Release Linux 4.10.1-openpower1

This moves all machines to the 4.10 kenrel series.

There are two patch series on top of the stable tree.

The first is the XHCI USB fixes we have carried for sometime.

The second is a 14 patch series that improves the Aspeed VGA driver
including adding support for the ast2500 and configuration of the driver
through the device tree, which is required when the P2A bridge is

Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley <>
diff --git a/openpower/linux/0008-drm-ast-Base-support-for-AST2500.patch b/openpower/linux/0008-drm-ast-Base-support-for-AST2500.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c081740
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openpower/linux/0008-drm-ast-Base-support-for-AST2500.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: "Y.C. Chen" <>
+Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2017 14:36:46 +1100
+Subject: [PATCH 08/15] drm/ast: Base support for AST2500
+Add detection and mode setting updates for AST2500 generation chip,
+code originally from Aspeed and slightly reworked for coding style
+mostly by Ben. This doesn't contain the BMC DRAM POST code which
+is in a separate patch.
+Signed-off-by: Y.C. Chen <>
+Signed-off-by: Benjamin Herrenschmidt <>
+v2. Add 800Mhz default mclk for AST2500
+Signed-off-by: Joel Stanley <>
+ drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_drv.h    |  2 ++
+ drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_main.c   | 32 +++++++++++++++++++---
+ drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_mode.c   | 30 ++++++++++++++++-----
+ drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_tables.h | 58 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
+ 4 files changed, 103 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_drv.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_drv.h
+index 3fd9d6e96bce..d1c1d530abaa 100644
+--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_drv.h
++++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_drv.h
+@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ enum ast_chip {
+ 	AST2150,
+ 	AST2300,
+ 	AST2400,
++	AST2500,
+ 	AST1180,
+ };
+@@ -80,6 +81,7 @@ enum ast_tx_chip {
+ #define AST_DRAM_1Gx32   3
+ #define AST_DRAM_2Gx16   6
+ #define AST_DRAM_4Gx16   7
++#define AST_DRAM_8Gx16   8
+ struct ast_fbdev;
+diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_main.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_main.c
+index 8d87d3ca439b..5a83d3793000 100644
+--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_main.c
++++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_main.c
+@@ -142,7 +142,10 @@ static int ast_detect_chip(struct drm_device *dev, bool *need_post)
+ 		ast->chip = AST1100;
+ 		DRM_INFO("AST 1180 detected\n");
+ 	} else {
+-		if (dev->pdev->revision >= 0x30) {
++		if (dev->pdev->revision >= 0x40) {
++			ast->chip = AST2500;
++			DRM_INFO("AST 2500 detected\n");
++		} else if (dev->pdev->revision >= 0x30) {
