Squashed 'import-layers/meta-openembedded/' content from commit 247b126

Change-Id: I40827e9ce5fba63f1cca2a0be44976ae8383b4c0
git-subtree-dir: import-layers/meta-openembedded
git-subtree-split: 247b1267bbe95719cd4877d2d3cfbaf2a2f4865a
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <patrick@stwcx.xyz>
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/acpica/acpica_20150515.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/acpica/acpica_20150515.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de897e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/acpica/acpica_20150515.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+SUMMARY = "ACPICA tools for the development and debug of ACPI tables"
+DESCRIPTION = "The ACPI Component Architecture (ACPICA) project provides an \
+OS-independent reference implementation of the Advanced Configuration and \
+Power Interface Specification (ACPI). ACPICA code contains those portions of \
+ACPI meant to be directly integrated into the host OS as a kernel-resident \
+subsystem, and a small set of tools to assist in developing and debugging \
+ACPI tables."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.acpica.org/"
+SECTION = "console/tools"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://generate/unix/readme.txt;md5=204407e197c1a01154a48f6c6280c3aa"
+COMPATIBLE_HOST = "(i.86|x86_64|arm|aarch64).*-linux"
+DEPENDS = "bison flex"
+SRC_URI = "https://acpica.org/sites/acpica/files/acpica-unix2-${PV}.tar.gz \
+    file://no-werror.patch \
+    "
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "2bc4a7ccc82de9df9fa964f784ecb29c"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "61204ec56d71bc9bfa2ee2ade4c66f7e8541772ac72ef8ccc20b3f339cc96374"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/acpica-unix2-${PV}"
+do_install() {
+    install -D -p -m0755 generate/unix/bin*/iasl ${D}${bindir}/iasl
+    install -D -p -m0755 generate/unix/bin*/acpibin ${D}${bindir}/acpibin
+    install -D -p -m0755 generate/unix/bin*/acpiexec ${D}${bindir}/acpiexec
+    install -D -p -m0755 generate/unix/bin*/acpihelp ${D}${bindir}/acpihelp
+    install -D -p -m0755 generate/unix/bin*/acpinames ${D}${bindir}/acpinames
+    install -D -p -m0755 generate/unix/bin*/acpisrc ${D}${bindir}/acpisrc
+    install -D -p -m0755 generate/unix/bin*/acpixtract ${D}${bindir}/acpixtract
+# iasl*.bb is a subset of this recipe, so RREPLACE it
+PROVIDES = "iasl"
+RPROVIDES_${PN} += "iasl"
+RREPLACES_${PN} += "iasl"
+RCONFLIGHTS_${PN} += "iasl"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/acpica/acpitests/aapits-linux.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/acpica/acpitests/aapits-linux.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c5d6b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/acpica/acpitests/aapits-linux.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+From: Al Stone <ahs3@ahs3.net>
+Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2014 19:09:37 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Fixup aapits build
+From http://git.linaro.org/people/al.stone/acpica-tools.git
+Upstream-status: Unknown
+diff -urN acpica-unix2-20130626/tests/aapits/atexec.c acpica-unix2-20130626-aapits/tests/aapits/atexec.c
+--- acpica-unix2-20130626/tests/aapits/atexec.c	2013-01-17 12:48:28.000000000 -0700
++++ acpica-unix2-20130626-aapits/tests/aapits/atexec.c	2013-07-25 13:44:23.023894441 -0600
+@@ -639,6 +639,7 @@
+ }
+ /*******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * FUNCTION:    AtBuildLocalRSDT
+@@ -757,8 +758,9 @@
+         LocalRSDT->Header.Checksum = (UINT8)~LocalRSDT->Header.Checksum;
+     }
+ }
+ /*******************************************************************************
+  *
+  * FUNCTION:    AtBuildLocalXSDT
+@@ -1424,7 +1426,7 @@
+             "Request on [%4.4s] is beyond region limit Req-%X+%X, Base=%X, Len-%X\n",
+             (RegionObject->Region.Node)->Name.Ascii, (UINT32) Address,
+-            ByteWidth, (UINT32) BufferAddress, Length));
++            ByteWidth, (UINT32) BufferAddress, (UINT32) Length));
+         return (AE_AML_REGION_LIMIT);
+     }
+@@ -1792,7 +1796,9 @@
+             Path, Obj.Integer.Value, Value);
+ #else
+         printf ("API Error: Value of %s is 0x%llx instead of expected 0x%llx\n",
+-            Path, Obj.Integer.Value, Value);
++            Path,
++	    (long long unsigned int) Obj.Integer.Value,
++	    (long long unsigned int) Value);
+ #endif
+         Status = AE_ERROR;
+     }
+@@ -1871,7 +1877,7 @@
+     {
+         TestErrors++;
+         printf ("Test Error: cannot allocate buffer of %d bytes\n",
+-            Results.Length);
++                (int) Results.Length);
+         return (AE_NO_MEMORY);
+     }
+     Results.Pointer = Object;
+@@ -1952,7 +1956,8 @@
+     {
+         printf ("AtCheckBuffer: unexpected length %d of Buffer vs"
+             " calculated %d bytes\n",
+-            Results.Length, ACPI_ROUND_UP_TO_NATIVE_WORD(sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT) + Length));
++            (int)Results.Length,
++	    (int)(ACPI_ROUND_UP_TO_NATIVE_WORD(sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT) + Length)));
+     }
+     /* Initialize the return buffer structure */
+@@ -1961,7 +1968,7 @@
+     {
+         TestErrors++;
+         printf ("Test Error: cannot allocate buffer of %d bytes\n",
+-            Results.Length);
++            (int) Results.Length);
+         return (AE_NO_MEMORY);
+     }
+     Results.Pointer = Object;
+diff -urN acpica-unix2-20130626/tests/aapits/atinit.c acpica-unix2-20130626-aapits/tests/aapits/atinit.c
+--- acpica-unix2-20130626/tests/aapits/atinit.c	2013-01-17 12:48:28.000000000 -0700
++++ acpica-unix2-20130626-aapits/tests/aapits/atinit.c	2013-07-25 13:20:19.706705960 -0600
+@@ -3024,7 +3024,7 @@
+             AapiErrors++;
+             printf ("API Error: AcpiGetSystemInfo() returned"
+                 " Length %d, expected %d\n",
+-                OutBuffer.Length, sizeof (Info));
++                (int) OutBuffer.Length, (int) sizeof (Info));
+             return (AE_ERROR);
+         }
+@@ -3046,7 +3046,7 @@
+             AapiErrors++;
+             printf ("API Error: AcpiGetSystemInfo() returned"
+                 " Length %d, expected %d\n",
+-                OutBuffer.Length, sizeof (Info));
++                (int) OutBuffer.Length, (int) sizeof (Info));
+             return (AE_ERROR);
+         }
+@@ -3066,7 +3066,7 @@
+             AapiErrors++;
+             printf ("API Error: AcpiGetSystemInfo() returned"
+                 " Length %d, expected %d\n",
+-                OutBuffer.Length, sizeof (Info));
++                (int) OutBuffer.Length, (int) sizeof (Info));
+             return (AE_ERROR);
+         }
+         else if (OutBuffer.Pointer != &Info)
+@@ -3149,7 +3149,7 @@
+             AapiErrors++;
+             printf ("API Error: AcpiGetSystemInfo() returned"
+                 " Length %d, expected %d\n",
+-                OutBuffer.Length, sizeof (Info));
++                (int) OutBuffer.Length, (int) sizeof (Info));
+             return (AE_ERROR);
+         }
+         else if (OutBuffer.Pointer != &Info)
+@@ -3214,7 +3214,7 @@
+             AapiErrors++;
+             printf ("API Error: AcpiGetSystemInfo() returned"
+                 " Length %d, expected %d\n",
+-                OutBuffer.Length, sizeof (ACPI_SYSTEM_INFO));
++                (int) OutBuffer.Length, (int) sizeof (ACPI_SYSTEM_INFO));
+             return (AE_ERROR);
+         }
+         else
+diff -urN acpica-unix2-20130626/tests/aapits/atmain.c acpica-unix2-20130626-aapits/tests/aapits/atmain.c
+--- acpica-unix2-20130626/tests/aapits/atmain.c	2013-01-17 12:48:28.000000000 -0700
++++ acpica-unix2-20130626-aapits/tests/aapits/atmain.c	2013-07-25 13:18:22.083323948 -0600
+@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@
+     {
+         printf ("ACPICA API TS err: test num %ld of test case %ld"
+             " is not implemented\n",
+-            test_num, test_case);
++            (long int) test_num, (long int) test_case);
+         return (AtRetNotImpl);
+     }
+@@ -430,7 +432,7 @@
+     if (test_case < 1 || test_case > AT_TEST_CASE_NUM)
+     {
+         printf ("ACPICA API TS err: test case %ld is out of range 1 - %d\n",
+-            test_case, AT_TEST_CASE_NUM);
++            (long int) test_case, (int) AT_TEST_CASE_NUM);
+         return (AtRetBadParam);
+     }
+@@ -438,7 +440,7 @@
+     if (test_num < 0 || test_num > AtTestCase[test_case].TestsNum)
+     {
+         printf ("ACPICA API TS err: test num %ld is out of range 0 - %d\n",
+-            test_num, AtTestCase[test_case].TestsNum);
++            (long int) test_num, AtTestCase[test_case].TestsNum);
+         return (AtRetBadParam);
+     }
+diff -urN acpica-unix2-20130626/tests/aapits/atnamespace.c acpica-unix2-20130626-aapits/tests/aapits/atnamespace.c
+--- acpica-unix2-20130626/tests/aapits/atnamespace.c	2013-01-17 12:48:28.000000000 -0700
++++ acpica-unix2-20130626-aapits/tests/aapits/atnamespace.c	2013-07-25 13:24:15.366466707 -0600
+@@ -2535,7 +2535,8 @@
+ #else
+                 printf ("API Error: Address of %s (0x%llX) != (0x%llX)\n",
+                     PathNames[2 * i + 1],
+-                    Info->Address, ExpectedInfo[i].Address);
++                    (long long unsigned int) Info->Address,
++		    (long long unsigned int) ExpectedInfo[i].Address);
+ #endif
+ #else
+                 printf ("API Error: Address of %s (0x%X) != (0x%X)\n",
+@@ -2908,7 +2909,8 @@
+         TestErrors++;
+         printf ("AtGetNextObjectTypeCommon: different numbers of entities"
+             "in TypesNames (%d) and LevelTypes0000 (%d)\n",
+-            TypesCount, sizeof (LevelTypes0000) / sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_TYPE));
++            TypesCount,
++	    (int) (sizeof (LevelTypes0000) / sizeof (ACPI_OBJECT_TYPE)));
+         return (AE_ERROR);
+     }
+@@ -4192,7 +4194,9 @@
+             Pathname, Obj.Integer.Value, Value);
+ #else
+         printf ("API Error: Value of %s is 0x%llx instead of expected 0x%llx\n",
+-            Pathname, Obj.Integer.Value, Value);
++            Pathname,
++	    (long long unsigned int) Obj.Integer.Value,
++	    (long long unsigned int) Value);
+ #endif
+         Status = AE_ERROR;
+     }
+@@ -5199,7 +5203,7 @@
+             {
+                 AapiErrors++;
+                 printf ("API Error: AcpiOsAllocate(%d) returned NULL\n",
+-                    OutName.Length);
++                    (int) OutName.Length);
+                 return (AE_ERROR);
+             }
+         }
+diff -urN acpica-unix2-20130626/tests/aapits/atosxfctrl.c acpica-unix2-20130626-aapits/tests/aapits/atosxfctrl.c
+--- acpica-unix2-20130626/tests/aapits/atosxfctrl.c	2013-01-17 12:48:28.000000000 -0700
++++ acpica-unix2-20130626-aapits/tests/aapits/atosxfctrl.c	2013-07-25 13:30:00.375492751 -0600
+@@ -737,13 +737,15 @@
+ #ifdef    _MSC_VER
+         printf("OsxfCtrlFingReg: unexpected Width %d of Reg 0x%I64x\n",
++            Width, Address);
+ #else
+         printf("OsxfCtrlFingReg: unexpected Width %d of Reg 0x%llx\n",
++            Width, (long long unsigned int) Address);
+ #endif
+ #else
+         printf("OsxfCtrlFingReg: unexpected Width %d of Reg 0x%x\n",
+             Width, Address);
+         return (NULL);
+     }
+@@ -764,15 +766,19 @@
+ #ifdef    _MSC_VER
+                 printf("OsxfCtrlFingReg: intersection Regs (0x%I64x: 0x%x)"
+                     " and (0x%I64x: 0x%x)\n",
++                    Reg->Address, Reg->Width, Address, Width);
+ #else
+                 printf("OsxfCtrlFingReg: intersection Regs (0x%llx: 0x%x)"
+                     " and (0x%llx: 0x%x)\n",
++                    (long long unsigned int) Reg->Address,
++		    Reg->Width,
++		    (long long unsigned int) Address, Width);
+ #endif
+ #else
+                 printf("OsxfCtrlFingReg: intersection Regs (0x%x: 0x%x)"
+                     " and (0x%x: 0x%x)\n",
+                     Reg->Address, Reg->Width, Address, Width);
+                 return (NULL);
+             }
+         }
+@@ -786,13 +792,15 @@
+ #ifdef    _MSC_VER
+             printf("OsxfCtrlFingReg: no memory for Reg (0x%I64x: 0x%x)\n",
++                Reg->Address, Reg->Width);
+ #else
+             printf("OsxfCtrlFingReg: no memory for Reg (0x%llx: 0x%x)\n",
++                (long long unsigned int) Reg->Address, Reg->Width);
+ #endif
+ #else
+             printf("OsxfCtrlFingReg: no memory for Reg (0x%x: 0x%x)\n",
+                 Reg->Address, Reg->Width);
+             return (NULL);
+         }
+         Reg->Type = Type;
+@@ -932,14 +940,19 @@
+ #ifdef    _MSC_VER
+             printf("%.2u (%s Address 0x%I64x: Width %.2u) r/w counts: %u/%u\n",
++                i, (Reg->Type == EMUL_REG_SYS)? "SYS": "IO",
++                Reg->Address, Reg->Width, Reg->ReadCount, Reg->WriteCount);
+ #else
+             printf("%.2u (%s Address 0x%llx: Width %.2u) r/w counts: %u/%u\n",
++                i, (Reg->Type == EMUL_REG_SYS)? "SYS": "IO",
++                (long long unsigned int) Reg->Address,
++		Reg->Width, Reg->ReadCount, Reg->WriteCount);
+ #endif
+ #else
+             printf("%.2u (%s Address 0x%.4x: Width %.2u) r/w counts: %u/%u\n",
+                 i, (Reg->Type == EMUL_REG_SYS)? "SYS": "IO",
+                 Reg->Address, Reg->Width, Reg->ReadCount, Reg->WriteCount);
+             Reg = Reg->Next;
+             i++;
+         }
+diff -urN acpica-unix2-20130626/tests/aapits/atresource.c acpica-unix2-20130626-aapits/tests/aapits/atresource.c
+--- acpica-unix2-20130626/tests/aapits/atresource.c	2013-01-17 12:48:29.000000000 -0700
++++ acpica-unix2-20130626-aapits/tests/aapits/atresource.c	2013-07-25 13:25:49.423565947 -0600
+@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
+         AapiErrors++;
+         printf ("API Error: AcpiGetCurrentResources(%s) returned Length %d,"
+             " expected %d\n",
+-            Pathname, OutBuffer.Length, RT0000_DEV0_CRS_LEN);
++            Pathname, (int) OutBuffer.Length, RT0000_DEV0_CRS_LEN);
+         return (AE_ERROR);
+     }
+@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@
+         AapiErrors++;
+         printf ("API Error: AcpiGetCurrentResources(%s) returned Length %d,"
+             " expected %d\n",
+-            Pathname, OutBuffer.Length, RT0000_DEV0_CRS_LEN);
++            Pathname, (int) OutBuffer.Length, RT0000_DEV0_CRS_LEN);
+         return (AE_ERROR);
+     }
+@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@
+         AapiErrors++;
+         printf ("Api Error: Resource->Length (%d) != %d\n",
+             CurrentResource->Length,
+     }
+     if (CurrentResource->Data.Irq.Triggering != 0) /* Level-Triggered */
+@@ -981,7 +981,7 @@
+         AapiErrors++;
+         printf ("API Error: AcpiGetPossibleResources(%s) returned Length %d,"
+             " expected %d\n",
+-            Pathname, OutBuffer.Length, RT0000_DEV0_CRS_LEN);
++            Pathname, (int) OutBuffer.Length, RT0000_DEV0_CRS_LEN);
+         return (AE_ERROR);
+     }
+@@ -1923,7 +1923,7 @@
+         AapiErrors++;
+         printf ("API Error: AcpiGetIrqRoutingTable(%s) returned Length %d,"
+             " expected %d\n",
+-            Pathname, OutBuffer.Length, 0xA48);
++            Pathname, (int) OutBuffer.Length, 0xA48);
+         return (AE_ERROR);
+     }
+diff -urN acpica-unix2-20130626/tests/aapits/Makefile acpica-unix2-20130626-aapits/tests/aapits/Makefile
+--- acpica-unix2-20130626/tests/aapits/Makefile	2013-01-17 12:48:29.000000000 -0700
++++ acpica-unix2-20130626-aapits/tests/aapits/Makefile	2013-07-25 15:17:09.309236422 -0600
+@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
+ CFLAGS+= -Wall -g -D_LINUX -DNDEBUG -D_CONSOLE -DACPI_APITS -DACPI_EXEC_APP -D_MULTI_THREADED -Wstrict-prototypes -I../../source/include
+-acpiexec : $(patsubst %.c,%.o, $(SRCS))
++$(PROG) : $(patsubst %.c,%.o, $(SRCS))
+ 	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(patsubst %.c,%.o, $(SRCS)) -o $(PROG)
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/acpica/acpitests/aapits-makefile.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/acpica/acpitests/aapits-makefile.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d9e997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/acpica/acpitests/aapits-makefile.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+From: Al Stone <ahs3@ahs3.net>
+Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2014 19:09:37 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Fixup aapits build
+From http://git.linaro.org/people/al.stone/acpica-tools.git
+Upstream-status: Unknown
+diff -urN acpica-unix2-20140325/tests/aapits/Makefile acpica-unix2-20140325/tests/aapits/Makefile
+--- acpica-unix2-20140325/tests/aapits/Makefile	2014-04-05 14:23:14.683636794 -0600
++++ acpica-unix2-20140325-aapits/tests/aapits/Makefile	2014-04-05 15:10:57.879184598 -0600
+@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+ 	atosxfwrap.c \
+ 	osunixxf.c \
+ 	../../source/common/ahids.c \
++	../../source/common/ahuuids.c \
+ 	../../source/common/cmfsize.c \
+ 	../../source/common/getopt.c \
+ 	../../source/components/hardware/hwtimer.c \
+@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
+ 	../../source/components/utilities/utexcep.c \
+ 	../../source/components/utilities/utfileio.c \
+ 	../../source/components/utilities/utglobal.c \
++	../../source/components/utilities/uthex.c \
+ 	../../source/components/utilities/utids.c \
+ 	../../source/components/utilities/utinit.c \
+ 	../../source/components/utilities/utlock.c \
+@@ -189,6 +191,7 @@
+ 	../../source/components/utilities/utstate.c \
+ 	../../source/components/utilities/utstring.c \
+ 	../../source/components/utilities/uttrack.c \
++	../../source/components/utilities/utuuid.c \
+ 	../../source/components/utilities/utxface.c \
+ 	../../source/components/utilities/utxferror.c \
+ 	../../source/components/utilities/utxfinit.c \
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/acpica/acpitests_20140828.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/acpica/acpitests_20140828.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f6f190
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/acpica/acpitests_20140828.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+SUMMARY = "Test suite used to validate ACPICA"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.acpica.org/"
+LICENSE = "Intel"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://tests/aapits/atexec.c;beginline=1;endline=115;md5=e92bcdfcd01d117d1bda3e814bb2030a"
+DEPENDS = "bison flex"
+SRC_URI = "https://acpica.org/sites/acpica/files/acpitests-unix-${PV}.tar.gz;name=acpitests \
+           https://acpica.org/sites/acpica/files/acpica-unix2-${PV}.tar.gz;name=acpica \
+           file://aapits-linux.patch \
+           file://aapits-makefile.patch \
+SRC_URI[acpitests.md5sum] = "db9d6fdaa8e3eb101d700ee5ba4938ed"
+SRC_URI[acpitests.sha256sum] = "e576c74bf1bf1c9f7348bf9419e05c8acfece7105abcdc052e66670c7af2cf00"
+SRC_URI[acpica.md5sum] = "6f05f0d10166a1b1ff6107f3d1cdf1e5"
+SRC_URI[acpica.sha256sum] = "01d8867656c5ba41dec307c4383ce676196ad4281ac2c9dec9f5be5fac6d888e"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/acpitests-unix-${PV}"
+# The Makefiles expect a specific layout
+do_compile() {
+    cp -af ${WORKDIR}/acpica-unix2-${PV}/source ${S}
+    cd tests/aapits
+    oe_runmake
+do_install() {
+    install -d ${D}${bindir}
+    install -m0755 tests/aapits/bin/aapits ${D}${bindir}
+COMPATIBLE_HOST = "(i.86|x86_64|arm|aarch64).*-linux"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/acpica/files/no-werror.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/acpica/files/no-werror.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d28f47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/acpica/files/no-werror.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Description: remove -Werror flag
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Author: Fathi Boudra <fathi.boudra@linaro.org>
+ generate/unix/iasl/Makefile |   12 ++++++------
+ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+--- a/generate/unix/iasl/Makefile
++++ b/generate/unix/iasl/Makefile
+@@ -266,19 +266,19 @@ $(OBJDIR)/prparser.y.h: $(OBJDIR)/prpars
+ # by the utilities above and they are not necessarily ANSI C, etc.
+ #
+ $(OBJDIR)/aslcompilerlex.o :   $(OBJDIR)/aslcompilerlex.c
+-	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -Wall -Werror -o$@ $<
++	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -Wall -o$@ $<
+ $(OBJDIR)/aslcompilerparse.o : $(OBJDIR)/aslcompilerparse.c
+-	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -Wall -Werror -o$@ $<
++	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -Wall -o$@ $<
+ $(OBJDIR)/dtparserlex.o :      $(OBJDIR)/dtparserlex.c
+-	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -Wall -Werror -o$@ $<
++	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -Wall -o$@ $<
+ $(OBJDIR)/dtparserparse.o :    $(OBJDIR)/dtparserparse.c
+-	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -Wall -Werror -o$@ $<
++	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -Wall -o$@ $<
+ $(OBJDIR)/prparserlex.o :      $(OBJDIR)/prparserlex.c
+-	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -Wall -Werror -o$@ $<
++	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -Wall -o$@ $<
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/acpitool/acpitool_0.5.1.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/acpitool/acpitool_0.5.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc9669d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/acpitool/acpitool_0.5.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "Acpitool is a Linux ACPI client. It simply reads /proc/acpi or /sys/class entries \
+and presents the output in a meaningfull, human-readable format."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://freeunix.dyndns.org:8088/site2/acpitool.shtml"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=94d55d512a9ba36caa9b7df079bae19f"
+SRC_URI = "http://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/project/${BPN}/${BPN}/${PV}/${BP}.tar.bz2 \
+    "
+inherit autotools
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "9e4ec55201be0be71ffbc56d38b42b57"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "004fb6cd43102918b6302cf537a2db7ceadda04aef2e0906ddf230f820dad34f"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings/0001-Fix-error.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings/0001-Fix-error.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1a303c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings/0001-Fix-error.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+From b8e791ce93a467081fb1594b91841e2f57c634a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Qian Lei <qianl.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 18:37:26 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix error
+Signed-off-by: Qian Lei <qianl.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+ swig/python/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/swig/python/CMakeLists.txt b/swig/python/CMakeLists.txt
+index 3976296..8073fc8 100644
+--- a/swig/python/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/swig/python/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ SET( SWIG_INPUT "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../cmpi.i" )
+    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo_append "Creating wrapper code for Python ..."
+-   COMMAND ${SWIG_EXECUTABLE} -python -Wall -threads -features autodoc -o ${SWIG_OUTPUT} -outdir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} -I/usr/include ${SWIG_INPUT}
++   COMMAND ${SWIG_EXECUTABLE} -python -Wall -threads -features autodoc -o ${SWIG_OUTPUT} -outdir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} -I$ENV{STAGING_INCDIR} ${SWIG_INPUT}
+    COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "Done."
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings/0001-Modify-cmakelist.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings/0001-Modify-cmakelist.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92e5e56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings/0001-Modify-cmakelist.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+From 070822507befe7c1b8bb1be2d36cb12141d03b8f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Qian Lei <qianl.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2015 18:38:32 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH] Change the install path in cmakelist
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Qian Lei <qianl.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+ swig/python/CMakeLists.txt | 8 ++++----
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/swig/python/CMakeLists.txt b/swig/python/CMakeLists.txt
+index 3976296..93c87c1 100644
+--- a/swig/python/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/swig/python/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -56,18 +56,18 @@ TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES( ${NAME} util )
+ # .py: swig generated
+ #
+ # cmpi_pywbem_bindings.py: provider implementation
+ #
+-INSTALL(FILES cmpi_pywbem_bindings.py DESTINATION ${PYTHON_SITE_DIR} )
+ #INSTALL(FILES Py_UnixProcessProvider.py DESTINATION /usr/lib/pycim )
+-INSTALL(CODE "EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c \"from py_compile import compile; compile('\$ENV{DESTDIR}${PYTHON_SITE_DIR}/cmpi.py', dfile='${PYTHON_SITE_DIR}/cmpi.py')\")")
++INSTALL(CODE "EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c \"from py_compile import compile; compile('\$ENV{DESTDIR}$ENV{ENV_INSTALL_PATH}/cmpi.py', dfile='\$ENV{ENV_INSTALL_PATH}/cmpi.py')\")")
+-INSTALL(CODE "EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c \"from py_compile import compile; compile('\$ENV{DESTDIR}${PYTHON_SITE_DIR}/cmpi_pywbem_bindings.py', dfile='${PYTHON_SITE_DIR}/cmpi_pywbem_bindings.py')\")")
++INSTALL(CODE "EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c \"from py_compile import compile; compile('\$ENV{DESTDIR}$ENV{ENV_INSTALL_PATH}/cmpi_pywbem_bindings.py', dfile='$ENV{ENV_INSTALL_PATH}/cmpi_pywbem_bindings.py')\")")
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings/0001-fix-the-build-error-when-python-3.0.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings/0001-fix-the-build-error-when-python-3.0.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d6f029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings/0001-fix-the-build-error-when-python-3.0.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+From 323ced03a66e6cd963d8277b66cfcc7dce740be7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lei Maohui <leimaohui@cn.fujitsu.com>
+Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2015 01:33:43 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] fix Xthe build error when python>3.0
+Signed-off-by: Lei Maohui <leimaohui@cn.fujitsu.com>
+ src/target_python.c | 7 ++++++-
+ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/target_python.c b/src/target_python.c
+index 90b43a1..2b76c9e 100644
+--- a/src/target_python.c
++++ b/src/target_python.c
+@@ -167,7 +167,12 @@ PyGlobalInitialize(const CMPIBroker* broker, CMPIStatus* st)
+   Py_SetProgramName("cmpi_swig");
+   Py_Initialize();
+-  SWIGEXPORT void SWIG_init(void);
++#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
++  SWIGEXPORT void 
++  SWIG_init(void);
+   SWIG_init();
+   cmpiMainPyThreadState = PyGILState_GetThisThreadState();
+   PyEval_ReleaseThread(cmpiMainPyThreadState); 
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings-0.4.17-no-ruby-perl.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings-0.4.17-no-ruby-perl.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2072da7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings-0.4.17-no-ruby-perl.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+From 7dd01e33f9dac75f177113de9a8ff458d4263a11 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lei Maohui <leimaohui@cn.fujitsu.com>
+Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2015 11:00:13 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH] cmpi-bindings-0.4.17 no ruby perl
+Port from Fedora20
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Qian Lei <qianl.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+ swig/CMakeLists.txt | 22 +++++++++++-----------
+ 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/swig/CMakeLists.txt b/swig/CMakeLists.txt
+index 8b5555c..c2655b9 100644
+--- a/swig/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/swig/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -15,15 +15,15 @@ IF (PYTHON_LIBRARY)
+-  MESSAGE(STATUS "Building Perl...")
++#  MESSAGE(STATUS "Building Perl...")
+-  MESSAGE(STATUS "Building Ruby...")
++#  MESSAGE(STATUS "Building Ruby...")
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings-0.4.17-sblim-sigsegv.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings-0.4.17-sblim-sigsegv.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b993372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings-0.4.17-sblim-sigsegv.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Port from Fedora20
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Qian Lei <qianl.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+diff -up cmpi-bindings-0.4.17/swig/python/cmpi_pywbem_bindings.py.orig cmpi-bindings-0.4.17/swig/python/cmpi_pywbem_bindings.py
+--- cmpi-bindings-0.4.17/swig/python/cmpi_pywbem_bindings.py.orig	2012-03-01 17:05:31.878367281 +0100
++++ cmpi-bindings-0.4.17/swig/python/cmpi_pywbem_bindings.py	2012-03-01 17:06:34.718110137 +0100
+@@ -350,10 +350,10 @@ class BrokerCIMOMHandle(object):
+             allow_null_ns = False
+         else:
+             allow_null_ns = True
+-            if self.broker.name() == 'RequestHandler':
++#            if self.broker.name() == 'RequestHandler':
+                 # Check sblim bug #2185410.
+-                if instance.path is not None:
+-                    instance.path.namespace = None
++#                if instance.path is not None:
++#                    instance.path.namespace = None
+         inst = self.proxy.pywbem2cmpi_inst(instance, allow_null_ns)
+         rv = self.broker.deliverIndication(self.ctx, ns, inst)
+         return rv
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings-0.9.5-python-lib-dir.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings-0.9.5-python-lib-dir.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6a51ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings-0.9.5-python-lib-dir.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Port from Fedora20
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Qian Lei <qianl.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+diff -up cmpi-bindings-0.9.5/swig/python/CMakeLists.txt.old cmpi-bindings-0.9.5/swig/python/CMakeLists.txt
+--- cmpi-bindings-0.9.5/swig/python/CMakeLists.txt.old	2013-08-06 15:57:03.576285764 +0200
++++ cmpi-bindings-0.9.5/swig/python/CMakeLists.txt	2013-08-06 15:57:14.891345941 +0200
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ SET (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON)
+-EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "from sys import stdout; from distutils import sysconfig; stdout.write(sysconfig.get_python_lib())" OUTPUT_VARIABLE PYTHON_LIB_DIR)
++EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "from sys import stdout; from distutils import sysconfig; stdout.write(sysconfig.get_python_lib(1))" OUTPUT_VARIABLE PYTHON_LIB_DIR)
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings_git.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings_git.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2747c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/cmpi-bindings/cmpi-bindings_git.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+SUMMARY = "Adapter to write and run CMPI-type CIM providers"
+DESCRIPTION = "CMPI-compliant provider interface for various languages via SWIG"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://github.com/kkaempf/cmpi-bindings"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=b19ee058d2d5f69af45da98051d91064"
+SECTION = "Development/Libraries"
+DEPENDS = "swig-native python sblim-cmpi-devel"
+SRC_URI = "git://github.com/kkaempf/cmpi-bindings.git;protocol=http \
+           file://cmpi-bindings-0.4.17-no-ruby-perl.patch \
+           file://cmpi-bindings-0.4.17-sblim-sigsegv.patch \
+           file://cmpi-bindings-0.9.5-python-lib-dir.patch \
+           file://0001-Modify-cmakelist.patch \
+           file://0001-Fix-error.patch \
+           file://0001-fix-the-build-error-when-python-3.0.patch \
+          "
+SRCREV = "62f60e065aa1b901f826e4f530c0573ae32d065e"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+inherit cmake pythonnative
+EXTRA_OECMAKE = "-DLIB='${baselib}' \
+do_configure_prepend() {
+    export HOST_SYS=${HOST_SYS}
+    export BUILD_SYS=${BUILD_SYS}
+FILES_${PN} =+"${libdir}/cmpi/libpyCmpiProvider.so ${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}/*"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg =+ "${libdir}/cmpi/.debug/libpyCmpiProvider.so"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd/0001-conditionally-check-libvirt.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd/0001-conditionally-check-libvirt.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0a5804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd/0001-conditionally-check-libvirt.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+[PATCH] conditionally check libvirt
+Upstream-Statue: Pending
+check if libvirt is available only when a user wants to use libvirt
+Signed-off-by: Roy Li <rongqing.li@windriver.com>
+ configure.ac | 14 ++++++++------
+ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 923498e..7206095 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -4778,12 +4778,14 @@ then
+ 		with_libxml2="no (pkg-config doesn't know libxml-2.0)"
+ 	fi
+-	$PKG_CONFIG --exists libvirt 2>/dev/null
+-	if test "$?" = "0"
+-	then
+-		with_libvirt="yes"
+-	else
+-		with_libvirt="no (pkg-config doesn't know libvirt)"
++	if test "x$enable_libvirt" = "xyes"; then
++		$PKG_CONFIG --exists libvirt 2>/dev/null
++		if test "$?" = "0"
++		then
++			with_libvirt="yes"
++		else
++			with_libvirt="no (pkg-config doesn't know libvirt)"
++		fi
+ 	fi
+ fi
+ if test "x$with_libxml2" = "xyes"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd/0001-redefine-the-dependence.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd/0001-redefine-the-dependence.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef6afad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd/0001-redefine-the-dependence.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+[PATCH] define the collectd dependence
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+libavltree.la libcommon.la libheap.la are created dynamically, and in LDADD,
+but not in DEPENDENCIES
+Signed-off-by: Roy Li <rongqing.li@windriver.com>
+ src/daemon/Makefile.am | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/daemon/Makefile.am b/src/daemon/Makefile.am
+index 10860ec..7f826e3 100644
+--- a/src/daemon/Makefile.am
++++ b/src/daemon/Makefile.am
+@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ collectd_CPPFLAGS =  $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(LTDLINCL)
+ collectd_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS)
+ collectd_LDFLAGS = -export-dynamic
+ collectd_LDADD = libavltree.la libcommon.la libheap.la -lm
+-collectd_DEPENDENCIES =
++collectd_DEPENDENCIES = libavltree.la libcommon.la libheap.la
+ # Link to these libraries..
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd/collectd-version.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd/collectd-version.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86c3f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd/collectd-version.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Don't pick up version string from parent git repository
+If the collectd source is extracted from a tarball underneath a
+directory structure that includes another git repository, that
+repository will be picked up by "git describe" which is not
+desirable. Check whether collectd itself is a git repository and just
+use the default version if not.
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <paul.eggleton@linux.intel.com>
+diff --git a/version-gen.sh b/version-gen.sh
+index b09be8e..2671066 100755
+--- a/version-gen.sh
++++ b/version-gen.sh
+@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
+ DEFAULT_VERSION="5.5.0.git"
+-VERSION="`git describe 2> /dev/null | grep collectd | sed -e 's/^collectd-//'`"
++if test -d .git ; then
++	VERSION="`git describe 2> /dev/null | grep collectd | sed -e 's/^collectd-//'`"
+ if test -z "$VERSION"; then
+ fi
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd/collectd.init b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd/collectd.init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95f5f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd/collectd.init
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+# collectd - start and stop the statistics collection daemon
+# http://collectd.org/
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Florian Forster <octo@verplant.org>
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Sebastian Harl <tokkee@debian.org>
+# Provides:          collectd
+# Required-Start:    $local_fs $remote_fs
+# Required-Stop:     $local_fs $remote_fs
+# Should-Start:      $network $named $syslog $time cpufrequtils
+# Should-Stop:       $network $named $syslog
+# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
+# Short-Description: manage the statistics collection daemon
+# Description:       collectd is the statistics collection daemon.
+#                    It is a small daemon which collects system information
+#                    periodically and provides mechanisms to monitor and store
+#                    the values in a variety of ways.
+. /etc/init.d/functions
+export PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
+# Gracefully exit if the package has been removed.
+test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
+if [ -r /etc/default/$NAME ]; then
+	. /etc/default/$NAME
+if test "$ENABLE_COREFILES" == 1; then
+	ulimit -c unlimited
+if test "$USE_COLLECTDMON" == 1; then
+# return:
+#   0 if config is fine
+#   1 if there is a syntax error
+#   2 if there is no configuration
+check_config() {
+	if test ! -e "$CONFIGFILE"; then
+		return 2
+	fi
+	if ! $DAEMON -t -C "$CONFIGFILE"; then
+		return 1
+	fi
+	return 0
+# return:
+#   0 if the daemon has been started
+#   1 if the daemon was already running
+#   2 if the daemon could not be started
+#   3 if the daemon was not supposed to be started
+d_start() {
+	if test "$DISABLE" != 0; then
+		# we get here during restart
+		echo "disabled by /etc/default/$NAME"
+		return 3
+	fi
+	if test ! -e "$CONFIGFILE"; then
+		# we get here during restart
+		echo "disabled, no configuration ($CONFIGFILE) found"
+		return 3
+	fi
+	check_config
+	rc="$?"
+	if test "$rc" -ne 0; then
+		echo "not starting, configuration error"
+		return 2
+	fi
+	if test "$USE_COLLECTDMON" == 1; then
+		start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --oknodo --pidfile "$_PIDFILE" \
+			|| return 2
+	else
+		start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --oknodo --pidfile "$_PIDFILE" \
+			--exec $DAEMON -- -C "$CONFIGFILE" -P "$_PIDFILE" \
+			|| return 2
+	fi
+	return 0
+WARNING: $NAME might still be running.
+In large setups it might take some time to write all pending data to
+the disk. You can adjust the waiting time in /etc/default/collectd."
+# return:
+#   0 if the daemon has been stopped
+#   1 if the daemon was already stopped
+#   2 if daemon could not be stopped
+d_stop() {
+	PID=$( cat "$_PIDFILE" 2> /dev/null ) || true
+	start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile "$_PIDFILE"
+	rc="$?"
+	if test "$rc" -eq 2; then
+		return 2
+	fi
+	sleep 1
+	if test -n "$PID" && kill -0 $PID 2> /dev/null; then
+		i=0
+		while kill -0 $PID 2> /dev/null; do
+			i=$(( $i + 2 ))
+			echo -n " ."
+			if test $i -gt $MAXWAIT; then
+				echo "$still_running_warning"
+				return 2
+			fi
+			sleep 2
+		done
+		return "$rc"
+	fi
+	return "$rc"
+# return:
+#   0 if the daemon is running
+#   3 if the daemon is stopped
+	if test "$USE_COLLECTDMON" == 1; then
+	else
+		status $DAEMON
+	fi
+case "$1" in
+	start)
+		echo -n "Starting $NAME"
+		d_start
+		case "$?" in
+			0|1) echo "." ;;
+			*) exit 1 ;;
+		esac
+		;;
+	stop)
+		echo -n "Stopping $NAME"
+		d_stop
+		case "$?" in
+			0|1) echo "." ;;
+			*) exit 1 ;;
+		esac
+		;;
+	status)
+		d_status
+		;;
+	restart|force-reload)
+		echo -n "Restarting $NAME"
+		check_config
+		rc="$?"
+		if test "$rc" -eq 1; then
+			echo "not restarting, configuration error"
+			exit 1
+		fi
+		d_stop
+		rc="$?"
+		case "$rc" in
+			0|1)
+				sleep 1
+				d_start
+				rc2="$?"
+				case "$rc2" in
+					0|1) echo "." ;;
+					*) exit 1 ;;
+				esac
+				;;
+			*)
+				exit 1
+				;;
+		esac
+		;;
+	*)
+		echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|force-reload|status}" >&2
+		exit 3
+		;;
+# vim: syntax=sh noexpandtab sw=4 ts=4 :
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd/collectd.service b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd/collectd.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d835b73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd/collectd.service
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+After=local-fs.target network.target
+Requires=local-fs.target network.target
+ExecStart=@SBINDIR@/collectd -C /etc/collectd.conf -f
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd/no-gcrypt-badpath.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd/no-gcrypt-badpath.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e876ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd/no-gcrypt-badpath.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Disable defaulting of GCRYPT_LDFLAGS to -L/usr/lib
+Prevents "unsafe for cross compilation" warnings that cause
+do_qa_configure to fail.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration]
+Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <paul.eggleton@linux.intel.com>
+Index: collectd-5.4.1/configure.ac
+--- collectd-5.4.1.orig/configure.ac	2014-09-03 01:20:22.062084244 -0700
++++ collectd-5.4.1/configure.ac	2014-09-03 01:20:22.058084244 -0700
+@@ -1867,11 +1867,11 @@
+ 		GCRYPT_CPPFLAGS=`"$with_libgcrypt_config" --cflags 2>/dev/null`
+ 	fi
+-	if test "x$GCRYPT_LDFLAGS" = "x"
+-	then
+-		gcrypt_exec_prefix=`"$with_libgcrypt_config" --exec-prefix 2>/dev/null`
+-		GCRYPT_LDFLAGS="-L$gcrypt_exec_prefix/lib"
+-	fi
++#	if test "x$GCRYPT_LDFLAGS" = "x"
++#	then
++#		gcrypt_exec_prefix=`"$with_libgcrypt_config" --exec-prefix 2>/dev/null`
++#		GCRYPT_LDFLAGS="-L$gcrypt_exec_prefix/lib"
++#	fi
+ 	if test "x$GCRYPT_LIBS" = "x"
+ 	then
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd_5.5.0.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd_5.5.0.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a3476f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/collectd/collectd_5.5.0.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+SUMMARY = "Collects and summarises system performance statistics"
+DESCRIPTION = "collectd is a daemon which collects system performance statistics periodically and provides mechanisms to store the values in a variety of ways, for example in RRD files."
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=1bd21f19f7f0c61a7be8ecacb0e28854"
+DEPENDS = "rrdtool curl libpcap libxml2 yajl libgcrypt libtool lvm2"
+SRC_URI = "http://collectd.org/files/collectd-${PV}.tar.bz2 \
+           file://no-gcrypt-badpath.patch \
+           file://collectd-version.patch \
+           file://0001-redefine-the-dependence.patch  \
+           file://collectd.init \
+           file://collectd.service \
+           file://0001-conditionally-check-libvirt.patch \
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "c39305ef5514b44238b0d31f77e29e6a"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "847684cf5c10de1dc34145078af3fcf6e0d168ba98c14f1343b1062a4b569e88"
+inherit autotools pythonnative update-rc.d pkgconfig systemd
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "collectd.service"
+# Floatingpoint layout, architecture dependent
+# 'nothing', 'endianflip' or 'intswap'
+FPLAYOUT ?= "--with-fp-layout=nothing"
+PACKAGECONFIG[openjdk] = "--with-java=${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${libdir}/jvm,--without-java,openjdk-7"
+PACKAGECONFIG[snmp] = "--enable-snmp,--disable-snmp --with-libnetsnmp=no,net-snmp"
+PACKAGECONFIG[libmemcached] = "--with-libmemcached,--without-libmemcached,libmemcached"
+PACKAGECONFIG[iptables] = "--enable-iptables,--disable-iptables,iptables"
+PACKAGECONFIG[postgresql] = "--enable-postgresql --with-libpq=yes, \
+        --disable-postgresql --with-libpq=no,postgresql"
+PACKAGECONFIG[mysql] = "--enable-mysql --with-libmysql=yes, \
+        --disable-mysql --with-libmysql=no,mysql5"
+PACKAGECONFIG[dbi] = "--enable-dbi,--disable-dbi,libdbi"
+PACKAGECONFIG[modbus] = "--enable-modbus,--disable-modbus,libmodbus"
+PACKAGECONFIG[libowcapi] = "--with-libowcapi,--without-libowcapi,owfs"
+PACKAGECONFIG[sensors] = "--enable-sensors --with-libsensors=yes, \
+        --disable-sensors --with-libsensors=no,lmsensors"
+PACKAGECONFIG[amqp] = "--enable-amqp --with-librabbitmq=yes, \
+        --disable-amqp --with-librabbitmq=no,rabbitmq-c"
+# protobuf-c, libvirt that are currently only available in meta-virtualization layer
+PACKAGECONFIG[pinba] = "--enable-pinba,--disable-pinba,protobuf-c-native protobuf-c"
+PACKAGECONFIG[libvirt] = "--enable-libvirt,--disable-libvirt,libvirt"
+PACKAGECONFIG[libesmtp] = "--with-libesmtp,--without-libesmtp,libesmtp"
+PACKAGECONFIG[libmnl] = "--with-libmnl,--without-libmnl,libmnl"
+PACKAGECONFIG[libatasmart] = "--with-libatasmart,--without-libatasmart,libatasmart"
+PACKAGECONFIG[ldap] = "--enable-openldap --with-libldap,--disable-openldap --without-libldap, openldap"
+                ${FPLAYOUT} \
+                --disable-perl --with-libperl=no --with-perl-bindings=no \
+                --with-libgcrypt=${STAGING_BINDIR_CROSS}/libgcrypt-config \
+                --disable-notify_desktop \
+do_install_append() {
+    install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+    install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/collectd.init ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/collectd
+    sed -i 's!/usr/sbin/!${sbindir}/!g' ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/collectd
+    sed -i 's!/etc/!${sysconfdir}/!g' ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/collectd
+    sed -i 's!/var/!${localstatedir}/!g' ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/collectd
+    sed -i 's!^PATH=.*!PATH=${base_sbindir}:${base_bindir}:${sbindir}:${bindir}!' ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/collectd
+    # Fix configuration file to allow collectd to start up
+    sed -i 's!^#FQDNLookup[ \t]*true!FQDNLookup   false!g' ${D}${sysconfdir}/collectd.conf
+    rmdir "${D}${localstatedir}/run"
+    rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "${D}${localstatedir}"
+    # Install systemd unit files
+    install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
+    install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/collectd.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
+    sed -i -e 's,@SBINDIR@,${sbindir},g' \
+        ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/collectd.service
+INITSCRIPT_NAME = "collectd"
+# threshold.so load.so are also provided by gegl
+# disk.so is also provided by libgphoto2-camlibs
+PRIVATE_LIBS = "threshold.so load.so disk.so"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/corosync/corosync_2.3.5.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/corosync/corosync_2.3.5.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..508277e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/corosync/corosync_2.3.5.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+SUMMARY = "The Corosync Cluster Engine and Application Programming Interfaces"
+DESCRIPTION = "This package contains the Corosync Cluster Engine Executive, several default \
+APIs and libraries, default configuration files, and an init script."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://corosync.github.io/corosync/"
+SECTION = "base"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig systemd
+SRC_URI = "http://build.clusterlabs.org/corosync/releases/${BP}.tar.gz"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "8894f00d499e0755467b381e6346f9ff"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "1d48cdfa224b0ceb02e27fe9d56b738fb2a92262b04b15bb3a67e1c4248da8e2"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=a85eb4ce24033adb6088dd1d6ffc5e5d"
+DEPENDS = "groff-native nss libqb"
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "corosync.service corosync-notifyd.service"
+INITSCRIPT_NAME = "corosync-daemon"
+PACKAGECONFIG ??= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'systemd', '', d)}"
+PACKAGECONFIG[systemd] = "--enable-systemd --with-systemddir=${systemd_unitdir}/system/,--with-systemddir="
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--with-upstartdir=%{_sysconfdir}/init"
+do_configure_prepend() {
+    ( cd ${S}
+    ${S}/autogen.sh )
+do_install_append() {
+    install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/sysconfig/
+    install -d ${D}/${sysconfdir}/init.d
+    install -m 0644 ${S}/init/corosync.sysconfig.example ${D}${sysconfdir}/sysconfig/corosync
+    install -m 0644 ${S}/init/corosync-notifyd.conf.in ${D}${sysconfdir}/sysconfig/corosync-notifyd.conf
+    install -m 0644 ${S}/init/corosync.conf.in ${D}${sysconfdir}/sysconfig/corosync.conf
+    install -m 0644 ${S}/init/corosync.in ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/corosync
+    install -m 0644 ${S}/init/corosync-notifyd.in ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/corosync-notifyd
+    if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES','systemd','true','false',d)}; then
+        install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
+        install -m 0644 ${S}/init/corosync.service.in ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/corosync.service
+        install -m 0644 ${S}/init/corosync-notifyd.service.in ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/corosync-notifyd.service
+        sed -i -e 's,@INITWRAPPERSDIR@,${sysconfdir}/init.d,g' ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/corosync.service
+        sed -i -e 's,@SYSCONFDIR@,${sysconfdir},g' ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/corosync-notifyd.service
+        sed -i -e 's,@SBINDIR@,${base_sbindir},g' ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/corosync-notifyd.service
+    fi	
+RDEPENDS_${PN} += "bash"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libexecdir}/lcrso/.debug"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/dash/dash_0.5.8.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/dash/dash_0.5.8.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4961d7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/dash/dash_0.5.8.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+SUMMARY = "Small and fast POSIX-compliant shell"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/dash/"
+SECTION = "System Environment/Shells"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=b5262b4a1a1bff72b48e935531976d2e"
+inherit autotools update-alternatives
+SRC_URI = "http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/${BPN}/files/${BP}.tar.gz"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "5c152209680dab3c319e8923f6c51378"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "c6db3a237747b02d20382a761397563d813b306c020ae28ce25a1c3915fac60f"
+EXTRA_OECONF += "--bindir=${base_bindir}"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[sh] = "${base_bindir}/sh"
+ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[sh] = "${base_bindir}/dash"
+pkg_postinst_${PN} () {
+    grep -q "^${base_bindir}/dash$" $D${sysconfdir}/shells || echo ${base_bindir}/dash >> $D${sysconfdir}/shells
+pkg_postrm_${PN} () {
+    printf "$(grep -v "^${base_bindir}/dash$" $D${sysconfdir}/shells)\n" > $D${sysconfdir}/shells
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/ddrescue/ddrescue_1.19.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/ddrescue/ddrescue_1.19.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27e00a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/ddrescue/ddrescue_1.19.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+SUMMARY = "Data recovery tool"
+DESCRIPTION = "GNU ddrescue is a data recovery tool. It copies data \
+    from one file or block device (hard disc, cdrom, etc) to another, \
+    trying hard to rescue data in case of read errors."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.gnu.org/software/ddrescue/ddrescue.html"
+SECTION = "console"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=76d6e300ffd8fb9d18bd9b136a9bba13 \
+                    file://main_common.cc;beginline=5;endline=16;md5=3ec288b2676528cd2b069364e313016f"
+SRC_URI = "${GNU_MIRROR}/${BPN}/${BP}.tar.lz"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "ed6b5b82d74cbd925db2b829350e74b1"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "ed8d0c9d9aac80a9110e9cb0d0a91a7390d3bf9f816b67a62ca4eb140f4747b8"
+# This isn't already added by base.bbclass
+do_unpack[depends] += "lzip-native:do_populate_sysroot"
+    '--srcdir=${S}' \
+    '--prefix=${prefix}' \
+    '--exec-prefix=${exec_prefix}' \
+    '--bindir=${bindir}' \
+    '--datadir=${datadir}' \
+    '--infodir=${infodir}' \
+    '--sysconfdir=${sysconfdir}' \
+    'CXX=${CXX}' \
+do_configure () {
+    ${S}/configure ${CONFIGUREOPTS}
+do_install () {
+    oe_runmake 'DESTDIR=${D}' install
+    # Info dir listing isn't interesting at this point so remove it if it exists.
+    if [ -e "${D}${infodir}/dir" ]; then
+        rm -f ${D}${infodir}/dir
+    fi
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/dialog/dialog_1.2-20150920.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/dialog/dialog_1.2-20150920.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fef9d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/dialog/dialog_1.2-20150920.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+SUMMARY = "display dialog boxes from shell scripts"
+DESCRIPTION = "Dialog lets you to present a variety of questions \
+or display messages using dialog boxes from a shell \
+script (or any scripting language)."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://invisible-island.net/dialog/"
+SECTION = "console/utils"
+DEPENDS = "ncurses"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=a6f89e2100d9b6cdffcea4f398e37343"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "2b7c002b0a88ce1e0014af34b6b1ebdc"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "c4e61ec5768701683dd4b5b2ebd8a31e6289fa6a1f5801e4b481085650698c05"
+SRC_URI = "ftp://invisible-island.net/dialog/dialog-${PV}.tgz \
+          "
+# hardcoded here for use in dialog-static recipe
+S = "${WORKDIR}/dialog-${PV}"
+inherit autotools-brokensep pkgconfig
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--with-ncurses \
+                --disable-rpath-hack"
+do_configure() {
+    gnu-configize --force
+    sed -i 's,${cf_ncuconfig_root}6-config,${cf_ncuconfig_root}-config,g' -i configure
+    sed -i 's,cf_have_ncuconfig=unknown,cf_have_ncuconfig=yes,g' -i configure
+    oe_runconf
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/dlm/dlm_4.0.2.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/dlm/dlm_4.0.2.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff37305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/dlm/dlm_4.0.2.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "dlm control daemon and tool"
+SECTION = "utils"
+HOMEPAGE = "https://fedorahosted.org/cluster/wiki/HomePage"
+SRC_URI = "https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/dlm.git/snapshot/${BP}.tar.xz"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "efc2ee6093aa6aa0a88aaad83e998a3f"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "b89bc557aaffbab0ac005398025f247718a5589cff6574d902eaffe2b20e683e"
+LICENSE = "LGPLv2+ & GPLv2 & GPLv2+"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://README.license;md5=8f0bbcdd678df1bce9863492b6c8832d"
+DEPENDS = "corosync systemd"
+inherit pkgconfig systemd distro_features_check
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "dlm.service"
+export EXTRA_OEMAKE = ""
+do_compile_prepend() {
+    sed -i "s/libsystemd-daemon/libsystemd/g" ${S}/dlm_controld/Makefile
+do_compile () {
+    oe_runmake 'CC=${CC}'
+do_install_append (){
+    install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/sysconfig/
+    install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/
+    install -m 0644 ${S}/init/dlm.sysconfig ${D}${sysconfdir}/sysconfig/dlm
+    install -m 0644 ${S}/init/dlm.init ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/dlm
+    # install systemd unit files
+    if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES','systemd','true','false',d)}; then
+        install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
+        install -m 0644 ${S}/init/dlm.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
+    fi
+do_install() {
+    oe_runmake install DESTDIR=${D} LIBDIR=${libdir}
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/efibootmgr/efibootmgr_0.12.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/efibootmgr/efibootmgr_0.12.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b611ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/efibootmgr/efibootmgr_0.12.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "Linux user-space application to modify the EFI Boot Manager."
+SUMMARY = "EFI Boot Manager"
+HOMEPAGE = "https://github.com/rhinstaller/efibootmgr"
+SECTION = "base"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=0636e73ff0215e8d672dc4c32c317bb3"
+DEPENDS = "pciutils zlib efivar"
+COMPATIBLE_HOST = "(i.86|x86_64|arm|aarch64).*-linux"
+SRC_URI = "https://github.com/rhinstaller/efibootmgr/releases/download/${BP}/${BP}.tar.bz2 \
+           file://ldflags.patch \
+          "
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "6647f5cd807bc8484135ba74fcbcc39a"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "a66f5850677e86255d93cb1cead04c3c48a823a2b864c579321f2a07f00256e6"
+EXTRA_OEMAKE = "'CC=${CC}' 'CFLAGS=${CFLAGS} -I${S}/src/include `pkg-config --cflags efivar` \
+do_install () {
+    install -D -p -m0755 src/efibootmgr/efibootmgr ${D}/${sbindir}/efibootmgr
+inherit pkgconfig
+PNBLACKLIST[efibootmgr] ?= "Depends on blacklisted efivar"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/efibootmgr/files/ldflags.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/efibootmgr/files/ldflags.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d5594a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/efibootmgr/files/ldflags.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Import this patch from meta-linaro.
+Signed-off-by: Kai Kang <kai.kang@windriver.com>
+--- efibootmgr-0.5.4.orig/Makefile
++++ efibootmgr-0.5.4/Makefile
+@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
+ 	    -Wall -g -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64
++  LDFLAGS += -lz
+   MODULES := src
+   BINDIR := /usr/sbin
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/efivar/efivar/0001-efivar-fix-for-cross-compile.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/efivar/efivar/0001-efivar-fix-for-cross-compile.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bd7d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/efivar/efivar/0001-efivar-fix-for-cross-compile.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+From 7036e8b0dca61432970789e5397b6fb02b362c2b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Kai Kang <kai.kang@windriver.com>
+Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2015 18:14:31 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH] efivar: fix for cross compile
+It builds and calls elf file makeguids to generate a header file which
+doesn't work for cross compile. Fix it.
+Signed-off-by: Kai Kang <kai.kang@windriver.com>
+ src/Makefile | 4 ++--
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
+index 6eac858..ef4eb1d 100644
+--- a/src/Makefile
++++ b/src/Makefile
+@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ makeguids.o : makeguids.c
+ makeguids : makeguids.o fakeguid.o
+ 	$(CC) $(cflags) -o $@ $^ -ldl
+-include/efivar/efivar-guids.h : makeguids guids.txt
+-	./makeguids guids.txt guids.bin names.bin guid-symbols.S $@
++include/efivar/efivar-guids.h : guids.txt
++	makeguids guids.txt guids.bin names.bin guid-symbols.S $@
+ guidlist.o : guids.S include/efivar/efivar-guids.h
+ 	$(CC) $(cflags) -c -o guidlist.o guids.S
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/efivar/efivar/efivar-drop-options-not-supported-by-lower-version-gcc.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/efivar/efivar/efivar-drop-options-not-supported-by-lower-version-gcc.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f04b19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/efivar/efivar/efivar-drop-options-not-supported-by-lower-version-gcc.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+gcc options '-Wmaybe-uninitialized' and '-std=gnu11' are not recognized by gcc
+whose version is lower than 4.6, such as on Ubuntu 12.04. Drop them for backward
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Kai Kang <kai.kang@windriver.com>
+diff --git a/Make.defaults b/Make.defaults
+index cc2baa9..118ae56 100644
+--- a/Make.defaults
++++ b/Make.defaults
+@@ -10,10 +10,9 @@ CFLAGS	?= -O2 -g
+ ARCH = $(shell uname -m)
+ clang_cflags =
+-gcc_cflags = -Wmaybe-uninitialized
+ cflags	:= $(CFLAGS) \
+ 	-Werror -Wall -Wsign-compare -Wstrict-aliasing \
+-	-std=gnu11 -fshort-wchar -fPIC \
++	-fshort-wchar -fPIC \
+ 	-fvisibility=hidden \
+ 	-D_GNU_SOURCE -I${TOPDIR}/src/include/efivar/ \
+ 	$(if $(filter $(CC),clang),$(clang_cflags),) \
+diff --git a/src/guid.h b/src/guid.h
+index 9542ee1..0817991 100644
+--- a/src/guid.h
++++ b/src/guid.h
+@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ static inline int
+ real_isspace(char c)
+ {
+ 	char spaces[] = " \f\n\r\t\v";
+-	for (int i = 0; spaces[i] != '\0'; i++)
++	int i;
++	for (i = 0; spaces[i] != '\0'; i++)
+ 		if (c == spaces[i])
+ 			return 1;
+ 	return 0;
+@@ -59,7 +60,8 @@ check_sanity(const char *text, size_t len)
+ static inline int
+ check_segment_sanity(const char *text, size_t len)
+ {
+-	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
++	unsigned int i;
++	for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ 		if (text[i] >= '0' && text[i] <= '9')
+ 			continue;
+ 		/* "| 0x20" is tolower() without having to worry about
+diff --git a/src/makeguids.c b/src/makeguids.c
+index e9acf15..7e16cb2 100644
+--- a/src/makeguids.c
++++ b/src/makeguids.c
+@@ -150,7 +150,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ 	fprintf(header, "#ifndef EFIVAR_GUIDS_H\n#define EFIVAR_GUIDS_H 1\n\n");
+-	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < line-1; i++) {
++	unsigned int i, j;
++	for (i = 0; i < line-1; i++) {
+ 		if (!strcmp(outbuf[i].symbol, "efi_guid_zero"))
+ 			fprintf(symout, "\t.globl %s\n"
+ 					"\t.data\n"
+@@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ 			fprintf(symout, "efi_guid_empty:\n");
+ 		uint8_t *guid_data = (uint8_t *) &outbuf[i].guid;
+-		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sizeof (efi_guid_t); j++)
++		for (j = 0; j < sizeof (efi_guid_t); j++)
+ 			fprintf(symout,"\t.byte 0x%02x\n", guid_data[j]);
+ 		fprintf(symout, "%s_end:\n", outbuf[i].symbol);
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/efivar/efivar_0.21.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/efivar/efivar_0.21.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7a4d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/efivar/efivar_0.21.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+SUMMARY = "Tools to manipulate UEFI variables"
+DESCRIPTION = "efivar provides a simple command line interface to the UEFI variable facility"
+HOMEPAGE = "https://github.com/rhinstaller/efivar"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=6626bb1e20189cfa95f2c508ba286393"
+DEPENDS_class-target = "popt efivar-native"
+SRCREV = "aab6c2a64d90b6e5a63661fb5bd6be8d878b0784"
+SRC_URI = "git://github.com/rhinstaller/efivar.git"
+SRC_URI_append_class-target = " file://0001-efivar-fix-for-cross-compile.patch"
+SRC_URI_append_class-native = " file://efivar-drop-options-not-supported-by-lower-version-gcc.patch"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+do_install() {
+    oe_runmake install DESTDIR=${D}
+do_compile_class-native() {
+    oe_runmake -C src makeguids
+do_install_class-native() {
+    install -D -m 0755 ${B}/src/makeguids ${D}${bindir}/makeguids
+# See
+# http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-core/2016-February/116564.html
+# http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-core/2016-February/116571.html
+# http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-devel/2016-February/105802.html
+# http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-devel/2016-February/105786.html
+# but it's still broken:
+# http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-devel/2016-February/105825.html
+# http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-devel/2016-February/105830.html
+PNBLACKLIST[efivar] ?= "BROKEN: linux.c:27:30: fatal error: linux/nvme_ioctl.h: No such file or directory"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/flashrom/flashrom_0.9.6.1.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/flashrom/flashrom_0.9.6.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1f0b30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/flashrom/flashrom_0.9.6.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "flashrom is a utility for identifying, reading, writing, verifying and erasing flash chips"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://flashrom.org"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=751419260aa954499f7abaabaa882bbe"
+DEPENDS = "pciutils"
+SRC_URI = "http://download.flashrom.org/releases/flashrom-${PV}.tar.bz2"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "407e836c0a2b17ec76583cb6809f65e5"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "6f7b588cce74c90b4fe9c9c794de105de76e0323442fb5770b1aeab81e9d560a"
+do_install() {
+    oe_runmake PREFIX=${prefix} DESTDIR=${D} install
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/fwts/fwts_git.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/fwts/fwts_git.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b0e61b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/fwts/fwts_git.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+SUMMARY = "Firmware testsuite"
+DESCRIPTION = "The tool fwts comprises of over fifty tests that are designed to exercise and test different aspects of a machine's firmware. Many of these tests need super user access to read BIOS data and ACPI tables, so the tool requires running with super user privileges (e.g. with sudo)."
+HOMEPAGE = "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Reference/fwts"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://src/main.c;beginline=1;endline=16;md5=deb8af5388e838d133eaa036f4d1496f"
+PV = "14.09.00"
+SRCREV = "cf14f3b4bab716dea95de772ad52786c1cbe862a"
+SRC_URI = "git://kernel.ubuntu.com/hwe/fwts.git"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+DEPENDS = "libpcre json-c glib-2.0"
+inherit autotools-brokensep
+FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/fwts/lib*${SOLIBS}"
+FILES_${PN}-dev += "${libdir}/fwts/lib*${SOLIBSDEV} ${libdir}/fwts/lib*.la"
+FILES_${PN}-staticdev += "${libdir}/fwts/lib*a"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libdir}/fwts/.debug"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot-4.6.5/lua-loadlibs-configure-in-fix.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot-4.6.5/lua-loadlibs-configure-in-fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23f2cd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot-4.6.5/lua-loadlibs-configure-in-fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Index: gnuplot-4.6.5/configure.in
+--- gnuplot-4.6.5.orig/configure.in
++++ gnuplot-4.6.5/configure.in
+@@ -690,6 +690,11 @@ if test "${with_lua}" = yes ; then
+   fi
+   if test "$with_lua" != no; then
++    dnl check for dlopen/dl to fix loadlibs link failure
++    AC_CHECK_FUNC([dlopen], [],
++      AC_CHECK_LIB([dl], [dlopen], DLOPEN_LIBS="-ldl"))
+   else
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot-4.6.5/subdirs.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot-4.6.5/subdirs.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c7d1f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot-4.6.5/subdirs.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- /tmp/Makefile.am	2007-08-23 13:10:15.560659023 +0200
++++ gnuplot-4.2.0/Makefile.am	2007-08-23 13:10:34.961764629 +0200
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in -*-Makefile-*-
+ AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.2h
+-SUBDIRS = config m4 term src docs $(LISPDIR) man demo tutorial share
++SUBDIRS = config m4 term src  $(LISPDIR) man share
+ EXTRA_DIST = BUGS CodeStyle Copyright FAQ GNUmakefile INSTALL INSTALL.gnu \
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot.inc b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69bc74b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven interactive datafile \
+(text or binary) and function plotting utility."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.gnuplot.info/"
+SECTION = "console/scientific"
+LICENSE = "gnuplot"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://Copyright;md5=243a186fc2fd3b992125d60d5b1bab8f"
+DEPENDS = "virtual/libx11 gd readline"
+inherit autotools distro_features_check
+# depends on virtual/libx11
+acpaths = ""
+PACKAGECONFIG ??= "cairo"
+PACKAGECONFIG[cairo] = "--with-cairo,--without-cairo,cairo pango"
+PACKAGECONFIG[lua] = "--with-lua,--without-lua,lua"
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--with-readline=${STAGING_LIBDIR}/.. \
+                --without-lisp-files \
+                --without-tutorial \
+                --disable-wxwidgets"
+do_compile_prepend() {
+    install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/qtplot-0.2/qtopia.trm ${S}/term/
+do_install_append() {
+    install -d ${D}${datadir}/applications/
+    install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/gnuplot.desktop ${D}${datadir}/applications/
+    install -d ${D}${datadir}/pixmaps/
+    install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/gnuplot.png ${D}${datadir}/pixmaps/
+PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-x11-dbg ${PN}-x11"
+DESCRIPTION_${PN}-x11 = "X11 display terminal for Gnuplot."
+SECTION_${PN}-x11 = "x11/scientific"
+FILES_${PN}-x11 = "${libexecdir} ${datadir}/applications ${datadir}/pixmaps ${libdir}/X11 "
+FILES_${PN} += "${datadir}/texmf"
+FILES_${PN}-x11-dbg += "${libexecdir}/gnuplot/*/.debug"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot/gnuplot.desktop b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot/gnuplot.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f67df9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot/gnuplot.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Comment=Plot data and function graphs
+Exec=x-terminal-emulator -e gnuplot
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot/gnuplot.png b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot/gnuplot.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..054cd9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot/gnuplot.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot/qtopia.trm b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot/qtopia.trm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b52f9bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot/qtopia.trm
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+ * $Id: dumb.trm,v 1.16 2004/04/13 17:24:16 broeker Exp $
+ *
+ */
+/* GNUPLOT - qtopia.trm */
+ * Copyright 1991 - 1993, 1998, 2004   Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted,
+ * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
+ * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
+ * in supporting documentation.
+ *
+ * Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to
+ * distribute the complete modified source code.  Modifications are to
+ * be distributed as patches to the released version.  Permission to
+ * distribute binaries produced by compiling modified sources is granted,
+ * provided you
+ *   1. distribute the corresponding source modifications from the
+ *    released version in the form of a patch file along with the binaries,
+ *   2. add special version identification to distinguish your version
+ *    in addition to the base release version number,
+ *   3. provide your name and address as the primary contact for the
+ *    support of your modified version, and
+ *   4. retain our contact information in regard to use of the base
+ *    software.
+ * Permission to distribute the released version of the source code along
+ * with corresponding source modifications in the form of a patch file is
+ * granted with same provisions 2 through 4 for binary distributions.
+ *
+ * This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty
+ * to the extent permitted by applicable law.
+ * This file is included by ../term.c.
+ *
+ * This terminal driver supports:
+ *   qtopia terminals
+ *
+ *   Michael Neuroth, 2004-05-16
+ *           INTERNET: michael.neuroth@freenet.de
+ *
+ * send your comments or suggestions to (gnuplot-info@lists.sourceforge.net).
+ *
+ */
+#include "driver.h"
+#ifdef TERM_PROTO
+TERM_PUBLIC void QTOPIA_options __PROTO((void));
+TERM_PUBLIC void QTOPIA_init __PROTO((void));
+TERM_PUBLIC void QTOPIA_graphics __PROTO((void));
+TERM_PUBLIC void QTOPIA_text __PROTO((void));
+TERM_PUBLIC void QTOPIA_reset __PROTO((void));
+TERM_PUBLIC void QTOPIA_linetype __PROTO((int linetype));
+TERM_PUBLIC void QTOPIA_move __PROTO((unsigned int x, unsigned int y));
+TERM_PUBLIC void QTOPIA_point __PROTO((unsigned int x, unsigned int y,
+				     int point));
+TERM_PUBLIC void QTOPIA_vector __PROTO((unsigned int x, unsigned int y));
+TERM_PUBLIC void QTOPIA_put_text __PROTO((unsigned int x, unsigned int y,
+					const char *str));
+TERM_PUBLIC void QTOPIA_arrow __PROTO((unsigned int sx, unsigned int sy,
+				     unsigned int ex, unsigned int ey,
+				     int head));
+#define ENHqtopia_put_text NULL
+#define QTOPIA_XMAX 4096
+#define QTOPIA_YMAX 4096
+#ifdef ZAURUS
+#endif /* TERM_PROTO */
+#ifdef TERM_BODY
+/*#include <winsock2.h>*/
+/* needs: ws2_32.lib */
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#define QTOPIA_MAX_BUFFER		512
+#define QTOPIA_MAX_DELAY_COUNT	20	/* * 100 ms = 2 s */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define QTOPIA_BAD_SOCKET		-1
+#define QTOPIA_PORT_NO			5050
+static int qtopia_client_socket = QTOPIA_BAD_SOCKET;
+static unsigned short qtopia_port_no = QTOPIA_PORT_NO;
+static char qtopia_host_name[QTOPIA_MAX_BUFFER+1] = { "localhost" };
+static int OpenClient __PROTO(( int test));
+static void CloseClient();
+static void MySleep( delay )
+int delay;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+	Sleep( delay );
+	usleep( delay );
+static void InitSockets()
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+	WORD wVersionRequested;
+	WSADATA wsaData;
+	int err;
+	wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 2, 2 );
+	err = WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData );
+static void ExitSockets()
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+	WSACleanup();
+static int CheckForQtplot( count )
+int count;
+	/* test (via sockets) if qtplot is allready running */
+	if( !OpenClient( 1 ) )
+	{
+		/* give qtplot a litle bit time to start... */
+		if( count < QTOPIA_MAX_DELAY_COUNT )
+		{
+			if( count == 0 )
+			{
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+				system( "start qtplot" );
+				system( "qtplot&" );
+			}
+			MySleep(100);
+			return CheckForQtplot( count+1 );
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			return 0;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		CloseClient();
+		return 1;
+	}
+static int OpenClient( test )
+int test;
+    int len;
+    struct sockaddr_in address;
+    int result;
+	/*  Create a socket for the client.  */
+    qtopia_client_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+	if( qtopia_client_socket != QTOPIA_BAD_SOCKET )
+	{
+		/*  Name the socket, as agreed with the server.  */
+		address.sin_family = AF_INET;
+		address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(/*qtopia_host_name*/"");	/* localhost */
+		address.sin_port = htons(qtopia_port_no);
+		len = sizeof(address);
+		/*  Now connect our socket to the server's socket.  */
+		result = connect(qtopia_client_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&address, len);
+		if( result == QTOPIA_BAD_SOCKET )
+		{
+			/* mark this socket as bad */
+			close( qtopia_client_socket );
+			qtopia_client_socket = QTOPIA_BAD_SOCKET;
+			if( !test )
+			{
+				fprintf( gpoutfile, "error connecting to server !\n" );
+			}
+			return 0;	/* something went wrong */
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if( !test )
+		{
+			fprintf( gpoutfile, "error creating socket !\n" );
+		}
+		return 0;	/* something went wrong */
+	}
+	return 1;	/* everything ist ok ! */
+static void CloseClient()
+    close( qtopia_client_socket );
+static int IsClientOk()
+	return qtopia_client_socket != QTOPIA_BAD_SOCKET;
+static void SendDataToSocket( sLine )
+const char * sLine;
+	if( IsClientOk() )
+	{
+		int send_count;
+		send_count = send( qtopia_client_socket, sLine, strlen( sLine ), 0 );
+		if( send_count <= 0 )
+		{
+			fprintf( gpoutfile, "error writing to socket str=%s!\n", sLine );
+		}
+		/*
+		else
+		{
+			fprintf( gpoutfile, "wrote %d bytes\n", send_count );
+		}
+		*/
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		/* for testing... */
+		/*fprintf( gpoutfile, sLine );*/
+	}
+/* ************************************************** */
+static struct gen_table QTOPIA_opts[] =
+    { "po$rt", QTOPIA_PORT },
+    { "ho$st", QTOPIA_HOST },
+    /* this is not for the qtopia terminal ! */
+	/*SendDataToSocket( "qtd options\n" );*/
+    int x, y;
+    struct value a;
+    while (!END_OF_COMMAND) 
+	{
+		switch(lookup_table(&QTOPIA_opts[0],c_token)) 
+		{
+			case QTOPIA_PORT:
+				c_token++;
+				if (END_OF_COMMAND)
+					int_error(c_token, "expecting port number");
+				qtopia_port_no = (int) real(const_express(&a));
+				break;
+			case QTOPIA_HOST:
+				c_token++;
+				if (END_OF_COMMAND)
+					int_error(c_token, "expecting host name");
+				if (isstring(c_token))
+					quote_str( qtopia_host_name, c_token, sizeof(qtopia_host_name) );
+				else
+ 					copy_str( qtopia_host_name, c_token, sizeof(qtopia_host_name) );
+				c_token++;
+				break;
+			case QTOPIA_OTHER:
+			default:
+				break;
+		}
+    }
+    sprintf(term_options, "host=%s port=%d",qtopia_host_name,qtopia_port_no);
+	/* initialize lib (if necassary) */
+	InitSockets();
+	CheckForQtplot( 0 );
+	OpenClient( 0 ); 
+	SendDataToSocket( "qtd init\n" );
+	SendDataToSocket( "qtd graphics\n" );
+	SendDataToSocket( "qtd text\n" );
+	SendDataToSocket( "qtd reset\n" );
+	/* give the qtplot a litle bit time to shutdown */
+	MySleep(100);
+	CloseClient();
+	ExitSockets();
+int linetype;
+	char sBuffer[QTOPIA_MAX_BUFFER];
+	sprintf( sBuffer, "qtd linetype type=%d\n",linetype );
+	SendDataToSocket( sBuffer );
+QTOPIA_move(x, y)
+unsigned int x, y;
+	char sBuffer[QTOPIA_MAX_BUFFER];
+	sprintf( sBuffer, "qtd move x=%d y=%d\n",x,y );
+	SendDataToSocket( sBuffer );
+QTOPIA_point(x, y, point)
+unsigned int x, y;
+int point;
+	char sBuffer[QTOPIA_MAX_BUFFER];
+	sprintf( sBuffer, "qtd point x=%d y=%d point=%d\n",x,y,point );
+	SendDataToSocket( sBuffer );
+QTOPIA_vector(_x, _y)
+unsigned int _x, _y;
+	char sBuffer[QTOPIA_MAX_BUFFER];
+	sprintf( sBuffer, "qtd vector x=%d y=%d\n",_x,_y );
+	SendDataToSocket( sBuffer );
+QTOPIA_put_text(x, y, str)
+unsigned int x, y;
+const char *str;
+	char sBuffer[QTOPIA_MAX_BUFFER];
+	sprintf( sBuffer, "qtd put_text x=%d y=%d str=%s\n",x,y,str );
+	SendDataToSocket( sBuffer );
+/* not suported yet ! */
+QTOPIA_arrow(sx, sy, ex, ey, head)
+    unsigned int sx, sy, ex, ey;
+    int head;		/* ignored */
+	char sBuffer[QTOPIA_MAX_BUFFER];
+	sprintf( sBuffer, "qtd arrow sx=%d sy=%d ex=%d ey=%d head=%d\n",sx,sy,ex,ey,head );
+	SendDataToSocket( sBuffer );
+#endif /* TERM_BODY */
+#ifdef TERM_TABLE
+    "qtopia", "qtopia or Qt",
+    QTOPIA_text, null_scale, QTOPIA_graphics, QTOPIA_move, QTOPIA_vector,
+    QTOPIA_linetype, QTOPIA_put_text, null_text_angle,
+    null_justify_text, QTOPIA_point, /*QTOPIA_arrow*/0, set_font_null,
+    0,				/* pointsize */
+#ifdef USE_MOUSE
+#ifdef PM3D
+#undef LAST_TERM
+#define LAST_TERM qtopia_driver
+#endif /* TERM_TABLE */
+#ifdef TERM_HELP
+"1 qtopia",
+"?commands set terminal qtopia",
+"?set terminal qtopia",
+"?set term qtopia",
+"?terminal qtopia",
+"?term qtopia",
+" The `qtopia` terminal driver has no additional options.",
+" Syntax:",
+"       set terminal qtopia",
+#endif /* TERM_HELP */
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot_4.6.5.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot_4.6.5.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f694a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/gnuplot/gnuplot_4.6.5.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+require gnuplot.inc
+SRC_URI = "${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/gnuplot/${BP}.tar.gz;name=archive \
+    http://www.mneuroth.de/privat/zaurus/qtplot-0.2.tar.gz;name=qtplot \
+    file://subdirs.patch \
+    file://lua-loadlibs-configure-in-fix.patch \
+    file://gnuplot.desktop \
+    file://gnuplot.png \
+SRC_URI[archive.md5sum] = "9a476b21f74bd99c876f1509d731a0f9"
+SRC_URI[archive.sha256sum] = "e550f030c7d04570e89c3d4e3f6e82296816508419c86ab46c4dd73156519a2d"
+SRC_URI[qtplot.md5sum] = "0a481885a496092c77eb4017540b5cf6"
+SRC_URI[qtplot.sha256sum] = "6df317183ff62cc82f3dcf88207a267cd6478cb5147f55d7530c94f1ad5f4132"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/haveged/haveged/remove-systemd-unit-503.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/haveged/haveged/remove-systemd-unit-503.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df27bcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/haveged/haveged/remove-systemd-unit-503.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+--- a/init.d/Makefile.am	2014-01-02 18:55:53.000000000 +0100
++++ b/init.d/Makefile.am	2014-08-11 10:59:40.000000000 +0200
+@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
+ 	$(do_subst) < $(srcdir)/$(src_tmpl) > haveged.service;
+ install-data-hook:
+-	install -p -m644 haveged.service `pkg-config --variable=systemdsystemunitdir systemd`/haveged.service;
+-	install -p -m644 haveged.service ($unit_dir)/haveged.service;
+-	systemctl enable haveged.service;
++#	install -p -m644 haveged.service `pkg-config --variable=systemdsystemunitdir systemd`/haveged.service;
++#	install -p -m644 haveged.service ($unit_dir)/haveged.service;
++#	systemctl enable haveged.service;
+ endif
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/haveged/haveged_1.9.1.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/haveged/haveged_1.9.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbd1992d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/haveged/haveged_1.9.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+SUMMARY = "haveged - A simple entropy daemon"
+DESCRIPTION = "The haveged project is an attempt to provide an easy-to-use, unpredictable random number generator based upon an adaptation of the HAVEGE algorithm. Haveged was created to remedy low-entropy conditions in the Linux random device that can occur under some workloads, especially on headless servers."
+AUTHOR = "Gary Wuertz"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.issihosts.com/haveged/index.html"
+SRC_URI = "http://www.issihosts.com/haveged/haveged-${PV}.tar.gz \
+		file://remove-systemd-unit-503.patch \
+		"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "015ff58cd10607db0e0de60aeca2f5f8"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "9c2363ed9542a6784ff08e247182137e71f2ddb79e8e6c1ac4ad50d21ced3715"
+PR = "r0"
+inherit autotools systemd
+			--enable-init=service.redhat \
+			--enable-nistest=yes \
+			--enable-olt=yes \
+			--enable-threads=no \
+			"
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "haveged.service"
+do_install_append() {
+	mkdir -p ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
+	install -p -m644 ${B}/init.d/haveged.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hexedit/hexedit/0001-don-t-strip-when-installing.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hexedit/hexedit/0001-don-t-strip-when-installing.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a384b05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hexedit/hexedit/0001-don-t-strip-when-installing.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+From cc67246ca6839e5b3f6a286f10ed24c225b77a5e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Eric=20B=C3=A9nard?= <eric@eukrea.com>
+Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2013 12:34:32 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] don't strip when installing
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Signed-off-by: Eric Bénard <eric@eukrea.com>
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration]
+ Makefile.in |    2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
+index 159463e..735cc72 100644
+--- a/Makefile.in
++++ b/Makefile.in
+@@ -42,6 +42,6 @@ distclean: clean
+ install: $(PRODUCT)
+ 	$(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
+-	$(INSTALL) -s -m 755 $(PRODUCT) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
++	$(INSTALL) -m 755 $(PRODUCT) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
+ 	$(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
+ 	$(INSTALL) -m 644 $(PRODUCT).1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hexedit/hexedit_1.2.13.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hexedit/hexedit_1.2.13.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39df5b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hexedit/hexedit_1.2.13.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+SUMMARY = "view and edit files in hexadecimal or in ASCII"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://rigaux.org/hexedit.html"
+SECTION = "console/utils"
+DEPENDS = "ncurses"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=0636e73ff0215e8d672dc4c32c317bb3"
+SRC_URI = "http://rigaux.org/${BP}.src.tgz \
+    file://0001-don-t-strip-when-installing.patch "
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "a5af1378d028512a9cad27a5ba3e15f9"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "6a126da30a77f5c0b08038aa7a881d910e3b65d13767fb54c58c983963b88dd7"
+inherit autotools-brokensep
+S = "${WORKDIR}/${BPN}"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hplip/hplip-3.12.6/configure.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hplip/hplip-3.12.6/configure.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31c005c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hplip/hplip-3.12.6/configure.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Index: hplip-3.12.6/configure.in
+--- hplip-3.12.6.orig/configure.in	2014-07-16 20:03:51.310044196 +0000
++++ hplip-3.12.6/configure.in	2014-07-18 07:53:31.589559192 +0000
+@@ -27,8 +27,7 @@
+ #AC_PREREQ(2.59)
+ AC_INIT([HP Linux Imaging and Printing], [3.12.6], [3.12.6], [hplip])
+-#AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.9 foreign])
++AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.9 foreign])
+ # Checks for programs.
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hplip/hplip-3.12.6/cups-1.6.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hplip/hplip-3.12.6/cups-1.6.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7df01aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hplip/hplip-3.12.6/cups-1.6.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+Imported from gentoo:
+diff -Naur hplip-3.12.6_old/prnt/cupsext/cupsext.c hplip-3.12.6/prnt/cupsext/cupsext.c
+--- hplip-3.12.6_old/prnt/cupsext/cupsext.c	2012-08-04 09:18:18.388330038 +0200
++++ hplip-3.12.6/prnt/cupsext/cupsext.c	2012-08-04 09:18:27.855181327 +0200
+@@ -87,6 +87,46 @@

