Yocto 2.3

Move OpenBMC to Yocto 2.3(pyro).

Tested: Built and verified Witherspoon and Palmetto images
Change-Id: I50744030e771f4850afc2a93a10d3507e76d36bc
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <bradleyb@fuzziesquirrel.com>
Resolves: openbmc/openbmc#2461
diff --git a/import-layers/yocto-poky/bitbake/lib/bb/command.py b/import-layers/yocto-poky/bitbake/lib/bb/command.py
index caa3e4d..a919f58 100644
--- a/import-layers/yocto-poky/bitbake/lib/bb/command.py
+++ b/import-layers/yocto-poky/bitbake/lib/bb/command.py
@@ -28,8 +28,15 @@
 Commands are queued in a CommandQueue
+from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
 import bb.event
 import bb.cooker
+import bb.remotedata
+class DataStoreConnectionHandle(object):
+    def __init__(self, dsindex=0):
+        self.dsindex = dsindex
 class CommandCompleted(bb.event.Event):
@@ -55,6 +62,7 @@
         self.cooker = cooker
         self.cmds_sync = CommandsSync()
         self.cmds_async = CommandsAsync()
+        self.remotedatastores = bb.remotedata.RemoteDatastores(cooker)
         # FIXME Add lock for this
         self.currentAsyncCommand = None
@@ -125,14 +133,20 @@
     def finishAsyncCommand(self, msg=None, code=None):
         if msg or msg == "":
-            bb.event.fire(CommandFailed(msg), self.cooker.expanded_data)
+            bb.event.fire(CommandFailed(msg), self.cooker.data)
         elif code:
-            bb.event.fire(CommandExit(code), self.cooker.expanded_data)
+            bb.event.fire(CommandExit(code), self.cooker.data)
-            bb.event.fire(CommandCompleted(), self.cooker.expanded_data)
+            bb.event.fire(CommandCompleted(), self.cooker.data)
         self.currentAsyncCommand = None
+def split_mc_pn(pn):
+    if pn.startswith("multiconfig:"):
+        _, mc, pn = pn.split(":", 2)
+        return (mc, pn)
+    return ('', pn)
 class CommandsSync:
     A class of synchronous commands
@@ -179,6 +193,7 @@
         varname = params[0]
         value = str(params[1])
+        command.cooker.extraconfigdata[varname] = value
         command.cooker.data.setVar(varname, value)
     def getSetVariable(self, command, params):
@@ -295,9 +310,274 @@
     def updateConfig(self, command, params):
         options = params[0]
         environment = params[1]
-        command.cooker.updateConfigOpts(options, environment)
+        cmdline = params[2]
+        command.cooker.updateConfigOpts(options, environment, cmdline)
     updateConfig.needconfig = False
+    def parseConfiguration(self, command, params):
+        """Instruct bitbake to parse its configuration
+        NOTE: it is only necessary to call this if you aren't calling any normal action
+        (otherwise parsing is taken care of automatically)
+        """
+        command.cooker.parseConfiguration()
+    parseConfiguration.needconfig = False
+    def getLayerPriorities(self, command, params):
+        ret = []
+        # regex objects cannot be marshalled by xmlrpc
+        for collection, pattern, regex, pri in command.cooker.bbfile_config_priorities:
+            ret.append((collection, pattern, regex.pattern, pri))
+        return ret
+    getLayerPriorities.readonly = True
+    def getRecipes(self, command, params):
+        try:
+            mc = params[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            mc = ''
+        return list(command.cooker.recipecaches[mc].pkg_pn.items())
+    getRecipes.readonly = True
+    def getRecipeDepends(self, command, params):
+        try:
+            mc = params[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            mc = ''
+        return list(command.cooker.recipecaches[mc].deps.items())
+    getRecipeDepends.readonly = True
+    def getRecipeVersions(self, command, params):
+        try:
+            mc = params[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            mc = ''
+        return command.cooker.recipecaches[mc].pkg_pepvpr
+    getRecipeVersions.readonly = True
+    def getRuntimeDepends(self, command, params):
+        ret = []
+        try:
+            mc = params[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            mc = ''
+        rundeps = command.cooker.recipecaches[mc].rundeps
+        for key, value in rundeps.items():
+            if isinstance(value, defaultdict):
+                value = dict(value)
+            ret.append((key, value))
+        return ret
+    getRuntimeDepends.readonly = True
