poky: subtree update:7d0988966c..1203d1f24d

Alexander Kanavin (5):
      mesa: update 21.0.0 -> 21.0.1
      runqemu: do not stop processing graphical options after nographic
      mesa: gallium option requires libdrm
      mesa: enable dri in native/nativesdk through gallium drivers
      ptest-runner: correct version check

Alistair Francis (2):
      conf/machine: Enable bochs-display on RISC-V machines
      conf/machine: Enable keyboard and mouse on RISC-V machines

Anibal Limon (1):
      ptest-runner: Upgrade to 2.4.1

Awais Belal (2):
      perl: allow empty lines and comments in perl-rdepends.txt
      perl: fix creation and generate new perl-rdepends.txt

Bruce Ashfield (1):
      perf-tests: add bash into RDEPENDS (v5.12-rc5+)

Chen Qi (1):
      apt: Fix do_compile error when enable ccache

Denys Dmytriyenko (1):
      make-mod-scripts: pass CROSS_COMPILE to configure and build

Guillaume Champagne (1):
      image-live.bbclass: optional depends when ROOTFS empty

Janne Kiiskila (1):
      poky.yaml: Use git instead of git-core for Ubunti

Joshua Watt (1):
      bitbake.conf: Limit the number of OpenMP threads

Khem Raj (3):
      mesa-gl: Use swrast gallium driver
      binutils: Fix a missing break in case statement
      webkitgtk: Drop include_array.patch

Klaus Heinrich Kiwi (6):
      uboot: Deploy default symlinks with fitImage
      u-boot: Move definitions to common locations
      u-boot: Add infrastructure to SPL verified boot
      u-boot: Use a different Key for SPL signing
      oe-selftest: Add U-Boot fitImage signing testcases
      uboot: Fixes SPL verified boot on corner cases

Matt Madison (1):
      libxcb: use PN for naming dynamic packages

Michael Halstead (1):
      releases: update to include 3.2.3

Michael Opdenacker (7):
      manuals: Spellcheck and capitalization fixes
      SDK manual: fix reference to appendix
      Quick build: checkout a branch instead of a fixed tag
      manuals: Fix typos and spacing
      overview-manual: style improvements
      ref-manual: fix typo
      manuals: fix suspicious newlines

Nicolas Dechesne (1):
      docs: add a top level page for bitbake documentation

Paul Eggleton (16):
      bitbake: bitbake-user-manual: document no support for using passwords in git URLs
      bitbake: bitbake-user-manual: add REQUIRED_VERSION and adjust PREFERRED_VERSION entry
      Use variables for minimum host versions and bump Python to 3.6
      ref-manual: update/fix text for SDK_VERSION
      overview-manual: fix git command line
      ref-manual: and SDK_CUSTOM_TEMPLATECONF to glossary
      ref-manual: add REQUIRED_VERSION and adjust PREFERRED_VERSION entry
      ref-manual: add python3targetconfig class and remove python 2 references
      ref-manual: add passwd-expire to EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS
      ref-manual: add FIT_KERNEL_COMP_ALG*
      ref-manual: fix reference to build-essential
      ref-manual: tweak buildtools section
      ref-manual: add migration section for 3.3 release
      ref-manual: migration guide: add release codenames
      ref-manual: add mention of DISTUTILS_SETUP_PATH

Quentin Schulz (1):
      docs: replace anchor links

Richard Purdie (9):
      oeqa/concurrencytest: Rename variables to improve the code
      oeqa/concurrencytest: Fix display of test stdout/stderr
      diffoscope: Upgrade 168 -> 172
      oeqa/runqemu: Support RUNQEMU_TMPFS_DIR as a location to copy snapshot images to
      bitbake: runqueue: Further fixes for confused setscene tasks
      documentation/poky.yaml: Fix latest 3.2 series tag reference
      poky.conf: Bump version for 3.3 hardknott release
      build-appliance-image: Update to master head revision
      bitbake: bitbake: Update version to 1.50.0 stable release series

Ross Burton (2):
      poky.yaml: change gcc-multilib to gcc
      oeqa/selftest: add test case for SRC_URI dependency sniffing

Ulrich Ölmann (1):
      sdk-manual: fix typo

Yann Dirson (1):
      kernel-yocto: fix do_kernel_configme indentation

Yi Fan Yu (2):
      python3: Skip failing ptests due to load variability
      valgrind: print failed ptest details

Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>
Change-Id: Id57d0682ec91b67b90fac931313457f5ed6f3d5c
diff --git a/poky/documentation/README b/poky/documentation/README
index 159ec94..176c6db 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/README
+++ b/poky/documentation/README
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
 documentation with Python3.
 Sphinx might be available in your Linux distro packages repositories,
-however it is not recommend to use distro packages, as they might be
+however it is not recommended to use distro packages, as they might be
 old versions, especially if you are using an LTS version of your
 distro. The recommended method to install Sphinx and all required
 dependencies is to use the Python Package Index (pip).
@@ -259,6 +259,9 @@
 More information can be found here:
+Anchor (<#link>) links are forbidden as they are not checked by Sphinx during
+the build and may be broken without knowing about it.
diff --git a/poky/documentation/bitbake.rst b/poky/documentation/bitbake.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7702f93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poky/documentation/bitbake.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK
+BitBake Documentation
+BitBake was originally a part of the OpenEmbedded project. It was inspired by
+the Portage package management system used by the Gentoo Linux distribution. In
+2004, the OpenEmbedded project was split the project into two distinct pieces:
+-  BitBake, a generic task executor
+-  OpenEmbedded, a metadata set utilized by BitBake
+Today, BitBake is the primary build tool of OpenEmbedded based projects, such as
+the Yocto Project.
+The BitBake documentation can be found :doc:`here <bitbake:index>`.
diff --git a/poky/documentation/boilerplate.rst b/poky/documentation/boilerplate.rst
index 2ad60eb..baccc9f 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/boilerplate.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/boilerplate.rst
@@ -14,5 +14,5 @@
 To report any inaccuracies or problems with this (or any other Yocto Project)
 manual, or to send additions or changes, please send email/patches to the Yocto
 Project documentation mailing list at ``docs@lists.yoctoproject.org`` or
-log into the freenode ``#yocto`` channel.
+log into the Freenode ``#yocto`` channel.
diff --git a/poky/documentation/brief-yoctoprojectqs/index.rst b/poky/documentation/brief-yoctoprojectqs/index.rst
index 4ac222c..974ae5e 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/brief-yoctoprojectqs/index.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/brief-yoctoprojectqs/index.rst
@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@
-   -  Git or greater
-   -  tar 1.28 or greater
-   -  Python 3.5.0 or greater.
-   -  gcc 5.0 or greater.
+   -  Git &MIN_GIT_VERSION; or greater
+   -  tar &MIN_TAR_VERSION; or greater
+   -  Python &MIN_PYTHON_VERSION; or greater.
+   -  gcc &MIN_GCC_VERSION; or greater.
 If your build host does not meet any of these three listed version
 requirements, you can take steps to prepare the system so that you
@@ -106,42 +106,57 @@
    Resolving deltas: 100% (323116/323116), done.
    Checking connectivity... done.
-Move to the ``poky`` directory and take a look at the tags:
+Go to :yocto_wiki:`Releases wiki page </Releases>`, and choose a release
+codename (such as ``&DISTRO_NAME_NO_CAP;``), corresponding to either the
+latest stable release or a Long Term Support release.
+Then move to the ``poky`` directory and take a look at existing branches:
 .. code-block:: shell
    $ cd poky
-   $ git fetch --tags
-   $ git tag
-   1.1_M1.final
-   1.1_M1.rc1
-   1.1_M1.rc2
-   1.1_M2.final
-   1.1_M2.rc1
+   $ git branch -a
-   yocto-2.5
-   yocto-2.5.1
-   yocto-2.5.2
-   yocto-2.6
-   yocto-2.6.1
-   yocto-2.6.2
-   yocto-2.7
-   yocto_1.5_M5.rc8
+   remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
+   remotes/origin/dunfell
+   remotes/origin/dunfell-next
+   .
+   .
+   .
+   remotes/origin/gatesgarth
+   remotes/origin/gatesgarth-next
+   .
+   .
+   .
+   remotes/origin/master
+   remotes/origin/master-next
+   .
+   .
+   .
-For this example, check out the branch based on the
-``&DISTRO_REL_TAG;`` release:
+For this example, check out the ``&DISTRO_NAME_NO_CAP;`` branch based on the
+``&DISTRO_NAME;`` release:
 .. code-block:: shell
-   $ git checkout tags/&DISTRO_REL_TAG; -b my-&DISTRO_REL_TAG;
-   Switched to a new branch 'my-&DISTRO_REL_TAG;'
+   $ git checkout -t origin/&DISTRO_NAME_NO_CAP; -b my-&DISTRO_NAME_NO_CAP;
+   Branch 'my-&DISTRO_NAME_NO_CAP;' set up to track remote branch '&DISTRO_NAME_NO_CAP;' from 'origin'.
+   Switched to a new branch 'my-&DISTRO_NAME_NO_CAP;'
 The previous Git checkout command creates a local branch named
-``my-&DISTRO_REL_TAG;``. The files available to you in that branch exactly
-match the repository's files in the ``&DISTRO_NAME_NO_CAP;`` development
-branch at the time of the Yocto Project &DISTRO_REL_TAG; release.
+``my-&DISTRO_NAME_NO_CAP;``. The files available to you in that branch
+exactly match the repository's files in the ``&DISTRO_NAME_NO_CAP;``
+release branch.
+Note that you can regularly type the following command in the same directory
+to keep your local files in sync with the release branch:
+.. code-block:: shell
+   $ git pull
 For more options and information about accessing Yocto Project related
 repositories, see the
@@ -204,7 +219,7 @@
-      You can also run generated qemu images with a command like 'runqemu qemux86-64'
+      You can also run generated QEMU images with a command like 'runqemu qemux86-64'
    Among other things, the script creates the :term:`Build Directory`, which is
    ``build`` in this case and is located in the :term:`Source Directory`.  After
diff --git a/poky/documentation/bsp-guide/bsp.rst b/poky/documentation/bsp-guide/bsp.rst
index 93e9182..89f1564 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/bsp-guide/bsp.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/bsp-guide/bsp.rst
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
 The proposed form described in this section does have elements that are
 specific to the OpenEmbedded build system. It is intended that
 developers can use this structure with other build systems besides the
-OpenEmbedded build system. It is also intended that it will be be simple
+OpenEmbedded build system. It is also intended that it will be simple
 to extract information and convert it to other formats if required. The
 OpenEmbedded build system, through its standard :ref:`layers mechanism
 <overview-manual/yp-intro:the yocto project layer model>`, can
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
 Below is an example of the Raspberry Pi BSP layer that is available from
-the :yocto_git:`Source Respositories <>`:
+the :yocto_git:`Source Repositories <>`:
 .. code-block:: none
@@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@
    to reside in a machine-specific directory.
 Following is a specific example to help you better understand the
-process. This example customizes customizes a recipe by adding a
+process. This example customizes a recipe by adding a
 BSP-specific configuration file named ``interfaces`` to the
 ``init-ifupdown_1.0.bb`` recipe for machine "xyz" where the BSP layer
 also supports several other machines:
diff --git a/poky/documentation/dev-manual/common-tasks.rst b/poky/documentation/dev-manual/common-tasks.rst
index 4313d90..176025f 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/dev-manual/common-tasks.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/dev-manual/common-tasks.rst
@@ -155,8 +155,8 @@
 5. *Optionally Test for Compatibility:* If you want permission to use
    the Yocto Project Compatibility logo with your layer or application
    that uses your layer, perform the steps to apply for compatibility.
-   See the "`Making Sure Your Layer is Compatible With Yocto
-   Project <#making-sure-your-layer-is-compatible-with-yocto-project>`__"
+   See the
+   ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:making sure your layer is compatible with yocto project`"
    section for more information.
 Following Best Practices When Creating Layers
@@ -282,9 +282,8 @@
 -  *Perform Steps to Apply for Yocto Project Compatibility:* If you want
    permission to use the Yocto Project Compatibility logo with your
    layer or application that uses your layer, perform the steps to apply
-   for compatibility. See the "`Making Sure Your Layer is Compatible
-   With Yocto
-   Project <#making-sure-your-layer-is-compatible-with-yocto-project>`__"
+   for compatibility. See the
+   ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:making sure your layer is compatible with yocto project`"
    section for more information.
 -  *Follow the Layer Naming Convention:* Store custom layers in a Git
@@ -1247,8 +1246,7 @@
    your layer such that it can be found.
    You can find more information on how layers are structured in the
-   "`Understanding and Creating
-   Layers <#understanding-and-creating-layers>`__" section.
+   ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:understanding and creating layers`" section.
 -  *Naming Your Recipe:* When you name your recipe, you need to follow
    this naming convention:
@@ -1364,7 +1362,7 @@
 forth), are automatically extracted during the
 :ref:`ref-tasks-unpack` task. For
 another example that specifies these types of files, see the
-"`Autotooled Package <#new-recipe-autotooled-package>`__" section.
+":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:autotooled package`" section.
 Another way of specifying source is from an SCM. For Git repositories,
 you must specify :term:`SRCREV` and
@@ -1445,15 +1443,14 @@
 ``${``\ :term:`BPN`\ ``}``, and
 ``files``. The directories are assumed to be subdirectories of the
 directory in which the recipe or append file resides. For another
-example that specifies these types of files, see the "`Single .c File
-Package (Hello
-World!) <#new-recipe-single-c-file-package-hello-world>`__" section.
+example that specifies these types of files, see the
+":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:single .c file package (hello world!)`" section.
 The previous example also specifies a patch file. Patch files are files
 whose names usually end in ``.patch`` or ``.diff`` but can end with
 compressed suffixes such as ``diff.gz`` and ``patch.bz2``, for example.
 The build system automatically applies patches as described in the
-"`Patching Code <#new-recipe-patching-code>`__" section.
+":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:patching code`" section.
 Unpacking Code
@@ -1543,7 +1540,7 @@
    appropriate files in the ``LIC_FILES_CHKSUM`` variable with incorrect
    md5 strings, attempt to build the software, and then note the
    resulting error messages that will report the correct md5 strings.
-   See the "`Fetching Code <#new-recipe-fetching-code>`__" section for
+   See the ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:fetching code`" section for
    additional information.
    Here is an example that assumes the software has a ``COPYING`` file:
@@ -1787,8 +1784,8 @@
       PARALLEL_MAKE = ""
-   For information on parallel Makefile issues, see the "`Debugging
-   Parallel Make Races <#debugging-parallel-make-races>`__" section.
+   For information on parallel Makefile issues, see the
+   ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:debugging parallel make races`" section.
 -  *Improper host path usage:* This failure applies to recipes building
    for the target or ``nativesdk`` only. The failure occurs when the
@@ -1854,8 +1851,7 @@
    ``PREFIX=${D}``, ``INSTALLROOT=${D}``, and so forth).
    For an example recipe using ``make install``, see the
-   "`Makefile-Based Package <#new-recipe-makefile-based-package>`__"
-   section.
+   ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:makefile-based package`" section.
 -  *Manual:* You need to define a ``do_install`` function in your
    recipe. The function must first use ``install -d`` to create the
@@ -1990,14 +1986,13 @@
    ``do_install(_append)``, and so forth as needed.
 -  *Splitting an Application into Multiple Packages*: If you need to
-   split an application into several packages, see the "`Splitting an
-   Application into Multiple
-   Packages <#splitting-an-application-into-multiple-packages>`__"
+   split an application into several packages, see the
+   ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:splitting an application into multiple packages`"
    section for an example.
 -  *Installing a Post-Installation Script*: For an example showing how
-   to install a post-installation script, see the "`Post-Installation
-   Scripts <#new-recipe-post-installation-scripts>`__" section.
+   to install a post-installation script, see the
+   ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:post-installation scripts`" section.
 -  *Marking Package Architecture*: Depending on what your recipe is
    building and how it is configured, it might be important to mark the
@@ -2061,16 +2056,12 @@
 removed later when a recipe is either modified or removed. Thus, the
 sysroot is able to remain free from stale files.
-A subset of the files installed by the
-:ref:`ref-tasks-install` task are
-used by the
-task as defined by the the
-:term:`SYSROOT_DIRS` variable to
-automatically populate the sysroot. It is possible to modify the list of
-directories that populate the sysroot. The following example shows how
-you could add the ``/opt`` directory to the list of directories within a
+A subset of the files installed by the :ref:`ref-tasks-install` task are
+used by the :ref:`ref-tasks-populate_sysroot` task as defined by the the
+:term:`SYSROOT_DIRS` variable to automatically populate the sysroot. It
+is possible to modify the list of directories that populate the sysroot.
+The following example shows how you could add the ``/opt`` directory to
+the list of directories within a recipe:
    SYSROOT_DIRS += "/opt"
@@ -2081,8 +2072,7 @@
    that are not included in the target filesystem, allowing them to share
    these artifacts without needing to use the ``DEPLOY_DIR``.
-For a more complete description of the
+For a more complete description of the :ref:`ref-tasks-populate_sysroot`
 task and its associated functions, see the
 :ref:`staging <ref-classes-staging>` class.
@@ -2177,9 +2167,8 @@
 Sometimes the name of a recipe can lead to versioning problems when the
 recipe is upgraded to a final release. For example, consider the
 ``irssi_0.8.16-rc1.bb`` recipe file in the list of example recipes in
-the "`Storing and Naming the
-Recipe <#new-recipe-storing-and-naming-the-recipe>`__" section. This
-recipe is at a release candidate stage (i.e. "rc1"). When the recipe is
+the ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:storing and naming the recipe`" section.
+This recipe is at a release candidate stage (i.e. "rc1"). When the recipe is
 released, the recipe filename becomes ``irssi_0.8.16.bb``. The version
 change from ``0.8.16-rc1`` to ``0.8.16`` is seen as a decrease by the
 build system and package managers, so the resulting packages will not
@@ -2263,8 +2252,7 @@
 the build's output packages to your image and test them on the target.
 For information on how to customize your image by adding specific
-packages, see the "`Customizing
-Images <#usingpoky-extend-customimage>`__" section.
+packages, see ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:customizing images`" section.
@@ -2314,8 +2302,8 @@
 By default, the ``helloworld``, ``helloworld-dbg``, and
 ``helloworld-dev`` packages are built. For information on how to
-customize the packaging process, see the "`Splitting an Application into
-Multiple Packages <#splitting-an-application-into-multiple-packages>`__"
+customize the packaging process, see the
+":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:splitting an application into multiple packages`"
 Autotooled Package
@@ -3428,9 +3416,8 @@
 1. *Find the Source Code:* Temporary source code used by the
    OpenEmbedded build system is kept in the
    :term:`Build Directory`. See the
-   "`Finding Temporary Source
-   Code <#finding-the-temporary-source-code>`__" section to learn how to
-   locate the directory that has the temporary source code for a
+   ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:finding temporary source code`" section to
+   learn how to locate the directory that has the temporary source code for a
    particular package.
 2. *Change Your Working Directory:* You need to be in the directory that
@@ -3999,24 +3986,21 @@
 faster boot times, maintain your critical functionality, and avoid
 initial RAM disks:
--  `Determine your goals and guiding
-   principles. <#goals-and-guiding-principles>`__
+-  :ref:`Determine your goals and guiding principles
+   <dev-manual/common-tasks:goals and guiding principles>`
--  `Understand what contributes to your image
-   size. <#understand-what-gives-your-image-size>`__
+-  :ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:understand what contributes to your image size`
--  `Reduce the size of the root
-   filesystem. <#trim-the-root-filesystem>`__
+-  :ref:`Reduce the size of the root filesystem
+   <dev-manual/common-tasks:trim the root filesystem>`
--  `Reduce the size of the kernel. <#trim-the-kernel>`__
+-  :ref:`Reduce the size of the kernel <dev-manual/common-tasks:trim the kernel>`
--  `Eliminate packaging
-   requirements. <#remove-package-management-requirements>`__
+-  :ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:remove package management requirements`
--  `Look for other ways to minimize
-   size. <#look-for-other-ways-to-minimize-size>`__
+-  :ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:look for other ways to minimize size`
--  `Iterate on the process. <#iterate-on-the-process>`__
+-  :ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:iterate on the process`
 Goals and Guiding Principles
@@ -4036,8 +4020,8 @@
 -  Leverage the device-specific options.
 -  Work in a separate layer so that you keep changes isolated. For
-   information on how to create layers, see the "`Understanding and
-   Creating Layers <#understanding-and-creating-layers>`__" section.
+   information on how to create layers, see the
+   ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:understanding and creating layers`" section.
 Understand What Contributes to Your Image Size
@@ -4581,17 +4565,17 @@
       If you do have recipes that use ``AUTOREV``, you can take steps to
       still use the recipes in an offline build. Do the following:
-      1. Use a configuration generated by enabling `build
-         history <#maintaining-build-output-quality>`__.
+      1. Use a configuration generated by enabling :ref:`build
+         history <dev-manual/common-tasks:maintaining build output quality>`.
       2. Use the ``buildhistory-collect-srcrevs`` command to collect the
          stored ``SRCREV`` values from the build's history. For more
-         information on collecting these values, see the "`Build History
-         Package Information <#build-history-package-information>`__"
+         information on collecting these values, see the
+         ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:build history package information`"
       3. Once you have the correct source revisions, you can modify
-         those recipes to to set ``SRCREV`` to specific versions of the
+         those recipes to set ``SRCREV`` to specific versions of the
 Speeding Up a Build
@@ -4711,16 +4695,16 @@
 some common practices you might find helpful when working with libraries
 to build your system:
--  `How to include static library
-   files <#including-static-library-files>`__
+-  :ref:`How to include static library files
+   <dev-manual/common-tasks:including static library files>`
--  `How to use the Multilib feature to combine multiple versions of
-   library files into a single
-   image <#combining-multiple-versions-library-files-into-one-image>`__
+-  :ref:`How to use the Multilib feature to combine multiple versions of
+   library files into a single image
+   <dev-manual/common-tasks:combining multiple versions of library files into one image>`
--  `How to install multiple versions of the same library in parallel on
-   the same
-   system <#installing-multiple-versions-of-the-same-library>`__
+-  :ref:`How to install multiple versions of the same library in parallel on
+   the same system
+   <dev-manual/common-tasks:installing multiple versions of the same library>`
 Including Static Library Files
@@ -5058,7 +5042,7 @@
 code needs to be executed on the build host. This problem is solved with
 the OpenEmbedded build system by running the code through QEMU, which
 allows precisely that. Unfortunately, QEMU does not always work
-perfectly as mentioned in the "`Known Issues <#known-issues>`__"
+perfectly as mentioned in the ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:known issues`"
 Enabling the Generation of Introspection Data
@@ -5230,11 +5214,11 @@
 commands contained in an Openembedded kickstart file (``.wks``)
 specified either directly on the command line or as one of a selection
 of canned kickstart files as shown with the ``wic list images`` command
-in the "`Using an Existing Kickstart
-File <#using-a-provided-kickstart-file>`__" section. When you apply the
-command to a given set of build artifacts, the result is an image or set
-of images that can be directly written onto media and used on a
-particular system.
+in the
+":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:generate an image using an existing kickstart file`"
+section. When you apply the command to a given set of build artifacts, the
+result is an image or set of images that can be directly written onto media and
+used on a particular system.
 .. note::
@@ -5245,8 +5229,8 @@
 The ``wic`` command and the infrastructure it is based on is by
 definition incomplete. The purpose of the command is to allow the
 generation of customized images, and as such, was designed to be
-completely extensible through a plugin interface. See the "`Using the
-Wic PlugIn Interface <#wic-using-the-wic-plugin-interface>`__" section
+completely extensible through a plugin interface. See the
+":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:using the wic plugin interface`" section
 for information on these plugins.
 This section provides some background information on Wic, describes what
@@ -5362,7 +5346,7 @@
      genericx86                    		Create an EFI disk image for genericx86*
      beaglebone-yocto              		Create SD card image for Beaglebone
      edgerouter                    		Create SD card image for Edgerouter
-     qemux86-directdisk            		Create a qemu machine 'pcbios' direct disk image
+     qemux86-directdisk            		Create a QEMU machine 'pcbios' direct disk image
      directdisk-gpt                		Create a 'pcbios' direct disk image
      mkefidisk                     		Create an EFI disk image
      directdisk                    		Create a 'pcbios' direct disk image