+ #endif



++#define HAVE_CUPS_1_6 1



++#ifndef HAVE_CUPS_1_6

++#define ippGetCount(attr)     attr->num_values

++#define ippGetGroupTag(attr)  attr->group_tag

++#define ippGetValueTag(attr)  attr->value_tag

++#define ippGetName(attr)      attr->name

++#define ippGetBoolean(attr, element) attr->values[element].boolean

++#define ippGetInteger(attr, element) attr->values[element].integer

++#define ippGetStatusCode(ipp) ipp->request.status.status_code

++#define ippGetString(attr, element, language) attr->values[element].string.text


++static ipp_attribute_t * ippFirstAttribute( ipp_t *ipp )


++    if (!ipp)

++        return (NULL);

++    return (ipp->current = ipp->attrs);



++static ipp_attribute_t * ippNextAttribute( ipp_t *ipp )


++    if (!ipp || !ipp->current)

++        return (NULL);

++    return (ipp->current = ipp->current->next);



++static int ippSetOperation( ipp_t *ipp, ipp_op_t op )


++    ipp->request.op.operation_id = op;

++    return (1);



++static int ippSetRequestId( ipp_t *ipp, int request_id )


++    ipp->request.any.request_id = request_id;

++    return (1);




+ int g_num_options = 0;

+ cups_option_t * g_options;

+@@ -333,8 +373,8 @@
+     request = ippNew();

+     language = cupsLangDefault();


+-    request->request.op.operation_id = CUPS_GET_PRINTERS;

+-    request->request.any.request_id = 1;

++    ippSetOperation( request, CUPS_GET_PRINTERS );

++    ippSetRequestId ( request, 1);


+     ippAddString( request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_CHARSET,

+                   "attributes-charset", NULL, cupsLangEncoding( language ) );

+@@ -378,10 +418,10 @@
+         ipp_pstate_t state;

+         int i = 0;


+-        for ( attr = response->attrs; attr != NULL; attr = attr->next )

++        for ( attr = ippFirstAttribute( response ); attr != NULL; attr = ippNextAttribute( response ) )

+         {

+-            while ( attr != NULL && attr->group_tag != IPP_TAG_PRINTER )

+-                attr = attr->next;

++            while ( attr != NULL && ippGetGroupTag( attr ) != IPP_TAG_PRINTER )

++                attr = ippNextAttribute( response );


+             if ( attr == NULL )

+                 break;

+@@ -390,41 +430,41 @@
+             state = IPP_PRINTER_IDLE;

+             accepting = 0;


+-            while ( attr != NULL && attr->group_tag == IPP_TAG_PRINTER )

++            while ( attr != NULL && ippGetGroupTag( attr ) == IPP_TAG_PRINTER )

+             {

+-                if ( strcmp( attr->name, "printer-name" ) == 0 &&

+-                        attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_NAME )

+-                    name = attr->values[ 0 ].string.text;


+-                else if ( strcmp( attr->name, "device-uri" ) == 0 &&

+-                        attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_URI )

+-                    device_uri = attr->values[ 0 ].string.text;


+-                else if ( strcmp( attr->name, "printer-uri-supported" ) == 0 &&

+-                        attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_URI )

+-                    printer_uri = attr->values[ 0 ].string.text;


+-                else if ( strcmp( attr->name, "printer-info" ) == 0 &&

+-                        attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_TEXT )

+-                    info = attr->values[ 0 ].string.text;


+-                else if ( strcmp( attr->name, "printer-location" ) == 0 &&

+-                        attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_TEXT )

+-                    location = attr->values[ 0 ].string.text;


+-                else if ( strcmp( attr->name, "printer-make-and-model" ) == 0 &&

+-                        attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_TEXT )

+-                    make_model = attr->values[ 0 ].string.text;


+-                else if ( strcmp( attr->name, "printer-state" ) == 0 &&

+-                        attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_ENUM )

+-                    state = ( ipp_pstate_t ) attr->values[ 0 ].integer;


+-                else if (!strcmp(attr->name, "printer-is-accepting-jobs") &&

+-                        attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_BOOLEAN)

+-                    accepting = attr->values[ 0 ].boolean;

++                if ( strcmp( ippGetName( attr ), "printer-name" ) == 0 &&

++                        ippGetValueTag( attr ) == IPP_TAG_NAME )

++                    name = ippGetString( attr, 0, NULL );


++                else if ( strcmp( ippGetName( attr ), "device-uri" ) == 0 &&

++                        ippGetValueTag( attr ) == IPP_TAG_URI )

++                    device_uri = ippGetString( attr, 0, NULL );


++                else if ( strcmp( ippGetName( attr ), "printer-uri-supported" ) == 0 &&

++                        ippGetValueTag( attr ) == IPP_TAG_URI )

++                    printer_uri = ippGetString( attr, 0, NULL );


++                else if ( strcmp( ippGetName( attr ), "printer-info" ) == 0 &&

++                        ippGetValueTag( attr ) == IPP_TAG_TEXT )

++                    info = ippGetString( attr, 0, NULL );


++                else if ( strcmp( ippGetName( attr ), "printer-location" ) == 0 &&

++                        ippGetValueTag( attr ) == IPP_TAG_TEXT )

++                    location = ippGetString( attr, 0, NULL );


++                else if ( strcmp( ippGetName( attr ), "printer-make-and-model" ) == 0 &&

++                        ippGetValueTag( attr ) == IPP_TAG_TEXT )

++                    make_model = ippGetString( attr, 0, NULL );


++                else if ( strcmp( ippGetName( attr ), "printer-state" ) == 0 &&

++                        ippGetValueTag( attr ) == IPP_TAG_ENUM )

++                    state = ( ipp_pstate_t ) ippGetInteger( attr, 0 );


++                else if (!strcmp(ippGetName( attr ), "printer-is-accepting-jobs") &&

++                        ippGetValueTag( attr ) == IPP_TAG_BOOLEAN)

++                    accepting = ippGetBoolean( attr, 0 );


+-                attr = attr->next;

++                attr = ippNextAttribute( response );

+             }


+             if ( device_uri == NULL )

+@@ -522,8 +562,8 @@
+     request = ippNew();

+     language = cupsLangDefault();


+-    request->request.op.operation_id = CUPS_ADD_PRINTER;

+-    request->request.any.request_id = 1;

++    ippSetOperation( request, CUPS_ADD_PRINTER );

++    ippSetRequestId ( request, 1 );


+     ippAddString( request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_CHARSET,

+                   "attributes-charset", NULL, cupsLangEncoding( language ) );

+@@ -568,7 +608,7 @@
+     }

+     else

+     {

+-        status = response->request.status.status_code;

++        status = ippGetStatusCode( response );

+         //ippDelete( response );

+         r = 1;

+     }

+@@ -631,8 +671,8 @@
+        */

+     request = ippNew();


+-    request->request.op.operation_id = CUPS_DELETE_PRINTER;

+-    request->request.op.request_id = 1;

++    ippSetOperation( request, CUPS_DELETE_PRINTER );

++    ippSetRequestId ( request, 1 );


+     language = cupsLangDefault();


+@@ -650,7 +690,7 @@
+      */

+     response = cupsDoRequest( http, request, "/admin/" );


+-    if ( ( response != NULL ) && ( response->request.status.status_code <= IPP_OK_CONFLICT ) )

++    if ( ( response != NULL ) && ( ippGetStatusCode( response ) <= IPP_OK_CONFLICT ) )

+     {

+         r = 1;

+     }

+@@ -721,8 +761,8 @@

+     request = ippNew();


+-    request->request.op.operation_id = CUPS_SET_DEFAULT;

+-    request->request.op.request_id = 1;

++    ippSetOperation( request, CUPS_SET_DEFAULT );

++    ippSetRequestId ( request, 1 );


+     language = cupsLangDefault();


+@@ -743,7 +783,7 @@

+     response = cupsDoRequest( http, request, "/admin/" );


+-    if ( ( response != NULL ) && ( response->request.status.status_code <= IPP_OK_CONFLICT ) )

++    if ( ( response != NULL ) && ( ippGetStatusCode( response ) <= IPP_OK_CONFLICT ) )

+     {

+         r = 1;

+     }

+@@ -797,8 +837,8 @@

+     request = ippNew();


+-    request->request.op.operation_id = op;

+-    request->request.op.request_id = 1;

++    ippSetOperation( request, op );

++    ippSetRequestId ( request, 1 );


+     language = cupsLangDefault();


+@@ -822,7 +862,7 @@

+     response = cupsDoRequest(http, request, "/admin/");


+-    if (( response != NULL ) && (response->request.status.status_code <= IPP_OK_CONFLICT))

++    if (( response != NULL ) && (ippGetStatusCode( response ) <= IPP_OK_CONFLICT))

+     {

+         r = 1;

+     }

+@@ -837,7 +877,7 @@
+     if ( response != NULL )

+         ippDelete( response );


+-    return Py_BuildValue( "i", r );;

++    return Py_BuildValue( "i", r );

+ }



+@@ -1116,8 +1156,8 @@

+     request = ippNew();


+-    request->request.op.operation_id = CUPS_GET_PPDS;

+-    request->request.op.request_id   = 1;

++    ippSetOperation( request, CUPS_GET_PPDS );

++    ippSetRequestId ( request, 1 );


+     language = cupsLangDefault();


+@@ -1143,43 +1183,43 @@
+     if ((response = cupsDoRequest(http, request, "/")) != NULL)

+     {


+-        for (attr = response->attrs; attr; attr = attr->next)

++        for (attr = ippFirstAttribute( response ); attr; attr = ippNextAttribute( response ))

+         {

+             PyObject *dict;

+             char *ppdname = NULL;


+-            while (attr && attr->group_tag != IPP_TAG_PRINTER)

+-                attr = attr->next;

++            while (attr && ippGetGroupTag( attr ) != IPP_TAG_PRINTER)

++                attr = ippNextAttribute( response );


+             if (!attr)

+                 break;


+             dict = PyDict_New ();


+-            for (; attr && attr->group_tag == IPP_TAG_PRINTER; attr = attr->next)

++            for (; attr && ippGetGroupTag( attr ) == IPP_TAG_PRINTER; attr = ippNextAttribute( response ))

+             {

+                 PyObject *val = NULL;


+-                if (!strcmp (attr->name, "ppd-name") && attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_NAME)

++                if (!strcmp (ippGetName( attr ), "ppd-name") && ippGetValueTag( attr ) == IPP_TAG_NAME)

+                 {

+-                    ppdname = attr->values[0].string.text;

++                    ppdname = ippGetString( attr, 0, NULL );


+                     //sprintf( buf, "print '%s'", ppdname);

+                     //PyRun_SimpleString( buf );

+                 }


+-                else if (attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_TEXT || attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_NAME || attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_KEYWORD)

+-                //else if ((!strcmp (attr->name, "ppd-natural-language") && attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_LANGUAGE) ||

+-                //    (!strcmp (attr->name, "ppd-make-and-model") && attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_TEXT) ||

+-                //    (!strcmp (attr->name, "ppd-make") && attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_TEXT) ||

+-                //    (!strcmp (attr->name, "ppd-device-id") && attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_TEXT))

++                else if (ippGetValueTag( attr ) == IPP_TAG_TEXT || ippGetValueTag( attr ) == IPP_TAG_NAME || ippGetValueTag( attr ) == IPP_TAG_KEYWORD)

++                //else if ((!strcmp (ippGetName( attr ), "ppd-natural-language") && ippGetValueTag( attr ) == IPP_TAG_LANGUAGE) ||

++                //    (!strcmp (ippGetName( attr ), "ppd-make-and-model") && ippGetValueTag( attr ) == IPP_TAG_TEXT) ||

++                //    (!strcmp (ippGetName( attr ), "ppd-make") && ippGetValueTag( attr ) == IPP_TAG_TEXT) ||

++                //    (!strcmp (ippGetName( attr ), "ppd-device-id") && ippGetValueTag( attr ) == IPP_TAG_TEXT))

+                 {

+-                    val = PyObj_from_UTF8(attr->values[0].string.text);

++                    val = PyObj_from_UTF8(ippGetString( attr, 0, NULL ));

+                 }


+                 if (val)

+                 {

+-                    PyDict_SetItemString (dict, attr->name, val);

++                    PyDict_SetItemString (dict, ippGetName( attr ), val);

+                     Py_DECREF (val);