+ 			ast->chip = AST2400;
+ 			DRM_INFO("AST 2400 detected\n");
+ 		} else if (dev->pdev->revision >= 0x20) {
+@@ -196,6 +199,9 @@ static int ast_detect_chip(struct drm_device *dev, bool *need_post)
+ 			if (ast->chip == AST2400 &&
+ 			    (scu_rev & 0x300) == 0x100) /* ast1400 */
+ 				ast->support_wide_screen = true;
++			if (ast->chip == AST2500 &&
++			    scu_rev == 0x100)           /* ast2510 */
++				ast->support_wide_screen = true;
+ 		}
+ 		break;
+ 	}
+@@ -291,7 +297,10 @@ static int ast_get_dram_info(struct drm_device *dev)
+ 	default:
+ 		ast->dram_bus_width = 16;
+ 		ast->dram_type = AST_DRAM_1Gx16;
+-		ast->mclk = 396;
++		if (ast->chip == AST2500)
++			ast->mclk = 800;
++		else
++			ast->mclk = 396;
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+@@ -300,7 +309,23 @@ static int ast_get_dram_info(struct drm_device *dev)
+ 	else
+ 		ast->dram_bus_width = 32;
+-	if (ast->chip == AST2300 || ast->chip == AST2400) {
++	if (ast->chip == AST2500) {
++		switch (mcr_cfg & 0x03) {
++		case 0:
++			ast->dram_type = AST_DRAM_1Gx16;
++			break;
++		default:
++		case 1:
++			ast->dram_type = AST_DRAM_2Gx16;
++			break;
++		case 2:
++			ast->dram_type = AST_DRAM_4Gx16;
++			break;
++		case 3:
++			ast->dram_type = AST_DRAM_8Gx16;
++			break;
++		}
++	} else if (ast->chip == AST2300 || ast->chip == AST2400) {
+ 		switch (mcr_cfg & 0x03) {
+ 		case 0:
+ 			ast->dram_type = AST_DRAM_512Mx16;
+@@ -523,6 +548,7 @@ int ast_driver_load(struct drm_device *dev, unsigned long flags)
+ 	    ast->chip == AST2200 ||
+ 	    ast->chip == AST2300 ||
+ 	    ast->chip == AST2400 ||
++	    ast->chip == AST2500 ||
+ 	    ast->chip == AST1180) {
+ 		dev->mode_config.max_width = 1920;
+ 		dev->mode_config.max_height = 2048;
+diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_mode.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_mode.c
+index 1ff596e90225..e4db1c72940c 100644
+--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_mode.c
++++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_mode.c
+@@ -271,7 +271,11 @@ static void ast_set_crtc_reg(struct drm_crtc *crtc, struct drm_display_mode *mod
+ {
+ 	struct ast_private *ast = crtc->dev->dev_private;
+ 	u8 jreg05 = 0, jreg07 = 0, jreg09 = 0, jregAC = 0, jregAD = 0, jregAE = 0;
+-	u16 temp;
++	u16 temp, precache = 0;
++	if ((ast->chip == AST2500) &&
++	    (vbios_mode->enh_table->flags & AST2500PreCatchCRT))
++		precache = 40;
+ 	ast_set_index_reg_mask(ast, AST_IO_CRTC_PORT, 0x11, 0x7f, 0x00);
+@@ -297,12 +301,12 @@ static void ast_set_crtc_reg(struct drm_crtc *crtc, struct drm_display_mode *mod
+ 		jregAD |= 0x01;  /* HBE D[5] */
+ 	ast_set_index_reg_mask(ast, AST_IO_CRTC_PORT, 0x03, 0xE0, (temp & 0x1f));
+-	temp = (mode->crtc_hsync_start >> 3) - 1;
++	temp = ((mode->crtc_hsync_start-precache) >> 3) - 1;
+ 	if (temp & 0x100)
+ 		jregAC |= 0x40; /* HRS D[5] */
+ 	ast_set_index_reg_mask(ast, AST_IO_CRTC_PORT, 0x04, 0x00, temp);
