Squashed 'yocto-poky/' content from commit ea562de

git-subtree-dir: yocto-poky
git-subtree-split: ea562de57590c966cd5a75fda8defecd397e6436
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/clearcase.py b/bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/clearcase.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba83e7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/clearcase.py
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
+# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+BitBake 'Fetch' clearcase implementation
+The clearcase fetcher is used to retrieve files from a ClearCase repository.
+Usage in the recipe:
+    SRC_URI = "ccrc://cc.example.org/ccrc;vob=/example_vob;module=/example_module"
+    PV = "${@d.getVar("SRCREV", False).replace("/", "+")}"
+The fetcher uses the rcleartool or cleartool remote client, depending on which one is available.
+Supported SRC_URI options are:
+- vob
+    (required) The name of the clearcase VOB (with prepending "/")
+- module
+    The module in the selected VOB (with prepending "/")
+    The module and vob parameters are combined to create
+    the following load rule in the view config spec:
+                load <vob><module>
+- proto
+    http or https
+Related variables:
+            Write a config spec to this variable in your recipe to use it instead
+            of the default config spec generated by this fetcher.
+            Please note that the SRCREV loses its functionality if you specify
+            this variable. SRCREV is still used to label the archive after a fetch,
+            but it doesn't define what's fetched.
+User credentials:
+    cleartool:
+            The login of cleartool is handled by the system. No special steps needed.
+    rcleartool:
+            In order to use rcleartool with authenticated users an `rcleartool login` is
+            necessary before using the fetcher.
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Siemens AG
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+import os
+import sys
+import shutil
+import bb
+from   bb import data
+from   bb.fetch2 import FetchMethod
+from   bb.fetch2 import FetchError
+from   bb.fetch2 import runfetchcmd
+from   bb.fetch2 import logger
+from   distutils import spawn
+class ClearCase(FetchMethod):
+    """Class to fetch urls via 'clearcase'"""
+    def init(self, d):
+        pass
+    def supports(self, ud, d):
+        """
+        Check to see if a given url can be fetched with Clearcase.
+        """
+        return ud.type in ['ccrc']
+    def debug(self, msg):
+        logger.debug(1, "ClearCase: %s", msg)
+    def urldata_init(self, ud, d):
+        """
+        init ClearCase specific variable within url data
+        """
+        ud.proto = "https"
+        if 'protocol' in ud.parm:
+            ud.proto = ud.parm['protocol']
+        if not ud.proto in ('http', 'https'):
+            raise fetch2.ParameterError("Invalid protocol type", ud.url)
+        ud.vob = ''
+        if 'vob' in ud.parm:
+            ud.vob = ud.parm['vob']
+        else:
+            msg = ud.url+": vob must be defined so the fetcher knows what to get."
+            raise MissingParameterError('vob', msg)
+        if 'module' in ud.parm:
+            ud.module = ud.parm['module']
+        else:
+            ud.module = ""
+        ud.basecmd = d.getVar("FETCHCMD_ccrc", True) or spawn.find_executable("cleartool") or spawn.find_executable("rcleartool")
+        if data.getVar("SRCREV", d, True) == "INVALID":
+          raise FetchError("Set a valid SRCREV for the clearcase fetcher in your recipe, e.g. SRCREV = \"/main/LATEST\" or any other label of your choice.")
+        ud.label = d.getVar("SRCREV", False)
+        ud.customspec = d.getVar("CCASE_CUSTOM_CONFIG_SPEC", True)
+        ud.server     = "%s://%s%s" % (ud.proto, ud.host, ud.path)
+        ud.identifier = "clearcase-%s%s-%s" % ( ud.vob.replace("/", ""),
+                                                ud.module.replace("/", "."),
+                                                ud.label.replace("/", "."))
