Fixes to get witherspoon xml working with latest hb
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot/p9Patches/hostboot-0003-processMrw-fixes-to-work-with-latest-witherspoon.xml.patch b/openpower/package/hostboot/p9Patches/hostboot-0003-processMrw-fixes-to-work-with-latest-witherspoon.xml.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee27fc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openpower/package/hostboot/p9Patches/hostboot-0003-processMrw-fixes-to-work-with-latest-witherspoon.xml.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+From 06f2d36f5e7b7f48d85f93da974816d5b25dfaf1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Prachi Gupta <>
+Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2016 09:46:43 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH 1/4] processMrw: fixes to work with latest witherspoon.xml
+- Fix logic to find lpc bus under the bmc target
+- Updated I2C_BUS_SPEED_ARRAY to be 4x4
+- Fixed XBUS HUID
+- Update all BAR attributes
+Change-Id: I82dcf21e28f77bcd1fb2391a5bd40d8ce1a6b172
+ src/usr/targeting/common/                | 81 +++++++++++++++++++--
+ src/usr/targeting/common/             | 83 ++++++++++++----------
+ .../targeting/common/xmltohb/attribute_types.xml   |  2 +-
+ .../targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types_hb.xml   |  4 +-
+ 4 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/usr/targeting/common/ b/src/usr/targeting/common/
+index fc18675..42780dd 100644
+--- a/src/usr/targeting/common/
++++ b/src/usr/targeting/common/
+@@ -123,7 +123,8 @@ sub loadXML
+     print "Loading MRW XML: $filename\n";
+     $self->{xml} =
+       XMLin($filename,forcearray => [ 'child_id', 'hidden_child_id', 'bus',
+-                                      'property', 'field', 'attribute' ]);
++                                      'property', 'field', 'attribute',
++                                      'enumerator' ]);
+     if (defined($self->{xml}->{'enumerationTypes'}))
+     {
+@@ -462,7 +463,6 @@ sub buildHierarchy
+     {
+         $baseptr = $self->{xml}->{'targetInstances'}->{'targetInstance'};
+     }
+     if ($target eq "")
+     {
+         ## find system target
+@@ -816,7 +816,11 @@ sub setCommonAttrForChiplet
+     my $fapi_name       = getFapiName($tgt_type, $node, $proc, $pos);
+-    $self->{huid_idx}->{$tgt_type} = $pos;
++    if ($tgt_type ne "XBUS")
++    {
++       $self->{huid_idx}->{$tgt_type} = $pos;
++    }
+     $self->setHuid($target, $sys, $node);
+     $self->setAttribute($target, "FAPI_NAME",       $fapi_name);
+     $self->setAttribute($target, "PHYS_PATH",       $physical_path);
+@@ -1332,16 +1336,16 @@ sub findConnections
+     my $target   = shift;
+     my $bus_type = shift;
+     my $end_type = shift;
+     my %connections;
+     my $num=0;
+     my $target_children = $self->getTargetChildren($target);
+     if ($target_children eq "")
+     {
+         return "";
+     }
+-    foreach my $child (@{ $self->getTargetChildren($target) })
++    foreach my $child ($self->getAllTargetChildren($target))
+     {
+         my $child_bus_type = $self->getBusType($child);
+         if ($child_bus_type eq $bus_type)
+@@ -1353,7 +1357,6 @@ sub findConnections
+                 my $type        = $self->getMrwType($dest_parent);
+                 my $dest_type   = $self->getType($dest_parent);
+                 my $dest_class  = $self->getAttribute($dest_parent,"CLASS");
+                 if ($type eq "NA")
+                 {
+                     $type = $dest_type;
+@@ -1361,6 +1364,29 @@ sub findConnections
+                 if ($type eq "NA") {
+                     $type = $dest_class;
+                 }
++                if ($end_type ne "") {
++                    #Look for an end_type match on any ancestor, as
++                    #connections may have a destination unit with a hierarchy
++                    #like unit->pingroup->muxgroup->chip where the chip has
++                    #the interesting type.
