op-build update 11-21-2018

Changes Included for package hostboot, branch master:
3f1f218 - Ben Gass - 2018-11-20 - Adding omi_init procedures.
499916e - Dan Crowell - 2018-11-20 - Increase ipmi polling frequency to every 1ms
759971e - Christian Geddes - 2018-11-20 - Fix CAPP target XML in Axone simics xml file
d6cee85 - Christian Geddes - 2018-11-20 - Update bbuild to b1114a_1846.930
c851139 - Ilya Smirnov - 2018-11-19 - Serialize the Check For Prologs in CI
cd754bf - Christian Geddes - 2018-11-19 - Route scom operations on OCMB chips to fapi2 mmio scom interface
a4d8ef5 - Dan Crowell - 2018-11-19 - Add explorer directory to attribute_info lookup
42e8d57 - Dan Crowell - 2018-11-19 - Make ATTR_CLOCK_PLL_MUX writeable for DS8K
c525c33 - Caleb Palmer - 2018-11-16 - Dram Repairs VPD favor FAPI trgts and getHelperAttr improvements
3274498 - Caleb Palmer - 2018-11-16 - Dram Repairs VPD __getTranslationPortSlct improvements
e2e2e85 - Zane Shelley - 2018-11-16 - PRD: separated NPU registers and actions into separate rule files
cc7d24e - Zane Shelley - 2018-11-16 - PRD: Fixed XML parser for summary analysis
06c7de4 - Zane Shelley - 2018-11-16 - PRD: update filter parsing in XML parser
195f636 - Zane Shelley - 2018-11-16 - PRD: Rule file updates for Centaur
ba0aa77 - Zane Shelley - 2018-11-16 - PRD: updates from XML and XML parser
40cf4bc - Zane Shelley - 2018-11-16 - PRD: Make room for Axone prf files in Hostboot
1e6bbb9 - Nick Bofferding - 2018-11-15 - Only allow key transition in istep 10.2
6cf801f - Christian Geddes - 2018-11-15 - Route scom operations on OCMB chips to exp_i2c_scom interface
73cad1f - Venkatesh Sainath - 2018-11-15 - Pushing HB plugins and related files for building errltool
208f80e - Christian Geddes - 2018-11-15 - Refactor fapi2HwAccessTest to ignore ATTR_MODEL
e34d172 - Christian Geddes - 2018-11-15 - Update axone simics xml to use correct chiplet id for MC1 chiplet
0002dbd - Christian Geddes - 2018-11-15 - Update fapi2CreatePlatLogTest.H to use the fapi trace buffer
16f5d47 - Christian Geddes - 2018-11-15 - Update platGetTargetName to handle AXONE and EXPLORER models
9b7da2e - Nick Bofferding - 2018-11-15 - Support for putting fences around mallocs
41e8185 - Alvin Wang - 2018-11-15 - Update setup_fw_boot_config() to read out actual values from attributes
341f401 - Stephen Glancy - 2018-11-15 - Updates PBA to use RCW's to issue BCW's
e0373c9 - Dan Crowell - 2018-11-15 - Add Axone targets to fapi error utilities
9e552af - Matt Raybuck - 2018-11-14 - Remove hardcoding of partial good logic (1/2)

Changes Included for package hcode, branch master:
92d425d - hostboot - 2018-11-20 - Release tag information updated for hw112018a.930
cdb633d - hostboot - 2018-11-15 - Release tag information updated for hw111518a.930

Changes Included for package witherspoon-xml, branch master:
c488a62 - Erich Hauptli - 2018-11-16 - Added value to TPM FRU ID

Signed-off-by: Bill Hoffa <wghoffa@us.ibm.com>
3 files changed
tree: 575749aef75744ad0c08c347d79a62298b7cd128
  1. ci/
  2. dl/
  3. doc/
  4. openpower/
  5. output/
  6. .gitignore
  7. .gitmodules
  8. .travis.yml
  11. NOTICE
  12. op-build-env
  13. README.md

OpenPOWER Firmware Build Environment

The OpenPOWER firmware build process uses Buildroot to create a toolchain and build the various components of the PNOR firmware, including Hostboot, Skiboot, OCC, Petitboot etc.



See the doc/ directory for documentation source. Contributions are VERY welcome!


Issues, Milestones, pull requests and code hosting is on GitHub: https://github.com/open-power/op-build

See CONTRIBUTING.md for howto contribute code.

Building an image

To build an image for a Palmetto system:

git clone --recursive git@github.com:open-power/op-build.git
cd op-build
. op-build-env
op-build palmetto_defconfig && op-build

There are also default configurations for other platforms in openpower/configs/. Current POWER8 platforms include Habanero, Firestone, and Garrison. Current POWER9 platforms include Witherspoon, Boston (p9dsu), Romulus, and Zaius.

Buildroot/op-build supports both native and cross-compilation - it will automatically download and build an appropriate toolchain as part of the build process, so you don't need to worry about setting up a cross-compiler. Cross-compiling from a x86-64 host is officially supported.

Dependencies for 64-bit Ubuntu/Debian systems

  1. Install Ubuntu (>= 14.04) or Debian (>= 7.5) 64-bit.

  2. Enable Universe (Ubuntu only):

     sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
     sudo add-apt-repository universe
  3. Install the packages necessary for the build:

     sudo apt-get install cscope ctags libz-dev libexpat-dev \
       python language-pack-en texinfo \
       build-essential g++ git bison flex unzip \
       libssl-dev libxml-simple-perl libxml-sax-perl libxml-parser-perl libxml2-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc \
       wget bc

Dependencies for 64-bit Fedora systems

  1. Install Fedora 25 64-bit (older Fedora should also work).

  2. Install the packages necessary for the build:

     sudo dnf install gcc-c++ flex bison git ctags cscope expat-devel patch \
       zlib-devel zlib-static texinfo perl-bignum "perl(XML::Simple)" \
       "perl(YAML)" "perl(XML::SAX)" "perl(Fatal)" "perl(Thread::Queue)" \
       "perl(Env)" "perl(XML::LibXML)" "perl(Digest::SHA1)" libxml2-devel \
       which wget unzip tar cpio python bzip2 bc findutils ncurses-devel