poky: subtree update:ad30a6d470..7231c10430

Akira Shibakawa (3):
      License-Update: attr: Add a missing file to LIC_FILES_CHKSUM.
      License-Update: kmod: Add a missing file to LIC_FILES_CHKSUM.
      License-Update: gdk-pixbuf: Fix LICENSE.

Alejandro Hernandez Samaniego (1):
      baremetal-helloworld: Fix install path since S doesnt have a trailing slash

Alexander Kanavin (4):
      ncurses: only include upstream releases in version check
      python3: fix upstream version check
      boost-build-native: fix upstream version check
      selftest/virgl: drop the custom 30 sec timeout

Alistair (1):
      weston-init: Allow setting idle time to 0

Changqing Li (1):
      toolchain-shar-extract.sh: don't print useless info

Charlie Davies (1):
      bitbake: bitbake: fetch/git: use shlex.quote() to support spaces in SRC_URI url

Chen Qi (2):
      watchdog: use /run instead of /var/run in systemd service file
      cups: use /run instead /var/run in systemd's unit file

David Reyna (1):
      bitbake: toaster: Enable Gatesgarth branch in place of Zeus

Douglas Royds (1):
      externalsrc: No single-task lock if S != B

Joshua Watt (2):
      ref-variables: Given example for naming sources
      ref-manual: Document wic --offset option

Khairul Rohaizzat Jamaluddin (1):
      imagefeatures: New test case, test_empty_image, added

Khem Raj (5):
      autotools.bbclass: Order CONFIG_SHELL before CACHED_CONFIGUREVARS
      boost: Fix build on 32-bit arches with 64bit time_t only
      mesa: Fix build on 32bit arches supporting 64bit time_t only
      packagegroup-core-tools-debug: Disable for rv32/glibc as well
      packagegroup-core-tools-profile: Remove lttng-tools and perf for rv32/glibc

Konrad Weihmann (1):
      lib/oe/rootfs: introduce IMAGE_LOG_CHECK_EXCLUDES

Lee Chee Yang (2):
      libproxy: fix CVE-2020-25219
      grub2: fix CVE-2020-10713

Martin Jansa (11):
      tune-cortexa76ae.inc: Correct TUNE_FEATURES
      arch-armv7a.inc: fix typo
      arch-mips.inc: remove duplicated mips64el-o32 from PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS_tune-mips64el-o32
      arch-arm64.inc: don't append _be to ARMPKGARCH for tune-aarch64_be
      tune-mips64r6.inc: fix typo in mipsisa64r6-nf
      tune-ep9312.inc: add t suffix for thumb to PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS_tune-ep9312
      tune-riscv.inc: use nf suffix also for TUNE_PKGARCH
      tune-supersparc.inc: remove
      tune-thunderx.inc: don't append _be to ARMPKGARCH for tune-thunderx_be
      siteinfo: Recognize 32bit PPC LE
      siteinfo: Recognize bigendian sh3be and sh4be

Max Krummenacher (2):
      linux-firmware: package marvel sdio 8997 firmware
      linux-firmware: package nvidia firmware

Mingli Yu (1):
      tcl: adapt to potential pseudo changes

Naoki Hayama (1):
      dev/test/ref-manual: Fix typos

Neil Armstrong (1):
      linux-firmware: add Amlogic VDEC firmware package

Nicolas Dechesne (4):
      sdk-manual: use built-in footnotes
      dev-manual/dev-manual-common-tasks: fix warning
      sphinx: add 3.1.3 and 3.0.4 release in the switcher
      dev-manual/dev-manual-common-tasks: fix typos and use extlinks

Paul Eggleton (2):
      classes/buildhistory: record SRC_URI
      classes/buildhistory: also save recipe info for native recipes

Quentin Schulz (17):
      docs: poky.yaml: use HTTPS for links
      docs: ref-manual: indentation, links and highlights fixes
      docs: remove OE_INIT_FILE variable
      docs: ref-manual: fix typos
      docs: ref-manual: migration-2.3: specify 2.3 version instead of DISTRO
      docs: ref-manual: ref-classes: remove dropped tinderclient class
      docs: ref-manual: ref-system-requirements: update requirements to build Sphinx docs
      docs: sphinx: yocto-vars: rebuild files when poky.yaml has changed
      docs: poky.yaml: fix identation in host packages variables
      docs: dev-manual-common-tasks: remove paragraph about race when missing DEPENDS
      docs: dev-manual-common-tasks: update python webserver example to python3
      docs: dev-manual: fix typos, highlights, indentation and links
      docs: ref-manual: ref-terms: add links to terms in glossary
      docs: bsp-guide: bsp: fix typos, highlights and links
      docs: kernel-dev: fix typos, highlights and links
      docs: kernel-dev-common: add .patch file extension to SRC_URI files
      docs: kernel-dev-faq: update outdated RDEPENDS_kernel-base

