meta-raspberrypi: subtree update:a7cc636d4e..f5fe02c30c

Aaron Shaw (5):
      overlays: reorder in alphabetical order
      overlays: add justboom overlays
      overlays: add overlay to allow 64 bit usage with CM3
      overlays: add overlays for pi 400 and cm4
      overlays: add missing device overlays

Aurelian Zanoschi (2):
      rpi-config: Add support for CM4 host USB
      [documentation]Add USB host support in documentation

Bartłomiej Burdukiewicz (1):
      rpi-cmdline: remove unnecessary spaces from cmdline.txt

Christopher Clark (1):
      machine: use weak default for kernel and KERNEL_DEVICETREE settings

Jonas Vautherin (1):
      linux-raspberrypi: Superfluous 'inherit kernel'

Martin Jansa (6):
      rpi-config: fix do_deploy
      rpi-config: use CONFIG shell variable
      linux-raspberrypi: add recipe for 5.10 version
      linux-raspberrypi: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM in .inc file and drop from 5.10 and dev recipe
      rpi-default-versions: Switch default kernel to 5.10 upgrade to latest for 5.10.13 kernel

Matt Spencer (1):
      linux-raspberrypi: Enable use of 'RPI_EXTRA_CONFIG += ...' in local.conf

Ovidiu Panait (1):
      linux-raspberrypi: pass dtc flags via KERNEL_DTC_FLAGS

Paul Barker (5):
      conf: Use unified u-boot config for 64-bit targets
      raspberrypi4-64: No need to force arm_64bit=1
      linux-raspberrypi: Uprev to v5.4.83
      linux-raspberrypi: Uprev yocto-kernel-cache
      kas-poky-rpi.yml: Make git ignore layers cloned by kas

SCVready (1):
      rpi-config: Relocated "start_x=1" in config.txt

Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <>
Change-Id: Ie1a8cd049694b5f3158b63cedc30c9df24f82120
diff --git a/meta-raspberrypi/conf/machine/include/ b/meta-raspberrypi/conf/machine/include/
index 181b936..c02d248 100644
--- a/meta-raspberrypi/conf/machine/include/
+++ b/meta-raspberrypi/conf/machine/include/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # RaspberryPi BSP default providers
-PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "linux-raspberrypi"
+PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ??= "linux-raspberrypi"
 PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/xserver ?= "xserver-xorg"
 PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/egl ?= "${@bb.utils.contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "vc4graphics", "mesa", "userland", d)}"
 PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles2 ?= "${@bb.utils.contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "vc4graphics", "mesa", "userland", d)}"