+                 }

+             }

+diff -Naur hplip-3.12.6_old/scan/sane/hpaio.c hplip-3.12.6/scan/sane/hpaio.c
+--- hplip-3.12.6_old/scan/sane/hpaio.c	2012-08-04 09:18:21.458389913 +0200
++++ hplip-3.12.6/scan/sane/hpaio.c	2012-08-04 09:18:27.875181720 +0200
+@@ -47,6 +47,43 @@
+ #include "sanei_debug.h"
++#define HAVE_CUPS_1_6 1
++#ifndef HAVE_CUPS_1_6
++#define ippGetGroupTag(attr)  attr->group_tag
++#define ippGetValueTag(attr)  attr->value_tag
++#define ippGetName(attr)      attr->name
++#define ippGetString(attr, element, language) attr->values[element].string.text
++static ipp_attribute_t * ippFirstAttribute( ipp_t *ipp )
++    if (!ipp)
++        return (NULL);
++    return (ipp->current = ipp->attrs);
++static ipp_attribute_t * ippNextAttribute( ipp_t *ipp )
++    if (!ipp || !ipp->current)
++        return (NULL);
++    return (ipp->current = ipp->current->next);
++static int ippSetOperation( ipp_t *ipp, ipp_op_t op )
++    ipp->request.op.operation_id = op;
++    return (1);
++static int ippSetRequestId( ipp_t *ipp, int request_id )
++    ipp->request.any.request_id = request_id;
++    return (1);
+ static SANE_Device **DeviceList = NULL;
+ static int AddDeviceList(char *uri, char *model, SANE_Device ***pd)
+@@ -186,8 +223,8 @@
+    /* Assemble the IPP request */
+    request = ippNew();
+-   request->request.op.operation_id = CUPS_GET_PRINTERS;
+-   request->request.any.request_id  = 1;
++   ippSetOperation( request, CUPS_GET_PRINTERS );
++   ippSetRequestId( request, 1 );
+    ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_CHARSET, "attributes-charset", NULL, "utf-8");
+    ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_LANGUAGE, "attributes-natural-language", NULL, "en");
+@@ -197,20 +234,20 @@
+    if ((response = cupsDoRequest(http, request, "/")) == NULL)
+       goto bugout;
+-   for (attr = response->attrs; attr != NULL; attr = attr->next)
++   for (attr = ippFirstAttribute ( response ); attr != NULL; attr = ippNextAttribute( response ))
+    {
+       /* Skip leading attributes until we hit a printer. */
+-      while (attr != NULL && attr->group_tag != IPP_TAG_PRINTER)
+-         attr = attr->next;
++      while (attr != NULL && ippGetGroupTag( attr ) != IPP_TAG_PRINTER)
++         attr = ippNextAttribute( response );
+       if (attr == NULL)
+          break;
+-      while (attr != NULL && attr->group_tag == IPP_TAG_PRINTER)
++      while (attr != NULL && ippGetGroupTag( attr ) == IPP_TAG_PRINTER)
+       {
+-         if (strcmp(attr->name, "device-uri") == 0 && attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_URI && AddCupsList(attr->values[0].string.text, printer) == 0)
++         if (strcmp(ippGetName( attr ), "device-uri") == 0 && ippGetValueTag( attr ) == IPP_TAG_URI && AddCupsList(ippGetString( attr, 0, NULL ), printer) == 0)
+             cnt++;
+-         attr = attr->next;
++         attr = ippNextAttribute( response );
+       }
+       if (attr == NULL)
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hplip/hplip-3.12.6/fix-libusb-paths.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hplip/hplip-3.12.6/fix-libusb-paths.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b347f83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hplip/hplip-3.12.6/fix-libusb-paths.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration]
+diff -rupN hplip-3.12.6_orig/configure.in hplip-3.12.6/configure.in
+--- hplip-3.12.6_orig/configure.in	2012-06-18 20:44:24.000000000 +1000
++++ hplip-3.12.6/configure.in	2012-08-16 13:40:07.259927650 +1000
+@@ -524,6 +524,8 @@ if test "$hpijs_only_build" = "no"; then
+       AC_CHECK_HEADERS(usb.h, ,[AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot find libusb-devel support], 11)])
+    else
+       AC_CHECK_LIB([usb-1.0], [libusb_init], [LIBS="$LIBS"], [AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot find libusb 1.0 support], 2)])
++      LIBUSBINCLUDEROOT?="/usr/include/"
++      AC_ARG_VAR(LIBUSBINCLUDEROOT, [path to libusb-1.0 folder])
+       AC_CHECK_HEADERS(libusb-1.0/libusb.h, ,[AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot find libusb-1.0-devel support], 11)])
+    fi
+ fi
+diff -rupN hplip-3.12.6_orig/Makefile.am hplip-3.12.6/Makefile.am
+--- hplip-3.12.6_orig/Makefile.am	2012-06-18 20:44:13.000000000 +1000
++++ hplip-3.12.6/Makefile.am	2012-08-16 13:41:12.307932822 +1000
+@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ libhpmud_la_SOURCES = io/hpmud/hpmud.c i
+ 	  io/hpmud/hpmud.h io/hpmud/hpmudi.h io/hpmud/list.h io/hpmud/mlc.h io/hpmud/pml.h io/hpmud/dot4.c \
+ 	  io/hpmud/dot4.h io/hpmud/jd.c io/hpmud/jd.h io/hpmud/pp.c io/hpmud/pp.h io/hpmud/musb.h io/hpmud/musb_libusb01.c
+ else
+-libhpmud_la_CFLAGS = -I/usr/include/libusb-1.0 -DMUDNAME=\"$(MUDNAME)\" -DCONFDIR=\"$(hplip_confdir)\"
++libhpmud_la_CFLAGS = -I/$(LIBUSBINCLUDEROOT)/libusb-1.0 -DMUDNAME=\"$(MUDNAME)\" -DCONFDIR=\"$(hplip_confdir)\"
+ libhpmud_la_SOURCES = io/hpmud/hpmud.c io/hpmud/mlc.c io/hpmud/model.c io/hpmud/pml.c \
+ 	  io/hpmud/hpmud.h io/hpmud/hpmudi.h io/hpmud/list.h io/hpmud/mlc.h io/hpmud/pml.h io/hpmud/dot4.c \
+ 	  io/hpmud/dot4.h io/hpmud/jd.c io/hpmud/jd.h io/hpmud/pp.c io/hpmud/pp.h io/hpmud/musb.h io/hpmud/musb.c
+@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ hpmudext_la_LIBADD = libhpmud.la
+ else
+-hpmudext_la_CFLAGS =-I/usr/include/libusb-1.0 -I$(PYTHONINCLUDEDIR)
+ endif
+ # ui (qt3)
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hplip/hplip-3.12.6/setup-add-sleep-after-cups-reset.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hplip/hplip-3.12.6/setup-add-sleep-after-cups-reset.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e1b6c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hplip/hplip-3.12.6/setup-add-sleep-after-cups-reset.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [embedded specific]
+--- hplip-3.11.10/setup.py.orig	2011-10-02 14:06:19.000000000 +1100
++++ hplip-3.11.10/setup.py	2012-02-29 08:21:39.167999938 +1100
+@@ -573,6 +573,7 @@
+             log.debug("Restarting CUPS...")
+             status, output = utils.run(restart_cups())
++            time.sleep(3)
+             log.debug("Restart CUPS returned: exit=%d output=%s" % (status, output))
+             cups.setPasswordPrompt("You do not have permission to add a printer.")
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hplip/hplip_3.12.6.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hplip/hplip_3.12.6.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86628b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/hplip/hplip_3.12.6.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+SUMMARY = "HP Linux Imaging and Printing"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=442bb3cbbeeb60643a87325718b8a8ee"
+PR = "r1"
+           file://setup-add-sleep-after-cups-reset.patch \
+           file://fix-libusb-paths.patch \
+           file://cups-1.6.patch \
+           file://configure.patch \
+DEPENDS += "cups python libusb"
+inherit autotools-brokensep python-dir pythonnative pkgconfig
+export BUILD_SYS
+export HOST_SYS
+        --disable-network-build \
+        --disable-doc-build \
+        --disable-pp-build \
+        --disable-scan-build \
+        --disable-gui-build \
+        --disable-fax-build \
+        --disable-policykit  \
+        --disable-qt4 \
+        --disable-qt3 \
+        --disable-dbus-build \
+        --disable-foomatic-drv-install \
+        --enable-foomatic-ppd-install  \
+        --enable-foomatic-rip-hplip-install \
+        --with-cupsbackenddir=${libdir}/cups/backend \
+        --with-cupsfilterdir=${libdir}/cups/filter \
+PACKAGES += "${PN}-ppd ${PN}-cups ${PN}-backend ${PN}-filter ${PN}-hal"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} += " \
+        python-syslog \
+        python-pprint \
+        python-compression \
+        python-shell \
+        python-xml \
+        python-unixadmin \
+        python-html \
+        python-resource \
+        python-terminal \
+        python-subprocess\
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-filter += "perl"
+# need to snag the debug file or OE will fail on backend package
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "\
+        ${libdir}/cups/backend/.debug \
+        ${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}/.debug \
+        ${libdir}/cups/filter/.debug "
+FILES_${PN}-ppd = "${datadir}/ppd"
+FILES_${PN}-cups = "${datadir}/cups"
+FILES_${PN}-backend = "${libdir}/cups/backend"
+FILES_${PN}-filter = "${libdir}/cups/filter"
+FILES_${PN}-hal = "${datadir}/hal"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "5303938e8630775ea6fb383af85775e5"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "54578000792969adb583e75efeacb9c46ab69659ec7e9424de390613f3595775"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/indent/indent_2.2.10.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/indent/indent_2.2.10.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d25e8e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/indent/indent_2.2.10.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+SUMMARY = "A GNU program for formatting C code"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.gnu.org/software/indent/"
+SECTION = "Applications/Text"
+DESCRIPTION = "Indent is a GNU program for beautifying C code, so that \
+it is easier to read. Indent can also convert from one C writing style \
+to a different one. Indent understands correct C syntax and tries to handle \
+incorrect C syntax. \
+Install the indent package if you are developing applications in C and \
+you want a program to format your code."
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=d32239bcb673463ab874e80d47fae504"
+DEPENDS = "virtual/gettext"
+SRC_URI = "${GNU_MIRROR}/${BPN}/${BP}.tar.gz"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "be35ea62705733859fbf8caf816d8959"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "8a9b41be5bfcab5d8c1be74204b10ae78789fc3deabea0775fdced8677292639"
+inherit autotools gettext
+FILES_${PN}-doc += "/usr/doc/indent/indent.html"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/iotop/iotop_0.6.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/iotop/iotop_0.6.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dcae98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/iotop/iotop_0.6.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+SUMMARY = "Simple top-like I/O monitor"
+DESCRIPTION = "iotop does for I/O usage what top(1) does for CPU usage. \
+    It watches I/O usage information output by the Linux kernel and displays \
+    a table of current I/O usage by processes on the system."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://guichaz.free.fr/iotop/"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=4325afd396febcb659c36b49533135d4"
+SRC_URI = "http://guichaz.free.fr/iotop/files/${BP}.tar.bz2"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "5ef9456b26d7694abf3101a72e1e0d1d"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "3adea2a24eda49bbbaeb4e6ed2042355b441dbd7161e883067a02bfc8dcef75b"
+inherit distutils
+do_install_append() {
+    rm -f ${D}${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}/site.pyo || true
+    rm -f ${D}${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}/site.py  || true
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "python-curses python-textutils \
+                  python-codecs python-ctypes python-pprint \
+                  python-shell"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/jansson/jansson_2.4.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/jansson/jansson_2.4.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c235729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/jansson/jansson_2.4.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+SUMMARY = "Jansson is a C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.digip.org/jansson/"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=6946b728e700de875e60ebb453cc3a20"
+SRC_URI = "http://www.digip.org/jansson/releases/${BPN}-${PV}.tar.gz"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "c4629b89bf0432f3158c461e88fe0113"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "1fcbd1ac3d8b610644acf86a5731d760bb228c9acbace20a2ad0f23baec79b41"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/konkretcmpi/konkretcmpi-native_0.9.2.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/konkretcmpi/konkretcmpi-native_0.9.2.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b2ace9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/konkretcmpi/konkretcmpi-native_0.9.2.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+SUMMARY = "Tool for rapid CMPI providers development"
+KonkretCMPI makes CMPI provider development easier by generating type-safe \
+concrete CIM interfaces from MOF definitions and by providing default \
+implementations for many of the provider operations."
+HOMEPAGE = "https://github.com/rnovacek/konkretcmpi"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=f673270bfc350d9ce1efc8724c6c1873"
+DEPENDS = "cmake-native cmpi-bindings-native"
+SRC_URI = "git://github.com/rnovacek/konkretcmpi.git \
+           file://konkretcmpi-0.9.2-fix-returning-instance-from-method.patch \
+           file://0001-CMakeLists.txt-fix-lib64-can-not-be-shiped-in-64bit-.patch "
+SRCREV = "460e6421c16a8216d29ccd1b7490f814dab8b769"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+inherit native cmake
+LDFLAGS_append = "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ld-is-gold', ' -fuse-ld=bfd ', '', d)}"
+                 ${@base_conditional("libdir", "/usr/lib64", "-DLIB_SUFFIX=64", "", d)} \
+                 ${@base_conditional("libdir", "/usr/lib32", "-DLIB_SUFFIX=32", "", d)} \
+                "
+do_install_append() {
+    rm -rf ${D}${datadir}
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/konkretcmpi/konkretcmpi/0001-CMakeLists.txt-fix-lib64-can-not-be-shiped-in-64bit-.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/konkretcmpi/konkretcmpi/0001-CMakeLists.txt-fix-lib64-can-not-be-shiped-in-64bit-.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40a0643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/konkretcmpi/konkretcmpi/0001-CMakeLists.txt-fix-lib64-can-not-be-shiped-in-64bit-.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+From d97ac2bf2ed9c84ffd65ff10989068b202e09fdf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lei Maohui <leimaohui@cn.fujitsu.com>
+Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2015 00:29:54 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH] CMakeLists.txt: fix lib64 can not be shiped in 64bit target
+Signed-off-by: Lei Maohui <leimaohui@cn.fujitsu.com>
+ CMakeLists.txt | 7 -------
+ 1 file changed, 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
+index be544d1..14696e4 100644
+--- a/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -11,13 +11,6 @@ set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules ${CMAKE_MODULE_P
+ find_package(CMPI)
+-# Set LIB_SUFFIX to 64 on 64bit architectures
+-    set(LIB_SUFFIX "")
+-    set(LIB_SUFFIX 64)
+ option(WITH_PYTHON "Build experimental Python bindings" OFF)
+ add_subdirectory(cmake)
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/konkretcmpi/konkretcmpi/0001-to-fix-lib64-can-not-be-shiped-in-64bit-target.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/konkretcmpi/konkretcmpi/0001-to-fix-lib64-can-not-be-shiped-in-64bit-target.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7da13ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/konkretcmpi/konkretcmpi/0001-to-fix-lib64-can-not-be-shiped-in-64bit-target.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+From f3c39fd2a4b5f53338b5f821788c63858bf860cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lei Maohui <leimaohui@cn.fujitsu.com>
+Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2015 22:08:43 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH] to fix lib64 can not be shiped in 64bit target
+To fix the warning as following:
+WARNING: QA Issue: konkretcmpi: Files/directories were installed but not shipped in any package:
+  /usr/lib64
+  /usr/lib64/libkonkret.so
+  /usr/lib64/libkonkret.so.0.0.1
+  /usr/lib64/libkonkret.so.0
+  /usr/lib64/libkonkretmof.so.0.0.1
+  /usr/lib64/libkonkretmof.so
+  ...
+Signed-off-by: Lei Maohui <leimaohui@cn.fujitsu.com>
+ cmake/modules/FindKonkretCMPI.cmake | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/cmake/modules/FindKonkretCMPI.cmake b/cmake/modules/FindKonkretCMPI.cmake
+index b888cfd..097caed 100644
+--- a/cmake/modules/FindKonkretCMPI.cmake
++++ b/cmake/modules/FindKonkretCMPI.cmake
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ find_path(KONKRETCMPI_INCLUDE_DIR
+     NAMES konkret
+-    PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib
++    PATH_SUFFIXES lib lib64
+     PATHS /usr /usr/local
+ )
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/konkretcmpi/konkretcmpi/konkretcmpi-0.9.2-fix-returning-instance-from-method.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/konkretcmpi/konkretcmpi/konkretcmpi-0.9.2-fix-returning-instance-from-method.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b54d091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/konkretcmpi/konkretcmpi/konkretcmpi-0.9.2-fix-returning-instance-from-method.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Port from Fedora20
+    | commit aca6c7f910ffe9930b5789969f0adfadd668bb46
+    | Author: Michal Minar <miminar@redhat.com>
+    | Date:   Fri Jun 20 10:50:45 2014 +0200
+    | 
+    |     Fix returning instance as an output argument from method
+    |     
+    |     Submitted By: Radek Novacek <rnovacek@redhat.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Qian Lei <qianl.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+diff --git a/src/program/main.cpp b/src/program/main.cpp
+index 885dc12..9e7108a 100644
+--- a/src/program/main.cpp
++++ b/src/program/main.cpp
+@@ -506,7 +506,11 @@ static void gen_feature_decls(
+             // Add sig entry [type][length][name][zero-terminator]
+-            KTag tag = _ktag(pd->data_type, pd->array_index, key, false, false);
++            KTag tag;
++            if (pd->qualifiers->has_key("EmbeddedInstance"))
++                tag = _ktag(TOK_INSTANCE, pd->array_index, key, false, false);
++            else
++                tag = _ktag(pd->data_type, pd->array_index, key, false, false);
+             pack_tag(sig, tag);
+             pack_name(sig, pd->name);
+             count++;
+@@ -640,6 +644,7 @@ static void gen_param(FILE* os, MOF_Parameter* p, vector<unsigned char>& sig)
+         const char* ktn = _ktype_name(p->data_type);
+         if (p->qualifiers->has_key("EmbeddedInstance")) {
++            tag = _ktag(TOK_INSTANCE, p->array_index, false, in, out);
+             if (p->array_index)
+                 put(os, "    KInstanceA $0;\n", p->name, NULL);
+             else
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/konkretcmpi/konkretcmpi_0.9.2.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/konkretcmpi/konkretcmpi_0.9.2.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d8b0db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/konkretcmpi/konkretcmpi_0.9.2.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+SUMMARY = "Tool for rapid CMPI providers development"
+KonkretCMPI makes CMPI provider development easier by generating type-safe \
+concrete CIM interfaces from MOF definitions and by providing default \
+implementations for many of the provider operations."
+HOMEPAGE = "https://github.com/rnovacek/konkretcmpi"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=f673270bfc350d9ce1efc8724c6c1873"
+DEPENDS = "swig-native sblim-cmpi-devel python"
+SRC_URI = "git://github.com/rnovacek/konkretcmpi.git \
+           file://konkretcmpi-0.9.2-fix-returning-instance-from-method.patch \
+           file://0001-CMakeLists.txt-fix-lib64-can-not-be-shiped-in-64bit-.patch \
+           "
+SRCREV = "460e6421c16a8216d29ccd1b7490f814dab8b769"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+inherit cmake
+                 ${@base_conditional("libdir", "/usr/lib64", "-DLIB_SUFFIX=64", "", d)} \
+                 ${@base_conditional("libdir", "/usr/lib32", "-DLIB_SUFFIX=32", "", d)} \
+                "
+do_install_append() {
+    rm -rf ${D}${datadir}
+PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-python ${PN}-python-dbg"
+FILES_${PN}-python = "${libdir}/python2.7/site-packages/konkretmof.py* ${libdir}/python2.7/site-packages/_konkretmof.so"
+FILES_${PN}-python-dbg = "${libdir}/python2.7/site-packages/.debug/*"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/lcdproc/lcdproc5.inc b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/lcdproc/lcdproc5.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..680f558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/lcdproc/lcdproc5.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "LCDproc is a client/server suite to drive all kinds of LCD (-like) devices. The client \
+shipped with this package can be used to acquire various kinds of system stats."
+SUMMARY = "Drivers for character-based LCD displays"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://lcdproc.org"
+SECTION = "utils"
+DEPENDS = "ncurses lirc"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=18810669f13b87348459e611d31ab760 \
+                    file://README;beginline=60;md5=637e042cdd3671ba00e78b58ede45d3b"
+SRC_URI = "${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/lcdproc/${BP}.tar.gz"
+inherit autotools update-rc.d
+LCD_DRIVERS ?= "all"
+PACKAGECONFIG[usb] = "--enable-libusb,--disable-libusb,virtual/libusb0"
+PACKAGECONFIG[ftdi] = "--enable-libftdi,--disable-libftdi,libftdi"
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--enable-drivers=${LCD_DRIVERS}"
+do_install () {
+    # binaries
+    install -D -m 0755 server/LCDd ${D}${sbindir}/LCDd
+    install -D -m 0755 clients/lcdproc/lcdproc ${D}${bindir}/lcdproc
+    # init scripts
+    install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+    # so far, not fixed :-( and now even uglier :-((
+    cat scripts/init-LCDd.debian | sed -e s'/--oknodo//' -e 's/ -s -f / -s 1 -f 1 /' -e 's/force-reload/force-restart/' -e 's/sleep 1/sleep 4/' > ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/lcdd
+    chmod 0755 ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/lcdd
+    install -m 0755 scripts/init-lcdproc.debian ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/lcdproc
+    sed -i s'/--oknodo//' ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/lcdproc
+    # configuration files
+    install -m 0644 ${S}/LCDd.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/LCDd.conf
+    sed -i 's!^DriverPath=.*!DriverPath=${libdir}/lcdproc/!' ${D}${sysconfdir}/LCDd.conf
+    sed -i 's!^Driver=.*!Driver=${LCD_DEFAULT_DRIVER}!' ${D}${sysconfdir}/LCDd.conf
+    install -m 0644 ${S}/clients/lcdproc/lcdproc.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/lcdproc.conf
+    # driver library files
+    install -d ${D}${libdir}/lcdproc
+    for i in server/drivers/*.so; do
+        install -m 0644 $i ${D}${libdir}/lcdproc/
+    done
+PACKAGES =+ "lcdd"
+RRECOMMENDS_${PN} = "lcdd"
+FILES_lcdd = "${sysconfdir}/LCDd.conf \
+    ${sbindir}/LCDd \
+    ${sysconfdir}/init.d/lcdd"
+CONFFILES_lcdd = "${sysconfdir}/LCDd.conf"
+CONFFILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir}/lcdproc.conf"
+# Driver packages
+# USB / no USB trickery
+RCONFLICTS_lcdd-driver-hd47780nousb = "lcdd-driver-hd44780"
+RCONFLICTS_lcdd-driver-hd47780 = "lcdd-driver-hd44780nousb"
+INITSCRIPT_PACKAGES = "lcdd lcdproc"
+INITSCRIPT_NAME_lcdd = "lcdd"
+INITSCRIPT_NAME_lcdproc = "lcdproc"
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS_lcdd = "defaults 70 21"
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS_lcdproc = "defaults 71 20"
+python populate_packages_prepend() {
+    plugindir = d.expand('${libdir}/lcdproc')
+    do_split_packages(d, plugindir, '(.*)\.so$', 'lcdd-driver-%s', 'LCDd driver for %s', prepend=True)
+PACKAGES_DYNAMIC += "^lcdd-driver-.*"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/lcdproc/lcdproc_0.5.6.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/lcdproc/lcdproc_0.5.6.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f57e9df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/lcdproc/lcdproc_0.5.6.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+require lcdproc5.inc
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "df4f5c2c7285eaf6979b9c7768b4877f"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "bd2f43c30ff43b30f43110abe6b4a5bc8e0267cb9f57fa97cc5e5ef9488b984a"
+PACKAGECONFIG[g15] = ",,libg15 g15daemon libg15render,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[hid] = "--enable-libhid,--disable-libhid,libhid"
+LCD_DRIVERS_append = "${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'g15', '', ',!g15', d)}"
+do_install_append () {
+    # binaries
+    install -D -m 0755 clients/lcdvc/lcdvc ${D}${sbindir}/lcdvc
+    # configuration files
+    install -D -m 0644 ${S}/clients/lcdvc/lcdvc.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/lcdvc.conf
+PACKAGES =+ "lcdvc"
+CONFFILES_lcdvc = "${sysconfdir}/lcdvc.conf"
+FILES_lcdvc = "${sysconfdir}/lcdvc.conf ${sbindir}/lcdvc"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/leveldb/leveldb/0001-Explicitly-disable-tcmalloc.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/leveldb/leveldb/0001-Explicitly-disable-tcmalloc.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b76dd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/leveldb/leveldb/0001-Explicitly-disable-tcmalloc.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+From d6daac04dab4b3acf4b88f16742d1b402cdc3d83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Martin Jansa <Martin.Jansa@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2014 18:54:04 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Explicitly disable tcmalloc
+Without this change leveldb autodetects tcmalloc from sysroot and
+sometimes became dependant on gperftools
+Disable autodetection without TCMALLOC_ENABLED=true pased to make
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Martin Jansa <Martin.Jansa@gmail.com>
+ build_detect_platform | 16 +++++++++-------
+ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/build_detect_platform b/build_detect_platform
+index bb76c4f..a586364 100755
+--- a/build_detect_platform
++++ b/build_detect_platform
+@@ -201,15 +201,17 @@ EOF
+         PLATFORM_LIBS="$PLATFORM_LIBS -lsnappy"
+     fi
+-    # Test whether tcmalloc is available
+-    $CXX $CXXFLAGS -x c++ - -o $CXXOUTPUT -ltcmalloc 2>/dev/null  <<EOF
+-      int main() {}
++    if [ "$TCMALLOC_ENABLED" = "true" ]; then
++        # Test whether tcmalloc is available
++        $CXX $CXXFLAGS -x c++ - -o $CXXOUTPUT -ltcmalloc 2>/dev/null  <<EOF
++          int main() {}
+-    if [ "$?" = 0 ]; then
+-        PLATFORM_LIBS="$PLATFORM_LIBS -ltcmalloc"
+-    fi
++        if [ "$?" = 0 ]; then
++            PLATFORM_LIBS="$PLATFORM_LIBS -ltcmalloc"
++        fi
+-    rm -f $CXXOUTPUT 2>/dev/null
++        rm -f $CXXOUTPUT 2>/dev/null
++    fi
+ fi
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/leveldb/leveldb_git.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/leveldb/leveldb_git.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6a3024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/leveldb/leveldb_git.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+SUMMARY = "LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library"
+DESCRIPTION = "LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://leveldb.googlecode.com"
+LICENSE = "BSD-3-Clause"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=92d1b128950b11ba8495b64938fc164d"
+SRCREV = "803d69203a62faf50f1b77897310a3a1fcae712b"
+PV = "1.18+git${SRCPV}"
+SRC_URI = "git://github.com/google/${BPN}.git \
+    file://0001-Explicitly-disable-tcmalloc.patch \
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+do_compile() {
+    # do not use oe_runmake. oe_runmake pass to make compilation arguments and override
+    # leveldb makefile variable CFLAGS and broke leveldb build.
+    CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" make || die
+do_install() {
+    install -d ${D}${libdir}
+    oe_libinstall -C ${S} -so libleveldb ${D}${libdir}
+    install -d ${D}${includedir}/leveldb
+    install -m 644 ${S}/include/leveldb/*.h ${D}${includedir}/leveldb/
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libcec/libcec_git.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libcec/libcec_git.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f2a64e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libcec/libcec_git.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+SUMMARY = "USB CEC Adaptor communication Library"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://libcec.pulse-eight.com/"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=5e8e16396992369f73f3d28875f846da"
+DEPENDS = "udev lockdev"
+PV = "2.1.4"
+SRCREV = "81e38211724bc6e8bd7a60f484433053ed682635"
+SRC_URI = "git://github.com/Pulse-Eight/libcec.git;branch=release"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig
+# cec-client and xbmc need the .so present to work :(
+FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/*.so"
+INSANE_SKIP_${PN} = "dev-so"
+# Adapter shows up as a CDC-ACM device
+RRECOMMENDS_${PN} = "kernel-module-cdc-acm"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libconfig/libconfig_1.5.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libconfig/libconfig_1.5.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb6e50e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libconfig/libconfig_1.5.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+SUMMARY = "C/C++ Configuration File Library"
+DESCRIPTION = "Library for manipulating structured configuration files"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.hyperrealm.com/libconfig/"
+SECTION = "libs"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING.LIB;md5=fad9b3332be894bab9bc501572864b29"
+SRC_URI = "http://www.hyperrealm.com/${BPN}/${BP}.tar.gz"
+inherit autotools-brokensep pkgconfig
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "a939c4990d74e6fc1ee62be05716f633"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "e31daa390d8e4461c8830512fe2e13ba1a3d6a02a2305a02429eec61e68703f6"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libdivecomputer/files/fix-ar.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libdivecomputer/files/fix-ar.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc3f5d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libdivecomputer/files/fix-ar.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ configure.ac |    1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+--- git.orig/configure.ac
++++ git/configure.ac
+@@ -24,10 +24,11 @@ LT_INIT([win32-dll])
+ # Checks for programs.
+ # Enable automake silent build rules.
+ m4_ifdef([AM_SILENT_RULES],[AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])])
+ # Checks for native Windows.
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libdivecomputer/libdivecomputer_git.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libdivecomputer/libdivecomputer_git.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c4f4a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libdivecomputer/libdivecomputer_git.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "Libdivecomputer is a cross-platform and open source library for communication with dive computers from various manufacturers."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.divesoftware.org/libdc/"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=243b725d71bb5df4a1e5920b344b86ad"
+DEPENDS = "libusb1"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig
+PV = "0.4.2+gitr${SRCPV}"
+SRCREV = "5f765f91430f16932d96b3777404420aa2dd4c7c"
+SRC_URI = "git://git.libdivecomputer.org/libdivecomputer.git \
+           file://fix-ar.patch \
+          "
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libgxim/libgxim/multi-line-ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS-isnot-supported-by-autoreconf.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libgxim/libgxim/multi-line-ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS-isnot-supported-by-autoreconf.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d293b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libgxim/libgxim/multi-line-ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS-isnot-supported-by-autoreconf.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+multi-line ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS isn't supported by autoreconf.
+It will cause configure error as follow.
+   aclocal: error: non-option arguments are not accepted: '\'.
+Signed-off-by: Bian Naimeng <biannm@cn.fujitsu.com>
+diff -Nurp libgxim-0.5.0.orig/Makefile.am libgxim-0.5.0/Makefile.am
+--- libgxim-0.5.0.orig/Makefile.am	2012-12-13 15:48:09.000000000 +0800
++++ libgxim-0.5.0/Makefile.am	2014-12-19 11:05:50.727209821 +0800
+@@ -2,9 +2,7 @@ NULL =
+ AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = dist-bzip2
+ SUBDIRS = libgxim m4macros po tests docs
+-	-I m4macros			\
+-	$(NULL)
++ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4macros $(NULL)
+ 	requires			\
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libgxim/libgxim_0.5.0.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libgxim/libgxim_0.5.0.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..768bdaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libgxim/libgxim_0.5.0.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+SUMMARY = "GObject-based XIM protocol library"
+DESCRIPTION = "libgxim is a X Input Method protocol library that is implemented by GObject.\
+this library helps you to implement XIM servers or client applications to\
+communicate through XIM protocol without using Xlib API directly, particularly\
+if your application uses GObject-based main loop.\
+This package contains the shared library."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://code.google.com/p/libgxim/"
+SECTION = "System Environment/Libraries"
+SRC_URI = "https://bitbucket.org/tagoh/libgxim/downloads/${BPN}-${PV}.tar.bz2 \
+           file://multi-line-ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS-isnot-supported-by-autoreconf.patch"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "4bb1fa63d00eb224439d413591c29a6a"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "75e20d1744139644f9951b78ea3910b162d3380302315cb4b3d0640f23694c79"
+EXTRA_OECONF = " --disable-static --disable-rebuilds"
+DEPENDS += "gtk+ glib-2.0 ruby-native"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig gettext
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libimobiledevice/files/fix-parallel-make.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libimobiledevice/files/fix-parallel-make.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6ef6f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libimobiledevice/files/fix-parallel-make.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+From 335b25febd4c864ad0ac08479f5cd43fc21b7d73 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Nikias Bassen
+Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2012 21:17:15 +0000
+Subject: Fix building with parallel build makeopts
+diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
+index 0bad840..155994e 100644
+--- a/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ ADD_SUBDIRECTORY( plutil )
++ADD_DEPENDENCIES( plist libcnary )
+cgit v0.9.0.2
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libimobiledevice/libplist_1.8.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libimobiledevice/libplist_1.8.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e8d69f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libimobiledevice/libplist_1.8.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+SUMMARY = "A library to handle Apple Property List format whereas it's binary or XML"
+LICENSE = "GPLv2 & LGPLv2.1"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=ebb5c50ab7cab4baeffba14977030c07 \
+                    file://COPYING.LESSER;md5=6ab17b41640564434dda85c06b7124f7"
+DEPENDS = "libxml2 glib-2.0 swig python"
+inherit cmake pkgconfig
+SRC_URI = "http://www.libimobiledevice.org/downloads/libplist-${PV}.tar.bz2 \
+           file://fix-parallel-make.patch \
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "2a9e0258847d50f9760dc3ece25f4dc6"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "a418da3880308199b74766deef2a760a9b169b81a868a6a9032f7614e20500ec"
+PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-utils ${PN}++"
+FILES_${PN} = "${libdir}/libplist${SOLIBS}"
+FILES_${PN}++ = "${libdir}/libplist++${SOLIBS}"
+FILES_${PN}-utils = "${bindir}/*"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile-1.09/configure.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile-1.09/configure.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea13e11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile-1.09/configure.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Patch managed by http://www.mn-logistik.de/unsupported/pxa250/patcher
+--- liblockfile-1.05/./configure.in~configure
++++ liblockfile-1.05/./configure.in
+@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+ AC_CONFIG_HEADER(autoconf.h)
+ AC_REVISION($Revision: 1.0 $)dnl
+@@ -111,7 +112,8 @@
+ AC_SUBST(nfslockdir)
+ 	./Makefile \
+ 	./maillock.h \
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile-1.09/glibc-2.4.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile-1.09/glibc-2.4.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3c4aaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile-1.09/glibc-2.4.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+The local function eaccess conflicts with a glibc function of the same name.
+Rename the function so that this can be build under glibc 2.4, and older
+revisions, without any problems.
+--- liblockfile-1.06/dotlockfile.c	2006/07/10 03:17:40	1.1
++++ liblockfile-1.06/dotlockfile.c	2006/07/10 03:18:26
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
+ extern int optind;
+ #endif
+-extern int eaccess(char *, gid_t, struct stat *);
++extern int xeaccess(char *, gid_t, struct stat *);
+ /*
+  *	Sleep for an amout of time while regulary checking if
+@@ -252,14 +252,14 @@
+ 		return L_ERROR;
+ 	}
+ 	gid = getgid();
+-	if (eaccess(dir, gid, &st) < 0) {
++	if (xeaccess(dir, gid, &st) < 0) {
+ 		if (errno == ENOENT) {
+ enoent:
+ 			if (!quiet) fprintf(stderr,
+ 				"dotlockfile: %s: no such directory\n", dir);
+ 			return L_TMPLOCK;
+ 		}
+-		if ((r = eaccess(dir, getegid(), &st) < 0) && errno == ENOENT)
++		if ((r = xeaccess(dir, getegid(), &st) < 0) && errno == ENOENT)
+ 			goto enoent;
+ 		if (r < 0 || !ismaillock(lockfile, pwd->pw_name)) {
+ 			if (!quiet) fprintf(stderr,
+@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
+ 	/*
+ 	 *	Now we should be able to chdir() to the lock directory.
+ 	 *	When we stat("."), it should be the same as at the
+-	 *	eaccess() check or someone played symlink() games on us.
++	 *	xeaccess() check or someone played symlink() games on us.
+ 	 */
+ 	if (chdir(dir) < 0 || stat(".", &st2) < 0) {
+ 		if (!quiet) fprintf(stderr,
+--- liblockfile-1.06/lockfile.c	2006/07/10 03:17:40	1.1
++++ liblockfile-1.06/lockfile.c	2006/07/10 03:18:26
+@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
+ #ifdef LIB
+ static
+ #endif
+-int eaccess(char *fn, gid_t gid, struct stat *st)
++int xeaccess(char *fn, gid_t gid, struct stat *st)
+ {
+ 	struct stat	tmp;
+ 	uid_t		uid = geteuid();
+@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
+ 		*p = 0;
+ 	else
+ 		strcpy(dir, ".");
+-	if (eaccess(dir, egid, NULL) >= 0) {
++	if (xeaccess(dir, egid, NULL) >= 0) {
+ 		free(dir);
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
+@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
+ 			return 0;
+ 		mailgid = st.st_gid;
+ 	}
+-	ret = eaccess(dir, mailgid, NULL) >= 0;
++	ret = xeaccess(dir, mailgid, NULL) >= 0;
+ 	free (dir);
+ 	return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile-1.09/install.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile-1.09/install.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9319ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile-1.09/install.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Patch managed by http://www.mn-logistik.de/unsupported/pxa250/patcher
+--- liblockfile-1.05/Makefile.in~install
++++ liblockfile-1.05/Makefile.in
+@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+ includedir	= @includedir@
+ all:		@TARGETS@
+ install:	@INSTALL_TARGETS@
+@@ -50,25 +51,27 @@
+ 		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c lockfile.c -o xlockfile.o
+ install_static:	static install_common
++		install -d $(ROOT)$(libdir)
+ 		install -m 644 liblockfile.a $(ROOT)$(libdir)
+ install_shared:	shared install_common
++		install -d $(ROOT)$(libdir)
+ 		install -m 755 liblockfile.so \
+ 			$(ROOT)$(libdir)/liblockfile.so.$(VER)
+ 		ln -s liblockfile.so.$(VER) $(ROOT)$(libdir)/liblockfile.so
+ 		if test "$(ROOT)" = ""; then @LDCONFIG@; fi
+ install_common:
++		install -d $(ROOT)$(includedir)
+ 		install -m 644 lockfile.h maillock.h $(ROOT)$(includedir)
+-		if [ "$(MAILGROUP)" != "" ]; then\
+-		  install -g $(MAILGROUP) -m 2755 dotlockfile $(ROOT)$(bindir);\
+-		else \
+-		  install -g root -m 755 dotlockfile $(ROOT)$(bindir); \
+-		fi
++		install -d $(ROOT)$(bindir)
++		install -m 755 $(INSTGRP) dotlockfile $(ROOT)$(bindir)
++		install -d $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man1 $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man3
+ 		install -m 644 *.1 $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man1
+ 		install -m 644 *.3 $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man3
+ install_nfslib:	nfslib
++		install -d $(ROOT)$(nfslockdir)
+ 		install -m 755 nfslock.so.$(VER) $(ROOT)$(nfslockdir)
+ 		if test "$(ROOT)" = ""; then @LDCONFIG@; fi
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile-1.09/ldflags.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile-1.09/ldflags.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb1d147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile-1.09/ldflags.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Patch managed by http://www.mn-logistik.de/unsupported/pxa250/patcher
+--- liblockfile-1.05/Makefile.in~ldflags
++++ liblockfile-1.05/Makefile.in
+@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
+ liblockfile.so: liblockfile.a
+ 		$(CC) -fPIC -shared -Wl,-soname,liblockfile.so.1 \
+-			-o liblockfile.so lockfile.o -lc
++			-o liblockfile.so lockfile.o $(LDFLAGS) -lc
+ nfslock.so.$(VER):	nfslock.o
+ 		$(CC) -fPIC -shared -Wl,-soname,nfslock.so.0 \
+-			-o nfslock.so.$(NVER) nfslock.o
++			-o nfslock.so.$(NVER) nfslock.o $(LDFLAGS)
+ dotlockfile:	dotlockfile.o xlockfile.o
+ 		$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o dotlockfile dotlockfile.o xlockfile.o
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile-1.09/liblockfile-fix-install-so-to-man-dir.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile-1.09/liblockfile-fix-install-so-to-man-dir.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27f760c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile-1.09/liblockfile-fix-install-so-to-man-dir.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [no upstream]
+The extend so file is rename from nfslock.so.$(VER) to nfslock.so.$(NVER). That
+causes file nfslock.so.0.1 is installed into manual directory. Fix it.
+Signed-off-by: Kai Kang <kai.kang@windriver.com>
+diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
+index a589fb8..46a57e8 100644
+--- a/Makefile.in
++++ b/Makefile.in
+@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ install_common:
+ 		install -d $(ROOT)$(bindir)
+ 		install -m 755 $(INSTGRP) dotlockfile $(ROOT)$(bindir)
+ 		install -d $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man1 $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man3
+-		install -m 644 *.1 $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man1
++		install -m 644 dotlockfile.1 $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man1
+ 		install -m 644 *.3 $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man3
+ install_nfslib:	nfslib
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile-1.09/liblockfile-fix-nfslib-and-soname.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile-1.09/liblockfile-fix-nfslib-and-soname.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffd7a40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile-1.09/liblockfile-fix-nfslib-and-soname.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [no upstream]
+* nfslib should use NVER instead of VER
+* install the missing soname library
+Signed-off-by: Jackie Huang <jackie.huang@windriver.com>
+ Makefile.in         |    9 ++++++---
+ 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
+index 836ca9b..a589fb8 100644
+--- a/Makefile.in
++++ b/Makefile.in
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ install:	@INSTALL_TARGETS@
+ static:		liblockfile.a dotlockfile
+ shared:		liblockfile.so dotlockfile
+-nfslib:		nfslock.so.$(VER)
++nfslib:		nfslock.so.$(NVER)
+ liblockfile.a:	lockfile.o
+ 		$(AR) rv liblockfile.a lockfile.o
+@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ liblockfile.so: liblockfile.a
+ 		$(CC) -fPIC -shared -Wl,-soname,liblockfile.so.1 \
+ 			-o liblockfile.so lockfile.o $(LDFLAGS) -lc
+-nfslock.so.$(VER):	nfslock.o
++nfslock.so.$(NVER):	nfslock.o
+ 		$(CC) -fPIC -shared -Wl,-soname,nfslock.so.0 \
+ 			-o nfslock.so.$(NVER) nfslock.o $(LDFLAGS)
+@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ install_shared:	shared install_common
+ 		install -m 755 liblockfile.so \
+ 			$(ROOT)$(libdir)/liblockfile.so.$(VER)
+ 		ln -s liblockfile.so.$(VER) $(ROOT)$(libdir)/liblockfile.so
++		ln -s liblockfile.so.$(VER) $(ROOT)$(libdir)/liblockfile.so.1
+ 		if test "$(ROOT)" = ""; then @LDCONFIG@; fi
+ install_common:
+@@ -72,7 +73,9 @@ install_common:
+ install_nfslib:	nfslib
+ 		install -d $(ROOT)$(nfslockdir)
+-		install -m 755 nfslock.so.$(VER) $(ROOT)$(nfslockdir)
++		install -m 755 nfslock.so.$(NVER) $(ROOT)$(nfslockdir)
++		ln -sf nfslock.so.$(NVER) $(ROOT)$(libdir)/nfslock.so
++		ln -sf nfslock.so.$(NVER) $(ROOT)$(libdir)/nfslock.so.0
+ 		if test "$(ROOT)" = ""; then @LDCONFIG@; fi
+ clean:
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile_1.09.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile_1.09.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5655b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblockfile/liblockfile_1.09.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+SUMMARY = "File locking library"
+SECTION = "libs"
+LICENSE = "LGPLv2+ & GPLv2+"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYRIGHT;md5=ac284a60d48eaa4bc811cddc377fa341"
+SRC_URI = "${DEBIAN_MIRROR}/main/libl/liblockfile/liblockfile_1.09.orig.tar.gz \
+    ${DEBIAN_MIRROR}/main/libl/liblockfile/liblockfile_1.09-6.debian.tar.bz2;name=1.09-6 \
+    file://install.patch \
+    file://configure.patch \
+    file://ldflags.patch \
+    file://liblockfile-fix-nfslib-and-soname.patch \
+    file://liblockfile-fix-install-so-to-man-dir.patch \
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "2aa269e4405ee8235ff17d1b357c6ae8"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "16979eba05396365e1d6af7100431ae9d32f9bc063930d1de66298a0695f1b7f"
+SRC_URI[1.09-6.md5sum] = "a2811807e63a526c07b0f60626e329a2"
+SRC_URI[1.09-6.sha256sum] = "d45eacb7c637c16d03c777c55989d98da494ae9584a0783fe6dbf0db60fa290f"
+inherit autotools-brokensep
+# set default mailgroup to mail
+# --with-libnfslock specify where to install nfslock.so.NVER
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--enable-shared \
+                --with-mailgroup=mail \
+                --with-libnfslock=${libdir} \
+# Makefile using ROOT not DESTDIR
+FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/nfslock.so.*"
+FILES_${PN}-dev += "${libdir}/nfslock.so"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblogging/liblogging_1.0.5.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblogging/liblogging_1.0.5.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3488b19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblogging/liblogging_1.0.5.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+SUMMARY = "An easy to use logging library"
+liblogging (the upstream project) is a collection of several components. \
+Namely: stdlog, journalemu, rfc3195. \
+The stdlog component of liblogging can be viewed as an enhanced version of \
+the syslog(3) API. It retains the easy semantics, but makes the API more \
+sophisticated "behind the scenes" with better support for multiple threads \
+and flexibility for different log destinations (e.g. syslog and systemd \
+SECTION = "libs"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=63fe03535d83726f5655072502bef1bc"
+SRC_URI = "http://download.rsyslog.com/${BPN}/${BPN}-${PV}.tar.gz"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "44b8ce2daa1bfb84c9feaf42f9925fd7"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "310dc1691279b7a669d383581fe4b0babdc7bf75c9b54a24e51e60428624890b"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--disable-man-pages"
+PACKAGECONFIG ??= "${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "systemd", "systemd", "", d)}"
+PACKAGECONFIG[systemd] = "--enable-journal, --disable-journal, systemd"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblognorm/liblognorm.inc b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblognorm/liblognorm.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc8abb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblognorm/liblognorm.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+SUMMARY = "Fast samples-based log normalization library"
+DESCRIPTION = "Briefly described, liblognorm is a tool to normalize log data."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.liblognorm.com"
+SECTION = "base"
+LICENSE = "LGPL-2.1+"
+SRC_URI = "http://www.liblognorm.com/files/download/${BPN}-${PV}.tar.gz\
+inherit autotools pkgconfig
+DEPENDS += "libee libestr json-c"
+PACKAGECONFIG[debug] = "--enable-debug,--disable-debug,,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[docs] = "--enable-docs,--disable-docs,sphinx,"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblognorm/liblognorm_1.0.1.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblognorm/liblognorm_1.0.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d89e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/liblognorm/liblognorm_1.0.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+require ${BPN}.inc
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "7b9a826542af9686127110deab09d7a1"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "1f6cdfd901a8f6a97a3cb74bc6107c6746b3e9381f7889e4cd866a488e0c59a5"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=ca016db57e008528dace002188c73dad"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libmodbus/libmodbus.inc b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libmodbus/libmodbus.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a01659a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libmodbus/libmodbus.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+SUMMARY = "A Modbus library"
+DESCRIPTION = "libmodbus is a C library designed to provide a fast and robust \
+implementation of the Modbus protocol. It runs on Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, \
+QNX and Windows."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.libmodbus.org/"
+SECTION = "libs"
+LICENSE = "LGPLv2.1+"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING.LESSER;md5=4fbd65380cdd255951079008b364516c"
+SRC_URI = "http://libmodbus.org/releases/${BP}.tar.gz"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libmodbus/libmodbus_3.0.6.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libmodbus/libmodbus_3.0.6.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4d32fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libmodbus/libmodbus_3.0.6.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+require libmodbus.inc
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "c80f88b6ca19cabc4ceffc195ca07771"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "046d63f10f755e2160dc56ef681e5f5ad3862a57c1955fd82e0ce036b69471b6"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libmodbus/libmodbus_3.1.2.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libmodbus/libmodbus_3.1.2.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fcfc3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libmodbus/libmodbus_3.1.2.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+require libmodbus.inc
+# Use the stable branch by default
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "dd4262f87ed835c4d1e560f8321a222c"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "661e14f9dc904f3f1b034464ddaa5fd4b8472f8f5d1ea10a1148af85591b7ee9"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libqb/libqb_0.17.1.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libqb/libqb_0.17.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77307fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libqb/libqb_0.17.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+SUMMARY = "An IPC library for high performance servers"
+DESCRIPTION = "libqb is a library with the primary purpose of providing high performance client server reusable features. \
+It provides high performance logging, tracing, ipc, and poll."
+HOMEPAGE = "https://github.com/clusterlabs/libqb/wiki"
+SECTION = "libs"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig
+SRC_URI = "https://fedorahosted.org/releases/q/u/quarterback/${BP}.tar.xz \
+          "
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "5770b343baa4528f6fec90120ec55048"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "7a2115f83bfe20eaa5f2e4ed235e8f2994235d3b87e3e5ca41ba47b320f12e29"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=321bf41f280cf805086dd5a720b37785"
+do_configure_prepend() {
+    ( cd ${S}
+    ${S}/autogen.sh )
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libuio/libuio/replace_inline_with_static-inline.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libuio/libuio/replace_inline_with_static-inline.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd314bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libuio/libuio/replace_inline_with_static-inline.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+By default, gcc-5 uses C99 inline semantics, this semantics doesn't 
+generate externally visible function for inline functions. This results in 
+below error, when an another translation unit (TU) tries to link with the 
+inline function,
+-- snip --
+| lsuio.o: In function `main':
+| <...>/libuio/0.2.1-r0/git/tools/lsuio.c:85: undefined reference to `uio_mmap'
+| collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
+| make[2]: *** [lsuio] Error 1
+-- CUT --
+To solve this error and make libuio to compile with both 4.x and 5.x,
+1. We can remove 'uio_mmap' inline function definition in uio_mmap.c, and move
+   that definition into uio_helper.h file (which is included by lsuio.c) and 
+   replace inline with "static inline". Similarly it can be done to other 
+   uio_single_munmap and uio_munmap inline functions
+2. Add 'extern' keyword in front of inline functions declaration, to make 
+   inlined function as externally visible function, and to link with other TUs.
+Going with option 1.
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Jagadeesh Krishnanjanappa <jkrishnanjanappa@mvista.com>
+--- git_org/src/uio_helper.h	2015-10-20 02:37:04.183075855 -0400
++++ git/src/uio_helper.h	2015-10-20 03:34:24.659970136 -0400
+@@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ struct uio_info_t {
+ /* function prototypes */
+-inline char* uio_lib_name(void);
+-inline char* uio_lib_version(void);
+-inline int uio_lib_ifcurrent(void);
+-inline int uio_lib_ifrevision(void);
+-inline int uio_lib_ifage(void);
++static inline char* uio_lib_name(void);
++static inline char* uio_lib_version(void);
++static inline int uio_lib_ifcurrent(void);
++static inline int uio_lib_ifrevision(void);
++static inline int uio_lib_ifage(void);
+ int uio_get_mem_size(struct uio_info_t* info, int map_num);
+ int uio_get_mem_addr(struct uio_info_t* info, int map_num);
+@@ -76,10 +76,30 @@ int uio_get_all_info(struct uio_info_t* 
+ int uio_get_device_attributes(struct uio_info_t* info);
+ void* uio_single_mmap(struct uio_info_t* info, int map_num, int fd);
+-inline void uio_mmap(struct uio_info_t* info, int fd);
+-inline void uio_single_munmap(struct uio_info_t* info, int map_num);
+-inline void uio_munmap(struct uio_info_t* info);
++static inline void uio_mmap(struct uio_info_t* info, int fd);
++static inline void uio_mmap(struct uio_info_t* info, int fd)
++        int map_num;
++        if (!fd) return;
++        for (map_num= 0; map_num < MAX_UIO_MAPS; map_num++)
++                uio_single_mmap(info, map_num, fd);
++static inline void uio_single_munmap(struct uio_info_t* info, int map_num);
++static inline void uio_single_munmap(struct uio_info_t* info, int map_num)
++        munmap(info->maps[map_num].internal_addr, info->maps[map_num].size);
++        info->maps[map_num].mmap_result = UIO_MMAP_NOT_DONE;
++static inline void uio_munmap(struct uio_info_t* info);
++static inline void uio_munmap(struct uio_info_t* info)
++        int i;
++        for (i = 0; i < MAX_UIO_MAPS; i++)
++                uio_single_munmap(info, i);
+ void uio_free_dev_attrs(struct uio_info_t* info);
+ void uio_free_info(struct uio_info_t* info);
+--- git_org/src/uio_mmap.c	2015-10-20 02:37:04.183075855 -0400
++++ git/src/uio_mmap.c	2015-10-20 03:34:45.060003208 -0400
+@@ -22,11 +22,3 @@
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "uio_helper.h"
+-inline void uio_mmap(struct uio_info_t* info, int fd)
+-	int map_num;
+-	if (!fd) return;
+-	for (map_num= 0; map_num < MAX_UIO_MAPS; map_num++)
+-		uio_single_mmap(info, map_num, fd);
+--- git_org/src/uio_munmap.c	2015-10-20 02:37:04.183075855 -0400
++++ git/src/uio_munmap.c	2015-10-20 03:34:59.636026835 -0400
+@@ -22,10 +22,3 @@
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "uio_helper.h"
+-inline void uio_munmap(struct uio_info_t* info)
+-	int i;
+-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_UIO_MAPS; i++)
+-		uio_single_munmap(info, i);
+\ No newline at end of file
+--- git_org/src/uio_single_munmap.c	2015-10-20 02:37:04.183075855 -0400
++++ git/src/uio_single_munmap.c	2015-10-20 03:52:55.005763023 -0400
+@@ -24,9 +24,3 @@
+ #include <sys/mman.h>
+ #include "uio_helper.h"
+-inline void uio_single_munmap(struct uio_info_t* info, int map_num)
+-	munmap(info->maps[map_num].internal_addr, info->maps[map_num].size);
+-	info->maps[map_num].mmap_result = UIO_MMAP_NOT_DONE;
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libuio/libuio_0.2.1.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libuio/libuio_0.2.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f405197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libuio/libuio_0.2.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+SUMMARY = "Libuio - helper library for UIO subsystem"
+SECTION = "base"
+LICENSE = "GPL-2.0"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=393a5ca445f6965873eca0259a17f833"
+SRC_URI = "git://git.code.sf.net/p/libuio/code \
+           file://replace_inline_with_static-inline.patch"
+inherit autotools
+SRCREV = "ed4f07ea147ac403c28105ab44d01bbf524d36f9"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+PACKAGES += "${PN}-tools"
+FILES_${PN} = "${libdir}"
+FILES_${PN}-tools = "${bindir}"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libwmf/libwmf/0001-configure-use-pkg-config-for-freetype.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libwmf/libwmf/0001-configure-use-pkg-config-for-freetype.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f133e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libwmf/libwmf/0001-configure-use-pkg-config-for-freetype.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+From 61655f82224cadb261e81f8bae111eaaa7bdf531 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Koen Kooi <koen@dominion.thruhere.net>
+Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2014 14:53:03 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] configure: use pkg-config for freetype
+Upstream-status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Koen Kooi <koen@dominion.thruhere.net>
+ configure.ac | 37 ++++++++-----------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 3cfe974..0055a8c 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -399,40 +399,19 @@ AC_ARG_WITH(freetype,[  --with-freetype=DIR     use freetype2 in DIR],[
+ 	fi
+ ])
+-if [ test -n "$FREETYPE_DIR" ]; then
+-	AC_PATH_PROG(FREETYPE_CONFIG,freetype-config)
+-if [ test -n "$FREETYPE_CONFIG" ]; then
+-	if [ test -n "$FREETYPE_DIR" ]; then
+-		freetype_cflags="`$FREETYPE_CONFIG --cflags` -I$FREETYPE_DIR/include"
+-		freetype_libs=`$FREETYPE_CONFIG --libs`
+-	else
+-		freetype_cflags=`$FREETYPE_CONFIG --cflags`
+-		freetype_libs=`$FREETYPE_CONFIG --libs`
+-	fi
+-	if [ test -n "$FREETYPE_DIR" ]; then
+-		freetype_cflags="-I$FREETYPE_DIR/include/freetype2 -I$FREETYPE_DIR/include"
+-		freetype_libs="-L$FREETYPE_DIR/lib -lfreetype"
+-	else
+-		freetype_cflags=""
+-		freetype_libs="-lfreetype"
+-	fi
+-CPPFLAGS="$freetype_cflags $CPPFLAGS"
+-LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $freetype_libs"
++    AC_MSG_ERROR([*** Unable to find FreeType2 library (http://www.freetype.org/)])
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(freetype,FT_Init_FreeType,[
+-	WMF_FT_LDFLAGS="$freetype_libs"
+ ],[	AC_MSG_ERROR([* * * freetype(2) is required * * *])
+ ])
+ AC_CHECK_HEADER(ft2build.h,[
+-	WMF_FT_CFLAGS="$freetype_cflags"
+-	WMF_FT_CONFIG_CFLAGS="$freetype_cflags"
+ ],[	AC_MSG_ERROR([* * * freetype(2) is required * * *])
+ ])
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libwmf/libwmf/libwmf- b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libwmf/libwmf/libwmf-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50d915c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libwmf/libwmf/libwmf-
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+CVE-2006-3376 libwmf integer overflow
+--- libwmf-	2002-12-10 19:30:26.000000000 +0000
++++ libwmf-	2006-07-12 15:12:52.000000000 +0100
+@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
+ #include "player/defaults.h" /* Provides: default settings               */
+ #include "player/record.h"   /* Provides: parameter mechanism            */
+ #include "player/meta.h"     /* Provides: record interpreters            */
++#include <stdint.h>
+ /**
+  * @internal
+@@ -132,8 +134,14 @@
+ 		}
+ 	}
+-/*	P->Parameters = (unsigned char*) wmf_malloc (API,(MAX_REC_SIZE(API)-3) * 2 * sizeof (unsigned char));
+- */	P->Parameters = (unsigned char*) wmf_malloc (API,(MAX_REC_SIZE(API)  ) * 2 * sizeof (unsigned char));
++	if (MAX_REC_SIZE(API) > UINT32_MAX / 2)
++	{
++		API->err = wmf_E_InsMem;
++		WMF_DEBUG (API,"bailing...");
++		return (API->err);
++	}
++ 	P->Parameters = (unsigned char*) wmf_malloc (API,(MAX_REC_SIZE(API)  ) * 2 * sizeof (unsigned char));
+ 	if (ERR (API))
+ 	{	WMF_DEBUG (API,"bailing...");
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libwmf/libwmf/libwmf- b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libwmf/libwmf/libwmf-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d2d285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libwmf/libwmf/libwmf-
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Resolves: CVE-2009-1364
+--- libwmf-	2009-04-24 04:06:44.000000000 -0400
++++ libwmf-	2009-04-24 04:08:30.000000000 -0400
+@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ void gdClipSetAdd(gdImagePtr im,gdClipRe
+ 	{	more = gdRealloc (im->clip->list,(im->clip->max + 8) * sizeof (gdClipRectangle));
+ 		if (more == 0) return;
+ 		im->clip->max += 8;
++                im->clip->list = more;
+ 	}
+ 	im->clip->list[im->clip->count] = (*rect);
+ 	im->clip->count++;
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libwmf/libwmf_0.2.8.4.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libwmf/libwmf_0.2.8.4.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ad5457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libwmf/libwmf_0.2.8.4.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+SUMMARY = "Library for converting WMF files"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://wvware.sourceforge.net/libwmf.html"
+SECTION = "libs"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=94d55d512a9ba36caa9b7df079bae19f"
+PR = "r3"
+DEPENDS_class-native = "freetype-native libpng-native jpeg-native"
+DEPENDS = "freetype libpng jpeg expat gtk+"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig
+SRC_URI = "${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/wvware/${BPN}/${PV}/${BPN}-${PV}.tar.gz;name=tarball \
+           file://libwmf- \
+           file://libwmf- \
+           file://0001-configure-use-pkg-config-for-freetype.patch \
+          "
+SRC_URI[tarball.md5sum] = "d1177739bf1ceb07f57421f0cee191e0"
+SRC_URI[tarball.sha256sum] = "5b345c69220545d003ad52bfd035d5d6f4f075e65204114a9e875e84895a7cf8"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libdir}/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/.debug"
+FILES_${PN}-dev += "${libdir}/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/*.la"
+FILES_${PN}-staticdev += "${libdir}/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/*.a"
+FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/*.so"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libx86-1/libx86-1.1/0001-assume-zero-is-valid-address.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libx86-1/libx86-1.1/0001-assume-zero-is-valid-address.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a46301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libx86-1/libx86-1.1/0001-assume-zero-is-valid-address.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+assume zero is valid address
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Roy Li <rongqing.li@windriver.com>
+ thunk.c | 3 ---
+ 1 file changed, 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/thunk.c b/thunk.c
+index 796e88b..6121ea1 100644
+--- a/thunk.c
++++ b/thunk.c
+@@ -141,9 +141,6 @@ int LRMI_init() {
+ 	mmap_addr = LRMI_common_init(1);
+-	if (!mmap_addr)
+-		return 0;
+ 	X86EMU_pioFuncs pioFuncs = {
+ 		(&x_inb),
+ 		(&x_inw),
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libx86-1/libx86-1.1/libx86-mmap-offset.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libx86-1/libx86-1.1/libx86-mmap-offset.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..843acc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libx86-1/libx86-1.1/libx86-mmap-offset.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+Upstream-Statue: Pending 
+diff -ur libx86-1.1/lrmi.c libx86-1.1.hack/lrmi.c
+--- libx86-1.1/lrmi.c	2006-10-30 15:10:16.000000000 -0500
++++ libx86-1.1.hack/lrmi.c	2009-10-26 15:55:42.000000000 -0400
+@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
+ 	if (context.ready)
+ 		return 1;
+-	if (!LRMI_common_init())
++	if (!LRMI_common_init(0))
+ 		return 0;
+ 	/*
+diff -ur libx86-1.1/thunk.c libx86-1.1.hack/thunk.c
+--- libx86-1.1/thunk.c	2008-04-02 20:48:00.000000000 -0400
++++ libx86-1.1.hack/thunk.c	2009-10-26 16:05:39.000000000 -0400
+@@ -139,11 +139,11 @@
+ 	int i;
+ 	X86EMU_intrFuncs intFuncs[256];
+-	if (!LRMI_common_init())
++	mmap_addr = LRMI_common_init(1);
++	if (!mmap_addr)
+ 		return 0;
+-	mmap_addr = 0;
+ 	X86EMU_pioFuncs pioFuncs = {
+ 		(&x_inb),
+ 		(&x_inw),
+@@ -169,10 +169,10 @@
+ 	X86_ESP = 0xFFF9;
+ 	memset (stack, 0, 64*1024);
+-	*((char *)0) = 0x4f; /* Make sure that we end up jumping back to a
+-				halt instruction */
++	*mmap_addr = 0x4f; /* Make sure that we end up jumping back to a
++			      halt instruction */
+-	M.mem_base = 0;
++	M.mem_base = (unsigned long)mmap_addr;
+ 	M.mem_size = 1024*1024;
+ 	return 1;
+diff -ur libx86-1.1/x86-common.c libx86-1.1.hack/x86-common.c
+--- libx86-1.1/x86-common.c	2008-05-16 12:56:23.000000000 -0400
++++ libx86-1.1.hack/x86-common.c	2009-10-26 16:03:21.000000000 -0400
+@@ -45,14 +45,15 @@
+ static struct {
+ 	int ready;
+ 	int count;
++	void *offset;
+ 	struct mem_block blocks[REAL_MEM_BLOCKS];
+ } mem_info = { 0 };
+ static int
++real_mem_init(int high_page)
+ {
+ 	void *m;
+-	int fd_zero;
++	int fd_zero, flags = MAP_SHARED;
+ 	if (mem_info.ready)
+ 		return 1;
+@@ -63,9 +64,12 @@
+ 		return 0;
+ 	}
++	if (!high_page)
++		flags |= MAP_FIXED;
+ 	m = mmap((void *)REAL_MEM_BASE, REAL_MEM_SIZE,
+-	 MAP_FIXED | MAP_SHARED, fd_zero, 0);
++		 flags, fd_zero, 0);
+ 	if (m == (void *)-1) {
+ 		perror("mmap /dev/zero");
+@@ -76,6 +80,7 @@
+ 	close(fd_zero);
+ 	mem_info.ready = 1;
++	mem_info.offset = m;
+ 	mem_info.count = 1;
+ 	mem_info.blocks[0].size = REAL_MEM_SIZE;
+ 	mem_info.blocks[0].free = 1;
+@@ -87,7 +92,7 @@
+ real_mem_deinit(void)
+ {
+ 	if (mem_info.ready) {
+-		munmap((void *)REAL_MEM_BASE, REAL_MEM_SIZE);
++		munmap(mem_info.offset, REAL_MEM_SIZE);
+ 		mem_info.ready = 0;
+ 	}
+ }
+@@ -119,7 +124,7 @@
+ LRMI_alloc_real(int size)
+ {
+ 	int i;
+-	char *r = (char *)REAL_MEM_BASE;
++	char *r = (char *)mem_info.offset;
+ 	if (!mem_info.ready)
+ 		return NULL;
+@@ -151,7 +156,7 @@
+ LRMI_free_real(void *m)
+ {
+ 	int i;
+-	char *r = (char *)REAL_MEM_BASE;
++	char *r = (char *)mem_info.offset;
+ 	if (!mem_info.ready)
+ 		return;
+@@ -200,13 +205,15 @@
+ 	return *(unsigned short *)(i * 4);
+ }
+-int LRMI_common_init(void)
++void *LRMI_common_init(int high_page)
+ {
+-	void *m;
++	void *m, *offset;
+ 	int fd_mem;
+-	if (!real_mem_init())
+-		return 0;
++	if (!real_mem_init(high_page))
++		return NULL;
++	offset = mem_info.offset - REAL_MEM_BASE;
+ 	/*
+ 	 Map the Interrupt Vectors (0x0 - 0x400) + BIOS data (0x400 - 0x502)
+@@ -217,33 +224,33 @@
+ 	if (fd_mem == -1) {
+ 		real_mem_deinit();
+ 		perror("open /dev/mem");
+-		return 0;
++		return NULL;
+ 	}
+-	m = mmap((void *)0, 0x502,
+-	 MAP_FIXED | MAP_SHARED, fd_mem, 0);
++	m = mmap(offset, 0x502,
++		 MAP_FIXED | MAP_SHARED, fd_mem, 0);
+ 	if (m == (void *)-1) {
+ 		close(fd_mem);
+ 		real_mem_deinit();
+ 		perror("mmap /dev/mem");
+-		return 0;
++		return NULL;
+ 	}
+-	m = mmap((void *)0xa0000, 0x100000 - 0xa0000,
++	m = mmap(offset+0xa0000, 0x100000 - 0xa0000,
+ 	 MAP_FIXED | MAP_SHARED, fd_mem, 0xa0000);
+ 	if (m == (void *)-1) {
+-		munmap((void *)0, 0x502);
++		munmap(offset, 0x502);
+ 		close(fd_mem);
+ 		real_mem_deinit();
+ 		perror("mmap /dev/mem");
+-		return 0;
++		return NULL;
+ 	}
+ 	close(fd_mem);
+-	return 1;
++	return offset;
+ }
+diff -ur libx86-1.1/x86-common.h libx86-1.1.hack/x86-common.h
+--- libx86-1.1/x86-common.h	2006-09-07 18:44:27.000000000 -0400
++++ libx86-1.1.hack/x86-common.h	2009-10-26 16:01:19.000000000 -0400
+@@ -40,4 +40,4 @@
+ void *LRMI_alloc_real(int size);
+ void LRMI_free_real(void *m);
+-int LRMI_common_init(void);
++void *LRMI_common_init(int high_page);
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libx86-1/libx86-1_1.1.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libx86-1/libx86-1_1.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20c152c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/libx86-1/libx86-1_1.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+SUMMARY = "x86 real-mode library"
+DESCRIPTION = "A library to provide support for making real-mode calls x86 calls. On \
+x86 hardware, vm86 mode is used. On other platforms, x86 emulation is \
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.codon.org.uk/~mjg59/libx86/"
+LICENSE = "MIT & BSD-3-Clause"
+SECTION = "libs"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYRIGHT;md5=633af6c02e6f624d4c472d970a2aca53"
+SRC_URI = "http://www.codon.org.uk/~mjg59/libx86/downloads/${BPN}-${PV}.tar.gz \
+           file://libx86-mmap-offset.patch \
+           file://0001-assume-zero-is-valid-address.patch \
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "41bee1f8e22b82d82b5f7d7ba51abc2a"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "5bf13104cb327472b5cb65643352a9138646becacc06763088d83001d832d048"
+BPN = "libx86"
+COMPATIBLE_HOST = '(x86_64|i.86).*-linux'
+export LIBDIR = "${libdir}"
+export BACKEND = "x86emu"
+inherit autotools-brokensep
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/lockfile-progs/lockfile-progs_0.1.17.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/lockfile-progs/lockfile-progs_0.1.17.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4354fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/lockfile-progs/lockfile-progs_0.1.17.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+SUMMARY = "Command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes"
+lockfile-progs provide a method to lock and unlock mailboxes and files \
+safely (via liblockfile)."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://packages.qa.debian.org/l/lockfile-progs.html"
+SECTION = "Applications/System"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=0636e73ff0215e8d672dc4c32c317bb3"
+DEPENDS = "liblockfile"
+SRC_URI = "http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/l/${BPN}/${BPN}_${PV}.tar.gz"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "64424a766fbc8cf6d613fcc14a096e14"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "03fb05d25499532f497775b1747b61fa6beebf12d3bcc951e125349ae166c511"
+do_compile() {
+    oe_runmake CFLAGS=' -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables'
+do_install() {
+    install -m 755 -d ${D}${bindir}
+    install bin/* ${D}${bindir}
+    install -m 755 -d ${D}${mandir}/man1
+    install man/* ${D}${mandir}/man1
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/logcheck/logcheck_1.3.17.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/logcheck/logcheck_1.3.17.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba4c2ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/logcheck/logcheck_1.3.17.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+SUMMARY = "Analyzes log files and sends noticeable events as email"
+Logcheck is a simple utility which is designed to allow a system administrator \
+to view the log-files which are produced upon hosts under their control. \
+It does this by mailing summaries of the log-files to them, after first \
+filtering out "normal" entries. \
+Normal entries are entries which match one of the many included regular \
+expression files contain in the database."
+SECTION = "Applications/System"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=c93c0550bd3173f4504b2cbd8991e50b"
+SRC_URI = "git://git.debian.org/git/logcheck/logcheck.git"
+SRCREV = "2429e67ad875fee8a0234c64d504277b038c89cd"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+do_install() {
+    # Fix QA Issue
+    sed -i '/install -d $(DESTDIR)\/var\/lock\/logcheck/s/^/#/' Makefile
+    # "make install" do not install the manpages. Install them manually.
+    install -m 755 -d ${D}${mandir}/man1
+    install -m 755 -d ${D}${mandir}/man8
+    install -m 644 docs/logcheck-test.1 ${D}${mandir}/man1/
+    install -m 644 docs/logtail.8 ${D}${mandir}/man8/
+    install -m 644 docs/logtail2.8 ${D}${mandir}/man8/
+    sed -i "s/syslog/messages/" etc/logcheck.logfiles
+    sed -i "s/auth\.log/secure/" etc/logcheck.logfiles
+    install -m 755 -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/cron.d
+    install -m 644 debian/logcheck.cron.d ${D}${sysconfdir}/cron.d/logcheck
+    install -m 755 -d ${D}/var/lib/logcheck
+    oe_runmake install DESTDIR=${D}
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "perl"
+FILES_${PN} += "${datadir}/logtail"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/logwatch/logwatch_7.4.1.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/logwatch/logwatch_7.4.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b121522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/logwatch/logwatch_7.4.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+SUMMARY = "A log file analysis program"
+Logwatch is a customizable, pluggable log-monitoring system. It will go \
+through your logs for a given period of time and make a report in the areas \
+that you wish with the detail that you wish. Easy to use - works right out of \
+the package on many systems.\
+SECTION = "devel"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.logwatch.org/"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=f2566bb12b16d2d80d90ebc533261aa7"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "perl"
+SRC_URI = "http://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/project/${BPN}/${BP}/${BP}.tar.gz"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "a0c3d8721f877bdcd4a9089eb1b4691b"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "35ec31f9fe981aaa727b144ab3ff2eb655997d8ccabaf66586458f5dfc3a56eb"
+do_install() {
+    install -m 0755 -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/logwatch/scripts
+    install -m 0755 -d ${D}${datadir}/logwatch/dist.conf/logfiles
+    install -m 0755 -d ${D}${datadir}/logwatch/dist.conf/services
+    install -m 0755 -d ${D}${localstatedir}/cache/logwatch
+    mv conf/ ${D}${datadir}/logwatch/default.conf
+    mv scripts/ ${D}${datadir}/logwatch/scripts
+    mv lib ${D}${datadir}/logwatch/lib
+    chown -R root:root ${D}${datadir}/logwatch
+    install -m 0755 -d ${D}${mandir}/man1
+    install -m 0755 -d ${D}${mandir}/man5
+    install -m 0755 -d ${D}${mandir}/man8
+    install -m 0644 amavis-logwatch.1 ${D}${mandir}/man1