++                    while ($type ne $end_type) {
++                        $dest_parent = $self->getTargetParent($dest_parent);
++                        if ($dest_parent eq "") {
++                            last;
++                        }
++                        $type = $self->getMrwType($dest_parent);
++                        if ($type eq "NA") {
++                            $type = $self->getType($dest_parent);
++                        }
++                        if ($type eq "NA") {
++                            $type = $self->getAttribute($dest_parent, "CLASS");
++                        }
++                    }
++                }
+                 if ($type eq $end_type || $end_type eq "")
+                 {
+                     $connections{CONN}[$num]{SOURCE}=$child;
+@@ -1554,6 +1580,22 @@ sub renameAttribute
+     return 0;
+ }
++## remove an attribute from a target
++sub removeAttribute
++    my $self = shift;
++    my $target = shift;
++    my $attribute = shift;
++    my $target_ptr = $self->{data}->{TARGETS}->{$target};
++    if (!defined($target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$attribute}))
++    {
++        return 1;
++    }
++    delete($target_ptr->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$attribute});
++    $self->log($target, "Removing attribute: $attribute");
+ ## copy an attribute between targets
+ sub copyAttribute
+ {
+@@ -1589,7 +1631,6 @@ sub setAttributeField
+     my $value     = shift;
+     $self->{data}->{TARGETS}->{$target}->{ATTRIBUTES}->{$attribute}->{default}
+       ->{field}->{$field}->{value} = $value;
+     $self->log($target, "Setting Attribute: $attribute ($field) =$value");
+ }
+ ## returns complex attribute value
+@@ -1652,6 +1693,27 @@ sub getTargetChildren
+     return $target_ptr->{CHILDREN};
+ }
++## returns an array of all child (including grandchildren) target names
++sub getAllTargetChildren
++    my $self   = shift;
++    my $target = shift;
++    my @children;
++    my $targets = $self->getTargetChildren($target);
++    if ($targets ne "")
++    {
++        for my $child (@$targets)
++        {
++            push @children, $child;
++            my @more = $self->getAllTargetChildren($child);
++            push @children, @more;
++        }
++    }
++    return @children;
+ sub getEnumValue
+ {
+     my $self     = shift;
+@@ -1964,6 +2026,11 @@ C<INDEX>.
+ Returns an array of target strings representing all the children of target
++=item getAllTargetChildren(C<TARGET_STRING>)
++Returns an array of target strings representing all the children of target
++C<TARGET_STRING>, including grandchildren and below as well.
+ =item getEnumValue(C<ENUM_TYPE>,C<ENUM_NAME>)
+ Returns the enum value of type C<ENUM_TYPE> and name C<ENUM_NAME>.  The
+diff --git a/src/usr/targeting/common/ b/src/usr/targeting/common/
+index f898500..312582d 100644
+--- a/src/usr/targeting/common/
++++ b/src/usr/targeting/common/
+@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ foreach my $target (sort keys %{ $targetObj->getAllTargets() })
+         processApss($targetObj, $target);
+     }
+-    processIpmiSensors($targetObj,$target);
++    #processIpmiSensors($targetObj,$target);
+ }
+ ## check topology
+@@ -427,16 +427,6 @@ sub processProcessor
+        $targetObj->getTargetParent($target);
+     $targetObj->copyAttribute($module_target,$target,"LOCATION_CODE");
+-    ## Copy all attributes from module
+-    foreach my $attr (sort (keys
+-           %{ $targetObj->getTarget($module_target)->{TARGET}->{attribute} }))
+-    {
+-        if (($attr ne "TYPE") && ($attr ne "PHYS_PATH"))
+-        {
+-            $targetObj->copyAttribute($module_target,$target,$attr);
