meta-openembedded: refresh thud: cca27b5ea7..6ef9657068
Update meta-openembedded to thud HEAD.
Alexander Kanavin (2):
packagegroup-meta-oe: drop ptest packages that do not exist
packagegroup-meta-oe: rename the group that contains ptest packages
Andrea Adami (4):
klibc: fix build for mipsel and mips64el with security flags enabled
waf-cross-answers: Add cross-answers-mips64el.txt
kexec-tools-klibc: fix build for mipsel and mips64el
samba: fix build on qemumips64 with musl
Andreas Müller (1):
libgit2: Fix install for multilib
Armin Kuster (1):
wireshark: update to 2.6.6
Craig McQueen (1):
python3-multidict: Workaround for broken make clean
Eduardas Meile (1):
toybox: fix to use "usrmerge" distro feature properly
Haiqing Bai (1):
ptpd: fixed the issue of ptpd2 daemon takes 100% CPU
Hong Liu (1):
wireshark: upgrade to 2.6.5
Hongxu Jia (1):
python-pyparted/python3-pyparted: drop incorrect and redundant PV
Kai Kang (1):
net-snmp: inherit ptest
Khem Raj (16):
xscreensaver: Define consistent app-defaults dir
a2jmidid: Define own do_configure
bpftool: don't build under musl
packagegroup-meta-oe: Remove arch specific packages as needed
packagegroup-meta-oe: Remove packages which don't build for musl
modemmanager: Fix build with clang
klibc: Fix build with clang
srecord: GPL-3.0 and LGPL-3.0 is correct license
packagegroup-meta-oe: Exclude unbuildable packages on mips64
packagegroup-meta-oe: Exclude android-tools breakpad on ppc
packagegroup-meta-oe: Remove unbuildable packages on risc-v from rdep
mpv: Disable lua on mips/aarch64
luajit: Disable for mips n64/n32 hosts
licenses: Add Arphic-Public-License text
nmap: Fix build with clang8/musl/libc++
mozjs: Fix symbol visibility with clang/libc++
Marc Ferland (1):
networkmanager: fix QA issue when using modemmanager and ppp in PACKAGECONFIG
Martin Jansa (1):
open-vm-tools: fix indentation and drop FILES_${PN}-dbg
Mingli Yu (1):
vim: improve reproducibility
Niko Mauno (7):
python-pygobject: Fix invalid install path
python-pygobject: Drop redundant PYTHON* refs
python-pygobject: Drop redundant dependencies
python-pygobject: Only check for even upstream versions
python-pygobject: Remove duplication in inherit
python-pygobject: Fix style issue
python-pygobject: Tune remove operation
Otavio Salvador (2):
mozjs: Avoid use of X11 from host when X11 is disabled
postgresql: Allow successful run of postgresql-setup
Primoz Fiser (1):
sedutil: fix compile errors on big endian architectures
Scott Ellis (2):
nmap: Fix typo in pcre PACKAGECONFIG
nmap: Include additional FILES path for certs
leimaohui (2):
mraa: To file do_package error in multilib.
makedumpfile: Add aarch64 into COMPATIBLE_HOST.
thc (1):
fix networkmanager apppend
Change-Id: I979f5ccefeec364f27df10888ae6258923a30659
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <>
diff --git a/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sedutil/files/0001-Fix-build-on-big-endian-architectures.patch b/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sedutil/files/0001-Fix-build-on-big-endian-architectures.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7351197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sedutil/files/0001-Fix-build-on-big-endian-architectures.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+From ff98a326d5faa585f0e15e51a558cc2c49aa8099 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Primoz Fiser <>
+Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2018 08:31:29 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix build on big endian architectures
+Signed-off-by: Primoz Fiser <>
+ Common/DtaEndianFixup.h | 13 +++++++------
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/Common/DtaEndianFixup.h b/Common/DtaEndianFixup.h
+index 58eb3ff..184fce0 100644
+--- a/Common/DtaEndianFixup.h
++++ b/Common/DtaEndianFixup.h
+@@ -31,12 +31,11 @@ along with sedutil. If not, see <>.
+ //TODO: add a test on the endianess of the system and define
+ // empty macros if the system is big endian
+ #pragma once
+-#ifdef __gnu_linux__
+-#include <endian.h>
+-#error This code does not support big endian architectures
++#if defined(__BYTE_ORDER__)&&(__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__)
++#define SWAP16(x) x
++#define SWAP32(x) x
++#define SWAP64(x) x
+ /** change the "endianess" of a 16bit field */
+ #define SWAP16(x) ((uint16_t) ((x & 0x00ff) << 8) | ((x & 0xff00) >> 8))
+ /** change the "endianess" of a 32bit field */
+@@ -47,3 +46,5 @@ along with sedutil. If not, see <>.
+ ((uint64_t) (SWAP32((x & 0x00000000ffffffff)) << 32) | \
+ ((uint64_t) (SWAP32((x >> 32))) ) \
+ )