+    install -m 0644 postfix-logwatch.1 ${D}${mandir}/man1
+    install -m 0644 ignore.conf.5 ${D}${mandir}/man5
+    install -m 0644 override.conf.5 ${D}${mandir}/man5
+    install -m 0644 logwatch.conf.5 ${D}${mandir}/man5
+    install -m 0644 logwatch.8 ${D}${mandir}/man8
+    install -m 0755 -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/cron.daily
+    install -m 0755 -d ${D}${sbindir}
+    ln -sf ../..${datadir}/logwatch/scripts/logwatch.pl ${D}${sbindir}/logwatch
+    cat > ${D}${sysconfdir}/cron.daily/0logwatch <<EOF
+    DailyReport=\`grep -e "^[[:space:]]*DailyReport[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*" /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf | head -n1 | sed -e "s|^\s*DailyReport\s*=\s*||"\`
+    if [ "\$DailyReport" != "No" ] && [ "\$DailyReport" != "no" ]
+    then
+            logwatch
+    fi
+    chmod 755 ${D}${sysconfdir}/cron.daily/0logwatch
+    install -m 0755 -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/logwatch/conf/logfiles
+    install -m 0755 -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/logwatch/conf/services
+    touch ${D}${sysconfdir}/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf
+    touch ${D}${sysconfdir}/logwatch/conf/ignore.conf
+    touch ${D}${sysconfdir}/logwatch/conf/override.conf
+    echo "# Local configuration options go here (defaults are in /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf)" > ${D}${sysconfdir}/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf
+    echo "###### REGULAR EXPRESSIONS IN THIS FILE WILL BE TRIMMED FROM REPORT OUTPUT #####" > ${D}${sysconfdir}/logwatch/conf/ignore.conf
+    echo "# Configuration overrides for specific logfiles/services may be placed here." > ${D}${sysconfdir}/logwatch/conf/override.conf
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/lprng/lprng_3.8.C.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/lprng/lprng_3.8.C.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80b93d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/lprng/lprng_3.8.C.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+SUMMARY = "An Enhanced Printer Spooler"
+SECTION = "console/utils"
+LICENSE = "GPLv2 | Artistic-1.0"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=c6570d8d699af1883db9d0e733ac9bfb"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "5901bed95e61d2bea3ba3056056af432"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "694a1747a96385b89e93f43343bf35cee5c8c73353a83814106911c99f09de10"
+inherit autotools gettext
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--disable-ssl --disable-kerberos --enable-force_localhost"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libdir}/lprng/filters/.debug"
+do_install_append() {
+    mv ${D}/etc/printcap.sample ${D}/etc/printcap
+    mv ${D}/etc/lpd/lpd.conf.sample ${D}/etc/lpd/lpd.conf
+    mv ${D}/etc/lpd/lpd.perms.sample ${D}/etc/lpd/lpd.perms
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/lssci/lsscsi_0.28.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/lssci/lsscsi_0.28.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b8cbaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/lssci/lsscsi_0.28.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+SUMMARY = "The lsscsi command lists information about SCSI devices in Linux"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://sg.danny.cz/scsi/lsscsi.html"
+SECTION = "base"
+SRC_URI = "http://sg.danny.cz/scsi/${BP}.tgz"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "4a39e3b09cd422e2cae3edbaf56b3176"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "025d009a1af42bc5b2fca664c44c9ecdfd754356e4a44f5c6aced2420afadd50"
+inherit autotools
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/md5deep/files/wrong-variable-expansion.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/md5deep/files/wrong-variable-expansion.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a4c4f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/md5deep/files/wrong-variable-expansion.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+--- a/configure.ac	2014-08-22 12:22:54.290884351 +0200
++++ b/configure.ac	2014-08-22 12:23:15.822306295 +0200
+@@ -42,18 +42,6 @@
+      ;;		 		     
+ esac
+-# Bring additional directories where things might be found into our
+-# search path. I don't know why autoconf doesn't do this by default
+-if test x"${mingw}" == "xno" ; then
+-  for spfx in /usr/local /opt/local /sw ; do
+-    echo checking ${spfx}/include
+-    if test -d ${spfx}/include; then
+-        CPPFLAGS="-I${spfx}/include $CPPFLAGS"
+-        LDFLAGS="-L${spfx}/lib $LDFLAGS"
+-    fi
+-  done
+ #
+ #
+ ################################################################
+@@ -71,7 +59,7 @@
+ if test $mingw = "no" ; then
+   # add the warnings we don't want to do on mingw
+-  $WARNINGS_TO_TEST="$WARNINGS_TO_TEST -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes  -Weffc++"
++  WARNINGS_TO_TEST="$WARNINGS_TO_TEST -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes  -Weffc++"
+ fi
+ for option in $WARNINGS_TO_TEST
+@@ -105,7 +93,7 @@
+ if test $mingw = "no" ; then
+   # add the warnings we don't want to do on mingw
+ fi
+ for option in $WARNINGS_TO_TEST
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/md5deep/md5deep_4.4.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/md5deep/md5deep_4.4.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..960e00f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/md5deep/md5deep_4.4.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+SUMMARY = "md5deep and hashdeep to compute and audit hashsets of amounts of files."
+DESCRIPTION = "md5deep is a set of programs to compute MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger, or Whirlpool message digests on an arbitrary number of files. This package also includes hashdeep which is also able to audit hashsets."
+AUTHOR = "Jesse Kornblum, Simson L. Garfinkel"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://md5deep.sourceforge.net"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=9190f660105b9a56cdb272309bfd5491"
+# Release 4.4
+SRCREV = "cd2ed7416685a5e83eb10bb659d6e9bec01244ae"
+SRC_URI = "git://github.com/jessek/hashdeep.git \
+        file://wrong-variable-expansion.patch \
+        "
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+inherit autotools
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mml-widget/gtkmathview/0001-include-cstdio-to-get-printf-definitions.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mml-widget/gtkmathview/0001-include-cstdio-to-get-printf-definitions.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5814bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mml-widget/gtkmathview/0001-include-cstdio-to-get-printf-definitions.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+From c92890c5e18bb6ee23bdb14074bacf306dd9428f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 20:35:01 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] include cstdio to get printf definitions
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ src/engine/boxml/BoxMLHOVElement.cc | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/engine/boxml/BoxMLHOVElement.cc b/src/engine/boxml/BoxMLHOVElement.cc
+index 1a2812c..96c9eea 100644
+--- a/src/engine/boxml/BoxMLHOVElement.cc
++++ b/src/engine/boxml/BoxMLHOVElement.cc
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
+ // <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ #include <config.h>
++#include <cstdio>
+ #include "BoxMLAttributeSignatures.hh"
+ #include "BoxMLHOVElement.hh"
+ #include "BoxMLHElement.hh"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mml-widget/gtkmathview/use_hostcxx.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mml-widget/gtkmathview/use_hostcxx.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fe6328
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mml-widget/gtkmathview/use_hostcxx.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Use build_cc to compile the programs to run on build host
+helps with cross compiling
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [Cross-compiled OE specific]
+diff --git a/src/common/mathvariants/Makefile.am b/src/common/mathvariants/Makefile.am
+index 636ccf0..ed9921d 100644
+--- a/src/common/mathvariants/Makefile.am
++++ b/src/common/mathvariants/Makefile.am
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ XSLTPROC = xsltproc
+ %.cc : %_gen.cc $(srcdir)/variant.top $(srcdir)/variant.bot
+ 	cat $(srcdir)/variant.top >$@
+ 	$(XSLTPROC) --novalid --param temp "false()" $(srcdir)/extract.xsl $(<:%_gen.cc=$(srcdir)/xml/%.xml) >>$@
+-	$(CXX) -o $(@:%.cc=%) -I$(top_builddir)/auto $<
++	$(BUILD_CXX) -o $(@:%.cc=%) -I$(top_builddir)/auto $<
+ 	echo "Char32 " >>$@
+ 	basename map_variant_$@ .cc | tr "-" "_" >>$@
+ 	echo "(Char32 ch)" >>$@
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mml-widget/gtkmathview_0.8.0.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mml-widget/gtkmathview_0.8.0.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3edbeed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mml-widget/gtkmathview_0.8.0.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+HOMEPAGE = "http://helm.cs.unibo.it/mml-widget/"
+DEPENDS = "t1lib gtk+ popt libxslt libxml2"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=6a6a8e020838b23406c81b19c1d46df6"
+PR = "r3"
+SRCREV = "0bc2cfa0a47aed2c8a63abd989cb8da4dcceb2ec"
+PV = "0.8.0+git${SRCPV}"
+SRC_URI = "git://github.com/GNOME/gtkmathview.git \
+           file://use_hostcxx.patch \
+	   file://0001-include-cstdio-to-get-printf-definitions.patch \
+          "
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig
+do_configure_append() {
+    # avoid host polution inf pkg-config files
+    sed -i "s:${STAGING_DIR_HOST}::g" `find -name '*.pc'`
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0001-add-support-for-big-endian-32bit-ARM.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0001-add-support-for-big-endian-32bit-ARM.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b7038f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0001-add-support-for-big-endian-32bit-ARM.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+From 07830cbc409f8e998fa839275470031fc83d6eb6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Koen Kooi <koen.kooi@linaro.org>
+Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2016 14:10:54 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] add support for big endian 32bit ARM
+Signed-off-by: Koen Kooi <koen.kooi@linaro.org>
+ mfbt/double-conversion/utils.h | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/mfbt/double-conversion/utils.h b/mfbt/double-conversion/utils.h
+index fe26dab..78a19cb 100644
+--- a/mfbt/double-conversion/utils.h
++++ b/mfbt/double-conversion/utils.h
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
+     defined(__mips__) || defined(__powerpc__) || \
+     defined(__sparc__) || defined(__sparc) || defined(__s390__) || \
+     defined(__SH4__) || defined(__alpha__) || \
+-    defined(__aarch64__) || \
++    defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__ARMEB__) || \
+     defined(_MIPS_ARCH_MIPS32R2)
+ #elif defined(_M_IX86) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__i386)
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0001-js.pc.in-do-not-include-RequiredDefines.h-for-depend.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0001-js.pc.in-do-not-include-RequiredDefines.h-for-depend.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc141d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0001-js.pc.in-do-not-include-RequiredDefines.h-for-depend.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+From 0a61b0b98c152f10404ccbdeeac583a486638a7a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Andreas=20M=C3=BCller?= <schnitzeltony@googlemail.com>
+Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2013 18:36:01 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] js.pc.in: do not include RequiredDefines.h for depending
+ packages
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+in our cross environment the would fail with:
+| cc1: fatal error: /usr/include/js-17.0/js/RequiredDefines.h: No such file or directory
+and currently it only defines __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [embedded specific]
+Signed-off-by: Andreas Müller <schnitzeltony@googlemail.com>
+ js.pc.in |    2 +-
+ 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/js.pc.in b/js.pc.in
+index 13d761d..a95a7bd 100644
+--- a/js.pc.in
++++ b/js.pc.in
+@@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ Description: The Mozilla library for JavaScript
+ Requires.private: @NSPR_PKGCONF_CHECK@
+ Libs: -L${libdir} -l@LIBRARY_NAME@
+-Cflags: -include ${includedir}/@MODULE@/js/RequiredDefines.h -I${includedir}/@MODULE@
++Cflags: -I${includedir}/@MODULE@
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0001-mozjs17.0.0-fix-the-compile-bug-of-powerpc.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0001-mozjs17.0.0-fix-the-compile-bug-of-powerpc.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de72d4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0001-mozjs17.0.0-fix-the-compile-bug-of-powerpc.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+From da3929a96d9c74e11bf37d128890e18fcb745365 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lei Maohui <leimaohui@cn.fujitsu.com>
+Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 08:53:19 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH] mozjs17.0.0: fix the compile bug of powerpc
+To fix the bug as following
+error: cannot convert '__va_list_tag**' to '__va_list_tag (*)[1]' for
+argument '5' to 'JSBool TryArgumentFormatter(JSContext*, const char**,
+JSBool, jsval**, __va_list_tag (*)[1])'
+Signed-off-by: Lei Maohui <leimaohui@cn.fujitsu.com>
+ jscpucfg.h | 6 ++++++
+ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/jscpucfg.h b/jscpucfg.h
+index dfb1c14..8683491 100644
+--- a/jscpucfg.h
++++ b/jscpucfg.h
+@@ -47,6 +47,12 @@
+ #elif defined(JS_HAVE_ENDIAN_H)
+ # include <endian.h>
++#if defined(_POWER) || defined(__powerpc__) || \
++    defined(__ppc__)
++# define HAVE_VA_LIST_AS_ARRAY 1
++# endif
+ # if defined(__BYTE_ORDER)
+ #   define IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0001-regenerate-configure.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0001-regenerate-configure.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa413ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0001-regenerate-configure.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,3238 @@
+From 6440b4901c6f4bcc69686ff10806e311cc5a927b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Koen Kooi <koen.kooi@linaro.org>
+Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2015 19:12:17 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH] regenerate configure with autoconf-2.13
+Signed-off-by: Koen Kooi <koen.kooi@linaro.org>
+Upstream-status: Inappropriate [generated file]
+ js/src/configure | 838 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 389 insertions(+), 449 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/js/src/configure b/js/src/configure
+index cb6b41b..b05298f 100755
+--- a/js/src/configure
++++ b/js/src/configure
+@@ -5757,6 +5757,10 @@ arm*)
+     CPU_ARCH=arm
+     ;;
++    CPU_ARCH=aarch64
++    ;;
+ mips|mipsel)
+     CPU_ARCH="mips"
+     ;;
+@@ -5893,14 +5897,14 @@ no)
+     CFLAGS="$arch_flag"
+     cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 5897 "configure"
++#line 5901 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ return sizeof(__thumb2__);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:5904: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:5908: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   MOZ_THUMB2=1
+ else
+@@ -5972,16 +5976,16 @@ if test -n "$all_flags"; then
+     CFLAGS="$all_flags"
+     echo $ac_n "checking whether the chosen combination of compiler flags ($all_flags) works""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:5976: checking whether the chosen combination of compiler flags ($all_flags) works" >&5
++echo "configure:5980: checking whether the chosen combination of compiler flags ($all_flags) works" >&5
+     cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 5978 "configure"
++#line 5982 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ return 0;
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:5985: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:5989: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -6004,18 +6008,18 @@ fi
+ if test "$CPU_ARCH" = "arm"; then
+   echo $ac_n "checking for ARM SIMD support in compiler""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:6008: checking for ARM SIMD support in compiler" >&5
++echo "configure:6012: checking for ARM SIMD support in compiler" >&5
+   # We try to link so that this also fails when
+   # building with LTO.
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 6012 "configure"
++#line 6016 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ asm("uqadd8 r1, r1, r2");
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:6019: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:6023: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   result="yes"
+ else
+@@ -6038,18 +6042,18 @@ EOF
+   fi
+   echo $ac_n "checking for ARM NEON support in compiler""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:6042: checking for ARM NEON support in compiler" >&5
++echo "configure:6046: checking for ARM NEON support in compiler" >&5
+   # We try to link so that this also fails when
+   # building with LTO.
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 6046 "configure"
++#line 6050 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ asm(".fpu neon\n vadd.i8 d0, d0, d0");
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:6053: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:6057: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   result="yes"
+ else
+@@ -6094,7 +6098,7 @@ configure_static_assert_macros='
+ '
+ echo $ac_n "checking that static assertion macros used in autoconf tests work""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:6098: checking that static assertion macros used in autoconf tests work" >&5
++echo "configure:6102: checking that static assertion macros used in autoconf tests work" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_static_assertion_macros_work'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -6108,14 +6112,14 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cc_cross
+   ac_cv_static_assertion_macros_work="yes"
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 6112 "configure"
++#line 6116 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ $configure_static_assert_macros
+ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:6119: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:6123: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   :
+ else
+   echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
+@@ -6125,14 +6129,14 @@ else
+ fi
+ rm -f conftest*
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 6129 "configure"
++#line 6133 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ $configure_static_assert_macros
+ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:6136: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:6140: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_static_assertion_macros_work="no"
+ else
+@@ -6148,14 +6152,14 @@ ac_link='${CXX-g++} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftes
+ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cross
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 6152 "configure"
++#line 6156 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ $configure_static_assert_macros
+ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:6159: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:6163: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   :
+ else
+   echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
+@@ -6165,14 +6169,14 @@ else
+ fi
+ rm -f conftest*
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 6169 "configure"
++#line 6173 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ $configure_static_assert_macros
+ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:6176: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:6180: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_static_assertion_macros_work="no"
+ else
+@@ -6317,7 +6321,7 @@ if test "$GNU_CC"; then
+     _WARNINGS_CFLAGS="${_WARNINGS_CFLAGS} -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wdeclaration-after-statement"
+     echo $ac_n "checking whether the C compiler supports -Werror=return-type""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:6321: checking whether the C compiler supports -Werror=return-type" >&5
++echo "configure:6325: checking whether the C compiler supports -Werror=return-type" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_c_has_werror_return_type'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -6333,14 +6337,14 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cc_cross
+             _SAVE_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
+             CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Werror -Werror=return-type"
+             cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 6337 "configure"
++#line 6341 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ return(0);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:6344: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:6348: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_c_has_werror_return_type="yes"
+ else
+@@ -6368,7 +6372,7 @@ echo "$ac_t""$ac_c_has_werror_return_type" 1>&6
+     echo $ac_n "checking whether the C compiler supports -Wtype-limits""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:6372: checking whether the C compiler supports -Wtype-limits" >&5
++echo "configure:6376: checking whether the C compiler supports -Wtype-limits" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_c_has_wtype_limits'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -6384,14 +6388,14 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cc_cross
+             _SAVE_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
+             CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Werror -Wtype-limits"
+             cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 6388 "configure"
++#line 6392 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ return(0);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:6395: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:6399: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_c_has_wtype_limits="yes"
+ else
+@@ -6419,7 +6423,7 @@ echo "$ac_t""$ac_c_has_wtype_limits" 1>&6
+     echo $ac_n "checking whether the C compiler supports -Wempty-body""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:6423: checking whether the C compiler supports -Wempty-body" >&5
++echo "configure:6427: checking whether the C compiler supports -Wempty-body" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_c_has_wempty_body'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -6435,14 +6439,14 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cc_cross
+             _SAVE_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
+             CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Werror -Wempty-body"
+             cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 6439 "configure"
++#line 6443 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ return(0);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:6446: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:6450: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_c_has_wempty_body="yes"
+ else
+@@ -6476,7 +6480,7 @@ echo "$ac_t""$ac_c_has_wempty_body" 1>&6
+     echo $ac_n "checking whether the C compiler supports -Wno-overlength-strings""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:6480: checking whether the C compiler supports -Wno-overlength-strings" >&5
++echo "configure:6484: checking whether the C compiler supports -Wno-overlength-strings" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_c_has_wno_overlength_strings'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -6492,14 +6496,14 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cc_cross
+             _SAVE_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
+             CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Werror -Woverlength-strings"
+             cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 6496 "configure"
++#line 6500 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ return(0);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:6503: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:6507: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_c_has_wno_overlength_strings="yes"
+ else
+@@ -6580,7 +6584,7 @@ if test "$GNU_CXX"; then
+     _WARNINGS_CXXFLAGS="${_WARNINGS_CXXFLAGS} -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Woverloaded-virtual"
+     echo $ac_n "checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Werror=return-type""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:6584: checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Werror=return-type" >&5
++echo "configure:6588: checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Werror=return-type" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cxx_has_werror_return_type'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -6596,14 +6600,14 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cross
+             _SAVE_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS"
+             CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -Werror -Werror=return-type"
+             cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 6600 "configure"
++#line 6604 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ return(0);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:6607: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:6611: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cxx_has_werror_return_type="yes"
+ else
+@@ -6631,7 +6635,7 @@ echo "$ac_t""$ac_cxx_has_werror_return_type" 1>&6
+     echo $ac_n "checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wtype-limits""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:6635: checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wtype-limits" >&5
++echo "configure:6639: checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wtype-limits" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cxx_has_wtype_limits'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -6647,14 +6651,14 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cross
+             _SAVE_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS"
+             CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -Werror -Wtype-limits"
+             cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 6651 "configure"
++#line 6655 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ return(0);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:6658: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:6662: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cxx_has_wtype_limits="yes"
+ else
+@@ -6682,7 +6686,7 @@ echo "$ac_t""$ac_cxx_has_wtype_limits" 1>&6
+     echo $ac_n "checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wempty-body""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:6686: checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wempty-body" >&5
++echo "configure:6690: checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wempty-body" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cxx_has_wempty_body'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -6698,14 +6702,14 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cross
+             _SAVE_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS"
+             CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -Werror -Wempty-body"
+             cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 6702 "configure"
++#line 6706 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ return(0);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:6709: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:6713: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cxx_has_wempty_body="yes"
+ else
+@@ -6741,7 +6745,7 @@ echo "$ac_t""$ac_cxx_has_wempty_body" 1>&6
+     _WARNINGS_CXXFLAGS="${_WARNINGS_CXXFLAGS} -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy"
+     echo $ac_n "checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wno-overlength-strings""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:6745: checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wno-overlength-strings" >&5
++echo "configure:6749: checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wno-overlength-strings" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cxx_has_wno_overlength_strings'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -6757,14 +6761,14 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cross
+             _SAVE_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS"
+             CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -Werror -Woverlength-strings"
+             cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 6761 "configure"
++#line 6765 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ return(0);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:6768: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:6772: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cxx_has_wno_overlength_strings="yes"
+ else
+@@ -6792,7 +6796,7 @@ echo "$ac_t""$ac_cxx_has_wno_overlength_strings" 1>&6
+     echo $ac_n "checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wno-invalid-offsetof""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:6796: checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wno-invalid-offsetof" >&5
++echo "configure:6800: checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wno-invalid-offsetof" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cxx_has_wno_invalid_offsetof'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -6808,14 +6812,14 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cross
+             _SAVE_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS"
+             CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -Werror -Winvalid-offsetof"
+             cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 6812 "configure"
++#line 6816 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ return(0);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:6819: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:6823: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cxx_has_wno_invalid_offsetof="yes"
+ else
+@@ -6843,7 +6847,7 @@ echo "$ac_t""$ac_cxx_has_wno_invalid_offsetof" 1>&6
+     echo $ac_n "checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wno-variadic-macros""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:6847: checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wno-variadic-macros" >&5
++echo "configure:6851: checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wno-variadic-macros" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cxx_has_wno_variadic_macros'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -6859,14 +6863,14 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cross
+             _SAVE_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS"
+             CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -Werror -Wvariadic-macros"
+             cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 6863 "configure"
++#line 6867 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ return(0);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:6870: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:6874: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cxx_has_wno_variadic_macros="yes"
+ else
+@@ -6918,7 +6922,7 @@ echo "$ac_t""$ac_cxx_has_wno_variadic_macros" 1>&6
+         _WARNINGS_CXXFLAGS="${_WARNINGS_CXXFLAGS} -Wno-c++0x-extensions"
+     echo $ac_n "checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wno-extended-offsetof""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:6922: checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wno-extended-offsetof" >&5
++echo "configure:6926: checking whether the C++ compiler supports -Wno-extended-offsetof" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cxx_has_wno_extended_offsetof'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -6934,14 +6938,14 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cross
+             _SAVE_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS"
+             CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -Werror -Wextended-offsetof"
+             cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 6938 "configure"
++#line 6942 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ return(0);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:6945: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:6949: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cxx_has_wno_extended_offsetof="yes"
+ else
+@@ -6979,7 +6983,7 @@ MKSHLIB_UNFORCE_ALL=
+ if test "$COMPILE_ENVIRONMENT"; then
+ if test "$GNU_CC"; then
+   echo $ac_n "checking whether ld has archive extraction flags""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:6983: checking whether ld has archive extraction flags" >&5
++echo "configure:6987: checking whether ld has archive extraction flags" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_mkshlib_force_and_unforce'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -6996,14 +7000,14 @@ LOOP_INPUT
+       LDFLAGS=$force
+       LIBS=$unforce
+       cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 7000 "configure"
++#line 7004 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:7007: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:7011: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_mkshlib_force_and_unforce=$line; break
+ else
+@@ -7038,16 +7042,16 @@ ac_link='${CC-cc} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$a
+ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cc_cross
+ echo $ac_n "checking for 64-bit OS""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:7042: checking for 64-bit OS" >&5
++echo "configure:7046: checking for 64-bit OS" >&5
+ cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 7044 "configure"
++#line 7048 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ $configure_static_assert_macros
+ int main() {
+ CONFIGURE_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(void*) == 8)
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:7051: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:7055: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   result="yes"
+ else
+@@ -7170,7 +7174,7 @@ case "$host" in
+ esac
+ echo $ac_n "checking for Python version >= $PYTHON_VERSION but not 3.x""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:7174: checking for Python version >= $PYTHON_VERSION but not 3.x" >&5
++echo "configure:7178: checking for Python version >= $PYTHON_VERSION but not 3.x" >&5
+ $PYTHON -c "import sys; sys.exit(sys.version[:3] < sys.argv[1] or sys.version[:2] != '2.')" $PYTHON_VERSION
+ _python_res=$?
+@@ -7181,7 +7185,7 @@ fi
+ echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
+ echo $ac_n "checking for custom <stdint.h> implementation""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:7185: checking for custom <stdint.h> implementation" >&5
++echo "configure:7189: checking for custom <stdint.h> implementation" >&5
+ if test "$MOZ_CUSTOM_STDINT_H"; then
+   cat >> confdefs.pytmp <<EOF
+         (''' MOZ_CUSTOM_STDINT_H ''', r''' "$MOZ_CUSTOM_STDINT_H" ''')
+@@ -7249,9 +7253,9 @@ ac_link='${CXX-g++} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftes
+ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cross
+             echo $ac_n "checking for IBM XLC/C++ compiler version >=""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:7253: checking for IBM XLC/C++ compiler version >=" >&5
++echo "configure:7257: checking for IBM XLC/C++ compiler version >=" >&5
+             cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 7255 "configure"
++#line 7259 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+@@ -7260,7 +7264,7 @@ int main() {
+                  #endif
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:7264: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:7268: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+ else
+@@ -7298,12 +7302,12 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cc_cross
+   do
+        ac_safe=`echo "$ac_hdr" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+   echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_hdr""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:7302: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
++echo "configure:7306: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 7307 "configure"
++#line 7311 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <$ac_hdr>
+@@ -7311,7 +7315,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:7315: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:7319: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -7394,17 +7398,17 @@ EOF
+     # builds.
+      echo $ac_n "checking for -framework ExceptionHandling""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:7398: checking for -framework ExceptionHandling" >&5
++echo "configure:7402: checking for -framework ExceptionHandling" >&5
+     LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -framework ExceptionHandling"
+     cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 7401 "configure"
++#line 7405 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ return 0;
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:7408: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:7412: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_have_framework_exceptionhandling="yes"
+ else
+@@ -7426,18 +7430,18 @@ rm -f conftest*
+         echo "Skipping -dead_strip because DTrace is enabled. See bug 403132."
+     else
+                 echo $ac_n "checking for -dead_strip option to ld""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:7430: checking for -dead_strip option to ld" >&5
++echo "configure:7434: checking for -dead_strip option to ld" >&5
+         LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-dead_strip"
+         cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 7434 "configure"
++#line 7438 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ return 0;
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:7441: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:7445: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+ else
+@@ -7783,12 +7787,12 @@ EOF
+   do
+        ac_safe=`echo "$ac_hdr" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+   echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_hdr""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:7787: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
++echo "configure:7791: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 7792 "configure"
++#line 7796 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <$ac_hdr>
+@@ -7796,7 +7800,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:7800: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:7804: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -7989,19 +7993,19 @@ EOF
+     _DEFINES_CXXFLAGS="$_DEFINES_CXXFLAGS -Uunix -U__unix -U__unix__"
+     echo $ac_n "checking for __declspec(dllexport)""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:7993: checking for __declspec(dllexport)" >&5
++echo "configure:7997: checking for __declspec(dllexport)" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_os2_declspec'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 7998 "configure"
++#line 8002 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ __declspec(dllexport) void ac_os2_declspec(void) {}
+ int main() {
+ return 0;
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:8005: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:8009: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_os2_declspec="yes"
+ else
+@@ -8054,14 +8058,14 @@ EOF
+            LDFLAGS="-M /usr/lib/ld/map.noexstk $LDFLAGS"
+            cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 8058 "configure"
++#line 8062 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ int main() {
+ printf("Hello World\n");
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:8065: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:8069: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   :
+ else
+   echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
+@@ -8089,7 +8093,7 @@ rm -f conftest*
+        CC_VERSION=`$CC -V 2>&1 | grep '^cc:' 2>/dev/null | $AWK -F\: '{ print $2 }'`
+        CXX_VERSION=`$CXX -V 2>&1 | grep '^CC:' 2>/dev/null | $AWK -F\: '{ print $2 }'`
+        echo $ac_n "checking for Sun C++ compiler version >= 5.9""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:8093: checking for Sun C++ compiler version >= 5.9" >&5
++echo "configure:8097: checking for Sun C++ compiler version >= 5.9" >&5
+        ac_ext=C
+ # CXXFLAGS is not in ac_cpp because -g, -O, etc. are not valid cpp options.
+@@ -8099,7 +8103,7 @@ ac_link='${CXX-g++} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftes
+ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cross
+        cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 8103 "configure"
++#line 8107 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+@@ -8108,7 +8112,7 @@ int main() {
+            #endif
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:8112: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:8116: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+ else
+@@ -8125,7 +8129,7 @@ rm -f conftest*
+            _res="yes"
+        fi
+        cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 8129 "configure"
++#line 8133 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+@@ -8134,7 +8138,7 @@ int main() {
+            #endif
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:8138: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:8142: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   _ABOVE_SS12U1=
+ else
+@@ -8535,7 +8539,7 @@ fi
+ if test "$GNU_CC" -a "$GCC_USE_GNU_LD" -a -z "$MOZ_DISABLE_ICF"; then
+     echo $ac_n "checking whether the linker supports Identical Code Folding""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:8539: checking whether the linker supports Identical Code Folding" >&5
++echo "configure:8543: checking whether the linker supports Identical Code Folding" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'LD_SUPPORTS_ICF'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -8544,7 +8548,7 @@ else
+               'int main() {return foo() - bar();}' > conftest.${ac_ext}
+         # If the linker supports ICF, foo and bar symbols will have
+         # the same address
+-        if { ac_try='${CC-cc} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $LDFLAGS -Wl,--icf=safe -ffunction-sections conftest.${ac_ext} $LIBS 1>&2'; { (eval echo configure:8548: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } &&
++        if { ac_try='${CC-cc} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $LDFLAGS -Wl,--icf=safe -ffunction-sections conftest.${ac_ext} $LIBS 1>&2'; { (eval echo configure:8552: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } &&
+            test -s conftest${ac_exeext} &&
+            objdump -t conftest${ac_exeext} | awk '{a[$6] = $1} END {if (a["foo"] && (a["foo"] != a["bar"])) { exit 1 }}'; then
+             LD_SUPPORTS_ICF=yes
+@@ -8559,14 +8563,14 @@ echo "$ac_t""$LD_SUPPORTS_ICF" 1>&6
+         _SAVE_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,--icf=safe"
+         LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,--icf=safe -Wl,--print-icf-sections"
+         cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 8563 "configure"
++#line 8567 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:8570: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:8574: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   LD_PRINT_ICF_SECTIONS=-Wl,--print-icf-sections
+ else
+@@ -8584,15 +8588,15 @@ fi
+ if test "$GNU_CC" -a "$GCC_USE_GNU_LD" -a -n "$MOZ_DEBUG_FLAGS"; then
+       echo $ac_n "checking whether removing dead symbols breaks debugging""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:8588: checking whether removing dead symbols breaks debugging" >&5
++echo "configure:8592: checking whether removing dead symbols breaks debugging" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'GC_SECTIONS_BREAKS_DEBUG_RANGES'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   echo 'int foo() {return 42;}' \
+              'int bar() {return 1;}' \
+              'int main() {return foo();}' > conftest.${ac_ext}
+-        if { ac_try='${CC-cc} -o conftest.${ac_objext} $CFLAGS $MOZ_DEBUG_FLAGS -c conftest.${ac_ext} 1>&2'; { (eval echo configure:8595: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } &&
+-           { ac_try='${CC-cc} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $LDFLAGS $MOZ_DEBUG_FLAGS -Wl,--gc-sections conftest.${ac_objext} $LIBS 1>&2'; { (eval echo configure:8596: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } &&
++        if { ac_try='${CC-cc} -o conftest.${ac_objext} $CFLAGS $MOZ_DEBUG_FLAGS -c conftest.${ac_ext} 1>&2'; { (eval echo configure:8599: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } &&
++           { ac_try='${CC-cc} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $LDFLAGS $MOZ_DEBUG_FLAGS -Wl,--gc-sections conftest.${ac_objext} $LIBS 1>&2'; { (eval echo configure:8600: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } &&
+            test -s conftest${ac_exeext} -a -s conftest.${ac_objext}; then
+             if test "`$PYTHON "$_topsrcdir"/build/autoconf/check_debug_ranges.py conftest.${ac_objext} conftest.${ac_ext}`" = \
+                     "`$PYTHON "$_topsrcdir"/build/autoconf/check_debug_ranges.py conftest${ac_exeext} conftest.${ac_ext}`"; then
+@@ -8615,12 +8619,12 @@ fi
+ if test -z "$SKIP_COMPILER_CHECKS"; then
+ echo $ac_n "checking for ANSI C header files""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:8619: checking for ANSI C header files" >&5
++echo "configure:8623: checking for ANSI C header files" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_stdc'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 8624 "configure"
++#line 8628 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <stdarg.h>
+@@ -8628,7 +8632,7 @@ else
+ #include <float.h>
+ ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out"
+-{ (eval echo configure:8632: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }
++{ (eval echo configure:8636: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }
+ ac_err=`grep -v '^ *+' conftest.out | grep -v "^conftest.${ac_ext}\$"`
+ if test -z "$ac_err"; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+@@ -8645,7 +8649,7 @@ rm -f conftest*
+ if test $ac_cv_header_stdc = yes; then
+   # SunOS 4.x string.h does not declare mem*, contrary to ANSI.
+ cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 8649 "configure"
++#line 8653 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <string.h>
+@@ -8663,7 +8667,7 @@ fi
+ if test $ac_cv_header_stdc = yes; then
+   # ISC 2.0.2 stdlib.h does not declare free, contrary to ANSI.
+ cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 8667 "configure"
++#line 8671 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+@@ -8684,7 +8688,7 @@ if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then
+   :
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 8688 "configure"
++#line 8692 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ #define ISLOWER(c) ('a' <= (c) && (c) <= 'z')
+@@ -8695,7 +8699,7 @@ if (XOR (islower (i), ISLOWER (i)) || toupper (i) != TOUPPER (i)) exit(2);
+ exit (0); }
+-if { (eval echo configure:8699: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext} && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null
++if { (eval echo configure:8703: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext} && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null
+ then
+   :
+ else
+@@ -8722,12 +8726,12 @@ EOF
+ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking for working const""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:8726: checking for working const" >&5
++echo "configure:8730: checking for working const" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_c_const'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 8731 "configure"
++#line 8735 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+@@ -8776,7 +8780,7 @@ ccp = (char const *const *) p;
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:8780: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:8784: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_c_const=yes
+ else
+@@ -8800,12 +8804,12 @@ EOF
+ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking for mode_t""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:8804: checking for mode_t" >&5
++echo "configure:8808: checking for mode_t" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_type_mode_t'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 8809 "configure"
++#line 8813 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+@@ -8836,12 +8840,12 @@ EOF
+ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking for off_t""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:8840: checking for off_t" >&5
++echo "configure:8844: checking for off_t" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_type_off_t'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 8845 "configure"
++#line 8849 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+@@ -8872,12 +8876,12 @@ EOF
+ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking for pid_t""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:8876: checking for pid_t" >&5
++echo "configure:8880: checking for pid_t" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_type_pid_t'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 8881 "configure"
++#line 8885 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+@@ -8908,12 +8912,12 @@ EOF
+ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking for size_t""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:8912: checking for size_t" >&5
++echo "configure:8916: checking for size_t" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_type_size_t'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 8917 "configure"
++#line 8921 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+@@ -8951,12 +8955,12 @@ ac_link='${CXX-g++} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftes
+ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cross
+ echo $ac_n "checking for __stdcall""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:8955: checking for __stdcall" >&5
++echo "configure:8959: checking for __stdcall" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv___stdcall'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 8960 "configure"
++#line 8964 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ template <typename Method> struct foo;
+                   template <> struct foo<void (*)()> {};
+@@ -8965,7 +8969,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:8969: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:8973: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv___stdcall=true
+ else
+@@ -8997,12 +9001,12 @@ ac_link='${CC-cc} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$a
+ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cc_cross
+ echo $ac_n "checking for ssize_t""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9001: checking for ssize_t" >&5
++echo "configure:9005: checking for ssize_t" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_type_ssize_t'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 9006 "configure"
++#line 9010 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <stdio.h>
+                   #include <sys/types.h>
+@@ -9010,7 +9014,7 @@ int main() {
+ ssize_t foo = 0;
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:9014: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:9018: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_type_ssize_t=true
+ else
+@@ -9035,12 +9039,12 @@ else
+   echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
+ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking for st_blksize in struct stat""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9039: checking for st_blksize in struct stat" >&5
++echo "configure:9043: checking for st_blksize in struct stat" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_struct_st_blksize'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 9044 "configure"
++#line 9048 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+@@ -9048,7 +9052,7 @@ int main() {
+ struct stat s; s.st_blksize;
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:9052: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:9056: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_struct_st_blksize=yes
+ else
+@@ -9072,12 +9076,12 @@ EOF
+ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking for siginfo_t""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9076: checking for siginfo_t" >&5
++echo "configure:9080: checking for siginfo_t" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_siginfo_t'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 9081 "configure"
++#line 9085 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199506L
+                   #include <signal.h>
+@@ -9085,7 +9089,7 @@ int main() {
+ siginfo_t* info;
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:9089: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:9093: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_siginfo_t=true
+ else
+@@ -9111,72 +9115,8 @@ else
+ fi
+-echo $ac_n "checking for the size of void*""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9116: checking for the size of void*" >&5
+-if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'moz_cv_size_of_JS_BYTES_PER_WORD'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+-  echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+-  moz_cv_size_of_JS_BYTES_PER_WORD=
+-  for size in 4 8; do
+-    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 9124 "configure"
+-#include "confdefs.h"
+-int main() {
+-                     int a[sizeof (void*) == $size ? 1 : -1];
+-                     return 0;
+-; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:9134: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+-  rm -rf conftest*
+-  moz_cv_size_of_JS_BYTES_PER_WORD=$size; break
+-  echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
+-  cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+-rm -f conftest*
+-  done
+-  if test ! "$moz_cv_size_of_JS_BYTES_PER_WORD"; then
+-    { echo "configure: error: No size found for void*" 1>&2; exit 1; }
+-  fi
+-echo "$ac_t""$moz_cv_size_of_JS_BYTES_PER_WORD" 1>&6
+-cat >> confdefs.pytmp <<EOF
+-        (''' JS_BYTES_PER_WORD ''', r''' $moz_cv_size_of_JS_BYTES_PER_WORD ''')
+-cat >> confdefs.h <<EOF
+-#define JS_BYTES_PER_WORD $moz_cv_size_of_JS_BYTES_PER_WORD
+-if test "$moz_cv_size_of_JS_BYTES_PER_WORD" -eq "4"; then
+-  cat >> confdefs.pytmp <<\EOF
+-        (''' JS_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2 ''', r''' 5 ''')
+-cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
+-#define JS_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2 5
+-elif test "$moz_cv_size_of_JS_BYTES_PER_WORD" -eq "8"; then
+-  cat >> confdefs.pytmp <<\EOF
+-        (''' JS_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2 ''', r''' 6 ''')
+-cat >> confdefs.h <<\EOF
+-#define JS_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2 6
+-  { echo "configure: error: Unexpected JS_BYTES_PER_WORD" 1>&2; exit 1; }
+ echo $ac_n "checking for the alignment of void*""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9180: checking for the alignment of void*" >&5
++echo "configure:9120: checking for the alignment of void*" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'moz_cv_align_of_JS_ALIGN_OF_POINTER'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -9184,7 +9124,7 @@ else
+   moz_cv_align_of_JS_ALIGN_OF_POINTER=
+   for align in 2 4 8 16; do
+     cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 9188 "configure"
++#line 9128 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+                      #include <stddef.h>
+@@ -9197,7 +9137,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:9201: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:9141: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   moz_cv_align_of_JS_ALIGN_OF_POINTER=$align; break
+ else
+@@ -9223,7 +9163,7 @@ EOF
+ echo $ac_n "checking for the size of double""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9227: checking for the size of double" >&5
++echo "configure:9167: checking for the size of double" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'moz_cv_size_of_JS_BYTES_PER_DOUBLE'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -9231,7 +9171,7 @@ else
+   moz_cv_size_of_JS_BYTES_PER_DOUBLE=
+   for size in 6 8 10 12 14; do
+     cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 9235 "configure"
++#line 9175 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+@@ -9241,7 +9181,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:9245: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:9185: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   moz_cv_size_of_JS_BYTES_PER_DOUBLE=$size; break
+ else
+@@ -9270,12 +9210,12 @@ EOF
+   do
+        ac_safe=`echo "$ac_hdr" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+   echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_hdr""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9274: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
++echo "configure:9214: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 9279 "configure"
++#line 9219 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <$ac_hdr>
+@@ -9283,7 +9223,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:9287: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:9227: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -9326,12 +9266,12 @@ fi
+   do
+        ac_safe=`echo "$ac_hdr" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+   echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_hdr""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9330: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
++echo "configure:9270: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 9335 "configure"
++#line 9275 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <$ac_hdr>
+@@ -9339,7 +9279,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:9343: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:9283: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -9382,12 +9322,12 @@ fi
+   do
+        ac_safe=`echo "$ac_hdr" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+   echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_hdr""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9386: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
++echo "configure:9326: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 9391 "configure"
++#line 9331 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <$ac_hdr>
+@@ -9395,7 +9335,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:9399: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:9339: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -9435,12 +9375,12 @@ EOF
+ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking for uint""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9439: checking for uint" >&5
++echo "configure:9379: checking for uint" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_uint'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 9444 "configure"
++#line 9384 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <stdio.h>
+                   #include <sys/types.h>
+@@ -9448,7 +9388,7 @@ int main() {
+ uint foo = 0;
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:9452: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:9392: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_uint=true
+ else
+@@ -9473,12 +9413,12 @@ else
+   echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
+ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking for uint_t""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9477: checking for uint_t" >&5
++echo "configure:9417: checking for uint_t" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_uint_t'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 9482 "configure"
++#line 9422 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <stdio.h>
+                   #include <sys/types.h>
+@@ -9486,7 +9426,7 @@ int main() {
+ uint_t foo = 0;
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:9490: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:9430: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_uint_t=true
+ else
+@@ -9520,12 +9460,12 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cross
+ echo $ac_n "checking for uname.domainname""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9524: checking for uname.domainname" >&5
++echo "configure:9464: checking for uname.domainname" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_have_uname_domainname_field'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 9529 "configure"
++#line 9469 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <sys/utsname.h>
+ int main() {
+@@ -9533,7 +9473,7 @@ int main() {
+             (void)uname(res);  if (res != 0) { domain = res->domainname; } 
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:9537: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:9477: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_have_uname_domainname_field=true
+ else
+@@ -9560,12 +9500,12 @@ else
+ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking for uname.__domainname""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9564: checking for uname.__domainname" >&5
++echo "configure:9504: checking for uname.__domainname" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_have_uname_us_domainname_field'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 9569 "configure"
++#line 9509 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <sys/utsname.h>
+ int main() {
+@@ -9573,7 +9513,7 @@ int main() {
+             (void)uname(res);  if (res != 0) { domain = res->__domainname; } 
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:9577: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:9517: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_have_uname_us_domainname_field=true
+ else
+@@ -9609,7 +9549,7 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cc_cross
+ if test "$GNU_CC"; then
+   echo $ac_n "checking for visibility(hidden) attribute""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9613: checking for visibility(hidden) attribute" >&5
++echo "configure:9553: checking for visibility(hidden) attribute" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_visibility_hidden'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -9637,7 +9577,7 @@ EOF
+     echo $ac_n "checking for visibility(default) attribute""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9641: checking for visibility(default) attribute" >&5
++echo "configure:9581: checking for visibility(default) attribute" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_visibility_default'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -9665,7 +9605,7 @@ EOF
+       echo $ac_n "checking for visibility pragma support""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9669: checking for visibility pragma support" >&5
++echo "configure:9609: checking for visibility pragma support" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_visibility_pragma'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -9690,7 +9630,7 @@ fi
+ echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_visibility_pragma" 1>&6
+       if test "$ac_cv_visibility_pragma" = "yes"; then
+         echo $ac_n "checking For gcc visibility bug with class-level attributes (GCC bug 26905)""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9694: checking For gcc visibility bug with class-level attributes (GCC bug 26905)" >&5
++echo "configure:9634: checking For gcc visibility bug with class-level attributes (GCC bug 26905)" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_have_visibility_class_bug'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -9718,7 +9658,7 @@ fi
+ echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_have_visibility_class_bug" 1>&6
+         echo $ac_n "checking For x86_64 gcc visibility bug with builtins (GCC bug 20297)""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9722: checking For x86_64 gcc visibility bug with builtins (GCC bug 20297)" >&5
++echo "configure:9662: checking For x86_64 gcc visibility bug with builtins (GCC bug 20297)" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_have_visibility_builtin_bug'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -9770,7 +9710,7 @@ fi         # Sun Studio on Solaris
+ if test "$GNU_CC"; then
+ echo $ac_n "checking for gcc PR49911""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9774: checking for gcc PR49911" >&5
++echo "configure:9714: checking for gcc PR49911" >&5
+ ac_have_gcc_pr49911="no"
+ ac_ext=C
+@@ -9787,7 +9727,7 @@ if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then
+   true
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 9791 "configure"
++#line 9731 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ extern "C" void abort(void);
+@@ -9828,7 +9768,7 @@ int main(void) {
+ }
+-if { (eval echo configure:9832: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext} && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null
++if { (eval echo configure:9772: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext} && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null
+ then
+   true
+ else
+@@ -9865,12 +9805,12 @@ for ac_hdr in dirent.h sys/ndir.h sys/dir.h ndir.h
+ do
+ ac_safe=`echo "$ac_hdr" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+ echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_hdr that defines DIR""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9869: checking for $ac_hdr that defines DIR" >&5
++echo "configure:9809: checking for $ac_hdr that defines DIR" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_dirent_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 9874 "configure"
++#line 9814 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <$ac_hdr>
+@@ -9878,7 +9818,7 @@ int main() {
+ DIR *dirp = 0;
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:9882: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:9822: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_dirent_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -9906,7 +9846,7 @@ done
+ # Two versions of opendir et al. are in -ldir and -lx on SCO Xenix.
+ if test $ac_header_dirent = dirent.h; then
+ echo $ac_n "checking for opendir in -ldir""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9910: checking for opendir in -ldir" >&5
++echo "configure:9850: checking for opendir in -ldir" >&5
+ ac_lib_var=`echo dir'_'opendir | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+@@ -9914,7 +9854,7 @@ else
+   ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+ LIBS="-ldir  $LIBS"
+ cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 9918 "configure"
++#line 9858 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error.  */
+ /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
+@@ -9925,7 +9865,7 @@ int main() {
+ opendir()
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:9929: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:9869: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
+ else
+@@ -9947,7 +9887,7 @@ fi
+ else
+ echo $ac_n "checking for opendir in -lx""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:9951: checking for opendir in -lx" >&5
++echo "configure:9891: checking for opendir in -lx" >&5
+ ac_lib_var=`echo x'_'opendir | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+@@ -9955,7 +9895,7 @@ else
+   ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+ LIBS="-lx  $LIBS"
+ cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 9959 "configure"
++#line 9899 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error.  */
+ /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
+@@ -9966,7 +9906,7 @@ int main() {
+ opendir()
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:9970: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:9910: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
+ else
+@@ -10000,12 +9940,12 @@ esac
+   do
+        ac_safe=`echo "$ac_hdr" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+   echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_hdr""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10004: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
++echo "configure:9944: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 10009 "configure"
++#line 9949 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <$ac_hdr>
+@@ -10013,7 +9953,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:10017: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:9957: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -10048,12 +9988,12 @@ EOF
+   do
+        ac_safe=`echo "$ac_hdr" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+   echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_hdr""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10052: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
++echo "configure:9992: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 10057 "configure"
++#line 9997 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <$ac_hdr>
+@@ -10061,7 +10001,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:10065: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:10005: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -10095,12 +10035,12 @@ EOF
+   do
+        ac_safe=`echo "$ac_hdr" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+   echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_hdr""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10099: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
++echo "configure:10039: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 10104 "configure"
++#line 10044 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <$ac_hdr>
+@@ -10108,7 +10048,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:10112: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:10052: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -10141,12 +10081,12 @@ EOF
+   do
+        ac_safe=`echo "$ac_hdr" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+   echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_hdr""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10145: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
++echo "configure:10085: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 10150 "configure"
++#line 10090 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <$ac_hdr>
+@@ -10154,7 +10094,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:10158: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:10098: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -10188,12 +10128,12 @@ EOF
+   do
+        ac_safe=`echo "$ac_hdr" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+   echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_hdr""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10192: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
++echo "configure:10132: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 10197 "configure"
++#line 10137 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <$ac_hdr>
+@@ -10201,7 +10141,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:10205: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:10145: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -10241,12 +10181,12 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cross
+ NEW_H=new.h
+    ac_safe=`echo "new" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+   echo $ac_n "checking for new""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10245: checking for new" >&5
++echo "configure:10185: checking for new" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 10250 "configure"
++#line 10190 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <new>
+@@ -10254,7 +10194,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:10258: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:10198: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -10298,12 +10238,12 @@ fi
+ if test "x$enable_dtrace" = "xyes"; then
+      ac_safe=`echo "sys/sdt.h" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+   echo $ac_n "checking for sys/sdt.h""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10302: checking for sys/sdt.h" >&5
++echo "configure:10242: checking for sys/sdt.h" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 10307 "configure"
++#line 10247 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <sys/sdt.h>
+@@ -10311,7 +10251,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:10315: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:10255: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -10353,12 +10293,12 @@ case $target in
+   do
+        ac_safe=`echo "$ac_hdr" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+   echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_hdr""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10357: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
++echo "configure:10297: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 10362 "configure"
++#line 10302 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <$ac_hdr>
+@@ -10366,7 +10306,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:10370: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:10310: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -10418,12 +10358,12 @@ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $LINUX_HEADERS_INCLUDES"
+    ac_safe=`echo "linux/perf_event.h" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+   echo $ac_n "checking for linux/perf_event.h""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10422: checking for linux/perf_event.h" >&5
++echo "configure:10362: checking for linux/perf_event.h" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 10427 "configure"
++#line 10367 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <linux/perf_event.h>
+@@ -10431,7 +10371,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:10435: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:10375: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -10446,19 +10386,19 @@ fi
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_header_'$ac_safe`\" = yes"; then
+     echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
+     echo $ac_n "checking for perf_event_open system call""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10450: checking for perf_event_open system call" >&5
++echo "configure:10390: checking for perf_event_open system call" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_perf_event_open'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 10455 "configure"
++#line 10395 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <asm/unistd.h>
+ int main() {
+ return sizeof(__NR_perf_event_open);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:10462: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:10402: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_perf_event_open=yes
+ else
+@@ -10494,7 +10434,7 @@ case $target in
+ 	;;
+ *)
+ 	echo $ac_n "checking for gethostbyname_r in -lc_r""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10498: checking for gethostbyname_r in -lc_r" >&5
++echo "configure:10438: checking for gethostbyname_r in -lc_r" >&5
+ ac_lib_var=`echo c_r'_'gethostbyname_r | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+@@ -10502,7 +10442,7 @@ else
+   ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+ LIBS="-lc_r  $LIBS"
+ cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 10506 "configure"
++#line 10446 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error.  */
+ /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
+@@ -10513,7 +10453,7 @@ int main() {
+ gethostbyname_r()
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:10517: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:10457: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
+ else
+@@ -10554,14 +10494,14 @@ case $target in
+ *)
+ echo $ac_n "checking for library containing dlopen""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10558: checking for library containing dlopen" >&5
++echo "configure:10498: checking for library containing dlopen" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_search_dlopen'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   ac_func_search_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+ ac_cv_search_dlopen="no"
+ cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 10565 "configure"
++#line 10505 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error.  */
+ /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
+@@ -10572,7 +10512,7 @@ int main() {
+ dlopen()
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:10576: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:10516: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_search_dlopen="none required"