Reyna, David (1):
      bitbake: toaster: Update documentation links to new URLs

Richard Purdie (10):
      layer.conf: Switch to gatesgarth only in preparation for release
      bitbake: ui/toasterui: Fix startup faults from incorrect event sequencing
      bitbake: bitbake: Bump version to 1.48.0 ready for the new release
      oeqa: Add sync call to command execution
      poky.conf: Bump version for 3.2 gatesgarth release
      build-appliance-image: Update to master head revision
      bitbake: tests/fetch: Update upstream master->main branchname transition
      Revert "classes/buildhistory: also save recipe info for native recipes"
      valgrind: Fix build on musl after drd fixes
      build-appliance-image: Update to master head revision

Robert Yang (1):
      weston: Fix PACKAGECONFIG for remoting

Roland Hieber (1):
      devtool: make sure .git/info exists before writing to .git/info/excludes

Ross Burton (4):
      waf: don't assume the waf intepretter is good
      waf: add ${B} to do_configure[cleandirs]
      scripts/install-buildtools: Update to 3.2 M3 buildtools
      glib-2.0: fix parsing of slim encoded tzdata

Sourabh Banerjee (1):
      layer.conf: fix sanity error for PATH variable in extensible SDK workflow

Stacy Gaikovaia (2):
      valgrind: drd: fix pthread intercept test failures
      bitbake: main: Handle cooker daemon startup error

Tim Orling (1):
      bitbake: lib/bb/ui/knotty: fix typo in parseprogress

Victor Kamensky (3):
      Revert "qemumips: use 34Kf-64tlb CPU emulation"
      Revert "qemu: add 34Kf-64tlb fictitious cpu type"
      qemu: change TLBs number to 64 in 34Kf mips cpu model

Yi Zhao (1):
      dhcpcd: add PACKAGECONFIG for ntp/chrony/ypbind hooks

Zang Ruochen (1):
      harfbuzz: Refresh patch

akuster (2):
      busybox: add rev and pgrep
      kea: add init scripts

leimaohui (1):
      docs: Updated the status of spdx module.

