op-build update 7-13-2020

Changes Included for package hostboot-binaries, branch master:
8188710 - hostboot - 2020-07-12 - UPDATE executables for the NVIDIA gpu and/or ring files for hw071220a.opmst10
c71b840 - hostboot - 2020-07-11 - UPDATE executables for the NVIDIA gpu and/or ring files for hw071120a.opmst10
49f906d - hostboot - 2020-07-11 - UPDATE executables for the NVIDIA gpu and/or ring files for hw071020a.opmst10

Changes Included for package sbe, branch master-p10:
a03ef10 - Sandeep Korrapati - 2020-07-11 - updated to latest register save-off structure, included SPI config registers
5a9d5e5 - Joe McGill - 2020-07-11 - p10_boot_mode -- initial release
587e362 - Andre A. Marin - 2020-07-11 - Final monolithic snapshot of mss p10 FW
e8b48df - Luke Murray - 2020-07-11 - Adding attributes to disable L2 & L3 hashing
b97c4df - Joachim Fenkes - 2020-07-11 - p10_sbe_chiplet_fir_init: Add clockstop-on-xstop support

Changes Included for package hcode, branch master-p10:
3b48921 - hostboot - 2020-07-12 - Release tag & head commit information updated for hw071220a.opmst10
8d01225 - hostboot - 2020-07-11 - Release tag & head commit information updated for hw071120a.opmst10
ca1d8bb - Luke Murray - 2020-07-11 - Adding attributes to disable L2 & L3 hashing
de7bbaf - hostboot - 2020-07-11 - Release tag & head commit information updated for hw071020a.opmst10
b429cc1 - Andre A. Marin - 2020-07-10 - Final monolithic snapshot of mss p10 FW
f5d483b - Zach Clark - 2020-07-10 - Fix "possibly uninitialized variable"
c9e9632 - Donald Washburn - 2020-07-10 - Enable and fix error log variable_buffer support.
723e9ed - Richard J. Knight - 2020-07-10 - Variable buffer api additions
1648262 - Joachim Fenkes - 2020-07-10 - variable_buffer: Support get<OT>() / put<OT>() for incomplete buffer tails
ca806bb - Richard J. Knight - 2020-07-10 - Variable buffer issues when inserting OT variable buffer
c825047 - Richard J. Knight - 2020-07-10 - Variable buffer problems
8577e48 - Richard J. Knight - 2020-07-10 - Fix assert() in variable_buffer
a9775c0 - Richard J. Knight - 2020-07-10 - variable_buffer uninitialized error
d47d0b5 - Richard J. Knight - 2020-07-10 - Remove use of initializer list from variable buffer.
0399bad - Kahn Evans - 2020-07-10 - fapi2 doxygen warning/error cleanup from ecmd repository
e08cb5c - Matt K. Light - 2020-07-10 - set default length of bits to clear to one
788eef0 - Brian Silver - 2020-07-10 - Fixed overflow problem in buffers
b5030b0 - Brian Silver - 2020-07-10 - Add variable_buffer get<OT>()
8ff495d - Brian Silver - 2020-07-10 - Add variable_buffer shiftLeft(), shiftRight()
e8e68f7 - Richard Knight - 2020-07-10 - Add support for variable_buffer setBit/clearBit
6ede890 - Richard Knight - 2020-07-10 - Add support for isBitClear() to variable_buffer
7dff56f - Richard Knight - 2020-07-10 - Add isBitSet() support
2ba67db - Brian Silver - 2020-07-10 - Update FFDC mechanism to better handle targets, buffers
a43bc9d - Brian Silver - 2020-07-10 - Remove buffer_base.H
8398128 - Brian Silver - 2020-07-10 - Make variable_buffer::set() overflow checking more precise
5dfdb97 - Brian Silver - 2020-07-10 - Add variable_buffer::pointer()
b1f596e - Brian Silver - 2020-07-10 - Fix flush, invert, and reverse buffer chaining
5d19aa0 - Brian Silver - 2020-07-10 - Buffer, targeting updates
16763ea - Brian Silver - 2020-07-10 - Add doxygen fapi2 tooling, doc clean up
25a04b6 - Brian Silver - 2020-07-10 - Error/xml parsing and FFDC classes
644257b - hostboot - 2020-07-10 - Fix auto-mirror
efad4fd - Joachim Fenkes - 2020-07-10 - p10_sbe_chiplet_fir_init: Add clockstop-on-xstop support
f442a60 - Joe McGill - 2020-07-10 - p10_boot_mode -- initial release
f04ad9f - Sandeep Korrapati - 2020-07-10 - updated to latest register save-off structure, included SPI config registers

