pldm: srcrev bump 6a7ec0c11d..5b5fa4362b

Adriana Kobylak (5):
      oem-ibm: inband: Add processCodeUpdateLid()
      oem-ibm: inband: Check lid is complete
      oem-ibm: inband: Remove the lid header
      oem-ibm: inband: Handle BMC lids
      oem-ibm: inband: Add assembleCodeUpdateImage()

Andrew Geissler (1):
      softoff: support host transition state

Ed Tanous (1):
      Remove undefined behavior

Manojkiran Eda (1):
      Update State Effecter PDR to support BMC Reboot

Sagar Srinivas (3):
      oem-ibm: create OEM PDRs for all OEM state sensors and effecters
      oem-ibm: Implement SetEffecter actions corresponding to code update actions
      Platform: Unit tests for OEM PDRs

Sampa Misra (3):
      oem ibm: infrastructure for oem handlers
      oem ibm: support reading LIDs based on type
      oem ibm: marker LID validation

Varsha Kaverappa (3):
      OEM IBM: Platform: event framework to send events to PHYP
      pldm: inband code update: clear the image LIDs when pldm daemon comes up
      Inband code update: send PLDM events up for all code update states

Change-Id: If3404f38ee03e26a1247a815e77a004601de3d2f
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <>
diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/pldm/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/pldm/
index 14d8ea8..3a73f29 100644
--- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/pldm/
+++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/pldm/
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
 LICENSE = "Apache-2.0"
 LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=86d3f3a95c324c9479bd8986968f4327"
 SRC_URI = "git://"
-SRCREV = "6a7ec0c11d20842800c8540d510aa9354813de7e"
+SRCREV = "5b5fa4362bdfb38ffb8254f9471f41c224be281a"