@@ -5509,7 +5493,7 @@
      genericx86                    		Create an EFI disk image for genericx86*
      beaglebone-yocto              		Create SD card image for Beaglebone
      edgerouter                    		Create SD card image for Edgerouter
-     qemux86-directdisk            		Create a qemu machine 'pcbios' direct disk image
+     qemux86-directdisk            		Create a QEMU machine 'pcbios' direct disk image
      directdisk-gpt                		Create a 'pcbios' direct disk image
      mkefidisk                     		Create an EFI disk image
      directdisk                    		Create a 'pcbios' direct disk image
@@ -5683,7 +5667,7 @@
 This section provides several examples that show how to use the Wic
 utility. All the examples assume the list of requirements in the
-"`Requirements <#wic-requirements>`__" section have been met. The
+":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:requirements`" section have been met. The
 examples assume the previously generated image is
@@ -6098,8 +6082,7 @@
 -  Ensure you remove or disable debugging functionality before producing
    the final image. For information on how to do this, see the
-   "`Considerations Specific to the OpenEmbedded Build
-   System <#considerations-specific-to-the-openembedded-build-system>`__"
+   ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:considerations specific to the openembedded build system`"
 -  Ensure you have no network services listening that are not needed.
@@ -6280,17 +6263,17 @@
       distro-specific configuration files that are included by an
       existing recipe, you should add an append file (``.bbappend``) for
       those. For general information and recommendations on how to add
-      recipes to your layer, see the "`Creating Your Own
-      Layer <#creating-your-own-layer>`__" and "`Following Best
-      Practices When Creating
-      Layers <#best-practices-to-follow-when-creating-layers>`__"
+      recipes to your layer, see the
+      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:creating your own layer`" and
+      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:following best practices when creating layers`"
    -  Add any image recipes that are specific to your distribution.
    -  Add a ``psplash`` append file for a branded splash screen. For
-      information on append files, see the "`Using .bbappend Files in
-      Your Layer <#using-bbappend-files>`__" section.
+      information on append files, see the
+      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:using .bbappend files in your layer`"
+      section.
    -  Add any other append files to make custom changes that are
       specific to individual recipes.
@@ -6388,29 +6371,22 @@
 This section describes a few tasks that involve packages:
--  `Excluding packages from an
-   image <#excluding-packages-from-an-image>`__
+-  :ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:excluding packages from an image`
--  `Incrementing a binary package
-   version <#incrementing-a-binary-package-version>`__
+-  :ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:incrementing a package version`
--  `Handling optional module
-   packaging <#handling-optional-module-packaging>`__
+-  :ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:handling optional module packaging`
--  `Using runtime package
-   management <#using-runtime-package-management>`__
+-  :ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:using runtime package management`
--  `Generating and using signed
-   packages <#generating-and-using-signed-packages>`__
+-  :ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:generating and using signed packages`
--  `Setting up and running package test
-   (ptest) <#testing-packages-with-ptest>`__
+-  :ref:`Setting up and running package test
+   (ptest) <dev-manual/common-tasks:testing packages with ptest>`
--  `Creating node package manager (NPM)
-   packages <#creating-node-package-manager-npm-packages>`__
+-  :ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:creating node package manager (npm) packages`
--  `Adding custom metadata to
-   packages <#adding-custom-metadata-to-packages>`__
+-  :ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:adding custom metadata to packages`
 Excluding Packages from an Image
@@ -6499,9 +6475,8 @@
 requirement is that binary package version numbering increases in a
 linear fashion and that a number of version components exist that
 support that linear progression. For information on how to ensure
-package revisioning remains linear, see the "`Automatically Incrementing
-a Binary Package Revision
-Number <#automatically-incrementing-a-binary-package-revision-number>`__"
+package revisioning remains linear, see the
+":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:automatically incrementing a package version number`"
 The following three sections provide related information on the PR
@@ -6592,14 +6567,14 @@
 For information on build
-history, see the "`Maintaining Build Output
-Quality <#maintaining-build-output-quality>`__" section.
+history, see the
+":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:maintaining build output quality`" section.
 .. note::
    The OpenEmbedded build system does not maintain ``PR`` information as
    part of the shared state (sstate) packages. If you maintain an sstate
-   feed, its expected that either all your building systems that
+   feed, it's expected that either all your building systems that
    contribute to the sstate feed use a shared PR Service, or you do not
    run a PR Service on any of your building systems. Having some systems
    use a PR Service while others do not leads to obvious problems.
@@ -7070,7 +7045,7 @@
 runtime package management, you must perform an initial setup on the
 target machine for cases where the ``PACKAGE_FEED_*`` variables were not
 set as part of the image that is running on the target. This means if
-you built your image and did not not use these variables as part of the
+you built your image and did not use these variables as part of the
 build and your image is now running on the target, you need to perform
 the steps in this section if you want to use runtime package management.
@@ -8522,7 +8497,7 @@
    -  Ubuntu and Debian: ``sysstat`` and ``iproute2``
-   -  OpenSUSE: ``sysstat`` and ``iproute2``
+   -  openSUSE: ``sysstat`` and ``iproute2``
    -  Fedora: ``sysstat`` and ``iproute``
@@ -8596,8 +8571,8 @@
    it the same IP address for each reboot.
    If you choose "SystemdbootTarget", there are additional requirements
-   and considerations. See the "`Selecting
-   SystemdbootTarget <#selecting-systemdboottarget>`__" section, which
+   and considerations. See the
+   ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:selecting systemdboottarget`" section, which
    follows, for more information.
 -  *"BeagleBoneTarget":* Choose "BeagleBoneTarget" if you are deploying
@@ -8629,7 +8604,7 @@
 If you did not set ``TEST_TARGET`` to "SystemdbootTarget", then you do
 not need any information in this section. You can skip down to the
-"`Running Tests <#qemu-image-running-tests>`__" section.
+":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:running tests`" section.
 If you did set ``TEST_TARGET`` to "SystemdbootTarget", you also need to
 perform a one-time setup of your master image by doing the following:
@@ -8648,7 +8623,7 @@
    -  Inherits ``core-image`` so that kernel modules are installed.
-   -  Installs normal linux utilities not busybox ones (e.g. ``bash``,
+   -  Installs normal linux utilities not BusyBox ones (e.g. ``bash``,
       ``coreutils``, ``tar``, ``gzip``, and ``kmod``).
    -  Uses a custom Initial RAM Disk (initramfs) image with a custom
@@ -9095,13 +9070,11 @@
 The following list shows the debugging topics in the remainder of this
--  "`Viewing Logs from Failed
-   Tasks <#dev-debugging-viewing-logs-from-failed-tasks>`__" describes
+-  ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:viewing logs from failed tasks`" describes
    how to find and view logs from tasks that failed during the build
--  "`Viewing Variable
-   Values <#dev-debugging-viewing-variable-values>`__" describes how to
+-  ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:viewing variable values`" describes how to
    use the BitBake ``-e`` option to examine variable values after a
    recipe has been parsed.
@@ -9110,51 +9083,47 @@
    :term:`PKGDATA_DIR` and
    display package-related information for built packages.
--  "`Viewing Dependencies Between Recipes and
-   Tasks <#dev-viewing-dependencies-between-recipes-and-tasks>`__"
+-  ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:viewing dependencies between recipes and tasks`"
    describes how to use the BitBake ``-g`` option to display recipe
    dependency information used during the build.
--  "`Viewing Task Variable
-   Dependencies <#dev-viewing-task-variable-dependencies>`__" describes
+-  ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:viewing task variable dependencies`" describes
    how to use the ``bitbake-dumpsig`` command in conjunction with key
    subdirectories in the
    :term:`Build Directory` to determine
    variable dependencies.
--  "`Running Specific Tasks <#dev-debugging-taskrunning>`__" describes
+-  ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:running specific tasks`" describes
    how to use several BitBake options (e.g. ``-c``, ``-C``, and ``-f``)
    to run specific tasks in the build chain. It can be useful to run
    tasks "out-of-order" when trying isolate build issues.
--  "`General BitBake Problems <#dev-debugging-bitbake>`__" describes how
+-  ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:general bitbake problems`" describes how
    to use BitBake's ``-D`` debug output option to reveal more about what
    BitBake is doing during the build.
--  "`Building with No Dependencies <#dev-debugging-buildfile>`__"
+-  ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:building with no dependencies`"
    describes how to use the BitBake ``-b`` option to build a recipe
    while ignoring dependencies.
--  "`Recipe Logging Mechanisms <#recipe-logging-mechanisms>`__"
+-  ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:recipe logging mechanisms`"
    describes how to use the many recipe logging functions to produce
    debugging output and report errors and warnings.
--  "`Debugging Parallel Make Races <#debugging-parallel-make-races>`__"
+-  ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:debugging parallel make races`"
    describes how to debug situations where the build consists of several
    parts that are run simultaneously and when the output or result of
    one part is not ready for use with a different part of the build that
    depends on that output.
--  "`Debugging With the GNU Project Debugger (GDB)
-   Remotely <#platdev-gdb-remotedebug>`__" describes how to use GDB to
-   allow you to examine running programs, which can help you fix
-   problems.
+-  ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:debugging with the gnu project debugger (gdb) remotely`"
+   describes how to use GDB to allow you to examine running programs, which can
+   help you fix problems.
--  "`Debugging with the GNU Project Debugger (GDB) on the
-   Target <#debugging-with-the-gnu-project-debugger-gdb-on-the-target>`__"
+-  ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:debugging with the gnu project debugger (gdb) on the target`"
    describes how to use GDB directly on target hardware for debugging.
--  "`Other Debugging Tips <#dev-other-debugging-others>`__" describes
+-  ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:other debugging tips`" describes
    miscellaneous debugging tips that can be useful.
 Viewing Logs from Failed Tasks
@@ -9462,8 +9431,8 @@
 available in signature information (``siginfo``) files in
 :term:`SSTATE_DIR`. For
 information on how to view and interpret information in ``siginfo``
-files, see the "`Viewing Task Variable
-Dependencies <#dev-viewing-task-variable-dependencies>`__" section.
+files, see the
+":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:viewing task variable dependencies`" section.
 For conceptual information on shared state, see the
 ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:shared state`"
@@ -9882,9 +9851,8 @@
    $ bitbake neard -c devshell
-For information on how to use a
-``devshell``, see the "`Using a Development
-Shell <#platdev-appdev-devshell>`__" section.
+For information on how to use a ``devshell``, see the
+":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:using a development shell`" section.
 In the ``devshell``, do the following:
@@ -9926,7 +9894,7 @@
    File Makefile.am added to patch patches/parallelmake.patch
 For more information on using Quilt, see the
-"`Using Quilt in Your Workflow <#using-a-quilt-workflow>`__" section.
+":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:using quilt in your workflow`" section.
 At this point you need to make the edits to ``Makefile.am`` to add the
 missing dependency. For our example, you have to add the following line
@@ -9992,9 +9960,9 @@
 As with all solved problems, if they originated upstream, you need to
 submit the fix for the recipe in OE-Core and upstream so that the
-problem is taken care of at its source. See the "`Submitting a Change to
-the Yocto Project <#how-to-submit-a-change>`__" section for more
+problem is taken care of at its source. See the
+":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:submitting a change to the yocto project`"
+section for more information.
 Debugging With the GNU Project Debugger (GDB) Remotely
@@ -10368,8 +10336,9 @@
    :yocto_bugs:`Bugzilla <>`. For information on
    how to submit a bug against the Yocto Project, see the Yocto Project
    Bugzilla :yocto_wiki:`wiki page </Bugzilla_Configuration_and_Bug_Tracking>`
-   and the "`Submitting a Defect Against the Yocto
-   Project <#submitting-a-defect-against-the-yocto-project>`__" section.
+   and the
+   ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:submitting a defect against the yocto project`"
+   section.
    .. note::
@@ -10624,8 +10593,9 @@
 Depending on the components changed, you need to submit the email to a
 specific mailing list. For some guidance on which mailing list to use,
-see the `list <#figuring-out-the-mailing-list-to-use>`__ at the
-beginning of this section. For a description of all the available
+see the
+:ref:`list <dev-manual/common-tasks:submitting a change to the yocto project>`
+at the beginning of this section. For a description of all the available
 mailing lists, see the ":ref:`Mailing Lists <resources-mailinglist>`" section in the
 Yocto Project Reference Manual.
@@ -11039,7 +11009,7 @@
 ``poky/meta/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gst-plugins-ugly`` package, you
 could add either the string "commercial_gst-plugins-ugly" or the more
 general string "commercial" to ``LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST``. See the
-"`License Flag Matching <#license-flag-matching>`__" section for a full
+":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:license flag matching`" section for a full
 explanation of how ``LICENSE_FLAGS`` matching works. Here is the
diff --git a/poky/documentation/dev-manual/qemu.rst b/poky/documentation/dev-manual/qemu.rst
index c6bb9e9..92799d6 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/dev-manual/qemu.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/dev-manual/qemu.rst
@@ -306,8 +306,8 @@
       tarball by using the ``runqemu-extract-sdk`` command. After
       running the command, you must then point the ``runqemu`` script to
       the extracted directory instead of a root filesystem image file.
-      See the "`Running Under a Network File System (NFS)
-      Server <#qemu-running-under-a-network-file-system-nfs-server>`__"
+      See the
+      ":ref:`dev-manual/qemu:running under a network file system (nfs) server`"
       section for more information.
 QEMU Command-Line Syntax
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@
    or "qemux86-64" QEMU architectures. For KVM with VHOST to work, the
    following conditions must be met:
-   -  `kvm <#kvm-cond>`__ option conditions must be met.
+   -  ``kvm`` option conditions defined above must be met.
    -  Your build host has to have virtio net device, which are
diff --git a/poky/documentation/dev-manual/start.rst b/poky/documentation/dev-manual/start.rst
index efe369c..84abf4c 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/dev-manual/start.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/dev-manual/start.rst
@@ -230,8 +230,8 @@
     -  Separate the project's Metadata and code by using separate Git
        repositories. See the ":ref:`overview-manual/development-environment:yocto project source repositories`"
        section in the Yocto Project Overview and Concepts Manual for
-       information on these repositories. See the "`Locating Yocto
-       Project Source Files <#locating-yocto-project-source-files>`__"
+       information on these repositories. See the
+       ":ref:`dev-manual/start:locating yocto project source files`"
        section for information on how to set up local Git repositories
        for related upstream Yocto Project Git repositories.
@@ -314,13 +314,13 @@
    should be able to run on any modern distribution that has the
    following versions for Git, tar, Python and gcc.
-   -  Git or greater
+   -  Git &MIN_GIT_VERSION; or greater
-   -  tar 1.28 or greater
+   -  tar &MIN_TAR_VERSION; or greater
-   -  Python 3.5.0 or greater.
+   -  Python &MIN_PYTHON_VERSION; or greater.
-   -  gcc 5.0 or greater.
+   -  gcc &MIN_GCC_VERSION; or greater.
    If your build host does not meet any of these three listed version
    requirements, you can take steps to prepare the system so that you
@@ -655,8 +655,7 @@
 from which you can locate and download tarballs of any Yocto Project
 release. Rather than Git repositories, these files represent snapshot
 tarballs similar to the tarballs located in the Index of Releases
-described in the "`Accessing Index of
-Releases <#accessing-index-of-releases>`__" section.
+described in the ":ref:`dev-manual/start:accessing index of releases`" section.
 .. note::
@@ -759,9 +758,9 @@
    "master" branch, which results in a snapshot of the latest
    development changes for "master". For information on how to check out
    a specific development branch or on how to check out a local branch
-   based on a tag name, see the "`Checking Out By Branch in
-   Poky <#checking-out-by-branch-in-poky>`__" and `Checking Out By Tag
-   in Poky <#checkout-out-by-tag-in-poky>`__" sections, respectively.
+   based on a tag name, see the
+   ":ref:`dev-manual/start:checking out by branch in poky`" and
+   ":ref:`dev-manual/start:checking out by tag in poky`" sections, respectively.
    Once the local repository is created, you can change to that
    directory and check its status. Here, the single "master" branch
diff --git a/poky/documentation/index.rst b/poky/documentation/index.rst
index 9f41daf..6aeeb21 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/index.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/index.rst
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
    Application Development and the Extensible SDK (eSDK) <sdk-manual/index>
    Toaster Manual <toaster-manual/index>
    Test Environment Manual <test-manual/index>
-   Bitbake User Manual <https://docs.yoctoproject.org/bitbake>
+   bitbake
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1
diff --git a/poky/documentation/kernel-dev/advanced.rst b/poky/documentation/kernel-dev/advanced.rst
index dd0b76b..fb6dfca 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/kernel-dev/advanced.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/kernel-dev/advanced.rst
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
 the same "intel-corei7-64" value for ``KMACHINE``. It is important to
 realize that ``KMACHINE`` is just for kernel mapping, while ``MACHINE``
 is the machine type within a BSP Layer. Even with this distinction,
-however, these two variables can hold the same value. See the `BSP
-Descriptions <#bsp-descriptions>`__ section for more information.
+however, these two variables can hold the same value. See the
+":ref:`kernel-dev/advanced:bsp descriptions`" section for more information.
 Every linux-yocto style recipe must also indicate the Linux kernel
 source repository branch used to build the Linux kernel. The
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 arguments used by the kernel tools to find the appropriate description
 within the kernel Metadata with which to build out the sources and
 configuration. The linux-yocto recipes define "standard", "tiny", and
-"preempt-rt" kernel types. See the "`Kernel Types <#kernel-types>`__"
+"preempt-rt" kernel types. See the ":ref:`kernel-dev/advanced:kernel types`"
 section for more information on kernel types.
 During the build, the kern-tools search for the BSP description file
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@
 within the kernel Metadata itself. The examples here are taken from the
 ``yocto-kernel-cache`` repository. Each branch of this repository
 contains "features" and "cfg" subdirectories at the top-level. For more
-information, see the "`Kernel Metadata
-Syntax <#kernel-metadata-syntax>`__" section.
+information, see the ":ref:`kernel-dev/advanced:kernel metadata syntax`"
 Kernel Metadata Syntax
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
 fragments into a modular reusable unit. You can use features to
 implement conceptually separate kernel Metadata descriptions such as
 pure configuration fragments, simple patches, complex features, and
-kernel types. `Kernel types <#kernel-types>`__ define general kernel
+kernel types. :ref:`kernel-dev/advanced:kernel types` define general kernel
 features and policy to be reused in the BSPs.
 BSPs define hardware-specific features and aggregate them with kernel
@@ -167,10 +167,9 @@
-The ``bsp`` directory contains the `BSP
-descriptions <#bsp-descriptions>`__. The remaining directories all
-contain "features". Separating ``bsp`` from the rest of the structure
-aids conceptualizing intended usage.
+The ``bsp`` directory contains the :ref:`kernel-dev/advanced:bsp descriptions`.
+The remaining directories all contain "features". Separating ``bsp`` from the
+rest of the structure aids conceptualizing intended usage.
 Use these guidelines to help place your ``scc`` description files within
 the structure:
@@ -198,11 +197,12 @@
 Paths used in kernel Metadata files are relative to base, which is
-you are creating Metadata in `recipe-space <#recipe-space-metadata>`__,
+you are creating Metadata in
+:ref:`recipe-space <kernel-dev/advanced:recipe-space metadata>`,
 or the top level of
 :yocto_git:`yocto-kernel-cache </yocto-kernel-cache/tree/>`
-if you are creating `Metadata outside of the
-recipe-space <#metadata-outside-the-recipe-space>`__.
+if you are creating
