Add support for Backplane VPD patch
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0004-targeting-support-for-backplane-VPD.patch b/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0004-targeting-support-for-backplane-VPD.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index edd4941..0000000
--- a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0004-targeting-support-for-backplane-VPD.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-From bc07c585c41d4c6119d8608af27ab7ad1acdaab8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Mike Baiocchi <>
-Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2015 10:31:08 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] Add targeting support for backplane VPD
-Only the targeting support required by "Updated VPD_REC_NUM numbering"
-Change-Id: I24cda4d713806330a9f61d588006d63966f92550
-RTC: 118373
- src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types.xml | 2 ++
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types.xml b/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types.xml
-index 82ec014..759b73e 100644
---- a/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types.xml
-+++ b/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types.xml
-@@ -913,6 +913,8 @@
- <attribute><id>FRU_ID</id></attribute>
- <attribute><id>TPM_PRIMARY_INFO</id></attribute>
- <attribute><id>TPM_BACKUP_INFO</id></attribute>
-+ <attribute><id>EEPROM_VPD_PRIMARY_INFO</id></attribute>
-+ <attribute><id>VPD_REC_NUM</id></attribute>
- </targetType>
- <targetType>
diff --git a/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0010-add-support-backplane-vpd.patch b/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0010-add-support-backplane-vpd.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e51afbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openpower/package/hostboot/hostboot-0010-add-support-backplane-vpd.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,2271 @@
+From 9597cf58b44fd0c16da9d3592e8fd586a4dbf04d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Bill Schwartz <>
+Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2015 15:41:10 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH] Add support for backplane VPD
+Replace the temporary use of mem buf to access planar vpd with new
+planar vpd interfaces.
+Change-Id: I24cda4d713806330a9f61d588006d63966f92550
+RTC: 118373
+Tested-by: Jenkins Server
+Reviewed-by: A. Patrick Williams III <>
+ src/include/usr/devicefw/userif.H | 23 +
+ src/include/usr/vpd/cvpdenums.H | 1 -
+ src/include/usr/vpd/pvpdenums.H | 96 ++++
+ src/include/usr/vpd/vpd_if.H | 8 +
+ src/include/usr/vpd/vpdreasoncodes.H | 4 +
+ src/usr/devtree/bld_devtree.C | 85 ++--
+ src/usr/hwas/hwasPlat.C | 6 +-
+ src/usr/hwas/hwasPlatCallout.C | 6 +-
+ src/usr/i2c/eepromdd.C | 5 +
+ src/usr/ipmi/ipmifruinv.C | 502 +++++++++++++--------
+ src/usr/ipmi/ipmifruinvprvt.H | 112 ++++-
+ src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types.xml | 2 +
+ .../targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types_hb.xml | 5 +
+ src/usr/vpd/HBconfig | 27 ++
+ src/usr/vpd/cvpd.C | 36 +-
+ src/usr/vpd/cvpd.H | 22 +-
+ src/usr/vpd/ipvpd.C | 50 +-
+ src/usr/vpd/ipvpd.H | 22 +-
+ src/usr/vpd/pvpd.C | 369 +++++++++++++++
+ src/usr/vpd/pvpd.H | 149 ++++++
+ src/usr/vpd/vpd.C | 17 +-
+ src/usr/vpd/vpd.H | 1 +
+ src/usr/vpd/ | 5 +-
+ 23 files changed, 1307 insertions(+), 246 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 src/include/usr/vpd/pvpdenums.H
+ create mode 100644 src/usr/vpd/pvpd.C
+ create mode 100644 src/usr/vpd/pvpd.H
+diff --git a/src/include/usr/devicefw/userif.H b/src/include/usr/devicefw/userif.H
+index 6d041f2..eac5366 100644
+--- a/src/include/usr/devicefw/userif.H
++++ b/src/include/usr/devicefw/userif.H
+@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ namespace DeviceFW
+ LPC,
+ IPMIBT, // As opposed to other phy's
++ PVPD,
+ };
+@@ -166,6 +167,28 @@ namespace DeviceFW
+ static_cast<uint64_t>(( i_location ))
+ /**
++ * Construct the device addressing parameters for the PVPD device ops.
++ * @param[in] i_record - The enumeration of the PVPD record to access.
++ * @param[in] i_keyword - The enumeration of the PVPD keyword, located
++ * within the i_record Record to access.
++ */
++ #define DEVICE_PVPD_ADDRESS( i_record, i_keyword )\
++ /**
++ * Construct the device addressing parameters for the PVPD device ops.
++ * @param[in] i_record - The enumeration of the PVPD record to access.
++ * @param[in] i_keyword - The enumeration of the PVPD keyword, located
++ * within the i_record Record to access.
++ * @param[in] i_location - The location of the data (PNOR/SEEPROM)
++ see vpd_if.H
++ */
++ #define DEVICE_PVPD_FORCE_ADDRESS( i_record, i_keyword, i_location )\
++ DeviceFW::PVPD, static_cast<uint64_t>(( i_record )),\
++ static_cast<uint64_t>(( i_keyword )),\
++ static_cast<uint64_t>(( i_location ))
++ /**
+ * Construct the device addressing parameters for the SCAN device ops.
+ * @param[in] i_ring - The ring address to scan
+ * @param[in] i_ringlen - The length of the ring to scan in bits
+diff --git a/src/include/usr/vpd/cvpdenums.H b/src/include/usr/vpd/cvpdenums.H
+index 4b5adb2..79b8109 100644
+--- a/src/include/usr/vpd/cvpdenums.H
++++ b/src/include/usr/vpd/cvpdenums.H
+@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ namespace CVPD
+ OPFR = 0x05,
+ VNDR = 0x06,
+ SPDX = 0x07,
+- OSYS = 0x08,
+ // Last Record
+ CVPD_TEST_RECORD, // Test purposes ONLY!
+diff --git a/src/include/usr/vpd/pvpdenums.H b/src/include/usr/vpd/pvpdenums.H
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..acf3bbd
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/include/usr/vpd/pvpdenums.H
+@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
++/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
++/* */
++/* $Source: src/include/usr/vpd/pvpdenums.H $ */
++/* */
++/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
++/* */
++/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2013,2015 */
++/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
++/* */
++/* */
++/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
++/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
++/* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
++/* */
++/* */
++/* */
++/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
++/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
++/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */
++/* permissions and limitations under the License. */
++/* */
++#ifndef __PVPDENUMS_H
++#define __PVPDENUMS_H
++#include <vpd/ipvpdenums.H>
++namespace PVPD
++ /**
++ * @brief Enumeration for the PVPD Records that contain
++ * the keyword enumerations below.
++ *
++ */
++ enum pvpdRecord
++ {
++ OSYS = 0x01,
++ OPFR = 0x02,
++ VNDR = 0x03,
++ // Last Record
++ PVPD_TEST_RECORD, // Test purposes ONLY!
++ //Start common IPVPD enums
++ };
++ /**
++ * @brief Enumerations for PVPD keywords that can be
++ * accessed in the PVPD.
++ */
++ enum pvpdKeyword
++ {
++ B3 = 0x01,
++ B4 = 0x02,
++ B7 = 0x03,
++ CC = 0x04,
++ CE = 0x05,
++ CT = 0x06,
++ DR = 0x07,
++ ET = 0x08,
++ FN = 0x09,
++ HE = 0x0a,
++ HW = 0x0b,
++ IN = 0x0c,
++ MM = 0x0d,
++ PF = 0x0e,
++ PN = 0x0f,
++ RT = 0x10,
++ SN = 0x11,
++ SS = 0x12,
++ VD = 0x13,
++ VN = 0x14,
++ VP = 0x15,
++ VS = 0x16,
++ VZ = 0x17,
++ // Last Keyword
++ PVPD_TEST_KEYWORD, // Test purposes ONLY!
++ //Start common IPVPD enums
++ };
++}; // end PVPD
+diff --git a/src/include/usr/vpd/vpd_if.H b/src/include/usr/vpd/vpd_if.H
+index 0b3298a..d3915ee 100644
+--- a/src/include/usr/vpd/vpd_if.H
++++ b/src/include/usr/vpd/vpd_if.H
+@@ -71,6 +71,14 @@ namespace VPD
+ bool cvpdPresent ( TARGETING::Target * i_target );
+ /**
++ * @brief This function checks to see if the given pvpd target
++ * is present
++ * @param[in] i_target - Target device to search for pvpd
++ * @return bool - true if pvpd is present, false if it is not.
++ */
++ bool pvpdPresent ( TARGETING::Target * i_target );
++ /**
+ * @brief This function checks if the PNOR cache for this target is in
+ * sync with the SEEPROM, if not it loads the PNOR cache from SEEPROM.
