op-build update 1-24-2019

Changes Included for package sbe, branch master:
2e253ce - Dan Crowell - 2019-01-24 - Interface for OCMB getVPD
0121de3 - Srikantha Meesala - 2019-01-24 - Enable DD2.3 in op build and Disable DD2.0
50133b0 - Raja Das - 2019-01-21 - Axone pibmem only image compilation
234dbdb - Andre Marin - 2019-01-18 - Add exp_draminit and fix data_structs constants
3819989 - Sunil Kumar - 2019-01-18 - Incorporate NVDIMM HWP into SBE.
da97ec3 - Christian Geddes - 2019-01-16 - Add exp_i2c_scom driver that will be consumed by HB/SBE platforms
dbdcd7a - Alvin Wang - 2019-01-16 - Update setup_fw_boot_config() to read out actual values from attributes
37a2ec2 - Rahul Batra - 2019-01-15 - SMF: Make UNSECURE_HOMER_ADDR unwriteable on FAPI
e95bde7 - Dan Crowell - 2019-01-15 - Make new WOV attributes override-only
17058c4 - Tsung Yeung - 2019-01-11 - P9: NVDIMM SBE Support to Trigger Catastrophic Save
7a9f08a - Stephen Glancy - 2019-01-11 - Moves sync code to generic folder
7359a42 - Louis Stermole - 2019-01-11 - Change mss_freq algorithm to deconfigure ports to achieve common DIMM freq
3a4b3bd - Louis Stermole - 2019-01-11 - Add API for MC to C4 DQ pin index translation
b750343 - Stephen Glancy - 2019-01-11 - Adds PDA support
c3d5f54 - Jacob Harvey - 2019-01-11 - Fix sim problems on awan
847583f - Jacob Harvey - 2019-01-11 - L3 draminit and mss_lib
8b1f643 - Jacob Harvey - 2019-01-11 - Clean up memdiags ffdc naming
a66ed7d - Louis Stermole - 2019-01-11 - Move MSS Rosetta map from lab to f/w library, add API
f62eba3 - Jacob Harvey - 2019-01-11 - L3 RAS for draminit_training, eff_config, lib
ea070e5 - Louis Stermole - 2019-01-11 - Fix 1R dual-drop bugs
5942578 - Brian Silver - 2019-01-11 - Changes to limit DLL cal on spare DP8, stop CSS before starting
8baf05c - Brian Silver - 2019-01-11 - Add 3DS DIMM support
bba0660 - Brian Silver - 2019-01-11 - Update memory library for 1R 4gbx4 DIMM
147883c - Richard J. Knight - 2019-01-11 - Change target types for memory FFDC
4abbd80 - Richard J. Knight - 2019-01-11 - FAPI2 - Enable register ffdc support
fadf57f - Brian Silver - 2019-01-11 - Update error handling for IPL procedures
cadb2f9 - Brian Silver - 2019-01-11 - Add memdiags scrub capability
7372362 - Brian Silver - 2019-01-11 - Change draminit_mc mcbist subtest to perform compares rather than ECC
33aeb41 - Brian Silver - 2019-01-11 - Add initial FIR checking for APB interface
d350afb - Brian Silver - 2019-01-11 - Add mcbist L2 function
939b1b6 - Brian Silver - 2019-01-11 - Initial commit of memory subsystem
a1d61a1 - Tsung Yeung - 2019-01-11 - P9: NVDIMM SBE Support to Trigger Catastrophic Save
baa9960 - Tsung Yeung - 2019-01-11 - P9: NVDIMM SBE Support to Trigger Catastrophic Save
8fd3e3a - Santosh Puranik - 2019-01-10 - Mark OB1 and OB2 present for Axone
32acc42 - Thi Tran - 2019-01-10 - Change target types to 64-bit and add P10 target types
40778a9 - Andre Marin - 2019-01-10 - Initial mss_field endian modification