+:ref:`kernel-dev/advanced:metadata outside the recipe-space`.
 .. [1]
    ``scc`` stands for Series Configuration Control, but the naming has
@@ -353,9 +353,9 @@
 Typically, features are less granular than configuration fragments and
 are more likely than configuration fragments and patches to be the types
 of things you want to specify in the ``KERNEL_FEATURES`` variable of the
-Linux kernel recipe. See the "`Using Kernel Metadata in a
-Recipe <#using-kernel-metadata-in-a-recipe>`__" section earlier in the
+Linux kernel recipe. See the
+":ref:`kernel-dev/advanced:using kernel metadata in a recipe`" section earlier
+in the manual.
 Kernel Types
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@
 non-hardware configuration fragments with patches you want to use when
 building a Linux kernel of a specific type (e.g. a real-time kernel).
 Syntactically, kernel types are no different than features as described
-in the "`Features <#features>`__" section. The
+in the ":ref:`kernel-dev/advanced:features`" section. The
 variable in the kernel recipe selects the kernel type. For example, in
 the ``linux-yocto_4.12.bb`` kernel recipe found in
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@
 This file aggregates all the configuration
 fragments, patches, and features that make up your standard kernel
-policy. See the "`Kernel Types <#kernel-types>`__" section for more
+policy. See the ":ref:`kernel-dev/advanced:kernel types`" section for more
 To aggregate common configurations and features specific to the kernel
@@ -825,11 +825,11 @@
 source repository. Rather, you just take the static patches you need and
 encapsulate them within a feature description. Once you have the feature
 description, you simply include that into the BSP description as
-described in the "`BSP Descriptions <#bsp-descriptions>`__" section.
+described in the ":ref:`kernel-dev/advanced:bsp descriptions`" section.
 You can find information on how to create patches and BSP descriptions
-in the "`Patches <#patches>`__" and "`BSP
-Descriptions <#bsp-descriptions>`__" sections.
+in the ":ref:`kernel-dev/advanced:patches`" and
+":ref:`kernel-dev/advanced:bsp descriptions`" sections.
 Machine Branches
diff --git a/poky/documentation/kernel-dev/common.rst b/poky/documentation/kernel-dev/common.rst
index 0e545d1..56217b9 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/kernel-dev/common.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/kernel-dev/common.rst
@@ -365,8 +365,7 @@
 At this point, you are ready to start making modifications to the kernel
 using traditional kernel development steps. For a continued example, see
-the "`Using Traditional Kernel Development to Patch the
-Kernel <#using-traditional-kernel-development-to-patch-the-kernel>`__"
+the ":ref:`kernel-dev/common:using traditional kernel development to patch the kernel`"
 Creating and Preparing a Layer
@@ -463,8 +462,8 @@
 - :ref:`kernel-dev/common:changing the configuration`
 Before modifying an existing recipe, be sure that you have created a
-minimal, custom layer from which you can work. See the "`Creating and
-Preparing a Layer <#creating-and-preparing-a-layer>`__" section for
+minimal, custom layer from which you can work. See the
+":ref:`kernel-dev/common:creating and preparing a layer`" section for
 Creating the Append File
@@ -710,7 +709,7 @@
 applies the new configuration before building the kernel.
 For a detailed example showing how to configure the kernel, see the
-"`Configuring the Kernel <#configuring-the-kernel>`__" section.
+":ref:`kernel-dev/common:configuring the kernel`" section.
 Using an "In-Tree"  ``defconfig`` File
@@ -954,15 +953,14 @@
 the kernel's ``calibrate.c`` source code file. Applying the patch and
 booting the modified image causes the added messages to appear on the
 emulator's console. The example is a continuation of the setup procedure
-found in the "`Getting Ready for Traditional Kernel
-Development <#getting-ready-for-traditional-kernel-development>`__"
+found in the
+":ref:`kernel-dev/common:getting ready for traditional kernel development`"
 1. *Edit the Source Files* Prior to this step, you should have used Git
    to create a local copy of the repository for your kernel. Assuming
-   you created the repository as directed in the "`Getting Ready for
-   Traditional Kernel
-   Development <#getting-ready-for-traditional-kernel-development>`__"
+   you created the repository as directed in the
+   ":ref:`kernel-dev/common:getting ready for traditional kernel development`"
    section, use the following commands to edit the ``calibrate.c`` file:
    1. *Change the working directory*: You need to locate the source
@@ -1104,9 +1102,9 @@
    The :term:`FILESEXTRAPATHS` and :term:`SRC_URI` statements
    enable the OpenEmbedded build system to find the patch file.
-   For more information on append files and patches, see the "`Creating
-   the Append File <#creating-the-append-file>`__" and "`Applying
-   Patches <#applying-patches>`__" sections. You can also see the
+   For more information on append files and patches, see the
+   ":ref:`kernel-dev/common:creating the append file`" and
+   ":ref:`kernel-dev/common:applying patches`" sections. You can also see the
    ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:using .bbappend files in your layer`"
    section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
@@ -1140,8 +1138,8 @@
 ``.config`` file to create the leanest kernel configuration file
-For more information on kernel configuration, see the "`Changing the
-Configuration <#changing-the-configuration>`__" section.
+For more information on kernel configuration, see the
+":ref:`kernel-dev/common:changing the configuration`" section.
 Using  ``menuconfig``
@@ -1297,8 +1295,8 @@
    applies these on top of and after applying the existing ``defconfig`` file
-For more information on configuring the kernel, see the "`Changing the
-Configuration <#changing-the-configuration>`__" section.
+For more information on configuring the kernel, see the
+":ref:`kernel-dev/common:changing the configuration`" section.
 Creating Configuration Fragments
@@ -1369,8 +1367,8 @@
       $ bitbake linux-yocto -c diffconfig
 The ``diffconfig`` command creates a file that is a list of Linux kernel
-``CONFIG_`` assignments. See the "`Changing the
-Configuration <#changing-the-configuration>`__" section for additional
+``CONFIG_`` assignments. See the
+":ref:`kernel-dev/common:changing the configuration`" section for additional
 information on how to use the output as a configuration fragment.
 .. note::
@@ -1614,8 +1612,7 @@
    ":ref:`kernel-dev/common:using \`\`devtool\`\` to patch the kernel`"
    section. For
    information on building the kernel image when using Bitbake, see the
-   "`Using Traditional Kernel Development to Patch the
-   Kernel <#using-traditional-kernel-development-to-patch-the-kernel>`__"
+   ":ref:`kernel-dev/common:using traditional kernel development to patch the kernel`"
 Working With Your Own Sources
@@ -1733,8 +1730,9 @@
 5. *Customize Your Recipe as Needed:* Provide further customizations to
    your recipe as needed just as you would customize an existing
-   linux-yocto recipe. See the "`Modifying an Existing
-   Recipe <#modifying-an-existing-recipe>`__" section for information.
+   linux-yocto recipe. See the
+   ":ref:`ref-manual/devtool-reference:modifying an existing recipe`" section
+   for information.
 Working with Out-of-Tree Modules
@@ -1914,7 +1912,7 @@
    $ git show origin/standard/base..origin/standard/emenlow
 Use this command to create individual patches for each change. Here is
-an example that that creates patch files for each commit and places them
+an example that creates patch files for each commit and places them
 in your ``Documents`` directory:
diff --git a/poky/documentation/kernel-dev/intro.rst b/poky/documentation/kernel-dev/intro.rst
index f6c9b97..5592f74 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/kernel-dev/intro.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/kernel-dev/intro.rst
@@ -90,8 +90,7 @@
 -  The ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:understanding and creating layers`"
    section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
--  The "`Kernel Modification
-   Workflow <#kernel-modification-workflow>`__" section.
+-  The ":ref:`kernel-dev/intro:kernel modification workflow`" section.
 Kernel Modification Workflow
diff --git a/poky/documentation/kernel-dev/maint-appx.rst b/poky/documentation/kernel-dev/maint-appx.rst
index 89f4b43..44c4389 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/kernel-dev/maint-appx.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/kernel-dev/maint-appx.rst
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
    kernel versions (e.g. "yocto-4.12", "yocto-4.10", "yocto-4.9", and so forth).
 Once you have checked out and switched to appropriate branches, you can
-see a snapshot of all the kernel source files used to used to build that
+see a snapshot of all the kernel source files used to build that
 particular Yocto Linux kernel for a particular board.
 To see the features and configurations for a particular Yocto Linux
diff --git a/poky/documentation/overview-manual/concepts.rst b/poky/documentation/overview-manual/concepts.rst
index 257de44..ada5143 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/overview-manual/concepts.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/overview-manual/concepts.rst
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
 Layers are repositories that contain related metadata (i.e. sets of
 instructions) that tell the OpenEmbedded build system how to build a
-target. Yocto Project's `layer model <#the-yocto-project-layer-model>`__
+target. :ref:`overview-manual/yp-intro:the yocto project layer model`
 facilitates collaboration, sharing, customization, and reuse within the
 Yocto Project development environment. Layers logically separate
 information for your project. For example, you can use a layer to hold
@@ -207,8 +207,8 @@
 the image, where to store downloaded source, and other build properties.
 The following figure shows an expanded representation of the "User
-Configuration" box of the `general workflow
-figure <#general-workflow-figure>`__:
+Configuration" box of the :ref:`general workflow
+figure <overview-manual/concepts:openembedded build system concepts>`:
 .. image:: figures/user-configuration.png
    :align: center
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@
 In general, three types of layer input exists. You can see them below
 the "User Configuration" box in the `general workflow
-figure <#general-workflow-figure>`__:
+figure <overview-manual/concepts:openembedded build system concepts>`:
 -  *Metadata (.bb + Patches):* Software layers containing
    user-supplied recipe files, patches, and append files. A good example
@@ -387,8 +387,8 @@
 -  *Machine BSP Configuration:* Board Support Package (BSP) layers (i.e.
    "BSP Layer" in the following figure) providing machine-specific
    configurations. This type of information is specific to a particular
-   target architecture. A good example of a BSP layer from the `Poky
-   Reference Distribution <#gs-reference-distribution-poky>`__ is the
+   target architecture. A good example of a BSP layer from the
+   :ref:`overview-manual/yp-intro:reference distribution (poky)` is the
    :yocto_git:`meta-yocto-bsp </poky/tree/meta-yocto-bsp>`
@@ -403,7 +403,8 @@
    that contain many policy configurations for the Poky distribution.
 The following figure shows an expanded representation of these three
-layers from the `general workflow figure <#general-workflow-figure>`__:
+layers from the :ref:`general workflow figure
+<overview-manual/concepts:openembedded build system concepts>`:
 .. image:: figures/layer-input.png
    :align: center
@@ -418,9 +419,9 @@
 section in the
 Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual. For a general discussion on
 layers and the many layers from which you can draw, see the
-"`Layers <#overview-layers>`__" and "`The Yocto Project Layer
-Model <#the-yocto-project-layer-model>`__" sections both earlier in this
+":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:layers`" and
+":ref:`overview-manual/yp-intro:the yocto project layer model`" sections both
+earlier in this manual.
 If you explored the previous links, you discovered some areas where many
 layers that work with the Yocto Project exist. The :yocto_git:`Source
@@ -514,11 +515,12 @@
 In order for the OpenEmbedded build system to create an image or any
-target, it must be able to access source files. The `general workflow
-figure <#general-workflow-figure>`__ represents source files using the
-"Upstream Project Releases", "Local Projects", and "SCMs (optional)"
-boxes. The figure represents mirrors, which also play a role in locating
-source files, with the "Source Materials" box.
+target, it must be able to access source files. The :ref:`general workflow
+figure <overview-manual/concepts:openembedded build system concepts>`
+represents source files using the "Upstream Project Releases", "Local
+Projects", and "SCMs (optional)" boxes. The figure represents mirrors,
+which also play a role in locating source files, with the "Source
+Materials" box.
 The method by which source files are ultimately organized is a function
 of the project. For example, for released software, projects tend to use
@@ -554,7 +556,7 @@
 The remainder of this section provides a deeper look into the source
 files and the mirrors. Here is a more detailed look at the source file
-area of the `general workflow figure <#general-workflow-figure>`__:
+area of the :ref:`general workflow figure <overview-manual/concepts:openembedded build system concepts>`:
 .. image:: figures/source-input.png
    :align: center
@@ -628,9 +630,9 @@
 When the OpenEmbedded build system generates an image or an SDK, it gets
 the packages from a package feed area located in the
-:term:`Build Directory`. The `general
-workflow figure <#general-workflow-figure>`__ shows this package feeds
-area in the upper-right corner.
+:term:`Build Directory`. The :ref:`general workflow figure
+<overview-manual/concepts:openembedded build system concepts>`
+shows this package feeds area in the upper-right corner.
 This section looks a little closer into the package feeds area used by
 the build system. Here is a more detailed look at the area:
@@ -691,10 +693,10 @@
 The OpenEmbedded build system uses
 :term:`BitBake` to produce images and
-Software Development Kits (SDKs). You can see from the `general workflow
-figure <#general-workflow-figure>`__, the BitBake area consists of
-several functional areas. This section takes a closer look at each of
-those areas.
+Software Development Kits (SDKs). You can see from the :ref:`general workflow
+figure <overview-manual/concepts:openembedded build system concepts>`,
+the BitBake area consists of several functional areas. This section takes a
+closer look at each of those areas.
 .. note::
@@ -820,7 +822,7 @@
 :term:`S` directory.
 For more information on how the source directories are created, see the
-"`Source Fetching <#source-fetching-dev-environment>`__" section. For
+":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:source fetching`" section. For
 more information on how to create patches and how the build system
 processes patches, see the
 ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:patching code`"
@@ -957,8 +959,8 @@
 Depending on the type of packages being created (RPM, DEB, or IPK), the
 :ref:`do_package_write_* <ref-tasks-package_write_deb>`
 task creates the actual packages and places them in the Package Feed
-area, which is ``${TMPDIR}/deploy``. You can see the "`Package
-Feeds <#package-feeds-dev-environment>`__" section for more detail on
+area, which is ``${TMPDIR}/deploy``. You can see the
+":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:package feeds`" section for more detail on
 that part of the build process.
 .. note::
@@ -1119,7 +1121,7 @@
 tasks use these key variables to help create the list of packages to
 actually install. For information on the variables listed in the figure,
-see the "`Application Development SDK <#sdk-dev-environment>`__"
+see the ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:application development sdk`"
 The ``do_populate_sdk`` task helps create the standard SDK and handles
@@ -1147,8 +1149,8 @@
 into the :term:`STAMPS_DIR`
 directory. The beginning of the stamp file's filename is determined by
 the :term:`STAMP` variable, and the end
-of the name consists of the task's name and current `input
-checksum <#overview-checksums>`__.
+of the name consists of the task's name and current :ref:`input
+checksum <overview-manual/concepts:checksums (signatures)>`.
 .. note::
@@ -1165,10 +1167,10 @@
 .. note::
    The stamp mechanism is more general than the shared state (sstate)
-   cache mechanism described in the "`Setscene Tasks and Shared
-   State <#setscene-tasks-and-shared-state>`__" section. BitBake avoids
-   rerunning any task that has a valid stamp file, not just tasks that
-   can be accelerated through the sstate cache.
+   cache mechanism described in the
+   ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:setscene tasks and shared state`" section.
+   BitBake avoids rerunning any task that has a valid stamp file, not just
+   tasks that can be accelerated through the sstate cache.
    However, you should realize that stamp files only serve as a marker
    that some work has been done and that these files do not record task
@@ -1271,7 +1273,8 @@
 The images produced by the build system are compressed forms of the root
 filesystem and are ready to boot on a target device. You can see from
-the `general workflow figure <#general-workflow-figure>`__ that BitBake
+the :ref:`general workflow figure
+<overview-manual/concepts:openembedded build system concepts>` that BitBake
 output, in part, consists of images. This section takes a closer look at
 this output:
@@ -1327,7 +1330,8 @@
 Application Development SDK
-In the `general workflow figure <#general-workflow-figure>`__, the
+In the :ref:`general workflow figure
+<overview-manual/concepts:openembedded build system concepts>`, the
 output labeled "Application Development SDK" represents an SDK. The SDK
 generation process differs depending on whether you build an extensible
 SDK (e.g. ``bitbake -c populate_sdk_ext`` imagename) or a standard SDK
@@ -1357,8 +1361,8 @@
       your own SDK installer.
    -  For background information on cross-development toolchains in the
-      Yocto Project development environment, see the "`Cross-Development
-      Toolchain Generation <#cross-development-toolchain-generation>`__"
+      Yocto Project development environment, see the
+      ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:cross-development toolchain generation`"
    -  For information on setting up a cross-development environment, see
@@ -1773,10 +1777,10 @@
 The "OEBasicHash" ``BB_SIGNATURE_HANDLER`` is the same
-as the "OEBasic" version but adds the task hash to the `stamp
-files <#stamp-files-and-the-rerunning-of-tasks>`__. This results in any
-metadata change that changes the task hash, automatically causing the
-task to be run again. This removes the need to bump
+as the "OEBasic" version but adds the task hash to the :ref:`stamp
+files <overview-manual/concepts:stamp files and the rerunning of tasks>`. This
+results in any metadata change that changes the task hash, automatically causing
+the task to be run again. This removes the need to bump
 :term:`PR` values, and changes to metadata
 automatically ripple across the build.
@@ -1901,9 +1905,10 @@
 -  The ``do_deploy[stamp-extra-info] = "${MACHINE_ARCH}"`` line appends
-   extra metadata to the `stamp
-   file <#stamp-files-and-the-rerunning-of-tasks>`__. In this case, the
-   metadata makes the task specific to a machine's architecture. See
+   extra metadata to the :ref:`stamp
+   file <overview-manual/concepts:stamp files and the rerunning of tasks>`. In
+   this case, the metadata makes the task specific to a machine's architecture.
+   See
    ":ref:`bitbake:bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual-execution:the task list`"
    section in the BitBake User Manual for more information on the
    ``stamp-extra-info`` flag.
@@ -2111,8 +2116,7 @@
    under fakeroot. Otherwise, the task cannot run root-only operations,
    and cannot see the fake file ownership and permissions set by the
    other task. You need to also add a dependency on
-   virtual/fakeroot-native:do_populate_sysroot
-   , giving the following:
+   ``virtual/fakeroot-native:do_populate_sysroot``, giving the following:
       fakeroot do_mytask () {
diff --git a/poky/documentation/overview-manual/development-environment.rst b/poky/documentation/overview-manual/development-environment.rst
index 011a479..a33f89e 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/overview-manual/development-environment.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/overview-manual/development-environment.rst
@@ -157,7 +157,8 @@
    -  The recommended method for setting up the Yocto Project
       :term:`Source Directory` and the files
-      for supported BSPs (e.g., ``meta-intel``) is to use `Git <#git>`__
+      for supported BSPs (e.g., ``meta-intel``) is to use
+      :ref:`overview-manual/development-environment:git`
       to create a local copy of the upstream repositories.
    -  Be sure to always work in matching branches for both the selected
@@ -214,7 +215,8 @@
 Developing using the Yocto Project likely requires the use of
-`Git <#git>`__. Git is a free, open source distributed version control
+Git is a free, open source distributed version control
 system used as part of many collaborative design environments. This
 section provides workflow concepts using the Yocto Project and Git. In
 particular, the information covers basic practices that describe roles
@@ -382,11 +384,10 @@
 Repositories, Tags, and Branches
-As mentioned briefly in the previous section and also in the "`Git
-Workflows and the Yocto
-Project <#gs-git-workflows-and-the-yocto-project>`__" section, the Yocto
-Project maintains source repositories at :yocto_git:`/`. If you
-look at this web-interface of the repositories, each item is a separate
+As mentioned briefly in the previous section and also in the
+":ref:`overview-manual/development-environment:git workflows and the yocto project`"
+section, the Yocto Project maintains source repositories at :yocto_git:`/`.
+If you look at this web-interface of the repositories, each item is a separate
 Git repository.
 Git repositories use branching techniques that track content change (not
@@ -541,7 +542,7 @@
    in this form assumes the local branch already exists. This command is
    analogous to "cd".
--  *git checkout –b working-branch upstream-branch:* Creates and
+-  *git checkout -b working-branch upstream-branch:* Creates and
    checks out a working branch on your local machine. The local branch
    tracks the upstream branch. You can use your local branch to isolate