zangrc (1):
      classes: Fixed the problem of undefined variables when compiling meta-toolchain.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <geissonator@yahoo.com>
Change-Id: Ic45bc219b94960751896a0ae3d4923a9f5849e70
diff --git a/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/dhcpcd/dhcpcd_9.2.0.bb b/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/dhcpcd/dhcpcd_9.2.0.bb
index 4344841..1346718 100644
--- a/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/dhcpcd/dhcpcd_9.2.0.bb
+++ b/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/dhcpcd/dhcpcd_9.2.0.bb
@@ -27,10 +27,18 @@
 PACKAGECONFIG[udev] = "--with-udev,--without-udev,udev,udev"
 PACKAGECONFIG[ipv6] = "--enable-ipv6,--disable-ipv6"
+# ntp conflicts with chrony
+PACKAGECONFIG[ntp] = "--with-hook=ntp, , ,ntp"
+PACKAGECONFIG[chrony] = "--with-hook=ntp, , ,chrony"
+PACKAGECONFIG[ypbind] = "--with-eghook=yp, , ,ypbind-mt"
 EXTRA_OECONF = "--enable-ipv4 \
                 --dbdir=${localstatedir}/lib/${BPN} \
                 --runstatedir=/run \
+                --enable-privsep \
+                --privsepuser=dhcpcd \
+                --with-hooks \
+                --with-eghooks \
diff --git a/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/kea/files/fix_pid_keactrl.patch b/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/kea/files/fix_pid_keactrl.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eeeb899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/kea/files/fix_pid_keactrl.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Busybox does not support ps -p so use pgrep
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [embedded specific]
+Based on changes from Diego Sueiro <Diego.Sueiro@arm.com>
+Signed-off-by: Armin kuster <akuster808@gmail.com>
+Index: kea-1.7.10/src/bin/keactrl/keactrl.in
+--- kea-1.7.10.orig/src/bin/keactrl/keactrl.in
++++ kea-1.7.10/src/bin/keactrl/keactrl.in
+@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ check_running() {
+     # Get the PID from the PID file (if it exists)
+     get_pid_from_file "${proc_name}"
+     if [ ${_pid} -gt 0 ]; then
+-        # Use ps to check if PID is alive
+-        ps -p ${_pid} 1>/dev/null
++        # Use pgrep and grep to check if PID is alive
++        pgrep -v 1 | grep ${_pid} 1>/dev/null
+         retcode=$?
+         if [ $retcode -eq 0 ]; then
+             # No error, so PID IS ALIVE
diff --git a/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/kea/files/kea-dhcp-ddns-server b/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/kea/files/kea-dhcp-ddns-server
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50fe40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/kea/files/kea-dhcp-ddns-server
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Provides:          kea-dhcp-ddns-server
+# Required-Start:    $local_fs $network $remote_fs $syslog
+# Required-Stop:     $local_fs $network $remote_fs $syslog
+# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
+# Short-Description: ISC KEA DHCP IPv6 Server
+DAEMON_ARGS=" -s dhcp_ddns"
+set -e
+# Exit if the package is not installed
+[ -x "$DAEMON" ] || exit 0
+# Source function library.
+. /etc/init.d/functions
+case "$1" in
+  start)
+        echo -n "Starting $DESC: "
+        start-stop-daemon -S -b -n $NAME -x $DAEMON -- start $DAEMON_ARGS
+        echo "done."
+        ;;
+  stop)
+        echo -n "Stopping $DESC: "
+        kpid=`pidof $NAME`
+        kill $kpid
+        echo "done."
+        ;;
+  restart|force-reload)
+        #
+        $0 stop
+        $0 start
+        ;;
+  *)
+        echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
+        exit 1
+        ;;
diff --git a/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/kea/files/kea-dhcp4-server b/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/kea/files/kea-dhcp4-server
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e83e510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/kea/files/kea-dhcp4-server
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Provides:          kea-dhcp4-server
+# Required-Start:    $local_fs $network $remote_fs $syslog
+# Required-Stop:     $local_fs $network $remote_fs $syslog
+# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
+# Short-Description: ISC KEA DHCP IPv6 Server
+DAEMON_ARGS=" -s dhcp4"
+set -e
+# Exit if the package is not installed
+[ -x "$DAEMON" ] || exit 0
+# Source function library.
+. /etc/init.d/functions
+case "$1" in
+  start)
+        echo -n "Starting $DESC: "
+        start-stop-daemon -S -b -n $NAME -x $DAEMON -- start $DAEMON_ARGS
+        echo "done."
+        ;;
+  stop)
+        echo -n "Stopping $DESC: "
+        kpid=`pidof $NAME`
+        kill $kpid
+        echo "done."
+        ;;
+  restart|force-reload)
+        #
+        $0 stop
+        $0 start
+        ;;
+  *)
+        echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
+        exit 1
+        ;;
diff --git a/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/kea/files/kea-dhcp6-server b/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/kea/files/kea-dhcp6-server
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10f2d22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/kea/files/kea-dhcp6-server
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Provides:          kea-dhcp6-server
+# Required-Start:    $local_fs $network $remote_fs $syslog
+# Required-Stop:     $local_fs $network $remote_fs $syslog
+# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
+# Short-Description: ISC KEA DHCP IPv6 Server
+# PATH should only include /usr/* if it runs after the mountnfs.sh script
+DAEMON_ARGS=" -s dhcp6"
+set -e
+# Exit if the package is not installed
+[ -x "$DAEMON" ] || exit 0
+# Source function library.
+. /etc/init.d/functions
+case "$1" in
+  start)
+        echo -n "Starting $DESC: "
+        start-stop-daemon -S -b -n $NAME -x $DAEMON -- start $DAEMON_ARGS
+        echo "done."
+        ;;
+  stop)
+        echo -n "Stopping $DESC: "
+        kpid=`pidof $NAME`
+        kill $kpid
+        echo "done."
+        ;;
+  restart|force-reload)
+        #
+        $0 stop
+        $0 start
+        ;;
+  *)
+        echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
+        exit 1
+        ;;
diff --git a/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/kea/kea_1.7.10.bb b/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/kea/kea_1.7.10.bb
index 2ea4b12..c9a5819 100644
--- a/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/kea/kea_1.7.10.bb
+++ b/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/kea/kea_1.7.10.bb
@@ -13,11 +13,18 @@
     file://kea-dhcp4.service \
     file://kea-dhcp6.service \
     file://kea-dhcp-ddns.service \
+    file://kea-dhcp4-server \
+    file://kea-dhcp6-server \
+    file://kea-dhcp-ddns-server \
     file://fix-multilib-conflict.patch \
+    file://fix_pid_keactrl.patch \
 SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "4e121f0e58b175a827581c69cb1d60778647049fa47f142940dddc9ce58f3c82"
-inherit autotools systemd
+inherit autotools systemd update-rc.d
+INITSCRIPT_NAME = "kea-dhcp4-server"
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "defaults 30"
 SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "kea-dhcp4.service kea-dhcp6.service kea-dhcp-ddns.service"
@@ -44,8 +51,11 @@
 do_install_append() {
+    install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
     install -d ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}
     install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/kea-dhcp*service ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}
+    install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/kea-*-server ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
     sed -i -e 's,@SBINDIR@,${sbindir},g' -e 's,@BASE_BINDIR@,${base_bindir},g' \
            -e 's,@LOCALSTATEDIR@,${localstatedir},g' -e 's,@SYSCONFDIR@,${sysconfdir},g' \
            ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}/kea-dhcp*service ${D}${sbindir}/keactrl
@@ -55,6 +65,8 @@
     rm -rf "${D}${localstatedir}"
+CONFFILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir}/kea/keactrl.conf"
 FILES_${PN}-staticdev += "${libdir}/kea/hooks/*.a ${libdir}/hooks/*.a"
 FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/hooks/*.so"