+    def getRuntimeRecommends(self, command, params):
+        ret = []
+        try:
+            mc = params[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            mc = ''
+        runrecs = command.cooker.recipecaches[mc].runrecs
+        for key, value in runrecs.items():
+            if isinstance(value, defaultdict):
+                value = dict(value)
+            ret.append((key, value))
+        return ret
+    getRuntimeRecommends.readonly = True
+    def getRecipeInherits(self, command, params):
+        try:
+            mc = params[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            mc = ''
+        return command.cooker.recipecaches[mc].inherits
+    getRecipeInherits.readonly = True
+    def getBbFilePriority(self, command, params):
+        try:
+            mc = params[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            mc = ''
+        return command.cooker.recipecaches[mc].bbfile_priority
+    getBbFilePriority.readonly = True
+    def getDefaultPreference(self, command, params):
+        try:
+            mc = params[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            mc = ''
+        return command.cooker.recipecaches[mc].pkg_dp
+    getDefaultPreference.readonly = True
+    def getSkippedRecipes(self, command, params):
+        # Return list sorted by reverse priority order
+        import bb.cache
+        skipdict = OrderedDict(sorted(command.cooker.skiplist.items(),
+                                      key=lambda x: (-command.cooker.collection.calc_bbfile_priority(bb.cache.virtualfn2realfn(x[0])[0]), x[0])))
+        return list(skipdict.items())
+    getSkippedRecipes.readonly = True
+    def getOverlayedRecipes(self, command, params):
+        return list(command.cooker.collection.overlayed.items())
+    getOverlayedRecipes.readonly = True
+    def getFileAppends(self, command, params):
+        fn = params[0]
+        return command.cooker.collection.get_file_appends(fn)
+    getFileAppends.readonly = True
+    def getAllAppends(self, command, params):
+        return command.cooker.collection.bbappends
+    getAllAppends.readonly = True
+    def findProviders(self, command, params):
+        return command.cooker.findProviders()
+    findProviders.readonly = True
+    def findBestProvider(self, command, params):
+        (mc, pn) = split_mc_pn(params[0])
+        return command.cooker.findBestProvider(pn, mc)
+    findBestProvider.readonly = True
+    def allProviders(self, command, params):
+        try:
+            mc = params[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            mc = ''
+        return list(bb.providers.allProviders(command.cooker.recipecaches[mc]).items())
+    allProviders.readonly = True
+    def getRuntimeProviders(self, command, params):
+        rprovide = params[0]
+        try:
+            mc = params[1]
+        except IndexError:
+            mc = ''
+        all_p = bb.providers.getRuntimeProviders(command.cooker.recipecaches[mc], rprovide)
+        if all_p:
+            best = bb.providers.filterProvidersRunTime(all_p, rprovide,
+                            command.cooker.data,
+                            command.cooker.recipecaches[mc])[0][0]
+        else:
+            best = None
+        return all_p, best
+    getRuntimeProviders.readonly = True
+    def dataStoreConnectorFindVar(self, command, params):
+        dsindex = params[0]
+        name = params[1]
+        datastore = command.remotedatastores[dsindex]
+        value, overridedata = datastore._findVar(name)
+        if value:
+            content = value.get('_content', None)
+            if isinstance(content, bb.data_smart.DataSmart):
+                # Value is a datastore (e.g. BB_ORIGENV) - need to handle this carefully
+                idx = command.remotedatastores.check_store(content, True)
+                return {'_content': DataStoreConnectionHandle(idx),
+                        '_connector_origtype': 'DataStoreConnectionHandle',
+                        '_connector_overrides': overridedata}
+            elif isinstance(content, set):
+                return {'_content': list(content),
+                        '_connector_origtype': 'set',
+                        '_connector_overrides': overridedata}
+            else:
+                value['_connector_overrides'] = overridedata
+        else:
+            value = {}
