reset meta-xilinx subtree on master HEAD(874b9cee5e)
Change-Id: Ic0716e95ff53e7d63c54dc5fce6ee42fc99ed424
diff --git a/meta-xilinx/meta-xilinx-bsp/conf/local.conf.sample b/meta-xilinx/meta-xilinx-bsp/conf/local.conf.sample
index 377a519..f10cd38 100644
--- a/meta-xilinx/meta-xilinx-bsp/conf/local.conf.sample
+++ b/meta-xilinx/meta-xilinx-bsp/conf/local.conf.sample
@@ -223,11 +223,13 @@
# RM_WORK_EXCLUDE += "u-boot-xlnx-dev"
#Add below lines to use runqemu for ZU+ machines
+PMU_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_NAME ??= "pmu-firmware-${MACHINE}"
# CONF_VERSION is increased each time build/conf/ changes incompatibly and is used to
# track the version of this file when it was generated. This can safely be ignored if
# this doesn't mean anything to you.
+#Enable the below line to use pmu-rom.elf from a specific path
+#PMU_ROM = "/proj/yocto/pmu-rom/pmu-rom.elf"