op-build update 10-6-2020
Changes Included for package hostboot-binaries, branch master:
7e56691 - hostboot - 2020-10-06 - UPDATE executables for the NVIDIA gpu and/or ring files for hw100520a.opmst10
Changes Included for package sbe, branch master-p10:
0f556c8 - Raja Das - 2020-10-06 - Added hfifo support for getCapability, getFfdc, quiesce chip-ops
8a5bcf3 - Adam Hale - 2020-10-05 - HW548786 Fix low latency cold start threshold
3a1c9ea - Joe McGill - 2020-10-05 - p10_tod_init -- lengthen TOD sync spread delay
134163b - Justin Ginn - 2020-10-05 - Make a FAPI_INF compatible with ppe plat
537b7bd - Luis Fernandez - 2020-10-05 - Correct allowable WOF_INDEX_SELECT values and delete[] of WOF_TABLE_DATA
1db9ec4 - Sam Kirchhoff - 2020-10-05 - including LHL improvement aka tlbie fix reverst in PERF_DD10 dyn init
c558629 - Sam Kirchhoff - 2020-10-05 - including HW541421 Fertile Suggestion in performance dynamic init
Changes Included for package hcode, branch master-p10:
76a8000 - hostboot - 2020-10-06 - Release tag & head commit information updated for hw100520a.opmst10
a09c0a8 - Adam Hale - 2020-10-06 - HW548786 Fix low latency cold start threshold
8bb168b - Rahul Batra - 2020-10-06 - PGPE: Set PMCR_OWNER=char for AUTO mode
392e162 - Rahul Batra - 2020-10-06 - PGPE: Write VDD and VCS to OCCScr2
c1f7f86 - Joe McGill - 2020-10-06 - p10_tod_init -- lengthen TOD sync spread delay
bc2df22 - Greg Still - 2020-10-06 - Cronus istep 16 FFDC enhancement
0ea8842 - Luis Fernandez - 2020-10-06 - Correct allowable WOF_INDEX_SELECT values and delete[] of WOF_TABLE_DATA
Changes Included for package hostboot, branch master-p10:
4c70104 - Adam Hale - 2020-10-05 - HW548786 Fix low latency cold start threshold
10f97b9 - srinivan - 2020-10-05 - disable security on non-primary chips from Hostboot
d280b21 - Luke Murray - 2020-10-05 - Disable Sister Thread Blocking for All DD Levels
baf9e7b - Roland Veloz - 2020-10-05 - Corrected the usage of the updated manufacturing flags
f601003 - Joe McGill - 2020-10-05 - p10_ipl_customize -- fill effective topology ID image attribute
d7312be - Dan Crowell - 2020-10-05 - Ignore TPMs in sp-host presence cross-check
b04e390 - Sam Kirchhoff - 2020-10-05 - including LHL improvement aka tlbie fix reverst in PERF_DD10 dyn init
cc6e8a3 - Sam Kirchhoff - 2020-10-05 - including HW541421 Fertile Suggestion in performance dynamic init
acb03d0 - Dan Crowell - 2020-10-05 - Remove OMI Freq check from mss_freq
cc9c6b1 - Devon Baughen - 2020-10-05 - update cdr bw workaround to only act on 21.3 and 23.4
6d36455 - hostboot - 2020-10-05 - Update HCODE commit to 8d1bdf7... Make a FAPI_INF compatible with ppe pl
8b40a06 - Prasad Bg Ranganath - 2020-10-05 - PM HWP: Remove setting the pscom enable for cores during istep 15.3
Signed-off-by: hostboot <hostboot@us.ibm.com>
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot-binaries/Config.in b/openpower/package/hostboot-binaries/Config.in
index a675bcd..99f49d8 100644
--- a/openpower/package/hostboot-binaries/Config.in
+++ b/openpower/package/hostboot-binaries/Config.in
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
- default "hw100320a.opmst10" if BR2_HOSTBOOT_BINARIES_LATEST_VERSION
+ default "hw100520a.opmst10" if BR2_HOSTBOOT_BINARIES_LATEST_VERSION