+ else
+@@ -10583,7 +10523,7 @@ rm -f conftest*
+ test "$ac_cv_search_dlopen" = "no" && for i in dl; do
+ LIBS="-l$i  $ac_func_search_save_LIBS"
+ cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 10587 "configure"
++#line 10527 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error.  */
+ /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
+@@ -10594,7 +10534,7 @@ int main() {
+ dlopen()
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:10598: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:10538: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_search_dlopen="-l$i"
+ break
+@@ -10612,12 +10552,12 @@ if test "$ac_cv_search_dlopen" != "no"; then
+   test "$ac_cv_search_dlopen" = "none required" || LIBS="$ac_cv_search_dlopen $LIBS"
+      ac_safe=`echo "dlfcn.h" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+   echo $ac_n "checking for dlfcn.h""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10616: checking for dlfcn.h" >&5
++echo "configure:10556: checking for dlfcn.h" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 10621 "configure"
++#line 10561 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <dlfcn.h>
+@@ -10625,7 +10565,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:10629: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:10569: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -10662,12 +10602,12 @@ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -D_GNU_SOURCE"
+ for ac_func in dladdr
+ do
+ echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_func""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10666: checking for $ac_func" >&5
++echo "configure:10606: checking for $ac_func" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_func_$ac_func'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 10671 "configure"
++#line 10611 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
+     which can conflict with char $ac_func(); below.  */
+@@ -10690,7 +10630,7 @@ $ac_func();
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:10694: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:10634: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_func_$ac_func=yes"
+ else
+@@ -10724,7 +10664,7 @@ if test ! "$GNU_CXX"; then
+     case $target in
+     *-aix*)
+ 	echo $ac_n "checking for demangle in -lC_r""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10728: checking for demangle in -lC_r" >&5
++echo "configure:10668: checking for demangle in -lC_r" >&5
+ ac_lib_var=`echo C_r'_'demangle | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+@@ -10732,7 +10672,7 @@ else
+   ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+ LIBS="-lC_r  $LIBS"
+ cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 10736 "configure"
++#line 10676 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error.  */
+ /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
+@@ -10743,7 +10683,7 @@ int main() {
+ demangle()
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:10747: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:10687: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
+ else
+@@ -10776,7 +10716,7 @@ fi
+ 	;;
+      *)
+ 	echo $ac_n "checking for demangle in -lC""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10780: checking for demangle in -lC" >&5
++echo "configure:10720: checking for demangle in -lC" >&5
+ ac_lib_var=`echo C'_'demangle | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+@@ -10784,7 +10724,7 @@ else
+   ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+ LIBS="-lC  $LIBS"
+ cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 10788 "configure"
++#line 10728 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error.  */
+ /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
+@@ -10795,7 +10735,7 @@ int main() {
+ demangle()
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:10799: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:10739: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
+ else
+@@ -10834,7 +10774,7 @@ case $target in
+     ;;
+ *)
+     echo $ac_n "checking for socket in -lsocket""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10838: checking for socket in -lsocket" >&5
++echo "configure:10778: checking for socket in -lsocket" >&5
+ ac_lib_var=`echo socket'_'socket | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+@@ -10842,7 +10782,7 @@ else
+   ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+ LIBS="-lsocket  $LIBS"
+ cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 10846 "configure"
++#line 10786 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error.  */
+ /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
+@@ -10853,7 +10793,7 @@ int main() {
+ socket()
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:10857: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:10797: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
+ else
+@@ -10892,7 +10832,7 @@ darwin*)
+ *)
+ echo $ac_n "checking for pthread_create in -lpthreads""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10896: checking for pthread_create in -lpthreads" >&5
++echo "configure:10836: checking for pthread_create in -lpthreads" >&5
+ echo "
+     #include <pthread.h>
+     #include <stdlib.h>
+@@ -10915,7 +10855,7 @@ echo "
+         echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
+ echo $ac_n "checking for pthread_create in -lpthread""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10919: checking for pthread_create in -lpthread" >&5
++echo "configure:10859: checking for pthread_create in -lpthread" >&5
+ echo "
+     #include <pthread.h>
+     #include <stdlib.h>
+@@ -10938,7 +10878,7 @@ echo "
+         echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
+ echo $ac_n "checking for pthread_create in -lc_r""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10942: checking for pthread_create in -lc_r" >&5
++echo "configure:10882: checking for pthread_create in -lc_r" >&5
+ echo "
+     #include <pthread.h>
+     #include <stdlib.h>
+@@ -10961,7 +10901,7 @@ echo "
+         echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
+ echo $ac_n "checking for pthread_create in -lc""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:10965: checking for pthread_create in -lc" >&5
++echo "configure:10905: checking for pthread_create in -lc" >&5
+ echo "
+     #include <pthread.h>
+     #include <stdlib.h>
+@@ -11020,7 +10960,7 @@ then
+ 				rm -f conftest*
+ 	ac_cv_have_dash_pthread=no
+ 	echo $ac_n "checking whether ${CC-cc} accepts -pthread""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:11024: checking whether ${CC-cc} accepts -pthread" >&5
++echo "configure:10964: checking whether ${CC-cc} accepts -pthread" >&5
+ 	echo 'int main() { return 0; }' | cat > conftest.c
+ 	${CC-cc} -pthread -o conftest conftest.c > conftest.out 2>&1
+ 	if test $? -eq 0; then
+@@ -11043,7 +10983,7 @@ echo "configure:11024: checking whether ${CC-cc} accepts -pthread" >&5
+ 			    ac_cv_have_dash_pthreads=no
+     if test "$ac_cv_have_dash_pthread" = "no"; then
+ 	    echo $ac_n "checking whether ${CC-cc} accepts -pthreads""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:11047: checking whether ${CC-cc} accepts -pthreads" >&5
++echo "configure:10987: checking whether ${CC-cc} accepts -pthreads" >&5
+     	echo 'int main() { return 0; }' | cat > conftest.c
+ 	    ${CC-cc} -pthreads -o conftest conftest.c > conftest.out 2>&1
+     	if test $? -eq 0; then
+@@ -11148,13 +11088,13 @@ fi
+ if test $ac_cv_prog_gcc = yes; then
+     echo $ac_n "checking whether ${CC-cc} needs -traditional""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:11152: checking whether ${CC-cc} needs -traditional" >&5
++echo "configure:11092: checking whether ${CC-cc} needs -traditional" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_prog_gcc_traditional'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+     ac_pattern="Autoconf.*'x'"
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 11158 "configure"
++#line 11098 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <sgtty.h>
+ Autoconf TIOCGETP
+@@ -11172,7 +11112,7 @@ rm -f conftest*
+   if test $ac_cv_prog_gcc_traditional = no; then
+     cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 11176 "configure"
++#line 11116 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <termio.h>
+ Autoconf TCGETA
+@@ -11194,7 +11134,7 @@ echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_prog_gcc_traditional" 1>&6
+ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking for 8-bit clean memcmp""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:11198: checking for 8-bit clean memcmp" >&5
++echo "configure:11138: checking for 8-bit clean memcmp" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_func_memcmp_clean'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -11202,7 +11142,7 @@ else
+   ac_cv_func_memcmp_clean=no
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 11206 "configure"
++#line 11146 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ main()
+@@ -11212,7 +11152,7 @@ main()
+ }
+-if { (eval echo configure:11216: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext} && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null
++if { (eval echo configure:11156: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext} && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null
+ then
+   ac_cv_func_memcmp_clean=yes
+ else
+@@ -11234,12 +11174,12 @@ for ac_func in fchmod flockfile getc_unlocked _getc_nolock getpagesize \
+                 stat64 statvfs statvfs64 strerror strtok_r truncate64
+ do
+ echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_func""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:11238: checking for $ac_func" >&5
++echo "configure:11178: checking for $ac_func" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_func_$ac_func'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 11243 "configure"
++#line 11183 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
+     which can conflict with char $ac_func(); below.  */
+@@ -11262,7 +11202,7 @@ $ac_func();
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:11266: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:11206: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_func_$ac_func=yes"
+ else
+@@ -11291,14 +11231,14 @@ done
+ cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 11295 "configure"
++#line 11235 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <windows.h>
+ int main() {
+ SYSTEMTIME st;FILETIME ft;SystemTimeToFileTime(&st,&ft);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:11302: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:11242: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_have_systemtimetofiletime="yes"
+ else
+@@ -11318,14 +11258,14 @@ EOF
+ fi
+ cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 11322 "configure"
++#line 11262 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <windows.h>
+ int main() {
+ FILETIME ft;GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:11329: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:11269: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_have_getsystemtimeasfiletime="yes"
+ else
+@@ -11355,19 +11295,19 @@ ac_link='${CXX-g++} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftes
+ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cross
+ echo $ac_n "checking for wcrtomb""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:11359: checking for wcrtomb" >&5
++echo "configure:11299: checking for wcrtomb" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_have_wcrtomb'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 11364 "configure"
++#line 11304 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <wchar.h>
+ int main() {
+ mbstate_t ps={0};wcrtomb(0,'f',&ps);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:11371: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:11311: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_have_wcrtomb="yes"
+ else
+@@ -11390,19 +11330,19 @@ EOF
+ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking for mbrtowc""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:11394: checking for mbrtowc" >&5
++echo "configure:11334: checking for mbrtowc" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_have_mbrtowc'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 11399 "configure"
++#line 11339 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <wchar.h>
+ int main() {
+ mbstate_t ps={0};mbrtowc(0,0,0,&ps);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:11406: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:11346: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_have_mbrtowc="yes"
+ else
+@@ -11434,12 +11374,12 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cc_cross
+ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking for res_ninit()""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:11438: checking for res_ninit()" >&5
++echo "configure:11378: checking for res_ninit()" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_func_res_ninit'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 11443 "configure"
++#line 11383 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+         #ifdef linux
+@@ -11451,7 +11391,7 @@ int main() {
+ int foo = res_ninit(&_res);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:11455: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:11395: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_func_res_ninit=yes
+ else
+@@ -11484,12 +11424,12 @@ ac_link='${CXX-g++} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftes
+ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cross
+ echo $ac_n "checking for gnu_get_libc_version()""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:11488: checking for gnu_get_libc_version()" >&5
++echo "configure:11428: checking for gnu_get_libc_version()" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_func_gnu_get_libc_version'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 11493 "configure"
++#line 11433 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+         #ifdef HAVE_GNU_LIBC_VERSION_H
+@@ -11500,7 +11440,7 @@ int main() {
+ const char *glibc_version = gnu_get_libc_version();
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:11504: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:11444: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_func_gnu_get_libc_version=yes
+ else
+@@ -11534,7 +11474,7 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cc_cross
+ echo $ac_n "checking for an implementation of va_copy()""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:11538: checking for an implementation of va_copy()" >&5
++echo "configure:11478: checking for an implementation of va_copy()" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_va_copy'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -11544,7 +11484,7 @@ else
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 11548 "configure"
++#line 11488 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+         #include <stdarg.h>
+@@ -11558,7 +11498,7 @@ else
+         }
+         int main() { f (0, 42); return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:11562: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext} && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null
++if { (eval echo configure:11502: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext} && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null
+ then
+   ac_cv_va_copy=yes
+ else
+@@ -11575,7 +11515,7 @@ fi
+ echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_va_copy" 1>&6
+ echo $ac_n "checking for an implementation of __va_copy()""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:11579: checking for an implementation of __va_copy()" >&5
++echo "configure:11519: checking for an implementation of __va_copy()" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv___va_copy'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -11585,7 +11525,7 @@ else
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 11589 "configure"
++#line 11529 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+         #include <stdarg.h>
+@@ -11599,7 +11539,7 @@ else
+         }
+         int main() { f (0, 42); return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:11603: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext} && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null
++if { (eval echo configure:11543: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext} && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null
+ then
+   ac_cv___va_copy=yes
+ else
+@@ -11616,7 +11556,7 @@ fi
+ echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv___va_copy" 1>&6
+ echo $ac_n "checking whether va_lists can be copied by value""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:11620: checking whether va_lists can be copied by value" >&5
++echo "configure:11560: checking whether va_lists can be copied by value" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_va_val_copy'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -11626,7 +11566,7 @@ else
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 11630 "configure"
++#line 11570 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+         #include <stdarg.h>
+@@ -11640,7 +11580,7 @@ else
+         }
+         int main() { f (0, 42); return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:11644: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext} && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null
++if { (eval echo configure:11584: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext} && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null
+ then
+   ac_cv_va_val_copy=yes
+ else
+@@ -11710,12 +11650,12 @@ ARM_ABI_PREFIX=
+ if test "$GNU_CC"; then
+   if test "$CPU_ARCH" = "arm" ; then
+     echo $ac_n "checking for ARM EABI""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:11714: checking for ARM EABI" >&5
++echo "configure:11654: checking for ARM EABI" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_gcc_arm_eabi'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 11719 "configure"
++#line 11659 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+@@ -11728,7 +11668,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:11732: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:11672: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_gcc_arm_eabi="yes"
+ else
+@@ -11753,12 +11693,12 @@ echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_gcc_arm_eabi" 1>&6
+ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking for modern C++ template specialization syntax support""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:11757: checking for modern C++ template specialization syntax support" >&5
++echo "configure:11697: checking for modern C++ template specialization syntax support" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_cpp_modern_specialize_template_syntax'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 11762 "configure"
++#line 11702 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ template <class T> struct X { int a; };
+                                class Y {};
+@@ -11768,7 +11708,7 @@ X<int> int_x;
+                                X<Y> y_x;
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:11772: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:11712: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_cpp_modern_specialize_template_syntax=yes
+ else
+@@ -11786,12 +11726,12 @@ if test "$ac_cv_cpp_modern_specialize_template_syntax" = no ; then
+ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking whether partial template specialization works""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:11790: checking whether partial template specialization works" >&5
++echo "configure:11730: checking whether partial template specialization works" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_cpp_partial_specialization'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 11795 "configure"
++#line 11735 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ template <class T> class Foo {};
+                                template <class T> class Foo<T*> {};
+@@ -11799,7 +11739,7 @@ int main() {
+ return 0;
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:11803: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:11743: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_cpp_partial_specialization=yes
+ else
+@@ -11823,12 +11763,12 @@ EOF
+ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking whether the C++ \"using\" keyword resolves ambiguity""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:11827: checking whether the C++ \"using\" keyword resolves ambiguity" >&5
++echo "configure:11767: checking whether the C++ \"using\" keyword resolves ambiguity" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_cpp_ambiguity_resolving_using'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 11832 "configure"
++#line 11772 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ class X {
+                                  public: int go(const X&) {return 3;}
+@@ -11844,7 +11784,7 @@ int main() {
+ X x; Y y; y.jo(x);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:11848: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:11788: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_cpp_ambiguity_resolving_using=yes
+ else
+@@ -11868,7 +11808,7 @@ EOF
+ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking for C++ dynamic_cast to void*""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:11872: checking for C++ dynamic_cast to void*" >&5
++echo "configure:11812: checking for C++ dynamic_cast to void*" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_cpp_dynamic_cast_void_ptr'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -11876,7 +11816,7 @@ else
+   ac_cv_cpp_dynamic_cast_void_ptr=no
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 11880 "configure"
++#line 11820 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ class X { int i; public: virtual ~X() { } };
+                             class Y { int j; public: virtual ~Y() { } };
+@@ -11892,7 +11832,7 @@ class X { int i; public: virtual ~X() { } };
+                                            ((void*)&mdo == dynamic_cast<void*>(suby))));
+                             }
+-if { (eval echo configure:11896: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext} && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null
++if { (eval echo configure:11836: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext} && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null
+ then
+   ac_cv_cpp_dynamic_cast_void_ptr=yes
+ else
+@@ -11919,19 +11859,19 @@ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking whether C++ requires implementation of unused virtual methods""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:11923: checking whether C++ requires implementation of unused virtual methods" >&5
++echo "configure:11863: checking whether C++ requires implementation of unused virtual methods" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_cpp_unused_required'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 11928 "configure"
++#line 11868 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ class X {private: virtual void never_called();};
+ int main() {
+ X x;
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:11935: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:11875: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_cpp_unused_required=no
+ else
+@@ -11957,12 +11897,12 @@ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking for trouble comparing to zero near std::operator!=()""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:11961: checking for trouble comparing to zero near std::operator!=()" >&5
++echo "configure:11901: checking for trouble comparing to zero near std::operator!=()" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_trouble_comparing_to_zero'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 11966 "configure"
++#line 11906 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <algorithm>
+                                 template <class T> class Foo {};
+@@ -11973,7 +11913,7 @@ int main() {
+ Foo<int> f; return (0 != f);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:11977: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:11917: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_trouble_comparing_to_zero=no
+ else
+@@ -12003,19 +11943,19 @@ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking for __thread keyword for TLS variables""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12007: checking for __thread keyword for TLS variables" >&5
++echo "configure:11947: checking for __thread keyword for TLS variables" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_thread_keyword'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 12012 "configure"
++#line 11952 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ __thread bool tlsIsMainThread = false;
+ int main() {
+ return tlsIsMainThread;
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:12019: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:11959: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_thread_keyword=yes
+ else
+@@ -12055,12 +11995,12 @@ fi
+    ac_safe=`echo "malloc.h" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+   echo $ac_n "checking for malloc.h""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12059: checking for malloc.h" >&5
++echo "configure:11999: checking for malloc.h" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 12064 "configure"
++#line 12004 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <malloc.h>
+@@ -12068,7 +12008,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:12072: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:12012: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -12091,12 +12031,12 @@ fi
+ if test "$MALLOC_H" = ""; then
+      ac_safe=`echo "malloc/malloc.h" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+   echo $ac_n "checking for malloc/malloc.h""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12095: checking for malloc/malloc.h" >&5
++echo "configure:12035: checking for malloc/malloc.h" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 12100 "configure"
++#line 12040 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <malloc/malloc.h>
+@@ -12104,7 +12044,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:12108: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:12048: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -12127,12 +12067,12 @@ fi
+   if test "$MALLOC_H" = ""; then
+        ac_safe=`echo "sys/malloc.h" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+   echo $ac_n "checking for sys/malloc.h""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12131: checking for sys/malloc.h" >&5
++echo "configure:12071: checking for sys/malloc.h" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 12136 "configure"
++#line 12076 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <sys/malloc.h>
+@@ -12140,7 +12080,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:12144: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:12084: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -12176,12 +12116,12 @@ MOZ_ALLOCATING_FUNCS="strndup posix_memalign memalign valloc"
+ for ac_func in strndup posix_memalign memalign valloc
+ do
+ echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_func""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12180: checking for $ac_func" >&5
++echo "configure:12120: checking for $ac_func" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_func_$ac_func'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 12185 "configure"
++#line 12125 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
+     which can conflict with char $ac_func(); below.  */
+@@ -12207,7 +12147,7 @@ $ac_func();
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:12211: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:12151: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_func_$ac_func=yes"
+ else
+@@ -12237,19 +12177,19 @@ done
+ echo $ac_n "checking for __attribute__((always_inline))""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12241: checking for __attribute__((always_inline))" >&5
++echo "configure:12181: checking for __attribute__((always_inline))" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_attribute_always_inline'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 12246 "configure"
++#line 12186 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ inline void f(void) __attribute__((always_inline));
+ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:12253: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:12193: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_attribute_always_inline=yes
+ else
+@@ -12264,19 +12204,19 @@ fi
+ echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_attribute_always_inline" 1>&6
+ echo $ac_n "checking for __attribute__((malloc))""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12268: checking for __attribute__((malloc))" >&5
++echo "configure:12208: checking for __attribute__((malloc))" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_attribute_malloc'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 12273 "configure"
++#line 12213 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ void* f(int) __attribute__((malloc));
+ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:12280: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:12220: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_attribute_malloc=yes
+ else
+@@ -12291,19 +12231,19 @@ fi
+ echo "$ac_t""$ac_cv_attribute_malloc" 1>&6
+ echo $ac_n "checking for __attribute__((warn_unused_result))""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12295: checking for __attribute__((warn_unused_result))" >&5
++echo "configure:12235: checking for __attribute__((warn_unused_result))" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_attribute_warn_unused'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 12300 "configure"
++#line 12240 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int f(void) __attribute__((warn_unused_result));
+ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:12307: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:12247: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_attribute_warn_unused=yes
+ else
+@@ -12327,19 +12267,19 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cc_cross
+ echo $ac_n "checking for LC_MESSAGES""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12331: checking for LC_MESSAGES" >&5
++echo "configure:12271: checking for LC_MESSAGES" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_i18n_lc_messages'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 12336 "configure"
++#line 12276 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <locale.h>
+ int main() {
+ int category = LC_MESSAGES;
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:12343: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:12283: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_i18n_lc_messages=yes
+ else
+@@ -12365,12 +12305,12 @@ fi
+ for ac_func in localeconv
+ do
+ echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_func""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12369: checking for $ac_func" >&5
++echo "configure:12309: checking for $ac_func" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_func_$ac_func'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 12374 "configure"
++#line 12314 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
+     which can conflict with char $ac_func(); below.  */
+@@ -12393,7 +12333,7 @@ $ac_func();
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:12397: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:12337: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_func_$ac_func=yes"
+ else
+@@ -12580,7 +12520,7 @@ fi
+ 	# Extract the first word of "nspr-config", so it can be a program name with args.
+ set dummy nspr-config; ac_word=$2
+ echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12584: checking for $ac_word" >&5
++echo "configure:12524: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_path_NSPR_CONFIG'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -12615,7 +12555,7 @@ fi
+ 	min_nspr_version=$NSPR_MINVER
+ 	echo $ac_n "checking for NSPR - version >= $min_nspr_version""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12619: checking for NSPR - version >= $min_nspr_version" >&5
++echo "configure:12559: checking for NSPR - version >= $min_nspr_version" >&5
+ 	no_nspr=""
+ 	if test "$NSPR_CONFIG" != "no"; then
+@@ -12678,7 +12618,7 @@ if test -n "$MOZ_NATIVE_NSPR"; then
+     cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 12682 "configure"
++#line 12622 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include "prlog.h"
+ int main() {
+@@ -12687,7 +12627,7 @@ int main() {
+                  #endif
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:12691: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:12631: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+ else
+@@ -12729,7 +12669,7 @@ if test -z "$MOZ_ZLIB_LIBS$MOZ_ZLIB_CFLAGS$SKIP_LIBRARY_CHECKS"; then
+         MOZ_NATIVE_ZLIB=
+     else
+         echo $ac_n "checking for gzread in -lz""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12733: checking for gzread in -lz" >&5
++echo "configure:12673: checking for gzread in -lz" >&5
+ ac_lib_var=`echo z'_'gzread | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+@@ -12737,7 +12677,7 @@ else
+   ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+ LIBS="-lz  $LIBS"
+ cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 12741 "configure"
++#line 12681 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error.  */
+ /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
+@@ -12748,7 +12688,7 @@ int main() {
+ gzread()
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:12752: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:12692: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
+ else
+@@ -12772,7 +12712,7 @@ fi
+         if test "$MOZ_NATIVE_ZLIB" = 1; then
+             MOZZLIBNUM=`echo $MOZZLIB | awk -F. '{printf "0x%x\n", ((($1 * 16 + $2) * 16) + $3) * 16 + $4}'`
+             cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 12776 "configure"
++#line 12716 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+  #include <stdio.h>
+                              #include <string.h>
+@@ -12783,7 +12723,7 @@ int main() {
+                              #endif 
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:12787: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:12727: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+ else
+@@ -12829,7 +12769,7 @@ if test -n "$MOZ_NATIVE_FFI"; then
+     # Extract the first word of "pkg-config", so it can be a program name with args.
+ set dummy pkg-config; ac_word=$2
+ echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12833: checking for $ac_word" >&5
++echo "configure:12773: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_path_PKG_CONFIG'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -12873,19 +12813,19 @@ fi
+      if $PKG_CONFIG --atleast-pkgconfig-version $PKG_CONFIG_MIN_VERSION; then
+         echo $ac_n "checking for libffi > 3.0.9""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12877: checking for libffi > 3.0.9" >&5
++echo "configure:12817: checking for libffi > 3.0.9" >&5
+         if $PKG_CONFIG --exists "libffi > 3.0.9" ; then
+             echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
+             succeeded=yes
+             echo $ac_n "checking MOZ_FFI_CFLAGS""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12884: checking MOZ_FFI_CFLAGS" >&5
++echo "configure:12824: checking MOZ_FFI_CFLAGS" >&5
+             MOZ_FFI_CFLAGS=`$PKG_CONFIG --cflags "libffi > 3.0.9"`
+             echo "$ac_t""$MOZ_FFI_CFLAGS" 1>&6
+             echo $ac_n "checking MOZ_FFI_LIBS""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12889: checking MOZ_FFI_LIBS" >&5
++echo "configure:12829: checking MOZ_FFI_LIBS" >&5
+             ## Remove evil flags like -Wl,--export-dynamic
+             MOZ_FFI_LIBS="`$PKG_CONFIG --libs \"libffi > 3.0.9\" |sed s/-Wl,--export-dynamic//g`"
+             echo "$ac_t""$MOZ_FFI_LIBS" 1>&6
+@@ -12921,7 +12861,7 @@ echo "configure:12889: checking MOZ_FFI_LIBS" >&5
+     # Extract the first word of "pkg-config", so it can be a program name with args.
+ set dummy pkg-config; ac_word=$2
+ echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12925: checking for $ac_word" >&5
++echo "configure:12865: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_path_PKG_CONFIG'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -12965,19 +12905,19 @@ fi
+      if $PKG_CONFIG --atleast-pkgconfig-version $PKG_CONFIG_MIN_VERSION; then
+         echo $ac_n "checking for libffi >= 3.0.9""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12969: checking for libffi >= 3.0.9" >&5
++echo "configure:12909: checking for libffi >= 3.0.9" >&5
+         if $PKG_CONFIG --exists "libffi >= 3.0.9" ; then
+             echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
+             succeeded=yes
+             echo $ac_n "checking MOZ_FFI_CFLAGS""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12976: checking MOZ_FFI_CFLAGS" >&5
++echo "configure:12916: checking MOZ_FFI_CFLAGS" >&5
+             MOZ_FFI_CFLAGS=`$PKG_CONFIG --cflags "libffi >= 3.0.9"`
+             echo "$ac_t""$MOZ_FFI_CFLAGS" 1>&6
+             echo $ac_n "checking MOZ_FFI_LIBS""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:12981: checking MOZ_FFI_LIBS" >&5
++echo "configure:12921: checking MOZ_FFI_LIBS" >&5
+             ## Remove evil flags like -Wl,--export-dynamic
+             MOZ_FFI_LIBS="`$PKG_CONFIG --libs \"libffi >= 3.0.9\" |sed s/-Wl,--export-dynamic//g`"
+             echo "$ac_t""$MOZ_FFI_LIBS" 1>&6
+@@ -13112,18 +13052,18 @@ MOZ_DEBUG_DISABLE_DEFS="-DNDEBUG -DTRIMMED"
+ if test -n "$MOZ_DEBUG"; then
+     echo $ac_n "checking for valid debug flags""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:13116: checking for valid debug flags" >&5
++echo "configure:13056: checking for valid debug flags" >&5
+     cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 13120 "configure"
++#line 13060 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ int main() {
+ printf("Hello World\n");
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:13127: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:13067: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   _results=yes
+ else
+@@ -13201,18 +13141,18 @@ fi
+ if test "$COMPILE_ENVIRONMENT"; then
+ if test -n "$MOZ_OPTIMIZE"; then
+     echo $ac_n "checking for valid optimization flags""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:13205: checking for valid optimization flags" >&5
++echo "configure:13145: checking for valid optimization flags" >&5
+     cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 13209 "configure"
++#line 13149 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ int main() {
+ printf("Hello World\n");
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:13216: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:13156: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   _results=yes
+ else
+@@ -13364,7 +13304,7 @@ EOF
+     fi
+   else
+     echo $ac_n "checking size of int *""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:13368: checking size of int *" >&5
++echo "configure:13308: checking size of int *" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_sizeof_int_p'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -13372,7 +13312,7 @@ else
+   ac_cv_sizeof_int_p=4
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 13376 "configure"
++#line 13316 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ int main()
+@@ -13383,7 +13323,7 @@ int main()
+   return(0);
+ }
+-if { (eval echo configure:13387: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext} && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null
++if { (eval echo configure:13327: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext} && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null
+ then
+   ac_cv_sizeof_int_p=`cat conftestval`
+ else
+@@ -13687,12 +13627,12 @@ fi
+ if test -n "$MOZ_VALGRIND"; then
+        ac_safe=`echo "valgrind/valgrind.h" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+   echo $ac_n "checking for valgrind/valgrind.h""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:13691: checking for valgrind/valgrind.h" >&5
++echo "configure:13631: checking for valgrind/valgrind.h" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 13696 "configure"
++#line 13636 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <valgrind/valgrind.h>
+@@ -13700,7 +13640,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:13704: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:13644: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -13973,7 +13913,7 @@ do
+ # Extract the first word of "$ac_prog", so it can be a program name with args.
+ set dummy $ac_prog; ac_word=$2
+ echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:13977: checking for $ac_word" >&5
++echo "configure:13917: checking for $ac_word" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_path_CCACHE'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -14099,12 +14039,12 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cxx_cross
+     for ac_func in __cxa_demangle
+ do
+ echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_func""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:14103: checking for $ac_func" >&5
++echo "configure:14043: checking for $ac_func" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_func_$ac_func'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 14108 "configure"
++#line 14048 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
+     which can conflict with char $ac_func(); below.  */
+@@ -14130,7 +14070,7 @@ $ac_func();
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:14134: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:14074: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_func_$ac_func=yes"
+ else
+@@ -14184,12 +14124,12 @@ fi
+ if test -z "$SKIP_LIBRARY_CHECKS"; then
+        ac_safe=`echo "unwind.h" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+   echo $ac_n "checking for unwind.h""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:14188: checking for unwind.h" >&5
++echo "configure:14128: checking for unwind.h" >&5
+   if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+    cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 14193 "configure"
++#line 14133 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <unwind.h>
+@@ -14197,7 +14137,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:14201: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:14141: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+ else
+@@ -14214,12 +14154,12 @@ fi
+     for ac_func in _Unwind_Backtrace
+ do
+ echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_func""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:14218: checking for $ac_func" >&5
++echo "configure:14158: checking for $ac_func" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_func_$ac_func'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 14223 "configure"
++#line 14163 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
+     which can conflict with char $ac_func(); below.  */
+@@ -14242,7 +14182,7 @@ $ac_func();
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:14246: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:14186: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_func_$ac_func=yes"
+ else
+@@ -14334,7 +14274,7 @@ if test -z "$SKIP_COMPILER_CHECKS"; then
+ # Compiler Options
+ echo $ac_n "checking for -pipe support""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:14338: checking for -pipe support" >&5
++echo "configure:14278: checking for -pipe support" >&5
+ if test -n "$GNU_CC" -a -n "$GNU_CXX"; then
+         CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -pipe"
+     CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -pipe"
+@@ -14348,16 +14288,16 @@ _SAVE_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fprofile-generate -fprofile-correction"
+ echo $ac_n "checking whether C compiler supports -fprofile-generate""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:14352: checking whether C compiler supports -fprofile-generate" >&5
++echo "configure:14292: checking whether C compiler supports -fprofile-generate" >&5
+ cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 14354 "configure"
++#line 14294 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ return 0;
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:14361: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:14301: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+    PROFILE_GEN_CFLAGS="-fprofile-generate"
+                  result="yes" 
+@@ -14421,16 +14361,16 @@ if test "$_PEDANTIC"; then
+     CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -pedantic ${_WARNINGS_CXXFLAGS} -Wno-long-long"
+     echo $ac_n "checking whether C++ compiler has -pedantic long long bug""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:14425: checking whether C++ compiler has -pedantic long long bug" >&5
++echo "configure:14365: checking whether C++ compiler has -pedantic long long bug" >&5
+     cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 14427 "configure"
++#line 14367 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ $configure_static_assert_macros
+ int main() {
+ CONFIGURE_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(long long) == 8)
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:14434: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:14374: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   result="no"
+ else
+@@ -14457,12 +14397,12 @@ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking for correct overload resolution with const and templates""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:14461: checking for correct overload resolution with const and templates" >&5
++echo "configure:14401: checking for correct overload resolution with const and templates" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_nscap_nonconst_opeq_bug'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 14466 "configure"
++#line 14406 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+                       template <class T>
+@@ -14492,7 +14432,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:14496: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:14436: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_nscap_nonconst_opeq_bug="no"
+ else
+@@ -14518,19 +14458,19 @@ EOF
+ fi
+ echo $ac_n "checking for tm_zone tm_gmtoff in struct tm""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:14522: checking for tm_zone tm_gmtoff in struct tm" >&5
++echo "configure:14462: checking for tm_zone tm_gmtoff in struct tm" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_struct_tm_zone_tm_gmtoff'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 14527 "configure"
++#line 14467 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #include <time.h>
+ int main() {
+ struct tm tm; tm.tm_zone = 0; tm.tm_gmtoff = 1;
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:14534: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:14474: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv_struct_tm_zone_tm_gmtoff="yes"
+ else
+@@ -14572,18 +14512,18 @@ cross_compiling=$ac_cv_prog_cc_cross
+ echo $ac_n "checking what kind of list files are supported by the linker""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:14576: checking what kind of list files are supported by the linker" >&5
++echo "configure:14516: checking what kind of list files are supported by the linker" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'EXPAND_LIBS_LIST_STYLE'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   echo "int main() {return 0;}" > conftest.${ac_ext}
+-     if { ac_try='${CC-cc} -o conftest.${OBJ_SUFFIX} -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.${ac_ext} 1>&5'; { (eval echo configure:14581: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } && test -s conftest.${OBJ_SUFFIX}; then
++     if { ac_try='${CC-cc} -o conftest.${OBJ_SUFFIX} -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.${ac_ext} 1>&5'; { (eval echo configure:14521: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } && test -s conftest.${OBJ_SUFFIX}; then
+          echo "INPUT(conftest.${OBJ_SUFFIX})" > conftest.list
+-         if { ac_try='${CC-cc} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $LDFLAGS conftest.list $LIBS 1>&5'; { (eval echo configure:14583: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++         if { ac_try='${CC-cc} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $LDFLAGS conftest.list $LIBS 1>&5'; { (eval echo configure:14523: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+              EXPAND_LIBS_LIST_STYLE=linkerscript
+          else
+              echo "conftest.${OBJ_SUFFIX}" > conftest.list
+-             if { ac_try='${CC-cc} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $LDFLAGS @conftest.list $LIBS 1>&5'; { (eval echo configure:14587: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++             if { ac_try='${CC-cc} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $LDFLAGS @conftest.list $LIBS 1>&5'; { (eval echo configure:14527: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+                  EXPAND_LIBS_LIST_STYLE=list
+              else
+                  EXPAND_LIBS_LIST_STYLE=none
+@@ -14603,7 +14543,7 @@ LIBS_DESC_SUFFIX=desc
+ if test "$GCC_USE_GNU_LD"; then
+     echo $ac_n "checking what kind of ordering can be done with the linker""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:14607: checking what kind of ordering can be done with the linker" >&5
++echo "configure:14547: checking what kind of ordering can be done with the linker" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'EXPAND_LIBS_ORDER_STYLE'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+@@ -14611,14 +14551,14 @@ else
+          LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -Wl,--section-ordering-file,conftest.order"
+          cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 14615 "configure"
++#line 14555 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:14622: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:14562: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   EXPAND_LIBS_ORDER_STYLE=section-ordering-file
+ else
+@@ -14630,7 +14570,7 @@ fi
+ rm -f conftest*
+          if test -z "$EXPAND_LIBS_ORDER_STYLE"; then
+-             if { ac_try='${CC-cc} ${DSO_LDOPTS} ${LDFLAGS} -o ${DLL_PREFIX}conftest${DLL_SUFFIX} -Wl'; { (eval echo configure:14634: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; }; then
++             if { ac_try='${CC-cc} ${DSO_LDOPTS} ${LDFLAGS} -o ${DLL_PREFIX}conftest${DLL_SUFFIX} -Wl'; { (eval echo configure:14574: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; }; then
+                  EXPAND_LIBS_ORDER_STYLE=linkerscript
+              else
+                  EXPAND_LIBS_ORDER_STYLE=none
+@@ -14741,7 +14681,7 @@ esac
+ if test -z "$SKIP_LIBRARY_CHECKS" -a -z "$NO_EDITLINE"; then
+   if test -n "$JS_WANT_READLINE"; then
+     echo $ac_n "checking for readline in -lreadline""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:14745: checking for readline in -lreadline" >&5
++echo "configure:14685: checking for readline in -lreadline" >&5
+ ac_lib_var=`echo readline'_'readline | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+@@ -14749,7 +14689,7 @@ else
+   ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+ LIBS="-lreadline  $LIBS"
+ cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 14753 "configure"
++#line 14693 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ /* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error.  */
+ /* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
+@@ -14760,7 +14700,7 @@ int main() {
+ readline()
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:14764: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:14704: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
+ else
+@@ -14990,9 +14930,9 @@ EOF
+ echo $ac_n "checking for posix_fallocate""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:14994: checking for posix_fallocate" >&5
++echo "configure:14934: checking for posix_fallocate" >&5
+ cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 14996 "configure"
++#line 14936 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600
+   #include <fcntl.h>
+@@ -15000,7 +14940,7 @@ int main() {
+ posix_fallocate(0, 0, 0);
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:15004: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:14944: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   ac_cv___posix_fallocate=true
+ else
+@@ -15029,7 +14969,7 @@ if test "$MOZ_X11"; then
+                 _SAVE_CFLAGS=$CFLAGS
+     cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 15033 "configure"
++#line 14973 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+         #include <stdio.h>
+@@ -15047,7 +14987,7 @@ int main() {
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:15051: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
++if { (eval echo configure:14991: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; }; then
+   :
+ else
+   echo "configure: failed program was:" >&5
+@@ -15162,12 +15102,12 @@ fi
+ for ac_func in setlocale
+ do
+ echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_func""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:15166: checking for $ac_func" >&5
++echo "configure:15106: checking for $ac_func" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_func_$ac_func'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 15171 "configure"
++#line 15111 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
+     which can conflict with char $ac_func(); below.  */
+@@ -15190,7 +15130,7 @@ $ac_func();
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:15194: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:15134: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_func_$ac_func=yes"
+ else
+@@ -15220,12 +15160,12 @@ done
+ for ac_func in localeconv
+ do
+ echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_func""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+-echo "configure:15224: checking for $ac_func" >&5
++echo "configure:15164: checking for $ac_func" >&5
+ if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_func_$ac_func'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+   echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+ else
+   cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+-#line 15229 "configure"
++#line 15169 "configure"
+ #include "confdefs.h"
+ /* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
+     which can conflict with char $ac_func(); below.  */
+@@ -15248,7 +15188,7 @@ $ac_func();
+ ; return 0; }
+-if { (eval echo configure:15252: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
++if { (eval echo configure:15192: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+   rm -rf conftest*
+   eval "ac_cv_func_$ac_func=yes"
+ else
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0002-Move-JS_BYTES_PER_WORD-out-of-config.h.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0002-Move-JS_BYTES_PER_WORD-out-of-config.h.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6aeb2f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0002-Move-JS_BYTES_PER_WORD-out-of-config.h.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+From d4a15ad82292ff6d772dcc631df98754d20be31b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Colin Walters <walters@verbum.org>
+Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 11:46:05 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 2/5] Move JS_BYTES_PER_WORD out of config.h
+Instead define it in terms of the already extant GNU C extension
+__SIZEOF_POINTER__.  This avoids multiarch conflicts when 32 and 64
+bit packages of js are co-installed.
+Upstream-status: Pending
+ js/src/configure.in   |  9 ---------
+ js/src/js-config.h.in |  1 -
+ js/src/jstypes.h      | 12 ++++++++++++
+ 3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/js/src/configure.in b/js/src/configure.in
+index 15605b2..64c7606 100644
+--- a/js/src/configure.in
++++ b/js/src/configure.in
+@@ -2345,15 +2345,6 @@ else
+ fi
+-if test "$moz_cv_size_of_JS_BYTES_PER_WORD" -eq "4"; then
+-elif test "$moz_cv_size_of_JS_BYTES_PER_WORD" -eq "8"; then
+ MOZ_SIZE_OF_TYPE(JS_BYTES_PER_DOUBLE, double, 6 8 10 12 14)
+diff --git a/js/src/js-config.h.in b/js/src/js-config.h.in
+index 6889e00..4775420 100644
+--- a/js/src/js-config.h.in
++++ b/js/src/js-config.h.in
+@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@
+ #undef JS_INT32_TYPE
+ #undef JS_INT64_TYPE
+ /* Some mozilla code uses JS-friend APIs that depend on JS_METHODJIT being
+    correct. */
+diff --git a/js/src/jstypes.h b/js/src/jstypes.h
+index d0cf183..3e7928f 100644
+--- a/js/src/jstypes.h
++++ b/js/src/jstypes.h
+@@ -24,6 +24,18 @@
+ #include "mozilla/Util.h"
+ #include "js-config.h"
++#if JS_BYTES_PER_WORD == 8
++#define JS_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2 6
++#elif JS_BYTES_PER_WORD == 4
++#define JS_BITS_PER_WORD_LOG2 5
++#error Unhandled JS_BYTES_PER_WORD
+ /***********************************************************************
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0003-Add-AArch64-support.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0003-Add-AArch64-support.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e72429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0003-Add-AArch64-support.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+From 15e710e331d36eb279852b5cd1ba37a9a6005217 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Koen Kooi <koen.kooi@linaro.org>
+Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2015 19:08:22 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 3/5] Add AArch64 support
+Upstream-status: Pending
+ js/src/assembler/jit/ExecutableAllocator.h | 6 ++++++
+ js/src/assembler/wtf/Platform.h            | 4 ++++
+ js/src/configure.in                        | 4 ++++
+ mfbt/double-conversion/utils.h             | 1 +
+ 4 files changed, 15 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/js/src/assembler/jit/ExecutableAllocator.h b/js/src/assembler/jit/ExecutableAllocator.h
+index c071c33..90764c3 100644
+--- a/js/src/assembler/jit/ExecutableAllocator.h
++++ b/js/src/assembler/jit/ExecutableAllocator.h
+@@ -382,6 +382,12 @@ public:
+     {
+         reprotectRegion(start, size, Executable);
+     }
++    static void cacheFlush(void* code, size_t size)
++    {
++        intptr_t end = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(code) + size;
++        __builtin___clear_cache(reinterpret_cast<char*>(code), reinterpret_cast<char*>(end));
++    }
+ #else
+     static void makeWritable(void*, size_t) {}
+     static void makeExecutable(void*, size_t) {}
+diff --git a/js/src/assembler/wtf/Platform.h b/js/src/assembler/wtf/Platform.h
+index 0c84896..e8763a7 100644
+--- a/js/src/assembler/wtf/Platform.h
++++ b/js/src/assembler/wtf/Platform.h
+@@ -325,6 +325,10 @@
+ #endif
++/* CPU(AArch64) - 64-bit ARM */
++#if defined(__aarch64__)
++#define WTF_CPU_AARCH64 1
+ /* WTF_CPU_ARMV5_OR_LOWER - ARM instruction set v5 or earlier */
+ /* On ARMv5 and below the natural alignment is required. 
+diff --git a/js/src/configure.in b/js/src/configure.in
+index 64c7606..0673aca 100644
+--- a/js/src/configure.in
++++ b/js/src/configure.in
+@@ -1121,6 +1121,10 @@ arm*)
+     CPU_ARCH=arm
+     ;;
++    CPU_ARCH=aarch64
++    ;;
+ mips|mipsel)
+     CPU_ARCH="mips"
+     ;;
+diff --git a/mfbt/double-conversion/utils.h b/mfbt/double-conversion/utils.h
+index 0eec2d9..fe26dab 100644
+--- a/mfbt/double-conversion/utils.h
++++ b/mfbt/double-conversion/utils.h
+@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
+     defined(__mips__) || defined(__powerpc__) || \
+     defined(__sparc__) || defined(__sparc) || defined(__s390__) || \
+     defined(__SH4__) || defined(__alpha__) || \
++    defined(__aarch64__) || \
+     defined(_MIPS_ARCH_MIPS32R2)
+ #elif defined(_M_IX86) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__i386)
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0004-mozbug746112-no-decommit-on-large-pages.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0004-mozbug746112-no-decommit-on-large-pages.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bd35d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0004-mozbug746112-no-decommit-on-large-pages.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+From 0128c5a9eeee0d3fc0deb9129dd20eb79338c8f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Koen Kooi <koen.kooi@linaro.org>
+Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2015 19:08:59 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 4/5] mozbug746112-no-decommit-on-large-pages
+Upstream-status: Pending
+ js/src/gc/Heap.h | 15 ++++++++++-----
+ js/src/jsgc.cpp  | 15 ++++++++++++---
+ 2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/js/src/gc/Heap.h b/js/src/gc/Heap.h
+index b8f8c78..1cfd269 100644
+--- a/js/src/gc/Heap.h
++++ b/js/src/gc/Heap.h
+@@ -103,26 +103,31 @@ struct Cell
+ };
+ /*
+- * Page size is 4096 by default, except for SPARC, where it is 8192.
++ * Page size must be static to support our arena pointer optimizations, so we
++ * are forced to support each platform with non-4096 pages as a special case.
++ * Note: The freelist supports a maximum arena shift of 15.
+  * Note: Do not use JS_CPU_SPARC here, this header is used outside JS.
+  * Bug 692267: Move page size definition to gc/Memory.h and include it
+  *             directly once jsgc.h is no longer an installed header.
+  */
+ #if defined(SOLARIS) && (defined(__sparc) || defined(__sparcv9))
+ const size_t PageShift = 13;
++const size_t ArenaShift = PageShift;
++#elif defined(__powerpc__)
++const size_t PageShift = 16;
++const size_t ArenaShift = 12;
+ #else
+ const size_t PageShift = 12;
++const size_t ArenaShift = PageShift;
+ #endif
+ const size_t PageSize = size_t(1) << PageShift;
++const size_t ArenaSize = size_t(1) << ArenaShift;
++const size_t ArenaMask = ArenaSize - 1;
+ const size_t ChunkShift = 20;
+ const size_t ChunkSize = size_t(1) << ChunkShift;
+ const size_t ChunkMask = ChunkSize - 1;
+-const size_t ArenaShift = PageShift;
+-const size_t ArenaSize = PageSize;
+-const size_t ArenaMask = ArenaSize - 1;
+ /*
+  * This is the maximum number of arenas we allow in the FreeCommitted state
+  * before we trigger a GC_SHRINK to release free arenas to the OS.
+diff --git a/js/src/jsgc.cpp b/js/src/jsgc.cpp
+index b3caf05..a258d2d 100644
+--- a/js/src/jsgc.cpp
++++ b/js/src/jsgc.cpp
+@@ -251,6 +251,13 @@ static const int BackgroundPhaseLength[] = {
+     sizeof(BackgroundPhaseStrings) / sizeof(AllocKind)
+ };
++/* Unused memory decommiting requires the arena size match the page size. */
++static bool
++    return PageSize == ArenaSize;
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ void
+ ArenaHeader::checkSynchronizedWithFreeList() const
+@@ -742,7 +749,8 @@ Chunk::fetchNextDecommittedArena()
+     decommittedArenas.unset(offset);
+     Arena *arena = &arenas[offset];
+-    MarkPagesInUse(arena, ArenaSize);
++    if (DecommitEnabled())
++        MarkPagesInUse(arena, ArenaSize);
+     arena->aheader.setAsNotAllocated();
+     return &arena->aheader;
+@@ -2731,7 +2739,7 @@ DecommitArenasFromAvailableList(JSRuntime *rt, Chunk **availableListHeadp)
+                 chunk->removeFromAvailableList();
+             size_t arenaIndex = Chunk::arenaIndex(aheader->arenaAddress());
+-            bool ok;
++            bool ok = true;
+             {
+                 /*
+                  * If the main thread waits for the decommit to finish, skip
+@@ -2741,7 +2749,8 @@ DecommitArenasFromAvailableList(JSRuntime *rt, Chunk **availableListHeadp)
+                 Maybe<AutoUnlockGC> maybeUnlock;
+                 if (!rt->isHeapBusy())
+                     maybeUnlock.construct(rt);
+-                ok = MarkPagesUnused(aheader->getArena(), ArenaSize);
++                if (DecommitEnabled())
++                    ok = MarkPagesUnused(aheader->getArena(), ArenaSize);
+             }
+             if (ok) {
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0005-aarch64-64k-page.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0005-aarch64-64k-page.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc99ecc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0005-aarch64-64k-page.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+From 9c42920c2b635a399bd1f93833efdeb1696f17ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Koen Kooi <koen.kooi@linaro.org>
+Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2015 19:09:57 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH 5/5] aarch64-64k-page
+Upstream-status: Pending
+ js/src/gc/Heap.h     | 2 +-
+ js/src/gc/Memory.cpp | 3 +++
+ 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/js/src/gc/Heap.h b/js/src/gc/Heap.h
+index 1cfd269..f4dbcda 100644
+--- a/js/src/gc/Heap.h
++++ b/js/src/gc/Heap.h
+@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ struct Cell
+ #if defined(SOLARIS) && (defined(__sparc) || defined(__sparcv9))
+ const size_t PageShift = 13;
+ const size_t ArenaShift = PageShift;
+-#elif defined(__powerpc__)
++#elif defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__aarch64__)
+ const size_t PageShift = 16;
+ const size_t ArenaShift = 12;
+ #else
+diff --git a/js/src/gc/Memory.cpp b/js/src/gc/Memory.cpp
+index 5b386a2..e5ad018 100644
+--- a/js/src/gc/Memory.cpp
++++ b/js/src/gc/Memory.cpp
+@@ -302,8 +302,11 @@ GetPageFaultCount()
+ void
+ InitMemorySubsystem()
+ {
++    /* aarch64 may have 64KB or 4KB pages */
++#ifndef __aarch64__
+     if (size_t(sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)) != PageSize)
+         MOZ_CRASH();
+ }
+ void *
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0010-fix-cross-compilation-on-i586-targets.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0010-fix-cross-compilation-on-i586-targets.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6432e1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/0010-fix-cross-compilation-on-i586-targets.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+From a452138a1dd274bfad381a701729783360dc86fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Maciej Borzecki <maciej.borzecki@open-rnd.pl>
+Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2016 22:04:17 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] fix cross compilation on i586 targets
+Remove offending -Wl,-rpath-link that may cause host libraries to be picked
+during linking. The patch applies a fix to configure.in. So as not to
+regenerate configure, similar fix is applied there.
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [embedded specific]
+Signed-off-by: Maciej Borzecki <maciej.borzecki@open-rnd.pl>
+ js/src/configure    | 2 +-
+ js/src/configure.in | 2 +-
+ 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/js/src/configure b/js/src/configure
+index d019b0fdba44233596541de94307010d85a8e32e..5aa40f757a3dbb7d6887175046f44212c15c2eac 100755
+--- a/js/src/configure
++++ b/js/src/configure
+@@ -5555,7 +5555,7 @@ TARGET_MD_ARCH=unix
+ DIRENT_INO=d_ino
+ MOZ_USER_DIR=".mozilla"
+-MOZ_FIX_LINK_PATHS='-Wl,-rpath-link,$(LIBXUL_DIST)/bin -Wl,-rpath-link,$(prefix)/lib'
+diff --git a/js/src/configure.in b/js/src/configure.in
+index 0673aca12f6d83035549ade2a4a83906bf91f0f0..39b22724f9535ac1a6dba04658c91e4ef667fc47 100644
+--- a/js/src/configure.in
++++ b/js/src/configure.in
+@@ -919,7 +919,7 @@ TARGET_MD_ARCH=unix
+ DIRENT_INO=d_ino
+ MOZ_USER_DIR=".mozilla"
+-MOZ_FIX_LINK_PATHS='-Wl,-rpath-link,$(LIBXUL_DIST)/bin -Wl,-rpath-link,$(prefix)/lib'
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/fix-the-compile-error-of-powerpc64.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/fix-the-compile-error-of-powerpc64.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43c4590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/fix-the-compile-error-of-powerpc64.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+fix the compile error of powerpc64
+Upstream-status: Accepted
+ fix the following error
+ |error: 'jsuword' does not name a type
+--- a/js/src/jsval.hold	2015-04-24 01:15:06.692970731 -0500
++++ b/js/src/jsval.h	2015-04-24 01:15:41.792969478 -0500
+@@ -304,7 +304,6 @@
+             int32_t        i32;
+             uint32_t       u32;
+             JSWhyMagic     why;
+-            jsuword        word;
+         } payload;
+     } s;
+     double asDouble;
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/fix_milestone_compile_issue.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/fix_milestone_compile_issue.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abde01b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs/fix_milestone_compile_issue.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+fix the compile error do to perl update
+Upstream-status: Inappropriate
+Signed-of-by: Armin Kuster <akuster808@gmail.com>
+Index: src/config/milestone.pl
+--- src.orig/config/milestone.pl
++++ src/config/milestone.pl
+@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ $MILESTONE_FILE  = "$TOPSRCDIR/config/mi
+ #
+ my $milestone = Moz::Milestone::getOfficialMilestone($MILESTONE_FILE);
+-if (defined(@TEMPLATE_FILE)) {
+   my $TFILE;
+   foreach $TFILE (@TEMPLATE_FILE) {
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs_17.0.0.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs_17.0.0.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02d5694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/mozjs/mozjs_17.0.0.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+SUMMARY = "SpiderMonkey is Mozilla's JavaScript engine written in C/C++"
+LICENSE = "MPL-2.0"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://../../LICENSE;md5=815ca599c9df247a0c7f619bab123dad"
+SRC_URI = " \
+    http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/js/${BPN}${PV}.tar.gz \
+    file://0001-mozjs17.0.0-fix-the-compile-bug-of-powerpc.patch \
+    file://0001-js.pc.in-do-not-include-RequiredDefines.h-for-depend.patch \
+    file://0002-Move-JS_BYTES_PER_WORD-out-of-config.h.patch;patchdir=../../ \
+    file://0003-Add-AArch64-support.patch;patchdir=../../ \
+    file://0004-mozbug746112-no-decommit-on-large-pages.patch;patchdir=../../ \
+    file://0005-aarch64-64k-page.patch;patchdir=../../ \
+    file://0001-regenerate-configure.patch;patchdir=../../ \ 
+    file://fix-the-compile-error-of-powerpc64.patch;patchdir=../../ \
+    file://fix_milestone_compile_issue.patch \
+    file://0010-fix-cross-compilation-on-i586-targets.patch;patchdir=../../ \
+    file://0001-add-support-for-big-endian-32bit-ARM.patch;patchdir=../../ \
+  "
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "20b6f8f1140ef6e47daa3b16965c9202"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "321e964fe9386785d3bf80870640f2fa1c683e32fe988eeb201b04471c172fba"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/${BPN}${PV}/js/src"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig perlnative pythonnative
+DEPENDS += "nspr zlib"
+# nspr's package-config is ignored so set libs manually
+    --target=${TARGET_SYS} \
+    --host=${BUILD_SYS} \
+    --build=${BUILD_SYS} \
+    --prefix=${prefix} \
+    --libdir=${libdir} \
+    --with-nspr-libs='-lplds4 -lplc4 -lnspr4' \
+    --enable-threadsafe \
+    --disable-static \
+EXTRA_OECONF_append_armv4 += " \
+    --disable-methodjit \
+PACKAGECONFIG ??= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'x11', 'x11', '', d)}"
+PACKAGECONFIG[x11] = "--with-x --x-includes=${STAGING_INCDIR} --x-libraries=${STAGING_LIBDIR},--without-x,virtual/libx11"
+# mozjs requires autoreconf 2.13
+do_configure() {
+    ( cd ${S} 
+      gnu-configize --force
+      mv config.guess config.sub build/autoconf )
+    ${S}/configure ${EXTRA_OECONF}
+# patch.bbclass will try to apply the patches already present and fail, so clean them out
+do_unpack() {
+    tar -xvf ${DL_DIR}/mozjs17.0.0.tar.gz -C ${WORKDIR}/
+    rm -rf ${WORKDIR}/${BPN}${PV}/patches
+PACKAGES =+ "lib${PN}"
+FILES_lib${PN} += "${libdir}/lib*.so"
+FILES_${PN}-dev += "${bindir}/js17-config"
+# Fails to build with thumb-1 (qemuarm)
+#| {standard input}: Assembler messages:
+#| {standard input}:2172: Error: shifts in CMP/MOV instructions are only supported in unified syntax -- `mov r2,r1,LSR#20'
+#| {standard input}:2173: Error: unshifted register required -- `bic r2,r2,#(1<<11)'
+#| {standard input}:2174: Error: unshifted register required -- `orr r1,r1,#(1<<20)'
+#| {standard input}:2176: Error: instruction not supported in Thumb16 mode -- `subs r2,r2,#0x300'
+#| {standard input}:2178: Error: instruction not supported in Thumb16 mode -- `subs r5,r2,#52'
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/nana/nana/change-mandir-to-DESTDIR.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/nana/nana/change-mandir-to-DESTDIR.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..653a7e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/nana/nana/change-mandir-to-DESTDIR.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+From 7b04c4873c0a4510bdaf9145bf01ca34b3549fdb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Li xin <lixin.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2014 03:50:19 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] change mandir to DESTDIR
+Upstream-Status: pending
+Signed-off-by: Li Xin <lixin.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+ man/Makefile.am | 2 +-
+ man/Makefile.in | 2 +-
+ 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/man/Makefile.am b/man/Makefile.am
+index 80d24d8..944bc57 100644
+--- a/man/Makefile.am
++++ b/man/Makefile.am
+@@ -16,5 +16,5 @@ install-data-local:
+ 	@sect=1;				\
+ 	inst=`echo "nana" | sed '$(transform)'`.1; \
+ 	echo installing nana.1 as $(mandir)/man$$sect/$$inst; \
+-	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/nana.1 $(mandir)/man$$sect/$$inst
++	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/nana.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man$$sect/$$inst
+diff --git a/man/Makefile.in b/man/Makefile.in
+index 6008b20..64bb84c 100644
+--- a/man/Makefile.in
++++ b/man/Makefile.in
+@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ install-data-local:
+ 	@sect=1;				\
+ 	inst=`echo "nana" | sed '$(transform)'`.1; \
+ 	echo installing nana.1 as $(mandir)/man$$sect/$$inst; \
+-	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/nana.1 $(mandir)/man$$sect/$$inst
++	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/nana.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man$$sect/$$inst
+ # Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+ # Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/nana/nana/modify-acinclude.m4-and-configure.in.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/nana/nana/modify-acinclude.m4-and-configure.in.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aeb2546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/nana/nana/modify-acinclude.m4-and-configure.in.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+From 679e33bfe74d713240fdd930602b993b937dce39 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Li xin <lixin.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 03:30:47 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH] modify acinclude.m4 and configure.in
+this patch is from Debian to fix build errors.
+"acinclude.m4:34: error: automatic de-ANSI-fication
+support has been removed"
+Upstream-Status: pending
+Signed-off-by: Li Xin <lixin.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+ acinclude.m4 | 79 ------------------------------------------------------------
+ configure.in | 12 +++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/acinclude.m4 b/acinclude.m4
+index e9e5500..d467fb5 100644
+--- a/acinclude.m4
++++ b/acinclude.m4
+@@ -30,82 +30,3 @@ AC_SUBST($1)
+ ## ------------------------------- ##
+ ## Check for function prototypes.  ##
+ ## ------------------------------- ##
+-AC_MSG_CHECKING([for function prototypes])
+-if test "$ac_cv_prog_cc_stdc" != no; then
+-  AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)
+-  U= ANSI2KNR=
+-  U=_ ANSI2KNR=./ansi2knr
+-## ----------------------------------------- ##
+-## ANSIfy the C compiler whenever possible.  ##
+-## ----------------------------------------- ##
+-# @defmac AC_PROG_CC_STDC
+-# @maindex PROG_CC_STDC
+-# @ovindex CC
+-# If the C compiler in not in ANSI C mode by default, try to add an option
+-# to output variable @code{CC} to make it so.  This macro tries various
+-# options that select ANSI C on some system or another.  It considers the
+-# compiler to be in ANSI C mode if it defines @code{__STDC__} to 1 and
+-# handles function prototypes correctly.
+-# If you use this macro, you should check after calling it whether the C
+-# compiler has been set to accept ANSI C; if not, the shell variable
+-# @code{ac_cv_prog_cc_stdc} is set to @samp{no}.  If you wrote your source
+-# code in ANSI C, you can make an un-ANSIfied copy of it by using the
+-# program @code{ansi2knr}, which comes with Ghostscript.
+-# @end defmac
+-[AC_MSG_CHECKING(for ${CC-cc} option to accept ANSI C)
+-# Don't try gcc -ansi; that turns off useful extensions and
+-# breaks some systems' header files.
+-# AIX			-qlanglvl=ansi
+-# Ultrix and OSF/1	-std1
+-# SVR4			-Xc
+-for ac_arg in "" -qlanglvl=ansi -std1 "-Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE" -Xc