b1e13ff - Stephen Glancy - 2019-01-10 - Adds explorer OMI training code
09fc729 - Andre Marin - 2019-01-10 - Implement exp_check_for_ready
77c7728 - Andre Marin - 2019-01-09 - Added I2C fields, EXP_FW_STATUS API
3dbbc66 - Andre Marin - 2019-01-09 - Add empty explorer "check_for_ready" procedure files
64cbaff - Sunil Kumar - 2019-01-07 - Flush NVDIMM Chipop
658b2f4 - Joe McGill - 2018-12-17 - apply HW423589 option1 (MCD disable) workaround for p9n DD2.1
9dc84ac - Louis Stermole - 2018-12-17 - Move MNFG_TEST_ALL_SPARE_DRAM_ROWS to a new encoding
7032c33 - Jenny Huynh - 2018-12-17 - Enable Nimbus DD23 risk levels
224f435 - Andre Marin - 2018-12-17 - Fix i2c doxy and update i2c_access.H doxy to match fapi2_access_i2c.H
de6a45d - Matt K. Light - 2018-12-17 - fapi2 i2c dox update
bfc895a - Matt K. Light - 2018-12-17 - fapi2 i2c access headers
f97b07d - Stephen Glancy - 2018-12-17 - Fixes LRDIMM eff_config bugs
88910ed - Stephen Glancy - 2018-12-17 - Removes unused attribute accessors
1610ae1 - Tsung Yeung - 2018-12-17 - Default DDR4-2933 to 2666
691b1fd - Stephen Glancy - 2018-12-17 - Updates the training advanced algorithm
f2c585d - Dan Crowell - 2018-12-17 - Change ATTR_MSS_WR_VREF_OFFSET to be override-only
8a8152b - Stephen Glancy - 2018-12-17 - Updates custom RD CTR pattern
67d2399 - Stephen Glancy - 2018-12-17 - Updates training advanced and adds custom WR CTR
8e6447a - Stephen Glancy - 2018-12-17 - Updates WR VREF for characterization results
f83a56f - Andre Marin - 2018-12-17 - Add Write CRC attributes to xml and eff_dimm
cf11809 - Jacob Harvey - 2018-12-17 - Disabled Training Advance in sim
e3f992a - Jacob Harvey - 2018-12-17 - Implementing draminit_training_adv
3b8fd10 - Jacob Harvey - 2018-12-17 - Add in L1 draminit_training_adv files
65add1d - Louis Stermole - 2018-12-17 - Improve description of ATTR_EFF_RANK_GROUP_OVERRIDE
bf3e764 - Andre Marin - 2018-12-17 - Remove ZQCAL redundant CCS inst, move to draminit_training
c296d8d - Andre Marin - 2018-12-17 - Add PHY sequencer refresh settings after draminit
8c2f174 - Jacob Harvey - 2018-12-17 - Fix up setup_cal and vref attrs
e179917 - Louis Stermole - 2018-12-17 - Disable RTT_WR during WR_LEVEL cal step, and set equivalent terminations
ef6b416 - Louis Stermole - 2018-12-17 - Add attribute ATTR_EFF_RANK_GROUP_OVERRIDE
28138fa - Jacob Harvey - 2018-12-17 - Fixing raw card setting for DIMMs
b99ae92 - Stephen Glancy - 2018-12-17 - Updates MCBIST for dual-drop systems
fa8cd7a - Jacob Harvey - 2018-12-17 - Disabling temp_refresh_mode
41e1c16 - Joe McGill - 2018-12-17 - Add MSS customization support from CRP0 Lx MVPD
00d7f23 - Jacob Harvey - 2018-12-17 - Move MRS attributes to eff_config to calc LRDIMMs
9f22ccd - Andre Marin - 2018-12-17 - Add read cmd, precharge all cmd, and read cmd CCS instruction and unit tests
8198935 - Jacob Harvey - 2018-12-17 - Fixing bulk_pwr_throttles calculations
dfac759 - Andre Marin - 2018-12-17 - Add LRDIMM to translation register infrastructure and unit tests.
