reset upstream subtrees to yocto 2.6

Reset the following subtrees on thud HEAD:

  poky: 87e3a9739d
  meta-openembedded: 6094ae18c8
  meta-security: 31dc4e7532
  meta-raspberrypi: a48743dc36
  meta-xilinx: c42016e2e6

Also re-apply backports that didn't make it into thud:
    17726d0 systemd-systemctl-native: handle Install wildcards

    4321a5d libtinyxml2: update to 7.0.1
    042f0a3 libcereal: Add native and nativesdk classes
    e23284f libcereal: Allow empty package
    030e8d4 rsyslog: curl-less build with fmhttp PACKAGECONFIG
    179a1b9 gtest: update to 1.8.1

Squashed OpenBMC subtree compatibility updates:
    Brad Bishop (1):
          aspeed: add yocto 2.6 compatibility

    Brad Bishop (1):
          ibm: prepare for yocto 2.6

    Brad Bishop (1):
          ingrasys: set layer compatibility to yocto 2.6

    Brad Bishop (1):
          openpower: set layer compatibility to yocto 2.6

    Brad Bishop (3):
          phosphor: set layer compatibility to thud
          phosphor: libgpg-error: drop patches
          phosphor: react to fitimage artifact rename

    Ed Tanous (4):
          Dropbear: upgrade options for latest upgrade
          yocto2.6: update openssl options
          busybox: remove upstream watchdog patch
          systemd: Rebase CONFIG_CGROUP_BPF patch

Change-Id: I7b1fe71cca880d0372a82d94b5fd785323e3a9e7
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <>
diff --git a/meta-raspberrypi/recipes-graphics/userland/files/0013-Implement-triple-buffering-for-wayland.patch b/meta-raspberrypi/recipes-graphics/userland/files/0013-Implement-triple-buffering-for-wayland.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3052168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-raspberrypi/recipes-graphics/userland/files/0013-Implement-triple-buffering-for-wayland.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+From 65f8bca55aead676cd06fc3210aeffef1f2158c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jeff Wannamaker <>
+Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2017 18:56:07 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 13/18] Implement triple buffering for wayland
+Change from double to triple buffering for wayland.
+This enables higher frame rates without tearing artifacts
+by allowing both the glFinish and the buffer release
+interlock to operate without pushing the frame period
+to two vertical intervals
+Signed-off-by: Jeff Wannamaker <>
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <>
+ interface/khronos/egl/egl_client.c         |  3 ++-
+ interface/khronos/egl/egl_client_surface.c |  8 ++++++++
+ interface/khronos/egl/egl_client_surface.h | 11 +++++++++++
+ 3 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/interface/khronos/egl/egl_client.c b/interface/khronos/egl/egl_client.c
+index 13a110c..0380274 100644
+--- a/interface/khronos/egl/egl_client.c
++++ b/interface/khronos/egl/egl_client.c
+@@ -2323,7 +2323,8 @@ EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglSwapBuffers(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surf)
+                   buffer_temp = surface->front_wl_buffer;
+                   surface->front_wl_buffer = surface->back_wl_buffer;
+-                  surface->back_wl_buffer = buffer_temp;
++                  surface->back_wl_buffer = surface->middle_wl_buffer;
++                  surface->middle_wl_buffer = buffer_temp;
+                   configid = egl_config_to_id(surface->config);
+                   color = egl_config_get_color_format(configid);
+diff --git a/interface/khronos/egl/egl_client_surface.c b/interface/khronos/egl/egl_client_surface.c
+index 9a9582c..10b3b04 100644
+--- a/interface/khronos/egl/egl_client_surface.c
++++ b/interface/khronos/egl/egl_client_surface.c
+@@ -402,12 +402,14 @@ EGL_SURFACE_T *egl_surface_create(
+    if (type == WINDOW && wl_display) {
+       surface->wl_egl_window = (struct wl_egl_window*)win;
+       surface->front_wl_buffer = NULL;
++      surface->middle_wl_buffer = NULL;
+       surface->back_wl_buffer = allocate_wl_buffer(
+             surface->wl_egl_window, color);
+       resource = surface->back_wl_buffer->resource;
+    } else {
+       surface->wl_egl_window = NULL;
+       surface->front_wl_buffer = NULL;
++      surface->middle_wl_buffer = NULL;
+       surface->back_wl_buffer = NULL;
+       resource = DISPMANX_NO_HANDLE;
+    }
+@@ -696,6 +698,12 @@ void egl_surface_free(EGL_SURFACE_T *surface)
+          surface->back_wl_buffer = 0;
+       }
++      if (surface->middle_wl_buffer) {
++         wl_buffer_destroy(surface->middle_wl_buffer->wl_buffer);
++         free(surface->middle_wl_buffer);
++         surface->middle_wl_buffer = 0;
++      }
+       if (surface->front_wl_buffer) {
+          wl_buffer_destroy(surface->front_wl_buffer->wl_buffer);
+          free(surface->front_wl_buffer);
+diff --git a/interface/khronos/egl/egl_client_surface.h b/interface/khronos/egl/egl_client_surface.h
+index e328b77..58a3184 100644
+--- a/interface/khronos/egl/egl_client_surface.h
++++ b/interface/khronos/egl/egl_client_surface.h
+@@ -312,6 +312,17 @@ typedef struct {
+    */
+    struct wl_dispmanx_client_buffer *front_wl_buffer;
++   /*
++      middle_wl_buffer
++      Validity:
++      type == WINDOW
++      Invariant:
++      client-side information about the wl_buffer in the middle
++   */
++   struct wl_dispmanx_client_buffer *middle_wl_buffer;
+    /*
+       back_wl_buffer