+-  CFLAGS="$ac_save_CFLAGS $ac_arg"
+-[#if !defined(__STDC__) || __STDC__ != 1
+-choke me
+-], [int test (int i, double x);
+-struct s1 {int (*f) (int a);};
+-struct s2 {int (*f) (double a);};],
+-[ac_cv_prog_cc_stdc="$ac_arg"; break])
+-case "x$ac_cv_prog_cc_stdc" in
+-  x|xno) ;;
+-  *) CC="$CC $ac_cv_prog_cc_stdc" ;;
+-## --------------------------------------------------------- ##
+-## Use AC_PROG_INSTALL, supplementing it with INSTALL_SCRIPT ##
+-## substitution.                                             ##
+-## --------------------------------------------------------- ##
+diff --git a/configure.in b/configure.in
+index 6b25ed5..a6a7f5b 100644
+--- a/configure.in
++++ b/configure.in
+@@ -103,6 +103,12 @@ nana_DEFINE(DI_MAKE_VALID_BREAKPOINT,(exprn),
+   sparc-*-*|i?86-*-*)
+     DI_MAKE_VALID_BREAKPOINT='asm("nop")'
+     ;;
++  arm*-*-*|frv-*-*|mips*-*-*)
++    DI_MAKE_VALID_BREAKPOINT='asm("nop")'
++    ;;
++  sh*-*-*)
++    DI_MAKE_VALID_BREAKPOINT='asm("nop\n\tnop\n\t")'
++    ;;
+   esac
+ ])
+@@ -113,6 +119,12 @@ nana_DEFINE(DL_MAKE_VALID_BREAKPOINT,(),
+   sparc-*-*|i?86-*-*)
+     DL_MAKE_VALID_BREAKPOINT='asm("nop")'
+     ;;
++  arm*-*-*|frv-*-*|mips*-*-*)
++    DL_MAKE_VALID_BREAKPOINT='asm("nop")'
++    ;;
++  sh*-*-*)
++    DL_MAKE_VALID_BREAKPOINT='asm("nop\n\tnop\n\t")'
++    ;;
+   esac
+ ])
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/nana/nana_2.5.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/nana/nana_2.5.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19a90ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/nana/nana_2.5.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+SUMMARY = "Support for assertion checking and logging in GNU C/C++"
+DESCRIPTION = "GNU Nana is a free library providing improved support for assertion\
+checking (as in assert.h) and logging (printf style debugging) in \
+GNU C and C++."
+SECTION = "Development/Languages/C and C++"
+SRC_URI = "http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/${PN}/${BP}.tar.gz \
+    file://change-mandir-to-DESTDIR.patch \
+    file://modify-acinclude.m4-and-configure.in.patch \
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "66c88aa0ad095b2e67673773135475f1"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "fd1819ffea94b209513959447e4802afe2719600e7d161cd78b265a42812affa"
+LICENSE = "BSD-2-Clause"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=16aa57f3b7fdda870cee597275bd5d11"
+inherit autotools-brokensep pkgconfig
+do_configure_prepend_class-nativesdk() {
+    sed -i -e 's:@CPP@:\$\{CXX\} \$\{CXXFLAGS\} \-E:g' ${S}/src/nana.in
+    sed -i -e 's:@CC@:\$\{CC\} \$\{CFLAGS\} \-E:g' ${S}/src/nana-clg.in
+    sed -i -e 's:@CXX@::g' ${S}/src/nana-c++lg.in
+    sed -i -e 's:@GDB@:\$\{GDB\}:g' ${S}/src/nana-run.in
+do_install_prepend() {
+    install -d ${D}${mandir}/man1
+    install -d ${D}${mandir}/man3
+    install -d ${D}${datadir}/info
+BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/nicstat/nicstat_1.95.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/nicstat/nicstat_1.95.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5126a31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/nicstat/nicstat_1.95.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "nicstat is a Solaris and Linux command-line that prints out network \
+statistics for all network interface cards (NICs), including packets, kilobytes \
+per second, average packet sizes and more."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://nicstat.sourceforge.net"
+LICENSE = "Artistic-2.0"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE.txt;md5=b4a94da2a1f918b217ef5156634fc9e0"
+SRC_URI = "http://softlayer-sng.dl.sourceforge.net/project/${BPN}/${BP}.tar.gz"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "9a0b87bbc670c1e738e5b40c7afd184d"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "c4cc33f8838f4523f27c3d7584eedbe59f4c587f0821612f5ac2201adc18b367"
+do_compile() {
+    ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -o nicstat nicstat.c
+do_install() {
+    install -d ${D}/${bindir}/
+    install -d ${D}/${mandir}/
+    install -m 0755 ${S}/nicstat ${D}${bindir}/
+    install -m 0644 ${S}/nicstat.1 ${D}/${mandir}/
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-networking/0001-fix-lib64-can-not-be-shiped-in-64bit-target.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-networking/0001-fix-lib64-can-not-be-shiped-in-64bit-target.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c238200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-networking/0001-fix-lib64-can-not-be-shiped-in-64bit-target.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+From 336bb5a031077461ec6b2e5438738bf100f0dd2f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lei Maohui <leimaohui@cn.fujitsu.com>
+Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2015 02:37:46 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH] fix lib64 can not be shiped in 64bit target
+Signed-off-by: Lei Maohui <leimaohui@cn.fujitsu.com>
+ CMakeLists.txt | 7 -------
+ 1 file changed, 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
+index 1ba3cd3..2411745 100644
+--- a/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -35,13 +35,6 @@ if (DEBUG)
+     add_definitions("-DDEBUG_ENABLED")
+ endif (DEBUG)
+-# Set LIB_SUFFIX to 64 on 64bit architectures
+-    set(LIB_SUFFIX "")
+-    SET(LIB_SUFFIX 64)
+ # Find OpenLMIMacros when installed in other prefix than /usr (e.g. /usr/local)
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-networking_0.3.1.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-networking_0.3.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5442910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-networking_0.3.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+SUMMARY = "CIM providers for network management"
+openlmi-networking is set of CMPI providers for network management using \
+Common Information Model (CIM)."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.openlmi.org/"
+LICENSE = "LGPL-2.1+"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=7c13b3376cea0ce68d2d2da0a1b3a72c"
+SECTION = "System/Management"
+DEPENDS = "openlmi-providers konkretcmpi sblim-cmpi-devel cim-schema-exper networkmanager dbus libcheck glib-2.0"
+SRC_URI = "http://fedorahosted.org/released/${BPN}/${BP}.tar.gz \
+           file://0001-fix-lib64-can-not-be-shiped-in-64bit-target.patch \
+          "
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "f20de8c76fb6a80001b14c1eb035953e"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "578eaa5c65fe924b5d7aeb635509dd46443166cd6a88b019bc42646e3518a460"
+inherit cmake
+EXTRA_OECMAKE = "${@base_conditional("libdir", "/usr/lib64", "-DLIB_SUFFIX=64", "", d)} \
+                 ${@base_conditional("libdir", "/usr/lib32", "-DLIB_SUFFIX=32", "", d)} \
+                "
+do_configure_prepend() {
+FILES_${PN} =+ "${libdir}/cmpi/libcmpiLMI_Networking.so ${prefix}/libexec*"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg =+ "${libdir}/cmpi/.debug*"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-providers/0001-fix-error.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-providers/0001-fix-error.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bcd1c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-providers/0001-fix-error.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+From 764171866b84e0198b67538f63022abde3e628ad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Qian Lei <qianl.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 14:15:25 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH] fix error
+Signed-off-by: Qian Lei <qianl.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+ cmake/modules/OpenLMIMacros.cmake | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/cmake/modules/OpenLMIMacros.cmake b/cmake/modules/OpenLMIMacros.cmake
+index d55f983..dbc32ec 100644
+--- a/cmake/modules/OpenLMIMacros.cmake
++++ b/cmake/modules/OpenLMIMacros.cmake
+@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ macro(konkretcmpi_generate MOFS CIM_PROVIDERS CIM_HEADERS CIM_CLASSES)
+         endforeach(CLASS ${CIM_CLASS_NAMES})
+         # Generate headers for CIM classes
+-        set(ENV{KONKRET_SCHEMA_DIR} "/usr/share/mof/cim-current")
++        set(ENV{KONKRET_SCHEMA_DIR} "$ENV{CMAKE_INSTALL_DATDIR}/mof/cim-current")
+         execute_process(COMMAND ${KONKRETCMPI_KONKRET}
+                                 ${KONKRET_MOF_FILES}
+                                 ${GENERATE_PROVIDERS}
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-providers/0001-fix-lib64-can-not-be-shiped-in-64bit-target.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-providers/0001-fix-lib64-can-not-be-shiped-in-64bit-target.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c8ebe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-providers/0001-fix-lib64-can-not-be-shiped-in-64bit-target.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+From 7cecfa95f033b33a1c3260c214b2d0e5e81b4fd3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Lei Maohui <leimaohui@cn.fujitsu.com>
+Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2015 02:05:56 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH] fix lib64 can not be shiped in 64bit target
+Signed-off-by: Lei Maohui <leimaohui@cn.fujitsu.com>
+ CMakeLists.txt | 7 -------
+ 1 file changed, 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
+index 48ae206..3ead9c6 100644
+--- a/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -21,13 +21,6 @@ else(HAS_STACK_PROTECTOR_STRONG)
+     set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fstack-protector")
+ endif()
+-# Set LIB_SUFFIX to 64 on 64bit architectures
+-    set(LIB_SUFFIX "")
+-    SET(LIB_SUFFIX 64)
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-providers_0.6.0.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-providers_0.6.0.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6048888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-providers_0.6.0.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+SUMMARY = "Set of basic CIM providers"
+openlmi-providers is set of (usually) small CMPI providers (agents) for \
+basic monitoring and management of host system using Common Information \
+Model (CIM)."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.openlmi.org/"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=7c13b3376cea0ce68d2d2da0a1b3a72c"
+SECTION = "System/Management"
+DEPENDS = "konkretcmpi-native konkretcmpi sblim-sfcb sblim-cmpi-devel cim-schema-exper lmsensors libuser swig swig-native dbus udev systemd-systemctl-native pciutils"
+SRC_URI = "http://fedorahosted.org/released/${BPN}/${BP}.tar.gz \
+           file://0001-fix-error.patch \
+           file://0001-fix-lib64-can-not-be-shiped-in-64bit-target.patch \
+          "
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "5904f23cf494946237cfbbdbe644a3cd"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "e2b2fbeaec45a83905d0da3b87da83904d9cd94c1b86312f844587b3fff11f56"
+inherit cmake
+LDFLAGS_append = "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ld-is-gold', ' -fuse-ld=bfd ', '', d)}"
+                 -DWITH-DEVASSISTANT=OFF \
+                 -DWITH-JOURNALD=OFF \
+                 -DWITH-SERVICE=OFF \
+                 -DWITH-SERVICE-LEGACY=ON \
+                 -DWITH-ACCOUNT=OFF \
+                 -DWITH-PCP=OFF \
+                 -DWITH-REALMD=OFF \
+                 -DWITH-FAN=OFF \
+                 -DWITH-LOCALE=OFF \
+                 -DWITH-INDSENDER=OFF \
+                 -DWITH-JOBMANAGER=OFF \
+                 -DWITH-SSSD=OFF \
+                 -DWITH-SELINUX=OFF \
+                 -DWITH-SOFTWARE-DBUS=ON \
+                 ${@base_conditional("libdir", "/usr/lib64", "-DLIB_SUFFIX=64", "", d)} \
+                 ${@base_conditional("libdir", "/usr/lib32", "-DLIB_SUFFIX=32", "", d)} \
+               "
+do_configure_prepend() {
+do_install_append() {
+    if [ -d ${D}${prefix}${sysconfidr} ]; then
+        mv ${D}${prefix}${sysconfdir} ${D}${sysconfdir}
+    fi
+FILES_${PN} =+ "${libdir}/cmpi/libcmpiLMI* ${prefix}/libexec*"
+FILES_${PN}-dev =+ "${datadir}/cmake*"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg =+ "${libdir}/cmpi/.debug*"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "python"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-storage_0.8.1.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-storage_0.8.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..015d803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-storage_0.8.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+SUMMARY = "CIM providers for storage management"
+The openlmi-storage package contains CMPI providers for management of storage \
+using Common Information Managemen (CIM) protocol. \
+The providers can be registered in any CMPI-aware CIMOM, both OpenPegasus and \
+SFCB were tested."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.openlmi.org/"
+LICENSE = "LGPL-2.1+"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=4fbd65380cdd255951079008b364516c"
+SECTION = "System/Management"
+DEPENDS = "openlmi-providers pywbem cmpi-bindings"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} += "bash"
+SRC_URI = "http://fedorahosted.org/released/${BPN}/${BP}.tar.gz"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "898cf0d8c03b8ad6b45d65f335ddee0d"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "4a1ba9957750f94ea58a89cea28985564f38d7cc9aa00fcae20c51e7b32bd0a8"
+inherit setuptools
+do_install_append() {
+    install -m 755 -d ${D}${datadir}/${BPN}
+    install -m 644 ${S}/mof/* ${D}${datadir}/${BPN}/
+    install -m 755 -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/openlmi/storage
+    install -m 644 storage.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/openlmi/storage/storage.conf
+    install -m 755 -d ${D}${libexecdir}/pegasus
+    install -m 755 pycmpiLMI_Storage-cimprovagt ${D}${libexecdir}/pegasus/
+FILES_${PN} =+ "${sysconfdir}/openlmi/storage/storage.conf ${datadir}/${BPN}/*"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-tools_0.10.5.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-tools_0.10.5.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b23869d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openlmi/openlmi-tools_0.10.5.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+SUMMARY = "Set of CLI tools for Openlmi providers"
+DESCRIPTION = "openlmi-tools is a set of command line tools for Openlmi providers."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.openlmi.org/"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=75859989545e37968a99b631ef42722e"
+SECTION = "System/Management"
+inherit setuptools
+DEPENDS = "python-native pywbem-native python-m2crypto pywbem"
+SRC_URI = "http://fedorahosted.org/released/${BPN}/${BP}.tar.gz \
+          "
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "e156246cb7b49753db82f4ddf7f03e50"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "292b8f5f2250655a4add8183c529b73358bc980bd4f23cfa484a940953fce9e4"
+do_compile_prepend() {
+    cd cli
+    sed 's/@@VERSION@@/$(VERSION)/g' setup.py.skel >setup.py
+do_install_prepend() {
+    cd cli
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openwsman/openwsman/libssl-is-required-if-eventint-supported.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openwsman/openwsman/libssl-is-required-if-eventint-supported.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd540e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openwsman/openwsman/libssl-is-required-if-eventint-supported.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+libssl is required by wsman_client_transport if ENABLE_EVENTING_SUPPORT enabled.
+Signed-off-by: Bian Naimeng <biannm@cn.fujitsu.com>
+diff -Nurp openwsman-2.4.12.orig/src/lib/CMakeLists.txt openwsman-2.4.12/src/lib/CMakeLists.txt
+--- openwsman-2.4.12.orig/src/lib/CMakeLists.txt	2014-10-28 23:04:47.000000000 +0800
++++ openwsman-2.4.12/src/lib/CMakeLists.txt	2014-12-31 11:09:20.340428523 +0800
+ ############### wsman_client ###############
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openwsman/openwsman/openwsmand.service b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openwsman/openwsman/openwsmand.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..154f3cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openwsman/openwsman/openwsmand.service
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Description=Openwsman WS-Management Service
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openwsman/openwsman_2.6.2.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openwsman/openwsman_2.6.2.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52b271c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/openwsman/openwsman_2.6.2.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+SUMMARY = "Opensource Implementation of WS-Management"
+DESCRIPTION = "Openwsman is a project intended to provide an open-source \
+implementation of the Web Services Management specipication \
+(WS-Management) and to expose system management information on the \
+Linux operating system using the WS-Management protocol. WS-Management \
+is based on a suite of web services specifications and usage \
+requirements that exposes a set of operations focused on and covers \
+all system management aspects. \
+Openwsman Server and service libraries"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.openwsman.org/"
+SECTION = "Applications/System"
+DEPENDS = "curl libxml2 openssl libpam"
+SRCREV = "ed7a119e036c53078d70fd85936d94dc9b9b98be"
+PV = "2.6.2"
+SRC_URI = "git://github.com/Openwsman/openwsman.git;protocol=http \
+           file://libssl-is-required-if-eventint-supported.patch \
+           file://openwsmand.service"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=d4f53d4c6cf73b9d43186ce3be6dd0ba"
+inherit systemd cmake pkgconfig pythonnative perlnative
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "openwsmand.service"
+LDFLAGS_append = "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ld-is-gold', " -fuse-ld=bfd ", '', d)}"
+                 -DBUILD_LIBCIM=NO \
+                 -DBUILD_PERL=YES \
+                 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${prefix} \
+                 -DLIB=${baselib} \
+                "
+do_configure_prepend() {
+    export HOST_SYS=${HOST_SYS}
+    export BUILD_SYS=${BUILD_SYS}
+do_install_append() {
+    install -d ${D}/${sysconfdir}/init.d
+    install -m 755 ${B}/etc/init/openwsmand.sh ${D}/${sysconfdir}/init.d/openwsmand
+    ln -sf ${sysconfdir}/init.d/openwsmand ${D}/${sbindir}/rcopenwsmand
+    chmod 755 ${D}/${sysconfdir}/openwsman/owsmangencert.sh
+    if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES','systemd','true','false',d)}; then
+        install -d ${D}/${systemd_unitdir}/system
+        install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/openwsmand.service ${D}/${systemd_unitdir}/system
+        sed -i -e 's,@SBINDIR@,${sbindir},g' ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/openwsmand.service
+        sed -i -e 's,@SYSCONFDIR@,${sysconfdir},g' ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/openwsmand.service
+        sed -i -e 's,@LOCALSTATEDIR@,${localstatedir},g' ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/openwsmand.service
+    fi
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libdir}/openwsman/plugins/.debug/ \
+                    ${libdir}/openwsman/authenticators/.debug/ \
+                   "
+INSANE_SKIP_${PN} = "dev-so"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/p7zip/files/do_not_override_compiler_and_do_not_strip.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/p7zip/files/do_not_override_compiler_and_do_not_strip.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3b02c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/p7zip/files/do_not_override_compiler_and_do_not_strip.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+do not override compiler and do not strip
+The default makefile sets the compiler to g++ or gcc. This leads to a wrong architecture when cross-compiling.
+Remove the hardcoded compiler and just append the flags to CXX and CC.
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Raphael Freudiger <raphael.freudiger@siemens.com>
+Reviewed-By: Pascal Bach <pascal.bach@siemens.com>
+Index: p7zip_9.20.1/makefile.machine
+--- p7zip_9.20.1/makefile.machine	2011-03-13 12:54:57.000000000 +0100
++++ p7zip_9.20.1/makefile.machine	2015-02-03 08:39:44.427696944 +0100
+@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
+-ALLFLAGS=${OPTFLAGS} -pipe -s \
+-CC=gcc $(ALLFLAGS)
+ LINK_SHARED=-fPIC -shared
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/p7zip/p7zip_9.20.1.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/p7zip/p7zip_9.20.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b89fc42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/p7zip/p7zip_9.20.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+SUMMARY = "7-zip is a commandline utility handling 7z archives."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.7-zip.org/"
+LICENSE = "LGPL-2.1+ & unRAR"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://DOCS/copying.txt;md5=ecfc54c9e37b63ac58900061ce2eab5a \
+                    file://DOCS/unRarLicense.txt;md5=9c87ddde469ef94aed153b0951d088de"
+SRC_URI = "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/p7zip/p7zip/${PV}/p7zip_${PV}_src_all.tar.bz2 \
+          file://do_not_override_compiler_and_do_not_strip.patch"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "bd6caaea567dc0d995c990c5cc883c89"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "49557e7ffca08100f9fc687f4dfc5aea703ca207640c76d9dee7b66f03cb4782"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/${BPN}_${PV}"
+do_install() {
+    install -d ${D}${bindir}
+    install -m 0755 ${S}/bin/* ${D}${bindir}
+# all3: to build bin/7za, bin/7z (with its plugins), bin/7zr and bin/7zCon.sfx
+EXTRA_OEMAKE_class-native = "all3"
+do_install_class-native() {
+    install -d ${D}${bindir}
+    install -d ${D}${bindir}/Codecs
+    install -m 0755 ${S}/bin/7* ${D}${bindir}
+    install -m 0755 ${S}/bin/Codecs/* ${D}${bindir}/Codecs
+    # Create a shell script wrapper to execute next to 7z.so
+    mv ${D}${bindir}/7z ${D}${bindir}/7z.bin
+    echo "#! /bin/sh" > ${D}${bindir}/7z
+    echo "exec ${D}${bindir}/7z.bin \"\$@\"" >> ${D}${bindir}/7z
+    chmod 0755 ${D}${bindir}/7z
+BBCLASSEXTEND += "native"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/files/50-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.rules b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/files/50-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b50cf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/files/50-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/* give group 'network' rights to change settings */
+/* taken from https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NetworkManager#Set_up_PolicyKit_permissions */
+polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
+  if (action.id.indexOf("org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.") == 0 && subject.isInGroup("network")) {
+    return polkit.Result.YES;
+  }
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/files/50-org.freedesktop.timedate1.rules b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/files/50-org.freedesktop.timedate1.rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95b0e0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/files/50-org.freedesktop.timedate1.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/* give group 'datetime' rights to change settings */
+/* based upon http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/systemd-devel/2013-March/009576.html */
+polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
+  if (action.id.indexOf("org.freedesktop.timedate1.") == 0 && subject.isInGroup("datetime")) {
+    return polkit.Result.YES;
+  }
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/files/gtk-doc-check.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/files/gtk-doc-check.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b6ad75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/files/gtk-doc-check.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+--- polkit-gnome-0.105/configure.ac.org	2015-05-04 22:33:03.925977953 -0700
++++ polkit-gnome-0.105/configure.ac	2015-05-04 22:33:16.862288030 -0700
+@@ -120,6 +120,9 @@
+ # Check for required packages
+ # ***************************
++# check for gtk-doc
++GTK_DOC_CHECK([1.14],[--flavour no-tmpl])
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit-gnome_0.105.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit-gnome_0.105.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e99731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit-gnome_0.105.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+SUMMARY = "GNOME Authentication Agent for PolicyKit"
+DESCRIPTION = "PolicyKit-gnome provides an Authentication Agent for PolicyKit that integrates well with the GNOME desktop environment"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.packagekit.org/"
+BUGTRACKER = "http://bugzilla.gnome.org/"
+DEPENDS = "polkit dbus-glib gconf gtk+ intltool-native gnome-common"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=74579fab173e4c5e12aac0cd83ee98ec \
+                    file://src/main.c;beginline=1;endline=20;md5=aba145d1802f2329ba561e3e48ecb795"
+SRC_URI = "https://download.gnome.org/sources/polkit-gnome/${PV}/polkit-gnome-${PV}.tar.xz \
+           file://gtk-doc-check.patch \
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "50ecad37c8342fb4a52f590db7530621"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "1784494963b8bf9a00eedc6cd3a2868fb123b8a5e516e66c5eda48df17ab9369"
+    --disable-static \
+DEPENDS += "gtk+3"
+inherit autotools gtk-doc pkgconfig
+FILES_${PN} += " ${datadir}/dbus-1 \
+                 ${datadir}/PolicyKit \
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit-group-rule-datetime.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit-group-rule-datetime.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eced4b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit-group-rule-datetime.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "Create usergroup datetime. All members off this group are allowed set date/time/timezone via system dbus"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/LICENSE;md5=4d92cd373abda3937c2bc47fbc49d690"
+require polkit-group-rule.inc
+SRC_URI = "file://50-org.freedesktop.timedate1.rules"
+do_install() {
+        install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/50-org.freedesktop.timedate1.rules ${D}${sysconfdir}/polkit-1/rules.d
+GROUPADD_PARAM_${PN} = "--system datetime"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit-group-rule-network.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit-group-rule-network.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..551ed3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit-group-rule-network.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "Create usergroup network. All members off this group are allowed to modify networkmanager settings"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/LICENSE;md5=4d92cd373abda3937c2bc47fbc49d690"
+require polkit-group-rule.inc
+SRC_URI = "file://50-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.rules"
+do_install() {
+        install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/50-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.rules ${D}${sysconfdir}/polkit-1/rules.d
+GROUPADD_PARAM_${PN} = "--system network"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit-group-rule.inc b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit-group-rule.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b727d00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit-group-rule.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# polkit must prepare polkid group
+DEPENDS += "polkit"
+inherit useradd
+do_install_prepend() {
+    install -m 700 -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/polkit-1/rules.d
+    chown polkitd:polkitd ${D}${sysconfdir}/polkit-1/rules.d
+USERADD_PARAM_${PN}_prepend = "--system --no-create-home --user-group --home-dir ${sysconfdir}/polkit-1 polkitd;"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit/0001-make-netgroup-support-configurable.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit/0001-make-netgroup-support-configurable.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e3af87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit/0001-make-netgroup-support-configurable.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+From 7d5e205aa58a10e7b1ccc2fa75b443508a5c3e18 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2016 04:31:59 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] make netgroup support configurable
+Disable using innetgr and *netigrent function if not available
+These functions are not available on all libc implementations e.g. musl
+doesnt have them.
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+ configure.ac                                          | 2 +-
+ src/polkitbackend/polkitbackendinteractiveauthority.c | 6 +++++-
+ src/polkitbackend/polkitbackendjsauthority.c          | 5 ++---
+ 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 07982d1..21590b2 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ AC_CHECK_LIB(expat,XML_ParserCreate,[EXPAT_LIBS="-lexpat"],
+ 	     [AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find expat library. Please install expat.])])
+-AC_CHECK_FUNCS(clearenv fdatasync)
++AC_CHECK_FUNCS(clearenv fdatasync getnetgrent innetgr)
+ if test "x$GCC" = "xyes"; then
+   LDFLAGS="-Wl,--as-needed $LDFLAGS"
+diff --git a/src/polkitbackend/polkitbackendinteractiveauthority.c b/src/polkitbackend/polkitbackendinteractiveauthority.c
+index 7019356..cf39d77 100644
+--- a/src/polkitbackend/polkitbackendinteractiveauthority.c
++++ b/src/polkitbackend/polkitbackendinteractiveauthority.c
+@@ -2213,7 +2213,7 @@ get_users_in_group (PolkitIdentity                    *group,
+  out:
+   return ret;
+ }
++#if defined HAVE_GETNETGRENT
+ static GList *
+ get_users_in_net_group (PolkitIdentity                    *group,
+                         gboolean                           include_root)
+@@ -2270,6 +2270,8 @@ get_users_in_net_group (PolkitIdentity                    *group,
+   return ret;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ static void
+@@ -2355,10 +2357,12 @@ authentication_agent_initiate_challenge (AuthenticationAgent         *agent,
+         {
+           user_identities = g_list_concat (user_identities, get_users_in_group (identity, FALSE));
+         }
++#if defined HAVE_GETNETGRENT
+       else if (POLKIT_IS_UNIX_NETGROUP (identity))
+         {
+           user_identities =  g_list_concat (user_identities, get_users_in_net_group (identity, FALSE));
+         }
+       else
+         {
+           g_warning ("Unsupported identity");
+diff --git a/src/polkitbackend/polkitbackendjsauthority.c b/src/polkitbackend/polkitbackendjsauthority.c
+index 097dcc5..e59b3f7 100644
+--- a/src/polkitbackend/polkitbackendjsauthority.c
++++ b/src/polkitbackend/polkitbackendjsauthority.c
+@@ -1498,7 +1498,6 @@ js_polkit_spawn (JSContext  *cx,
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ static JSBool
+ js_polkit_user_is_in_netgroup (JSContext  *cx,
+                                unsigned    argc,
+@@ -1518,6 +1517,7 @@ js_polkit_user_is_in_netgroup (JSContext  *cx,
+   user = JS_EncodeString (cx, user_str);
+   netgroup = JS_EncodeString (cx, netgroup_str);
++#if defined HAVE_INNETGR
+   if (innetgr (netgroup,
+                NULL,  /* host */
+                user,
+@@ -1525,6 +1525,7 @@ js_polkit_user_is_in_netgroup (JSContext  *cx,
+     {
+       is_in_netgroup =  JS_TRUE;
+     }
+   JS_free (cx, netgroup);
+   JS_free (cx, user);
+@@ -1536,8 +1537,6 @@ js_polkit_user_is_in_netgroup (JSContext  *cx,
+   return ret;
+ }
+ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ typedef struct
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit/polkit-1_pam.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit/polkit-1_pam.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74647ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit/polkit-1_pam.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+polkit: No system-auth in OE-Core, we can use common-* in place of it.
+Upstream-Status:Inappropriate [configuration]
+Signed-off-by: Xiaofeng Yan <xiaofeng.yan@windriver.com>
+--- a/configure.ac	2011-03-04 02:26:20.000000000 +0800
++++ b/configure.ac.new	2011-07-18 10:14:12.516818852 +0800
+@@ -350,10 +350,10 @@
+ else
+-   PAM_FILE_INCLUDE_AUTH=system-auth
++   PAM_FILE_INCLUDE_AUTH=common-auth
++   PAM_FILE_INCLUDE_ACCOUNT=common-account
++   PAM_FILE_INCLUDE_PASSWORD=common-password
++   PAM_FILE_INCLUDE_SESSION=common-session
+ fi
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit_0.113.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit_0.113.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdd198a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit_0.113.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+SUMMARY = "PolicyKit Authorization Framework"
+DESCRIPTION = "The polkit package is an application-level toolkit for defining and handling the policy that allows unprivileged processes to speak to privileged processes."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/polkit"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=155db86cdbafa7532b41f390409283eb \
+                    file://src/polkit/polkit.h;beginline=1;endline=20;md5=0a8630b0133176d0504c87a0ded39db4"
+DEPENDS = "expat glib-2.0 intltool-native mozjs"
+inherit autotools gtk-doc pkgconfig useradd systemd gobject-introspection
+PACKAGECONFIG = "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pam', 'pam', '', d)} \
+                 ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES','systemd','systemd','consolekit',d)}"
+PACKAGECONFIG[pam] = "--with-authfw=pam,--with-authfw=shadow,libpam,libpam"
+PACKAGECONFIG[systemd] = "--enable-libsystemd-login=yes --with-systemdsystemunitdir=${systemd_unitdir}/system/,--enable-libsystemd-login=no --with-systemdsystemunitdir=,systemd"
+# there is no --enable/--disable option for consolekit and it's not picked by shlibs, so add it to RDEPENDS
+PACKAGECONFIG[consolekit] = ",,,consolekit"
+PAM_SRC_URI = "file://polkit-1_pam.patch"
+SRC_URI = "http://www.freedesktop.org/software/polkit/releases/polkit-${PV}.tar.gz \
+           file://0001-make-netgroup-support-configurable.patch \
+           ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pam', '${PAM_SRC_URI}', '', d)} \
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "4b77776c9e4f897dcfe03b2c34198edf"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "e1c095093c654951f78f8618d427faf91cf62abdefed98de40ff65eca6413c81"
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--with-os-type=moblin --disable-man-pages"
+do_compile_prepend () {
+	export GIR_EXTRA_LIBS_PATH="${B}/src/polkit/.libs"
+PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-examples"
+FILES_${PN}_append = " \
+    ${libdir}/${BPN}-1 \
+    ${nonarch_libdir}/${BPN}-1 \
+    ${datadir}/dbus-1 \
+    ${datadir}/${BPN}-1 \
+FILES_${PN}-examples = "${bindir}/*example*"
+USERADD_PARAM_${PN} = "--system --no-create-home --user-group --home-dir ${sysconfdir}/${BPN}-1 polkitd"
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "${BPN}.service"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/pywbem/pywbem_0.8.0.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/pywbem/pywbem_0.8.0.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f9a5bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/pywbem/pywbem_0.8.0.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+SUMMARY = "Python WBEM Client and Provider Interface"
+A Python library for making CIM (Common Information Model) operations over \
+HTTP using the WBEM CIM-XML protocol. It is based on the idea that a good \
+WBEM client should be easy to use and not necessarily require a large amount \
+of programming knowledge. It is suitable for a large range of tasks from \
+simply poking around to writing web and GUI applications. \
+WBEM, or Web Based Enterprise Management is a manageability protocol, like \
+SNMP, standardised by the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) available \
+at http://www.dmtf.org/standards/wbem. \
+It also provides a Python provider interface, and is the fastest and easiest \
+way to write providers on the planet."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://pywbem.sf.net/"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://pywbem/LICENSE.txt;md5=fbc093901857fcd118f065f900982c24"
+SECTION = "Development/Libraries"
+DEPENDS = "python-m2crypto-native"
+SRC_URI = "http://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/project/${BPN}/${BPN}/${BP}/${BP}-dev.r704.zip"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "84072451dcdd1aa9ee82363848faf7ad"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "898035866d3cc741bbcd62c4ac26e633ad07b7c11d89db2472b9f923f3fd3ed8"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/${BP}-dev"
+inherit setuptools python-dir
+do_install_append() {
+    mv ${D}${bindir}/wbemcli.py ${D}${bindir}/pywbemcli
+    mv ${D}${bindir}/mof_compiler.py ${D}${bindir}/mofcomp
+    rm ${D}${libdir}/python2.7/site-packages/${BPN}/wbemcli.py*
+    rm ${D}${libdir}/python2.7/site-packages/${BPN}/mof_compiler.py*
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/0001-rarpd.8-add-man-file.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/0001-rarpd.8-add-man-file.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77c75b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/0001-rarpd.8-add-man-file.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+From d91161eb163c16408202a91b4325a3381ab33752 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Li xin <lixin.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 17:55:31 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH 1/5] rarpd.8 : add man file
+Signed-off-by: Li Xin <lixin.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+ rarpd.8 | 69 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 rarpd.8
+diff --git a/rarpd.8 b/rarpd.8
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ce7bd70
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/rarpd.8
+@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
++.TH RARP 8 "7 April 2000" "rarpd" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
++rarpd \- Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) daemon
++.B "rarpd [-aAvde] [-b bootdir ] [ interface ]"
++.B Rarpd
++is a daemon which responds to RARP requests.
++RARP is used by some machines at boot time to discover their IP address.
++They provide their Ethernet address and
++.B rarpd
++responds with their IP address if it finds it in the ethers database
++.I /etc/ethers
++file or NIS+ lookup) and using DNS lookup if ethers database
++contains a hostname and not an IP address.
++By default
++.B rarpd
++also checks if a bootable image with a name starting with the IP address
++in hexadecimal uppercase letters is present in the TFTP boot directory
++.I /tftpboot
++) before it decides to respond to the RARP request.
++.B \-a
++Do not bind to the interface.
++.B \-A
++Respond to ARP as well as RARP requests.
++.B \-v
++Tell the user what is going on by being verbose.
++.B \-d
++Debugging mode. Do not detach from the tty.
++.B \-e
++Skip the check for bootable image in the TFTP boot directory. If not
++present, then even if the Ethernet address is present in
++the ethers database but the bootable image for the resolved IP does not exist,
++.B rarpd
++will not respond to the request.
++.B "\-b bootdir"
++.I bootdir
++instead of the default
++.I /tftpboot
++as the TFTP boot directory for bootable image checks.
++.B rarpd
++obsoletes kernel
++.B rarp
++daemon present in Linux kernels up to 2.2 which was controlled by the
++rarp(8) command.
++.I /etc/ethers,
++.I /etc/nsswitch.conf,
++.I /tftpboot
++Alexey Kuznetsov, <kuznet@ms2.inr.ac.ru>
++Jakub Jelinek, <jakub@redhat.com>
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/0002-Makefile-modify-compile-parameters.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/0002-Makefile-modify-compile-parameters.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b3ebc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/0002-Makefile-modify-compile-parameters.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+From d23b13bd959204824070433d954c5dfbfc421bb7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Li xin <lixin.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 18:05:27 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH 2/5] Makefile : modify compile parameters
+Signed-off-by: Li Xin <lixin.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+ Makefile | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
+index 19966b4..86a8169 100644
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ CC=gcc
+ CFLAGS=-O2 -Wall -g $(DEFINES)
+-OBJ=rarpd.o ethernet.o
+ all: rarpd
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/0003-rarpd.c-bug-fix.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/0003-rarpd.c-bug-fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ce1279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/0003-rarpd.c-bug-fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+From b49c8e6e66801406520d1bff791c66dff7b1cddb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Li xin <lixin.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 18:10:20 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH 3/5] rarpd.c : bug fix
+Signed-off-by: Li Xin <lixin.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+ rarpd.c | 98 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 56 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/rarpd.c b/rarpd.c
+index 335d2d2..d45300e 100644
+--- a/rarpd.c
++++ b/rarpd.c
+@@ -7,9 +7,11 @@
+  *		2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+  *
+  * Authors:	Alexey Kuznetsov, <kuznet@ms2.inr.ac.ru>
++ *		Jakub Jelinek, <jakub@redhat.com>
+  */
+ #include <stdio.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <syslog.h>
+ #include <dirent.h>
+ #include <malloc.h>
+@@ -26,6 +28,8 @@
+ #include <net/if.h>
+ #include <net/if_arp.h>
+ #include <netinet/in.h>
++#include <netinet/ether.h>
++#include <asm/types.h>
+ #include <linux/if_packet.h>
+ #include <linux/filter.h>
+@@ -39,27 +43,26 @@ int only_ethers;
+ int all_ifaces;
+ int listen_arp;
+ char *ifname;
+-char *tftp_dir = "/etc/tftpboot";
++char *tftp_dir = "/tftpboot";
+-extern int ether_ntohost(char *name, unsigned char *ea);
+ void usage(void) __attribute__((noreturn));
+-struct iflink
++struct rarpiflink
+ {
+-	struct iflink	*next;
+-	int	       	index;
+-	int		hatype;
+-	unsigned char	lladdr[16];
+-	unsigned char	name[IFNAMSIZ];
+-	struct ifaddr 	*ifa_list;
++	struct rarpiflink	*next;
++	int	       		index;
++	int			hatype;
++	unsigned char		lladdr[16];
++	unsigned char		name[IFNAMSIZ];
++	struct rarpifaddr 	*ifa_list;
+ } *ifl_list;
+-struct ifaddr
++struct rarpifaddr
+ {
+-	struct ifaddr 	*next;
+-	__u32		prefix;
+-	__u32		mask;
+-	__u32		local;
++	struct rarpifaddr 	*next;
++	__u32			prefix;
++	__u32			mask;
++	__u32			local;
+ };
+ struct rarp_map
+@@ -87,8 +90,8 @@ void load_if()
+ {
+ 	int fd;
+ 	struct ifreq *ifrp, *ifend;
+-	struct iflink *ifl;
+-	struct ifaddr *ifa;
++	struct rarpiflink *ifl;
++	struct rarpifaddr *ifa;
+ 	struct ifconf ifc;
+ 	struct ifreq ibuf[256];
+@@ -144,7 +147,7 @@ void load_if()
+ 				continue;
+ 			}
+-			ifl = (struct iflink*)malloc(sizeof(*ifl));
++			ifl = (struct rarpiflink*)malloc(sizeof(*ifl));
+ 			if (ifl == NULL)
+ 				continue;
+ 			memset(ifl, 0, sizeof(*ifl));
+@@ -154,6 +157,7 @@ void load_if()
+ 			ifl->hatype = ifrp->ifr_hwaddr.sa_family;
+ 			memcpy(ifl->lladdr, ifrp->ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, 14);
+ 			strncpy(ifl->name, ifrp->ifr_name, IFNAMSIZ);
++			ifl->name[IFNAMSIZ-1] = 0;
+ 			p = strchr(ifl->name, ':');
+ 			if (p)
+ 				*p = 0;
+@@ -179,7 +183,7 @@ void load_if()
+ 		if (ifa == NULL) {
+ 			if (mask == 0 || prefix == 0)
+ 				continue;
+-			ifa = (struct ifaddr*)malloc(sizeof(*ifa));
++			ifa = (struct rarpifaddr*)malloc(sizeof(*ifa));
+ 			memset(ifa, 0, sizeof(*ifa));
+ 			ifa->local = addr;
+ 			ifa->prefix = prefix;
+@@ -207,6 +211,7 @@ void load_if()
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 	}
++	close(fd);
+ }
+ void configure()
+@@ -225,20 +230,21 @@ int bootable(__u32 addr)
+ 	d = opendir(tftp_dir);
+ 	if (d == NULL) {
+ 		syslog(LOG_ERR, "opendir: %m");
+-		return 0;
++		goto done_bootable;
+ 	}
+ 	while ((dent = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
+ 		if (strncmp(dent->d_name, name, 8) == 0)
+ 			break;
+ 	}
+ 	closedir(d);
+ 	return dent != NULL;
+ }
+-struct ifaddr *select_ipaddr(int ifindex, __u32 *sel_addr, __u32 **alist)
++struct rarpifaddr *select_ipaddr(int ifindex, __u32 *sel_addr, __u32 **alist)
+ {
+-	struct iflink *ifl;
+-	struct ifaddr *ifa;
++	struct rarpiflink *ifl;
++	struct rarpifaddr *ifa;
+ 	int retry = 0;
+ 	int i;
+@@ -294,7 +300,7 @@ struct rarp_map *rarp_lookup(int ifindex, int hatype,
+ 	if (r == NULL) {
+ 		if (hatype == ARPHRD_ETHER && halen == 6) {
+-			struct ifaddr *ifa;
++			struct rarpifaddr *ifa;
+ 			struct hostent *hp;
+ 			char ename[256];
+ 			static struct rarp_map emap = {
+@@ -304,7 +310,7 @@ struct rarp_map *rarp_lookup(int ifindex, int hatype,
+ 				6,
+ 			};
+-			if (ether_ntohost(ename, lladdr) != 0 ||
++			if (ether_ntohost(ename, (struct ether_addr *)lladdr) != 0 ||
+ 			    (hp = gethostbyname(ename)) == NULL) {
+ 				if (verbose)
+ 					syslog(LOG_INFO, "not found in /etc/ethers");
+@@ -345,7 +351,7 @@ static int load_arp_bpflet(int fd)
+ int put_mylladdr(unsigned char **ptr_p, int ifindex, int alen)
+ {
+-	struct iflink *ifl;
++	struct rarpiflink *ifl;
+ 	for (ifl=ifl_list; ifl; ifl = ifl->next)
+ 		if (ifl->index == ifindex)
+@@ -362,8 +368,8 @@ int put_mylladdr(unsigned char **ptr_p, int ifindex, int alen)
+ int put_myipaddr(unsigned char **ptr_p, int ifindex, __u32 hisipaddr)
+ {
+ 	__u32 laddr = 0;
+-	struct iflink *ifl;
+-	struct ifaddr *ifa;
++	struct rarpiflink *ifl;
++	struct rarpifaddr *ifa;
+ 	for (ifl=ifl_list; ifl; ifl = ifl->next)
+ 		if (ifl->index == ifindex)
+@@ -388,7 +394,7 @@ void arp_advise(int ifindex, unsigned char *lladdr, int lllen, __u32 ipaddr)
+ 	int fd;
+ 	struct arpreq req;
+ 	struct sockaddr_in *sin;
+-	struct iflink *ifl;
++	struct rarpiflink *ifl;
+ 	for (ifl=ifl_list; ifl; ifl = ifl->next)
+ 		if (ifl->index == ifindex)
+@@ -421,6 +427,10 @@ void serve_it(int fd)
+ 	struct rarp_map *rmap;
+ 	unsigned char *ptr;
+ 	int n;
++	int i;
++	char tmpbuf[16*3];
++	char tmpname[IFNAMSIZ];
++	struct rarpiflink *ifl;
+ 	n = recvfrom(fd, buf, sizeof(buf), MSG_DONTWAIT, (struct sockaddr*)&sll, &sll_len);
+ 	if (n<0) {
+@@ -447,21 +457,23 @@ void serve_it(int fd)
+ 	if (a->ar_op != htons(ARPOP_RREQUEST))
+ 		return;
+-	if (verbose) {
+-		int i;
+-		char tmpbuf[16*3];
+-		char *ptr = tmpbuf;
+-		for (i=0; i<sll.sll_halen; i++) {
+-			if (i) {
+-				sprintf(ptr, ":%02x", sll.sll_addr[i]);
+-				ptr++;
+-			} else
+-				sprintf(ptr, "%02x", sll.sll_addr[i]);
+-			ptr += 2;
+-		}
+-		syslog(LOG_INFO, "RARP request from %s on if%d", tmpbuf, sll.sll_ifindex);
++	ptr = tmpbuf;
++        snprintf(tmpbuf, 2, "%02x", sll.sll_addr[0]);
++	for (ptr=tmpbuf+2, i=1; i<sll.sll_halen; i++) {
++		snprintf(ptr, 3, ":%02x", sll.sll_addr[i]);
++		ptr += 3;
+ 	}
++	for (ifl=ifl_list; ifl; ifl = ifl->next)
++		if (ifl->index == sll.sll_ifindex)
++			break;
++	if (ifl) {
++		strncpy(tmpname, ifl->name, IFNAMSIZ);
++		tmpname[IFNAMSIZ-1] = 0;
++	} else
++		sprintf(tmpname, "if%d", sll.sll_ifindex);
++	syslog(LOG_INFO, "RARP request from %s on %s", tmpbuf, tmpname);
+ 	/* Sanity checks */
+ 	/* 1. IP only -> pln==4 */
+@@ -526,6 +538,8 @@ void serve_it(int fd)
+ 	ptr += rmap->lladdr_len;
+ 	memcpy(ptr, &rmap->ipaddr, 4);
+ 	ptr += 4;
++	syslog(LOG_INFO, "RARP response to %s %s on %s", tmpbuf,
++	       inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&rmap->ipaddr), tmpname);
+ 	/* Update our ARP cache. Probably, this guy
+ 	   will not able to make ARP (if it is broken)
+@@ -613,7 +627,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+         if (ifname) {
+ 		struct ifreq ifr;
+ 		memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
+-		strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, IFNAMSIZ);
++		strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, IFNAMSIZ-1);
+ 		if (ioctl(pset[0].fd, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr)) {
+ 			perror("ioctl(SIOCGIFINDEX)");
+ 			usage();
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/0004-rarpd.init-add-new-init-file.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/0004-rarpd.init-add-new-init-file.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ba11ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/0004-rarpd.init-add-new-init-file.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+From 0ef1a95b220c7e110da950e5cc544c50c25b1bc6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Li xin <lixin.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 18:11:56 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH 4/5] rarpd.init : add new init file
+Signed-off-by: Li Xin <lixin.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+ rarpd.init | 96 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 96 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 rarpd.init
+diff --git a/rarpd.init b/rarpd.init
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..efcf825
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/rarpd.init
+@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
++#	/etc/init.d/rarpd
++# Starts the rarpd daemon
++# chkconfig: - 82 16
++# description: Server Reverse Address Resolution Protocol requests.
++# processname: rarpd
++# Provides: rarpd
++# Required-Start: $syslog $network
++# Required-Stop:  $syslog $network
++# Default-Start:
++# Default-Stop: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
++# Short-Description: start and stop rarpd
++# Description: RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol) is a protocol \
++#              which allows individual devices on an IP network to get \
++#              their own IP addresses from the RARP server. \
++# Source function library.
++. /etc/init.d/functions
++# Read the config file if exists
++if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/rarpd ]; then
++ . /etc/sysconfig/rarpd
++start() {
++    #if these files don't exist rarpd can't work
++    test -x /usr/sbin/rarpd -a -f /etc/ethers || exit 6
++	# Check if rarpd is already running
++	#if [ ! -f /var/lock/subsys/rarpd ]; then
++    status rarpd;
++    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
++	    echo -n $"Starting $prog: "
++	    daemon /usr/sbin/rarpd $OPTIONS $INTERFACE
++	    RETVAL=$?
++	    [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/rarpd
++	    echo
++	fi
++	return $RETVAL
++stop() {
++	echo -n $"Stopping $prog: "
++	killproc /usr/sbin/rarpd
++	RETVAL=$?
++	[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/rarpd
++	echo
++	return $RETVAL
++reload() {
++    RETVAL=3
++#	See how we were called.
++case "$1" in
++  start)
++	start
++	;;
++  stop)
++	stop
++	;;
++  reload)
++    reload
++    ;;
++  force-reload|restart)
++    stop
++	start
++	;;
++  condrestart)
++	if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/rarpd ]; then
++	    stop
++	    start
++	fi
++	;;
++  status)
++	status rarpd
++	RETVAL=$?
++	;;
++  *)
++	echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|condrestart|reload|status|force-reload}"
++exit $RETVAL
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/0005-ethernet.c-remove-it.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/0005-ethernet.c-remove-it.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c77c806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/0005-ethernet.c-remove-it.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+From abe15ba10ddc3548c528ccb088097d7abf5be48b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Li xin <lixin.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 18:14:07 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH 5/5] ethernet.c : remove it
+Signed-off-by: Li Xin <lixin.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+ ethernet.c | 224 -------------------------------------------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 224 deletions(-)
+ delete mode 100644 ethernet.c
+diff --git a/ethernet.c b/ethernet.c
+deleted file mode 100644
+index d682b63..0000000
+--- a/ethernet.c
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
+- * Copyright (c) 1990, 1993 The Regents of the University of California.
+- * All rights reserved.
+- *
+- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+- * modification, are permitted provided that: (1) source code distributions
+- * retain the above copyright notice and this paragraph in its entirety, (2)
+- * distributions including binary code include the above copyright notice and
+- * this paragraph in its entirety in the documentation or other materials
+- * provided with the distribution, and (3) all advertising materials mentioning
+- * features or use of this software display the following acknowledgement:
+- * ``This product includes software developed by the University of California,
+- * Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and its contributors.'' Neither the name of
+- * the University nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse
+- * or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
+- * written permission.
+- */
+-#ifndef lint
+-static char rcsid[] =
+-    "@(#) $Header: etherent.c,v 1.4 96/06/14 20:34:25 leres Exp $ (LBL)";
+-#include <sys/types.h>
+-#include <sys/stat.h>
+-#include <sys/time.h>
+-#include <ctype.h>
+-#include <stdio.h>
+-#include <string.h>
+-#ifndef ETHERS_FILE
+-#define ETHERS_FILE "/etc/ethers"
+-struct etherent {
+-        u_char addr[6];
+-        char name[122];
+-static FILE *ether_fp = NULL;
+-/* Hex digit to integer. */
+-static inline int
+-	int c;
+-	if (isdigit(c))
+-		return c - '0';
+-	else if (islower(c))
+-		return c - 'a' + 10;
+-	else
+-		return c - 'A' + 10;
+-static inline int
+-	FILE *f;
+-	int c;
+-	do {
+-		c = getc(f);
+-	} while (isspace(c) && c != '\n');
+-	return c;
+-static inline int
+-	FILE *f;
+-	int c;
+-	do
+-		c = getc(f);
+-	while (c != '\n' && c != EOF);
+-	return c;
+-static struct etherent *
+-	FILE *fp;
+-	register int c, d, i;
+-	char *bp;
+-	static struct etherent e;
+-	static int nline = 1;
+- top:
+-	while (nline) {
+-		/* Find addr */
+-		c = skip_space(fp);
+-		if (c == '\n')
+-			continue;
+-		/* If this is a comment, or first thing on line
+-		   cannot be etehrnet address, skip the line. */
+-		else if (!isxdigit(c))
+-			c = skip_line(fp);
+-		else {
+-			/* must be the start of an address */
+-			for (i = 0; i < 6; i += 1) {
+-				d = xdtoi(c);
+-				c = getc(fp);
+-				if (c != ':') {
+-					d <<= 4;
+-					d |= xdtoi(c);
+-					c = getc(fp);
+-				}
+-				e.addr[i] = d;
+-				if (c != ':')
+-					break;
+-				c = getc(fp);
+-			}
+-			nline = 0;
+-		}
+-		if (c == EOF)
+-			return NULL;
+-	}
+-	/* If we started a new line, 'c' holds the char past the ether addr,
+-	   which we assume is white space.  If we are continuing a line,
+-	   'c' is garbage.  In either case, we can throw it away. */
+-	c = skip_space(fp);
+-	if (c == '\n') {
+-		nline = 1;
+-		goto top;
+-	}
+-	else if (c == '#') {
+-		(void)skip_line(fp);
+-		nline = 1;
+-		goto top;
+-	}
+-	else if (c == EOF)
+-		return NULL;
+-	/* Must be a name. */
+-	bp = e.name;
+-	/* Use 'd' to prevent buffer overflow. */
+-	d = sizeof(e.name) - 1;
+-	do {
+-		*bp++ = c;
+-		c = getc(fp);
+-	} while (!isspace(c) && c != EOF && --d > 0);
+-	*bp = '\0';
+-	if (c == '\n')
+-		nline = 1;
+-	return &e;
+-/* Open/rewind the ethers files; returns 1 if file was reopened */
+-	struct stat st;
+-	static long mtime = 0, ctime = 0;
+-	if (ether_fp != NULL) {
+-		if (fstat(fileno(ether_fp), &st) < 0 ||
+-		    mtime != st.st_mtime || ctime != st.st_ctime ||
+-		    fseek(ether_fp, 0L, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
+-			fclose(ether_fp);
+-			ether_fp = NULL;
+-		}
+-	}
+-	if (ether_fp == NULL) {
+-		ether_fp = fopen(ETHERS_FILE, "r");
+-		if (ether_fp == NULL)
+-			return (-1);
+-		if (fstat(fileno(ether_fp), &st) < 0) {
+-			fclose(ether_fp);
+-			ether_fp = NULL;
+-			return (-1);
+-		}
+-		mtime = st.st_mtime;
+-		ctime = st.st_ctime;
+-		return (1);
+-	}
+-	return (0);
+-/* Map an ethernet address to a name; returns 0 on success, else 1. */
+-ether_ntohost(name, ea)
+-	register char *name;
+-	register u_char *ea;
+-	register struct etherent *ep;
+-	if (ether_rewind() < 0)
+-		return (1);
+-	while ((ep = next_etherent(ether_fp)) != NULL)
+-		if (bcmp(ep->addr, ea, 6) == 0) {
+-			strcpy(name, ep->name);
+-			return (0);
+-		}
+-	return (1);
+-/* Map an ethernet name to an address; returns 0 on success, else 1. */
+-ether_hostton(name, ea)
+-	register char *name;
+-	register u_char *ea;
+-	register struct etherent *ep;
+-	if (ether_rewind() < 0)
+-		return (1);
+-	while ((ep = next_etherent(ether_fp)) != NULL)
+-		if (strcmp(ep->name, name) == 0) {
+-			bcopy(ep->addr, ea, 6);
+-			return (0);
+-		}
+-	return (1);
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/ethers.sample b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/ethers.sample
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..249ca6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/ethers.sample
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# see man ethers for syntax
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/rarpd.service b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/rarpd.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..137710e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd/rarpd.service
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Description=Reverse Address Resolution Protocol Requests Server
+After=syslog.target network.target
+ExecStart=/usr/sbin/rarpd $OPTIONS $INTERFACE
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd_ss981107.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd_ss981107.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a112168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rarpd/rarpd_ss981107.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+SUMMARY = "The RARP daemon."
+DESCRIPTION = "RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol) is a protocol which \
+allows individual devices on an IP network to get their own IP addresses from \
+the RARP server. Some machines (e.g. SPARC boxes) use this protocol instead \
+of e.g. DHCP to query their IP addresses during network bootup. \
+Linux kernels up to 2.2 used to provide a kernel daemon for this service, \
+but since 2.3 kernels it is served by this userland daemon. \
+You should install rarpd if you want to set up a RARP server on your \
+SECTION = "System Environment/Daemons"
+SRC_URI = "http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/${BPN}/${BP}.tar.gz/be2a88f8ccddf2a40ac484cb3294fedc/${BP}.tar.gz"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "be2a88f8ccddf2a40ac484cb3294fedc"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "4d6145d435a5d8b567b9798620f57f9b0a464078a1deba267958f168fbe776e6"
+SRC_URI += "file://0001-rarpd.8-add-man-file.patch \
+    file://0002-Makefile-modify-compile-parameters.patch \
+    file://0003-rarpd.c-bug-fix.patch \
+    file://0004-rarpd.init-add-new-init-file.patch \
+    file://0005-ethernet.c-remove-it.patch \
+    file://ethers.sample \
+    file://rarpd.service \
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://rarpd.c;md5=199b20b172ea93121bc613a9c77b6931"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/${BPN}"
+do_install() {
+    install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+    install -d ${D}${sbindir}
+    install -d ${D}${mandir}/man8
+    install -m 755 rarpd.init ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/rarpd
+    install -m 755 rarpd ${D}${sbindir}/rarpd
+    install -m 644 rarpd.8 ${D}${mandir}/man8/rarpd.8
+    install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/ethers.sample ${D}${sysconfdir}/ethers
+    if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES','systemd','true','false',d)}; then
+        install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
+        install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/rarpd.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/
+    fi
+inherit ${@bb.utils.contains('VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_init_manager','systemd','systemd','',d)}
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "rarpd.service"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} += "bash"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/redis/redis/hiredis-use-default-CC-if-it-is-set.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/redis/redis/hiredis-use-default-CC-if-it-is-set.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9f1c0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/redis/redis/hiredis-use-default-CC-if-it-is-set.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+From dc745a33f3875cc72d41bd34ed490b352e546352 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Venture Research <tech@ventureresearch.com>
+Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2013 17:39:52 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH] hiredis: use default CC if it is set
+Instead of trying to automagically figure out CC, which breaks with OE
+as CC has spaces in it, just skip it if one was already passed in.
+Signed-off-by: Venture Research <tech@ventureresearch.com>
+Update to work with 3.0.x
+Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <akuster808@gmail.com>
+ deps/hiredis/Makefile | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+Index: deps/hiredis/Makefile
+--- a/deps/hiredis/Makefile
++++ b/deps/hiredis/Makefile
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ endef
+ # Fallback to gcc when $CC is not in $PATH.
+-CC:=$(shell sh -c 'type $(CC) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo $(CC) || echo gcc')
++CC?=$(shell sh -c 'type $(CC) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo $(CC) || echo gcc')
+ WARNINGS=-Wall -W -Wstrict-prototypes -Wwrite-strings
+ DEBUG?= -g -ggdb
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/redis/redis/init-redis-server b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/redis/redis/init-redis-server
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6014d70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/redis/redis/init-redis-server
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Provides:          redis-server
+# Required-Start:    $network
+# Required-Stop:     $network
+# Default-Start:     S 2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
+# Short-Description: Redis, a key-value store
+# Description:       Redis is an open source, advanced key-value store.
+#                    http://redis.io
+test -f /usr/bin/redis-server || exit 0
+case "$1" in
+    start)
+	echo "Starting redis-server..."
+        start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/bin/redis-server -- $ARGS
+	;;
+    stop)
+        echo "Stopping redis-server..."
+        start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec /usr/bin/redis-server
+	;;
+    restart)
+        echo "Stopping redis-server..."
+        start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec /usr/bin/redis-server
+	echo "Starting redis-server..."
+        start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/bin/redis-server -- $ARGS
+	;;
+    *)
+	echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/redis-server {start|stop|restart}"
+	exit 1
+	;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/redis/redis/lua-update-Makefile-to-use-environment-build-setting.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/redis/redis/lua-update-Makefile-to-use-environment-build-setting.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e62ae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/redis/redis/lua-update-Makefile-to-use-environment-build-setting.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+From 394108035d350ae662a431c80131f812b5f72dff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Venture Research <tech@ventureresearch.com>
+Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2013 20:22:19 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH] lua: update Makefile to use environment build settings
+OE-specific parameters, instead of overriding all of these simply use
+the ones that are already passed in. Also configure for only Linux...
+Signed-off-by: Venture Research <tech@ventureresearch.com>
+Updated to work with 3.0.x
+Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <akust808@gmail.com>
+ deps/lua/src/Makefile | 18 +++++++-----------
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
+Index: redis-3.0.2/deps/lua/src/Makefile
+--- redis-3.0.2.orig/deps/lua/src/Makefile
++++ redis-3.0.2/deps/lua/src/Makefile
+@@ -5,18 +5,14 @@
+ # Your platform. See PLATS for possible values.
+-PLAT= none
++PLAT= linux
+-CC?= gcc
+-AR= ar rcu
+-RANLIB= ranlib
+-RM= rm -f
+-LIBS= -lm $(MYLIBS)
++MYLIBS=-Wl,-E -ldl -lreadline -lhistory -lncurses
++LIBS += -lm $(MYLIBS)
+Index: redis-3.0.2/deps/Makefile
+--- redis-3.0.2.orig/deps/Makefile
++++ redis-3.0.2/deps/Makefile
+@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ LUA_LDFLAGS+= $(LDFLAGS)
+ # lua's Makefile defines AR="ar rcu", which is unusual, and makes it more
+ # challenging to cross-compile lua (and redis).  These defines make it easier
+ # to fit redis into cross-compilation environments, which typically set AR.
+ lua: .make-prerequisites
+Index: redis-3.0.2/deps/lua/Makefile
+--- redis-3.0.2.orig/deps/lua/Makefile
++++ redis-3.0.2/deps/lua/Makefile
+@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ INSTALL_DATA= $(INSTALL) -m 0644
+ # Utilities.
+ MKDIR= mkdir -p
+-RANLIB= ranlib
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/redis/redis/oe-use-libc-malloc.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/redis/redis/oe-use-libc-malloc.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b768a77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/redis/redis/oe-use-libc-malloc.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+From f8861d2129b9e18bba137705bfa38c6bd9be1790 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Venture Research <tech@ventureresearch.com>
+Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2013 20:51:02 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH] hack to force use of libc malloc
+Hack to force libc usage as it seems the option to pass it in has been
+removed in favor of magic.
+Note that this of course doesn't allow tcmalloc and jemalloc, however 
+jemalloc wasn't building correctly.
+Signed-off-by: Venture Research <tech@ventureresearch.com>
+Update to work with 3.0.x
+Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <akuster808@gmail.com>
+ src/Makefile | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+Index: src/Makefile
+--- a/src/Makefile
++++ b/src/Makefile
+@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
+ # Just use 'make dep', but this is only needed by developers.
+ release_hdr := $(shell sh -c './mkreleasehdr.sh')
+-uname_S := $(shell sh -c 'uname -s 2>/dev/null || echo not')
++# use fake uname option to force use of generic libc
++uname_S := "USE_LIBC_MALLOC"
+ DEPENDENCY_TARGETS=hiredis linenoise lua
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/redis/redis/redis.conf b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/redis/redis/redis.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..923b98e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/redis/redis/redis.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+# Redis configuration file example
+# Note on units: when memory size is needed, it is possible to specify
+# it in the usual form of 1k 5GB 4M and so forth:
+# 1k => 1000 bytes
+# 1kb => 1024 bytes
+# 1m => 1000000 bytes
+# 1mb => 1024*1024 bytes
+# 1g => 1000000000 bytes
+# 1gb => 1024*1024*1024 bytes
+# units are case insensitive so 1GB 1Gb 1gB are all the same.
+# By default Redis does not run as a daemon. Use 'yes' if you need it.
+# Note that Redis will write a pid file in /var/run/redis.pid when daemonized.
+# OE: run as a daemon.
+daemonize yes
+# When running daemonized, Redis writes a pid file in /var/run/redis.pid by
+# default. You can specify a custom pid file location here.
+pidfile /var/run/redis.pid
+# Accept connections on the specified port, default is 6379.
+# If port 0 is specified Redis will not listen on a TCP socket.
+port 6379
+# If you want you can bind a single interface, if the bind option is not
+# specified all the interfaces will listen for incoming connections.
+# bind
+# Specify the path for the unix socket that will be used to listen for
+# incoming connections. There is no default, so Redis will not listen
+# on a unix socket when not specified.
+# unixsocket /tmp/redis.sock
+# unixsocketperm 755
+# Close the connection after a client is idle for N seconds (0 to disable)
+timeout 0
+# Set server verbosity to 'debug'
+# it can be one of:
+# debug (a lot of information, useful for development/testing)
+# verbose (many rarely useful info, but not a mess like the debug level)
+# notice (moderately verbose, what you want in production probably)
+# warning (only very important / critical messages are logged)
+loglevel notice
+# Specify the log file name. Also 'stdout' can be used to force
+# Redis to log on the standard output. Note that if you use standard
+# output for logging but daemonize, logs will be sent to /dev/null
+logfile /var/log/redis.log
+# To enable logging to the system logger, just set 'syslog-enabled' to yes,
+# and optionally update the other syslog parameters to suit your needs.
+# syslog-enabled no
+# Specify the syslog identity.
+# syslog-ident redis
+# Specify the syslog facility.  Must be USER or between LOCAL0-LOCAL7.
+# syslog-facility local0
+# Set the number of databases. The default database is DB 0, you can select
+# a different one on a per-connection basis using SELECT <dbid> where
+# dbid is a number between 0 and 'databases'-1
+databases 16
+################################ SNAPSHOTTING  #################################
+# Save the DB on disk:
+#   save <seconds> <changes>
+#   Will save the DB if both the given number of seconds and the given
+#   number of write operations against the DB occurred.
+#   In the example below the behaviour will be to save:
+#   after 900 sec (15 min) if at least 1 key changed
+#   after 300 sec (5 min) if at least 10 keys changed
+#   after 60 sec if at least 10000 keys changed
+#   Note: you can disable saving at all commenting all the "save" lines.
+#   It is also possible to remove all the previously configured save
+#   points by adding a save directive with a single empty string argument
+#   like in the following example:
+#   save ""
+#save 900 1
+#save 300 10
+#save 60 10000
+# OE: tune for a small embedded system with a limited # of keys.
+save 120 1
+save 60 100
+save 30 1000
+# By default Redis will stop accepting writes if RDB snapshots are enabled
+# (at least one save point) and the latest background save failed.
+# This will make the user aware (in an hard way) that data is not persisting
+# on disk properly, otherwise chances are that no one will notice and some
+# distater will happen.
+# If the background saving process will start working again Redis will
+# automatically allow writes again.
+# However if you have setup your proper monitoring of the Redis server
+# and persistence, you may want to disable this feature so that Redis will
+# continue to work as usually even if there are problems with disk,
+# permissions, and so forth.
+stop-writes-on-bgsave-error yes
+# Compress string objects using LZF when dump .rdb databases?
+# For default that's set to 'yes' as it's almost always a win.
+# If you want to save some CPU in the saving child set it to 'no' but
+# the dataset will likely be bigger if you have compressible values or keys.
+rdbcompression yes
+# Since verison 5 of RDB a CRC64 checksum is placed at the end of the file.
+# This makes the format more resistant to corruption but there is a performance
+# hit to pay (around 10%) when saving and loading RDB files, so you can disable it
+# for maximum performances.
+# RDB files created with checksum disabled have a checksum of zero that will
+# tell the loading code to skip the check.
+rdbchecksum yes
+# The filename where to dump the DB
+dbfilename dump.rdb
+# The working directory.
+# The DB will be written inside this directory, with the filename specified
+# above using the 'dbfilename' configuration directive.
+# Also the Append Only File will be created inside this directory.
+# Note that you must specify a directory here, not a file name.
+dir /var/lib/redis/
+################################# REPLICATION #################################
+# Master-Slave replication. Use slaveof to make a Redis instance a copy of
+# another Redis server. Note that the configuration is local to the slave
+# so for example it is possible to configure the slave to save the DB with a
+# different interval, or to listen to another port, and so on.
+# slaveof <masterip> <masterport>
+# If the master is password protected (using the "requirepass" configuration
+# directive below) it is possible to tell the slave to authenticate before
+# starting the replication synchronization process, otherwise the master will
+# refuse the slave request.
+# masterauth <master-password>
+# When a slave lost the connection with the master, or when the replication
+# is still in progress, the slave can act in two different ways:
+# 1) if slave-serve-stale-data is set to 'yes' (the default) the slave will
+#    still reply to client requests, possibly with out of date data, or the
+#    data set may just be empty if this is the first synchronization.
+# 2) if slave-serve-stale data is set to 'no' the slave will reply with
+#    an error "SYNC with master in progress" to all the kind of commands
+#    but to INFO and SLAVEOF.
+slave-serve-stale-data yes
+# You can configure a slave instance to accept writes or not. Writing against
+# a slave instance may be useful to store some ephemeral data (because data
+# written on a slave will be easily deleted after resync with the master) but
+# may also cause problems if clients are writing to it because of a
+# misconfiguration.
+# Since Redis 2.6 by default slaves are read-only.
+# Note: read only slaves are not designed to be exposed to untrusted clients
+# on the internet. It's just a protection layer against misuse of the instance.
+# Still a read only slave exports by default all the administrative commands
+# such as CONFIG, DEBUG, and so forth. To a limited extend you can improve
+# security of read only slaves using 'rename-command' to shadow all the
+# administrative / dangerous commands.
+slave-read-only yes
+# Slaves send PINGs to server in a predefined interval. It's possible to change
+# this interval with the repl_ping_slave_period option. The default value is 10
+# seconds.
+# repl-ping-slave-period 10
+# The following option sets a timeout for both Bulk transfer I/O timeout and
+# master data or ping response timeout. The default value is 60 seconds.
+# It is important to make sure that this value is greater than the value
+# specified for repl-ping-slave-period otherwise a timeout will be detected
+# every time there is low traffic between the master and the slave.
+# repl-timeout 60
+# The slave priority is an integer number published by Redis in the INFO output.
+# It is used by Redis Sentinel in order to select a slave to promote into a
+# master if the master is no longer working correctly.
+# A slave with a low priority number is considered better for promotion, so
+# for instance if there are three slaves with priority 10, 100, 25 Sentinel will
+# pick the one wtih priority 10, that is the lowest.
+# However a special priority of 0 marks the slave as not able to perform the
+# role of master, so a slave with priority of 0 will never be selected by
+# Redis Sentinel for promotion.
+# By default the priority is 100.
+slave-priority 100
+################################## SECURITY ###################################
+# Require clients to issue AUTH <PASSWORD> before processing any other
+# commands.  This might be useful in environments in which you do not trust
+# others with access to the host running redis-server.
+# This should stay commented out for backward compatibility and because most
+# people do not need auth (e.g. they run their own servers).
+# Warning: since Redis is pretty fast an outside user can try up to
+# 150k passwords per second against a good box. This means that you should
+# use a very strong password otherwise it will be very easy to break.
+# requirepass foobared
+# Command renaming.
+# It is possible to change the name of dangerous commands in a shared
+# environment. For instance the CONFIG command may be renamed into something
+# of hard to guess so that it will be still available for internal-use
+# tools but not available for general clients.
+# Example:
+# rename-command CONFIG b840fc02d524045429941cc15f59e41cb7be6c52
+# It is also possible to completely kill a command renaming it into
+# an empty string:
+# rename-command CONFIG ""
+################################### LIMITS ####################################
+# Set the max number of connected clients at the same time. By default
+# this limit is set to 10000 clients, however if the Redis server is not
+# able ot configure the process file limit to allow for the specified limit
+# the max number of allowed clients is set to the current file limit
+# minus 32 (as Redis reserves a few file descriptors for internal uses).
+# Once the limit is reached Redis will close all the new connections sending
+# an error 'max number of clients reached'.
+# maxclients 10000
+# Don't use more memory than the specified amount of bytes.
+# When the memory limit is reached Redis will try to remove keys
+# accordingly to the eviction policy selected (see maxmemmory-policy).
+# If Redis can't remove keys according to the policy, or if the policy is
+# set to 'noeviction', Redis will start to reply with errors to commands
+# that would use more memory, like SET, LPUSH, and so on, and will continue
+# to reply to read-only commands like GET.
+# This option is usually useful when using Redis as an LRU cache, or to set
+# an hard memory limit for an instance (using the 'noeviction' policy).
+# WARNING: If you have slaves attached to an instance with maxmemory on,
+# the size of the output buffers needed to feed the slaves are subtracted
+# from the used memory count, so that network problems / resyncs will
+# not trigger a loop where keys are evicted, and in turn the output
+# buffer of slaves is full with DELs of keys evicted triggering the deletion
+# of more keys, and so forth until the database is completely emptied.
+# In short... if you have slaves attached it is suggested that you set a lower
+# limit for maxmemory so that there is some free RAM on the system for slave
+# output buffers (but this is not needed if the policy is 'noeviction').
+# maxmemory <bytes>
+# MAXMEMORY POLICY: how Redis will select what to remove when maxmemory
+# is reached? You can select among five behavior:
+# volatile-lru -> remove the key with an expire set using an LRU algorithm
+# allkeys-lru -> remove any key accordingly to the LRU algorithm
+# volatile-random -> remove a random key with an expire set
+# allkeys-random -> remove a random key, any key
+# volatile-ttl -> remove the key with the nearest expire time (minor TTL)
+# noeviction -> don't expire at all, just return an error on write operations
+# Note: with all the kind of policies, Redis will return an error on write
+#       operations, when there are not suitable keys for eviction.
+#       At the date of writing this commands are: set setnx setex append
+#       incr decr rpush lpush rpushx lpushx linsert lset rpoplpush sadd
+#       sinter sinterstore sunion sunionstore sdiff sdiffstore zadd zincrby
+#       zunionstore zinterstore hset hsetnx hmset hincrby incrby decrby
+#       getset mset msetnx exec sort
+# The default is:
+# maxmemory-policy volatile-lru
+# LRU and minimal TTL algorithms are not precise algorithms but approximated
+# algorithms (in order to save memory), so you can select as well the sample
+# size to check. For instance for default Redis will check three keys and
+# pick the one that was used less recently, you can change the sample size
+# using the following configuration directive.
+# maxmemory-samples 3
+############################## APPEND ONLY MODE ###############################
+# By default Redis asynchronously dumps the dataset on disk. This mode is
+# good enough in many applications, but an issue with the Redis process or
+# a power outage may result into a few minutes of writes lost (depending on
+# the configured save points).
+# The Append Only File is an alternative persistence mode that provides
+# much better durability. For instance using the default data fsync policy
+# (see later in the config file) Redis can lose just one second of writes in a
+# dramatic event like a server power outage, or a single write if something
+# wrong with the Redis process itself happens, but the operating system is
+# still running correctly.
+# AOF and RDB persistence can be enabled at the same time without problems.
+# If the AOF is enabled on startup Redis will load the AOF, that is the file
+# with the better durability guarantees.
+# Please check http://redis.io/topics/persistence for more information.
+# OE: changed default to enable this
+appendonly yes
+# The name of the append only file (default: "appendonly.aof")
+# appendfilename appendonly.aof
+# The fsync() call tells the Operating System to actually write data on disk
+# instead to wait for more data in the output buffer. Some OS will really flush 
+# data on disk, some other OS will just try to do it ASAP.
+# Redis supports three different modes:
+# no: don't fsync, just let the OS flush the data when it wants. Faster.
+# always: fsync after every write to the append only log . Slow, Safest.
+# everysec: fsync only one time every second. Compromise.
+# The default is "everysec" that's usually the right compromise between
+# speed and data safety. It's up to you to understand if you can relax this to
+# "no" that will let the operating system flush the output buffer when
+# it wants, for better performances (but if you can live with the idea of
+# some data loss consider the default persistence mode that's snapshotting),
+# or on the contrary, use "always" that's very slow but a bit safer than
+# everysec.
+# More details please check the following article:
+# http://antirez.com/post/redis-persistence-demystified.html
+# If unsure, use "everysec".
+# appendfsync always
+appendfsync everysec
+# appendfsync no
+# When the AOF fsync policy is set to always or everysec, and a background
+# saving process (a background save or AOF log background rewriting) is
+# performing a lot of I/O against the disk, in some Linux configurations
+# Redis may block too long on the fsync() call. Note that there is no fix for
+# this currently, as even performing fsync in a different thread will block
+# our synchronous write(2) call.
+# In order to mitigate this problem it's possible to use the following option
+# that will prevent fsync() from being called in the main process while a
+# BGSAVE or BGREWRITEAOF is in progress.
+# This means that while another child is saving the durability of Redis is
+# the same as "appendfsync none", that in practical terms means that it is
+# possible to lost up to 30 seconds of log in the worst scenario (with the
+# default Linux settings).
+# If you have latency problems turn this to "yes". Otherwise leave it as
+# "no" that is the safest pick from the point of view of durability.
+no-appendfsync-on-rewrite no
+# Automatic rewrite of the append only file.
+# Redis is able to automatically rewrite the log file implicitly calling
+# BGREWRITEAOF when the AOF log size will growth by the specified percentage.
+# This is how it works: Redis remembers the size of the AOF file after the
+# latest rewrite (or if no rewrite happened since the restart, the size of
+# the AOF at startup is used).
+# This base size is compared to the current size. If the current size is
+# bigger than the specified percentage, the rewrite is triggered. Also
+# you need to specify a minimal size for the AOF file to be rewritten, this
+# is useful to avoid rewriting the AOF file even if the percentage increase
+# is reached but it is still pretty small.
+# Specify a percentage of zero in order to disable the automatic AOF
+# rewrite feature.
+auto-aof-rewrite-percentage 100
+auto-aof-rewrite-min-size 64mb
+################################ LUA SCRIPTING  ###############################
+# Max execution time of a Lua script in milliseconds.
+# If the maximum execution time is reached Redis will log that a script is
+# still in execution after the maximum allowed time and will start to
+# reply to queries with an error.
+# When a long running script exceed the maximum execution time only the
+# SCRIPT KILL and SHUTDOWN NOSAVE commands are available. The first can be
+# used to stop a script that did not yet called write commands. The second
+# is the only way to shut down the server in the case a write commands was
+# already issue by the script but the user don't want to wait for the natural
+# termination of the script.
+# Set it to 0 or a negative value for unlimited execution without warnings.
+lua-time-limit 5000
+################################## SLOW LOG ###################################
+# The Redis Slow Log is a system to log queries that exceeded a specified
+# execution time. The execution time does not include the I/O operations
+# like talking with the client, sending the reply and so forth,
+# but just the time needed to actually execute the command (this is the only
+# stage of command execution where the thread is blocked and can not serve
+# other requests in the meantime).
+# You can configure the slow log with two parameters: one tells Redis
+# what is the execution time, in microseconds, to exceed in order for the
+# command to get logged, and the other parameter is the length of the
+# slow log. When a new command is logged the oldest one is removed from the
+# queue of logged commands.
+# The following time is expressed in microseconds, so 1000000 is equivalent
+# to one second. Note that a negative number disables the slow log, while
+# a value of zero forces the logging of every command.
+slowlog-log-slower-than 10000
+# There is no limit to this length. Just be aware that it will consume memory.
+# You can reclaim memory used by the slow log with SLOWLOG RESET.
+slowlog-max-len 128
+############################### ADVANCED CONFIG ###############################
+# Hashes are encoded using a memory efficient data structure when they have a
+# small number of entries, and the biggest entry does not exceed a given
+# threshold. These thresholds can be configured using the following directives.
+hash-max-ziplist-entries 512
+hash-max-ziplist-value 64
+# Similarly to hashes, small lists are also encoded in a special way in order
+# to save a lot of space. The special representation is only used when
+# you are under the following limits:
+list-max-ziplist-entries 512
+list-max-ziplist-value 64
+# Sets have a special encoding in just one case: when a set is composed
+# of just strings that happens to be integers in radix 10 in the range
+# of 64 bit signed integers.
+# The following configuration setting sets the limit in the size of the
+# set in order to use this special memory saving encoding.
+set-max-intset-entries 512
+# Similarly to hashes and lists, sorted sets are also specially encoded in
+# order to save a lot of space. This encoding is only used when the length and
+# elements of a sorted set are below the following limits:
+zset-max-ziplist-entries 128
+zset-max-ziplist-value 64
+# Active rehashing uses 1 millisecond every 100 milliseconds of CPU time in
+# order to help rehashing the main Redis hash table (the one mapping top-level
+# keys to values). The hash table implementation Redis uses (see dict.c)
+# performs a lazy rehashing: the more operation you run into an hash table
+# that is rehashing, the more rehashing "steps" are performed, so if the
+# server is idle the rehashing is never complete and some more memory is used
+# by the hash table.
+# The default is to use this millisecond 10 times every second in order to
+# active rehashing the main dictionaries, freeing memory when possible.
+# If unsure:
+# use "activerehashing no" if you have hard latency requirements and it is
+# not a good thing in your environment that Redis can reply form time to time
+# to queries with 2 milliseconds delay.
+# use "activerehashing yes" if you don't have such hard requirements but
+# want to free memory asap when possible.
+activerehashing yes
+# The client output buffer limits can be used to force disconnection of clients
+# that are not reading data from the server fast enough for some reason (a
+# common reason is that a Pub/Sub client can't consume messages as fast as the
+# publisher can produce them).
+# The limit can be set differently for the three different classes of clients:
+# normal -> normal clients
+# slave  -> slave clients and MONITOR clients
+# pubsub -> clients subcribed to at least one pubsub channel or pattern
+# The syntax of every client-output-buffer-limit directive is the following:
+# client-output-buffer-limit <class> <hard limit> <soft limit> <soft seconds>
+# A client is immediately disconnected once the hard limit is reached, or if
+# the soft limit is reached and remains reached for the specified number of
+# seconds (continuously).
+# So for instance if the hard limit is 32 megabytes and the soft limit is
+# 16 megabytes / 10 seconds, the client will get disconnected immediately
+# if the size of the output buffers reach 32 megabytes, but will also get
+# disconnected if the client reaches 16 megabytes and continuously overcomes
+# the limit for 10 seconds.
+# By default normal clients are not limited because they don't receive data
+# without asking (in a push way), but just after a request, so only
+# asynchronous clients may create a scenario where data is requested faster
+# than it can read.
+# Instead there is a default limit for pubsub and slave clients, since
+# subscribers and slaves receive data in a push fashion.
+# Both the hard or the soft limit can be disabled just setting it to zero.
+client-output-buffer-limit normal 0 0 0
+client-output-buffer-limit slave 256mb 64mb 60
+client-output-buffer-limit pubsub 32mb 8mb 60
+################################## INCLUDES ###################################
+# Include one or more other config files here.  This is useful if you
+# have a standard template that goes to all Redis server but also need
+# to customize a few per-server settings.  Include files can include
+# other files, so use this wisely.
+# include /path/to/local.conf
+# include /path/to/other.conf
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/redis/redis_3.0.2.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/redis/redis_3.0.2.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55f2c96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/redis/redis_3.0.2.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+SUMMARY = "Redis key-value store"
+DESCRIPTION = "Redis is an open source, advanced key-value store."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://redis.io"
+SECTION = "libs"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=3c01b49fed4df1a79843688fa3f7b9d6"
+SRC_URI = "http://download.redis.io/releases/${BP}.tar.gz \
+           file://hiredis-use-default-CC-if-it-is-set.patch \
+           file://lua-update-Makefile-to-use-environment-build-setting.patch \
+           file://oe-use-libc-malloc.patch \
+           file://redis.conf \
+           file://init-redis-server \
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "87be8867447f62524b584813e5a7bd14"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "93e422c0d584623601f89b956045be158889ebe594478a2c24e1bf218495633f"
+inherit autotools-brokensep update-rc.d
+do_install() {
+    export PREFIX=${D}/${prefix}
+    oe_runmake install
+    install -d ${D}/${sysconfdir}/redis
+    install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/redis.conf ${D}/${sysconfdir}/redis/redis.conf
+    install -d ${D}/${sysconfdir}/init.d
+    install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/init-redis-server ${D}/${sysconfdir}/init.d/redis-server
+    install -d ${D}/var/lib/redis/
+CONFFILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir}/redis/redis.conf"
+INITSCRIPT_NAME = "redis-server"
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "defaults 87"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rrdtool/rrdtool_1.5.4.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rrdtool/rrdtool_1.5.4.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..216aafc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rrdtool/rrdtool_1.5.4.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+SUMMARY = "High performance data logging and graphing system for time series data"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYRIGHT;md5=3349111ed0533471494beec99715bc9d"
+DEPENDS = "libpng zlib cairo pango glib-2.0 libxml2 groff-native"
+SRCREV = "04f70058cc894c0a3ee5d555ea1bb5a8d4bb8a0e"
+PV = "1.5.4"
+SRC_URI = "\
+    git://github.com/oetiker/rrdtool-1.x.git;branch=1.5 \
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+inherit cpan autotools-brokensep gettext pythonnative python-dir systemd
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "rrdcached.socket rrdcached.service"
+PACKAGECONFIG ??= "python perl ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'systemd', '', d)}"
+PACKAGECONFIG[python] = "--enable-python=yes \
+am_cv_python_pythondir=${STAGING_LIBDIR}/python${PYTHON_BASEVERSION}/site-packages \
+"--enable-perl=yes --with-perl-options='INSTALLDIRS="vendor"' \
+ac_cv_path_PERL_CC='${CC}',  \
+PACKAGECONFIG[dbi] = "--enable-libdbi,--disable-libdbi,libdbi"
+PACKAGECONFIG[systemd] = "--with-systemdsystemunitdir=${systemd_unitdir}/system/,--without-systemdsystemunitdir,systemd,"
+    --enable-shared \
+    --disable-libwrap \
+    --program-prefix='' \
+    rd_cv_ieee_works=yes \
+    --disable-ruby \
+    --disable-lua \
+    --disable-tcl \
+    --disable-rpath \
+export BUILD_SYS
+export HOST_SYS
+# emulate cpan_do_configure
+# Avoid do_configure error on some hosts
+export PERLHOSTLIB = ""
+do_configure() {
+    #fix the pkglib problem with newer automake
+    #perl
+    sed -i -e "s|-Wl,--rpath -Wl,\$rp||g" \
+        ${S}/bindings/perl-shared/Makefile.PL
+    #python
+    sed -i -e '/PYTHON_INCLUDES="-I${/c \
+    PYTHON_INCLUDES="-I=/usr/include/python${PYTHON_BASEVERSION}"' \
+        ${S}/m4/acinclude.m4
+    #remove the useless RPATH from the rrdtool.so
+    sed -i -e 's|LD_RUN_PATH=$(libdir)||g' ${S}/bindings/Makefile.am
+    autotools_do_configure
+    #modify python sitepkg
+    #remove the dependency of perl-shared:Makefile
+    #or perl-shared/Makefile will be regenerated
+    #if any code touch bindings/Makefile after below perl bindings code
+    sed -i -e "s:python/setup.py install:python/setup.py install \
+        --install-lib=${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}:" \
+        -e "s:perl-shared/Makefile.PL Makefile:perl-shared/Makefile.PL:" \
+        ${B}/bindings/Makefile
+    #redo the perl bindings
+    (
+    cd ${S}/bindings/perl-shared;
+    perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS="vendor" INSTALLPRIVLIB="abc";
+    cd ../../bindings/perl-piped;
+    perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS="vendor";
+    )
+    #change the interpreter in file
+    sed -i -e "s|^PERL = ${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/.*|PERL = /usr/bin/perl|g" \
+        ${B}/examples/Makefile
+    sed -i -e "s|${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/perl-native/perl|/usr/bin/perl|g" \
+        ${B}/examples/*.pl
+PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-perl ${PN}-python"
+FILES_${PN}-doc += "${datadir}/rrdtool/examples"
+DESCRIPTION_${PN}-perl = \
+"The ${PN}-perl package includes RRDtool bindings for perl."
+FILES_${PN}-perl = "${libdir}/perl/vendor_perl/*/*.pm \
+    ${libdir}/perl/vendor_perl/*/auto/RRDs/RRDs.*"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-perl = "perl perl-module-lib perl-module-getopt-long perl-module-time-hires \
+    perl-module-io-file perl-module-ipc-open2 perl-module-io-socket"
+DESCRIPTION_${PN}-python = \
+"The ${PN}-python package includes RRDtool bindings for python."
+FILES_${PN}-python = "${libdir}/python${PYTHON_BASEVERSION}/site-packages/*"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-python = "python"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libdir}/perl/vendor_perl/*/auto/RRDs/.debug \
+    ${libdir}/python${PYTHON_BASEVERSION}/site-packages/.debug"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/enable_tls_ptests.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/enable_tls_ptests.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c858f32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/enable_tls_ptests.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Enable tls ptest
+Signed-off-by: Tudor Florea <tudor.florea@enea.com>
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+--- rsyslog-7.4.4/tests/Makefile.am.orig	2013-08-30 18:30:41.000000000 +0200
++++ rsyslog-7.4.4/tests/Makefile.am	2015-10-01 09:38:45.176289031 +0200
+@@ -118,15 +118,13 @@
+ endif
+-# TODO: re-enable in newer version
+-#TESTS +=  \
+-	#sndrcv_tls_anon.sh \
+-	#sndrcv_tls_anon_rebind.sh \
+-	#imtcp-tls-basic.sh
++TESTS +=  \
++	 imtcp-tls-basic.sh \
++	 imtcp_conndrop_tls.sh
+ TESTS += imtcp-tls-basic-vg.sh \
+-	 imtcp_conndrop_tls-vg.sh 
+-	 manytcp-too-few-tls-vg.sh 
++	 imtcp_conndrop_tls-vg.sh \
++	 manytcp-too-few-tls.sh
+ endif
+ endif
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/initscript b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/initscript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a8f8f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/initscript
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# This is an init script for openembedded
+# Copy it to /etc/init.d/rsyslog and type
+# > update-rc.d rsyslog defaults 5
+# Exit if the package is not installed
+[ -x "$RSYSLOGD_BIN" ] || exit 0
+# Read configuration variable file if it is present
+[ -r /etc/default/$NAME ] && . /etc/default/$NAME
+# Function that starts the daemon/service
+        DAEMON=$1
+        DAEMON_ARGS=$2
+        PIDFILE=$3
+        # Return
+        #   0 if daemon has been started
+        #   1 if daemon could not be started
+        #   if daemon had already been started, start-stop-daemon will return 1
+        #   so add -o/--oknodo(if nothing is done, exit 0)
+        start-stop-daemon -S --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON \
+                             --oknodo -- $DAEMON_ARGS || return 1
+# Function that stops the daemon/service
+        NAME=$1
+        PIDFILE=$2
+        # Return
+        #   0 if daemon has been stopped
+        #   1 if daemon was already stopped
+        #   2 if daemon could not be stopped
+        #   other if a failure occurred
+        # QUIT/TERM/INT should work here, but they don't ????? 
+        start-stop-daemon -K --quiet --signal KILL --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME
+        RETVAL="$?"
+        rm -f $PIDFILE
+        return "$RETVAL"
+# Function that sends a SIGHUP to the daemon/service
+do_reload() {
+        NAME=$1
+        PIDFILE=$2
+        start-stop-daemon -K --signal HUP --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME
+        return 0
+do_status() {
+        NAME=$1
+        PIDFILE=$2
+        # -t: test only but not stop
+        start-stop-daemon -K -t --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME
+        # exit with status 0 if process is found
+        if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
+                return 0
+        else
+                return 1
+        fi
+case "$1" in
+  start)
+        echo -n "starting $RSYSLOGD ... "
+        case "$?" in
+                0) echo "done" ;;
+                1) echo "failed" ;;
+        esac
+        ;;
+  stop)
+        echo -n "stopping $RSYSLOGD ... "
+        do_stop "$RSYSLOGD" "$RSYSLOGD_PIDFILE"
+        case "$?" in
+                0|1) echo "done" ;;
+                2) echo "failed" ;;
+        esac
+        ;;
+  reload|force-reload)
+        echo -n "reloading $RSYSLOGD ... "
+        do_reload "$RSYSLOGD" "$RSYSLOGD_PIDFILE"
+        echo "done"
+        ;;
+  restart)
+        $0 stop
+        $0 start
+        ;;
+  status)
+        echo -n "status $RSYSLOGD ... "
+        do_status "$RSYSLOGD" "$RSYSLOGD_PIDFILE"
+        if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
+                echo "running"
+                exit 0        
+        else
+                echo "stopped"
+                exit 1        
+        fi
+        ;;
+  *)
+        echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|status|restart|reload|force-reload}" >&2
+        exit 3
+        ;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/json-0.12-fix.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/json-0.12-fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dd85a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/json-0.12-fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+json-c-0.12 unlike 0.11 doesn't install json -> json-c symlink in include
+* Resolved in Version 7.6.4 [v7.6-stable] 2014-09-12
+  https://github.com/rsyslog/rsyslog/blob/v7-stable/ChangeLog
+* permits to build against json-c 0.12
+  Unfortunately, json-c had an ABI breakage, so this is necessary. Note
+  that versions prior to 0.12 had security issues (CVE-2013-6370,
+  CVE-2013-6371) and so it is desirable to link against the new version.
+  Thanks to Thomas D. for the patch. Note that at least some distros
+  have fixed the security issue in older versions of json-c, so this
+  seems to apply mostly when building from sources.
+Upstream-Status: Backport
+Signed-off-by: Martin Jansa <Martin.Jansa@gmail.com>
+diff --git a/plugins/ommongodb/ommongodb.c b/plugins/ommongodb/ommongodb.c
+index 41c0d76..682c40e 100644
+--- a/plugins/ommongodb/ommongodb.c
++++ b/plugins/ommongodb/ommongodb.c
+@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@
+ #include <stdint.h>
+ #include <time.h>
+ #include <mongo.h>
+-#include <json.h>
++#include <json-c/json.h>
+ /* For struct json_object_iter, should not be necessary in future versions */
+-#include <json_object_private.h>
++#include <json-c/json_object_private.h>
+ #include "rsyslog.h"
+ #include "conf.h"
+diff --git a/runtime/msg.c b/runtime/msg.c
+index d04ce7b..b367e1f 100644
+--- a/runtime/msg.c
++++ b/runtime/msg.c
+@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
+ #endif
+ #include <netdb.h>
+ #include <libestr.h>
+-#include <json.h>
++#include <json-c/json.h>
+ /* For struct json_object_iter, should not be necessary in future versions */
+-#include <json_object_private.h>
++#include <json-c/json_object_private.h>
+ #  include <malloc.h>
+ #endif
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/replace_deprecated_GnuTLS_functions.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/replace_deprecated_GnuTLS_functions.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be05eee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/replace_deprecated_GnuTLS_functions.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+replace deprecated GnuTLS functions with newer ones if available
+closes https://github.com/rsyslog/rsyslog/issues/302
+Upstream fix https://github.com/rsyslog/rsyslog/commit/b34c35e38f258935c0e92ca754da097d7f3f0f58
+Upstream-Status: Backport
+Signed-off-by: Tudor Florea  <tudor.florea@enea.com>
+ configure.ac       |  2 ++
+ runtime/nsd_gtls.c | 21 ++++++++++++++++++---
+ 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 643fc94..56835fb 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -763,6 +763,8 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(gnutls,
+ if test "x$enable_gnutls" = "xyes"; then
+ 	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GNUTLS, gnutls >= 1.4.0)
+ 	AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_GNUTLS], [1], [Indicator that GnuTLS is present])
++        AC_CHECK_LIB(gnutls, gnutls_global_init)
++	AC_CHECK_FUNCS(gnutls_certificate_set_retrieve_function,,)
+ fi
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_GNUTLS, test x$enable_gnutls = xyes)
+diff --git a/runtime/nsd_gtls.c b/runtime/nsd_gtls.c
+index a763e4b..e127834 100644
+--- a/runtime/nsd_gtls.c
++++ b/runtime/nsd_gtls.c
+@@ -232,15 +232,26 @@ gtlsLoadOurCertKey(nsd_gtls_t *pThis)
+  */
+ static int
+ gtlsClientCertCallback(gnutls_session session,
+-              __attribute__((unused)) const gnutls_datum* req_ca_rdn, int __attribute__((unused)) nreqs,
+-              __attribute__((unused)) const gnutls_pk_algorithm* sign_algos, int __attribute__((unused)) sign_algos_length,
+-              gnutls_retr_st *st)
++        __attribute__((unused)) const gnutls_datum* req_ca_rdn,
++	int __attribute__((unused)) nreqs,
++        __attribute__((unused)) const gnutls_pk_algorithm* sign_algos,
++	int __attribute__((unused)) sign_algos_length,
++	gnutls_retr2_st* st
++        gnutls_retr_st *st
++	)
+ {
+ 	nsd_gtls_t *pThis;
+ 	pThis = (nsd_gtls_t*) gnutls_session_get_ptr(session);
++	st->cert_type = GNUTLS_CRT_X509;
+ 	st->type = GNUTLS_CRT_X509;
+ 	st->ncerts = 1;
+ 	st->cert.x509 = &pThis->ourCert;
+ 	st->key.x509 = pThis->ourKey;
+@@ -1625,7 +1625,11 @@ Connect(nsd_t *pNsd, int family, uchar *port, uchar *host)
+ 	gnutls_session_set_ptr(pThis->sess, (void*)pThis);
+ 	iRet = gtlsLoadOurCertKey(pThis); /* first load .pem files */
+ 	if(iRet == RS_RET_OK) {
++		gnutls_certificate_set_retrieve_function(xcred, gtlsClientCertCallback);
++#		else
+ 		gnutls_certificate_client_set_retrieve_function(xcred, gtlsClientCertCallback);
++#	endif
+ 	} else if(iRet != RS_RET_CERTLESS) {
+ 		FINALIZE; /* we have an error case! */
+ 	}
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/rsyslog-fix-ptest-not-finish.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/rsyslog-fix-ptest-not-finish.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdcb6e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/rsyslog-fix-ptest-not-finish.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+$MaxMessageSize doesn't work if before $IncludeConfig diag-common.conf, then
+test cases fall into infinite loop with error message:
+8062.511110729:4902c480: error: message received is larger than max msg size, we split it
+8062.511152265:4902c480: discarding zero-sized message
+Update configure to fix it.
+Upstream-Status: pending
+Kai Kang <kai.kang@windriver.com>
+diff -Nru rsyslog-7.4.4/tests/testsuites/complex1.conf rsyslog-7.4.4.new/tests/testsuites/complex1.conf
+--- rsyslog-7.4.4/tests/testsuites/complex1.conf	2013-08-31 00:30:41.000000000 +0800
++++ rsyslog-7.4.4.new/tests/testsuites/complex1.conf	2013-12-18 14:28:10.644004184 +0800
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ # complex test case with multiple actions in gzip mode
+ # rgerhards, 2009-05-22
+-$MaxMessageSize 10k
+ $IncludeConfig diag-common.conf
++$MaxMessageSize 10k
+ $MainMsgQueueTimeoutEnqueue 5000
+diff -Nru rsyslog-7.4.4/tests/testsuites/gzipwr_large.conf rsyslog-7.4.4.new/tests/testsuites/gzipwr_large.conf
+--- rsyslog-7.4.4/tests/testsuites/gzipwr_large.conf	2012-04-04 14:29:55.000000000 +0800
++++ rsyslog-7.4.4.new/tests/testsuites/gzipwr_large.conf	2013-12-18 14:28:10.645004186 +0800
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ # simple async writing test
+ # rgerhards, 2010-03-09
+-$MaxMessageSize 10k
+ $IncludeConfig diag-common.conf
++$MaxMessageSize 10k
+ $ModLoad ../plugins/imtcp/.libs/imtcp
+ $MainMsgQueueTimeoutShutdown 10000
+diff -Nru rsyslog-7.4.4/tests/testsuites/gzipwr_large_dynfile.conf rsyslog-7.4.4.new/tests/testsuites/gzipwr_large_dynfile.conf
+--- rsyslog-7.4.4/tests/testsuites/gzipwr_large_dynfile.conf	2012-04-04 14:29:55.000000000 +0800
++++ rsyslog-7.4.4.new/tests/testsuites/gzipwr_large_dynfile.conf	2013-12-18 14:28:10.645004186 +0800
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ # simple async writing test
+ # rgerhards, 2010-03-09
+-$MaxMessageSize 10k
+ $IncludeConfig diag-common.conf
++$MaxMessageSize 10k
+ $ModLoad ../plugins/imtcp/.libs/imtcp
+ $MainMsgQueueTimeoutShutdown 10000
+diff -Nru rsyslog-7.4.4/tests/testsuites/imptcp_conndrop.conf rsyslog-7.4.4.new/tests/testsuites/imptcp_conndrop.conf
+--- rsyslog-7.4.4/tests/testsuites/imptcp_conndrop.conf	2013-08-31 00:30:41.000000000 +0800
++++ rsyslog-7.4.4.new/tests/testsuites/imptcp_conndrop.conf	2013-12-18 14:28:10.646004189 +0800
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ # simple async writing test
+ # rgerhards, 2010-03-09
+-$MaxMessageSize 10k
+ $IncludeConfig diag-common.conf
++$MaxMessageSize 10k
+ $ModLoad ../plugins/imptcp/.libs/imptcp
+ $MainMsgQueueTimeoutShutdown 10000
+diff -Nru rsyslog-7.4.4/tests/testsuites/imptcp_large.conf rsyslog-7.4.4.new/tests/testsuites/imptcp_large.conf
+--- rsyslog-7.4.4/tests/testsuites/imptcp_large.conf	2013-08-31 00:30:41.000000000 +0800
++++ rsyslog-7.4.4.new/tests/testsuites/imptcp_large.conf	2013-12-18 14:28:10.646004189 +0800
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ # simple async writing test
+ # rgerhards, 2010-03-09
+-$MaxMessageSize 10k
+ $IncludeConfig diag-common.conf
++$MaxMessageSize 10k
+ $ModLoad ../plugins/imptcp/.libs/imptcp
+ $MainMsgQueueTimeoutShutdown 10000
+diff -Nru rsyslog-7.4.4/tests/testsuites/imtcp_conndrop.conf rsyslog-7.4.4.new/tests/testsuites/imtcp_conndrop.conf
+--- rsyslog-7.4.4/tests/testsuites/imtcp_conndrop.conf	2013-07-19 20:59:03.000000000 +0800
++++ rsyslog-7.4.4.new/tests/testsuites/imtcp_conndrop.conf	2013-12-18 14:28:10.646004189 +0800
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ # simple async writing test
+ # rgerhards, 2010-03-09
+-$MaxMessageSize 10k
+ $IncludeConfig diag-common.conf
++$MaxMessageSize 10k
+ $ModLoad ../plugins/imtcp/.libs/imtcp
+ $MainMsgQueueTimeoutShutdown 10000
+diff -Nru rsyslog-7.4.4/tests/testsuites/wr_large.conf rsyslog-7.4.4.new/tests/testsuites/wr_large.conf
+--- rsyslog-7.4.4/tests/testsuites/wr_large.conf	2012-04-04 14:29:55.000000000 +0800
++++ rsyslog-7.4.4.new/tests/testsuites/wr_large.conf	2013-12-18 14:28:10.647004190 +0800
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ # simple async writing test
+ # rgerhards, 2010-03-09
+-$MaxMessageSize 10k
+ $IncludeConfig diag-common.conf
++$MaxMessageSize 10k
+ $ModLoad ../plugins/imtcp/.libs/imtcp
+ $MainMsgQueueTimeoutShutdown 10000
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/rsyslog.conf b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/rsyslog.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..324ae6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/rsyslog.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# if you experience problems, check
+# http://www.rsyslog.com/troubleshoot for assistance
+# rsyslog v3: load input modules
+# If you do not load inputs, nothing happens!
+# You may need to set the module load path if modules are not found.
+# Ported from debian's sysklogd.conf
+$ModLoad immark   # provides --MARK-- message capability
+$ModLoad imuxsock # provides support for local system logging (e.g. via logger command)
+$ModLoad imklog   # kernel logging (formerly provided by rklogd)
+# Set the default permissions
+$FileOwner root
+$FileGroup adm
+$FileCreateMode 0640
+$DirCreateMode 0755
+$Umask 0022
+auth,authpriv.*                 /var/log/auth.log
+*.*;auth,authpriv.none          -/var/log/syslog
+cron.*                          /var/log/cron.log
+daemon.*                        -/var/log/daemon.log
+kern.*                          -/var/log/kern.log
+lpr.*                           -/var/log/lpr.log
+mail.*                          -/var/log/mail.log
+user.*                          -/var/log/user.log
+# Logging for the mail system.  Split it up so that
+# it is easy to write scripts to parse these files.
+mail.info                       -/var/log/mail.info
+mail.warn                       -/var/log/mail.warn
+mail.err                        /var/log/mail.err
+# Logging for INN news system
+news.crit                       /var/log/news.crit
+news.err                        /var/log/news.err
+news.notice                     -/var/log/news.notice
+# Some `catch-all' logfiles.
+        auth,authpriv.none;\
+        news.none;mail.none     -/var/log/debug
+        auth,authpriv.none;\
+        cron,daemon.none;\
+        mail,news.none          -/var/log/messages
+# Emergencies are sent to everybody logged in.
+*.emerg                         :omusrmsg:*
+# Save boot messages also to boot.log
+local7.*                                                /var/log/boot.log
+# Remote Logging (we use TCP for reliable delivery)
+# An on-disk queue is created for this action. If the remote host is
+# down, messages are spooled to disk and sent when it is up again.
+#$WorkDirectory /var/spool/rsyslog # where to place spool files
+#$ActionQueueFileName uniqName # unique name prefix for spool files
+$ActionQueueMaxDiskSpace 10m   # 1gb space limit (use as much as possible)
+#$ActionQueueSaveOnShutdown on # save messages to disk on shutdown
+#$ActionQueueType LinkedList   # run asynchronously
+#$ActionResumeRetryCount -1    # infinite retries if host is down
+# remote host is: name/ip:port, e.g., port optional
+#*.* @@remote-host:514
+# ######### Receiving Messages from Remote Hosts ##########
+# TCP Syslog Server:
+# provides TCP syslog reception and GSS-API (if compiled to support it)
+#$ModLoad imtcp.so  # load module
+#$InputTCPServerRun 514 # start up TCP listener at port 514
+# UDP Syslog Server:
+#$ModLoad imudp.so  # provides UDP syslog reception
+#$UDPServerRun 514 # start a UDP syslog server at standard port 514
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/rsyslog.logrotate b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/rsyslog.logrotate
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94ec517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/rsyslog.logrotate
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog - Ported from Debian
+        rotate 7
+        daily
+        missingok
+        notifempty
+        delaycompress
+        compress
+        postrotate
+		/bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/rsyslogd.pid 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true
+        endscript
+        rotate 4
+        weekly
+        missingok
+        notifempty
+        compress
+        delaycompress
+        sharedscripts
+        postrotate
+		/bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/rsyslogd.pid 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true
+        endscript
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/run-ptest b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/run-ptest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3770a75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/run-ptest
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+make -C tests -k check-TESTS
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/use-pkgconfig-to-check-libgcrypt.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/use-pkgconfig-to-check-libgcrypt.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebc1070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/use-pkgconfig-to-check-libgcrypt.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+From 5c3ba79177f7d1763db33c4358af2af60ff214b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Roy Li <rongqing.li@windriver.com> 
+Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 13:46:52 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH] use pkgconfig to check libgcrypt
+Upstream-status: Inappropriate [configuration]
+libgcrypt does no longer provide libgcrypt-config, and provide
+*.pc, so we should use pkgconfig to check
+Signed-off-by: Roy Li <rongqing.li@windriver.com>
+ configure.ac |   19 +------------------
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 18 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 017116e..1b880f8 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -784,24 +784,7 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(libgcrypt,
+         [enable_libgcrypt=yes]
+ )
+ if test "x$enable_libgcrypt" = "xyes"; then
+-        AC_CHECK_PROG(
+-            [libgcrypt-config],
+-            [yes],,,
+-            )
+-        if test "x${HAVE_LIBGCRYPT_CONFIG}" != "xyes"; then
+-           AC_MSG_FAILURE([libgcrypt-config not found in PATH])
+-        fi
+-        AC_CHECK_LIB(
+-		[gcrypt],
+-        	[gcry_cipher_open],
+-        	[LIBGCRYPT_CFLAGS="`libgcrypt-config --cflags`"
+-        	LIBGCRYPT_LIBS="`libgcrypt-config --libs`"
+-        	],
+-        	[AC_MSG_FAILURE([libgcrypt is missing])],
+-        	[`libgcrypt-config --libs --cflags`]
+-        	)
+-	AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_LIBGCRYPT], [1], [Indicator that LIBGCRYPT is present])
+ fi
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_LIBGCRYPT, test x$enable_libgcrypt = xyes)
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/use_gnutls_certificate_type_set_priority_only_if_available.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/use_gnutls_certificate_type_set_priority_only_if_available.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1dab75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog/use_gnutls_certificate_type_set_priority_only_if_available.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+From 21674039db99d1067e9df4df04d965297d62c6af Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Rainer Gerhards <rgerhards@adiscon.com>
+Date: Mon, 18 May 2015 09:36:02 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] use gnutls_certificate_type_set_priority() only if available
+The gnutls_certificate_type_set_priority function is deprecated
+and not available in recent GnuTLS versions. However, there is no
+doc how to properly replace it with gnutls_priority_set_direct.
+A lot of folks have simply removed it, when they also called
+gnutls_set_default_priority. This is what we now also do. If
+this causes problems or someone has an idea of how to replace
+the deprecated function in a better way, please let us know!
+In any case, we use it as long as it is available and let
+not insult us by the deprecation warnings.
+Upstream-Status: Backport
+Signed-off-by: Tudor Florea  <tudor.florea@enea.com>
+ configure.ac       |  1 +
+ runtime/nsd_gtls.c | 18 ++++++++++++++++--
+ 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 56835fb..1c2be01 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -765,6 +765,7 @@ if test "x$enable_gnutls" = "xyes"; then
+ 	AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_GNUTLS], [1], [Indicator that GnuTLS is present])
+         AC_CHECK_LIB(gnutls, gnutls_global_init)
+ 	AC_CHECK_FUNCS(gnutls_certificate_set_retrieve_function,,)
++	AC_CHECK_FUNCS(gnutls_certificate_type_set_priority,,)
+ fi
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_GNUTLS, test x$enable_gnutls = xyes)
+diff --git a/runtime/nsd_gtls.c b/runtime/nsd_gtls.c
+index e127834..4b6aab1 100644
+--- a/runtime/nsd_gtls.c
++++ b/runtime/nsd_gtls.c
+@@ -1658,8 +1658,9 @@ Connect(nsd_t *pNsd, int family, uchar *port, uchar *host)
+ 	nsd_gtls_t *pThis = (nsd_gtls_t*) pNsd;
+ 	int sock;
+ 	int gnuRet;
+-	/* TODO: later? static const int cert_type_priority[3] = { GNUTLS_CRT_X509, GNUTLS_CRT_OPENPGP, 0 };*/
+ 	static const int cert_type_priority[2] = { GNUTLS_CRT_X509, 0 };
++#	endif
+ 	DEFiRet;
+ 	ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, nsd_gtls);
+@@ -1688,14 +1689,27 @@ Connect(nsd_t *pNsd, int family, uchar *port, uchar *host)
+ 		gnutls_certificate_set_retrieve_function(xcred, gtlsClientCertCallback);
+ #		else
+ 		gnutls_certificate_client_set_retrieve_function(xcred, gtlsClientCertCallback);
+-#	endif
++#		endif
+ 	} else if(iRet != RS_RET_CERTLESS) {
+ 		FINALIZE; /* we have an error case! */
+ 	}
+ 	/* Use default priorities */
+ 	CHKgnutls(gnutls_set_default_priority(pThis->sess));
++	/* The gnutls_certificate_type_set_priority function is deprecated
++	 * and not available in recent GnuTLS versions. However, there is no
++	 * doc how to properly replace it with gnutls_priority_set_direct.
++	 * A lot of folks have simply removed it, when they also called
++	 * gnutls_set_default_priority. This is what we now also do. If
++	 * this causes problems or someone has an idea of how to replace
++	 * the deprecated function in a better way, please let us know!
++	 * In any case, we use it as long as it is available and let
++	 * not insult us by the deprecation warnings.
++	 * 2015-05-18 rgerhards
++	 */
+ 	CHKgnutls(gnutls_certificate_type_set_priority(pThis->sess, cert_type_priority));
++#	endif
+ 	/* put the x509 credentials to the current session */
+ 	CHKgnutls(gnutls_credentials_set(pThis->sess, GNUTLS_CRD_CERTIFICATE, xcred));
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog_7.6.1.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog_7.6.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1d923c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/rsyslog/rsyslog_7.6.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+SUMMARY = "Rsyslog is an enhanced multi-threaded syslogd"
+Rsyslog is an enhanced syslogd supporting, among others, MySQL,\
+ PostgreSQL, failover log destinations, syslog/tcp, fine grain\
+ output format control, high precision timestamps, queued operations\
+ and the ability to filter on any message part. It is quite\
+ compatible to stock sysklogd and can be used as a drop-in replacement.\
+ Its advanced features make it suitable for enterprise-class,\
+ encryption protected syslog relay chains while at the same time being\
+ very easy to setup for the novice user."
+DEPENDS = "zlib libestr json-c bison-native flex-native liblogging"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.rsyslog.com/"
+LICENSE = "GPLv3 & LGPLv3 & Apache-2.0"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=51d9635e646fb75e1b74c074f788e973 \
+                    file://COPYING.LESSER;md5=cb7903f1e5c39ae838209e130dca270a \
+                    file://COPYING.ASL20;md5=052f8a09206615ab07326ff8ce2d9d32\
+SRC_URI = "http://www.rsyslog.com/download/files/download/rsyslog/${BPN}-${PV}.tar.gz \
+           file://initscript \
+           file://rsyslog.conf \
+           file://rsyslog.logrotate \
+           file://use-pkgconfig-to-check-libgcrypt.patch \
+           file://run-ptest \
+           file://rsyslog-fix-ptest-not-finish.patch \
+           file://json-0.12-fix.patch \
+           file://replace_deprecated_GnuTLS_functions.patch \
+           file://use_gnutls_certificate_type_set_priority_only_if_available.patch \
+           file://enable_tls_ptests.patch \
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "093c462a5245012bd9e7b82dd8aedffb"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "357f089d866c351d5fe5b7139fa85b010223d77b3c21f29b2a1baa8688926111"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig systemd update-rc.d update-alternatives ptest
+EXTRA_OECONF += "--enable-cached-man-pages"
+# first line is default yes in configure
+    zlib rsyslogd rsyslogrt klog inet regexp uuid libgcrypt \
+    imdiag gnutls imfile \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'snmp', 'snmp', '', d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'systemd', '', d)} \
+    ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ptest', 'testbench ${VALGRIND}', '', d)} \
+# default yes in configure
+PACKAGECONFIG[zlib] = "--enable-zlib,--disable-zlib,zlib,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[rsyslogd] = "--enable-rsyslogd,--disable-rsyslogd,,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[rsyslogrt] = "--enable-rsyslogrt,--disable-rsyslogrt,,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[inet] = "--enable-inet,--disable-inet,,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[klog] = "--enable-klog,--disable-klog,,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[regexp] = "--enable-regexp,--disable-regexp,,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[uuid] = "--enable-uuid,--disable-uuid,util-linux,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[libgcrypt] = "--enable-libgcrypt,--disable-libgcrypt,libgcrypt,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[testbench] = "--enable-testbench,--disable-testbench,,"
+# default no in configure
+PACKAGECONFIG[debug] = "--enable-debug,--disable-debug,,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[imdiag] = "--enable-imdiag,--disable-imdiag,,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[imfile] = "--enable-imfile,--disable-imfile,,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[snmp] = "--enable-snmp,--disable-snmp,net-snmp,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[gnutls] = "--enable-gnutls,--disable-gnutls,gnutls,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[systemd] = "--with-systemdsystemunitdir=${systemd_unitdir}/system/,--without-systemdsystemunitdir,systemd,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[mysql] = "--enable-mysql,--disable-mysql,mysql5,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[postgresql] = "--enable-pgsql,--disable-pgsql,postgresql,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[libdbi] = "--enable-libdbi,--disable-libdbi,libdbi,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[mail] = "--enable-mail,--disable-mail,,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[gui] = "--enable-gui,--disable-gui,,"
+PACKAGECONFIG[valgrind] = "--enable-valgrind,--disable-valgrind,valgrind,"
+TESTDIR = "tests"
+do_compile_ptest() {
+    echo 'buildtest-TESTS: $(check_PROGRAMS)' >> ${TESTDIR}/Makefile
+    oe_runmake -C ${TESTDIR} buildtest-TESTS
+do_install_ptest() {
+    # install the tests
+    cp -rf ${S}/${TESTDIR} ${D}${PTEST_PATH}
+    cp -rf ${B}/${TESTDIR} ${D}${PTEST_PATH}
+    # do NOT need to rebuild Makefile itself
+    sed -i 's/^Makefile:.*$/Makefile:/' ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/${TESTDIR}/Makefile
+    # fix the srcdir, top_srcdir
+    sed -i 's,^\(srcdir = \).*,\1${PTEST_PATH}/tests,' ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/${TESTDIR}/Makefile
+    sed -i 's,^\(top_srcdir = \).*,\1${PTEST_PATH}/tests,' ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/${TESTDIR}/Makefile
+    # valgrind is not compatible with arm and mips,
+    # so remove related test cases if there is no valgrind.
+    if [ x${VALGRIND} = x ]; then
+        sed -i '/udp-msgreduc-/d' ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/${TESTDIR}/Makefile
+    fi
+    # install test-driver
+    install -m 644 ${S}/test-driver ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/${TESTDIR}
+    # install necessary links
+    install -d ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/tools
+    ln -sf ${sbindir}/rsyslogd ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/tools/rsyslogd
+    install -d ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/runtime
+    install -d ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/runtime/.libs
+    (
+        cd ${D}/${libdir}/rsyslog
+        allso="*.so"
+        for i in $allso; do
+            ln -sf ${libdir}/rsyslog/$i ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/runtime/.libs/$i
+        done
+    )
+    # fix the module load path with runtime/.libs
+    find ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/${TESTDIR} -name \*.conf -exec \
+        sed -i -e 's:../plugins/.*/.libs/:../runtime/.libs/:' \
+        '{}' \;
+do_install_append() {
+    install -d "${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d"
+    install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/initscript ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/syslog.${BPN}
+    install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/rsyslog.conf ${D}${sysconfdir}/rsyslog.conf
+    install -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/rsyslog.logrotate ${D}${sysconfdir}/logrotate.rsyslog
+FILES_${PN} += "${bindir}"
+# higher than sysklogd's 100
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN} = "syslogd syslog-conf syslog-logrotate"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[syslogd] = "${base_sbindir}/syslogd"
+ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[syslogd] = "${sbindir}/rsyslogd"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[syslog-conf] = "${sysconfdir}/syslog.conf"
+ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[syslog-conf] = "${sysconfdir}/rsyslog.conf"
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[syslog-logrotate] = "${sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/syslog"
+ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[syslog-logrotate] = "${sysconfdir}/logrotate.rsyslog"
+CONFFILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir}/rsyslog.conf"
+RPROVIDES_${PN} += "${PN}-systemd"
+RREPLACES_${PN} += "${PN}-systemd"
+RCONFLICTS_${PN} += "${PN}-systemd"
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "${BPN}.service"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} += "logrotate"
+# for rsyslog-ptest
+VALGRIND = "valgrind"
+VALGRIND_mips = ""
+VALGRIND_mips64 = ""
+VALGRIND_mips64n32 = ""
+VALGRIND_arm = ""
+VALGRIND_aarch64 = ""
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-ptest += "make diffutils gzip"
+RRECOMMENDS_${PN}-ptest += "${TCLIBC}-dbg ${VALGRIND}"
+# no syslog-init for systemd
+python () {
+    if bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'sysvinit', True, False, d):
+        pn = d.getVar('PN', True)
+        sysconfdir = d.getVar('sysconfdir', True)
+        d.appendVar('ALTERNATIVE_%s' % (pn), ' syslog-init')
+        d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME', 'syslog-init', '%s/init.d/syslog' % (sysconfdir))
+        d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET', 'syslog-init', '%s/init.d/syslog.%s' % (d.getVar('sysconfdir', True), d.getVar('BPN', True)))
+    if bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', True, False, d):
+        pn = d.getVar('PN', True)
+        d.appendVar('ALTERNATIVE_%s' % (pn), ' syslog-service')
+        d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME', 'syslog-service', '%s/systemd/system/syslog.service' % (d.getVar('sysconfdir', True)))
+        d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET', 'syslog-service', '%s/system/rsyslog.service' % (d.getVar('systemd_unitdir', True)))
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-cmpi-devel/sblim-cmpi-devel/sblim-cmpi-devel-2.0.3-docdir.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-cmpi-devel/sblim-cmpi-devel/sblim-cmpi-devel-2.0.3-docdir.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58940c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-cmpi-devel/sblim-cmpi-devel/sblim-cmpi-devel-2.0.3-docdir.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Port from Fedora20
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Qian Lei <qianl.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+diff -up sblim-cmpi-devel-2.0.3/Makefile.in.orig sblim-cmpi-devel-2.0.3/Makefile.in
+--- sblim-cmpi-devel-2.0.3/Makefile.in.orig	2012-07-31 06:11:51.000000000 +0200
++++ sblim-cmpi-devel-2.0.3/Makefile.in	2013-08-07 18:28:09.600712807 +0200
+@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+ builddir = @builddir@
+ datadir = @datadir@
+ datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+-docdir = $(datadir)/doc/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
++docdir = $(datadir)/doc/$(PACKAGE)
+ dvidir = @dvidir@
+ exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+ host = @host@
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-cmpi-devel/sblim-cmpi-devel_2.0.3.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-cmpi-devel/sblim-cmpi-devel_2.0.3.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e5fc7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-cmpi-devel/sblim-cmpi-devel_2.0.3.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+SUMMARY = "SBLIM CMPI Provider Development Support"
+This packages provides the C and C++ CMPI header files needed by provider \
+developers and can be used standalone. If used for C++ provider development \
+it is also necessary to have tog-pegasus-devel installed."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://sblim.wiki.sourceforge.net/"
+LICENSE = "EPL-1.0"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=5f63d3a4e701129e869e89d7dcac8982"
+SECTION = "Development/Libraries"
+SRC_URI = "${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/sblim/${BP}.tar.bz2 \
+           file://sblim-cmpi-devel-2.0.3-docdir.patch"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "b934616f88a848f17ca3cf1b9e792cbf"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "1671cabff6b922b6fde897673d9fdafd56c9310f82a7eacc0547d596b9cdfea6"
+inherit autotools
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfc-common/sblim-sfc-common_1.0.1.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfc-common/sblim-sfc-common_1.0.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a9b4bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfc-common/sblim-sfc-common_1.0.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+SUMMARY = "Common functions for SBLIM Small Footprint CIM Broker and CIM Client Library."
+This package provides a common library for functions shared between Small Footprint CIM Broker (sblim-sfcb) \
+Small Footprint CIM Client (and sblim-sfcc)."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://sourceforge.net/projects/sblim/"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=f300afd598546add034364cd0a533261"
+SECTION = "Development/Libraries"
+DEPENDS = "cmpi-bindings"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/sblim-sfcCommon-${PV}"
+SRC_URI = "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sblim/sblim-sfcCommon-${PV}.tar.bz2"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "8aa2655d97bdea54c4750f220b40990c"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "b9b1037173d6ae0181c3bd5a316ddab5afd6a342ad0dbdc18e940fc0ad2c3297"
+inherit autotools
+do_install() {
+    oe_runmake DESTDIR=${D} install
+    rm -rf ${D}${libdir}/libsfcUtil.a
+    rm -rf ${D}${libdir}/libsfcUtil.la
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/files/sfcb.service b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/files/sfcb.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5adf63c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/files/sfcb.service
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Description=Small Footprint CIM Broker Service
+ExecStart=/usr/sbin/sfcbd -d
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.3.15-fix-provider-debugging.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.3.15-fix-provider-debugging.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fbecaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.3.15-fix-provider-debugging.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff -up sblim-sfcb-1.4.5/providerDrv.c.orig sblim-sfcb-1.4.5/providerDrv.c
+--- sblim-sfcb-1.4.5/providerDrv.c.orig	2013-09-04 12:59:22.140813239 +0200
++++ sblim-sfcb-1.4.5/providerDrv.c	2013-09-04 12:59:40.511870274 +0200
+@@ -3585,7 +3585,7 @@ processProviderInvocationRequests(char *
+     rc = spRecvReq(&providerSockets.receive, &parms->requestor,
+                    (void **) &parms->req, &rl, &mqg);
+     if (mqg.rdone) {
+-      int             debug_break = 0;
++      volatile int debug_break = 0;
+       if (rc != 0) {
+         mlogf(M_ERROR,M_SHOW, "spRecvReq returned error %d. Skipping message.\n", rc);
+         free(parms);
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.3.16-maxMsgLen.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.3.16-maxMsgLen.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0dd816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.3.16-maxMsgLen.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+diff -up sblim-sfcb-1.3.16/sfcb.cfg.pre.in.old sblim-sfcb-1.3.16/sfcb.cfg.pre.in
+--- sblim-sfcb-1.3.16/sfcb.cfg.pre.in.old	2012-06-13 23:21:09.000000000 +0200
++++ sblim-sfcb-1.3.16/sfcb.cfg.pre.in	2013-06-24 15:34:38.881992781 +0200
+@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ provProcs:      32
+ ## Max message length, in bytes. This is a limit on the size of messages
+ ## written across sockets, for instance, between providers and SFCB.
+-## Default is 10000000
+-maxMsgLen:      10000000
++## Default is 100000000
++maxMsgLen:      100000000
+ ## Location of the registration directory, where providerRegister can be found
+ ## Default is @localstatedir@/lib/sfcb/registration
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.3.16-multilib-man-cfg.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.3.16-multilib-man-cfg.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8cece2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.3.16-multilib-man-cfg.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+diff -up sblim-sfcb-1.3.16/man/sfcbd.1.pre.in.orig sblim-sfcb-1.3.16/man/sfcbd.1.pre.in
+--- sblim-sfcb-1.3.16/man/sfcbd.1.pre.in.orig	2014-02-26 14:05:32.213091734 +0100
++++ sblim-sfcb-1.3.16/man/sfcbd.1.pre.in	2014-02-26 15:10:54.476196379 +0100
+@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ Default=\fI@localstatedir@/lib/sfcb/regi
+ .TP
+ .B providerDirs
+ A space separated list of directories where sfcb is looking for provider
+-libraries. Default=\fI@libdir@\ @libdir@/cmpi\fR
++libraries. Default=\fI/usr/lib\ /usr/lib/cmpi /usr/lib64\ /usr/lib64/cmpi\fR
+ .TP
+ .B providerSampleInterval
+ The interval in seconds at which the provider manager is checking for
+@@ -275,11 +275,11 @@ SSL private key file for sfcb.
+ SSL client certificate / trust store for sfcb.
+ .TP
+-.I @libdir@/libsfc*
++.I /usr/lib/libsfc* /usr/lib64/libsfc*
+ Binaries for sfcb runtime libraries.
+ .TP
+-.I @libdir@/cmpi/*
+-Binaries for providers
++.I /usr/lib/cmpi/* /usr/lib64/cmpi/*
++Binaries for providers.
+ Adrian Schuur <schuur@de.ibm.com>
+diff -up sblim-sfcb-1.3.16/sfcb.cfg.pre.in.orig sblim-sfcb-1.3.16/sfcb.cfg.pre.in
+--- sblim-sfcb-1.3.16/sfcb.cfg.pre.in.orig	2014-02-26 15:35:43.133869718 +0100
++++ sblim-sfcb-1.3.16/sfcb.cfg.pre.in	2014-02-26 15:38:12.794240532 +0100
+@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ maxMsgLen:      100000000
+ registrationDir: @localstatedir@/lib/sfcb/registration
+ ## Locations to look for provider libraries. Delimit paths with a space.
+-## Default is @libdir@/sfcb @libdir@ @libdir@/cmpi
+-providerDirs: @libdir@/sfcb @libdir@ @libdir@/cmpi
++## Default is /usr/lib/sfcb /usr/lib64/sfcb /usr/lib /usr/lib64 /usr/lib/cmpi /usr/lib64/cmpi
++providerDirs: /usr/lib/sfcb /usr/lib64/sfcb /usr/lib /usr/lib64 /usr/lib/cmpi /usr/lib64/cmpi
+ ## Enable the root/interop namespace (affects indications)
+ ## Default: true
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.3.9-sfcbrepos-schema-location.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.3.9-sfcbrepos-schema-location.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f95a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.3.9-sfcbrepos-schema-location.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+diff -up sblim-sfcb-1.3.9/man/sfcbrepos.1.pre.in.orig sblim-sfcb-1.3.9/man/sfcbrepos.1.pre.in
+--- sblim-sfcb-1.3.9/man/sfcbrepos.1.pre.in.orig	2009-10-13 21:54:13.000000000 +0200
++++ sblim-sfcb-1.3.9/man/sfcbrepos.1.pre.in	2010-09-06 14:01:57.294564062 +0200
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Supported command line options are:
+ .TP
+ \fB\-c\fR \fIschemadir\fR
+ Path to obtain the CIM Schema classes.
+-Default is \fI@datadir@/sfcb\fR
++Default is \fI@datadir@/mof/cim-current\fR
+ .TP
+ \fB\-s\fR \fIstagingdir\fR
+ Path to sfcb staging area containing class MOFs and registration files
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Alias of \fB-b\fR
+ Display usage information and exit.
+ .TP
+ CIM Schema
+ .TP
+ \fI@localstatedir@/lib/sfcb/registration/providerRegister\fR
+diff -up sblim-sfcb-1.3.9/sfcbrepos.sh.in.orig sblim-sfcb-1.3.9/sfcbrepos.sh.in
+--- sblim-sfcb-1.3.9/sfcbrepos.sh.in.orig	2009-12-22 01:18:29.000000000 +0100
++++ sblim-sfcb-1.3.9/sfcbrepos.sh.in	2010-09-06 13:45:28.671491648 +0200
+@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ then
+     echo -e "\t-X create repository in non-native format as specifed by argument"
+     echo -e "\t-s specify staging directory [@localstatedir@/lib/sfcb/stage]"
+     echo -e "\t-r specify repository directory [@localstatedir@/lib/sfcb/registration]"
+-    echo -e "\t-c specify directory containing CIM Schema MOFs [@datadir@/sfcb/CIM]"
++    echo -e "\t-c specify directory containing CIM Schema MOFs [@datadir@/mof/cim-current]"
+     echo -e "\t-t create tiny class repository by omitting inheritance information"
+     echo -e "\t-z compress repository with gzip"
+     echo
+@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ fi
+ if [ -z "$cimschemadir" ]
+ then
+-    cimschemadir=${DESTDIR}@datadir@/sfcb/CIM
++    cimschemadir=${DESTDIR}@datadir@/mof/cim-current
+ fi
+ if [ -d $stagingdir ] && [ -f $stagingdir/default.reg ] &&
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.4.5-service.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.4.5-service.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaccfa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.4.5-service.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+diff -up sblim-sfcb-1.4.6/Makefile.in.orig sblim-sfcb-1.4.6/Makefile.in
+--- sblim-sfcb-1.4.6/Makefile.in.orig	2013-10-07 10:43:34.783228137 +0200
++++ sblim-sfcb-1.4.6/Makefile.in	2013-10-07 10:44:30.178533289 +0200
+@@ -627,7 +627,6 @@ initdir = $(sysconfdir)/init.d
+ pamdir = $(sysconfdir)/pam.d
+ sfcblibdir = $(libdir)/sfcb
+ cmpilibdir = $(libdir)/cmpi
+-systemddir = $(DESTDIR)@SYSTEMDDIR@
+ MANFILES = man/genSslCert.1 man/getSchema.1 man/sfcbd.1 man/sfcbmof.1 \
+ 	man/sfcbrepos.1 man/sfcbstage.1 man/sfcbunstage.1 man/sfcbuuid.1 \
+ 	man/wbemcat.1 man/xmltest.1
+@@ -2366,7 +2365,6 @@ unittest:
+ 	cd test && sh check_all.sh
+ install-data-local:
+-	if test -d $(systemddir); then cp $(srcdir)/sblim-sfcb.service $(systemddir); fi; 
+ 	test -d $(DESTDIR)$(sfcbstatedir)/registration/repository || $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(sfcbstatedir)/registration/repository
+ 	test -d $(DESTDIR)$(sfcbstatedir)/stage/mofs/root/interop || $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(sfcbstatedir)/stage/mofs/root/interop
+ 	test -d $(DESTDIR)$(sfcbstatedir)/stage/regs || $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(sfcbstatedir)/stage/regs
+@@ -2384,7 +2382,6 @@ install-data-local:
+ uninstall-local:
+ 	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(sfcbstatedir)/stage/default.reg
+ 	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(sfcbstatedir)/stage/mofs/root/interop/10_interop.mof
+-	rm -f $(systemddir)/sblim-sfcb.service
+ @INDICATIONS_TRUE@	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(sfcbstatedir)/stage/mofs/root/interop/20_indication.mof
+ @INDICATIONS_TRUE@	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(sfcbstatedir)/stage/mofs/indication.mof
+ @DOCS_TRUE@	rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(sfcbdocdir)/html
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.4.8-default-ecdh-curve-name.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.4.8-default-ecdh-curve-name.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3268d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.4.8-default-ecdh-curve-name.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+diff -up sblim-sfcb-1.4.8/control.c.orig sblim-sfcb-1.4.8/control.c
+--- sblim-sfcb-1.4.8/control.c.orig	2014-03-27 00:46:28.000000000 +0100
++++ sblim-sfcb-1.4.8/control.c	2014-05-15 12:31:38.304169409 +0200
+@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ static Control init[] = {
+   {"sslCertList", CTL_STRING, SFCB_CONFDIR "/clist.pem", {0}},
+   {"sslCiphers", CTL_STRING, "ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH", {0}},
+   {"sslDhParamsFilePath", CTL_STRING, NULL, {0}},
+-  {"sslEcDhCurveName", CTL_STRING, "secp224r1", {0}},
++  {"sslEcDhCurveName", CTL_STRING, "secp384r1", {0}},
+   {"enableSslCipherServerPref", CTL_BOOL, NULL, {.b=0}},
+   {"registrationDir", CTL_STRING, SFCB_STATEDIR "/registration", {0}},
+diff -up sblim-sfcb-1.4.8/sfcb.cfg.pre.in.orig sblim-sfcb-1.4.8/sfcb.cfg.pre.in
+--- sblim-sfcb-1.4.8/sfcb.cfg.pre.in.orig	2014-05-15 12:31:59.188244865 +0200
++++ sblim-sfcb-1.4.8/sfcb.cfg.pre.in	2014-05-15 12:32:45.554408412 +0200
+@@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ sslCiphers: ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STR
+ ## environment. If this value is not set, the indicated default is in effect.
+ ## If the value is set but the curve name is not recognized by the underlying
+ ## openssl implementation, SFCB will abort.
+-## Default is secp224r1
+-#sslEcDhCurveName: secp224r1
++## Default is secp384r1
++#sslEcDhCurveName: secp384r1
+ ## When set to true, sets the SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE flag for the ssl
+ ## context, to enforce server's preference instead of the client preference for
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9-fix-ftbfs.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9-fix-ftbfs.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9548b3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/sblim-sfcb-1.4.9-fix-ftbfs.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff -up sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/control.c.orig sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/control.c
+--- sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/control.c.orig	2015-07-13 15:06:21.331660336 +0200
++++ sblim-sfcb-1.4.9/control.c	2015-07-13 15:08:38.031308917 +0200
+@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ long            httpReqHandlerTimeout;
+  * Kindly null terminate, always, even if might overwrite
+  * the last char of the truncated string. 
+ */
+-inline char *strncpy_kind(char *to, char *from, size_t size) {
++char *strncpy_kind(char *to, char *from, size_t size) {
+   strncpy(to, from, size);
+   *(to + size - 1) = '\0';
+   return to;
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb_1.4.9.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb_1.4.9.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41626d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcb/sblim-sfcb_1.4.9.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+SUMMARY = "Small Footprint CIM Broker"
+Small Footprint CIM Broker (sfcb) is a CIM server conforming to the CIM \
+Operations over HTTP protocol. It is robust, with low resource consumption \
+and therefore specifically suited for embedded and resource constrained \
+environments. sfcb supports providers written against the Common \
+Manageability Programming Interface (CMPI)."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.sblim.org"
+SECTION = "Applications/System"
+LICENSE = "EPL-1.0"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=f300afd598546add034364cd0a533261"
+DEPENDS = "curl libpam openssl sblim-sfc-common unzip-native"
+SRC_URI = "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sblim/${BP}.tar.bz2 \
+           file://sblim-sfcb-1.3.9-sfcbrepos-schema-location.patch \
+           file://sblim-sfcb-1.3.15-fix-provider-debugging.patch \
+           file://sblim-sfcb-1.3.16-maxMsgLen.patch \
+           file://sblim-sfcb-1.4.5-service.patch \
+           file://sblim-sfcb-1.3.16-multilib-man-cfg.patch \
+           file://sblim-sfcb-1.4.8-default-ecdh-curve-name.patch \
+           file://sblim-sfcb-1.4.9-fix-ftbfs.patch \
+           file://sfcb.service"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "28021cdabc73690a94f4f9d57254ce30"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "634a67b2f7ac3b386a79160eb44413d618e33e4e7fc74ae68b0240484af149dd"
+inherit autotools
+inherit ${@bb.utils.contains('VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_init_manager','systemd','systemd','', d)}
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "sblim-sfcb.service"
+LDFLAGS_append = "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'ld-is-gold', ' -fuse-ld=bfd ', '', d)}"
+EXTRA_OECONF = '--enable-debug \
+                --enable-ssl \
+                --enable-pam \
+                --enable-ipv6 \
+                CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -D_GNU_SOURCE"'
+# make all with -j option is unsafe.
+INSANE_SKIP_${PN} = "dev-so"
+CONFIG_SITE = "${WORKDIR}/config-site.${P}"
+do_install() {
+    cp -f ${S}/sfcb.cfg.pre.in ${S}/sfcb.cfg
+    oe_runmake DESTDIR=${D} install
+    if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES','systemd','true','false',d)}; then
+        install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
+        install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/sfcb.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/sblim-sfcb.service
+    fi
+    install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+    mv ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/sfcb ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/sblim-sfcb
+    sed -i -e 's/\/var\/lock\/subsys\/sfcb/\/var\/lock\/subsys\/sblim-sfcb/g' ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/sblim-sfcb
+    rm -rf ${D}${libdir}/sfcb/*.la
+pkg_postinst_${PN} () {
+    OPTS=""
+    if [ x"$D" != "x" ]; then
+        OPTS="--root=$D"
+        if type systemctl >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
+                systemctl $OPTS ${SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE} ${SYSTEMD_SERVICE}
+        fi
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    ${datadir}/sfcb/genSslCert.sh ${sysconfdir}/sfcb
+    ${bindir}/sfcbrepos -f
+FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/sfcb ${datadir}/sfcb"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libdir}/sfcb/.debug"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "perl bash"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcc/sblim-sfcc_2.2.8.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcc/sblim-sfcc_2.2.8.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ec9940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sblim-sfcc/sblim-sfcc_2.2.8.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+SUMMARY = "Small Footprint CIM Client Library"
+DESCRIPTION = "Small Footprint CIM Client Library Runtime Libraries"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.sblim.org"
+SRC_URI = "http://netcologne.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sblim/${BPN}/${BPN}-${PV}.tar.bz2"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "0bac0dec19f17ec065b6c332a56d7bae"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "1b8f187583bc6c6b0a63aae0165ca37892a2a3bd4bb0682cd76b56268b42c3d6"
+LICENSE = "EPL-1.0"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=f300afd598546add034364cd0a533261"
+DEPENDS = "curl"
+inherit autotools
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/scsirastools/scsirastools_1.6.4.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/scsirastools/scsirastools_1.6.4.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13f93cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/scsirastools/scsirastools_1.6.4.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+SUMMARY = "Linux SCSi tools to service maintain disk storage devices"
+DESCRIPTION = "scsirastools were designed to add to the Serviceability of \
+               SCSI devices under Linux so that the system does not have \
+               to be rebooted or taken out of service to perform common \
+               maintenance or service functions. It handles SCSI, \
+               Linux SW RAID, SAS, SATA, and USB devices via SCSI emulation."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://scsirastools.sourceforge.net/"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=687ea108478d26152ae46eb29d9d1545"
+PR = "r0"
+SRC_URI = "http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/scsirastools/scsirastools-${PV}.tar.gz \
+	  "
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "2d775111b62e2dfc1960a722f5fda211"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "38d2c6c9b04a2c594e528927b950754f94c0522718d17c78e6589ba778339bf8"
+inherit autotools update-rc.d
+# mdadm Makefile has CC set to gcc, hence override CC to ${CC}
+INITSCRIPT_PACKAGES = "${PN}-diskmon ${PN}-raidmon"
+INITSCRIPT_NAME_${PN}-diskmon = "sgdisk"
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS_${PN}-diskmon = "defaults 80 20"
+INITSCRIPT_NAME_${PN}-raidmon = "sgraid"
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS_${PN}-raidmon = "defaults 80 20"
+PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-diskmon ${PN}-diskmon-dbg"
+PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-raidmon ${PN}-raidmon-dbg"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "/usr/share/scsirastools/.debug"
+FILES_${PN}-diskmon = "${sbindir}/sgdiskmon ${sysconfdir}/init.d/sgdisk"
+FILES_${PN}-diskmon-dbg = "${sbindir}/.debug/sgdiskmon"
+FILES_${PN}-raidmon = "${sbindir}/sgraidmon ${sysconfdir}/init.d/sgraid"
+FILES_${PN}-raidmon-dbg = "${sbindir}/.debug/sgraidmon"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} += "bash"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-diskmon += "${PN}"
+RDEPENDS_${PN}-raidmon += "${PN}"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sgpio/sgpio/Makefile-error-fix.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sgpio/sgpio/Makefile-error-fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..709f831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sgpio/sgpio/Makefile-error-fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+Fix Makefile:
+* change the file format from dos to unix to avoid do_patch failed.
+* override gcc,SBIN_DIR and INSTALL for cross-compilation.
+Upstream-Status: pending
+Signed-off-by: Li Xin <lixin.fnst@cn.fujitsu.com>
+ Makefile | 107 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 55 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
+index 278d966..c2b0bc7 100755
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -1,52 +1,55 @@