+ * @param[in] i_target - Target device
+diff --git a/src/include/usr/vpd/vpdreasoncodes.H b/src/include/usr/vpd/vpdreasoncodes.H
+index 88668b7..2cfe8a6 100644
+--- a/src/include/usr/vpd/vpdreasoncodes.H
++++ b/src/include/usr/vpd/vpdreasoncodes.H
+@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ enum vpdModuleId
++ // PVPD
+@@ -131,6 +134,7 @@ enum vpdReasonCode
+ };
+diff --git a/src/usr/devtree/bld_devtree.C b/src/usr/devtree/bld_devtree.C
+index a8ece97..a311efe 100644
+--- a/src/usr/devtree/bld_devtree.C
++++ b/src/usr/devtree/bld_devtree.C
+@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
+ #include <fsi/fsiif.H>
+ #include <config.h>
+ #include <devicefw/userif.H>
+-#include <vpd/cvpdenums.H>
++#include <vpd/pvpdenums.H>
+ #include <i2c/i2cif.H>
+ #include <i2c/eepromif.H>
+ #include <ipmi/ipmisensor.H>
+@@ -351,12 +351,9 @@ void add_i2c_info( const TARGETING::Target* i_targ,
+ }
+ else if( l_type == TARGETING::TYPE_MEMBUF )
+ {
+- //@fixme-RTC:118373-Remove Hab/Palm workaround
+- // once node vpd is supported
+- sprintf( l_label, "system-vpd" );
+- /*sprintf( l_label, "memb-vpd-%d",
++ sprintf( l_label, "memb-vpd-%d",
+ eep2->assocTarg
+- ->getAttr<TARGETING::ATTR_POSITION>() );*/
+ }
+ else if( l_type == TARGETING::TYPE_DIMM )
+ {
+@@ -1054,39 +1051,46 @@ errlHndl_t bld_fdt_system(devTree * i_dt, bool i_smallTree)
+ 3) Default to 'unknown'
+ */
+ bool foundvpd = false;
+- // TODO RTC 118373 -- update to account for firestone/memory riser
+- TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_membTargetList;
+- getAllChips(l_membTargetList, TYPE_MEMBUF);
+- //if can't find a centaur for the CVPD, default to unknown
+- if (l_membTargetList.size())
++ TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_nodeTargetList;
++ PredicateCTM predNode(CLASS_ENC, TYPE_NODE);
++ PredicateHwas predFunctional;
++ predFunctional.functional(true);
++ PredicatePostfixExpr nodeCheckExpr;
++ nodeCheckExpr.push(&predNode).push(&predFunctional).And();
++ targetService().getAssociated(l_nodeTargetList, sys,
++ TargetService::CHILD, TargetService::IMMEDIATE,
++ &nodeCheckExpr);
++ //if can't find a node for the PVPD, default to unknown
++ if (l_nodeTargetList.size())
+ {
+- TARGETING::Target * l_pMem = l_membTargetList[0];
++ TARGETING::Target * l_pNode = l_nodeTargetList[0];
+ size_t vpdSize = 0x0;
+ // Note: First read with NULL for o_buffer sets vpdSize to the
+ // correct length
+- errhdl = deviceRead( l_pMem,
++ errhdl = deviceRead( l_pNode,
+ vpdSize,
+- CVPD::MM ));
++ PVPD::MM ));
+ if(errhdl)
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP(g_trac_devtree,ERR_MRK" Couldn't get OSYS:MM size for HUID=0x%.8X",
+- TARGETING::get_huid(l_pMem));
++ TARGETING::get_huid(l_pNode));
+ // Try the OPFR record
+- errlHndl_t opfr_errhdl = deviceRead( l_pMem,
++ errlHndl_t opfr_errhdl = deviceRead( l_pNode,
+ vpdSize,
+- CVPD::DR ));
++ PVPD::DR ));
+ if(opfr_errhdl)
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP(g_trac_devtree,ERR_MRK" Couldn't get OPFR:DR size for HUID=0x%.8X",
+- TARGETING::get_huid(l_pMem));
++ TARGETING::get_huid(l_pNode));
+ delete opfr_errhdl; //delete OPFR log, VPD is just bad
+ }
+ else
+@@ -1095,16 +1099,16 @@ errlHndl_t bld_fdt_system(devTree * i_dt, bool i_smallTree)
+ errhdl = NULL;
+ char drBuf[vpdSize+1];
+ memset(&drBuf, 0x0, (vpdSize+1)); //null terminated str
+- errhdl = deviceRead( l_pMem,
++ errhdl = deviceRead( l_pNode,
+ reinterpret_cast<void*>( &drBuf ),
+ vpdSize,
+- CVPD::DR ));
++ PVPD::DR ));
+ if(errhdl)
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP(g_trac_devtree,ERR_MRK" Couldn't read OPFR:DR for HUID=0x%.8X",
+- TARGETING::get_huid(l_pMem));
++ TARGETING::get_huid(l_pNode));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+@@ -1117,16 +1121,16 @@ errlHndl_t bld_fdt_system(devTree * i_dt, bool i_smallTree)
+ {
+ char mmBuf[vpdSize+1];
+ memset(&mmBuf, 0x0, (vpdSize+1)); //ensure null terminated str
+- errhdl = deviceRead( l_pMem,
++ errhdl = deviceRead( l_pNode,
+ reinterpret_cast<void*>( &mmBuf ),
+ vpdSize,
+- CVPD::MM ));
++ PVPD::MM ));
+ if(errhdl)
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP(g_trac_devtree,ERR_MRK" Couldn't read OSYS:MM for HUID=0x%.8X",
+- TARGETING::get_huid(l_pMem));
++ TARGETING::get_huid(l_pNode));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+@@ -1153,42 +1157,40 @@ errlHndl_t bld_fdt_system(devTree * i_dt, bool i_smallTree)
+ 1) OSYS:SS
+ 2) Default to 'unavailable'
+ */
+- // TODO RTC 118373 -- update to account for firestone/memory riser
+ foundvpd = false;
+- if( l_membTargetList.size() )
++ if( l_nodeTargetList.size() )
+ {
+- // TODO RTC 118373 - Should be able to read from attribute
+- TARGETING::Target * l_pMem = l_membTargetList[0];
++ TARGETING::Target * l_pNode = l_nodeTargetList[0];
+ size_t vpdSize = 0x0;
+ // Note: First read with NULL for o_buffer sets vpdSize to the
+ // correct length
+- errhdl = deviceRead( l_pMem,
++ errhdl = deviceRead( l_pNode,
+ vpdSize,
+- CVPD::SS ));
++ PVPD::SS ));
+ if(errhdl)
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP(g_trac_devtree,ERR_MRK" Couldn't get OSYS:SS size for HUID=0x%.8X",
+- TARGETING::get_huid(l_pMem));
++ TARGETING::get_huid(l_pNode));
+ // Note - not supporting old vpd versions without OSYS here
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char ssBuf[vpdSize+1];
+ memset(&ssBuf, 0x0, (vpdSize+1)); //ensure null terminated str
+- errhdl = deviceRead( l_pMem,
++ errhdl = deviceRead( l_pNode,
+ reinterpret_cast<void*>( &ssBuf ),
+ vpdSize,
+- CVPD::SS ));
++ PVPD::SS ));
+ if(errhdl)
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP(g_trac_devtree,ERR_MRK" Couldn't read OSYS:SS for HUID=0x%.8X",
+- TARGETING::get_huid(l_pMem));
++ TARGETING::get_huid(l_pNode));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+@@ -1205,7 +1207,6 @@ errlHndl_t bld_fdt_system(devTree * i_dt, bool i_smallTree)
+ delete errhdl;
+ errhdl = NULL;
+ }
+ if( !foundvpd ) //serial number not found, default to unavailable
+ {
+ i_dt->addPropertyString(rootNode, "system-id", "unavailable");
+diff --git a/src/usr/hwas/hwasPlat.C b/src/usr/hwas/hwasPlat.C
+index 80c36f9..ef631b5 100644
+--- a/src/usr/hwas/hwasPlat.C
++++ b/src/usr/hwas/hwasPlat.C
+@@ -421,9 +421,13 @@ errlHndl_t platPresenceDetect(TargetHandleList &io_targets)
+ HWAS_DBG("pTarget %.8X - detected present",
+ pTarget->getAttr<ATTR_HUID>());
+- // on to the next target
++ // If there is planar VPD, then don't skip the presence detect.
++ // The presence detect will log any problems and load pnor.
++#if !defined(CONFIG_HAVE_PVPD)
++ // on to the next target if there is no Planar VPD
+ pTarget_it++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // call deviceRead() to see if they are present
+diff --git a/src/usr/hwas/hwasPlatCallout.C b/src/usr/hwas/hwasPlatCallout.C
+index 0f15082..03756a8 100644
+--- a/src/usr/hwas/hwasPlatCallout.C
++++ b/src/usr/hwas/hwasPlatCallout.C
+@@ -122,10 +122,12 @@ errlHndl_t platHandleHWCallout(
+ } // switch i_deconfigState
+ // check to see if this target is the master processor
+- // and if it's been deconfigured.
++ // and if it's being deconfigured.
++ // NOTE: will be non-functional early in IPL before discovery complete.
+ TARGETING::Target *l_masterProc;
+ TARGETING::targetService().masterProcChipTargetHandle(l_masterProc);
+- if (i_pTarget == l_masterProc)
++ if ( (i_pTarget == l_masterProc) &&
++ (NO_DECONFIG != i_deconfigState) )
+ {
+ const TARGETING::HwasState hwasState =
+ l_masterProc->getAttr<TARGETING::ATTR_HWAS_STATE>();
+diff --git a/src/usr/i2c/eepromdd.C b/src/usr/i2c/eepromdd.C
+index 372fcc7..b2e1c90 100755
+--- a/src/usr/i2c/eepromdd.C
++++ b/src/usr/i2c/eepromdd.C
+@@ -97,6 +97,11 @@ DEVICE_REGISTER_ROUTE( DeviceFW::WILDCARD,
+ eepromPerformOp );
++// Register the perform Op with the routing code for Nodes.
++ DeviceFW::EEPROM,
++ eepromPerformOp );
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // eepromPerformOp
+diff --git a/src/usr/ipmi/ipmifruinv.C b/src/usr/ipmi/ipmifruinv.C
+index cc2f06a..49c5e7e 100644
+--- a/src/usr/ipmi/ipmifruinv.C
++++ b/src/usr/ipmi/ipmifruinv.C
+@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
+ #include <devicefw/userif.H>
+ #include <vpd/spdenums.H>
+ #include <vpd/cvpdenums.H>
++#include <vpd/pvpdenums.H>
+ #include <targeting/common/commontargeting.H>
+ #include <targeting/common/utilFilter.H>
+ #include <errl/errlmanager.H>
+@@ -51,7 +52,17 @@ inline static bool comparePairs(
+ const std::pair<TARGETING::TargetHandle_t, uint8_t>& i_lhs,
+ const std::pair<TARGETING::TargetHandle_t, uint8_t>& i_rhs)
+ {
+- return (i_lhs.second < i_rhs.second);
++ bool l_compare = i_lhs.second < i_rhs.second;
++ // in case of a tie, if the left is a Node, sort it first.
