reset upstream subtrees to HEAD

Reset the following subtrees on HEAD:
  poky: 8217b477a1(master)
  meta-xilinx: 64aa3d35ae(master)
  meta-openembedded: 0435c9e193(master)
  meta-raspberrypi: 490a4441ac(master)
  meta-security: cb6d1c85ee(master)

Squashed patches:
  meta-phosphor: drop systemd 239 patches
  meta-phosphor: mrw-api: use correct install path

Change-Id: I268e2646d9174ad305630c6bbd3fbc1a6105f43d
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <>
diff --git a/poky/meta/recipes-graphics/xorg-lib/ b/poky/meta/recipes-graphics/xorg-lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b201124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poky/meta/recipes-graphics/xorg-lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+SUMMARY = "Xdamage: X Damage extension library"
+DESCRIPTION = "'Damage' is a term that describes changes make to pixel \
+contents of windows and pixmaps.  Damage accumulates as drawing occurs \
+in the drawable.  Each drawing operation 'damages' one or more \
+rectangular areas within the drawable.  The rectangles are guaranteed to \
+include the set of pixels modified by each operation, but may include \
+significantly more than just those pixels.  The DAMAGE extension allows \
+applications to either receive the raw rectangles as a stream of events, \
+or to have them partially processed within the X server to reduce the \
+amount of data transmitted as well as reduce the processing latency once \
+the repaint operation has started."
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=9fe101f30dd24134cf43146863241868"
+DEPENDS += "virtual/libx11 xorgproto libxfixes"
+PROVIDES = "xdamage"
+PE = "1"
+XORG_PN = "libXdamage"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "e3f554267a7a04b042dc1f6352bd6d99"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "b734068643cac3b5f3d2c8279dd366b5bf28c7219d9e9d8717e1383995e0ea45"
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"