    your work. It is a good idea to use local branches when adding
diff --git a/poky/documentation/overview-manual/intro.rst b/poky/documentation/overview-manual/intro.rst
index bd247dd..a2afe77 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/overview-manual/intro.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/overview-manual/intro.rst
@@ -14,17 +14,16 @@
 The following list describes what you can get from this manual:
--  `Introducing the Yocto Project <#overview-yp>`__\ *:* This chapter
-   provides an introduction to the Yocto Project. You will learn about
-   features and challenges of the Yocto Project, the layer model,
+-  :ref:`overview-manual/yp-intro:introducing the yocto project`\ *:*
+   This chapter provides an introduction to the Yocto Project. You will learn
+   about features and challenges of the Yocto Project, the layer model,
    components and tools, development methods, the
    :term:`Poky` reference distribution, the
    OpenEmbedded build system workflow, and some basic Yocto terms.
--  `The Yocto Project Development
-   Environment <#overview-development-environment>`__\ *:* This chapter
-   helps you get started understanding the Yocto Project development
-   environment. You will learn about open source, development hosts,
+-  :ref:`overview-manual/development-environment:the yocto project development environment`\ *:*
+   This chapter helps you get started understanding the Yocto Project
+   development environment. You will learn about open source, development hosts,
    Yocto Project source repositories, workflows using Git and the Yocto
    Project, a Git primer, and information about licensing.
diff --git a/poky/documentation/overview-manual/yp-intro.rst b/poky/documentation/overview-manual/yp-intro.rst
index 0ec7e2b..fca02e4 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/overview-manual/yp-intro.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/overview-manual/yp-intro.rst
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
 The following list describes features and advantages of the Yocto
--  *Widely Adopted Across the Industry:* Semiconductor, operating
-   system, software, and service vendors exist whose products and
-   services adopt and support the Yocto Project. For a look at the Yocto
+-  *Widely Adopted Across the Industry:* Many semiconductor, operating
+   system, software, and service vendors adopt and support the Yocto
+   Project in their products and services. For a look at the Yocto
    Project community and the companies involved with the Yocto Project,
    see the "COMMUNITY" and "ECOSYSTEM" tabs on the
    :yocto_home:`Yocto Project <>` home page.
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
    create and supply BSPs that support their hardware. If you have
    custom silicon, you can create a BSP that supports that architecture.
-   Aside from lots of architecture support, the Yocto Project fully
-   supports a wide range of device emulation through the Quick EMUlator
+   Aside from broad architecture support, the Yocto Project fully
+   supports a wide range of devices emulated by the Quick EMUlator
 -  *Images and Code Transfer Easily:* Yocto Project output can easily
@@ -78,10 +78,10 @@
    you need for embedded devices. You only add the feature support or
    packages that you absolutely need for the device. For devices that
    have display hardware, you can use available system components such
-   as X11, GTK+, Qt, Clutter, and SDL (among others) to create a rich
-   user experience. For devices that do not have a display or where you
-   want to use alternative UI frameworks, you can choose to not install
-   these components.
+   as X11, Wayland, GTK+, Qt, Clutter, and SDL (among others) to create
+   a rich user experience. For devices that do not have a display or
+   where you want to use alternative UI frameworks, you can choose to
+   not build these components.
 -  *Comprehensive Toolchain Capabilities:* Toolchains for supported
    architectures satisfy most use cases. However, if your hardware
@@ -96,18 +96,18 @@
    of your design instead of adopting decisions enforced by some system
    software provider.
--  *Uses a Layer Model:* The Yocto Project `layer
-   infrastructure <#the-yocto-project-layer-model>`__ groups related
-   functionality into separate bundles. You can incrementally add these
-   grouped functionalities to your project as needed. Using layers to
+-  *Uses a Layer Model:* The Yocto Project :ref:`layer
+   infrastructure <overview-manual/yp-intro:the yocto project layer model>`
+   groups related functionality into separate bundles. You can incrementally
+   add these grouped functionalities to your project as needed. Using layers to
    isolate and group functionality reduces project complexity and
    redundancy, allows you to easily extend the system, make
    customizations, and keep functionality organized.
 -  *Supports Partial Builds:* You can build and rebuild individual
    packages as needed. Yocto Project accomplishes this through its
-   `shared-state cache <#shared-state-cache>`__ (sstate) scheme. Being
-   able to build and debug components individually eases project
+   :ref:`overview-manual/concepts:shared state cache` (sstate) scheme.
+   Being able to build and debug components individually eases project
 -  *Releases According to a Strict Schedule:* Major releases occur on a
@@ -155,8 +155,9 @@
    documents on the Yocto Project website.
 -  *Project Workflow Could Be Confusing:* The `Yocto Project
-   workflow <#overview-development-environment>`__ could be confusing if
-   you are used to traditional desktop and server software development.
+   workflow <overview-manual/development-environment:the yocto project development environment>`
+   could be confusing if you are used to traditional desktop and server
+   software development.
    In a desktop development environment, mechanisms exist to easily pull
    and install new packages, which are typically pre-compiled binaries
    from servers accessible over the Internet. Using the Yocto Project,
@@ -262,8 +263,7 @@
 .. note::
    It is not a requirement that a layer name begin with the prefix
-   meta-
-   , but it is a commonly accepted standard in the Yocto Project
+   ``meta-``, but it is a commonly accepted standard in the Yocto Project
 For example, if you were to examine the :yocto_git:`tree view </poky/tree/>`
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
 ``meta-yocto-bsp``. Each of these repositories represents a distinct
-For procedures on how to create layers, see the 
+For procedures on how to create layers, see the
 ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:understanding and creating layers`"
 section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
@@ -283,8 +283,7 @@
 the project itself, by project developers, and by those using the Yocto
 Project. These components and tools are open source projects and
 metadata that are separate from the reference distribution
-(:term:`Poky`) and the 
-:term:`OpenEmbedded Build System`. Most of the
+(:term:`Poky`) and the :term:`OpenEmbedded Build System`. Most of the
 components and tools are downloaded separately.
 This section provides brief overviews of the components and tools
@@ -325,7 +324,7 @@
    You can read about the ``devtool`` workflow in the Yocto Project
    Application Development and Extensible Software Development Kit
-   (eSDK) Manual in the 
+   (eSDK) Manual in the
    ":ref:`sdk-manual/extensible:using \`\`devtool\`\` in your sdk workflow`"
@@ -431,13 +430,16 @@
    During a build, it can be necessary to perform operations that
    require system administrator privileges. For example, file ownership
-   or permissions might need definition. Pseudo is a tool that you can
-   either use directly or through the environment variable
+   or permissions might need to be defined. Pseudo is a tool that you
+   can either use directly or through the environment variable
    ``LD_PRELOAD``. Either method allows these operations to succeed as
    if system administrator privileges exist even when they do not.
-   You can read more about Pseudo in the "`Fakeroot and
-   Pseudo <#fakeroot-and-pseudo>`__" section.
+   Thanks to Pseudo, the Yocto Project never needs root privileges to
+   build images for your target system.
+   You can read more about Pseudo in the
+   ":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:fakeroot and pseudo`" section.
 Open-Embedded Build System Components
@@ -479,9 +481,9 @@
    Sharing a core set of metadata results in Poky as an integration
    layer on top of OE-Core. You can see that in this
-   `figure <#yp-key-dev-elements>`__. The Yocto Project combines various
-   components such as BitBake, OE-Core, script "glue", and documentation
-   for its build system.
+   :ref:`figure <overview-manual/yp-intro:what is the yocto project?>`.
+   The Yocto Project combines various components such as BitBake, OE-Core,
+   script "glue", and documentation for its build system.
 Reference Distribution (Poky)
@@ -489,8 +491,8 @@
 Poky is the Yocto Project reference distribution. It contains the
 :term:`OpenEmbedded Build System`
 (BitBake and OE-Core) as well as a set of metadata to get you started
-building your own distribution. See the
-`figure <#what-is-the-yocto-project>`__ in "What is the Yocto Project?"
+building your own distribution. See the figure in
+":ref:`overview-manual/yp-intro:what is the yocto project?`"
 section for an illustration that shows Poky and its relationship with
 other parts of the Yocto Project.
@@ -502,8 +504,9 @@
    Poky does not contain binary files. It is a working example of how to
    build your own custom Linux distribution from source.
-You can read more about Poky in the "`Reference Embedded Distribution
-(Poky) <#reference-embedded-distribution>`__" section.
+You can read more about Poky in the
+":ref:`overview-manual/yp-intro:reference embedded distribution (poky)`"
 Packages for Finished Targets
@@ -566,19 +569,19 @@
 3. *CROPS:* The final and best solution available now for developing
    using the Yocto Project on a system not native to Linux is with
-   `CROPS <#gs-crops-overview>`__.
+   :ref:`CROPS <overview-manual/yp-intro:development tools>`.
 Development Methods
-The Yocto Project development environment usually involves a 
+The Yocto Project development environment usually involves a
 :term:`Build Host` and target
 hardware. You use the Build Host to build images and develop
-applications, while you use the target hardware to test deployed
+applications, while you use the target hardware to execute deployed
 This section provides an introduction to the choices or development
-methods you have when setting up your Build Host. Depending on the your
+methods you have when setting up your Build Host. Depending on your
 particular workflow preference and the type of operating system your
 Build Host runs, several choices exist that allow you to use the Yocto
@@ -593,11 +596,11 @@
    system running Linux as its native operating system allows you to
    develop software by directly using the
    :term:`BitBake` tool. You can
-   accomplish all aspects of development from a familiar shell of a
+   accomplish all aspects of development from a regular shell in a
    supported Linux distribution.
    For information on how to set up a Build Host on a system running
-   Linux as its native operating system, see the 
+   Linux as its native operating system, see the
    ":ref:`dev-manual/start:setting up a native linux host`"
    section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
@@ -622,7 +625,7 @@
    section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
 -  *Windows Subsystem For Linux (WSLv2):* You may use Windows Subsystem
-   For Linux v2 to set up a build host using Windows 10.
+   For Linux v2 to set up a Build Host using Windows 10.
    .. note::
@@ -631,8 +634,7 @@
       still decide to use WSL please upgrade to WSLv2.
    The Windows Subsystem For Linux allows Windows 10 to run a real Linux
-   kernel inside of a lightweight utility virtual machine (VM) using
-   virtualization technology.
+   kernel inside of a lightweight virtual machine (VM).
    For information on how to set up a Build Host with WSLv2, see the
    ":ref:`dev-manual/start:setting up to use windows subsystem for linux (wslv2)`"
@@ -641,12 +643,11 @@
 -  *Toaster:* Regardless of what your Build Host is running, you can use
    Toaster to develop software using the Yocto Project. Toaster is a web
    interface to the Yocto Project's :term:`OpenEmbedded Build System`.
-   The interface
-   enables you to configure and run your builds. Information about
-   builds is collected and stored in a database. You can use Toaster to
-   configure and start builds on multiple remote build servers.
+   The interface allows you to configure and run your builds. Information
+   about builds is collected and stored in a database. You can use Toaster
+   to configure and start builds on multiple remote build servers.
-   For information about and how to use Toaster, see the 
+   For information about and how to use Toaster, see the
 Reference Embedded Distribution (Poky)
@@ -654,14 +655,12 @@
 "Poky", which is pronounced *Pock*-ee, is the name of the Yocto
 Project's reference distribution or Reference OS Kit. Poky contains the
-:term:`OpenEmbedded Build System`
-(:term:`BitBake` and
-:term:`OpenEmbedded-Core (OE-Core)`) as well as a set
-of :term:`Metadata` to get you started
-building your own distro. In other words, Poky is a base specification
-of the functionality needed for a typical embedded system as well as the
-components from the Yocto Project that allow you to build a distribution
-into a usable binary image.
+:term:`OpenEmbedded Build System` (:term:`BitBake` and
+:term:`OpenEmbedded-Core (OE-Core)`) as well as a set of
+:term:`Metadata` to get you started building your own distro. In other
+words, Poky is a base specification of the functionality needed for a
+typical embedded system as well as the components from the Yocto Project
+that allow you to build a distribution into a usable binary image.
 Poky is a combined repository of BitBake, OpenEmbedded-Core (which is
 found in ``meta``), ``meta-poky``, ``meta-yocto-bsp``, and documentation
@@ -730,7 +729,8 @@
 One of the most powerful properties of Poky is that every aspect of a
 build is controlled by the metadata. You can use metadata to augment
 these base image types by adding metadata
-`layers <#the-yocto-project-layer-model>`__ that extend functionality.
+`layers <overview-manual/yp-intro:the yocto project layer model>` that extend
 These layers can provide, for example, an additional software stack for
 an image type, add a board support package (BSP) for additional
 hardware, or even create a new image type.
@@ -787,8 +787,8 @@
 7. The build system generates the file system image and a customized
    Extensible SDK (eSDK) for application development in parallel.
-For a very detailed look at this workflow, see the "`OpenEmbedded Build
-System Concepts <#openembedded-build-system-build-concepts>`__" section.
+For a very detailed look at this workflow, see the
+":ref:`overview-manual/concepts:openembedded build system concepts`" section.
 Some Basic Terms
@@ -816,14 +816,14 @@
    isolate information used when building for multiple architectures.
    Layers are hierarchical in their ability to override previous
    specifications. You can include any number of available layers from
-   the Yocto Project and customize the build by adding your layers after
-   them. You can search the Layer Index for layers used within Yocto
-   Project.
+   the Yocto Project and customize the build by adding your own layers
+   after them. You can search the Layer Index for layers used within
+   Yocto Project.
-   For more detailed information on layers, see the 
+   For more detailed information on layers, see the
    ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:understanding and creating layers`"
    section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual. For a
-   discussion specifically on BSP Layers, see the 
+   discussion specifically on BSP Layers, see the
    ":ref:`bsp-guide/bsp:bsp layers`" section in the Yocto
    Project Board Support Packages (BSP) Developer's Guide.
@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@
    BitBake is similar to the ``make`` tool.
    During a build process, the build system tracks dependencies and
-   performs a native or cross-compilation of the package. As a first
+   performs a native or cross-compilation of each package. As a first
    step in a cross-build setup, the framework attempts to create a
    cross-compiler toolchain (i.e. Extensible SDK) suited for the target
@@ -878,7 +878,8 @@
    subtle meanings. For example, the packages referred to in the
    ":ref:`ref-manual/system-requirements:required packages for the build host`"
    section in the Yocto Project Reference Manual are compiled binaries
-   that, when installed, add functionality to your Linux distribution.
+   that, when installed, add functionality to your host Linux
+   distribution.
    Another point worth noting is that historically within the Yocto
    Project, recipes were referred to as packages - thus, the existence
diff --git a/poky/documentation/poky.yaml b/poky/documentation/poky.yaml
index 3c30c44..8ccb359 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/poky.yaml
+++ b/poky/documentation/poky.yaml
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-DISTRO : "3.2.2"
+DISTRO : "3.2.3"
 DISTRO_NAME_NO_CAP : "gatesgarth"
 DISTRO_NAME : "Gatesgarth"
-DISTRO_REL_TAG : "yocto-3.2.2"
-POKYVERSION : "24.0.2"
+DISTRO_REL_TAG : "yocto-3.2.3"
+POKYVERSION : "24.0.3"
 YOCTO_DL_URL : "https://downloads.yoctoproject.org"
 YOCTO_AB_URL : "https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org"
 YOCTO_RELEASE_DL_URL : "&YOCTO_DL_URL;/releases/yocto/yocto-&DISTRO;"
-UBUNTU_HOST_PACKAGES_ESSENTIAL : "gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib \
+UBUNTU_HOST_PACKAGES_ESSENTIAL : "gawk wget git diffstat unzip texinfo gcc \
      build-essential chrpath socat cpio python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect \
      xz-utils debianutils iputils-ping python3-git python3-jinja2 libegl1-mesa libsdl1.2-dev \
      pylint3 xterm python3-subunit mesa-common-dev"
@@ -40,3 +40,7 @@
      python3-GitPython python3-jinja2 python3-pexpect xz which SDL-devel xterm \
      rpcgen mesa-libGL-devel"
 PIP3_HOST_PACKAGES_DOC : "$ sudo pip3 install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme pyyaml"
diff --git a/poky/documentation/profile-manual/usage.rst b/poky/documentation/profile-manual/usage.rst
index b401cf9..c42f5b6 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/profile-manual/usage.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/profile-manual/usage.rst
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@
 As a simple test case, we'll profile the 'wget' of a fairly large file,
 which is a minimally interesting case because it has both file and
 network I/O aspects, and at least in the case of standard Yocto images,
-it's implemented as part of busybox, so the methods we use to analyze it
-can be used in a very similar way to the whole host of supported busybox
+it's implemented as part of BusyBox, so the methods we use to analyze it
+can be used in a very similar way to the whole host of supported BusyBox
 applets in Yocto. ::
    root@crownbay:~# rm linux-; \
@@ -251,12 +251,12 @@
 what happens at a high level when you run wget to get a file out on the
 network. Basically what happens is that the data comes into the kernel
 via the network connection (socket) and is passed to the userspace
-program 'wget' (which is actually a part of busybox, but that's not
+program 'wget' (which is actually a part of BusyBox, but that's not
 important for now), which takes the buffers the kernel passes to it and
 writes it to a disk file to save it.
 The part of this process that we're looking at in the above call stacks
-is the part where the kernel passes the data it's read from the socket
+is the part where the kernel passes the data it has read from the socket
 down to wget i.e. a copy-to-user.
 Notice also that here there's also a case where the hex value is
@@ -277,16 +277,16 @@
 of how to extract useful information out of it, let's get back to the
 task at hand and see if we can get some basic idea about where the time
 is spent in the program we're profiling, wget. Remember that wget is
-actually implemented as an applet in busybox, so while the process name
-is 'wget', the executable we're actually interested in is busybox. So
-let's expand the first entry containing busybox:
+actually implemented as an applet in BusyBox, so while the process name
+is 'wget', the executable we're actually interested in is BusyBox. So
+let's expand the first entry containing BusyBox:
 .. image:: figures/perf-wget-busybox-expanded-stripped.png
    :align: center
 Again, before we expanded we saw that the function was labeled with a
 hex value instead of a symbol as with most of the kernel entries.
-Expanding the busybox entry doesn't make it any better.
+Expanding the BusyBox entry doesn't make it any better.
 The problem is that perf can't find the symbol information for the
 busybox binary, which is actually stripped out by the Yocto build
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
 However, we already have an image with the binaries stripped, so
 what can we do to get perf to resolve the symbols? Basically we need to
-install the debuginfo for the busybox package.
+install the debuginfo for the BusyBox package.
 To generate the debug info for the packages in the image, we can add
 ``dbg-pkgs`` to :term:`EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES` in ``local.conf``. For example: ::
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
    PACKAGE_DEBUG_SPLIT_STYLE = 'debug-file-directory'
 Once we've done that, we can install the
-debuginfo for busybox. The debug packages once built can be found in
+debuginfo for BusyBox. The debug packages once built can be found in
 ``build/tmp/deploy/rpm/*`` on the host system. Find the busybox-dbg-...rpm
 file and copy it to the target. For example: ::
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
    root@crownbay:~# rpm -i busybox-dbg-1.20.2-r2.core2_32.rpm
-Now that the debuginfo is installed, we see that the busybox entries now display
+Now that the debuginfo is installed, we see that the BusyBox entries now display
 their functions symbolically:
 .. image:: figures/perf-wget-busybox-debuginfo.png
@@ -345,11 +345,11 @@
 .. image:: figures/perf-wget-busybox-dso-zoom.png
    :align: center
-Finally, we can see that now that the busybox debuginfo is installed,
+Finally, we can see that now that the BusyBox debuginfo is installed,
 the previously unresolved symbol in the ``sys_clock_gettime()`` entry
 mentioned previously is now resolved, and shows that the