+-	temp = ((mode->crtc_hsync_end >> 3) - 1) & 0x3f;
++	temp = (((mode->crtc_hsync_end-precache) >> 3) - 1) & 0x3f;
+ 	if (temp & 0x20)
+ 		jregAD |= 0x04; /* HRE D[5] */
+ 	ast_set_index_reg_mask(ast, AST_IO_CRTC_PORT, 0x05, 0x60, (u8)((temp & 0x1f) | jreg05));
+@@ -363,6 +367,11 @@ static void ast_set_crtc_reg(struct drm_crtc *crtc, struct drm_display_mode *mod
+ 	ast_set_index_reg_mask(ast, AST_IO_CRTC_PORT, 0x09, 0xdf, jreg09);
+ 	ast_set_index_reg_mask(ast, AST_IO_CRTC_PORT, 0xAE, 0x00, (jregAE | 0x80));
++	if (precache)
++		ast_set_index_reg_mask(ast, AST_IO_CRTC_PORT, 0xb6, 0x3f, 0x80);
++	else
++		ast_set_index_reg_mask(ast, AST_IO_CRTC_PORT, 0xb6, 0x3f, 0x00);
+ 	ast_set_index_reg_mask(ast, AST_IO_CRTC_PORT, 0x11, 0x7f, 0x80);
+ }
+@@ -383,12 +392,16 @@ static void ast_set_dclk_reg(struct drm_device *dev, struct drm_display_mode *mo
+ 	struct ast_private *ast = dev->dev_private;
+ 	const struct ast_vbios_dclk_info *clk_info;
+-	clk_info = &dclk_table[vbios_mode->enh_table->dclk_index];
++	if (ast->chip == AST2500)
++		clk_info = &dclk_table_ast2500[vbios_mode->enh_table->dclk_index];
++	else
++		clk_info = &dclk_table[vbios_mode->enh_table->dclk_index];
+ 	ast_set_index_reg_mask(ast, AST_IO_CRTC_PORT, 0xc0, 0x00, clk_info->param1);
+ 	ast_set_index_reg_mask(ast, AST_IO_CRTC_PORT, 0xc1, 0x00, clk_info->param2);
+ 	ast_set_index_reg_mask(ast, AST_IO_CRTC_PORT, 0xbb, 0x0f,
+-			       (clk_info->param3 & 0x80) | ((clk_info->param3 & 0x3) << 4));
++			       (clk_info->param3 & 0xc0) |
++			       ((clk_info->param3 & 0x3) << 4));
+ }
+ static void ast_set_ext_reg(struct drm_crtc *crtc, struct drm_display_mode *mode,
+@@ -421,7 +434,8 @@ static void ast_set_ext_reg(struct drm_crtc *crtc, struct drm_display_mode *mode
+ 	ast_set_index_reg_mask(ast, AST_IO_CRTC_PORT, 0xa8, 0xfd, jregA8);
+ 	/* Set Threshold */
+-	if (ast->chip == AST2300 || ast->chip == AST2400) {
++	if (ast->chip == AST2300 || ast->chip == AST2400 ||
++	    ast->chip == AST2500) {
+ 		ast_set_index_reg(ast, AST_IO_CRTC_PORT, 0xa7, 0x78);
+ 		ast_set_index_reg(ast, AST_IO_CRTC_PORT, 0xa6, 0x60);
+ 	} else if (ast->chip == AST2100 ||
+@@ -794,7 +808,9 @@ static int ast_mode_valid(struct drm_connector *connector,
+ 		if ((mode->hdisplay == 1600) && (mode->vdisplay == 900))
+ 			return MODE_OK;
+-		if ((ast->chip == AST2100) || (ast->chip == AST2200) || (ast->chip == AST2300) || (ast->chip == AST2400) || (ast->chip == AST1180)) {
++		if ((ast->chip == AST2100) || (ast->chip == AST2200) ||
++		    (ast->chip == AST2300) || (ast->chip == AST2400) ||
++		    (ast->chip == AST2500) || (ast->chip == AST1180)) {
+ 			if ((mode->hdisplay == 1920) && (mode->vdisplay == 1080))
+ 				return MODE_OK;
+diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_tables.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_tables.h
+index a4ddf901a54f..5f4c2e833a65 100644
+--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_tables.h
++++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/ast/ast_tables.h