++ if (i_lhs.second == i_rhs.second)
++ {
++ if (TARGETING::TYPE_NODE==i_lhs.first->getAttr<TARGETING::ATTR_TYPE>())
++ {
++ l_compare = true;
++ }
++ }
++ return l_compare;
+ }
+ IpmiFruInv::IpmiFruInv(TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_target)
+@@ -82,7 +93,14 @@ IpmiFruInv *IpmiFruInv::Factory(TARGETING::TargetHandleList i_targets,
+ l_fru = new procIpmiFruInv(l_target, i_updateData);
+ break;
+- // @todo-RTC:117702
++ // A memory riser card will have a mem buff with a distinct FRU ID
++ l_fru = new membufIpmiFruInv(l_target, i_targets, i_updateData);
++ break;
++ // When the planar eeprom is shared for planar vpd and memory vpd,
++ // the node and membufs will have the same FRU ID. The node has
++ // been sorted ahead of the membufs. The membufs are extra targets
++ // for their ECIDs.
+ l_fru = new backplaneIpmiFruInv(l_target, i_targets, i_updateData);
+ break;
+@@ -425,11 +443,11 @@ errlHndl_t isdimmIpmiFruInv::buildProductInfoArea(std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data)
+ io_data.push_back(uint8_t(0)); // Empty FRU File ID bytes
+ io_data.push_back(IPMIFRUINV::END_OF_CUSTOM_FIELDS);
+- //Finalize section formatting
+- postFormatProcessing(io_data);
+ } while (0);
++ //Finalize section formatting
++ postFormatProcessing(io_data);
+ if (l_errl)
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP(g_trac_ipmi,"isdimIpmiFruInv::buildProductInfoArea - Errors "
+@@ -580,11 +598,11 @@ errlHndl_t procIpmiFruInv::buildBoardInfoArea(std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data)
+ //Indicate end of custom fields
+ io_data.push_back(IPMIFRUINV::END_OF_CUSTOM_FIELDS);
+- //Complete formatting for this data record
+- postFormatProcessing(io_data);
+ } while (0);
++ //Complete formatting for this data record
++ postFormatProcessing(io_data);
+ if (l_errl)
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP(g_trac_ipmi,"buildBoardInfoArea - Errors Collecting ISDimm "
+@@ -610,64 +628,18 @@ errlHndl_t procIpmiFruInv::buildMultiRecordInfoArea(
+ errlHndl_t procIpmiFruInv::addVpdData(std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data,
+ uint8_t i_record,
+ uint8_t i_keyword,
+- bool i_ascii)
++ bool i_ascii,
++ bool i_typeLengthByte)
+ {
+- size_t l_vpdSize = 0;
+ errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL;
+- do {
+- //First get size of data by passing NULL
+- l_errl = deviceRead(iv_target,
+- NULL,
+- l_vpdSize,
+- DEVICE_MVPD_ADDRESS(i_record, i_keyword));
+- if (l_errl)
+- {
+- TRACFCOMP(g_trac_ipmi,"procIpmiFruInv::addVpdData - Error while "
+- "reading MVPD keyword size");
+- break;
+- }
+- //Assert if vpd field is too large to fit in IPMI fru inventory format
+- if (l_vpdSize > 0)
+- {
+- //Determine how big data is and expand it to handle the soon to
+- //be read VPD data
+- uint8_t l_offset = io_data.size();
+- io_data.resize(l_offset + 1 + l_vpdSize);
+- //Add on the data to the type/length byte indicating it is ascii
+- // otherwise leave it as binary
+- if (i_ascii)
+- {
+- = l_vpdSize
+- }
+- else
+- {
+- = l_vpdSize;
+- }
+- //Read the VPD data directly into fru inventory data buffer
+- l_errl = deviceRead(iv_target,&io_data[l_offset+1],l_vpdSize,
+- DEVICE_MVPD_ADDRESS(i_record, i_keyword));
+- }
+- else
+- {
+- TRACFCOMP(g_trac_ipmi,"procIpmiFruInv::addVpdData - "
+- " No size returned for MVPD keyword");
+- }
+- } while(0);
+- if (l_errl)
+- {
+- TRACFCOMP(g_trac_ipmi, "addVpdData - Error acquiring data from Vpd.");
+- }
++ l_errl = addCommonVpdData(iv_target,
++ io_data,
++ DeviceFW::MVPD,
++ i_record,
++ i_keyword,
++ i_ascii,
++ i_typeLengthByte);
+ return l_errl;
+ }
+@@ -699,8 +671,7 @@ errlHndl_t backplaneIpmiFruInv::buildChassisInfoArea(
+ preFormatProcessing(io_data, false);
+ //Set Chassis Enclosure Type - Not Ascii
+ // Also, do not include type/length byte
+- //@fixme RTC Story 118373
+- l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, CVPD::OSYS, CVPD::ET, false, false);
++ l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, PVPD::OSYS, PVPD::ET, false, false);
+ //Support Legacy VPD without OSYS record
+ if (l_errl)
+@@ -714,12 +685,10 @@ errlHndl_t backplaneIpmiFruInv::buildChassisInfoArea(
+ //Set default chassis type
+ //Set chassis part number - ascii formatted field
+- //@fixme RTC Story 118373
+- l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, CVPD::OPFR, CVPD::VP, true);
++ l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, PVPD::OPFR, PVPD::VP, true);
+ if (l_errl) { break; }
+ //Set chassis serial number - ascii formatted field
+- //@fixme RTC Story 118373
+- l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, CVPD::OPFR, CVPD::VS, true);
++ l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, PVPD::OPFR, PVPD::VS, true);
+ if (l_errl) { break; }
+ }
+ else
+@@ -728,13 +697,11 @@ errlHndl_t backplaneIpmiFruInv::buildChassisInfoArea(
+ " Using NEW OSYS RECORD FOR Chassis VPD Data");
+ //Set chassis part number - ascii formatted field
+- //@fixme RTC Story 118373
+- l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, CVPD::OSYS, CVPD::MM, true);
++ l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, PVPD::OSYS, PVPD::MM, true);
+ if (l_errl) { break; }
+ //Set chassis serial number - ascii formatted field
+- //@fixme RTC Story 118373
+- l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, CVPD::OSYS, CVPD::SS, true);
++ l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, PVPD::OSYS, PVPD::SS, true);
+ if (l_errl) { break; }
+ }
+@@ -743,10 +710,11 @@ errlHndl_t backplaneIpmiFruInv::buildChassisInfoArea(
+ io_data.push_back(IPMIFRUINV::END_OF_CUSTOM_FIELDS);
+- //Complete record data formatting
+- postFormatProcessing(io_data);
+ } while (0);
++ //Complete record data formatting
++ postFormatProcessing(io_data);
+ if (l_errl)
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP(g_trac_ipmi,"backplaneIpmiFruInv::buildChassisInfoArea - "
+@@ -771,67 +739,39 @@ errlHndl_t backplaneIpmiFruInv::buildBoardInfoArea(
+ io_data.push_back(0);
+ //Set Vendor Name - ascii formatted data
+- //@fixme RTC Story 118373
+- l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, CVPD::OPFR, CVPD::VN, true);
++ l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, PVPD::OPFR, PVPD::VN, true);
+ if (l_errl) { break; }
+ //Set Product Name - ascii formatted data
+- //@fixme RTC Story 118373
+- l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, CVPD::OPFR, CVPD::DR, true);
++ l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, PVPD::OPFR, PVPD::DR, true);
+ if (l_errl) { break; }
+ //Set Product Serial number - ascii formatted data
+- //@fixme RTC Story 118373
+- l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, CVPD::OPFR, CVPD::VS, true);
++ //TODO RTC:117702 use attribute when 122890 is available
++ l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, PVPD::OPFR, PVPD::VS, true);
+ if (l_errl) { break; }
+ //Set Product Part number - ascii formatted data
+- //@fixme RTC Story 118373
+- l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, CVPD::OPFR, CVPD::VP, true);
+- if (l_errl) { break; }
++ //TODO RTC:117702 use attribute when 122890 is available
++ l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, PVPD::OPFR, PVPD::VP, true);
+ //Push Fru File ID Byte - NULL
+- bool l_setCustomData = false;
+- // Check if we should add ECID
+- for (TARGETING::TargetHandleList::const_iterator extraTargets_it =
+- iv_extraTargets.begin();
+- extraTargets_it != iv_extraTargets.end();
+- ++extraTargets_it
+- )
++ //Only set the ECID Data during an update scenario
++ if (iv_isUpdate == true)
+ {
+- TARGETING::TargetHandle_t l_extraTarget = *extraTargets_it;
+- //Only set the ECID Data during an update scenario
+- if (iv_isUpdate == true &&
+- (l_extraTarget->getAttr<TARGETING::ATTR_TYPE>() ==
+- {
+- TARGETING::ATTR_ECID_type ecidInfo;
+- bool getEcid =
+- l_extraTarget->tryGetAttr<TARGETING::ATTR_ECID>(ecidInfo);
+- if (getEcid)
+- {
+- l_setCustomData = true;
+- addEcidData(l_extraTarget, ecidInfo, io_data);
+- }
+- }
++ customEcidData (iv_extraTargets, io_data);
+ }
+- //If no Custom data was sent, an Empty Byte is needed
+- if (!l_setCustomData)
+- {
+- }
+ //Indicate End of Custom Fields
+ io_data.push_back(IPMIFRUINV::END_OF_CUSTOM_FIELDS);
+- //Complete record data formatting
+- postFormatProcessing(io_data);
+ } while (0);
++ //Complete record data formatting
++ postFormatProcessing(io_data);
+ if (l_errl)
+ {
+ TRACFCOMP(g_trac_ipmi,"backplaneIpmiFruInv::buildBoardInfoArea - "
+@@ -860,74 +800,17 @@ errlHndl_t backplaneIpmiFruInv::addVpdData(std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data,
+ uint8_t i_keyword,
+ bool i_ascii,
+ bool i_typeLengthByte)
+ {
+- size_t l_vpdSize = 0;
+ errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL;
+- do {
+- //First get size of data with NULL parameter
+- l_errl = deviceRead(iv_target,
+- NULL,
+- l_vpdSize,
+- //@fixme RTC Story 118373
+- DEVICE_CVPD_ADDRESS(i_record, i_keyword));
+- if (l_errl)
+- {
+- TRACFCOMP(g_trac_ipmi,"backplaneIpmiFruInv::addVpdData - Error "
+- "while reading CVPD keyword size");
+- break;
+- }
+- //Assert if vpd field is too large to fit in IPMI fru inventory format
+- if (l_vpdSize > 0)
+- {
+- uint8_t l_offset = 0;