 sys_clock_gettime system call that was the source of 6.75% of the
-copy-to-user overhead was initiated by the ``handle_input()`` busybox
+copy-to-user overhead was initiated by the ``handle_input()`` BusyBox
 .. image:: figures/perf-wget-g-copy-to-user-expanded-debuginfo.png
@@ -1580,7 +1580,7 @@
    root@sugarbay:/sys/kernel/debug/tracing# echo nop > current_tracer
    root@sugarbay:/sys/kernel/debug/tracing# echo 1 > tracing_on
-Now, if we look at the the 'trace' file, we see nothing
+Now, if we look at the 'trace' file, we see nothing
 but the kmalloc events we just turned on: ::
    root@sugarbay:/sys/kernel/debug/tracing# cat trace | less
@@ -1900,7 +1900,7 @@
-   You can also run generated qemu images with a command like 'runqemu qemux86-64'
+   You can also run generated QEMU images with a command like 'runqemu qemux86-64'
 Once you've done that, you can cd to whatever
 directory contains your scripts and use 'crosstap' to run the script: ::
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/TODO b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/TODO
index ee0db97..0510f54 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/TODO
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/TODO
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 Handbook Todo List:
-  * Document adding a new IMAGE_FEATURE to the customising images section 
+  * Document adding a new IMAGE_FEATURE to the customising images section
   * Add instructions about using zaurus/openmoko emulation
   * Add component overview/block diagrams
-  * Software Deevelopment intro should mention its software development for 
-    intended target and could be a different arch etc and thus special case. 
+  * Software Development intro should mention its software development for
+    intended target and could be a different arch etc and thus special case.
   * Expand insane.bbclass documentation to cover tests
   * Document remaining classes (see list in ref-classes)
   * Document formfactor
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/classes.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/classes.rst
index be112e0..52a50fa 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/classes.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/classes.rst
@@ -501,29 +501,6 @@
 due to BitBake's automatic fetch dependencies (e.g.
-.. _ref-classes-distutils:
-The ``distutils*`` classes support recipes for Python version 2.x
-extensions, which are simple. These recipes usually only need to point
-to the source's archive and then inherit the proper class. Building is
-split into two methods depending on which method the module authors
--  Extensions that use an Autotools-based build system require Autotools
-   and the classes based on ``distutils`` in their recipes.
--  Extensions that use build systems based on ``distutils`` require the
-   ``distutils`` class in their recipes.
--  Extensions that use build systems based on ``setuptools`` require the
-   :ref:`setuptools <ref-classes-setuptools>` class in their recipes.
-The ``distutils-common-base`` class is required by some of the
-``distutils*`` classes to provide common Python2 support.
 .. _ref-classes-distutils3:
@@ -542,15 +519,9 @@
    ``distutils`` class in their recipes.
 -  Extensions that use build systems based on ``setuptools3`` require
-   the :ref:`setuptools3 <ref-classes-setuptools>` class in their
+   the :ref:`setuptools3 <ref-classes-setuptools3>` class in their
-The ``distutils3*`` classes either inherit their corresponding
-``distutils*`` class or replicate them using a Python3 version instead
-(e.g. ``distutils3-base`` inherits ``distutils-common-base``, which is
-the same as ``distutils-base`` but inherits ``python3native`` instead of
 .. _ref-classes-externalsrc:
@@ -1426,7 +1397,7 @@
 The boot script is specified in the ITS file as a text file containing
 U-boot commands. When using a boot script the user should configure the
 U-boot ``do_install`` task to copy the script to sysroot.
-So the script can be included in the the FIT image by the ``kernel-fitimage``
+So the script can be included in the FIT image by the ``kernel-fitimage``
 class. At run-time, U-boot CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND define can be configured to
 load the boot script from the FIT image and executes it.
@@ -2138,13 +2109,13 @@
 ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:testing packages with ptest`"
 section in the Yocto Project Development Tasks Manual.
-.. _ref-classes-python-dir:
+.. _ref-classes-python3-dir:
-The ``python-dir`` class provides the base version, location, and site
-package location for Python.
+The ``python3-dir`` class provides the base version, location, and site
+package location for Python 3.
 .. _ref-classes-python3native:
@@ -2155,14 +2126,17 @@
 3 built by the build system rather than support of the version provided
 by the build host.
-.. _ref-classes-pythonnative:
+.. _ref-classes-python3targetconfig:
-When inherited by a recipe, the ``pythonnative`` class supports using
-the native version of Python built by the build system rather than using
-the version provided by the build host.
+The ``python3targetconfig`` class supports using the native version of Python
+3 built by the build system rather than support of the version provided
+by the build host, except that the configuration for the target machine
+is accessible (such as correct installation directories). This also adds a
+dependency on target ``python3``, so should only be used where appropriate
+in order to avoid unnecessarily lengthening builds.
 .. _ref-classes-qemu:
@@ -2323,22 +2297,13 @@
 The ``sdl`` class supports recipes that need to build software that uses
 the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) library.
-.. _ref-classes-setuptools:
-The ``setuptools`` class supports Python version 2.x extensions that use
-build systems based on ``setuptools``. If your recipe uses these build
-systems, the recipe needs to inherit the ``setuptools`` class.
 .. _ref-classes-setuptools3:
 The ``setuptools3`` class supports Python version 3.x extensions that
-use build systems based on ``setuptools3``. If your recipe uses these
+use build systems based on ``setuptools``. If your recipe uses these
 build systems, the recipe needs to inherit the ``setuptools3`` class.
 .. _ref-classes-sign_rpm:
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/devtool-reference.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/devtool-reference.rst
index 5075f0c..629aa2f 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/devtool-reference.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/devtool-reference.rst
@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@
    $ devtool add jackson /home/user/sources/jackson
 If you add a recipe and the workspace layer does not exist, the command
-creates the layer and populates it as described in "`The Workspace Layer
-Structure <#devtool-the-workspace-layer-structure>`__" section.
+creates the layer and populates it as described in
+":ref:`devtool-the-workspace-layer-structure`" section.
 Running ``devtool add`` when the workspace layer exists causes the tool
 to add the recipe, append files, and source files into the existing
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/faq.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/faq.rst
index 34b26ee..64fdfdf 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/faq.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/faq.rst
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 projects immediately.
 **Q:** My development system does not meet the required Git, tar, and
-Python versions. In particular, I do not have Python 3.5.0 or greater.
+Python versions. In particular, I do not have Python &MIN_PYTHON_VERSION; or greater.
 Can I still use the Yocto Project?
 **A:** You can get the required tools on your host development system a
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@
 "/usr/bin" worked most of the time, but not for the recipe's ``-native``
 variant. For another example, permissions errors might be caused by a
 Makefile that ignores ``DESTDIR`` or uses a different name for that
-environment variable. Check the the build system to see if these kinds
+environment variable. Check the build system to see if these kinds
 of issues exist.
 **Q:** I'm adding a binary in a recipe but it's different in the image, what is
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/kickstart.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/kickstart.rst
index 472820f..b87cdc1 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/kickstart.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/kickstart.rst
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 following syntax:
-   part [mntpoint] 
+   part [mntpoint]
    partition [mntpoint]
 If you do not
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 .. note::
    The mount program must understand the PARTUUID syntax you use with
-   ``--use-uuid`` and non-root *mountpoint*, including swap. The busybox
+   ``--use-uuid`` and non-root *mountpoint*, including swap. The BusyBox
    versions of these application are currently excluded.
 Here is an example that uses "/" as the mountpoint. The command uses
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.3.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.3.rst
index 12e225b..0929f49 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.3.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.3.rst
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK
-Moving to the Yocto Project 1.3 Release
+Moving to the Yocto Project 1.3 Release (danny)
 This section provides migration information for moving to the Yocto
-Project 1.3 Release from the prior release.
+Project 1.3 Release (codename "danny") from the prior release.
 .. _1.3-local-configuration:
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.4.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.4.rst
index 0b7e861..f5fac7a 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.4.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.4.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Moving to the Yocto Project 1.4 Release
+Moving to the Yocto Project 1.4 Release (dylan)
 This section provides migration information for moving to the Yocto
-Project 1.4 Release from the prior release.
+Project 1.4 Release (codename "dylan") from the prior release.
 .. _migration-1.4-bitbake:
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.5.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.5.rst
index 2716bc9..c772e51 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.5.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.5.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Moving to the Yocto Project 1.5 Release
+Moving to the Yocto Project 1.5 Release (dora)
 This section provides migration information for moving to the Yocto
-Project 1.5 Release from the prior release.
+Project 1.5 Release (codename "dora") from the prior release.
 .. _migration-1.5-host-dependency-changes:
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
 -  ``libtool-nativesdk`` has been renamed to ``nativesdk-libtool``.
 -  ``tinylogin`` has been removed. It has been replaced by a suid
-   portion of Busybox. See the "`BusyBox <#busybox>`__"
+   portion of Busybox. See the ":ref:`migration-1.5-busybox`"
    section for more information.
 -  ``external-python-tarball`` has been renamed to
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.6.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.6.rst
index ed155d0..4c6afab 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.6.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.6.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Moving to the Yocto Project 1.6 Release
+Moving to the Yocto Project 1.6 Release (daisy)
 This section provides migration information for moving to the Yocto
-Project 1.6 Release from the prior release.
+Project 1.6 Release (codename "daisy") from the prior release.
 .. _migration-1.6-archiver-class:
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.7.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.7.rst
index 54544e4..9cf467f 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.7.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.7.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Moving to the Yocto Project 1.7 Release
+Moving to the Yocto Project 1.7 Release (dizzy)
 This section provides migration information for moving to the Yocto
-Project 1.7 Release from the prior release.
+Project 1.7 Release (codename "dizzy") from the prior release.
 .. _migration-1.7-changes-to-setting-qemu-packageconfig-options:
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 The QEMU recipe now uses a number of
 :term:`PACKAGECONFIG` options to enable various
 optional features. The method used to set defaults for these options
-means that existing ``local.conf`` files will need to be be modified to
+means that existing ``local.conf`` files will need to be modified to
 append to ``PACKAGECONFIG`` for ``qemu-native`` and ``nativesdk-qemu``
 instead of setting it. In other words, to enable graphical output for
 QEMU, you should now have these lines in ``local.conf``:
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.8.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.8.rst
index 73789bd..ec2b138 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.8.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-1.8.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Moving to the Yocto Project 1.8 Release
+Moving to the Yocto Project 1.8 Release (fido)
 This section provides migration information for moving to the Yocto
-Project 1.8 Release from the prior release.
+Project 1.8 Release (codename "fido") from the prior release.
 .. _migration-1.8-removed-recipes:
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.0.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.0.rst
index 4eea948..9da60df 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.0.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.0.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Moving to the Yocto Project 2.0 Release
+Moving to the Yocto Project 2.0 Release (jethro)
 This section provides migration information for moving to the Yocto
-Project 2.0 Release from the prior release.
+Project 2.0 Release (codename "jethro") from the prior release.
 .. _migration-2.0-gcc-5:
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.1.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.1.rst
index 861d048..1eb9ab5 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.1.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.1.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Moving to the Yocto Project 2.1 Release
+Moving to the Yocto Project 2.1 Release (krogoth)
 This section provides migration information for moving to the Yocto
-Project 2.1 Release from the prior release.
+Project 2.1 Release (codename "krogoth") from the prior release.
 .. _migration-2.1-variable-expansion-in-python-functions:
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
 In particular, if you had added any tasks after ``do_rootfs``, you
 should make edits so that those tasks are after the
 :ref:`ref-tasks-image-complete` task rather than
-after ``do_rootfs`` so that the your added tasks run at the correct
+after ``do_rootfs`` so that your added tasks run at the correct
 A minor part of this restructuring is that the post-processing
@@ -179,9 +179,8 @@
 -  ``python-pygtk``: Recipe became obsolete.
--  ``adt-installer``: Recipe became obsolete. See the "`ADT
-   Removed <#adt-removed>`__" section for more
-   information.
+-  ``adt-installer``: Recipe became obsolete. See the
+   ":ref:`ref-manual/migration-2.1:adt removed`" section for more information.
 .. _migration-2.1-class-changes:
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.2.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.2.rst
index 5c6fecf..198181a 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.2.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.2.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Moving to the Yocto Project 2.2 Release
+Moving to the Yocto Project 2.2 Release (morty)
 This section provides migration information for moving to the Yocto
-Project 2.2 Release from the prior release.
+Project 2.2 Release (codename "morty") from the prior release.
 .. _migration-2.2-minimum-kernel-version:
@@ -367,8 +367,8 @@
 -  ``sato-icon-theme``: Became obsolete.
--  ``swabber-native``: Swabber has been removed. See the `entry on
-   Swabber <#swabber-has-been-removed>`__.
+-  ``swabber-native``: Swabber has been removed. See the :ref:`entry on
+   Swabber <ref-manual/migration-2.2:swabber has been removed>`.
 -  ``tslib``: No longer needed and has been moved to ``meta-oe``.
@@ -393,8 +393,8 @@
 -  ``sip``: Mostly unused.
--  ``swabber``: See the `entry on
-   Swabber <#swabber-has-been-removed>`__.
+-  ``swabber``: See the :ref:`entry on
+   Swabber <ref-manual/migration-2.2:swabber has been removed>`.
 .. _migration-2.2-minor-packaging-changes:
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.3.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.3.rst
index 04b11da..0541eb3 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.3.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.3.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Moving to the Yocto Project 2.3 Release
+Moving to the Yocto Project 2.3 Release (pyro)
 This section provides migration information for moving to the Yocto
-Project 2.3 Release from the prior release.
+Project 2.3 Release (codename "pyro") from the prior release.
 .. _migration-2.3-recipe-specific-sysroots:
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.4.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.4.rst
index 260b320..2ba17e0 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.4.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.4.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Moving to the Yocto Project 2.4 Release
+Moving to the Yocto Project 2.4 Release (rocko)
 This section provides migration information for moving to the Yocto
-Project 2.4 Release from the prior release.
+Project 2.4 Release (codename "rocko") from the prior release.
 .. _migration-2.4-memory-resident-mode:
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.5.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.5.rst
index 9f45ffc..9ef4b55 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.5.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.5.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Moving to the Yocto Project 2.5 Release
+Moving to the Yocto Project 2.5 Release (sumo)
 This section provides migration information for moving to the Yocto
-Project 2.5 Release from the prior release.
+Project 2.5 Release (codename "sumo") from the prior release.
 .. _migration-2.5-packaging-changes:
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.6.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.6.rst
index 5d524f3..aeac509 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.6.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.6.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Moving to the Yocto Project 2.6 Release
+Moving to the Yocto Project 2.6 Release (thud)
 This section provides migration information for moving to the Yocto
-Project 2.6 Release from the prior release.
+Project 2.6 Release (codename "thud") from the prior release.
 .. _migration-2.6-gcc-changes:
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
 newer ``xorgproto`` recipe instead.
 For names of recipes removed because of this repository change, see the
-`Removed Recipes <#removed-recipes>`__ section.
+:ref:`ref-manual/migration-2.6:removed recipes` section.
 .. _migration-2.6-distutils-distutils3-fetching-dependencies:
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
 Previously, it was possible for Python recipes that inherited the
-:ref:`distutils <ref-classes-distutils>` and
+``distutils`` and
 :ref:`distutils3 <ref-classes-distutils3>` classes to fetch code
 during the :ref:`ref-tasks-configure` task to satisfy
 dependencies mentioned in ``setup.py`` if those dependencies were not
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.7.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.7.rst
index 5af5947..1be4d5d 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.7.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-2.7.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Moving to the Yocto Project 2.7 Release
+Moving to the Yocto Project 2.7 Release (warrior)
 This section provides migration information for moving to the Yocto
-Project 2.7 Release from the prior release.
+Project 2.7 Release (codename "warrior") from the prior release.
 .. _migration-2.7-bitbake-changes:
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-3.0.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-3.0.rst
index 7ef2742..f3d20e2 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-3.0.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-3.0.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Moving to the Yocto Project 3.0 Release
+Moving to the Yocto Project 3.0 Release (zeus)
 This section provides migration information for moving to the Yocto
-Project 3.0 Release from the prior release.
+Project 3.0 Release (codename "zeus") from the prior release.
 .. _migration-3.0-init-system-selection:
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-3.1.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-3.1.rst
index 4fcd249..84d3250 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-3.1.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-3.1.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Moving to the Yocto Project 3.1 Release
+Moving to the Yocto Project 3.1 Release (dunfell)
 This section provides migration information for moving to the Yocto
-Project 3.1 Release from the prior release.
+Project 3.1 Release (codename "dunfell") from the prior release.
 .. _migration-3.1-minimum-system-requirements:
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-3.2.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-3.2.rst
index 65a9ff4..39743af 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-3.2.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-3.2.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Moving to the Yocto Project 3.2 Release
+Moving to the Yocto Project 3.2 Release (gatesgarth)
 This section provides migration information for moving to the Yocto
-Project 3.2 Release from the prior release.
+Project 3.2 Release (codename "gatesgarth") from the prior release.
 .. _migration-3.2-minimum-system-requirements:
@@ -308,6 +308,6 @@
 - Erroneous use of ``inherit +=`` (instead of ``INHERIT +=``) in a configuration file now triggers an error instead of silently being ignored.
 - ptest support has been removed from the ``kbd`` recipe, as upstream has moved to autotest which is difficult to work with in a cross-compilation environment.
