_BAD_DQ_DATA to istep 7.1
aed8b7f - Ben Gass - 2020-06-05 - Enable scom checking and correct scom checking issues
4870909 - Mark Pizzutillo - 2020-06-05 - Port p9a_omi_init to p10
2fcb948 - Joe McGill - 2020-06-05 - chipids.H -- add P10 constants
9f2be34 - hostboot - 2020-06-05 - Update simics level to: 2020-06-05_9ede13_simics.tar.gz 27227c86b3a9d34c
160eb14 - Zach Clark - 2020-06-04 - Support sending a PLDM SensorStateChanged event to the BMC
4942d37 - Christian Geddes - 2020-06-04 - Update when we attempt to run copyright checks
c6626c2 - Christian Geddes - 2020-06-04 - Add support for handling PLDM requests from the BMC during HBRT
4cb5bfd - Zach Clark - 2020-06-04 - Populate system/chassis location code from FRU VPD
9c8cfd1 - Dan Crowell - 2020-06-04 - Fix a few missing hbonly attributes
7d5f117 - Greg Still - 2020-06-04 - PM: add new vratio array attributes, override flag on VPD validation controls
579cdbf - Adam Hale - 2020-06-04 - p10 MC initfile update
f9f9c7e - Ben Gass - 2020-06-04 - Update register header files to include registers for hwsv
d46fb37 - Prem Shanker Jha - 2020-06-04 - Self-Save-Restore: Workaround to fix simics istep 16.1 failure.
a602933 - Zane Shelley - 2020-06-04 - PRD: remove redundant capture registers from Chip Data Files
8fbec2a - Zane Shelley - 2020-06-04 - PRD: fixed register CORE_THREAD_STATE in P10 Chip Data
fae4088 - hostboot - 2020-06-04 - Update simics level to: 2020-06-02_b50df2_simics.tar.gz 8c13cdaea74998d1
3d46091 - Douglas Holtsinger - 2020-06-04 - Cronus integration test of getspr / getgpr (RAM)
c0313c5 - Joachim Fenkes - 2020-06-04 - PLL setup procedures: Poll for lock, put Nest DPLL into mode2
df4752e - Zach Clark - 2020-06-03 - Add OCC State Sensor PDRs to the Hostboot PDR repository
fcdca2e - Ilya Smirnov - 2020-06-03 - SMF Memory Distribution Fix
c8ddc4c - Christian Geddes - 2020-06-03 - Compile PLDM requesters in runtime PLDM module
0036d39 - Chen Du - 2020-06-03 - Support for system and enclosure/chassis VPD
984ee2f - Christian Geddes - 2020-06-03 - Add support for PLDM requests during HBRT
e34a37b - hostboot - 2020-06-03 - Update simics level to: 2020-06-02_3fb40e_simics.tar.gz a4f2e02838ffed99
2b3df11 - Nick Bofferding - 2020-06-03 - Support encoding un-prefixed location code for nodes, procs, DIMMs, TPMs
1e3bc45 - Prasad Bg Ranganath - 2020-06-03 - PPB:p10_pm_set_pstate0: set Pstate 0 based on a new system attribute
bd9ec8b - Anusha Reddy Rangareddygari - 2020-06-03 - Adding new attribute for boot dpll bypass
Signed-off-by: hostboot <hostboot@us.ibm.com>
diff --git a/openpower/package/hcode-p10/Config.in b/openpower/package/hcode-p10/Config.in
index 99d4b47..53c6eeb 100644
--- a/openpower/package/hcode-p10/Config.in
+++ b/openpower/package/hcode-p10/Config.in
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
- default "hw060220a.opmst10" if BR2_HCODE_P10_LATEST_VERSION
+ default "hw060520a.opmst10" if BR2_HCODE_P10_LATEST_VERSION
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot-binaries/Config.in b/openpower/package/hostboot-binaries/Config.in
index e0daf00..2dab68d 100644
--- a/openpower/package/hostboot-binaries/Config.in
+++ b/openpower/package/hostboot-binaries/Config.in
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
- default "hw052020b.opmst10" if BR2_HOSTBOOT_BINARIES_LATEST_VERSION
+ default "hw060520a.opmst10" if BR2_HOSTBOOT_BINARIES_LATEST_VERSION
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot-p10/Config.in b/openpower/package/hostboot-p10/Config.in
index 06ba9d2..989dd96 100644
--- a/openpower/package/hostboot-p10/Config.in
+++ b/openpower/package/hostboot-p10/Config.in
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
- default "21aa7d607bd05a8350a2f7a2b6a3736eb1bc64d9" if BR2_HOSTBOOT_P10_LATEST_VERSION
+ default "5787304652407abbd94a982cd2921c4883c575d2" if BR2_HOSTBOOT_P10_LATEST_VERSION
diff --git a/openpower/package/sbe-p10/Config.in b/openpower/package/sbe-p10/Config.in
index cf5d8ef..1a866e8 100644
--- a/openpower/package/sbe-p10/Config.in
+++ b/openpower/package/sbe-p10/Config.in
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
config BR2_SBE_P10_VERSION
- default "57566b32dd69b6321237a566538d75fe507bf30f" if BR2_SBE_P10_LATEST_VERSION
+ default "0b656b9cda066f45975920e13410f867fd9aa97f" if BR2_SBE_P10_LATEST_VERSION