+- //Add on the typelength byte if requested
+- if (i_typeLengthByte)
+- {
+- //Determine how big data is and expand it to handle the soon to
+- //be read VPD data
+- l_offset = io_data.size();
+- io_data.resize(l_offset + 1 + l_vpdSize);
+- //Add on the data to the type/length byte indicating it is ascii
+- // otherwise leave it as binary
+- if (i_ascii)
+- {
+- = l_vpdSize
+- }
+- else
+- {
+- = l_vpdSize;
+- }
+- l_offset += 1;
+- }
+- else
+- {
+- //Determine how big data is and expand it to handle the soon to
+- //be read VPD data
+- l_offset = io_data.size();
+- io_data.resize(l_offset + l_vpdSize);
+- }
+- //Read the VPD data directly into fru inventory data buffer
+- l_errl = deviceRead(iv_target,&io_data[l_offset],l_vpdSize,
+- DEVICE_CVPD_ADDRESS(i_record, i_keyword));
+- }
+- else
+- {
+- TRACFCOMP(g_trac_ipmi,"backplaneIpmiFruInv::addVpdData - "
+- " No size returned for CVPD keyword");
+- }
+- } while(0);
+- if (l_errl)
+- {
+- TRACFCOMP(g_trac_ipmi, "backplaneIpmiFruInv::addVpdData - Error "
+- "acquiring data from Vpd.");
+- }
++ l_errl = addCommonVpdData(iv_target,
++ io_data,
++ DeviceFW::PVPD,
++ i_record,
++ i_keyword,
++ i_ascii,
++ i_typeLengthByte);
+ return l_errl;
+ }
+@@ -1106,11 +989,11 @@ errlHndl_t systemFwIpmiFruInv::buildProductInfoArea(std::vector<uint8_t>
+ io_data.push_back(IPMIFRUINV::END_OF_CUSTOM_FIELDS);
+- //Finalize section formatting
+- postFormatProcessing(io_data);
+ } while(0);
++ //Finalize section formatting
++ postFormatProcessing(io_data);
+ return l_errl;
+ }
+@@ -1121,7 +1004,155 @@ errlHndl_t systemFwIpmiFruInv::buildMultiRecordInfoArea(std::vector<uint8_t>
+ return IpmiFruInv::buildEmptyArea(io_data);
+ }
++membufIpmiFruInv::membufIpmiFruInv( TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_target,
++ TARGETING::TargetHandleList i_extraTargets,
++ bool i_isUpdate)
++ :IpmiFruInv(i_target),
++ iv_isUpdate(i_isUpdate),
++ iv_extraTargets(i_extraTargets)
++errlHndl_t membufIpmiFruInv::buildInternalUseArea(
++ std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data)
++ //This section not needed for the mem buf type
++ return IpmiFruInv::buildEmptyArea(io_data);
++errlHndl_t membufIpmiFruInv::buildChassisInfoArea(
++ std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data)
++ //This section not needed for the mem buf type
++ return IpmiFruInv::buildEmptyArea(io_data);
++errlHndl_t membufIpmiFruInv::buildBoardInfoArea(
++ std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data)
++ errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL;
++ do {
++ //Set formatting data that goes at the beginning of the record
++ preFormatProcessing(io_data, true);
++ //Set MFG Date/Time - Blank
++ io_data.push_back(0);
++ io_data.push_back(0);
++ io_data.push_back(0);
++ //Set Vendor Name - ascii formatted data
++ l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, CVPD::OPFR, CVPD::VN, true);
++ if (l_errl) { break; }
++ //Set Product Name - ascii formatted data
++ l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, CVPD::OPFR, CVPD::DR, true);
++ if (l_errl) { break; }
++ //Set Product Serial number - ascii formatted data
++ //TODO RTC:117702 use attribute when 122890 is available
++ l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, CVPD::OPFR, CVPD::VS, true);
++ if (l_errl) { break; }
++ //Set Product Part number - ascii formatted data
++ //TODO RTC:117702 use attribute when 122890 is available
++ l_errl = addVpdData(io_data, CVPD::OPFR, CVPD::VP, true);
++ if (l_errl) { break; }
++ //Push Fru File ID Byte - NULL
++ //Only set the ECID Data during an update scenario
++ if (iv_isUpdate == true)
++ {
++ customEcidData (iv_extraTargets, io_data);
++ }
++ //Indicate End of Custom Fields
++ io_data.push_back(IPMIFRUINV::END_OF_CUSTOM_FIELDS);
++ } while (0);
++ //Complete record data formatting
++ postFormatProcessing(io_data);
++ if (l_errl)
++ {
++ TRACFCOMP(g_trac_ipmi,"membufIpmiFruInv::buildBoardInfoArea - "
++ "Errors collecting board info data");
++ }
++ return l_errl;
++errlHndl_t membufIpmiFruInv::buildProductInfoArea(
++ std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data)
++ //This section not needed for the mem buf type
++ return IpmiFruInv::buildEmptyArea(io_data);
++errlHndl_t membufIpmiFruInv::buildMultiRecordInfoArea(
++ std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data)
++ //This section not needed for the mem buf type
++ return IpmiFruInv::buildEmptyArea(io_data);
++errlHndl_t membufIpmiFruInv::addVpdData(std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data,
++ uint8_t i_record,
++ uint8_t i_keyword,
++ bool i_ascii,
++ bool i_typeLengthByte)
++ errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL;
++ l_errl = addCommonVpdData(iv_target,
++ io_data,
++ DeviceFW::CVPD,
++ i_record,
++ i_keyword,
++ i_ascii,
++ i_typeLengthByte);
++ return l_errl;
++void IpmiFruInv::customEcidData(TARGETING::TargetHandleList i_extraTargets,
++ std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data)
++ bool l_setCustomData = false;
++ // Check if we should add ECID
++ for (TARGETING::TargetHandleList::const_iterator extraTargets_it =
++ i_extraTargets.begin();
++ extraTargets_it != i_extraTargets.end();
++ ++extraTargets_it
++ )
++ {
++ TARGETING::TargetHandle_t l_extraTarget = *extraTargets_it;
++ //Only set the ECID Data during an update scenario
++ if ( l_extraTarget->getAttr<TARGETING::ATTR_TYPE>() ==
++ {
++ TARGETING::ATTR_ECID_type ecidInfo;
++ bool getEcid =
++ l_extraTarget->tryGetAttr<TARGETING::ATTR_ECID>(ecidInfo);
++ if (getEcid)
++ {
++ l_setCustomData = true;
++ addEcidData(l_extraTarget, ecidInfo, io_data);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ //If no Custom data was sent, an Empty Byte is needed
++ if (!l_setCustomData)
++ {
++ }
+ void IpmiFruInv::addEcidData(const TARGETING::TargetHandle_t& i_target,
+ const TARGETING::ATTR_ECID_type& i_ecidInfo,
+@@ -1149,6 +1180,94 @@ void IpmiFruInv::addEcidData(const TARGETING::TargetHandle_t& i_target,
+ return;
+ }
++errlHndl_t IpmiFruInv::addCommonVpdData(
++ const TARGETING::TargetHandle_t& i_target,
++ std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data,
++ DeviceFW::AccessType i_accessType,
++ uint8_t i_record,
++ uint8_t i_keyword,
++ bool i_ascii,
++ bool i_typeLengthByte)
++ size_t l_vpdSize = 0;
++ errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL;
++ do {
++ // First get size with NULL call:
++ // Bypass DEVICE_?VPD_ADDRESS inorder to maximize common code
++ l_errl = deviceRead(i_target,
++ NULL,
++ l_vpdSize,
++ i_accessType,
++ i_record,
++ i_keyword,
++ if (l_errl)
++ {
++ TRACFCOMP(g_trac_ipmi,"addCommonVpdData - Error "
++ "while reading keyword size");
++ break;
++ }
++ //Assert if vpd field is too large to fit in IPMI fru inventory format
++ if (l_vpdSize > 0)
++ {
++ uint8_t l_offset = 0;
++ //Add on the typelength byte if requested
++ if (i_typeLengthByte)
++ {
++ //Determine how big data is and expand it to handle the soon to
++ //be read VPD data
++ l_offset = io_data.size();
++ io_data.resize(l_offset + 1 + l_vpdSize);
++ //Add on the data to the type/length byte indicating it is ascii
++ // otherwise leave it as binary
++ if (i_ascii)
++ {
++ = l_vpdSize
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ = l_vpdSize;
++ }
++ l_offset += 1;
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ //Determine how big data is and expand it to handle the soon to
++ //be read VPD data
++ l_offset = io_data.size();
++ io_data.resize(l_offset + l_vpdSize);
++ }
++ //Read the VPD data directly into fru inventory data buffer
++ l_errl = deviceRead(i_target,
++ &io_data[l_offset],
++ l_vpdSize,
++ i_accessType,
++ i_record,
++ i_keyword,
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ TRACFCOMP(g_trac_ipmi,"addCommonVpdData - "
++ " No size returned for keyword");
++ }
++ } while(0);
++ if (l_errl)
++ {
++ TRACFCOMP(g_trac_ipmi, "addCommonVpdData - Error "
++ "acquiring data from Vpd.");
++ }
++ return l_errl;
+ void IPMIFRUINV::clearData(uint8_t i_fruId)
+ {
+ uint8_t l_clearData[] =
+@@ -1292,10 +1411,12 @@ void IPMIFRUINV::gatherClearData(const TARGETING::Target* i_pSys,
+ std::map<uint8_t,bool>& io_frusToClear)
+ {
+ TARGETING::PredicatePostfixExpr checkAllExpr;
+- checkAllExpr.push(&predChip).push(&predDimm).Or();
++ checkAllExpr.push(&predChip).push(&predNode).Or().push(&predDimm).Or();
+ TARGETING::TargetHandleList l_allPossibleFrus;
+ TARGETING::targetService().getAssociated( l_allPossibleFrus, i_pSys,
+ TARGETING::TargetService::CHILD, TARGETING::TargetService::ALL,
+@@ -1336,14 +1457,19 @@ void IPMIFRUINV::gatherSetData(const TARGETING::Target* i_pSys,
+ // may be needed
+ l_present.present(true);
++ checkExpr.push(&predChip);
++ checkExpr.push(&predNode).Or();
+ //When updating data on a later pass ignore dimms
+ if (i_updateData)
+ {
+- checkExpr.push(&predChip).push(&l_present).And();
++ checkExpr.push(&l_present).And();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+- checkExpr.push(&predChip).push(&predDimm).Or().push(&l_present).And();
++ checkExpr.push(&predDimm).Or().push(&l_present).And();
+ }
+ TARGETING::TargetHandleList pCheckPres;
+@@ -1374,6 +1500,10 @@ void IPMIFRUINV::gatherSetData(const TARGETING::Target* i_pSys,
+ }
+ //Sort the vector by FRU_ID for later use.