Changes Included for package hostboot, branch master-p10:
00cd1ab - Dean Sanner - 2020-07-12 - Add SBE Arch dump area for both OPAL & PHYP
20fe670 - hostboot - 2020-07-10 - Update simics level to: 2020-07-09_a1fba2_simics.tar.gz 302e8a60ee1fc14e
9ae477a - Sampa Misra - 2020-07-10 - HDAT: Hard code removal of some attributes used in hdat
adea3a3 - Sumit Kumar - 2020-07-10 - Dynamic init coordination
6a89bae - Corey Swenson - 2020-07-10 - Change FABRIC_PRESENT_GROUPS to PROC_FABRIC_PRESENT_GROUPS
4356201 - hostboot - 2020-07-10 - Update simics level to: 2020-07-08_9056ce_simics.tar.gz 6854542566f0af35

Signed-off-by: hostboot <hostboot@us.ibm.com>
4 files changed
tree: ef3a0aa8b5b5fde8c839deb0d39b5832324d89f1
  1. ci/
  2. dl/
  3. doc/
  4. openpower/
  5. output/
  6. .gitignore
  7. .gitmodules
  8. .travis.yml
  11. NOTICE
  12. op-build
  13. op-build-env
  14. README.md

OpenPOWER Firmware Build Environment

The OpenPOWER firmware build process uses Buildroot to create a toolchain and build the various components of the PNOR firmware, including Hostboot, Skiboot, OCC, Petitboot etc.



See the doc/ directory for documentation source. Contributions are VERY welcome!


Issues, Milestones, pull requests and code hosting is on GitHub: https://github.com/open-power/op-build

See CONTRIBUTING.md for howto contribute code.

Building an image

To build an image for a Palmetto system:

git clone --recursive git@github.ibm.com:open-power/op-build.git
cd op-build
./op-build rainier_defconfig && ./op-build

There are also default configurations for other platforms in openpower/configs/. Current POWER8 platforms include Habanero, Firestone, and Garrison. Current POWER9 platforms include Witherspoon, Boston (p9dsu), Romulus, and Zaius.

Buildroot/op-build supports both native and cross-compilation - it will automatically download and build an appropriate toolchain as part of the build process, so you don't need to worry about setting up a cross-compiler. Cross-compiling from a x86-64 host is officially supported.

The machine your building on will need Python 2.7, GCC 6.2 (or later), and a handful of other packages (see below).

Dependencies for 64-bit Ubuntu/Debian systems

  1. Install Ubuntu (>= 18.04) or Debian (>= 9) 64-bit.

  2. Enable Universe (Ubuntu only):

     sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
     sudo add-apt-repository universe
  3. Install the packages necessary for the build:

     sudo apt-get install cscope ctags libz-dev libexpat-dev \
       python language-pack-en texinfo \
       build-essential g++ git bison flex unzip \
       libssl-dev libxml-simple-perl libxml-sax-perl libxml-parser-perl libxml2-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc \
       wget bc rsync

Dependencies for 64-bit Fedora systems

  1. Install Fedora (>= 25) 64-bit.

  2. Install the packages necessary for the build:

     sudo dnf install gcc-c++ flex bison git ctags cscope expat-devel patch \
       zlib-devel zlib-static texinfo "perl(bigint)" "perl(XML::Simple)" \
       "perl(YAML)" "perl(XML::SAX)" "perl(Fatal)" "perl(Thread::Queue)" \
       "perl(Env)" "perl(XML::LibXML)" "perl(Digest::SHA1)" "perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)" \
       libxml2-devel which wget unzip tar cpio python bzip2 bc findutils ncurses-devel \
       openssl-devel make libxslt vim-common lzo-devel python2