 - ``oe.utils.is_machine_specific()`` and ``oe.utils.machine_paths()`` have been removed as their utility was questionable. In the unlikely event that you have references to these in your own code, then the code will need to be reworked.
-- The ``i2ctransfer`` module is now disabled by default when building ``busybox`` in order to be consistent with disabling the other i2c tools there. If you do wish the i2ctransfer module to be built in busybox then add ``CONFIG_I2CTRANSFER=y`` to your custom busybox configuration.
+- The ``i2ctransfer`` module is now disabled by default when building ``busybox`` in order to be consistent with disabling the other i2c tools there. If you do wish the i2ctransfer module to be built in BusyBox then add ``CONFIG_I2CTRANSFER=y`` to your custom BusyBox configuration.
 - In the ``Upstream-Status`` header convention for patches, ``Accepted`` has been replaced with ``Backport`` as these almost always mean the same thing i.e. the patch is already upstream and may need to be removed in a future recipe upgrade. If you are adding these headers to your own patches then use ``Backport`` to indicate that the patch has been sent upstream.
 - The ``tune-supersparc.inc`` tune file has been removed as it does not appear to be widely used and no longer works.
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-3.3.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-3.3.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fb51a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration-3.3.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+Moving to the Yocto Project 3.3 Release (hardknott)
+This section provides migration information for moving to the Yocto
+Project 3.3 Release (codename "hardknott") from the prior release.
+.. _migration-3.3-minimum-system-requirements:
+Minimum system requirements
+You will now need at least Python 3.6 installed on your build host. Most recent
+distributions provide this, but should you be building on a distribution that
+does not have it, you can use the ``buildtools-tarball`` (easily installable
+using ``scripts/install-buildtools``) - see
+:ref:`ref-manual/system-requirements:required git, tar, python and gcc versions`
+for details.
+.. _migration-3.3-removed-recipes:
+Removed recipes
+The following recipes have been removed:
+- ``go-dep``: obsolete with the advent of go modules
+- ``gst-validate``: replaced by ``gst-devtools``
+- ``linux-yocto``: removed 5.8 version recipes (5.4 / 5.10 still provided)
+- ``vulkan-demos``: replaced by ``vulkan-samples``
+.. _migration-3.3-common-license-only-versions:
+Single version common license file naming
+Some license files in ``meta/files/common-licenses`` have been renamed to match
+current SPDX naming conventions:
+- AGPL-3.0 -> AGPL-3.0-only
+- GPL-1.0 -> GPL-1.0-only
+- GPL-2.0 -> GPL-2.0-only
+- GPL-3.0 -> GPL-3.0-only
+- LGPL-2.0 -> LGPL-2.0-only
+- LGPL-2.1 -> LGPL-2.1-only
+- LGPL-3.0 -> LGPL-3.0-only
+Additionally, corresponding "-or-later" suffixed files have been added e.g.
+It is not required that you change :term:`LICENSE` values as there are mappings
+from the original names in place; however, in rare cases where you have a recipe
+which sets :term:`LIC_FILES_CHKSUM` to point to file(s) in
+``meta/files/common-licenses`` (which in any case is not recommended) you will
+need to update those.
+.. _migration-3.3-python3targetconfig:
+New ``python3targetconfig`` class
+A new :ref:`python3targetconfig <ref-classes-python3targetconfig>` class has been
+created for situations where you would previously have inherited the
+``python3native`` class but need access to target configuration data (such as
+correct installation directories). Recipes where this situation applies should
+be changed to inherit ``python3targetconfig`` instead of ``python3native``. This
+also adds a dependency on target ``python3``, so it should only be used where
+appropriate in order to avoid unnecessarily lengthening builds.
+Some example recipes where this change has been made: ``gpgme``, ``libcap-ng``,
+.. _migration-3.3-distutils-path:
+``setup.py`` path for python modules
+In a Python module, sometimes ``setup.py`` can be buried deep in the
+source tree. Previously this was handled in recipes by setting :term:`S` to
+point to the subdirectory within the source where ``setup.py`` is located.
+However with the recent :ref:`pseudo <overview-manual/concepts:fakeroot and pseudo>`
+changes, some Python modules make changes to files beneath ``${S}``, for
+   S = "${WORKDIR}/git/python/pythonmodule"
+then in ``setup.py`` it works with source code in a relative fashion, such
+as ``../../src``. This causes pseudo to abort as it isn't able to track
+the paths properly. This release introduces a new :term:`DISTUTILS_SETUP_PATH`
+variable so that recipes can specify it explicitly, for example::
+   S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+   DISTUTILS_SETUP_PATH = "${S}/python/pythonmodule"
+Recipes that inherit from :ref:`distutils3 <ref-classes-distutils3>` (or
+:ref:`setuptools3 <ref-classes-setuptools3>` which itself inherits
+:ref:`distutils3 <ref-classes-distutils3>`) that also set :term:`S` to
+point to a Python module within a subdirectory in the aforementioned
+manner should be changed to set :term:`DISTUTILS_SETUP_PATH` instead.
+.. _migration-3.3-bitbake:
+BitBake changes
+- BitBake is now configured to use a default ``umask`` of ``022`` for all tasks
+  (specified via a new :term:`BB_DEFAULT_UMASK` variable). If needed, ``umask`` can
+  still be set on a per-task basis via the ``umask`` varflag on the task
+  function, but that is unlikely to be necessary in most cases.
+- If a version specified in :term:`PREFERRED_VERSION` is not available this
+  will now trigger a warning instead of just a note, making such issues more
+  visible.
+.. _migration-3.3-packaging:
+Packaging changes
+The following packaging changes have been made; in all cases the main package
+still depends upon the split out packages so you should not need to do anything
+unless you want to take advantage of the improved granularity:
+- ``dbus``: ``-common`` and ``-tools`` split out
+- ``iproute2``: split ``ip`` binary to its own package
+- ``net-tools``: split ``mii-tool`` into its own package
+- ``procps``: split ``ps`` and ``sysctl`` into their own packages
+- ``rpm``: split build and extra functionality into separate packages
+- ``sudo``: split ``sudo`` binary into ``sudo-sudo`` and libs into ``sudo-lib``
+- ``systemtap``: examples, python scripts and runtime material split out
+- ``util-linux``: ``libuuid`` has been split out to its own
+  ``util-linux-libuuid`` recipe (and corresponding packages) to avoid circular
+  dependencies if ``libgcrypt`` support is enabled in ``util-linux``.
+  (``util-linux`` depends upon ``util-linux-libuuid``.)
+.. _migration-3.3-misc:
+Miscellaneous changes
+- The default poky :term:`DISTRO_VERSION` value now uses the core metadata's
+  git hash (i.e. :term:`METADATA_REVISION`) rather than the date (i.e.
+  :term:`DATE`) to reduce one small source of non-reproducibility. You can
+  of course specify your own :term:`DISTRO_VERSION` value as desired
+  (particularly if you create your own custom distro configuration).
+- ``adwaita-icon-theme`` version 3.34.3 has been added back, and is selected
+  as the default via :term:`PREFERRED_VERSION` in
+  ``meta/conf/distro/include/default-versions.inc`` due to newer versions
+  not working well with ``librsvg`` 2.40. ``librsvg`` is not practically
+  upgradeable at the moment as it has been ported to Rust, and Rust is not
+  (yet) in OE-Core, but this will change in a future release.
+- ``ffmpeg`` is now configured to disable GPL-licensed portions by default
+  to make it harder to accidentally violate the GPL. To explicitly enable GPL
+  licensed portions, add ``gpl`` to :term:`PACKAGECONFIG` for ``ffmpeg``
+  using a bbappend (or use ``PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-ffmpeg = " gpl"`` in
+  your configuration.)
+- ``connman`` is now set to conflict with ``systemd-networkd`` as they
+  overlap functionally and may interfere with each other at runtime.
+- Canonical SPDX license names are now used in image license manifests in
+  order to avoid aliases of the same license from showing up together (e.g.
+  ``GPLv2`` and ``GPL-2.0``)
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration.rst
index 8d64a7d..a01d4ee 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/migration.rst
@@ -28,4 +28,5 @@
+   migration-3.3
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/release-process.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/release-process.rst
index ed5a09a..93ab6ed 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/release-process.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/release-process.rst
@@ -15,9 +15,8 @@
 The Yocto Project delivers major releases (e.g. &DISTRO;) using a six
 month cadence roughly timed each April and October of the year.
 Following are examples of some major YP releases with their codenames
-also shown. See the "`Major Release
-Codenames <#major-release-codenames>`__" section for information on
-codenames used with major releases.
+also shown. See the ":ref:`ref-manual/release-process:major release codenames`"
+section for information on codenames used with major releases.
   - 2.2 (Morty) 
   - 2.1 (Krogoth)
@@ -135,7 +134,7 @@
 -  :ref:`ptest <dev-manual/common-tasks:testing packages with ptest>`:
    Runs tests against packages produced during the build for a given
-   piece of software. The test allows the packages to be be run within a
+   piece of software. The test allows the packages to be run within a
    target image.
 -  ``oe-selftest``: Tests combination BitBake invocations. These tests
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/resources.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/resources.rst
index 7554164..663f0d9 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/resources.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/resources.rst
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
 Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
-Two IRC channels on freenode are available for the Yocto Project and
+Two IRC channels on Freenode are available for the Yocto Project and
 Poky discussions:
 -  ``#yocto``
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
    implementation of Bugzilla for logging and tracking Yocto Project
--  *Internet Relay Chat (IRC):* Two IRC channels on freenode are
+-  *Internet Relay Chat (IRC):* Two IRC channels on Freenode are
    available for Yocto Project and Poky discussions: ``#yocto`` and
    ``#poky``, respectively.
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/structure.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/structure.rst
index ad3f4ab..0f2093a 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/structure.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/structure.rst
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
-   You can also run generated qemu images with a command like 'runqemu qemux86-64'
+   You can also run generated QEMU images with a command like 'runqemu qemux86-64'
 The default output of the ``oe-init-build-env`` script is from the
 ``conf-notes.txt`` file, which is found in the ``meta-poky`` directory
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/system-requirements.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/system-requirements.rst
index c8c1381..80378ce 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/system-requirements.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/system-requirements.rst
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 -  Debian GNU/Linux 10.x (Buster)
--  OpenSUSE Leap 15.1
+-  openSUSE Leap 15.1
 .. note::
@@ -256,11 +256,11 @@
 In order to use the build system, your host development system must meet
 the following version requirements for Git, tar, and Python:
--  Git or greater
+-  Git &MIN_GIT_VERSION; or greater
--  tar 1.28 or greater
+-  tar &MIN_TAR_VERSION; or greater
--  Python 3.5.0 or greater
+-  Python &MIN_PYTHON_VERSION; or greater
 If your host development system does not meet all these requirements,
 you can resolve this by installing a ``buildtools`` tarball that
@@ -270,11 +270,15 @@
 In addition, your host development system must meet the following
 version requirement for gcc:
--  gcc 5.0 or greater
+-  gcc &MIN_GCC_VERSION; or greater
 If your host development system does not meet this requirement, you can
 resolve this by installing a ``buildtools-extended`` tarball that
-contains additional tools, the equivalent of ``buildtools-essential``.
+contains additional tools, the equivalent of the Debian/Ubuntu ``build-essential``
+In the sections that follow, three different methods will be described for
+installing the ``buildtools`` or ``buildtools-extended`` toolset.
 Installing a Pre-Built ``buildtools`` Tarball with ``install-buildtools`` script
@@ -294,7 +298,7 @@
    During execution, the buildtools tarball will be downloaded, the
    checksum of the download will be verified, the installer will be run
-   for you, and some basic checks will be run to to make sure the
+   for you, and some basic checks will be run to make sure the
    installation is functional.
    To avoid the need of ``sudo`` privileges, the ``install-buildtools``
@@ -331,8 +335,9 @@
 Downloading a Pre-Built ``buildtools`` Tarball
-Downloading and running a pre-built buildtools installer is the easiest
-of the two methods by which you can get these tools:
+If you would prefer not to use the ``install-buildtools`` script, you can instead
+download and run a pre-built buildtools installer yourself with the following
 1. Locate and download the ``*.sh`` at &YOCTO_RELEASE_DL_URL;/buildtools/
diff --git a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/variables.rst b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/variables.rst
index 0310429..74ac12b 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/ref-manual/variables.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/ref-manual/variables.rst
@@ -768,9 +768,7 @@
       .. note::
          If you run BitBake from a directory outside of the
-         Build Directory
-         , you must be sure to set
-         BBPATH
+         :term:`Build Directory`, you must be sure to set ``BBPATH``
          to point to the Build Directory. Set the variable as you would any
          environment variable and then run BitBake:
@@ -1980,6 +1978,19 @@
       is included in the default value of
+      When used by recipes that inherit the
+      :ref:`distutils3 <ref-classes-distutils3>` or
+      :ref:`setuptools3 <ref-classes-setuptools3>` class, this variable should
+      be used to specify the directory in which the ``setup.py`` file is
+      located if it is not at the root of the source tree (as specified by
+      :term:`S`). For example, in a recipe where the sources are fetched from
+      a Git repository and ``setup.py`` is in a ``python/pythonmodule``
+      subdirectory, you would have this::
+         S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+         DISTUTILS_SETUP_PATH = "${S}/python/pythonmodule"
       The central download directory used by the build process to store
       downloads. By default, ``DL_DIR`` gets files suitable for mirroring
@@ -2295,6 +2306,17 @@
          # usermod -s /bin/sh tester; \
          # "
+      Additionally there is a special ``passwd-expire`` command that will
+      cause the password for a user to be expired and thus force changing it
+      on first login, for example::
+         EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS += " useradd myuser; passwd-expire myuser;"
+      .. note::
+         At present, ``passwd-expire`` may only work for remote logins when
+         using OpenSSH and not dropbear as an SSH server.
       Defines one or more packages to include in an image when a specific
       item is included in :term:`IMAGE_FEATURES`.
@@ -2571,6 +2593,16 @@
       Specifies the hash algorithm used in creating the FIT Image. For e.g. sha256.
+      Compression algorithm to use for the kernel image inside the FIT Image.
+      At present, the only supported values are "gzip" (default) or "none"
+      If you set this variable to anything other than "none" you may also need
+      to set :term:`FIT_KERNEL_COMP_ALG_EXTENSION`.
+      File extension corresponding to :term:`FIT_KERNEL_COMP_ALG`. The default
+      value is ".gz".
       Arguments to openssl genrsa for generating RSA private key for signing
       fitImage. The default value is "-F4". i.e. the public exponent 65537 to
@@ -2582,7 +2614,7 @@
       and new for generating new keys.
-      Format for public key ceritifcate used in signing fitImage.
+      Format for public key certificate used in signing fitImage.
       The default value is "x509".
@@ -2991,7 +3023,7 @@
       Specifies the command to create the image file for a specific image
-      type, which corresponds to the value set set in
+      type, which corresponds to the value set in
       :term:`IMAGE_FSTYPES`, (e.g. ``ext3``,
       ``btrfs``, and so forth). When setting this variable, you should use
       an override for the associated type. Here is an example:
@@ -3449,7 +3481,7 @@
          It is possible to define a list of licenses that are allowed to be
          used instead of the licenses that are excluded. To do this, define
-         a variable ``COMPATIBLE_LICENSES`` with the names of the licences
+         a variable ``COMPATIBLE_LICENSES`` with the names of the licenses
          that are allowed. Then define ``INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE`` as:
@@ -3457,8 +3489,8 @@
          This will result in ``INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE`` containing the names of
-         all licences from :term:`AVAILABLE_LICENSES` except the ones specified
-         in ``COMPATIBLE_LICENSES`` , thus only allowing the latter licences to
+         all licenses from :term:`AVAILABLE_LICENSES` except the ones specified
+         in ``COMPATIBLE_LICENSES``, thus only allowing the latter licenses to
          be used.
@@ -4661,6 +4693,14 @@
       The email address of the distribution maintainer.
+      The branch currently checked out for the OpenEmbedded-Core layer (path
+      determined by :term:`COREBASE`).
+      The revision currently checked out for the OpenEmbedded-Core layer (path
+      determined by :term:`COREBASE`).
       Specifies additional paths from which the OpenEmbedded build system
       gets source code. When the build system searches for source code, it
@@ -5011,7 +5051,7 @@
-      This variable defines additional metdata to add to packages.
+      This variable defines additional metadata to add to packages.
       You may find you need to inject additional metadata into packages.
       This variable allows you to do that by setting the injected data as
@@ -5792,10 +5832,11 @@
          exclusive alternative providers.
-      If multiple versions of recipes exist, this variable determines which
-      version is given preference. You must always suffix the variable with
-      the :term:`PN` you want to select, and you should set the
-      :term:`PV` accordingly for precedence.
+      If there are multiple versions of a recipe available, this variable
+      determines which version should be given preference. You must always
+      suffix the variable with the :term:`PN` you want to select (`python` in
+      the first example below), and you should specify the :term:`PV`
+      accordingly (`3.4.0` in the example).
       The ``PREFERRED_VERSION`` variable supports limited wildcard use
       through the "``%``" character. You can use the character to match any
@@ -5853,6 +5894,10 @@
          The ``\_forcevariable`` override is not handled specially. This override
          only works because the default value of ``OVERRIDES`` includes "forcevariable".
+      If a recipe with the specified version is not available, a warning
+      message will be shown. See :term:`REQUIRED_VERSION` if you want this
+      to be an error instead.
       Specifies additional paths from which the OpenEmbedded build system
       gets source code. When the build system searches for source code, it
@@ -6019,9 +6064,7 @@
       When used by recipes that inherit the
       :ref:`distutils3 <ref-classes-distutils3>`,
-      :ref:`setuptools3 <ref-classes-setuptools3>`,
-      :ref:`distutils <ref-classes-distutils>`, or
-      :ref:`setuptools <ref-classes-setuptools>` classes, denotes the
+      :ref:`setuptools3 <ref-classes-setuptools3>` classes, denotes the
       Application Binary Interface (ABI) currently in use for Python. By
       default, the ABI is "m". You do not have to set this variable as the
       OpenEmbedded build system sets it for you.
@@ -6030,16 +6073,14 @@
       names used when installing the Python headers and libraries in
       sysroot (e.g. ``.../python3.3m/...``).
-      Recipes that inherit the ``distutils`` class during cross-builds also
+      Recipes that inherit the ``distutils3`` class during cross-builds also
       use this variable to locate the headers and libraries of the
       appropriate Python that the extension is targeting.
       When used by recipes that inherit the
       `distutils3 <ref-classes-distutils3>`,
-      :ref:`setuptools3 <ref-classes-setuptools3>`,
-      :ref:`distutils <ref-classes-distutils>`, or
-      :ref:`setuptools <ref-classes-setuptools>` classes, specifies the
+      :ref:`setuptools3 <ref-classes-setuptools3>` classes, specifies the
       major Python version being built. For Python 3.x, ``PYTHON_PN`` would
       be "python3". You do not have to set this variable as the
       OpenEmbedded build system automatically sets it for you.
@@ -6210,6 +6251,17 @@
       the recipe will be skipped, and if the build system attempts to build
       the recipe then an error will be triggered.
+      If there are multiple versions of a recipe available, this variable
+      determines which version should be given preference.
+      :term:`REQUIRED_VERSION` works in exactly the same manner as
+      :term:`PREFERRED_VERSION`, except that if the specified version is not
+      available then an error message is shown and the build fails
+      immediately.
+      If both :term:`REQUIRED_VERSION` and :term:`PREFERRED_VERSION` are set
+      for the same recipe, the :term:`REQUIRED_VERSION` value applies.
       With ``rm_work`` enabled, this variable specifies a list of recipes
       whose work directories should not be removed. See the
@@ -6483,6 +6535,11 @@
       The target architecture for the SDK. Typically, you do not directly
       set this variable. Instead, use :term:`SDKMACHINE`.
+      When building the extensible SDK, if ``SDK_CUSTOM_TEMPLATECONF`` is set to
+      "1" and a ``conf/templateconf.conf`` file exists in the build directory
+      (:term:`TOPDIR`) then this will be copied into the SDK.
       The directory set up and used by the