++ //When the planar eeprom is shared for planar and memory buffer vpd, the
++ //node and membuffs will have the same FRU ID. For this case, sort the Node
++ //to be ahead of the mem buffs. The mem buffs will be extra targets for
++ //their ECIDs.
+ std::sort(io_potentialFrus.begin(),
+ io_potentialFrus.end(),
+ comparePairs);
+diff --git a/src/usr/ipmi/ipmifruinvprvt.H b/src/usr/ipmi/ipmifruinvprvt.H
+index 468a47f..57d6e13 100644
+--- a/src/usr/ipmi/ipmifruinvprvt.H
++++ b/src/usr/ipmi/ipmifruinvprvt.H
+@@ -186,6 +186,32 @@ class IpmiFruInv
+ const TARGETING::ATTR_ECID_type& i_ecidInfo,
+ std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data);
++ /**
++ * @brief Adds Ecid attribute data from extra targets as custom data
++ * @param[in] TargetHandleList, Handle to list of extra
++ * targets associated with this FRU Record
++ * @param[in/out] data, The container to put ECID attribute data in
++ */
++ void customEcidData(TARGETING::TargetHandleList i_extraTargets,
++ std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data);
++ /**
++ * @brief Retrieve vpd record keyword and add to IPMI Fru Inventory record
++ * @param[in/out] data, The container with record data
++ * @param[in] access, Indicates vpd module to access (MVPD,PVPD,CPVD)
++ * @param[in] record, Indicates major offset in the VPD to get more data
++ * @param[in] keyword, Indicates minor offset in the VPD to get more data
++ * @param[in] ascii, Indicates if VPD field is in ascii format or not
++ */
++ errlHndl_t addCommonVpdData(
++ const TARGETING::TargetHandle_t& i_target,
++ std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data,
++ DeviceFW::AccessType i_accessType,
++ uint8_t i_record,
++ uint8_t i_keyword,
++ bool i_ascii,
++ bool i_typeLengthByte);
+ private:
+ /**
+@@ -376,11 +402,13 @@ class procIpmiFruInv : public IpmiFruInv
+ * @param[in] record, Indicates major offset in the VPD to get more data
+ * @param[in] keyword, Indicates minor offset in the VPD to get more data
+ * @param[in] ascii, Indicates if VPD field is in ascii format or not
++ * @param[in] typeLengthBtye, Indicates whether type length to be added.
+ */
+ errlHndl_t addVpdData(std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data,
+ uint8_t i_record,
+ uint8_t i_keyword,
+- bool i_ascii=false);
++ bool i_ascii=false,
++ bool i_typeLengthByte=true);
+ };
+@@ -453,13 +481,13 @@ class backplaneIpmiFruInv : public IpmiFruInv
+ * @param[in] record, Indicates major offset in the VPD to get more data
+ * @param[in] keyword, Indicates minor offset in the VPD to get more data
+ * @param[in] ascii, Indicates if VPD field is in ascii format or not
++ * @param[in] typeLengthBtye, Indicates whether type length to be added.
+ */
+ errlHndl_t addVpdData(std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data,
+ uint8_t i_record,
+ uint8_t i_keyword,
+ bool i_ascii=false,
+ bool i_typeLengthByte=true);
+ };
+ //Child class for building up System Firwmare Fru Inventory Record Data
+@@ -507,4 +535,84 @@ class systemFwIpmiFruInv : public IpmiFruInv
+ };
++//Child class for building up membuf Fru Inventory Record Data. For example,
++//for a memory riser card Fru.
++class membufIpmiFruInv : public IpmiFruInv
++ public:
++ /**
++ * @brief Constructor
++ *
++ * @param[in] TargetHandle_t, Handle to target for which
++ * to get relevant IPMI FRU Data from
++ * @param[in] TargetHandleList, Handle to list of extra
++ * targets associated with this FRU Record
++ * @param[in] isUpdate, Indicator if the code is updating
++ * existing data, or setting base data.
++ */
++ membufIpmiFruInv( TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_target,
++ TARGETING::TargetHandleList i_extraTargets,
++ bool i_isUpdate );
++ /**
++ * @brief Builds the Internal Use Area Data Section
++ * @param[in/out] data, The container to put internal use area data in
++ */
++ errlHndl_t buildInternalUseArea(std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data);
++ /**
++ * @brief Builds the Chassis Info Area Data Section
++ * @param[in/out] data, The container to put chassis info area data in
++ */
++ errlHndl_t buildChassisInfoArea(std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data);
++ /**
++ * @brief Builds the Board Info Area Data Section
++ * @param[in/out] data, The container to put board info area data in
++ */
++ errlHndl_t buildBoardInfoArea(std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data);
++ /**
++ * @brief Builds the Product Info Area Data Section
++ * @param[in/out] data, The container to put product info area data in
++ */
++ errlHndl_t buildProductInfoArea(std::vector<uint8_t>& io_data);
++ /**
++ * @brief Builds the MultiRecord Info Area Data Section
++ * @param[in/out] data, The container to put multirecord info area data in
++ */
++ errlHndl_t buildMultiRecordInfoArea(std::vector<uint8_t>& io_data);
++ protected:
++ //Indicator if a data update is happening.
++ //True - means we are solely updating certain data
++ //False - means we are doing the initial 'base' data set
++ bool iv_isUpdate;
++ //The list of Extra Targets if multiple targets are
++ //associated with one FRU_ID
++ TARGETING::TargetHandleList iv_extraTargets;
++ private:
++ /**
++ * @brief Adds the specified VPD data to the data to build up a given
++ * IPMI Fru Inventory record
++ * @param[in/out] data, The container with record data
++ * @param[in] record, Indicates major offset in the VPD to get more data
++ * @param[in] keyword, Indicates minor offset in the VPD to get more data
++ * @param[in] ascii, Indicates if VPD field is in ascii format or not
++ * @param[in] typeLengthBtye, Indicates whether type length to be added.