+-        }
+-    }
+     ## Copy PCIE attributes from socket
+     ## Copy Position attribute from socket
+     foreach my $attr (sort (keys
+@@ -453,7 +443,7 @@ sub processProcessor
+     }
+     $targetObj->log($target,"Finding master proc");
+-    my $lpcs=$targetObj->findConnections($target,"LPC","FSP");
++    my $lpcs=$targetObj->findConnections($target,"LPC","BMC");
+     if ($lpcs ne "")
+     {
+        $targetObj->log ($target, "Setting master proc to $target");
+@@ -522,9 +512,9 @@ sub processProcessor
+     {
+         $targetObj->setAttributeField($target, "FSI_OPTION_FLAGS", "reserved",
+             "0");
+-        $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "FSI_MASTER_CHIP",    "physical:sys");
++        $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "FSI_MASTER_CHIP",    "physical:sys-0");
+         $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "FSI_MASTER_PORT",    "0xFF");
+-        $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "ALTFSI_MASTER_CHIP", "physical:sys");
++        $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "ALTFSI_MASTER_CHIP", "physical:sys-0");
+         $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "ALTFSI_MASTER_PORT", "0xFF");
+         $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "FSI_MASTER_TYPE",    "NO_MASTER");
+         $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "FSI_SLAVE_CASCADE",  "0");
+@@ -534,6 +524,7 @@ sub processProcessor
+     {
+         $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "PROC_MASTER_TYPE",
+             "NOT_MASTER");
++        $targetObj->setAttribute($target, "ALTFSI_MASTER_CHIP", "physical:sys-0");
+     }
+     ## Update bus speeds
+     processI2cSpeeds($targetObj,$target);
+@@ -562,15 +553,19 @@ sub processI2cSpeeds
+     $bus_speeds[0][0] = $bus_speeds2[0];
+     $bus_speeds[0][1] = $bus_speeds2[1];
+     $bus_speeds[0][2] = $bus_speeds2[2];
+-    $bus_speeds[1][0] = $bus_speeds2[3];
+-    $bus_speeds[1][1] = $bus_speeds2[4];
+-    $bus_speeds[1][2] = $bus_speeds2[5];
+-    $bus_speeds[2][0] = $bus_speeds2[6];
+-    $bus_speeds[2][1] = $bus_speeds2[7];
+-    $bus_speeds[2][2] = $bus_speeds2[8];
+-    $bus_speeds[3][0] = $bus_speeds2[9];
+-    $bus_speeds[3][1] = $bus_speeds2[10];
+-    $bus_speeds[3][2] = $bus_speeds2[11];
++    $bus_speeds[0][3] = $bus_speeds2[3];
++    $bus_speeds[1][0] = $bus_speeds2[4];
++    $bus_speeds[1][1] = $bus_speeds2[5];
++    $bus_speeds[1][2] = $bus_speeds2[6];
++    $bus_speeds[1][3] = $bus_speeds2[7];
++    $bus_speeds[2][0] = $bus_speeds2[8];
++    $bus_speeds[2][1] = $bus_speeds2[9];
++    $bus_speeds[2][2] = $bus_speeds2[10];
++    $bus_speeds[2][3] = $bus_speeds2[11];
++    $bus_speeds[3][0] = $bus_speeds2[12];
++    $bus_speeds[3][1] = $bus_speeds2[13];
++    $bus_speeds[3][2] = $bus_speeds2[14];
++    $bus_speeds[3][3] = $bus_speeds2[15];
+     my $i2cs=$targetObj->findConnections($target,"I2C","");
+     if ($i2cs ne "") {
+@@ -581,13 +576,11 @@ sub processI2cSpeeds
+             my $bus_speed=$targetObj->getBusAttribute(
+                   $i2c->{SOURCE},$i2c->{BUS_NUM},"I2C_SPEED");
+-            #@todo RTC:164224 > currently the bus_speed fields are empty in the xml
+             if ($bus_speed eq "" || $bus_speed==0) {
+                 print "ERROR: I2C bus speed not defined for $i2c->{SOURCE}\n";
+                 $targetObj->myExit(3);
+             }
+             ## choose lowest bus speed
+             if ($bus_speeds[$engine][$port] eq "" ||
+                   $bus_speeds[$engine][$port]==0  ||
+@@ -599,15 +592,19 @@ sub processI2cSpeeds
+     $bus_speed_attr = $bus_speeds[0][0].",".