14a4648 - Brian Silver - 2018-12-17 - Enable read VREF calibration
1a63e02 - Brian Silver - 2018-12-17 - Add DP16 workarounds for Nimbus DD1.0
e089199 - Jacob Harvey - 2018-12-17 - Implement L2 eff_config_thermal, bulk_pwr_throttle
f3df43f - Stephen Glancy - 2018-12-17 - Fixed CL and timing bugs, unit test augmentations
3e99f56 - Jacob Harvey - 2018-12-17 - Started implementation of bulk_pwr_throttles
e61c662 - Brian Silver - 2018-12-17 - Add disabled bit processing for DDR PHY initial calibration
5857fe5 - Brian Silver - 2018-12-17 - Change p9_mss_freq_system to write attributes, errors for Cronus
2318bae - Brian Silver - 2018-12-17 - Add an attribute to avoid the plug rules in partial good scenarios
50fe674 - Jacob Harvey - 2018-12-17 - Cleaned spd xml and Added module manufacturer info
1a9deb5 - Brian Silver - 2018-12-17 - Add bit field of master ranks attribute for PRD
281819c - Brian Silver - 2018-12-17 - Change PHY to use GPO, RLO, WLO from VPD
b79b9ca - Jacob Harvey - 2018-12-17 - Modifying ATTRs for memory power thermal
a7bf013 - Brian Silver - 2018-12-17 - Implement MRW attributes; dram_clks, db_util, 2n_mode
b7da4b9 - Jacob Harvey - 2018-12-17 - Fix eff_config, remove custom_dimm
2afef5b - Stephen Glancy - 2018-12-17 - Fixed eff_config attr generation
43db7b5 - Louis Stermole - 2018-12-17 - Adding defaults for DRAM dll_reset and dll_enable
fdd2a22 - Brian Silver - 2018-12-17 - Changes related to RTT VPD settings
f4fe10e - Brian Silver - 2018-12-17 - Add consumption of IBT from VPD and place in RCD7x
02414db - Brian Silver - 2018-12-17 - Change ODT R/W to take values from VPD
79dc094 - Jacob Harvey - 2018-12-17 - Change MSS_VOLT to MSS_VOLT_VDDR
2ce64ff - Andre Marin - 2018-12-17 - Fix p9_mss_utils_to_throttle, create throttles API, attribute cleanup
7a955f6 - Andre Marin - 2018-12-17 - Modify SPD blob and eff-config hardcoding to match VBU
984f025 - whs - 2018-12-17 - Packaging of memory vpd on Nimbus, MCA->MCS
b5a8ad9 - Jacob Harvey - 2018-12-17 - Added initToZero tag for all memory attributes
60f0428 - Andre Marin - 2018-12-17 - Add eff_config functionality needed for RIT, fix cas_latency bug & attr files
0bd8a11 - Dan Crowell - 2018-12-17 - Add override attributes for memory vpd access
29377f9 - Dan Crowell - 2018-12-17 - Remove whitespace that breaks HB attribute compiler
49c6354 - Andre Marin - 2018-12-17 - Fix throttle procedure & MSS attribute clean up
611d94b - Brian Silver - 2018-12-17 - Add L2 p9_mss_scrub
b9d5c1e - Andre Marin - 2018-12-17 - Modify freq & dep. files. Add cas latency & unit tests
82f796b - Brian Silver - 2018-12-17 - Add dp16 io tx dll/vreg config
cfb08bf - Andre Marin - 2018-12-17 - Add mss throttle files L1
4d73c7a - Brian Silver - 2018-12-17 - Change DIMM_SIZE from 8 bits to 32 bits
975341f - Andre Marin - 2018-12-17 - Modify spd_decoder, eff_config, unit tests. Modify dependent files
cbf5772 - Brian Silver - 2018-12-17 - Add mcbist L2 function
10b3350 - Brian Silver - 2018-12-17 - Add PHY RC class, update setup cal for 2D wc/rc
c874b02 - Brian Silver - 2018-12-17 - Initial commit of memory subsystem
3b46d17 - Rahul Batra - 2018-12-14 - PGPE: WOV Attributes (1/3)
cc4c778 - Prem Shanker Jha - 2018-12-12 - SMF: Defined new attribute to store unsecure HOMER's base address.
3d13f0a - RAJA DAS - 2018-12-12 - Revert "Self Save: Fixed bugs pertaining to SPR self save."
f84706a - Prem Shanker Jha - 2018-12-12 - SMF: Defined new attribute to store unsecure HOMER's base address.
eaee47c - Sachin Gupta - 2018-12-10 - Remove unused code from SBE
c0a1b5d - Raja Das - 2018-12-03 - Support for renaming loader_data section to pibmemrepair_data section
8c6000a - Raja Das - 2018-12-03 - Re-used loader_data section to pibmem repair scom data for Axone
4cedc39 - Dean Sanner - 2018-11-29 - Leave scratch valid bits alone to allow HB to query
39be529 - Raja Das - 2018-11-28 - Removed dual compilation of pibmem_repair.S
99a4816 - Ben Gass - 2018-11-25 - Adding omi_init procedures.
b95ca38 - Ben Gass - 2018-11-20 - Adding p9a_ocmb_enable
c3907f4 - Joachim Fenkes - 2018-11-15 - test: Temporarily disable testArrayAccess

Signed-off-by: hostboot <hostboot@us.ibm.com>
diff --git a/openpower/package/sbe/Config.in b/openpower/package/sbe/Config.in
index ba57ba0..c58b5d1 100644
--- a/openpower/package/sbe/Config.in
+++ b/openpower/package/sbe/Config.in
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
-	default "cf61dc391d030f8071a9bfdf6a030d2713c9ecb8" if BR2_SBE_LATEST_VERSION
+	default "2e253cebdaffb92d67fe19999d818e327daca1fb" if BR2_SBE_LATEST_VERSION