poky: refresh thud: 1d987b98ed..ee7dd31944
Update poky to thud HEAD.
Alex Kiernan (2):
systemd: backport fix to stop enabling ECN
systemd: Add PACKAGECONFIG for gnutls
Alexander Kanavin (3):
lighttpd: update to 1.4.51
boost: update to 1.69.0
systemd: backport a patch to fix meson 0.49.0 issue
Alexey Brodkin (1):
wic: sdimage-bootpart: Use mmcblk0 drive instead of bogus mmcblk
André Draszik (1):
meta: remove True option to getVar calls (again)
Anuj Mittal (6):
eudev: upgrade 3.2.5 -> 3.2.7
gsettings-desktop-schemas: upgrade 3.28.0 -> 3.28.1
libatomic-ops: upgrade 7.6.6 -> 7.6.8
libpng: upgrade 1.6.35 -> 1.6.36
common-licenses: update Libpng license text
i2c-tools: upgrade 4.0 -> 4.1
Aníbal Limón (1):
meta/classes/testimage.bbclass: Only validate IMAGE_FSTYPES when is QEMU
Armin Kuster (1):
tzdata/tzcode-native: update to 2018i
Brad Bishop (1):
systemd-systemctl-native: handle Install wildcards
Bruce Ashfield (3):
kernel: use olddefconfig as the primary target for KERNEL_CONFIG_COMMAND
linux-yocto/4.18: update to v4.18.22
linux-yocto/4.18: update to v4.18.25
Changqing Li (1):
libsndfile1: Security fix CVE-2017-17456/17457 CVE-2018-19661/19662
Chen Qi (3):
package.bbclass: fix python unclosed file ResourceWarning
eSDK.py: avoid error in tearDownClass due to race condistion
eSDK.py: unset BBPATH and BUILDDIR to avoid eSDK failure
Douglas Royds (6):
icecc: readlink -f on the recipe-sysroot gcc/g++
icecc: Trivial simplification
icecc: Syntax error meant that we weren't waiting for tarball generation
icecc: Don't generate recipe-sysroot symlinks at recipe-parsing time
icecc: patchelf is needed by icecc-create-env
patch: reproducibility: Fix host umask leakage
Erik Botö (1):
testimage: Add possibility to pass parmeters to qemu
Federico Sauter (1):
kernel: don't assign the build user/host
Joshua Watt (1):
classes/testsdk: Split implementation into classes
Kai Kang (2):
testimage.bbclass: remove boot parameter systemd.log_target
systemd: fix compile error for x32
Kevin Hao (1):
meta-yocto-bsp: Bump to the latest stable kernel for the non-x86 BSPs
Khem Raj (6):
grub2: Fix passing null to printf formats
gnupg: Upgrade to 2.2.12 release
binutils: Fix build with clang
binutils: Upgrade to latest on 2.31 release branch
binutils: bfd doesn't handle ELF compressed data alignment
systemd: Fix memory use after free errors
Manjukumar Matha (1):
kernel.bbclass: Fix incorrect deploying of fitimage.initramfs
Marcus Cooper (3):
systemd: Security fix CVE-2018-16864
systemd: Security fix CVE-2018-16865
systemd: Security fix CVE-2018-16866
Michael Ho (1):
sstate: add support for caching shared workdir tasks
Naveen Saini (2):
linux-yocto: update genericx86* SRCREV for 4.18
linux-yocto: update genericx86* SRCREV for 4.18
Peter Kjellerstedt (2):
systemd: Correct and clean up user/group definitions
systemd: Correct a conditional add to SYSTEMD_PACKAGES
Richard Purdie (9):
nativesdk-*-provides-dummy: Fixes to allow correct operation with opkg
classes: Correctly markup regex strings
testimage: Remove duplicate dependencies
testimage: Simplfy DEFAULT_TEST_SUITES logic
testimage: Further cleanup DEFAULT_TEST_SUITES
testimage: Enable autorunning of the package manager testsuites
oeqa/runtime/cases: Improve test dependency information
oeqa/runtime/cases: Improve dependencies of kernel/gcc/build tests
oeqa/utils/buildproject: Only clean files if we've done something
Robert Yang (7):
oeqa/utils/qemurunner: Print output when failed to login
oeqa/utils/qemurunner: set timeout to 60s for run_serial
oeqa: Fix for QEMU_USE_KVM
oeqa: make it work for multiple users
runqemu-gen-tapdevs: Allow run --help without sudo
oeqa/manual/bsp-qemu.json: Update for QEMU_USE_KVM
oeqa/selftest/runqemu: Enable kvm when QEMU_USE_KVM is set
Ross Burton (2):
toolchain-scripts: run post-relocate scripts for every environment
runqemu: clean up subprocess usage
Yeoh Ee Peng (3):
scripts/oe-git-archive: fix non-existent key referencing error
testimage: Add support for slirp
oeqa/qemu & runtime: qemu do not need ip input from external
OpenBMC compatibility updates:
Brad Bishop (1):
phosphor: rebase i2c-tools patches
Change-Id: Idc626fc076580aeebde1420bcad01e069b559504
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <bradleyb@fuzziesquirrel.com>
diff --git a/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm_4.14.2.bb b/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm_4.14.2.bb
index 200fe4d..75ef3f4 100644
--- a/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm_4.14.2.bb
+++ b/poky/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm_4.14.2.bb
@@ -104,9 +104,9 @@
do_install_append_class-nativesdk() {
for tool in ${WRAPPER_TOOLS}; do
create_wrapper ${D}$tool \
- RPM_CONFIGDIR='`dirname $''realpath`'/${@os.path.relpath(d.getVar('libdir', True), d.getVar('bindir', True))}/rpm \
- RPM_ETCCONFIGDIR='$'{RPM_ETCCONFIGDIR-'`dirname $''realpath`'/${@os.path.relpath(d.getVar('sysconfdir', True), d.getVar('bindir', True))}/..} \
- MAGIC='`dirname $''realpath`'/${@os.path.relpath(d.getVar('datadir', True), d.getVar('bindir', True))}/misc/magic.mgc \
+ RPM_CONFIGDIR='`dirname $''realpath`'/${@os.path.relpath(d.getVar('libdir'), d.getVar('bindir'))}/rpm \
+ RPM_ETCCONFIGDIR='$'{RPM_ETCCONFIGDIR-'`dirname $''realpath`'/${@os.path.relpath(d.getVar('sysconfdir'), d.getVar('bindir'))}/..} \
+ MAGIC='`dirname $''realpath`'/${@os.path.relpath(d.getVar('datadir'), d.getVar('bindir'))}/misc/magic.mgc \