+                       $bus_speeds[0][1].",".
+                       $bus_speeds[0][2].",".
++                      $bus_speeds[0][3].",".
+                       $bus_speeds[1][0].",".
+                       $bus_speeds[1][1].",".
+                       $bus_speeds[1][2].",".
++                      $bus_speeds[1][3].",".
+                       $bus_speeds[2][0].",".
+                       $bus_speeds[2][1].",".
+                       $bus_speeds[2][2].",".
++                      $bus_speeds[2][3].",".
+                       $bus_speeds[3][0].",".
+                       $bus_speeds[3][1].",".
+-                      $bus_speeds[3][2];
++                      $bus_speeds[3][2].",".
++                      $bus_speeds[3][3];
+     $targetObj->setAttribute($target,"I2C_BUS_SPEED_ARRAY",$bus_speed_attr);
+ }
+@@ -626,16 +623,28 @@ sub setupBars
+     my $proc   = $targetObj->getAttribute($target, "FABRIC_CHIP_ID");
+     $targetObj->{TOPOLOGY}->{$group}->{$proc}++;
+-              "INTP_BASE_ADDR","PHB_MMIO_ADDRS_64","PHB_MMIO_ADDRS_32",
+-              "NX_RNG_ADDR");
++    my @bars=(  "FSP_BASE_ADDR", #
++                "PSI_BRIDGE_BASE_ADDR", #
++                "INTP_BASE_ADDR",
++                "PHB_MMIO_ADDRS_64", #
++                "PHB_MMIO_ADDRS_32", #
++                "PHB_XIVE_ESB_ADDRS", #
++                "PHB_REG_ADDRS", #
++                "XIVE_ROUTING_ESB_ADDR", #
++                "XIVE_ROUTING_END_ADDR", #
++                "XIVE_PRESENTATION_NVT_ADDR", #
++                "VAS_USER_WINDOW_CONTEXT_ADDR", #
++                "LPC_BUS_ADDR", #
++                "NVIDIA_NPU_PRIVILEGED_ADDR", #
++                "NVIDIA_NPU_USER_REG_ADDR", #
++                "NVIDIA_PHY0_REG_ADDR", #
++                "NVIDIA_PHY1_REG_ADDR", #
++                "PSI_HB_ESB_ADDR", #
++                "XIVE_CONTROLLER_BAR_ADDR", #
++                "XIVE_PRESENTATION_BAR_ADDR", #
++                "XSCOM_BASE_ADDRESS", #
++                "NX_RNG_ADDR"); #
+     # Attribute only valid in naples-based systems
+     if (!$targetObj->isBadAttribute($target,"NPU_MMIO_BAR_BASE_ADDR") ) {
+diff --git a/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/attribute_types.xml b/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/attribute_types.xml
+index 9fce73d..70342c5 100644
+--- a/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/attribute_types.xml
++++ b/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/attribute_types.xml
+@@ -15548,7 +15548,7 @@ Measured in GB</description>
+ <attribute>
+     <id>REDUNDANT_CLOCKS</id>
+     <description>
+-        1 = System has redundant clock oscillators
++        1 = System has redundant clock oscillators
+         0 = System does not have redundant clock oscillators
+         From the Machine Readable Workbook
+     </description>
+diff --git a/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types_hb.xml b/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types_hb.xml
+index aa941be..4e2447d 100755
+--- a/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types_hb.xml
++++ b/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types_hb.xml
+@@ -258,10 +258,10 @@
+     <attribute><id>VPD_SWITCHES</id></attribute>
+ </targetTypeExtension>
+     <id>unit-xbus-nimbus</id>
+     <attribute><id>HB_TARGET_SCOMABLE</id></attribute>
+ <targetTypeExtension>
+     <id>occ</id>