+            value['_connector_overrides'] = overridedata
+        return value
+    dataStoreConnectorFindVar.readonly = True
+    def dataStoreConnectorGetKeys(self, command, params):
+        dsindex = params[0]
+        datastore = command.remotedatastores[dsindex]
+        return list(datastore.keys())
+    dataStoreConnectorGetKeys.readonly = True
+    def dataStoreConnectorGetVarHistory(self, command, params):
+        dsindex = params[0]
+        name = params[1]
+        datastore = command.remotedatastores[dsindex]
+        return datastore.varhistory.variable(name)
+    dataStoreConnectorGetVarHistory.readonly = True
+    def dataStoreConnectorExpandPythonRef(self, command, params):
+        config_data_dict = params[0]
+        varname = params[1]
+        expr = params[2]
+        config_data = command.remotedatastores.receive_datastore(config_data_dict)
+        varparse = bb.data_smart.VariableParse(varname, config_data)
+        return varparse.python_sub(expr)
+    def dataStoreConnectorRelease(self, command, params):
+        dsindex = params[0]
+        if dsindex <= 0:
+            raise CommandError('dataStoreConnectorRelease: invalid index %d' % dsindex)
+        command.remotedatastores.release(dsindex)
+    def dataStoreConnectorSetVarFlag(self, command, params):
+        dsindex = params[0]
+        name = params[1]
+        flag = params[2]
+        value = params[3]
+        datastore = command.remotedatastores[dsindex]
+        datastore.setVarFlag(name, flag, value)
+    def dataStoreConnectorDelVar(self, command, params):
+        dsindex = params[0]
+        name = params[1]
+        datastore = command.remotedatastores[dsindex]
+        if len(params) > 2:
+            flag = params[2]
+            datastore.delVarFlag(name, flag)
+        else:
+            datastore.delVar(name)
+    def dataStoreConnectorRenameVar(self, command, params):
+        dsindex = params[0]
+        name = params[1]
+        newname = params[2]
+        datastore = command.remotedatastores[dsindex]
+        datastore.renameVar(name, newname)
+    def parseRecipeFile(self, command, params):
+        """
+        Parse the specified recipe file (with or without bbappends)
+        and return a datastore object representing the environment
+        for the recipe.
+        """
+        fn = params[0]
+        appends = params[1]
+        appendlist = params[2]
+        if len(params) > 3:
+            config_data_dict = params[3]
+            config_data = command.remotedatastores.receive_datastore(config_data_dict)
+        else:
+            config_data = None
+        if appends:
+            if appendlist is not None:
+                appendfiles = appendlist
+            else:
+                appendfiles = command.cooker.collection.get_file_appends(fn)
+        else:
+            appendfiles = []
+        # We are calling bb.cache locally here rather than on the server,
+        # but that's OK because it doesn't actually need anything from
+        # the server barring the global datastore (which we have a remote
+        # version of)
+        if config_data:
+            # We have to use a different function here if we're passing in a datastore
+            # NOTE: we took a copy above, so we don't do it here again
+            envdata = bb.cache.parse_recipe(config_data, fn, appendfiles)['']
+        else:
+            # Use the standard path
+            parser = bb.cache.NoCache(command.cooker.databuilder)
+            envdata = parser.loadDataFull(fn, appendfiles)
+        idx = command.remotedatastores.store(envdata)
+        return DataStoreConnectionHandle(idx)
+    parseRecipeFile.readonly = True
 class CommandsAsync:
     A class of asynchronous commands
@@ -311,8 +591,12 @@
         bfile = params[0]
         task = params[1]
+        if len(params) > 2:
+            hidewarning = params[2]
+        else:
+            hidewarning = False
-        command.cooker.buildFile(bfile, task)
+        command.cooker.buildFile(bfile, task, hidewarning)
     buildFile.needcache = False
     def buildTargets(self, command, params):
@@ -472,3 +756,11 @@
     resetCooker.needcache = False
+    def clientComplete(self, command, params):
+        """
+        Do the right thing when the controlling client exits
+        """
+        command.cooker.clientComplete()
+        command.finishAsyncCommand()
+    clientComplete.needcache = False