op-build update 8-31-2017

Changes Included for zaius-xml:
e067759 - Adrian Barrera - 2017-08-30 - Fix DIMM15 I2C thermal sensor address
c8982ac - Adrian Barrera - 2017-08-30 - Add attribute with Vcs/Vio power for no APSS

Changes Included for hostboot:
6187fbb - Ilya Smirnov - 2017-08-31 - IPL Time Checkstop Analysis: GitHub PR fixes
b560b1d - Nick Bofferding - 2017-08-31 - Increase max hostboot memory to 48 MB
68cc9f7 - Prachi Gupta - 2017-08-30 - update cen_common_funcs to be its own library to fix hb's compile probs
be4329c - Luke Mulkey - 2017-08-30 - Edit ECID+Perv code to use new gen'd centaur scom headers
d459810 - John Rell - 2017-08-30 - jgr17082300 Setting changes for HW41801 HW419305
aaddadc - Joe McGill - 2017-08-30 - resolve Zeppelin DMI channel framelock issues
dfe04d4 - Ben Gass - 2017-08-30 - Update iom busctl registers to MC target.
98ca7f4 - Chris Steffen - 2017-08-30 - Making zcal errors visible
0657c03 - Joe McGill - 2017-08-30 - Cumulus DMI -- apply MSB swap attribute, disable dynamic rpr, recal, sls_rcvy
0de709b - Ben Gass - 2017-08-30 - Run dmi dccal and linktrain on all channels at once.
300e5ee - Ben Gass - 2017-08-30 - Set BUS_ID's based on the dmi target position in p9c.dmi.io.scom.initfile
99ceaa4 - Chris Steffen - 2017-08-30 - DMI Linktraining and Centaur Dccal
e95b05a - John Rell - 2017-08-30 - jgr17050800 Updates for HW403155
5c029ee - Chris Steffen - 2017-08-30 - DMI I/O Scominits
fa23b5b - Thi Tran - 2017-08-30 - Undo some p9 Cumulus spy workarounds in initfiles
847aed8 - Jin Song Jiang - 2017-08-30 - p9_cen_framelock -- 2nd version
af76847 - Chris Steffen - 2017-08-30 - DMI I/O Checkin
6ec8520 - John Rell - 2017-08-30 - jgr17050500 Added Centaur and DMI IO SCOM initfiles
30e17cd - LiuYangFan - 2017-08-30 - p9c_set_inband_addr
13edc6f - Chris Steffen - 2017-08-30 - I/O Cen typedef fix, Dccal Warnings Update, Removed Unused Regs
575afef - Joe McGill - 2017-08-30 - p9_io_dmi_attr_update -- initial release
7901cf9 - Chris Steffen - 2017-08-30 - DMI / CEN IO Level 1 Procedures
e5eae5a - Claus Michael Olsen - 2017-08-30 - TOR magic header commit: Primer for commit 35372
05fe43f - Benjamin Weisenbeck - 2017-08-30 - Cleanup unused bus_training_rt module
73d9358 - nagurram-in - 2017-08-29 - Fix for packing the NV keyword struct
6b7648e - Prachi Gupta - 2017-08-29 - fix compiler errors in makefiles depending on cen_common_funcs lib
c4d8d06 - Prachi Gupta - 2017-08-29 - update cen_common_funcs to be its own library to fix hb's compile probs
diff --git a/openpower/configs/zaius_defconfig b/openpower/configs/zaius_defconfig
index f6a52bb..a9516a7 100644
--- a/openpower/configs/zaius_defconfig
+++ b/openpower/configs/zaius_defconfig
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot.mk b/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot.mk
index 0dbe6b3..7e44f16 100644
--- a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot.mk
+++ b/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot.mk
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 HOSTBOOT_VERSION_BRANCH_MASTER_P8 ?= 695bd891343faf1f0ef85fe53148590e58239efd
-HOSTBOOT_VERSION_BRANCH_MASTER ?= 0759aa1ccf2ef76a8ba53e4432e967b0ebfd2e83
+HOSTBOOT_VERSION_BRANCH_MASTER ?= 6187fbbe9afa0a19e7d1cec717c23eb241be557b
 HOSTBOOT_SITE ?= $(call github,open-power,hostboot,$(HOSTBOOT_VERSION))