++ */
++ errlHndl_t addVpdData(std::vector<uint8_t> &io_data,
++ uint8_t i_record,
++ uint8_t i_keyword,
++ bool i_ascii=false,
++ bool i_typeLengthByte=true);
+ #endif
+diff --git a/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types.xml b/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types.xml
+index 82ec014..759b73e 100644
+--- a/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types.xml
++++ b/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types.xml
+@@ -913,6 +913,8 @@
+ <attribute><id>FRU_ID</id></attribute>
+ <attribute><id>TPM_PRIMARY_INFO</id></attribute>
+ <attribute><id>TPM_BACKUP_INFO</id></attribute>
++ <attribute><id>EEPROM_VPD_PRIMARY_INFO</id></attribute>
++ <attribute><id>VPD_REC_NUM</id></attribute>
+ </targetType>
+ <targetType>
+diff --git a/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types_hb.xml b/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types_hb.xml
+index b0429da..d023f50 100644
+--- a/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types_hb.xml
++++ b/src/usr/targeting/common/xmltohb/target_types_hb.xml
+@@ -180,6 +180,11 @@
+ </targetTypeExtension>
+ <targetTypeExtension>
++ <id>enc-node-power8</id>
++ <attribute><id>VPD_SWITCHES</id></attribute>
+ <id>lcard-dimm</id>
+ <attribute><id>VPD_SWITCHES</id></attribute>
+ <attribute><id>IPMI_SENSORS</id></attribute>
+diff --git a/src/usr/vpd/HBconfig b/src/usr/vpd/HBconfig
+index 1361834..1d6e6f1 100644
+--- a/src/usr/vpd/HBconfig
++++ b/src/usr/vpd/HBconfig
+@@ -33,6 +33,28 @@ config CVPD_WRITE
+ help
+ Ensure at least one of the CVPD WRITEs are enabled
++ default n
++ help
++ Read Planar VPD data from PNOR cache
++ default n
++ help
++ Read Planar VPD data from HW resources
++ default y if PVPD_READ_FROM_PNOR
++ depends on PVPD_READ_FROM_PNOR
++ help
++ Write Planar VPD data to PNOR cache
++ default y if PVPD_READ_FROM_HW
++ depends on PVPD_READ_FROM_HW
++ help
++ Write Planar VPD data to HW resources
+ default y
+ help
+@@ -105,6 +127,11 @@ config HAVE_MBVPD
+ help
+ Have MemBuff/Centaur VPD, PNOR or HW
++config HAVE_PVPD
++ help
++ Have Planar VPD, PNOR or HW
+ default n
+ help
+diff --git a/src/usr/vpd/cvpd.C b/src/usr/vpd/cvpd.C
+index 50815f1..fa37dc9 100644
+--- a/src/usr/vpd/cvpd.C
++++ b/src/usr/vpd/cvpd.C
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
+ /* */
+ /* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
+ /* */
+-/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2013,2014 */
++/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2013,2015 */
+ /* [+] Google Inc. */
+ /* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
+ /* */
+@@ -31,7 +31,10 @@
+ #include <trace/interface.H>
+ #include <errl/errlentry.H>
+ #include <errl/errlmanager.H>
++#include <targeting/common/commontargeting.H>
+ #include <targeting/common/targetservice.H>
++#include <targeting/common/util.H>
++#include <targeting/common/utilFilter.H>
+ #include <devicefw/driverif.H>
+ #include <vfs/vfs.H>
+ #include <vpd/vpdreasoncodes.H>
+@@ -40,6 +43,7 @@
+ #include <i2c/eepromif.H>
+ #include <config.h>
+ #include "cvpd.H"
++#include "pvpd.H"
+ #include "vpd.H"
+ // ----------------------------------------------
+@@ -233,15 +237,41 @@ IpVpdFacade(CVPD::SECTION_SIZE,
+ iv_configInfo.vpdReadHW = true;
+ #else
+ iv_configInfo.vpdReadHW = false;
+ iv_configInfo.vpdWritePNOR = true;
+ #else
+ iv_configInfo.vpdWritePNOR = false;
+ iv_configInfo.vpdWriteHW = true;
+ #else
+ iv_configInfo.vpdWriteHW = false;
+ #endif
+ }
++// Retrun lists of records that should be copied to pnor.
++void CvpdFacade::getRecordLists(
++ const recordInfo* & o_primaryVpdRecords,
++ uint64_t & o_primaryRecSize,
++ const recordInfo* & o_altVpdRecords,
++ uint64_t & o_altRecSize)
++ // Always return this object's list
++ o_primaryVpdRecords = iv_vpdRecords;
++ o_primaryRecSize = iv_recSize;
++ // If the planar errprom being shared with a mem buf,
++ // then return the pvpd list as the alternative record list.
++ // At thip point, if the membufs are be processed, then the node
++ // might not have been discovered yet. If pvpd is being cached, then
++ // include the pvpd list as the altnative.
++ o_altVpdRecords = Singleton<PvpdFacade>::instance().iv_vpdRecords;
++ o_altRecSize = Singleton<PvpdFacade>::instance().iv_recSize;
++ o_altVpdRecords = NULL;
++ o_altRecSize = 0;
+diff --git a/src/usr/vpd/cvpd.H b/src/usr/vpd/cvpd.H
+index e7a2d9f..9c729c3 100644
+--- a/src/usr/vpd/cvpd.H
++++ b/src/usr/vpd/cvpd.H
+@@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ namespace CVPD
+ { OPFR, "OPFR" },
+ { VNDR, "VNDR" },
+ { SPDX, "SPDX" },
+- { OSYS, "OSYS" },
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // DO NOT USE!! This is for test purposes ONLY!
+@@ -182,5 +181,26 @@ class CvpdFacade: public IpVpdFacade
+ */
+ CvpdFacade( );
++ private:
++ /**
++ * @brief This function returns a primary and an alternate list of records
++ * that should be copied to pnor. The Alternate list is optional.
++ *
++ * @param[out] o_primaryVpdRecords - Pointer to array of VPD Records to use
++ *
++ * @param[out] o_primaryRecSize - Size of o_primaryVpdRecords array
++ *
++ * @param[out] o_altVpdRecords - Pointer to array of VPD Records to use
++ *
++ * @param[out] o_altRecSize - Size of o_altVpdRecords array
++ *
++ */
++ void getRecordLists(
++ const recordInfo* & o_primaryVpdRecords,
++ uint64_t & o_primaryRecSize,
++ const recordInfo* & o_altVpdRecords,
++ uint64_t & o_altRecSize);
+ };
+ #endif // __CVPD_H
+diff --git a/src/usr/vpd/ipvpd.C b/src/usr/vpd/ipvpd.C
+index 3da20b2..e148bc9 100644
+--- a/src/usr/vpd/ipvpd.C
++++ b/src/usr/vpd/ipvpd.C
+@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
+ #include <vpd/ipvpdenums.H>
+ #include "vpd.H"
++#include "cvpd.H"
+ #include "ipvpd.H"
+ #include "errlud_vpd.H"
+@@ -1336,6 +1337,19 @@ IpVpdFacade::getRecordListSeeprom ( std::list<TocPtRecord> & o_recList,
+ return err;
+ }
++ // Get the list of records that should be copied to pnor.
++ // The list of records for this vpd sub class will be the primary list.
++ // If the eeprom is being shared, then their might be an alternate list
++ // to also include.
++ const recordInfo* l_primaryVpdRecords = NULL;
++ uint64_t l_primaryRecSize = 0;
++ const recordInfo* l_altVpdRecords = NULL;
++ uint64_t l_altRecSize = 0;
++ getRecordLists(l_primaryVpdRecords,
++ l_primaryRecSize,
++ l_altVpdRecords,
++ l_altRecSize);
+ offset = le16toh( toc_rec->record_offset ) + 1; // skip 'large resource'
+ // Read the PT keyword(s) from the VTOC
+@@ -1367,20 +1381,36 @@ IpVpdFacade::getRecordListSeeprom ( std::list<TocPtRecord> & o_recList,
+ vtoc_pt_offset < pt_len;
+ vtoc_pt_offset += sizeof(TocPtRecord) )
+ {
++ bool l_found = false;
+ toc_rec =
+ reinterpret_cast<TocPtRecord*>(l_buffer + vtoc_pt_offset);
+ // Save record if on the list for this target
+- for ( uint32_t rec = 0; rec < iv_recSize; rec++ )
++ for ( uint32_t rec = 0; rec < l_primaryRecSize; rec++ )
+ {
+ if ( memcmp( toc_rec->record_name,
+- iv_vpdRecords[rec].recordName,
++ l_primaryVpdRecords[rec].recordName,
+ {
+ o_recList.push_back(*toc_rec);
++ l_found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
++ // if not found, check the alternate list
++ if (!l_found)
++ {
++ for ( uint32_t rec = 0; rec < l_altRecSize; rec++ )
++ {
++ if ( memcmp( toc_rec->record_name,
++ l_altVpdRecords[rec].recordName,
++ RECORD_BYTE_SIZE ) == 0 )
++ {
++ o_recList.push_back(*toc_rec);
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -2182,3 +2212,19 @@ void IpVpdFacade::setConfigFlagsHW ( )
+ iv_configInfo.vpdWriteHW = true;
+ }
+ }
++// Return the lists of records that should be copied to pnor.
++// The default lists to use are this object's record list and size.
++// No Alternate.
++void IpVpdFacade::getRecordLists(
++ const recordInfo* & o_primaryVpdRecords,
++ uint64_t & o_primaryRecSize,
++ const recordInfo* & o_altVpdRecords,
++ uint64_t & o_altRecSize)
++ o_primaryVpdRecords = iv_vpdRecords;
++ o_primaryRecSize = iv_recSize;
++ o_altVpdRecords = NULL;
++ o_altRecSize = 0;
+diff --git a/src/usr/vpd/ipvpd.H b/src/usr/vpd/ipvpd.H
+index 5cc7bec..e4c4162 100644
+--- a/src/usr/vpd/ipvpd.H
++++ b/src/usr/vpd/ipvpd.H
+@@ -677,7 +677,24 @@ class IpVpdFacade
+ errlHndl_t checkBufferSize( size_t i_bufferSize,
+ size_t i_expectedSize,
+ TARGETING::Target * i_target );
++ /**
++ * @brief This function returns a primary and an alternate list of records
++ * that should be copied to pnor. The Alternate list is optional.
++ *
++ * @param[out] o_primaryVpdRecords - Pointer to array of VPD Records to use
++ *
++ * @param[out] o_primaryRecSize - Size of o_primaryVpdRecords array
++ *
++ * @param[out] o_altVpdRecords - Pointer to array of VPD Records to use
++ *
++ * @param[out] o_altRecSize - Size of o_altVpdRecords array
++ *
++ */
++ virtual void getRecordLists(
++ const recordInfo* & o_primaryVpdRecords,
++ uint64_t & o_primaryRecSize,
++ const recordInfo* & o_altVpdRecords,
++ uint64_t & o_altRecSize);
+ protected: // Variables
+@@ -693,6 +710,8 @@ class IpVpdFacade
+ */
+ uint64_t iv_vpdMaxSections;
++ public: // Variables
+ /**
+ * @brief Pointer to array of VPD Record information
+ *
+@@ -705,6 +724,7 @@ class IpVpdFacade
+ */
+ uint64_t iv_recSize;
++ protected: // Variables
+ /**
+ * @brief Pointer to array of VPD Keyword information
+ *
+diff --git a/src/usr/vpd/pvpd.C b/src/usr/vpd/pvpd.C
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ec62237
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/usr/vpd/pvpd.C
+@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
++/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
++/* */
++/* $Source: src/usr/vpd/pvpd.C $ */
++/* */
++/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
++/* */
++/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2013,2015 */
++/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
++/* */
++/* */
++/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
++/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
++/* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
++/* */
++/* */
++/* */
++/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
++/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
++/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */
++/* permissions and limitations under the License. */
++/* */
++// ----------------------------------------------
++// Includes
++// ----------------------------------------------
++#include <string.h>
++#include <endian.h>
++#include <trace/interface.H>
++#include <errl/errlentry.H>
++#include <errl/errlmanager.H>
++#include <targeting/common/targetservice.H>
++#include <targeting/common/util.H>
++#include <targeting/common/utilFilter.H>
++#include <devicefw/driverif.H>
++#include <vfs/vfs.H>
++#include <vpd/vpdreasoncodes.H>
++#include <vpd/pvpdenums.H>
++#include <vpd/vpd_if.H>
++#include <i2c/eepromif.H>
++#include <config.h>
++#include "pvpd.H"
++#include "cvpd.H"
++#include "vpd.H"
++// ----------------------------------------------
++// Trace definitions
++// ----------------------------------------------
++extern trace_desc_t* g_trac_vpd;
++// ------------------------
++// Macros for unit testing
++//#define TRACUCOMP(args...) TRACFCOMP(args)
++#define TRACUCOMP(args...)