+        ud.viewname         = "%s-view%s" % (ud.identifier, d.getVar("DATETIME", d, True))
+        ud.csname           = "%s-config-spec" % (ud.identifier)
+        ud.ccasedir         = os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, True), ud.type)
+        ud.viewdir          = os.path.join(ud.ccasedir, ud.viewname)
+        ud.configspecfile   = os.path.join(ud.ccasedir, ud.csname)
+        ud.localfile        = "%s.tar.gz" % (ud.identifier)
+        self.debug("host            = %s" % ud.host)
+        self.debug("path            = %s" % ud.path)
+        self.debug("server          = %s" % ud.server)
+        self.debug("proto           = %s" % ud.proto)
+        self.debug("type            = %s" % ud.type)
+        self.debug("vob             = %s" % ud.vob)
+        self.debug("module          = %s" % ud.module)
+        self.debug("basecmd         = %s" % ud.basecmd)
+        self.debug("label           = %s" % ud.label)
+        self.debug("ccasedir        = %s" % ud.ccasedir)
+        self.debug("viewdir         = %s" % ud.viewdir)
+        self.debug("viewname        = %s" % ud.viewname)
+        self.debug("configspecfile  = %s" % ud.configspecfile)
+        self.debug("localfile       = %s" % ud.localfile)
+        ud.localfile = os.path.join(data.getVar("DL_DIR", d, True), ud.localfile)
+    def _build_ccase_command(self, ud, command):
+        """
+        Build up a commandline based on ud
+        command is: mkview, setcs, rmview
+        """
+        options = []
+        if "rcleartool" in ud.basecmd:
+            options.append("-server %s" % ud.server)
+        basecmd = "%s %s" % (ud.basecmd, command)
+        if command is 'mkview':
+            if not "rcleartool" in ud.basecmd:
+                # Cleartool needs a -snapshot view
+                options.append("-snapshot")
+            options.append("-tag %s" % ud.viewname)
+            options.append(ud.viewdir)
+        elif command is 'rmview':
+            options.append("-force")
+            options.append("%s" % ud.viewdir)
+        elif command is 'setcs':
+            options.append("-overwrite")
+            options.append(ud.configspecfile)
+        else:
+            raise FetchError("Invalid ccase command %s" % command)
+        ccasecmd = "%s %s" % (basecmd, " ".join(options))
+        self.debug("ccasecmd = %s" % ccasecmd)
+        return ccasecmd
+    def _write_configspec(self, ud, d):
+        """
+        Create config spec file (ud.configspecfile) for ccase view
+        """
+        config_spec = ""
+        custom_config_spec = d.getVar("CCASE_CUSTOM_CONFIG_SPEC", d)
+        if custom_config_spec is not None:
+            for line in custom_config_spec.split("\\n"):
+                config_spec += line+"\n"
+            bb.warn("A custom config spec has been set, SRCREV is only relevant for the tarball name.")
+        else:
+            config_spec += "element * CHECKEDOUT\n"
+            config_spec += "element * %s\n" % ud.label
+            config_spec += "load %s%s\n" % (ud.vob, ud.module)
+        logger.info("Using config spec: \n%s" % config_spec)
+        with open(ud.configspecfile, 'w') as f:
+            f.write(config_spec)
+    def _remove_view(self, ud, d):
+        if os.path.exists(ud.viewdir):
+            os.chdir(ud.ccasedir)
+            cmd = self._build_ccase_command(ud, 'rmview');
+            logger.info("cleaning up [VOB=%s label=%s view=%s]", ud.vob, ud.label, ud.viewname)
+            bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, cmd, ud.url)
+            output = runfetchcmd(cmd, d)
+            logger.info("rmview output: %s", output)
+    def need_update(self, ud, d):
+        if ("LATEST" in ud.label) or (ud.customspec and "LATEST" in ud.customspec):
+            ud.identifier += "-%s" % d.getVar("DATETIME",d, True)
+            return True
+        if os.path.exists(ud.localpath):
+            return False
+        return True
+    def supports_srcrev(self):
+        return True
+    def sortable_revision(self, ud, d, name):
+        return False, ud.identifier
+    def download(self, ud, d):
+        """Fetch url"""
+        # Make a fresh view
+        bb.utils.mkdirhier(ud.ccasedir)
+        self._write_configspec(ud, d)
+        cmd = self._build_ccase_command(ud, 'mkview')
+        logger.info("creating view [VOB=%s label=%s view=%s]", ud.vob, ud.label, ud.viewname)
+        bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, cmd, ud.url)
+        try:
+            runfetchcmd(cmd, d)
+        except FetchError as e:
+            if "CRCLI2008E" in e.msg:
+                raise FetchError("%s\n%s\n" % (e.msg, "Call `rcleartool login` in your console to authenticate to the clearcase server before running bitbake."))
+            else:
+                raise e
+        # Set configspec: Setting the configspec effectively fetches the files as defined in the configspec
+        os.chdir(ud.viewdir)
+        cmd = self._build_ccase_command(ud, 'setcs');
+        logger.info("fetching data [VOB=%s label=%s view=%s]", ud.vob, ud.label, ud.viewname)
+        bb.fetch2.check_network_access(d, cmd, ud.url)
+        output = runfetchcmd(cmd, d)
+        logger.info("%s", output)
+        # Copy the configspec to the viewdir so we have it in our source tarball later
+        shutil.copyfile(ud.configspecfile, os.path.join(ud.viewdir, ud.csname))
+        # Clean clearcase meta-data before tar
+        runfetchcmd('tar -czf "%s" .' % (ud.localpath), d, cleanup = [ud.localpath])
+        # Clean up so we can create a new view next time
+        self.clean(ud, d);
+    def clean(self, ud, d):
+        self._remove_view(ud, d)
+        bb.utils.remove(ud.configspecfile)