+@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
+ #define SyncPN			(PVSync | NHSync)
+ #define SyncNP			(NVSync | PHSync)
+ #define SyncNN			(NVSync | NHSync)
++#define AST2500PreCatchCRT		0x00004000
+ /* DCLK Index */
+ #define VCLK25_175     		0x00
+@@ -108,6 +109,36 @@ static const struct ast_vbios_dclk_info dclk_table[] = {
+ 	{0x3b, 0x2c, 0x81},			/* 1A: VCLK118_25	*/
+ };
++static const struct ast_vbios_dclk_info dclk_table_ast2500[] = {
++	{0x2C, 0xE7, 0x03},			/* 00: VCLK25_175	*/
++	{0x95, 0x62, 0x03},			/* 01: VCLK28_322	*/
++	{0x67, 0x63, 0x01},			/* 02: VCLK31_5		*/
++	{0x76, 0x63, 0x01},			/* 03: VCLK36		*/
++	{0xEE, 0x67, 0x01},			/* 04: VCLK40		*/
++	{0x82, 0x62, 0x01},			/* 05: VCLK49_5		*/
++	{0xC6, 0x64, 0x01},			/* 06: VCLK50		*/
++	{0x94, 0x62, 0x01},			/* 07: VCLK56_25	*/
++	{0x80, 0x64, 0x00},			/* 08: VCLK65		*/
++	{0x7B, 0x63, 0x00},			/* 09: VCLK75		*/
++	{0x67, 0x62, 0x00},			/* 0A: VCLK78_75	*/
++	{0x7C, 0x62, 0x00},			/* 0B: VCLK94_5		*/
++	{0x8E, 0x62, 0x00},			/* 0C: VCLK108		*/
++	{0x85, 0x24, 0x00},			/* 0D: VCLK135		*/
++	{0x67, 0x22, 0x00},			/* 0E: VCLK157_5	*/
++	{0x6A, 0x22, 0x00},			/* 0F: VCLK162		*/
++	{0x4d, 0x4c, 0x80},			/* 10: VCLK154		*/
++	{0xa7, 0x78, 0x80},			/* 11: VCLK83.5		*/
++	{0x28, 0x49, 0x80},			/* 12: VCLK106.5	*/
++	{0x37, 0x49, 0x80},			/* 13: VCLK146.25	*/
++	{0x1f, 0x45, 0x80},			/* 14: VCLK148.5	*/
++	{0x47, 0x6c, 0x80},			/* 15: VCLK71		*/
++	{0x25, 0x65, 0x80},			/* 16: VCLK88.75	*/
++	{0x58, 0x01, 0x42},			/* 17: VCLK119		*/
++	{0x32, 0x67, 0x80},			/* 18: VCLK85_5		*/
++	{0x6a, 0x6d, 0x80},			/* 19: VCLK97_75	*/
++	{0x44, 0x20, 0x43},			/* 1A: VCLK118_25	*/
+ static const struct ast_vbios_stdtable vbios_stdtable[] = {
+ 	/* MD_2_3_400 */
+ 	{
+@@ -246,12 +277,14 @@ static const struct ast_vbios_enhtable res_1360x768[] = {
+ 	{1792, 1360, 64, 112, 795, 768, 3, 6, VCLK85_5,		/* 60Hz */
+ 	 (SyncPP | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo), 60, 1, 0x39 },
+ 	{1792, 1360, 64, 112, 795, 768, 3, 6, VCLK85_5,	         /* end */
+-	 (SyncPP | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo), 0xFF, 1, 0x39 },
++	 (SyncPP | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo |
++	  AST2500PreCatchCRT), 0xFF, 1, 0x39 },
+ };
+ static const struct ast_vbios_enhtable res_1600x900[] = {
+ 	{1760, 1600, 48, 32, 926, 900, 3, 5, VCLK97_75,		/* 60Hz CVT RB */
+-	 (SyncNP | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo), 60, 1, 0x3A },
++	 (SyncNP | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo |
++	  AST2500PreCatchCRT), 60, 1, 0x3A },
+ 	{2112, 1600, 88, 168, 934, 900, 3, 5, VCLK118_25,	/* 60Hz CVT */
+ 	 (SyncPN | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo), 60, 2, 0x3A },
+ 	{2112, 1600, 88, 168, 934, 900, 3, 5, VCLK118_25,	/* 60Hz CVT */
+@@ -260,16 +293,19 @@ static const struct ast_vbios_enhtable res_1600x900[] = {
+ static const struct ast_vbios_enhtable res_1920x1080[] = {