++//#define TRACSSCOMP(args...) TRACFCOMP(args)
++#define TRACSSCOMP(args...)
++namespace PVPD
++ // ----------------------------------------------
++ // Globals
++ // ----------------------------------------------
++ mutex_t g_mutex = MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
++ /**
++ * @brief This function will perform the steps required to do a read from
++ * the Hostboot PVPD data.
++ *
++ * @param[in] i_opType - Operation Type - See DeviceFW::OperationType in
++ * driververif.H
++ *
++ * @param[in] i_target - Processor Target device
++ *
++ * @param [in/out] io_buffer - Pointer to the data that was read from
++ * the target device. This parameter, when set to NULL, will return
++ * the keyword size value in io_buflen.
++ *
++ * @param [in/out] io_buflen - Length of the buffer to be read or written
++ * to/from the target. This value should indicate the size of the
++ * io_buffer parameter that has been allocated. Being returned it
++ * will indicate the number of valid bytes in the buffer being
++ * returned. This parameter will contain the size of a keyword when
++ * the io_buffer parameter is passed in NULL.
++ *
++ * @param [in] i_accessType - Access Type - See DeviceFW::AccessType in
++ * usrif.H
++ *
++ * @param [in] i_args - This is an argument list for the device driver
++ * framework.
++ *
++ * @return errlHndl_t - NULL if successful, otherwise a pointer to the
++ * error log.
++ */
++ errlHndl_t pvpdRead ( DeviceFW::OperationType i_opType,
++ TARGETING::Target * i_target,
++ void * io_buffer,
++ size_t & io_buflen,
++ int64_t i_accessType,
++ va_list i_args )
++ {
++ errlHndl_t err = NULL;
++ IpVpdFacade::input_args_t args;
++ args.record = ((pvpdRecord)va_arg( i_args, uint64_t ));
++ args.keyword = ((pvpdKeyword)va_arg( i_args, uint64_t ));
++ args.location = ((VPD::vpdCmdTarget)va_arg( i_args, uint64_t ));
++ TRACSSCOMP( g_trac_vpd,
++ ENTER_MRK"pvpdRead()" );
++ err = Singleton<PvpdFacade>::instance().read(i_target,
++ io_buffer,
++ io_buflen,
++ args);
++ return err;
++ }
++ /**
++ * @brief This function will perform the steps required to do a write to
++ * the Hostboot PVPD data.
++ *
++ * @param[in] i_opType - Operation Type - See DeviceFW::OperationType in
++ * driververif.H
++ *
++ * @param[in] i_target - Processor Target device
++ *
++ * @param [in/out] io_buffer - Pointer to the data that was read from
++ * the target device. It will also be used to contain data to
++ * be written to the device.
++ *
++ * @param [in/out] io_buflen - Length of the buffer to be read or written
++ * to/from the target. This value should indicate the size of the
++ * io_buffer parameter that has been allocated. Being returned it
++ * will indicate the number of valid bytes in the buffer being
++ * returned.
++ *
++ * @param [in] i_accessType - Access Type - See DeviceFW::AccessType in
++ * usrif.H
++ *
++ * @param [in] i_args - This is an argument list for the device driver
++ * framework.
++ *
++ * @return errlHndl_t - NULL if successful, otherwise a pointer to the
++ * error log.
++ */
++ errlHndl_t pvpdWrite ( DeviceFW::OperationType i_opType,
++ TARGETING::Target * i_target,
++ void * io_buffer,
++ size_t & io_buflen,
++ int64_t i_accessType,
++ va_list i_args )
++ {
++ errlHndl_t err = NULL;
++ IpVpdFacade::input_args_t args;
++ args.record = ((pvpdRecord)va_arg( i_args, uint64_t ));
++ args.keyword = ((pvpdKeyword)va_arg( i_args, uint64_t ));
++ args.location = ((VPD::vpdCmdTarget)va_arg( i_args, uint64_t ));
++ TRACSSCOMP( g_trac_vpd,
++ ENTER_MRK"pvpdWrite()" );
++ err = Singleton<PvpdFacade>::instance().write(i_target,
++ io_buffer,
++ io_buflen,
++ args);
++ return err;
++ }
++ // Register with the routing code
++ DeviceFW::PVPD,
++ pvpdRead );
++ DeviceFW::PVPD,
++ pvpdWrite );
++}; // end namespace PVPD
++#if !defined(__HOSTBOOT_RUNTIME)
++// --------------------------------------------------------
++// Presence Detection
++ * @brief Performs a presence detect operation on a Node card.
++ *
++ * There is no FSI presence detection, just Planar vpd detection.
++ * Presence is always returned as Success (unless the unlikely case of too
++ * small of a buffer passed). A problem with planar EEPROM is logged but
++ * not passed up so that the enclosure and everything inside is not
++ * deconfigured.
++ *
++ * @param[in] i_opType Operation type, see DeviceFW::OperationType
++ * in driverif.H
++ * @param[in] i_target Presence detect target
++ * @param[in/out] io_buffer Read: Pointer to output data storage
++ * Write: Pointer to input data storage
++ * @param[in/out] io_buflen Input: size of io_buffer (in bytes, always 1)
++ * Output: Success = 1, Failure = 0
++ * @param[in] i_accessType DeviceFW::AccessType enum (userif.H)
++ * @param[in] i_args This is an argument list for DD framework.
++ * In this function, there are no arguments.
++ * @return errlHndl_t
++ */
++errlHndl_t nodePresenceDetect(DeviceFW::OperationType i_opType,
++ TARGETING::Target* i_target,
++ void* io_buffer,
++ size_t& io_buflen,
++ int64_t i_accessType,
++ va_list i_args)
++ errlHndl_t l_errl = NULL;
++ bool pvpd_present = true;
++ if (unlikely(io_buflen < sizeof(bool)))
++ {
++ TRACFCOMP(g_trac_vpd,
++ ERR_MRK "nodePresenceDetect> Invalid data length: %d",
++ io_buflen);
++ /*@
++ * @errortype
++ * @reasoncode VPD::VPD_INVALID_LENGTH
++ * @userdata1 Data Length
++ * @devdesc presenceDetect> Invalid data length (!= 1 bytes)
++ */
++ l_errl =
++ TO_UINT64(io_buflen),
++ true /*SW error*/);
++ io_buflen = 0;
++ return l_errl;
++ }
++ pvpd_present = VPD::pvpdPresent( i_target );
++ if( pvpd_present )
++ {
++ // Check if the VPD data in the PNOR matches the SEEPROM
++ l_errl = VPD::ensureCacheIsInSync( i_target );
++ if( l_errl )
++ {
++ TRACFCOMP(g_trac_vpd,ERR_MRK "nodePresenceDetect>"
++ " Error during ensureCacheIsInSync (PVPD)" );
++ errlCommit( l_errl, FSI_COMP_ID );
++ }
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ TRACFCOMP(g_trac_vpd,
++ ERR_MRK "nodePresenceDetect> failed presence detect");
++ // Invalidate PVPD in the PNOR
++ l_errl = VPD::invalidatePnorCache(i_target);
++ if (l_errl)
++ {
++ TRACFCOMP( g_trac_vpd, "Error invalidating PVPD in PNOR" );
++ errlCommit( l_errl, VPD_COMP_ID );
++ }
++ pvpd_present = true;
++ }
++ // Always return presence.
++ // A returned error deconfigures the node and stops the IPL.
++ memcpy(io_buffer, &pvpd_present, sizeof(pvpd_present));
++ io_buflen = sizeof(pvpd_present);
++ return NULL;
++// Register as the presence detect for nodes.
++ DeviceFW::PRESENT,
++ nodePresenceDetect);
++bool VPD::pvpdPresent( TARGETING::Target * i_target )
++ TRACSSCOMP( g_trac_vpd, ENTER_MRK"pvpdPresent()");
++#if(defined( CONFIG_PVPD_READ_FROM_HW ) && !defined( __HOSTBOOT_RUNTIME) )
++ return EEPROM::eepromPresence( i_target );
++ return Singleton<PvpdFacade>::instance().hasVpdPresent( i_target,
++ PVPD::VP );
++//PVPD Class Functions
++ * @brief Constructor
++ * Planar VPD is included in the Centaur PNOR section.
++ * Including with Centaur vpd minimizes the number of PNOR sections.