+-# Copyright (C) 2007-2008, Intel Corp. All rights reserved.



+-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under

+-# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software

+-# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


+-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but

+-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or

+-# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License 

+-# for more details.


+-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along

+-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,

+-# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA




+-# Intel SGPIO enclosure management utility


+-# Author: Eric R Hall <Eric.R.Hall@intel.com>



+-MANDIR ?= /usr/local/man

+-ALL = sgpio


+-all: $(ALL)


+-sgpio.o: sgpio.c

+-	gcc -g -Wall -c sgpio.c


+-sgpio: sgpio.o

+-	gcc -g sgpio.o -o sgpio



+-	rm -f sgpio.o sgpio


+-install: $(ALL)

+-	for i in $(ALL); do \

+-		install $$i /sbin/$$i; \

+-	done

+-	install -d $(MANDIR)/man1

+-	install -m 0644 *.1 $(MANDIR)/man1



+-	for i in $(ALL); do \

+-		rm -f /sbin/$$i; \

+-	done

+-	for i in $(ALL:=.1); do \

+-		rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/$$i; \

+-	done

++# Copyright (C) 2007-2008, Intel Corp. All rights reserved.
++# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
++# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
++# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
++# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
++# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License 
++# for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
++# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
++# Intel SGPIO enclosure management utility
++# Author: Eric R Hall <Eric.R.Hall@intel.com>
++MANDIR ?= /usr/local/man
++SBIN_DIR = /sbin
++INSTALL =/usr/bin/install -c
++ALL = sgpio
++CFLAGS = -g -Wall
++all: $(ALL)
++sgpio.o: sgpio.c
++	${CC} $(CFLAGS) -c sgpio.c
++sgpio: sgpio.o
++	${CC} -g sgpio.o -o sgpio
++	rm -f sgpio.o sgpio
++install: $(ALL)
++	for i in $(ALL); do \
++		$(INSTALL) -D $$i $(SBIN_DIR)/$$i; \
++	done
++	$(INSTALL) -d $(MANDIR)/man1
++	$(INSTALL) -m 0644 *.1 $(MANDIR)/man1
++	for i in $(ALL); do \
++		rm -f /sbin/$$i; \
++	done
++	for i in $(ALL:=.1); do \
++		rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/$$i; \
++	done
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sgpio/sgpio_1.2.0.10.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sgpio/sgpio_1.2.0.10.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed7c413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sgpio/sgpio_1.2.0.10.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+SUMMARY = "SGPIO captive backplane tool"
+DESCRIPTION = "Intel SGPIO enclosure management utility"
+SRC_URI = " \
+    http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/${BPN}/${BPN}-1.2-0.10-src.tar.gz/a417bf68da4e9bd79a4664c11d7debd1/${BPN}-1.2-0.10-src.tar.gz \
+    file://Makefile-error-fix.patch \
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "a417bf68da4e9bd79a4664c11d7debd1"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "9bf8c42acaa247efd9321bdb1fc2390022f0c554d77fbbd4a7363d990fc0270b"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/${BPN}"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE_GPL;md5=393a5ca445f6965873eca0259a17f833"
+do_compile_prepend() {
+    oe_runmake clean
+do_install() {
+    oe_runmake install \
+        INSTALL="/usr/bin/install -p" \
+        DESTDIR=${D} \
+        SBIN_DIR=${D}/${sbindir} \
+        MANDIR=${D}/${mandir}
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/smartmontools/files/initd.smartd b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/smartmontools/files/initd.smartd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..54adcb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/smartmontools/files/initd.smartd
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# smartmontools init file for smartd
+# Copyright (C) 2002-8 Bruce Allen <smartmontools-support@lists.sourceforge.net>
+# $Id: smartd.initd.in 3360 2011-06-06 19:25:36Z chrfranke $
+# For RedHat and cousins:
+# chkconfig: - 60 60
+# description: Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon
+# processname: smartd 
+# For SuSE and cousins
+# Provides:                   smartd
+# Required-Start:             $syslog $remote_fs
+# Should-Start:               sendmail
+# Required-Stop:              $syslog $remote_fs
+# Should-Stop:                sendmail
+# Default-Start:              2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop:               0 1 6
+# Short-Description:          Monitors disk and tape health via S.M.A.R.T.
+# Description:                Start S.M.A.R.T. disk and tape monitor.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+# version. 
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (for
+# example COPYING); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675
+# Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# This code was originally developed as a Senior Thesis by Michael Cornwell
+# at the Concurrent Systems Laboratory (now part of the Storage Systems
+# Research Center), Jack Baskin School of Engineering, University of
+# California, Santa Cruz. http://ssrc.soe.ucsc.edu/.
+# Uncomment the line below to pass options to smartd on startup. 
+# Note that distribution specific configuration files like
+# /etc/{default,sysconfig}/smartmontools might override these
+[ -x $SMARTD_BIN ] || exit 0
+# source configuration file
+[ -r /etc/default/rcS ] && . /etc/default/rcS
+[ -r /etc/default/smartmontools ] && . /etc/default/smartmontools
+smartd_opts="--pidfile $SMARTDPID $smartd_opts"
+case "$1" in
+	start)
+		if [ "$start_smartd" != "yes" ]; then
+			[ "$VERBOSE" != "no" ] && echo "Not starting S.M.A.R.T. daemon smartd, disabled via /etc/default/smartmontools"
+			exit 0
+		fi
+		echo -n "Starting S.M.A.R.T. daemon: smartd"
+		if start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $SMARTDPID \
+			--exec $SMARTD_BIN -- $smartd_opts; then
+			echo "."
+		else
+			echo " (failed)"
+			RET=1
+		fi
+		;;
+	stop)
+		echo -n "Stopping S.M.A.R.T. daemon: smartd"
+		start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile $SMARTDPID
+		echo "."
+		;;
+	restart)
+		$0 stop
+		$0 start
+		;;
+	force-reload)
+		$0 reload || $0 restart
+		;;
+	reload)
+		echo -n "Reload S.M.A.R.T. daemon: smartd"
+		if start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --signal 1 \
+			--pidfile $SMARTDPID; then
+			echo "."
+		else
+			echo " (failed)"
+			RET=1
+		fi
+		;;
+	report)
+		echo -n "Checking SMART devices now"
+		if start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --signal 10 \
+			--pidfile $SMARTDPID; then
+			echo "."
+		else
+			echo " (failed)"
+			RET=1
+		fi
+		;;
+	status)
+		if pidof $SMARTD_BIN >/dev/null; then
+			echo "$SMARTD_BIN is running."
+		else
+			echo "$SMARTD_BIN is not running."
+			RET=1
+		fi
+		;;
+	*)
+		echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|force-reload|reload|report|status}"
+		exit 1
+exit $RET
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/smartmontools/files/smartd.service b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/smartmontools/files/smartd.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3db946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/smartmontools/files/smartd.service
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Description=Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon
+ExecStart=@SBINDIR@/smartd -n $smart_opts
+ExecReload=@BASE_BINDIR@/kill -HUP $MAINPID
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/smartmontools/files/smartmontools.default b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/smartmontools/files/smartmontools.default
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..602e00b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/smartmontools/files/smartmontools.default
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# uncomment to start smartd on system startup for SysV init script
+# For systemd service file, use `systemctl enable smartd'.
+# uncomment to pass additional options to smartd on startup
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/smartmontools/smartmontools_6.4.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/smartmontools/smartmontools_6.4.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86e6d9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/smartmontools/smartmontools_6.4.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+SUMMARY = "Control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T"
+"The smartmontools package contains two utility programs (smartctl \
+and smartd) to control and monitor storage systems using the Self-\
+Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology System (SMART) built \
+into most modern ATA and SCSI hard disks. In many cases, these \
+utilities will provide advanced warning of disk degradation and failure."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/"
+SECTION = "console/utils"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263"
+SRC_URI = "${SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR}/smartmontools/smartmontools-${PV}.tar.gz \
+           file://initd.smartd \
+           file://smartmontools.default \
+           file://smartd.service \
+          "
+PACKAGECONFIG ??= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'libcap-ng', 'libcap-ng', '', d)} \
+                   ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'selinux', 'selinux', '', d)} \
+                  "
+PACKAGECONFIG[libcap-ng] = "--with-libcap-ng=yes,--with-libcap-ng=no,libcap-ng"
+PACKAGECONFIG[selinux] = "--with-selinux=yes,--with-selinux=no,libselinux"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "56812c8312fd123ed40ef65afde1049e"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "eab75600c1eda9c34b13097db71138ab376f3dad8a6a4667fb4d1d081feb7a85"
+inherit autotools update-rc.d systemd
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "smartd.service"
+do_install_append () {
+	#install the init.d/smartd
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+	install -p -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/initd.smartd ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/smartd
+	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/default
+	install -p -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/smartmontools.default ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/smartmontools
+	#install systemd service file
+	install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
+	install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/smartd.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
+	sed -i -e 's,@BASE_BINDIR@,${base_bindir},g' \
+		-e 's,@SYSCONFDIR@,${sysconfdir},g' \
+		-e 's,@SBINDIR@,${sbindir},g' \
+		${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system/smartd.service
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "start 60 2 3 4 5 . stop 60 0 1 6 ."
+RDEPENDS_${PN} += "mailx"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/socketcan/can-utils_git.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/socketcan/can-utils_git.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..931e332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/socketcan/can-utils_git.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+SUMMARY = "Linux CAN network development utilities"
+DESCRIPTION = "Linux CAN network development"
+LICENSE = "GPLv2 & BSD-3-Clause"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://include/linux/can.h;endline=43;md5=390a2c9a3c5e3595a069ac1436553ee7"
+DEPENDS = "libsocketcan"
+SRC_URI = "git://github.com/linux-can/${BPN}.git;protocol=git;branch=master"
+SRCREV = "67a2bdcd336e6becfa5784742e18c88dbeddc973"
+PV = "0.0+gitr${SRCPV}"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/socketcan/canutils/0001-canutils-candump-Add-error-frame-s-handling.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/socketcan/canutils/0001-canutils-candump-Add-error-frame-s-handling.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcc38e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/socketcan/canutils/0001-canutils-candump-Add-error-frame-s-handling.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+From bab595e38295dcafcfc17a011d3d51f2df1618e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: AnilKumar Ch <anilkumar@ti.com>
+Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 18:55:11 +0530
+Subject: [PATCH] canutils: candump: Add error frame's handling
+This patch adds the error handling capability to candump utility
+by adding error flags for displaying all kind of error frames
+like tx_timeout, lost arbitration, controller problems, buserrors,
+bus warnings etc.
+Usage of candump for error frame display on console:
+candump [<can-interface>] [Options]
+Ex: candump can0 --error
+This patch is created on top of canutils-4.0.6 tag from
+Signed-off-by: AnilKumar Ch <anilkumar@ti.com>
+Signed-off-by: Marc Kleine-Budde <mkl@pengutronix.de>
+Upstream-Status: Backport
+ src/candump.c | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/src/candump.c b/src/candump.c
+index 259d442..c16425b 100644
+--- a/src/candump.c
++++ b/src/candump.c
+@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+ #include <linux/can.h>
+ #include <linux/can/raw.h>
++#include <linux/can/error.h>
+ extern int optind, opterr, optopt;
+@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ static void print_usage(char *prg)
+ 		" -p, --protocol=PROTO\t"	"CAN protocol (default CAN_RAW = %d)\n"
+ 		"     --filter=id:mask[:id:mask]...\n"
+ 		"\t\t\t"			"apply filter\n"
++		" -e, --error\t\t"		"dump error frames along with data frames\n"
+ 		" -h, --help\t\t"		"this help\n"
+ 		" -o <filename>\t\t"		"output into filename\n"
+ 		" -d\t\t\t"			"daemonize\n"
+@@ -86,6 +88,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ 	int nbytes, i;
+ 	int opt, optdaemon = 0;
+ 	uint32_t id, mask;
++	int error = 0;
++	can_err_mask_t err_mask = (CAN_ERR_TX_TIMEOUT | CAN_ERR_LOSTARB |
+ 	signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
+@@ -95,6 +102,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ 		{ "protocol", required_argument, 0, 'p' },
+ 		{ "type", required_argument, 0, 't' },
+ 		{ "filter", required_argument, 0, FILTER_OPTION },
++		{ "error", no_argument, 0, 'e' },
+ 		{ "version", no_argument, 0, VERSION_OPTION},
+ 		{ 0, 0, 0, 0},
+ 	};
+@@ -121,6 +129,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ 			proto = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
+ 			break;
++		case 'e':
++			error = 1;
++			break;
+ 		case 'o':
+ 			optout = optarg;
+ 			break;
+@@ -186,6 +198,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ 		}
+ 	}
++	if (error) {
++		if (setsockopt(s, SOL_CAN_RAW, CAN_RAW_ERR_FILTER, &err_mask,
++			       sizeof(err_mask)) != 0) {
++			perror("setsockopt");
++			exit(1);
++		}
++	}
+ 	if (optdaemon)
+ 		daemon(1, 0);
+ 	else {
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/socketcan/canutils_4.0.6.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/socketcan/canutils_4.0.6.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1508af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/socketcan/canutils_4.0.6.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+SUMMARY = "canutils (PTX flavour)"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.pengutronix.de"
+SECTION = "console/network"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=94d55d512a9ba36caa9b7df079bae19f"
+DEPENDS = "libsocketcan"
+SRCREV = "299dff7f5322bf0348dcdd60071958ebedf5f09d"
+SRC_URI = "git://git.pengutronix.de/git/tools/canutils.git;protocol=git \
+    file://0001-canutils-candump-Add-error-frame-s-handling.patch \
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig
+# Busybox ip doesn't support can interface configuration, use the real thing
+RDEPENDS_${PN} += "iproute2"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/socketcan/libsocketcan/0001-Use-strcmp-instead-of-sizeof-on-char-string.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/socketcan/libsocketcan/0001-Use-strcmp-instead-of-sizeof-on-char-string.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa6196e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/socketcan/libsocketcan/0001-Use-strcmp-instead-of-sizeof-on-char-string.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+From 94094cc4ee7ae585da3e5e7e83e7d82b5d6de656 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Alexander Stein <alexander.stein@systec-electronic.com>
+Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2012 12:13:06 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Use strcmp instead of sizeof on char* string
+This bug was detected by the clang warning:
+libsocketcan.c:384:16: warning: argument to 'sizeof' in 'strncmp' call
+is the same expression as the source; did you mean to provide an
+explicit length? [-Wsizeof-pointer-memaccess]
+sizeof(name)) != 0)
+Signed-off-by: Alexander Stein <alexander.stein@systec-electronic.com>
+Signed-off-by: Marc Kleine-Budde <mkl@pengutronix.de>
+Upstream-Status: Backport
+ src/libsocketcan.c | 5 ++---
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/libsocketcan.c b/src/libsocketcan.c
+index fedcbdc..841c2ed 100644
+--- a/src/libsocketcan.c
++++ b/src/libsocketcan.c
+@@ -379,9 +379,8 @@ static int do_get_nl_link(int fd, __u8 acquire, const char *name, void *res)
+ 				nl_msg->nlmsg_len - NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(struct ifaddrmsg));
+ 			parse_rtattr(tb, IFLA_MAX, IFLA_RTA(ifi), len);
+-			if (strncmp
+-			    ((char *)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_IFNAME]), name,
+-			     sizeof(name)) != 0)
++			if (strcmp
++			    ((char *)RTA_DATA(tb[IFLA_IFNAME]), name) != 0)
+ 				continue;
+ 			if (tb[IFLA_LINKINFO])
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/socketcan/libsocketcan_0.0.9.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/socketcan/libsocketcan_0.0.9.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98ef73f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/socketcan/libsocketcan_0.0.9.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+SUMMARY = "Control basic functions in socketcan from userspace"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.pengutronix.de"
+SECTION = "libs/network"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://src/libsocketcan.c;beginline=3;endline=17;md5=97e38adced4385d8fba1ae2437cedee1"
+SRCREV = "e1a224bf1c409adf0c02b07a90deada634e54b88"
+SRC_URI = "git://git.pengutronix.de/git/tools/libsocketcan.git;protocol=git \
+    file://0001-Use-strcmp-instead-of-sizeof-on-char-string.patch \
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig
+do_configure_prepend() {
+    sed -i -e s:tests/GNUmakefile::g -e s:trunk:0.0.9: ${S}/configure.ac
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/subsurface/subsurface_git.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/subsurface/subsurface_git.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22b9d2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/subsurface/subsurface_git.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+SUMMARY = "Subsurface is an open source dive log program"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://gpl-2.0.txt;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263"
+DEPENDS = "libdivecomputer gtk+ libxml2 glib-2.0 gconf"
+PNBLACKLIST[subsurface] ?= "Needs to be upgraded for compatibility with new libdivecomputer"
+inherit gtk-icon-cache cmake
+inherit gitpkgv
+PV = "4.2"
+SRCREV = "f61ee20ba356ecfc4c5b247f548f52d588179c94"
+SRC_URI = "git://subsurface.hohndel.org/subsurface.git"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+#FILES_${PN} += "${datadir}/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/subsurface.svg"
+RRECOMMENDS_${PN}_append_libc-glibc = " glibc-gconv-iso8859-15"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sysdig/sysdig/0001-Fix-build-with-musl-backtrace-APIs-are-glibc-specifi.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sysdig/sysdig/0001-Fix-build-with-musl-backtrace-APIs-are-glibc-specifi.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d3f8a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sysdig/sysdig/0001-Fix-build-with-musl-backtrace-APIs-are-glibc-specifi.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+From 290703a5d21f34ea5ec23efc815a9f4df241e7e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2015 00:33:32 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix build with musl, backtrace() APIs are glibc specific
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ userspace/libsinsp/utils.cpp | 4 +++-
+ userspace/libsinsp/utils.h   | 2 +-
+ 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/userspace/libsinsp/utils.cpp b/userspace/libsinsp/utils.cpp
+index 8f23f9c..c496a57 100644
+--- a/userspace/libsinsp/utils.cpp
++++ b/userspace/libsinsp/utils.cpp
+@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ along with sysdig.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ #include <limits.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <sys/time.h>
++#ifdef __GLIBC__
+ #include <execinfo.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <sys/time.h>
+ #include <netdb.h>
+@@ -741,7 +743,7 @@ uint64_t sinsp_utils::get_current_time_ns()
+     return tv.tv_sec * (uint64_t) 1000000000 + tv.tv_usec * 1000;
+ }
+-#ifndef _WIN32
++#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(__GLIBC__)
+ void sinsp_utils::bt(void)
+ {
+ 	static const char start[] = "BACKTRACE ------------";
+diff --git a/userspace/libsinsp/utils.h b/userspace/libsinsp/utils.h
+index 600d00b..4ab4650 100644
+--- a/userspace/libsinsp/utils.h
++++ b/userspace/libsinsp/utils.h
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public:
+ 	static uint64_t get_current_time_ns();
+-#ifndef _WIN32
++#if not defined(_WIN32) && defined(__GLIBC__)
+ 	//
+ 	// Print the call stack
+ 	//
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sysdig/sysdig/0001-libsinsp-Port-to-build-with-lua-5.2.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sysdig/sysdig/0001-libsinsp-Port-to-build-with-lua-5.2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fec0ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sysdig/sysdig/0001-libsinsp-Port-to-build-with-lua-5.2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+From c2782a6ca968190e221c25b0890600ba8cd43798 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2015 00:23:15 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] libsinsp: Port to build with lua >= 5.2
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+ userspace/libsinsp/chisel.cpp | 40 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
+ 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/userspace/libsinsp/chisel.cpp b/userspace/libsinsp/chisel.cpp
+index 3cfbd8d..2db9348 100644
+--- a/userspace/libsinsp/chisel.cpp
++++ b/userspace/libsinsp/chisel.cpp
+@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ void lua_stackdump(lua_State *L)
+ // Lua callbacks
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+-const static struct luaL_reg ll_sysdig [] = 
++const static struct luaL_Reg ll_sysdig [] =
+ {
+ 	{"set_filter", &lua_cbacks::set_global_filter},
+ 	{"set_snaplen", &lua_cbacks::set_snaplen},
+@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ const static struct luaL_reg ll_sysdig [] =
+ };
+-const static struct luaL_reg ll_chisel [] = 
++const static struct luaL_Reg ll_chisel [] =
+ {
+ 	{"request_field", &lua_cbacks::request_field},
+ 	{"set_filter", &lua_cbacks::set_filter},
+@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ const static struct luaL_reg ll_chisel [] =
+ };
+-const static struct luaL_reg ll_evt [] = 
++const static struct luaL_Reg ll_evt [] =
+ {
+ 	{"field", &lua_cbacks::field},
+ 	{"get_num", &lua_cbacks::get_num},
+@@ -853,10 +853,28 @@ bool sinsp_chisel::parse_view_info(lua_State *ls, OUT chisel_desc* cd)
++static void chisel_lua_registerlib(lua_State *L, const char *libname,
++				const luaL_Reg *l, int ind)
++#if LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502
++	if (libname)
++	{
++		lua_newtable(L);
++		luaL_setfuncs(L, l, ind);
++		lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
++		lua_setglobal(L, libname);
++	}
++	else
++		luaL_setfuncs(L, l, ind);
++	luaL_register(L, libname, l);
+ // Initializes a lua chisel
+ bool sinsp_chisel::init_lua_chisel(chisel_desc &cd, string const &fpath)
+ {
+-	lua_State* ls = lua_open();
++	lua_State* ls = luaL_newstate();
+ 	if(ls == NULL)
+ 	{
+ 		return false;
+@@ -867,9 +885,9 @@ bool sinsp_chisel::init_lua_chisel(chisel_desc &cd, string const &fpath)
+ 	//
+ 	// Load our own lua libs
+ 	//
+-	luaL_openlib(ls, "sysdig", ll_sysdig, 0);
+-	luaL_openlib(ls, "chisel", ll_chisel, 0);
+-	luaL_openlib(ls, "evt", ll_evt, 0);
++	chisel_lua_registerlib(ls, "sysdig", ll_sysdig, 0);
++	chisel_lua_registerlib(ls, "chisel", ll_chisel, 0);
++	chisel_lua_registerlib(ls, "evt", ll_evt, 0);
+ 	//
+ 	// Add our chisel paths to package.path
+@@ -1111,16 +1129,16 @@ void sinsp_chisel::load(string cmdstr)
+ 	//
+ 	// Open the script
+ 	//
+-	m_ls = lua_open();
++	m_ls = luaL_newstate();
+ 	luaL_openlibs(m_ls);
+ 	//
+ 	// Load our own lua libs
+ 	//
+-	luaL_openlib(m_ls, "sysdig", ll_sysdig, 0);
+-	luaL_openlib(m_ls, "chisel", ll_chisel, 0);
+-	luaL_openlib(m_ls, "evt", ll_evt, 0);
++	chisel_lua_registerlib(m_ls, "sysdig", ll_sysdig, 0);
++	chisel_lua_registerlib(m_ls, "chisel", ll_chisel, 0);
++	chisel_lua_registerlib(m_ls, "evt", ll_evt, 0);
+ 	//
+ 	// Add our chisel paths to package.path
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sysdig/sysdig_git.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sysdig/sysdig_git.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..717fab9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/sysdig/sysdig_git.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+SUMMARY = "A New System Troubleshooting Tool Built for the Way You Work"
+DESCRIPTION = "Sysdig is open source, system-level exploration: capture \
+system state and activity from a running Linux instance, then save, \
+filter and analyze."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.sysdig.org/"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263"
+inherit cmake pkgconfig
+DEPENDS = "luajit zlib ncurses"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "bash"
+SRC_URI = "git://github.com/draios/sysdig.git;branch=master \
+           file://0001-libsinsp-Port-to-build-with-lua-5.2.patch \
+           file://0001-Fix-build-with-musl-backtrace-APIs-are-glibc-specifi.patch \
+          "
+SRCREV = "85d16f33a82a17f87ccdbc088749271c71d87013"
+PV = "0.1.102+git${SRCPV}"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+                  -DUSE_BUNDLED_ZLIB="OFF" \
+                  -DBUILD_DRIVER="OFF" \
+                  -DUSE_BUNDLED_NCURSES="OFF" \
+                  -DDIR_ETC="${DIR_ETC}" \
+                '
+FILES_${PN} += " \
+    ${DIR_ETC}/* \
+    ${datadir}/zsh/* \ 
+    ${prefix}/src/*  \
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/t1lib/t1lib-5.1.2/configure.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/t1lib/t1lib-5.1.2/configure.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b98707
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/t1lib/t1lib-5.1.2/configure.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# Patch managed by http://www.holgerschurig.de/patcher.html
+--- t1lib-5.0.2/configure.in~configure.patch
++++ t1lib-5.0.2/configure.in
+@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@
+-dnl We use this file by Andreas Zeller to check for libXaw
+-builtin(include, ac-tools/ice_find_athena.m4)
+-builtin(include, ac-tools/aclocal.m4)
++#dnl We use this file by Andreas Zeller to check for libXaw
++#builtin(include, ac-tools/ice_find_athena.m4)
++#builtin(include, ac-tools/aclocal.m4)
+ dnl We want these before the checks, so the checks can modify their values.
+ test -z "$LDLIBS" && LDLIBS=-lm   AC_SUBST(LDLIBS)
+@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@
+ dnl **** Check for underscore on external symbols ****
++AH_TEMPLATE([NEED_UNDERSCORE_PREFIX], [Define if external symbols need an underscore prefix])
+ AC_CACHE_CHECK("whether external symbols need an underscore prefix",
+                ac_cv_c_extern_prefix,
+ [saved_libs=$LIBS
+@@ -178,68 +179,48 @@
+ fi
+-dnl **** Check which ANSI integer type is 16 bit 
++dnl **** Check which ANSI integer type is 16 bit
++for type in short int; do
++	if test x"`eval echo \\$ac_cv_sizeof_$type`" = "x2"; then
++		T1_AA_TYPE16="-DT1_AA_TYPE16=$type"
++		T1_INT16="$type"
++		break
++	fi
+-AC_CACHE_CHECK( "which ANSI integer type is 16 bit", ac_16bit_type,
+-		AC_TRY_RUN([
+-int main(void) {
+-  if (sizeof(short)==2)
+-    return(0);
+-  else if (sizeof(int)==2)
+-    return(1);
+-  else
+-    return(2);
+-}], ac_16bit_type="short", ac_16bit_type="int", ac_16bit_type=))
+-if test "$ac_16bit_type" = "short"
+-  T1_AA_TYPE16="-DT1_AA_TYPE16=short"
+-  T1_INT16="short"
+-  T1_AA_TYPE16="-DT1_AA_TYPE16=int"
+-  T1_INT16="int"
++if test x"$T1_AA_TYPE16" = "x"; then
++	AC_MSG_ERROR("Unable to determine which integer type is 16 bit.")
+ fi
+ dnl **** Check which ANSI integer type is 32 bit 
++for type in int long; do
++	if test x"`eval echo \\$ac_cv_sizeof_$type`" = "x4"; then
++		T1_AA_TYPE32="-DT1_AA_TYPE32=$type"
++		T1_INT32="$type"
++		break
++	fi
+-AC_CACHE_CHECK( "which ANSI integer type is 32 bit", ac_32bit_type,
+-		AC_TRY_RUN([
+-int main(void) {
+-  if (sizeof(int)==4)
+-    return(0);
+-  else if (sizeof(long)==4)
+-    return(1);
+-  else
+-    return(2);
+-}], ac_32bit_type="int", ac_32bit_type="long", ac_32bit_type=))
+-if test "$ac_32bit_type" = "int"
+-  T1_AA_TYPE32="-DT1_AA_TYPE32=int"
+-  T1_INT32="int"
+-  T1_AA_TYPE32="-DT1_AA_TYPE32=long"
+-  T1_INT32="long"
++if test x"$T1_AA_TYPE32" = "x"; then
++	AC_MSG_ERROR("Unable to determine which integer type is 32 bit.")
+ fi
+ dnl **** Check which ANSI integer type is 64 bit 
++for type in long long_long; do
++	if test x"`eval echo \\$ac_cv_sizeof_$type`" = "x8"; then
++		AC_MSG_WARN("$type is 64 bit")
++		T1_AA_TYPE64="-DT1_AA_TYPE64=\"`echo $type|tr '_' ' '`\""
++		break
++	fi
+-AC_CACHE_CHECK( "which ANSI integer type is 64 bit", ac_64bit_type,
+-		AC_TRY_RUN([
+-int main(void) {
+-  if (sizeof(long)==8)
+-    return(0);
+-  else
+-    return(1);
+-}], ac_64bit_type="long", ac_64bit_type="<none>"))
+-if test "$ac_64bit_type" = "long"
+-  T1_AA_TYPE64="-DT1_AA_TYPE64=long"
+-  T1_AA_TYPE64=
++if test x"$T1_AA_TYPE64" = "x"; then
++	AC_MSG_ERROR("Unable to determine which integer type is 64 bit.")
+ fi
+ dnl **** Check for functions and header files ****
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/t1lib/t1lib-5.1.2/libtool.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/t1lib/t1lib-5.1.2/libtool.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e050025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/t1lib/t1lib-5.1.2/libtool.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# Patch managed by http://www.holgerschurig.de/patcher.html
+--- t1lib-5.0.2/Makefile.in~libtool
++++ t1lib-5.0.2/Makefile.in
+@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
+ # Last modified:       2001-04-01
+ #
+-SHELL     = /bin/sh
++SHELL     = @SHELL@
+ CC        = @CC@
+ CPP       = @CPP@
+@@ -150,7 +151,7 @@
+ 	$(RM) examples/Makefile
+ 	$(RM) xglyph/Makefile
+ 	$(RM) doc/Makefile
+-	$(RM) libtool
++	$(RM) $(LIBTOOL)
+ # The following two targets are for building and cleaning the python-
+--- t1lib-5.0.2/examples/Makefile.in~libtool
++++ t1lib-5.0.2/examples/Makefile.in
+@@ -14,9 +14,10 @@
+ # Last modified:       2001-04-01
+ #
++top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+-LIBTOOL   = ../libtool
+-SHELL     = /bin/sh
++SHELL     = @SHELL@
+ CC        = @CC@
+ CPP       = @CPP@
+--- t1lib-5.0.2/lib/Makefile.in~libtool
++++ t1lib-5.0.2/lib/Makefile.in
+@@ -15,8 +15,10 @@
+ #
+ # Contributions by H.Kakugawa to use libtool!
+-LIBTOOL   = ../libtool
+-SHELL     = /bin/sh
++top_builddir = @top_builddir@
++SHELL     = @SHELL@
+ CC        = @CC@
+ CPP       = @CPP@
+--- t1lib-5.0.2/lib/t1lib/Makefile.in~libtool
++++ t1lib-5.0.2/lib/t1lib/Makefile.in
+@@ -14,8 +14,10 @@
+ #
+ # Modified by H.Kakugawa to use libtool
+-LIBTOOL   = ../../libtool
+-SHELL     = /bin/sh
++top_builddir = @top_builddir@
++SHELL     = @SHELL@
+ CC        = @CC@
+ CPP       = @CPP@
+--- t1lib-5.0.2/lib/type1/Makefile.in~libtool
++++ t1lib-5.0.2/lib/type1/Makefile.in
+@@ -14,8 +14,10 @@
+ #
+ # Modified by H.Kakugawa to use libtool
+-LIBTOOL   = ../../libtool
+-SHELL     = /bin/sh
++top_builddir = @top_builddir@
++SHELL     = @SHELL@
+ CC        = @CC@
+ CPP       = @CPP@
+--- t1lib-5.0.2/type1afm/Makefile.in~libtool
++++ t1lib-5.0.2/type1afm/Makefile.in
+@@ -15,8 +15,10 @@
+ #
+ # Modified by H.Kakugawa to use libtool
+-LIBTOOL   = ../libtool
+-SHELL     = /bin/sh
++top_builddir = @top_builddir@
++SHELL     = @SHELL@
+ CC        = @CC@
+ CPP       = @CPP@
+--- t1lib-5.0.2/xglyph/Makefile.in~libtool
++++ t1lib-5.0.2/xglyph/Makefile.in
+@@ -15,8 +15,10 @@
+ #
+ # Modified by H.Kakugawa to use libtool
+-LIBTOOL   = ../libtool
+-SHELL     = /bin/sh
++top_builddir = @top_builddir@
++SHELL     = @SHELL@
+ CC        = @CC@
+ CPP       = @CPP@
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/t1lib/t1lib_5.1.2.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/t1lib/t1lib_5.1.2.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d670a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/t1lib/t1lib_5.1.2.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+SUMMARY = "A Type1 Font Rastering Library"
+SECTION = "libs"
+DEPENDS = "virtual/libx11 libxaw"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=8ca43cbc842c2336e835926c2166c28b \
+                    file://LGPL;md5=6e29c688d912da12b66b73e32b03d812 \
+SRC_URI = "${DEBIAN_MIRROR}/main/t/t1lib/t1lib_${PV}.orig.tar.gz \
+           file://configure.patch \
+           file://libtool.patch"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "a5629b56b93134377718009df1435f3c"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "821328b5054f7890a0d0cd2f52825270705df3641dbd476d58d17e56ed957b59"
+inherit autotools-brokensep distro_features_check
+# depends on virtual/libx11
+# Fix GNU_HASH problem
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--with-x --without-athena"
+EXTRA_OEMAKE = "without_doc"
+FILES_${PN} += " ${datadir}/t1lib/t1lib.config"
+FILES_${PN}-doc = "${datadir}/t1lib/doc/t1lib_doc.pdf"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/01_build.1.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/01_build.1.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9f41ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/01_build.1.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Author: Franz Pletz <fpletz@franz-pletz.org>
+Description: Original comment: Fix build
+Not sure why we have this patch. Let's keep it for compatibility.
+--- a/pathnames.h
++++ b/pathnames.h
+@@ -92,6 +92,10 @@
+ # define _PATH_TCSHELL		"/local/bin/tcsh"	/* use ram disk */
+ #endif /* _MINIX && !_PATH_TCSHELL */
++#ifndef _PATH_TCSHELL
++# define _PATH_TCSHELL		"/bin/tcsh"		/* Debian */
++#endif /* !_PATH_TCSHELL */
+ #if defined(__EMX__) && !defined(_PATH_DEVNULL)
+ # define _PATH_DEVNULL		"nul"
+ #endif /* __EMX__ && !_PATH_DEVNULL */
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/01_build.2.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/01_build.2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff27531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/01_build.2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Author: Franz Pletz <fpletz@franz-pletz.org>
+Description: Update manpage.
+--- a/tcsh.man
++++ b/tcsh.man
+@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ Repeating \fIdabbrev-expand\fR without a
+ changes to the next previous word etc., skipping identical matches
+ much like \fIhistory-search-backward\fR does.
+ .TP 8
+-.B delete-char \fR(not bound)
++.B delete-char \fR(bound to `Del' if using the standard \fI/etc/csh.cshrc\fR)
+ Deletes the character under the cursor.
+ See also \fIdelete-char-or-list-or-eof\fR.
+ .TP 8
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/01_build.3.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/01_build.3.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d36c177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/01_build.3.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Author: Franz Pletz <fpletz@franz-pletz.org>
+Description: Enable NODOT
+--- a/config_f.h
++++ b/config_f.h
+@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
+ /*
+  * NODOT	Don't put "." in the default path, for security reasons
+  */
+-#undef NODOT
++#define NODOT
+ /*
+  * AUTOLOGOUT	tries to determine if it should set autologout depending
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/12_unknown_lscolors.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/12_unknown_lscolors.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faa59cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/12_unknown_lscolors.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Author: Franz Pletz <fpletz@franz-pletz.org>
+Description: Don't die on unknown LS_COLORS values
+Removing the patch causes a segfault when dircolors is set by coreutils' dircolors.
+Debian-Bug: #592089
+--- a/tw.color.c
++++ b/tw.color.c
+@@ -239,13 +239,10 @@ parseLS_COLORS(const Char *value)
+ 		    if ((Char)variables[i].variable[0] == (v[0] & CHAR) &&
+ 			(Char)variables[i].variable[1] == (v[1] & CHAR))
+ 			break;
+-		if (i < nvariables) {
+-		    v += 3;
++		v += 3;
++		if (i < nvariables)
+ 		    getstring(&c, &v, &variables[i].color, ':');
+-		    continue;
+-		}
+-		else
+-		    stderror(ERR_BADCOLORVAR, v[0], v[1]);
++		continue;
+ 	    }
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/15_no-strip.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/15_no-strip.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbc9f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/15_no-strip.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Author: Lucas Nussbaum <lucas@debian.org>
+Description: do not strip binary
+ Stripping should be handled by dh_strip instead, so DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nostrip works.
+ Closes: #438109, #411607
+--- a/Makefile.in
++++ b/Makefile.in
+@@ -596,7 +596,6 @@ install: tcsh$(EXEEXT)
+ 	-mkdir -p ${DESTBIN}
+ 	-mv -f ${DESTBIN}/tcsh$(EXEEXT)  ${DESTBIN}/tcsh.old
+ 	cp tcsh$(EXEEXT) ${DESTBIN}/tcsh$(EXEEXT)
+-	-strip ${DESTBIN}/tcsh$(EXEEXT)
+ 	chmod 755 ${DESTBIN}/tcsh$(EXEEXT)
+ install.man: tcsh.man
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/disable-broken-test.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/disable-broken-test.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bda0ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/disable-broken-test.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Author: Lucas Nussbaum <lucas@debian.org>
+Description: disable syntactically incorrect test
+--- a/tests/lexical.at
++++ b/tests/lexical.at
+@@ -172,9 +172,6 @@
+ AT_DATA([nohist.csh],
+ [echo ! space !	tab != "!(" newline !
+ ])
+-AT_CHECK([tcsh -f nohist.csh], ,
+-[[! space ! tab != !( newline !
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/disable-lexical.at-31.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/disable-lexical.at-31.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98a9b2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/disable-lexical.at-31.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+--- a/tests/lexical.at
++++ b/tests/lexical.at
+@@ -27,27 +27,6 @@ AT_CHECK([tcsh -f oneword.csh], ,
+-AT_CHECK([echo 'echo OK@%:@comment' | tcsh -f], , [OK
+-AT_CHECK([tcsh -f -c 'echo @%:@no comment'], ,
+-[@%:@no comment
+-[[echo testing...@%:@\
+-AT_CHECK([tcsh -f comment2.csh], ,
+-[testing... OK
+ AT_SETUP([Escaping special characters])
+ AT_DATA([nosplit.csh],
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/disable-test-nice.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/disable-test-nice.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79f918c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/disable-test-nice.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Author: Lucas Nussbaum <lucas@debian.org>
+Description: disable test that fails on the buildd with
+  "setpriority: Permission denied".
+--- a/tests/commands.at
++++ b/tests/commands.at
+@@ -888,17 +888,6 @@ TCSH_UNTESTED([migrate])
+ TCSH_UNTESTED([newgrp])
+-# Nothing really tested
+-AT_CHECK([tcsh -f -c 'nice set var=1; echo $?var'], ,
+ AT_SETUP([nohup])
+ AT_DATA([nohup.csh],
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/disable-test-notty.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/disable-test-notty.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69f0564
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/disable-test-notty.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+From: Lucas Nussbaum <lucas@debian.org>
+Description: Those tests fail when running the testsuite without a tty. Disabling them.
+--- a/tests/commands.at
++++ b/tests/commands.at
+@@ -1203,11 +1203,6 @@ AT_SETUP([source])
+ AT_DATA([script.csh],
+ [[set var=$1
+ ]])
+-AT_CHECK([[tcsh -f -c 'source -h script.csh foo; history' \
+-	   | sed 's/	[^	]*	/ TIME /']], ,
+-[     1 TIME source -h script.csh foo ; history
+-     2 TIME set var=$1
+ AT_CHECK([tcsh -f -c 'source -h script.csh foo; echo $var'], 1, [],
+ [var: Undefined variable.
+--- a/tests/variables.at
++++ b/tests/variables.at
+@@ -319,10 +319,6 @@ AT_CLEANUP
+ AT_SETUP([$ edit])
+-AT_CHECK([TERM=something tcsh -f -c 'echo $?edit'], ,
+ AT_CHECK([TERM=dumb tcsh -f -c 'echo $?edit'], ,
+ [0
+ ])
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/tcsh-6.17.02-multibyte.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/tcsh-6.17.02-multibyte.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dd420a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/files/tcsh-6.17.02-multibyte.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Author:  Jean-Luc Leger <reiga@dspnet.fr.eu.org>
+Description: fix broken globbing expansion
+Debian-Bug: #603545
+Index: tcsh-6.18.01/tc.str.c
+--- tcsh-6.18.01.orig/tc.str.c	2012-01-10 13:34:31.000000000 -0800
++++ tcsh-6.18.01/tc.str.c	2013-02-26 13:12:13.429153489 -0800
+@@ -122,8 +122,9 @@
+ #else
+     ret = mbtowc(&tmp, s, n);
+ #endif
+-    if (ret > 0) {
++    if (ret >= 0)
+ 	*pwc = tmp;
++    if (ret >= 0) {
+ #if defined(UTF16_STRINGS) && defined(HAVE_MBRTOWC)
+ 	if (tmp >= 0xd800 && tmp <= 0xdbff) {
+ 	    /* UTF-16 surrogate pair.  Fetch second half and compute
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/tcsh_6.18.01.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/tcsh_6.18.01.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dd4cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tcsh/tcsh_6.18.01.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "TENEX C Shell, an enhanced version of Berkeley csh \
+    The TENEX C Shell is an enhanced version of the Berkeley Unix C shell. \
+    It includes all features of 4.4BSD C shell, plus a command-line editor, \
+    programmable word completion, spelling correction and more."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.tcsh.org/"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://Copyright;md5=1cf29be62df2be1a3763118b25b4c780"
+SECTION = "base"
+DEPENDS = "ncurses gettext-native"
+SRC_URI = " \
+    ${DEBIAN_MIRROR}/main/t/tcsh/tcsh_${PV}.orig.tar.gz;name=tarball \
+    ${DEBIAN_MIRROR}/main/t/tcsh/tcsh_${PV}-2.diff.gz;name=diffs \
+    file://01_build.1.patch \
+    file://01_build.2.patch \
+    file://01_build.3.patch \
+    file://15_no-strip.patch \
+    file://disable-test-notty.patch \
+    file://disable-test-nice.patch \
+    file://disable-lexical.at-31.patch \
+    file://12_unknown_lscolors.patch \
+    file://tcsh-6.17.02-multibyte.patch \
+    file://disable-broken-test.patch \
+SRC_URI[tarball.md5sum] = "6eed09dbd4223ab5b6955378450d228a"
+SRC_URI[tarball.sha256sum] = "d81ca27851f3e8545666399b4bcf25433e602a195113b3f7c73886fef84c9fa8"
+SRC_URI[diffs.md5sum] = "ea39b818b624aca49ebf2cd2708d6ff9"
+SRC_URI[diffs.sha256sum] = "95b0c1a339b745c47c5d2f9d02c22a71597462e2e882b51614a9d1f75bd3d16c"
+inherit autotools
+do_install_append () {
+    oe_runmake install.man DESTDIR=${D}
+    install -d ${D}${base_bindir}
+    ln -s /usr/bin/tcsh ${D}${base_bindir}/tcsh
+    install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/csh/login.d
+    install -m 0644 ${S}/debian/csh.cshrc ${S}/debian/csh.login ${S}/debian/csh.logout ${S}/complete.tcsh ${D}${sysconfdir}
+    install -D -m 0644 ${S}/csh-mode.el ${D}${datadir}/emacs/site-lisp/csh-mode.el
+FILES_${PN} += "${datadir}/emacs/site-lisp/csh-mode.el"
+pkg_postinst_${PN} () {
+#!/bin/sh -e
+echo /usr/bin/tcsh >> $D/etc/shells
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/testfloat/files/0001-Makefile-for-cross-compile-SoftFloat.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/testfloat/files/0001-Makefile-for-cross-compile-SoftFloat.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71782c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/testfloat/files/0001-Makefile-for-cross-compile-SoftFloat.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration]
+From 07f2528d93f44fe1d8080a4225f29f4ada9f4663 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Fabio Berton <fabio.berton@ossystems.com.br>
+Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2016 09:15:37 -0200
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Makefile for cross compile SoftFloat
+Signed-off-by: Fabio Berton <fabio.berton@ossystems.com.br>
+ SoftFloat-3a/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/Makefile   | 274 ++++++++++++++++++++++
+ SoftFloat-3a/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/platform.h |  44 ++++
+ 2 files changed, 318 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 SoftFloat-3a/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/Makefile
+ create mode 100644 SoftFloat-3a/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/platform.h
+diff --git a/SoftFloat-3a/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/Makefile b/SoftFloat-3a/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/Makefile
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..c4d0a60
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/SoftFloat-3a/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/Makefile
+@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
++# This Makefile is part of the SoftFloat IEEE Floating-Point Arithmetic
++# Package, Release 3a, by John R. Hauser.
++# Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 The Regents of the University of
++# California.  All rights reserved.
++# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
++# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
++#  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
++#     this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer.
++#  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
++#     notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the
++#     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
++#  3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
++#     may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
++#     without specific prior written permission.
++SOURCE_DIR = ../../source
++DELETE = rm -f
++  ${CC} -c -Werror-implicit-function-declaration $(SOFTFLOAT_OPTS) \
++    $(C_INCLUDES) -O2 -o $@
++MAKELIB = ${AR} crs $@
++OBJ = .o
++LIB = .a
++.PHONY: all
++all: softfloat$(LIB)
++  s_compare96M$(OBJ) \
++  s_compare128M$(OBJ) \
++  s_shortShiftLeft64To96M$(OBJ) \
++  s_shortShiftLeftM$(OBJ) \
++  s_shiftLeftM$(OBJ) \
++  s_shortShiftRightM$(OBJ) \
++  s_shortShiftRightJam64$(OBJ) \
++  s_shortShiftRightJamM$(OBJ) \
++  s_shiftRightJam32$(OBJ) \
++  s_shiftRightJam64$(OBJ) \
++  s_shiftRightJamM$(OBJ) \
++  s_shiftRightM$(OBJ) \
++  s_countLeadingZeros8$(OBJ) \
++  s_countLeadingZeros32$(OBJ) \
++  s_countLeadingZeros64$(OBJ) \
++  s_addM$(OBJ) \
++  s_addCarryM$(OBJ) \
++  s_addComplCarryM$(OBJ) \
++  s_negXM$(OBJ) \
++  s_sub1XM$(OBJ) \
++  s_subM$(OBJ) \
++  s_mul64To128M$(OBJ) \
++  s_mul128MTo256M$(OBJ) \
++  s_approxRecip32_1$(OBJ) \
++  s_approxRecipSqrt32_1$(OBJ) \
++  s_remStepMBy32$(OBJ) \
++  softfloat_raiseFlags$(OBJ) \
++  s_f32UIToCommonNaN$(OBJ) \
++  s_commonNaNToF32UI$(OBJ) \
++  s_propagateNaNF32UI$(OBJ) \
++  s_f64UIToCommonNaN$(OBJ) \
++  s_commonNaNToF64UI$(OBJ) \
++  s_propagateNaNF64UI$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_isSignalingNaN$(OBJ) \
++  s_extF80MToCommonNaN$(OBJ) \
++  s_commonNaNToExtF80M$(OBJ) \
++  s_propagateNaNExtF80M$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_isSignalingNaN$(OBJ) \
++  s_f128MToCommonNaN$(OBJ) \
++  s_commonNaNToF128M$(OBJ) \
++  s_propagateNaNF128M$(OBJ) \
++  s_roundPackToUI32$(OBJ) \
++  s_roundPackMToUI64$(OBJ) \
++  s_roundPackToI32$(OBJ) \
++  s_roundPackMToI64$(OBJ) \
++  s_normSubnormalF32Sig$(OBJ) \
++  s_roundPackToF32$(OBJ) \
++  s_normRoundPackToF32$(OBJ) \
++  s_addMagsF32$(OBJ) \
++  s_subMagsF32$(OBJ) \
++  s_mulAddF32$(OBJ) \
++  s_normSubnormalF64Sig$(OBJ) \
++  s_roundPackToF64$(OBJ) \
++  s_normRoundPackToF64$(OBJ) \
++  s_addMagsF64$(OBJ) \
++  s_subMagsF64$(OBJ) \
++  s_mulAddF64$(OBJ) \
++  s_tryPropagateNaNExtF80M$(OBJ) \
++  s_invalidExtF80M$(OBJ) \
++  s_normExtF80SigM$(OBJ) \
++  s_roundPackMToExtF80M$(OBJ) \
++  s_normRoundPackMToExtF80M$(OBJ) \
++  s_addExtF80M$(OBJ) \
++  s_compareNonnormExtF80M$(OBJ) \
++  s_isNaNF128M$(OBJ) \
++  s_tryPropagateNaNF128M$(OBJ) \
++  s_invalidF128M$(OBJ) \
++  s_shiftNormSigF128M$(OBJ) \
++  s_roundPackMToF128M$(OBJ) \
++  s_normRoundPackMToF128M$(OBJ) \
++  s_addF128M$(OBJ) \
++  s_mulAddF128M$(OBJ) \
++  softfloat_state$(OBJ) \
++  ui32_to_f32$(OBJ) \
++  ui32_to_f64$(OBJ) \
++  ui32_to_extF80M$(OBJ) \
++  ui32_to_f128M$(OBJ) \
++  ui64_to_f32$(OBJ) \
++  ui64_to_f64$(OBJ) \
++  ui64_to_extF80M$(OBJ) \
++  ui64_to_f128M$(OBJ) \
++  i32_to_f32$(OBJ) \
++  i32_to_f64$(OBJ) \
++  i32_to_extF80M$(OBJ) \
++  i32_to_f128M$(OBJ) \
++  i64_to_f32$(OBJ) \
++  i64_to_f64$(OBJ) \
++  i64_to_extF80M$(OBJ) \
++  i64_to_f128M$(OBJ) \
++  f32_to_ui32$(OBJ) \
++  f32_to_ui64$(OBJ) \
++  f32_to_i32$(OBJ) \
++  f32_to_i64$(OBJ) \
++  f32_to_ui32_r_minMag$(OBJ) \
++  f32_to_ui64_r_minMag$(OBJ) \
++  f32_to_i32_r_minMag$(OBJ) \
++  f32_to_i64_r_minMag$(OBJ) \
++  f32_to_f64$(OBJ) \
++  f32_to_extF80M$(OBJ) \
++  f32_to_f128M$(OBJ) \
++  f32_roundToInt$(OBJ) \
++  f32_add$(OBJ) \
++  f32_sub$(OBJ) \
++  f32_mul$(OBJ) \
++  f32_mulAdd$(OBJ) \
++  f32_div$(OBJ) \
++  f32_rem$(OBJ) \
++  f32_sqrt$(OBJ) \
++  f32_eq$(OBJ) \
++  f32_le$(OBJ) \
++  f32_lt$(OBJ) \
++  f32_eq_signaling$(OBJ) \
++  f32_le_quiet$(OBJ) \
++  f32_lt_quiet$(OBJ) \
++  f32_isSignalingNaN$(OBJ) \
++  f64_to_ui32$(OBJ) \
++  f64_to_ui64$(OBJ) \
++  f64_to_i32$(OBJ) \
++  f64_to_i64$(OBJ) \
++  f64_to_ui32_r_minMag$(OBJ) \
++  f64_to_ui64_r_minMag$(OBJ) \
++  f64_to_i32_r_minMag$(OBJ) \
++  f64_to_i64_r_minMag$(OBJ) \
++  f64_to_f32$(OBJ) \
++  f64_to_extF80M$(OBJ) \
++  f64_to_f128M$(OBJ) \
++  f64_roundToInt$(OBJ) \
++  f64_add$(OBJ) \
++  f64_sub$(OBJ) \
++  f64_mul$(OBJ) \
++  f64_mulAdd$(OBJ) \
++  f64_div$(OBJ) \
++  f64_rem$(OBJ) \
++  f64_sqrt$(OBJ) \
++  f64_eq$(OBJ) \
++  f64_le$(OBJ) \
++  f64_lt$(OBJ) \
++  f64_eq_signaling$(OBJ) \
++  f64_le_quiet$(OBJ) \
++  f64_lt_quiet$(OBJ) \
++  f64_isSignalingNaN$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_to_ui32$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_to_ui64$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_to_i32$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_to_i64$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_to_ui32_r_minMag$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_to_ui64_r_minMag$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_to_i32_r_minMag$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_to_i64_r_minMag$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_to_f32$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_to_f64$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_to_f128M$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_roundToInt$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_add$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_sub$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_mul$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_div$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_rem$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_sqrt$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_eq$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_le$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_lt$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_eq_signaling$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_le_quiet$(OBJ) \
++  extF80M_lt_quiet$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_to_ui32$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_to_ui64$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_to_i32$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_to_i64$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_to_ui32_r_minMag$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_to_ui64_r_minMag$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_to_i32_r_minMag$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_to_i64_r_minMag$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_to_f32$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_to_f64$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_to_extF80M$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_roundToInt$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_add$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_sub$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_mul$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_mulAdd$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_div$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_rem$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_sqrt$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_eq$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_le$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_lt$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_eq_signaling$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_le_quiet$(OBJ) \
++  f128M_lt_quiet$(OBJ) \
++$(OBJS_ALL): \
++  platform.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/include/primitiveTypes.h \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/include/primitives.h
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/include/softfloat_types.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/include/internals.h \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/$(SPECIALIZE_TYPE)/specialize.h \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/include/softfloat.h
++	$(COMPILE_C) $(SOURCE_DIR)/$*.c
++softfloat$(LIB): $(OBJS_ALL)
++	$(DELETE) $@
++	$(MAKELIB) $^
++.PHONY: clean
++	$(DELETE) $(OBJS_ALL) softfloat$(LIB)
+diff --git a/SoftFloat-3a/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/platform.h b/SoftFloat-3a/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/platform.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..5e566fc
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/SoftFloat-3a/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/platform.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
++This C header file is part of the SoftFloat IEEE Floating-Point Arithmetic
++Package, Release 3a, by John R. Hauser.
++Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 The Regents of the University of California.
++All rights reserved.
++Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
++modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
++ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
++    this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer.
++ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
++    this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the documentation
++    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
++ 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may
++    be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
++    specific prior written permission.
++#define LITTLEENDIAN 1
++#define INLINE extern inline
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/testfloat/files/0002-Makefile-for-cross-compile-TestFloat.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/testfloat/files/0002-Makefile-for-cross-compile-TestFloat.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc124b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/testfloat/files/0002-Makefile-for-cross-compile-TestFloat.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration]
+From 9aa4a416f05967320c1aa52bdccfe105a3bf3269 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Fabio Berton <fabio.berton@ossystems.com.br>
+Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2016 09:16:09 -0200
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Makefile for cross compile TestFloat
+Signed-off-by: Fabio Berton <fabio.berton@ossystems.com.br>
+ TestFloat-3a/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/Makefile   | 321 ++++++++++++++++++++++
+ TestFloat-3a/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/platform.h |  45 +++
+ 2 files changed, 366 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 TestFloat-3a/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/Makefile
+ create mode 100644 TestFloat-3a/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/platform.h
+diff --git a/TestFloat-3a/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/Makefile b/TestFloat-3a/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/Makefile
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..a89326a
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/TestFloat-3a/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/Makefile
+@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
++# This Makefile is part of TestFloat, Release 3a, a package of programs for
++# testing the correctness of floating-point arithmetic complying with the IEEE
++# Standard for Floating-Point, by John R. Hauser.
++# Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 The Regents of the University of
++# California.  All rights reserved.
++# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
++# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
++#  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
++#     this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer.
++#  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
++#     notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the
++#     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
++#  3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
++#     may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
++#     without specific prior written permission.
++SOURCE_DIR = ../../source
++SOFTFLOAT_DIR = ../../../SoftFloat-3a
++PLATFORM = Linux-Cross-Compile
++  $(SOFTFLOAT_INCLUDE_DIR)/softfloat_types.h \
++  $(SOFTFLOAT_INCLUDE_DIR)/softfloat.h
++DELETE = rm -f
++  ${CC} -c -Werror-implicit-function-declaration $(TESTFLOAT_OPTS) \
++    $(C_INCLUDES) -O2 -o $@
++  ${CC} -c -Werror-implicit-function-declaration $(TESTFLOAT_OPTS) \
++    $(C_INCLUDES) -O3 -o $@
++MAKELIB = ${AR} crs $@
++LINK = ${CC} -o $@
++OTHER_LIBS = -lm
++OBJ = .o
++LIB = .a
++EXE =
++.PHONY: all
++all: \
++  testsoftfloat$(EXE) \
++  timesoftfloat$(EXE) \
++  testfloat_gen$(EXE) \
++  testfloat_ver$(EXE) \
++  testfloat$(EXE) \
++  genCases_ui32$(OBJ) \
++  genCases_ui64$(OBJ) \
++  genCases_i32$(OBJ) \
++  genCases_i64$(OBJ) \
++  genCases_f32$(OBJ) \
++  genCases_f64$(OBJ) \
++  genCases_extF80$(OBJ) \
++  genCases_f128$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_a_ui32$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_a_ui64$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_a_f32$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_ab_f32$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_abc_f32$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_a_f64$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_ab_f64$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_abc_f64$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_a_extF80M$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_ab_extF80M$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_abc_extF80M$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_a_f128M$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_ab_f128M$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_abc_f128M$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_z_bool$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_z_ui32$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_z_ui64$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_z_f32$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_z_f64$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_z_extF80M$(OBJ) \
++  writeCase_z_f128M$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_ui32_z_f32$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_ui32_z_f64$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_ui32_z_extF80$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_ui32_z_f128$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_ui64_z_f32$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_ui64_z_f64$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_ui64_z_extF80$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_ui64_z_f128$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_i32_z_f32$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_i32_z_f64$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_i32_z_extF80$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_i32_z_f128$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_i64_z_f32$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_i64_z_f64$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_i64_z_extF80$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_i64_z_f128$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f32_z_ui32_rx$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f32_z_ui64_rx$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f32_z_i32_rx$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f32_z_i64_rx$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f32_z_ui32_x$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f32_z_ui64_x$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f32_z_i32_x$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f32_z_i64_x$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f32_z_f64$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f32_z_extF80$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f32_z_f128$(OBJ) \
++  test_az_f32$(OBJ) \
++  test_az_f32_rx$(OBJ) \
++  test_abz_f32$(OBJ) \
++  test_abcz_f32$(OBJ) \
++  test_ab_f32_z_bool$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f64_z_ui32_rx$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f64_z_ui64_rx$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f64_z_i32_rx$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f64_z_i64_rx$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f64_z_ui32_x$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f64_z_ui64_x$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f64_z_i32_x$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f64_z_i64_x$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f64_z_f32$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f64_z_extF80$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f64_z_f128$(OBJ) \
++  test_az_f64$(OBJ) \
++  test_az_f64_rx$(OBJ) \
++  test_abz_f64$(OBJ) \
++  test_abcz_f64$(OBJ) \
++  test_ab_f64_z_bool$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_extF80_z_ui32_rx$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_extF80_z_ui64_rx$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_extF80_z_i32_rx$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_extF80_z_i64_rx$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_extF80_z_ui32_x$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_extF80_z_ui64_x$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_extF80_z_i32_x$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_extF80_z_i64_x$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_extF80_z_f32$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_extF80_z_f64$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_extF80_z_f128$(OBJ) \
++  test_az_extF80$(OBJ) \
++  test_az_extF80_rx$(OBJ) \
++  test_abz_extF80$(OBJ) \
++  test_ab_extF80_z_bool$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f128_z_ui32_rx$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f128_z_ui64_rx$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f128_z_i32_rx$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f128_z_i64_rx$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f128_z_ui32_x$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f128_z_ui64_x$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f128_z_i32_x$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f128_z_i64_x$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f128_z_f32$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f128_z_f64$(OBJ) \
++  test_a_f128_z_extF80$(OBJ) \
++  test_az_f128$(OBJ) \
++  test_az_f128_rx$(OBJ) \
++  test_abz_f128$(OBJ) \
++  test_abcz_f128$(OBJ) \
++  test_ab_f128_z_bool$(OBJ) \
++OBJS_LIB = \
++  uint128$(OBJ) \
++  fail$(OBJ) \
++  functions_common$(OBJ) \
++  functionInfos$(OBJ) \
++  standardFunctionInfos$(OBJ) \
++  random$(OBJ) \
++  genCases_common$(OBJ) \
++  genCases_writeTestsTotal$(OBJ) \
++  verCases_common$(OBJ) \
++  verCases_writeFunctionName$(OBJ) \
++  readHex$(OBJ) \
++  writeHex$(OBJ) \
++  testLoops_common$(OBJ) \
++  $(OBJS_TEST) \
++uint128$(OBJ): $(SOURCE_DIR)/uint128.h
++fail$(OBJ): $(SOURCE_DIR)/fail.h
++functions_common$(OBJ): $(SOFTFLOAT_H) $(SOURCE_DIR)/functions.h
++functionInfos$(OBJ): $(SOURCE_DIR)/functions.h
++standardFunctionInfos$(OBJ): $(SOURCE_DIR)/functions.h
++random$(OBJ): $(SOURCE_DIR)/random.h
++genCases_common$(OBJ): $(SOURCE_DIR)/fail.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/genCases.h
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/random.h $(SOFTFLOAT_H) $(SOURCE_DIR)/genCases.h
++genCases_f128$(OBJ): $(SOURCE_DIR)/uint128.h
++genCases_writeTestsTotal$(OBJ): $(SOURCE_DIR)/genCases.h
++verCases_common$(OBJ): $(SOURCE_DIR)/verCases.h
++verCases_writeFunctionName$(OBJ): $(SOURCE_DIR)/verCases.h
++readHex$(OBJ): $(SOURCE_DIR)/readHex.h
++writeHex$(OBJ): $(SOURCE_DIR)/uint128.h $(SOFTFLOAT_H) $(SOURCE_DIR)/writeHex.h
++  $(SOFTFLOAT_H) $(SOURCE_DIR)/writeHex.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/writeCase.h
++testLoops_common$(OBJ): $(SOURCE_DIR)/testLoops.h
++$(OBJS_TEST): \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/uint128.h $(SOFTFLOAT_H) $(SOURCE_DIR)/genCases.h \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/verCases.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/writeCase.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/testLoops.h
++$(OBJS_LIB): %$(OBJ): platform.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/%.c
++	$(COMPILE_C) $(SOURCE_DIR)/$*.c
++testfloat$(LIB): $(OBJS_LIB)
++	$(MAKELIB) $^
++OBJS_TESTSOFTFLOAT = slowfloat$(OBJ) testsoftfloat$(OBJ)
++slowfloat$(OBJ): \
++  platform.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/uint128.h $(SOFTFLOAT_H) \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/slowfloat.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/slowfloat.c
++testsoftfloat$(OBJ): \
++  platform.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/uint128.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/fail.h $(SOFTFLOAT_H) \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/slowfloat.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/functions.h \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/genCases.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/verCases.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/writeCase.h \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/testLoops.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/testsoftfloat.c
++	$(COMPILE_C) $(SOURCE_DIR)/testsoftfloat.c
++testsoftfloat$(EXE): $(OBJS_TESTSOFTFLOAT) testfloat$(LIB) $(SOFTFLOAT_LIB)
++	$(LINK) $^ $(OTHER_LIBS)
++OBJS_TIMESOFTFLOAT = timesoftfloat$(OBJ)
++timesoftfloat$(OBJ): \
++  platform.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/uint128.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/fail.h $(SOFTFLOAT_H) \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/functions.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/timesoftfloat.c
++	$(COMPILE_C) $(SOURCE_DIR)/timesoftfloat.c
++timesoftfloat$(EXE): $(OBJS_TIMESOFTFLOAT) testfloat$(LIB) $(SOFTFLOAT_LIB)
++	$(LINK) $^ $(OTHER_LIBS)
++OBJS_TESTFLOAT_GEN = genLoops$(OBJ) testfloat_gen$(OBJ)
++genLoops$(OBJ): \
++  platform.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/uint128.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/fail.h $(SOFTFLOAT_H) \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/genCases.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/writeHex.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/genLoops.h \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/genLoops.c
++	$(COMPILE_C) $(SOURCE_DIR)/genLoops.c
++testfloat_gen$(OBJ): \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/fail.h $(SOFTFLOAT_H) $(SOURCE_DIR)/functions.h \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/genCases.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/genLoops.h \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/testfloat_gen.c
++	$(COMPILE_C) $(SOURCE_DIR)/testfloat_gen.c
++testfloat_gen$(EXE): $(OBJS_TESTFLOAT_GEN) testfloat$(LIB) $(SOFTFLOAT_LIB)
++	$(LINK) $^ $(OTHER_LIBS)
++OBJS_TESTFLOAT_VER = verLoops$(OBJ) testfloat_ver$(OBJ)
++verLoops$(OBJ): \
++  platform.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/uint128.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/fail.h $(SOFTFLOAT_H) \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/readHex.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/verCases.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/writeCase.h \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/verLoops.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/verLoops.c
++	$(COMPILE_C) $(SOURCE_DIR)/verLoops.c
++testfloat_ver$(OBJ): \
++  platform.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/uint128.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/fail.h $(SOFTFLOAT_H) \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/functions.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/verCases.h \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/writeCase.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/verLoops.h \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/testfloat_ver.c
++	$(COMPILE_C) $(SOURCE_DIR)/testfloat_ver.c
++testfloat_ver$(EXE): $(OBJS_TESTFLOAT_VER) testfloat$(LIB) $(SOFTFLOAT_LIB)
++	$(LINK) $^ $(OTHER_LIBS)
++OBJS_TESTFLOAT = subjfloat$(OBJ) subjfloat_functions$(OBJ) testfloat$(OBJ)
++subjfloat$(OBJ): \
++  platform.h $(SOFTFLOAT_H) $(SUBJ_SOURCE_DIR)/subjfloat_config.h \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/subjfloat.h $(SUBJ_SOURCE_DIR)/subjfloat.c
++	$(COMPILE_C) $(SUBJ_SOURCE_DIR)/subjfloat.c
++subjfloat_functions$(OBJ): \
++  platform.h $(SUBJ_SOURCE_DIR)/subjfloat_config.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/subjfloat.h \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/functions.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/subjfloat_functions.c
++	$(COMPILE_C) $(SOURCE_DIR)/subjfloat_functions.c
++testfloat$(OBJ): \
++  platform.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/uint128.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/fail.h $(SOFTFLOAT_H) \
++  $(SUBJ_SOURCE_DIR)/subjfloat_config.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/subjfloat.h \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/functions.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/genCases.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/verCases.h \
++  $(SOURCE_DIR)/testLoops.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/testfloat.c
++	$(COMPILE_C) $(SOURCE_DIR)/testfloat.c
++testfloat$(EXE): $(OBJS_TESTFLOAT) testfloat$(LIB) $(SOFTFLOAT_LIB)
++	$(LINK) $^ $(OTHER_LIBS)
++.PHONY: clean
++	$(DELETE) $(OBJS_LIB) testfloat$(LIB)
++	$(DELETE) $(OBJS_TESTSOFTFLOAT) testsoftfloat$(EXE)
++	$(DELETE) $(OBJS_TIMESOFTFLOAT) timesoftfloat$(EXE)
++	$(DELETE) $(OBJS_TESTFLOAT_GEN) testfloat_gen$(EXE)
++	$(DELETE) $(OBJS_TESTFLOAT_VER) testfloat_ver$(EXE)
++	$(DELETE) $(OBJS_TESTFLOAT) testfloat$(EXE)
+diff --git a/TestFloat-3a/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/platform.h b/TestFloat-3a/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/platform.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..09e63a0
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/TestFloat-3a/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/platform.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
++This C header file is part of TestFloat, Release 3a, a package of programs for
++testing the correctness of floating-point arithmetic complying with the IEEE
++Standard for Floating-Point, by John R. Hauser.
++Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 The Regents of the University of California.
++All rights reserved.
++Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
++modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
++ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
++    this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer.
++ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
++    this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the documentation
++    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
++ 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may
++    be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
++    specific prior written permission.
++#define LITTLEENDIAN 1
++#define INLINE extern inline
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/testfloat/testfloat_3a.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/testfloat/testfloat_3a.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28e9677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/testfloat/testfloat_3a.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "Berkeley TestFloat is a small collection of programs for \
+    testing that an implementation of binary floating-point conforms to the \
+    IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.jhauser.us/arithmetic/TestFloat.html"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://TestFloat-${PV}/COPYING.txt;md5=e45c175a323b5727777fb6bd4b26eafc"
+SRC_URI = "\
+    http://www.jhauser.us/arithmetic/TestFloat-3a.zip;name=TestFloat \
+    http://www.jhauser.us/arithmetic/SoftFloat-3a.zip;name=SoftFloat \
+    file://0001-Makefile-for-cross-compile-SoftFloat.patch \
+    file://0002-Makefile-for-cross-compile-TestFloat.patch \
+SRC_URI[TestFloat.md5sum] = "5a124e85ab74c5e52da27d401cea6cc3"
+SRC_URI[TestFloat.sha256sum] = "fa258b5b3c751656a372051adee4183e19ad4763032322eb7a87dfb9e2c22c75"
+SRC_URI[SoftFloat.md5sum] = "e53bd4550cf99690642c41374d188517"
+SRC_URI[SoftFloat.sha256sum] = "946fd23180559d60eb6683dda1cf8b142f5426dedfefb97b03c6afdfd70ee9e0"
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+    oe_runmake -C SoftFloat-${PV}/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/
+    oe_runmake -C TestFloat-${PV}/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/
+    install -d ${D}/${bindir}
+    install ${S}/TestFloat-${PV}/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/testfloat     ${D}/${bindir}
+    install ${S}/TestFloat-${PV}/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/testfloat_gen ${D}/${bindir}
+    install ${S}/TestFloat-${PV}/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/testfloat_ver ${D}/${bindir}
+    install ${S}/TestFloat-${PV}/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/testsoftfloat ${D}/${bindir}
+    install ${S}/TestFloat-${PV}/build/Linux-Cross-Compile/timesoftfloat ${D}/${bindir}
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tipcutils/tipcutils_2.0.6.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tipcutils/tipcutils_2.0.6.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ac8fad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tipcutils/tipcutils_2.0.6.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+SUMMARY = "Transparent Inter-Process Communication protocol"
+LICENSE = "BSD-3-Clause"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://tipc-config/tipc-config.c;endline=32;md5=527a3d5745e1581b15a4fddfb5dfda68"
+SRC_URI = "git://tipc.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/tipc/tipcutils"
+SRCREV = "292a03e17f889013fca2c7bd0aaeebd600c88f40"
+inherit autotools
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+do_configure_prepend() {
+    ( cd ${S}; ${S}/bootstrap )
+do_install_append() {
+    demos="benchmark hello_world topology_subscr_demo connection_demo \
+           multicast_demo stream_demo"
+    for i in $demos;do
+        install -d ${D}/opt/tipcutils/demos/$i
+        install ${B}/demos/$i/client_tipc ${D}/opt/tipcutils/demos/$i/
+        install ${B}/demos/$i/server_tipc ${D}/opt/tipcutils/demos/$i/
+    done
+    install -d ${D}/opt/tipcutils/demos/inventory_sim
+    install ${B}/demos/inventory_sim/inventory_sim ${D}/opt/tipcutils/demos/inventory_sim/
+    install -d ${D}/opt/tipcutils/ptts
+    install ${B}/ptts/tipcTS ${D}/opt/tipcutils/ptts/
+    install ${B}/ptts/tipcTC ${D}/opt/tipcutils/ptts/
+    install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}
+    cp -R --no-dereference --preserve=mode,links -v ${S}/scripts/etc/* ${D}${sysconfdir}/
+    chown -R root:root ${D}${sysconfdir}
+PACKAGES += "${PN}-demos"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "/opt/tipcutils/demos/*/.debug /opt/tipcutils/ptts/.debug"
+FILES_${PN}-demos = "/opt/tipcutils/*"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tiptop/tiptop_2.3.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tiptop/tiptop_2.3.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a98116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tiptop/tiptop_2.3.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+SUMMARY = "Hardware performance monitoring counters"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://tiptop.gforge.inria.fr/"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263"
+DEPENDS = "ncurses libxml2"
+SRC_URI = "http://tiptop.gforge.inria.fr/releases/${BP}.tar.gz"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "f1fba1e90465b0e5a3865b19133fa19d"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "3f07e958b40acaeab98e9eb1326c9f91b0be0a782c1cc2bd7a9e18d31fab18ca"
+inherit autotools-brokensep
+COMPATIBLE_HOST = "(i.86|x86_64|arm|powerpc).*-linux"
+do_configure_prepend () {
+    # Two bugs in configure.ac when cross-compiling.
+    # 1. The path of libxml2. Specify it in EXTRA_OECONF.
+    # 2. hw's value on other platforms. Replace it if the target is 
+    #    not i*86/x86_64.
+    if ( echo "${TARGET_ARCH}" | grep -q -e 'i.86' -e 'x86_64' ); then
+        sed -i 's= -I/usr/include/libxml2=='    ${S}/configure.ac
+    else
+        sed -i 's/hw=`uname -m`/hw="unknown"/'  ${S}/configure.ac
+        sed -i 's= -I/usr/include/libxml2=='    ${S}/configure.ac
+    fi
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tmux/tmux_2.1.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tmux/tmux_2.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf21de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tmux/tmux_2.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+SUMMARY = "Terminal multiplexer"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://tmux.sourceforge.net"
+SECTION = "console/utils"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://tmux.c;beginline=3;endline=17;md5=8685b4455330a940fab1ff451aa941a0"
+DEPENDS = "ncurses libevent"
+SRC_URI = "git://github.com/tmux/tmux.git;branch=master"
+SRCREV ?= "310f0a960ca64fa3809545badc629c0c166c6cd2"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+B = "${WORKDIR}/build"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig
+PACKAGECONFIG[utempter] = "ac_cv_header_utempter_h=yes,ac_cv_header_utempter_h=no,libutempter,"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/uml-utilities/uml-utilities-20040406/fix-ldflags.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/uml-utilities/uml-utilities-20040406/fix-ldflags.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05cc537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/uml-utilities/uml-utilities-20040406/fix-ldflags.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Patch managed by http://www.mn-logistik.de/unsupported/pxa250/patcher
+--- tools/mconsole/Makefile~fix-ldflags	2003-02-08 05:10:08.000000000 +0100
++++ tools/mconsole/Makefile	2004-04-01 15:37:37.000000000 +0200
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
+ all : $(BIN)
+ $(BIN) : $(OBJS)
+-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(BIN) $(OBJS) -lreadline -lncurses
++	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(BIN) $(OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) -lreadline -lncurses
+ clean : 
+ 	rm -f $(BIN) $(OBJS) *~
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/uml-utilities/uml-utilities-20040406/unstrip.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/uml-utilities/uml-utilities-20040406/unstrip.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..868001d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/uml-utilities/uml-utilities-20040406/unstrip.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+Dont strip during install let the packaging handle it
+Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com>
+Index: tools/jailtest/Makefile
+--- tools.orig/jailtest/Makefile	2003-02-07 20:10:27.000000000 -0800
++++ tools/jailtest/Makefile	2012-09-05 12:13:56.061615854 -0700
+@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@
+ install : $(BIN)
+ 	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
+-	install -s $(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
++	install $(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
+Index: tools/mconsole/Makefile
+--- tools.orig/mconsole/Makefile	2012-09-05 12:05:09.869607043 -0700
++++ tools/mconsole/Makefile	2012-09-05 12:14:07.725607469 -0700
+@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@
+ install : $(BIN)
+ 	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
+-	install -s $(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
++	install $(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
+Index: tools/moo/Makefile
+--- tools.orig/moo/Makefile	2003-06-26 09:27:00.000000000 -0700
++++ tools/moo/Makefile	2012-09-05 12:14:20.981604580 -0700
+@@ -22,4 +22,4 @@
+ install : $(BIN)
+ 	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
+-	install -s $(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
++	install $(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
+Index: tools/port-helper/Makefile
+--- tools.orig/port-helper/Makefile	2003-02-07 20:05:31.000000000 -0800
++++ tools/port-helper/Makefile	2012-09-05 12:14:39.429609678 -0700
+@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@
+ install : $(BIN)
+ 	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(LIB_DIR)
+-	install -s $(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(LIB_DIR)
++	install $(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(LIB_DIR)
+Index: tools/tunctl/Makefile
+--- tools.orig/tunctl/Makefile	2003-02-07 20:05:04.000000000 -0800
++++ tools/tunctl/Makefile	2012-09-05 12:14:49.985606470 -0700
+@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@
+ install : $(BIN)
+ 	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
+-	install -s $(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
++	install $(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
+Index: tools/uml_net/Makefile
+--- tools.orig/uml_net/Makefile	2003-02-07 20:04:55.000000000 -0800
++++ tools/uml_net/Makefile	2012-09-05 12:15:00.961607290 -0700
+@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@
+ install : $(BIN)
+ 	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
+-	install -s -m 04755 $(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
++	install -m 04755 $(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
+Index: tools/uml_router/Makefile
+--- tools.orig/uml_router/Makefile	2003-02-07 20:04:39.000000000 -0800
++++ tools/uml_router/Makefile	2012-09-05 12:15:10.649607571 -0700
+@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@
+ install : $(BIN)
+ 	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
+-	install -s $(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
++	install $(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
+Index: tools/watchdog/Makefile
+--- tools.orig/watchdog/Makefile	2003-02-07 20:04:25.000000000 -0800
++++ tools/watchdog/Makefile	2012-09-05 12:15:35.561612203 -0700
+@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@
+ install : $(BIN)
+ 	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
+-	install -s $(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
++	install $(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN_DIR)
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/uml-utilities/uml-utilities_20040406.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/uml-utilities/uml-utilities_20040406.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45cc2e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/uml-utilities/uml-utilities_20040406.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+SECTION = "console/utils"
+SUMMARY = "Utilities for User-Mode-Linux"
+LICENSE = "GPL-2.0"
+DEPENDS = "zlib ncurses readline"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=0636e73ff0215e8d672dc4c32c317bb3"
+SRC_URI = "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/user-mode-linux/tools/1/uml_utilities_${PV}.tar.bz2  \
+           file://fix-ldflags.patch \
+           file://unstrip.patch \
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "2c1ccd9efacbfb39e42d482b89b2550a"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "4f179b1db021ef15ac7e9b2eed57c525db127a754c574f591c367460cded9f41"
+PR = "r1"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/tools"
+do_compile() {
+    oe_runmake
+do_install() {
+    oe_runmake install DESTDIR=${D}
+FILES_${PN} += "${exec_prefix}${nonarch_base_libdir}"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${exec_prefix}${nonarch_base_libdir}/uml/.debug"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/wipe/files/support-cross-compile-for-linux.patch b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/wipe/files/support-cross-compile-for-linux.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb3aee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/wipe/files/support-cross-compile-for-linux.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+From 35f14bd5aba2ed6cee258e11eab42c408afc04d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Hongxu Jia <hongxu.jia@windriver.com>
+Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2015 02:29:05 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] Makefile: support cross compile for linux
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Hongxu Jia <hongxu.jia@windriver.com>
+ Makefile | 5 +++--
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
+index 17d9758..9e74cdf 100644
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
+ # Linux 2.0.x
+ #
+ # default should be to turn off debugging and to turn on optimization.
+ #CCO_LINUX+=-O9 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions -funroll-loops -fstrength-reduce
+@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ clean	:
+ 		rm -f wipe $(OBJECTS) wipe.tr-asc.1 version.h
+ install:
+-	install -m755 -o root -g root wipe $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin
++	[ -e $(DESTDIR)$(bindir) ] || mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
++	install -m755 -o root -g root wipe $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
+ .PHONY: always clean install
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/wipe/wipe_git.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/wipe/wipe_git.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70229f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/wipe/wipe_git.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+SUMMARY = "A UNIX tool for secure deletion"
+DESCRIPTION = "Wipe is a little command for securely erasing files from \
+magnetic media. It compiles under various unix platforms, \
+including Linux 2. * , (Open, Net, Free)BSD, aix 4.1, SunOS \
+5.5.1, Solaris 2.6. wipe is released under the GPL. Pre-compiled \
+packages are available on most Linux distributions. \
+Under Debian, the package name is wipe"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://lambda-diode.com/software/wipe/"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://GPL;md5=0636e73ff0215e8d672dc4c32c317bb3"
+SRC_URI = "git://github.com/berke/wipe.git;branch=master \
+           file://support-cross-compile-for-linux.patch \
+          "
+SRCREV = "d9c100c9cd0b1cbbe4359e4d6c9a035d11e7597c"
+PV = "0.23+git${SRCPV}"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+EXTRA_OEMAKE = "linux"
+do_install() {
+	make install DESTDIR=${D}
+do_configure[noexec] = "1"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/zram/zram/init b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/zram/zram/init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b6cbf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/zram/zram/init
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Provides: zram
+# Required-Start:
+# Required-Stop:
+# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
+# Short-Description: Increased Performance In Linux With zRam (Virtual Swap Compressed in RAM)
+# Description: Adapted from systemd scripts at https://github.com/mystilleef/FedoraZram
+# Included as part of antix-goodies package by anticapitalista <antiX@operamail.com>
+# This script was written by tradetaxfree and is found at http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/topic/15344/zram-a-good-idea/
+# Copy this script (as root) from /usr/local/bin to /etc/init.d and then #update-rc.d zram defaults
+# After booting verify the module is loaded with: lsmod | grep zram
+set -e
+start() {
+    # get the number of CPUs
+    num_cpus=$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)
+    # if something goes wrong, assume we have 1
+    [ "$num_cpus" != 0 ] || num_cpus=1
+    # set decremented number of CPUs
+    last_cpu=$((num_cpus - 1))
+    #default Factor % = 90 change this value here or create /etc/default/zram
+    FACTOR=90
+    #& put the above single line in /etc/default/zram with the value you want
+    [ -f /etc/default/zram ] && . /etc/default/zram || true
+    factor=$FACTOR # percentage
+    # get the amount of memory in the machine
+    memtotal=$(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk ' { print $2 } ')
+    mem_by_cpu=$(($memtotal/$num_cpus*$factor/100*1024))
+    # load dependency modules
+    modprobe zram zram_num_devices=$num_cpus
+    echo "zram devices probed successfully"
+    # initialize the devices
+    for i in $(seq 0 $last_cpu); do
+    	echo 1 > /sys/block/zram$i/reset
+    	echo $mem_by_cpu > /sys/block/zram$i/disksize
+    	# Creating swap filesystems
+    	mkswap /dev/zram$i
+    	# Switch the swaps on
+    	swapon -p 100 /dev/zram$i
+    done
+stop() {
+    # get the number of CPUs
+    num_cpus=$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)
+    # set decremented number of CPUs
+    last_cpu=$((num_cpus - 1))
+    # Switching off swap
+    for i in $(seq 0 $last_cpu); do
+    	if [ "$(grep /dev/zram$i /proc/swaps)" != "" ]; then
+    		swapoff /dev/zram$i
+    		sleep 1
+    	fi
+    done
+    sleep 1
+    rmmod zram
+case "$1" in
+    start)
+        start
+        ;;
+    stop)
+        stop
+        ;;
+    restart)
+        stop
+        sleep 3
+        start
+        ;;
+    *)
+        echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
+        RETVAL=1
+exit $RETVAL
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/zram/zram/zram.service b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/zram/zram/zram.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a19367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/zram/zram/zram.service
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Description=Enable zram compressed in-memory swap.
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/zram-load.sh --load
+ExecStop=/usr/bin/zram-load.sh --unload
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/zram/zram_0.1.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/zram/zram_0.1.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e07f570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/zram/zram_0.1.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+SUMMARY = "Linux zram compressed in-memory swap"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/LICENSE;md5=4d92cd373abda3937c2bc47fbc49d690"
+inherit update-rc.d systemd
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "util-linux-swaponoff kmod"
+RRECOMMENDS_${PN} = "kernel-module-zram"
+PR = "r3"
+SRC_URI = " \
+           file://init \
+           file://zram.service \
+do_install () {
+    # Sysvinit
+    install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+    install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/init ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/zram
+    install -d ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
+    install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/zram.service ${D}${systemd_unitdir}/system
+FILES_${PN} = "${sysconfdir}"
+INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "start 05 2 3 4 5 . stop 22 0 1 6 ."
+RPROVIDES_${PN} += "${PN}-systemd"
+RREPLACES_${PN} += "${PN}-systemd"
+RCONFLICTS_${PN} += "${PN}-systemd"
+SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "zram.service"
diff --git a/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/zsh/zsh_5.0.5.bb b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/zsh/zsh_5.0.5.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39b2d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import-layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/zsh/zsh_5.0.5.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+SUMMARY = "UNIX Shell similar to the Korn shell"
+DESCRIPTION = "Zsh is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a \
+               powerful scripting language. Many of the useful features of bash, \
+               ksh, and tcsh were incorporated into zsh; many original features were added."
+HOMEPAGE = "http://www.zsh.org"
+SECTION = "base/shell"
+LICENSE = "zsh"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENCE;md5=b7bc853894664be455a922db9805288e"
+DEPENDS = "ncurses bison-native libcap libpcre gdbm groff-native"
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "6fb0e3e52a0f8de5ca63138391b81ce0"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "b35cf19e4a6ba39fd03c6372b8a8760a491cc2e2e4aba3d15023ff291c2894b4"
+inherit autotools gettext update-alternatives
+    --bindir=${base_bindir} \
+    --enable-etcdir=${sysconfdir} \
+    --enable-fndir=${datadir}/${PN}/${PV}/functions \
+    --enable-site-fndir=${datadir}/${PN}/site-functions \
+    --with-term-lib='ncursesw ncurses' \
+    --with-tcsetpgrp \
+    --enable-cap \
+    --enable-multibyte \
+    --disable-gdbm \
+    --disable-dynamic \
+    zsh_cv_shared_environ=yes \
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[sh] = "${base_bindir}/sh"
+ALTERNATIVE_TARGET[sh] = "${base_bindir}/${BPN}"
+export AUTOHEADER = "true"
+do_configure () {
+    gnu-configize --force ${S}
+    oe_runconf
+do_install_append () {
+    rm -fr ${D}/usr/share
+pkg_postinst_${PN} () {
+    touch $D${sysconfdir}/shells
+    grep -q "bin/zsh" $D${sysconfdir}/shells || echo /bin/zsh >> $D${sysconfdir}/shells
+    grep -q "bin/sh" $D${sysconfdir}/shells || echo /bin/sh >> $D${sysconfdir}/shells
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "\
+    ${libdir}/${PN}/${PV}/${PN}/.debug/*.so \
+    ${libdir}/${PN}/${PV}/${PN}/db/.debug/*.so \
+    ${libdir}/${PN}/${PV}/${PN}/net/.debug/*.so \