+ 	{2200, 1920, 88, 44, 1125, 1080, 4, 5, VCLK148_5,	/* 60Hz */
+-	 (SyncNP | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo), 60, 1, 0x38 },
++	 (SyncNP | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo |
++	  AST2500PreCatchCRT), 60, 1, 0x38 },
+ 	{2200, 1920, 88, 44, 1125, 1080, 4, 5, VCLK148_5,	/* 60Hz */
+-	 (SyncNP | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo), 0xFF, 1, 0x38 },
++	 (SyncNP | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo |
++	  AST2500PreCatchCRT), 0xFF, 1, 0x38 },
+ };
+ /* 16:10 */
+ static const struct ast_vbios_enhtable res_1280x800[] = {
+ 	{1440, 1280, 48, 32,  823,  800, 3, 6, VCLK71,		/* 60Hz RB */
+-	 (SyncNP | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo), 60, 1, 0x35 },
++	 (SyncNP | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo |
++	  AST2500PreCatchCRT), 60, 1, 0x35 },
+ 	{1680, 1280, 72,128,  831,  800, 3, 6, VCLK83_5,	/* 60Hz */
+ 	 (SyncPN | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo), 60, 2, 0x35 },
+ 	{1680, 1280, 72,128,  831,  800, 3, 6, VCLK83_5,	/* 60Hz */
+@@ -279,7 +315,8 @@ static const struct ast_vbios_enhtable res_1280x800[] = {
+ static const struct ast_vbios_enhtable res_1440x900[] = {
+ 	{1600, 1440, 48, 32,  926,  900, 3, 6, VCLK88_75,	/* 60Hz RB */
+-	 (SyncNP | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo), 60, 1, 0x36 },
++	 (SyncNP | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo |
++	  AST2500PreCatchCRT), 60, 1, 0x36 },
+ 	{1904, 1440, 80,152,  934,  900, 3, 6, VCLK106_5,	/* 60Hz */
+ 	 (SyncPN | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo), 60, 2, 0x36 },
+ 	{1904, 1440, 80,152,  934,  900, 3, 6, VCLK106_5,	/* 60Hz */
+@@ -288,7 +325,8 @@ static const struct ast_vbios_enhtable res_1440x900[] = {
+ static const struct ast_vbios_enhtable res_1680x1050[] = {
+ 	{1840, 1680, 48, 32, 1080, 1050, 3, 6, VCLK119,		/* 60Hz RB */
+-	 (SyncNP | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo), 60, 1, 0x37 },
++	 (SyncNP | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo |
++	  AST2500PreCatchCRT), 60, 1, 0x37 },
+ 	{2240, 1680,104,176, 1089, 1050, 3, 6, VCLK146_25,	/* 60Hz */
+ 	 (SyncPN | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo), 60, 2, 0x37 },
+ 	{2240, 1680,104,176, 1089, 1050, 3, 6, VCLK146_25,	/* 60Hz */
+@@ -297,9 +335,11 @@ static const struct ast_vbios_enhtable res_1680x1050[] = {
+ static const struct ast_vbios_enhtable res_1920x1200[] = {
+ 	{2080, 1920, 48, 32, 1235, 1200, 3, 6, VCLK154,		/* 60Hz RB*/
+-	 (SyncNP | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo), 60, 1, 0x34 },
++	 (SyncNP | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo |
++	  AST2500PreCatchCRT), 60, 1, 0x34 },
+ 	{2080, 1920, 48, 32, 1235, 1200, 3, 6, VCLK154,		/* 60Hz RB */
+-	 (SyncNP | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo), 0xFF, 1, 0x34 },
++	 (SyncNP | Charx8Dot | LineCompareOff | WideScreenMode | NewModeInfo |
++	  AST2500PreCatchCRT), 0xFF, 1, 0x34 },
+ };
+ #endif