++ */
++PvpdFacade::PvpdFacade() :
++IpVpdFacade(CVPD::SECTION_SIZE, // note use of CVPD
++ CVPD::MAX_SECTIONS, // note use of CVPD
++ PVPD::pvpdRecords,
++ (sizeof(PVPD::pvpdRecords)/sizeof(PVPD::pvpdRecords[0])),
++ PVPD::pvpdKeywords,
++ (sizeof(PVPD::pvpdKeywords)/sizeof(PVPD::pvpdKeywords[0])),
++ PNOR::CENTAUR_VPD, // note use of CVPD
++ PVPD::g_mutex,
++ TRACUCOMP(g_trac_vpd, "PvpdFacade::PvpdFacade> " );
++ iv_configInfo.vpdReadPNOR = true;
++ iv_configInfo.vpdReadPNOR = false;
++ iv_configInfo.vpdReadHW = true;
++ iv_configInfo.vpdReadHW = false;
++ iv_configInfo.vpdWritePNOR = true;
++ iv_configInfo.vpdWritePNOR = false;
++ iv_configInfo.vpdWriteHW = true;
++ iv_configInfo.vpdWriteHW = false;
++// Retrun lists of records that should be copied to pnor.
++void PvpdFacade::getRecordLists(
++ const recordInfo* & o_primaryVpdRecords,
++ uint64_t & o_primaryRecSize,
++ const recordInfo* & o_altVpdRecords,
++ uint64_t & o_altRecSize)
++ // Always return this object's list
++ o_primaryVpdRecords = iv_vpdRecords;
++ o_primaryRecSize = iv_recSize;
++ // If the planar eeprom is being shared with a mem buf,
++ // then return the cvpd list as the alternative record list.
++ // At thip point, if the node is be processed, then the mem buffs
++ // might have not been discovered yet. If cvpd is being cached, then
++ // include the cvpd list as the altnative.
++ o_altVpdRecords = Singleton<CvpdFacade>::instance().iv_vpdRecords;
++ o_altRecSize = Singleton<CvpdFacade>::instance().iv_recSize;
++ o_altVpdRecords = NULL;
++ o_altRecSize = 0;
+diff --git a/src/usr/vpd/pvpd.H b/src/usr/vpd/pvpd.H
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..092dd45
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/usr/vpd/pvpd.H
+@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
++/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
++/* */
++/* $Source: src/usr/vpd/pvpd.H $ */
++/* */
++/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
++/* */
++/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2013,2015 */
++/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
++/* */
++/* */
++/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
++/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
++/* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
++/* */
++/* */
++/* */
++/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
++/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
++/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */
++/* permissions and limitations under the License. */
++/* */
++#ifndef __PVPD_H
++#define __PVPD_H
++ * @file pvpd.H
++ *
++ * @brief Provides the interfaces for the PVPD device driver
++ *
++ */
++// ----------------------------------------------
++// Includes
++// ----------------------------------------------
++#include <errl/errlentry.H>
++#include <vpd/pvpdenums.H>
++#include "ipvpd.H"
++#include <config.h>
++namespace PVPD
++ /**
++ * @brief Conversion of PVPD Records to corresponding character
++ * representation.
++ */
++ const IpVpdFacade::recordInfo pvpdRecords[] =
++ {
++ // -------------------------------------------------------------------
++ // NOTE: This list must remain an ordered list! There will be a
++ // testcase that checks this. When adding new entries to the
++ // list, be sure that the keyword in each entry (value 0)
++ // are in ascending order.
++ // -------------------------------------------------------------------
++ { VINI, "VINI" },
++ { OSYS, "OSYS" },
++ { OPFR, "OPFR" },
++ { VNDR, "VNDR" },
++ // -------------------------------------------------------------------
++ // DO NOT USE!! This is for test purposes ONLY!
++ // -------------------------------------------------------------------
++ };
++ /**
++ * @brief Conversion of PVPD Keywords to corresponding character
++ * representation.
++ */
++ const IpVpdFacade::keywordInfo pvpdKeywords[] =
++ {
++ // -------------------------------------------------------------------
++ // NOTE: This list must remain an ordered list! There will be a
++ // testcase that checks this. When adding new entries to
++ // the list, be sure that the keyword in each entry (value 0)
++ // are in ascending order.
++ // -------------------------------------------------------------------
++ { pdI, "#I" },
++ { B3, "B3" },
++ { B4, "B4" },
++ { B7, "B7" },
++ { CC, "CC" },
++ { CE, "CE" },
++ { CT, "CT" },
++ { DR, "DR" },
++ { ET, "ET" },
++ { FN, "FN" },
++ { HE, "HE" },
++ { HW, "HW" },
++ { IN, "IN" },
++ { MM, "MM" },
++ { PF, "PF" },
++ { PN, "PN" },
++ { RT, "RT" },
++ { SN, "SN" },
++ { SS, "SS" },
++ { VD, "VD" },
++ { VN, "VN" },
++ { VP, "VP" },
++ { VS, "VS" },
++ { VZ, "VZ" },
++ // -------------------------------------------------------------------
++ // DO NOT USE!! This is for test purposes ONLY!
++ // -------------------------------------------------------------------
++ //Common ipvpd
++ { FULL_RECORD, "FL"},
++ };
++}; // end PVPD namespace
++class PvpdFacade: public IpVpdFacade
++ public:
++ /**
++ * @brief Constructor
++ */
++ PvpdFacade( );
++ private:
++ /**
++ * @brief This function returns a primary and an alternate list of records
++ * that should be copied to pnor. The Alternate list is optional.
++ *
++ * @param[out] o_primaryVpdRecords - Pointer to array of VPD Records to use
++ *
++ * @param[out] o_primaryRecSize - Size of o_primaryVpdRecords array
++ *
++ * @param[out] o_altVpdRecords - Pointer to array of VPD Records to use
++ *
++ * @param[out] o_altRecSize - Size of o_altVpdRecords array
++ *
++ */
++ void getRecordLists(
++ const recordInfo* & o_primaryVpdRecords,
++ uint64_t & o_primaryRecSize,
++ const recordInfo* & o_altVpdRecords,
++ uint64_t & o_altRecSize);
++#endif // __PVPD_H
+diff --git a/src/usr/vpd/vpd.C b/src/usr/vpd/vpd.C
+index 9b4e1f8..3656696 100755
+--- a/src/usr/vpd/vpd.C
++++ b/src/usr/vpd/vpd.C
+@@ -34,10 +34,9 @@
+ #include "vpd.H"
+ #include "mvpd.H"
+ #include "cvpd.H"
++#include "pvpd.H"
+ #include "spd.H"
+ // ----------------------------------------------
+ // Trace definitions
+ // ----------------------------------------------
+@@ -456,6 +455,13 @@ errlHndl_t ensureCacheIsInSync ( TARGETING::Target * i_target )
+ l_keywordPN = CVPD::VP;
+ l_keywordSN = CVPD::VS;
+ }
++ else if( l_type == TARGETING::TYPE_NODE )
++ {
++ l_ipvpd = &(Singleton<PvpdFacade>::instance());
++ l_record = PVPD::OPFR;
++ l_keywordPN = PVPD::VP;
++ l_keywordSN = PVPD::VS;
++ }
+ else if( l_type == TARGETING::TYPE_DIMM )
+ {
+ // SPD does not have a singleton instance
+@@ -487,7 +493,8 @@ errlHndl_t ensureCacheIsInSync ( TARGETING::Target * i_target )
+ do
+ {
+ // Make sure we are comparing the correct pn/sn for CVPD
+- if( l_type == TARGETING::TYPE_MEMBUF )
++ if( ( l_type == TARGETING::TYPE_MEMBUF ) ||
++ ( l_type == TARGETING::TYPE_NODE ) )
+ {
+ bool l_zeroPN;
+ l_err = l_ipvpd->cmpSeepromToZero( i_target,
+@@ -523,6 +530,7 @@ errlHndl_t ensureCacheIsInSync ( TARGETING::Target * i_target )
+ // Compare the Part Numbers in PNOR/SEEPROM
+ bool l_matchPN = false;
+ if( ( l_type == TARGETING::TYPE_PROC ) ||
++ ( l_type == TARGETING::TYPE_NODE ) ||
+ ( l_type == TARGETING::TYPE_MEMBUF ) )
+ {
+ l_err = l_ipvpd->cmpPnorToSeeprom( i_target,
+@@ -577,7 +585,8 @@ errlHndl_t ensureCacheIsInSync ( TARGETING::Target * i_target )
+ HWAS::markTargetChanged(i_target);
+ // Load the PNOR data from the SEEPROM
+- if( ( l_type == TARGETING::TYPE_PROC ) ||
++ if( ( l_type == TARGETING::TYPE_PROC ) ||
++ ( l_type == TARGETING::TYPE_NODE ) ||
+ ( l_type == TARGETING::TYPE_MEMBUF ) )
+ {
+ l_err = l_ipvpd->loadPnor( i_target );
+diff --git a/src/usr/vpd/vpd.H b/src/usr/vpd/vpd.H
+index 9c39a7f..e6cada7 100644
+--- a/src/usr/vpd/vpd.H
++++ b/src/usr/vpd/vpd.H
+@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ enum VPD_MSG_TYPE
+ VPD_WRITE_PROC = 0x00C2, //< Processor MVPD
+ VPD_WRITE_MEMBUF = 0x00C3, //< Centaur FRU VPD
++ VPD_WRITE_PLANAR = 0x00C4, //< Planar VPD
+ };
+ /**
+diff --git a/src/usr/vpd/ b/src/usr/vpd/
+index 9f85755..65d22e3 100644
+--- a/src/usr/vpd/
++++ b/src/usr/vpd/
+@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
+ #
+ # OpenPOWER HostBoot Project
+ #
+-# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2013,2014
++# Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2013,2015
++# [+] International Business Machines Corp.
+ #
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+@@ -24,5 +26,6 @@
+ OBJS += ipvpd.o
+ OBJS += mvpd.o
+ OBJS += cvpd.o
++OBJS += pvpd.o
+ OBJS += spd.o
+ OBJS += errlud_vpd.o