       :ref:`populate_sdk_base <ref-classes-populate-sdk>` class to which
@@ -6758,16 +6815,16 @@
       Specifies the name of the SDK vendor.
-      Specifies the version of the SDK. The distribution configuration file
-      (e.g. ``/meta-poky/conf/distro/poky.conf``) defines the
+      Specifies the version of the SDK. The Poky distribution configuration file
+      (``/meta-poky/conf/distro/poky.conf``) sets the default
       ``SDK_VERSION`` as follows:
-         SDK_VERSION = "${@d.getVar('DISTRO_VERSION').replace('snapshot-${DATE}','snapshot')}"
+         SDK_VERSION = "${@d.getVar('DISTRO_VERSION').replace('snapshot-${METADATA_REVISION}', 'snapshot')}"
       For additional information, see the
       :term:`DISTRO_VERSION` and
-      :term:`DATE` variables.
+      :term:`METADATA_REVISION` variables.
       The default installation directory for the Extensible SDK. By
@@ -7092,7 +7149,7 @@
       -  ``git://`` - Fetches files from a Git revision control
-      -  ``osc://`` - Fetches files from an OSC (OpenSUSE Build service)
+      -  ``osc://`` - Fetches files from an OSC (openSUSE Build service)
          revision control repository.
       -  ``repo://`` - Fetches files from a repo (Git) repository.
diff --git a/poky/documentation/releases.rst b/poky/documentation/releases.rst
index c486525..6a65b9f 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/releases.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/releases.rst
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 - :yocto_docs:`3.2 Documentation </3.2>`
 - :yocto_docs:`3.2.1 Documentation </3.2.1>`
 - :yocto_docs:`3.2.2 Documentation </3.2.2>`
+- :yocto_docs:`3.2.3 Documentation </3.2.3>`
 3.1 'dunfell' Release Series
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@
 - :yocto_docs:`3.0.1 Documentation </3.0.1>`
 - :yocto_docs:`3.0.2 Documentation </3.0.2>`
 - :yocto_docs:`3.0.3 Documentation </3.0.3>`
+- :yocto_docs:`3.0.4 Documentation </3.0.4>`
 2.7 'warrior' Release Series
diff --git a/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/appendix-customizing.rst b/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/appendix-customizing.rst
index 97ade08..8e71150 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/appendix-customizing.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/appendix-customizing.rst
@@ -101,17 +101,15 @@
 -  Generally, you want to have a shared state mirror set up so users of
    the SDK can add additional items to the SDK after installation
-   without needing to build the items from source. See the "`Providing
-   Additional Installable Extensible SDK
-   Content <#sdk-providing-additional-installable-extensible-sdk-content>`__"
+   without needing to build the items from source. See the
+   ":ref:`sdk-manual/appendix-customizing:providing additional installable extensible sdk content`"
    section for information.
 -  If you want users of the SDK to be able to easily update the SDK, you
    need to set the
-   variable. For more information, see the "`Providing Updates to the
-   Extensible SDK After
-   Installation <#sdk-providing-updates-to-the-extensible-sdk-after-installation>`__"
+   variable. For more information, see the
+   ":ref:`sdk-manual/appendix-customizing:providing updates to the extensible sdk after installation`"
 -  If you have adjusted the list of files and directories that appear in
@@ -139,9 +137,9 @@
 You can change the displayed title for the SDK installer by setting the
 :term:`SDK_TITLE` variable and then
-rebuilding the the SDK installer. For information on how to build an SDK
-installer, see the "`Building an SDK
-Installer <#sdk-building-an-sdk-installer>`__" section.
+rebuilding the SDK installer. For information on how to build an SDK
+installer, see the ":ref:`sdk-manual/appendix-obtain:building an sdk installer`"
 By default, this title is derived from
 :term:`DISTRO_NAME` when it is
@@ -189,9 +187,8 @@
    variable to point to the corresponding HTTP or HTTPS URL. Setting
    this variable causes any SDK built to default to that URL and thus,
    the user does not have to pass the URL to the ``devtool sdk-update``
-   command as described in the "`Applying Updates to an Installed
-   Extensible
-   SDK <#sdk-applying-updates-to-an-installed-extensible-sdk>`__"
+   command as described in the
+   ":ref:`sdk-manual/extensible:applying updates to an installed extensible sdk`"
 3. Build the extensible SDK normally (i.e., use the
@@ -208,9 +205,9 @@
 Completing the above steps allows users of the existing installed SDKs
 to simply run ``devtool sdk-update`` to retrieve and apply the latest
-updates. See the "`Applying Updates to an Installed Extensible
-SDK <#sdk-applying-updates-to-an-installed-extensible-sdk>`__" section
-for further information.
+updates. See the
+":ref:`sdk-manual/extensible:applying updates to an installed extensible sdk`"
+section for further information.
 Changing the Default SDK Installation Directory
diff --git a/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/appendix-obtain.rst b/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/appendix-obtain.rst
index 395102c..3c1dc52 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/appendix-obtain.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/appendix-obtain.rst
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
                 "sato" or "minimal"
           arch is a string representing the target architecture:
-                 "aarch64", "armv5e", "core2-64", "coretexa8hf-neon", "i586", "mips32r2",
+                 "aarch64", "armv5e", "core2-64", "cortexa8hf-neon", "i586", "mips32r2",
                  "mips64", or "ppc7400"
           release is the version of Yocto Project.
@@ -68,10 +68,10 @@
       $ ~/Downloads/poky-glibc-x86_64-core-image-sato-core2-64-toolchain-ext-&DISTRO;.sh
    During execution of the script, you choose the root location for the
-   toolchain. See the "`Installed Standard SDK Directory
-   Structure <#sdk-installed-standard-sdk-directory-structure>`__"
-   section and the "`Installed Extensible SDK Directory
-   Structure <#sdk-installed-extensible-sdk-directory-structure>`__"
+   toolchain. See the
+   ":ref:`sdk-manual/appendix-obtain:installed standard sdk directory structure`"
+   section and the
+   ":ref:`sdk-manual/appendix-obtain:installed extensible sdk directory structure`"
    section for more information.
 Building an SDK Installer
@@ -177,10 +177,10 @@
       $ ./poky-glibc-x86_64-core-image-sato-core2-64-toolchain-ext-&DISTRO;.sh
    During execution of the script, you choose the root location for the
-   toolchain. See the "`Installed Standard SDK Directory
-   Structure <#sdk-installed-standard-sdk-directory-structure>`__"
-   section and the "`Installed Extensible SDK Directory
-   Structure <#sdk-installed-extensible-sdk-directory-structure>`__"
+   toolchain. See the
+   ":ref:`sdk-manual/appendix-obtain:installed standard sdk directory structure`"
+   section and the
+   ":ref:`sdk-manual/appendix-obtain:installed extensible sdk directory structure`"
    section for more information.
 Extracting the Root Filesystem
diff --git a/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/extensible.rst b/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/extensible.rst
index d2ed9a9..baa432e 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/extensible.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/extensible.rst
@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
 In addition to the functionality available through ``devtool``, you can
 alternatively make use of the toolchain directly, for example from
-Makefile and Autotools. See the "`Using the SDK Toolchain
-Directly <#sdk-working-projects>`__" chapter for more information.
+Makefile and Autotools. See the
+":ref:`sdk-manual/working-projects:using the sdk toolchain directly`" chapter
+for more information.
 Why use the Extensible SDK and What is in It?
@@ -1087,12 +1088,12 @@
    -  ``sysroot-destdir/``: Contains a subset of files installed within
       ``do_install`` that have been put into the shared sysroot. For
-      more information, see the "`Sharing Files Between
-      Recipes <#sdk-sharing-files-between-recipes>`__" section.
+      more information, see the
+      ":ref:`dev-manual/common-tasks:sharing files between recipes`" section.
    -  ``packages-split/``: Contains subdirectories for each package
       produced by the recipe. For more information, see the
-      "`Packaging <#sdk-packaging>`__" section.
+      ":ref:`sdk-manual/extensible:packaging`" section.
 You can use these links to get more information on what is happening at
 each build step.
@@ -1271,11 +1272,9 @@
    $ devtool sdk-update
 The previous command assumes your SDK provider has set the
-default update URL for you through the
-variable as described in the "`Providing Updates to the Extensible SDK
-Installation <#sdk-providing-updates-to-the-extensible-sdk-after-installation>`__"
+default update URL for you through the :term:`SDK_UPDATE_URL`
+variable as described in the
+":ref:`sdk-manual/appendix-customizing:Providing Updates to the Extensible SDK After Installation`"
 section. If the SDK provider has not set that default URL, you need to
 specify it yourself in the command as follows: $ devtool sdk-update
diff --git a/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/intro.rst b/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/intro.rst
index e4b9b05..d966efe 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/intro.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/intro.rst
@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@
 You just need to follow these general steps:
 1. *Install the SDK for your target hardware:* For information on how to
-   install the SDK, see the "`Installing the
-   SDK <#sdk-installing-the-sdk>`__" section.
+   install the SDK, see the ":ref:`sdk-manual/using:installing the sdk`"
+   section.
 2. *Download or Build the Target Image:* The Yocto Project supports
    several target architectures and has many pre-built kernel images and
diff --git a/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/using.rst b/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/using.rst
index 29fb504..62967f5 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/using.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/using.rst
@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@
    " section.
 You can use a standard SDK to work on Makefile and Autotools-based
-projects. See the "`Using the SDK Toolchain
-Directly <#sdk-working-projects>`__" chapter for more information.
+projects. See the
+":ref:`sdk-manual/working-projects:using the sdk toolchain directly`" chapter
+for more information.
 Why use the Standard SDK and What is in It?
@@ -31,9 +32,9 @@
 The installed Standard SDK consists of several files and directories.
 Basically, it contains an SDK environment setup script, some
 configuration files, and host and target root filesystems to support
-usage. You can see the directory structure in the "`Installed Standard
-SDK Directory
-Structure <#sdk-installed-standard-sdk-directory-structure>`__" section.
+usage. You can see the directory structure in the
+":ref:`sdk-manual/appendix-obtain:installed standard sdk directory structure`"
 Installing the SDK
@@ -120,9 +121,9 @@
    Each time you wish to use the SDK in a new shell session, you need to source the environment setup script e.g.
     $ . /opt/poky/&DISTRO;/environment-setup-i586-poky-linux
-Again, reference the "`Installed Standard SDK Directory
-Structure <#sdk-installed-standard-sdk-directory-structure>`__" section
-for more details on the resulting directory structure of the installed
+Again, reference the
+":ref:`sdk-manual/appendix-obtain:installed standard sdk directory structure`"
+section for more details on the resulting directory structure of the installed
 Running the SDK Environment Setup Script
@@ -147,7 +148,6 @@
 When you run the
 setup script, the same environment variables are defined as are when you
-run the setup script for an extensible SDK. See the "`Running the
-Extensible SDK Environment Setup
-Script <#sdk-running-the-extensible-sdk-environment-setup-script>`__"
+run the setup script for an extensible SDK. See the
+":ref:`sdk-manual/appendix-obtain:installed extensible sdk directory structure`"
 section for more information.
diff --git a/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/working-projects.rst b/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/working-projects.rst
index bddf00a..f880cbe 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/working-projects.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/working-projects.rst
@@ -104,10 +104,7 @@
    .. note::
-      If you get errors from
-      configure.ac
-      , which
-      autoreconf
+      If you get errors from ``configure.ac``, which ``autoreconf``
       runs, that indicate missing files, you can use the "-i" option,
       which ensures missing auxiliary files are copied to the build
@@ -206,9 +203,7 @@
 .. note::
    Regardless of how you set your variables, if you use the "-e" option
-   with
-   make
-   , the variables from the SDK setup script take precedence:
+   with ``make``, the variables from the SDK setup script take precedence:
       $ make -e target
diff --git a/poky/documentation/sphinx-static/switchers.js b/poky/documentation/sphinx-static/switchers.js
index a7c348a..7a4edc9 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/sphinx-static/switchers.js
+++ b/poky/documentation/sphinx-static/switchers.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   var all_versions = {
     'dev': 'dev (3.3)',
-    '3.2.2': '3.2.2',
+    '3.2.3': '3.2.3',
     '3.1.6': '3.1.6',
     '3.0.4': '3.0.4',
     '2.7.4': '2.7.4',
diff --git a/poky/documentation/test-manual/intro.rst b/poky/documentation/test-manual/intro.rst
index 81c24a8..101d283 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/test-manual/intro.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/test-manual/intro.rst
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 -  *yocto-autobuilder2:* This
    :yocto_git:`README.md </yocto-autobuilder2/tree/README.md>`
-   is the main README which detials how to set up the Yocto Project
+   is the main README which details how to set up the Yocto Project
    Autobuilder. The ``yocto-autobuilder2`` repository represents the
    Yocto Project's console UI plugin to Buildbot and the configuration
    necessary to configure Buildbot to perform the testing the project
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
 The Autobuilder tests different elements of the project by using
-thefollowing types of tests:
+the following types of tests:
 -  *Build Testing:* Tests whether specific configurations build by
    varying :term:`MACHINE`,
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
    The tests utilize the ``testsdkext`` class and the ``do_testsdkext`` task.
 -  *Feature Testing:* Various scenario-based tests are run through the
-   :ref:`OpenEmbedded Self test (oe-selftest) <ref-manual/release-process:Testing and Quality Assurance>`. We test oe-selftest on each of the main distrubutions
+   :ref:`OpenEmbedded Self test (oe-selftest) <ref-manual/release-process:Testing and Quality Assurance>`. We test oe-selftest on each of the main distributions
    we support.
 -  *Image Testing:* Image tests initiated through the following command::
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@
 The performance tests usually measure how long operations take and the
-resource utilisation as that happens. An example from
+resource utilization as that happens. An example from
 ``meta/lib/oeqa/buildperf/test_basic.py`` contains the following::
    class Test3(BuildPerfTestCase):
@@ -524,5 +524,5 @@
 parallel and changing metadata leads to changing checksums, which
 confuses BitBake while running in parallel. If this is necessary, copy
 layers to a temporary location and modify them. Some tests need to
-change metadata, such as the devtool tests. To prevent the metadate from
+change metadata, such as the devtool tests. To protect the metadata from
 changes, set up temporary copies of that data first.
diff --git a/poky/documentation/test-manual/test-process.rst b/poky/documentation/test-manual/test-process.rst
index 8a5e29d..4c3b32b 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/test-manual/test-process.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/test-manual/test-process.rst
@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@
 The project typically has two major releases a year with a six month
 cadence in April and October. Between these there would be a number of
-milestone releases (usually four) with the final one being stablization
+milestone releases (usually four) with the final one being stabilization
 only along with point releases of our stable branches.
 The build and release process for these project releases is similar to
-that in `Day to Day Development <#test-daily-devel>`__, in that the
+that in :ref:`test-manual/test-process:day to day development`, in that the
 a-full target of the Autobuilder is used but in addition the form is
-configured to generate and publish artefacts and the milestone number,
+configured to generate and publish artifacts and the milestone number,
 version, release candidate number and other information is entered. The
 box to "generate an email to QA"is also checked.
diff --git a/poky/documentation/test-manual/understand-autobuilder.rst b/poky/documentation/test-manual/understand-autobuilder.rst
index 199cc97..c158d9c 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/test-manual/understand-autobuilder.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/test-manual/understand-autobuilder.rst
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
 The "a-full" and "a-quick" targets are the usual entry points into the
 Autobuilder and it makes sense to follow the process through the system
-starting there. This is best visualised from the Autobuilder Console
+starting there. This is best visualized from the Autobuilder Console
 view (:yocto_ab:`/typhoon/#/console`).
 Each item along the top of that view represents some "target build" and
 these targets are all run in parallel. The 'full' build will trigger the
 majority of them, the "quick" build will trigger some subset of them.
 The Autobuilder effectively runs whichever configuration is defined for
-each of those targets on a seperate buildbot worker. To understand the
+each of those targets on a separate buildbot worker. To understand the
 configuration, you need to look at the entry on ``config.json`` file
 within the ``yocto-autobuilder-helper`` repository. The targets are
 defined in the ‘overrides' section, a quick example could be qemux86-64
@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@
 template mechanism allows quite complex configurations to be built up
 yet allows duplication and repetition to be kept to a minimum.
-The different build targets are designed to allow for parallelisation,
+The different build targets are designed to allow for parallelization,
 so different machines are usually built in parallel, operations using
 the same machine and metadata are built sequentially, with the aim of
-trying to optimise build efficiency as much as possible.
+trying to optimize build efficiency as much as possible.
 The ``config.json`` file is processed by the scripts in the Helper
 repository in the ``scripts`` directory. The following section details
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
    :ref:`test-manual/understand-autobuilder:Autobuilder Clone Cache`.
    This step has two possible modes of operation. If the build is part
-   of a parent build, its possible that all the repositories needed may
+   of a parent build, it's possible that all the repositories needed may
    already be available, ready in a pre-prepared directory. An "a-quick"
    or "a-full" build would prepare this before starting the other
    sub-target builds. This is done for two reasons:
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
 #. *Call scripts/run-config*
-   This is another call into the Helper scripts where its expected that
+   This is another call into the Helper scripts where it's expected that
    the main functionality of this target will be executed.
 Autobuilder Technology
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
 This is a process running on each Worker that performs two basic
 operations, including background file deletion at IO idle (see :ref:`test-manual/understand-autobuilder:Autobuilder Target Execution Overview`: Run clobberdir) and
-maintainenance of a cache of cloned repositories to improve the speed
+maintenance of a cache of cloned repositories to improve the speed
 the system can checkout repositories.
 Shared DL_DIR
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
 The most up to date information about how to setup and deploy your own
-Autbuilder can be found in README.md in the ``yocto-autobuilder2``
+Autobuilder can be found in README.md in the ``yocto-autobuilder2``
 We hope that people can use the ``yocto-autobuilder2`` code directly but
diff --git a/poky/documentation/toaster-manual/reference.rst b/poky/documentation/toaster-manual/reference.rst
index 8ef5818..3d4efe9 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/toaster-manual/reference.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/toaster-manual/reference.rst
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
 The pre-set data for Toaster is easily customizable. You can create the
-``orm/fixtures/custom.xml`` file to customize the values that go into to
+``orm/fixtures/custom.xml`` file to customize the values that go into
 the database. Customization is additive, and can either extend or
 completely replace the existing values.
diff --git a/poky/documentation/toaster-manual/setup-and-use.rst b/poky/documentation/toaster-manual/setup-and-use.rst
index cabf025..8f0ec94 100644
--- a/poky/documentation/toaster-manual/setup-and-use.rst
+++ b/poky/documentation/toaster-manual/setup-and-use.rst
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
-    If you are using OpenSUSE, put it here::
+    If you are using openSUSE, put it here::
@@ -380,13 +380,13 @@
             Require all granted
       <Directory /var/www/toaster/poky/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain>
          <Files "wsgi.py">
             Require all granted
       WSGIDaemonProcess toaster_wsgi python-path=/var/www/toaster/poky/bitbake/lib/toaster:/var/www/toaster/.local/lib/python3.4/site-packages
       WSGIScriptAlias / "/var/www/toaster/poky/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/wsgi.py"
       <Location />
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@
       $ chmod +x bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/wsgi.py
     Finally, restart Apache to make sure all new configuration is loaded. For Ubuntu,
-    Debian, and OpenSUSE use::
+    Debian, and openSUSE use::
       $ sudo service apache2 restart