Squashed 'yocto-poky/' content from commit ea562de

git-subtree-dir: yocto-poky
git-subtree-split: ea562de57590c966cd5a75fda8defecd397e6436
diff --git a/meta/recipes-extended/net-tools/net-tools_1.60-26.bb b/meta/recipes-extended/net-tools/net-tools_1.60-26.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aefc1e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-extended/net-tools/net-tools_1.60-26.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+SUMMARY = "Basic networking tools"
+DESCRIPTION = "A collection of programs that form the base set of the NET-3 networking distribution for the Linux operating system"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://net-tools.berlios.de/"
+BUGTRACKER = "http://bugs.debian.org/net-tools"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=8ca43cbc842c2336e835926c2166c28b \
+                    file://ifconfig.c;beginline=11;endline=15;md5=d1ca372080ad5401e23ca0afc35cf9ba"
+SRC_URI = "http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20050312T000000Z/pool/main/n/${BPN}/${BPN}_1.60.orig.tar.gz;name=tarball \
+           http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian//20150831T093342Z/pool/main/n/${BPN}/${BPN}_${PV}.diff.gz;apply=no;name=patch \
+           file://net-tools-config.h \
+           file://net-tools-config.make \
+           file://ifconfig-interface-0-del-IP-will-remove-the-aliased-.patch \
+	   "
+S = "${WORKDIR}/net-tools-1.60"
+SRC_URI[tarball.md5sum] = "ecaf37acb5b5daff4bdda77785fd916d"
+SRC_URI[tarball.sha256sum] = "ec67967cf7b1a3a3828a84762fbc013ac50ee5dc9aa3095d5c591f302c2de0f5"
+SRC_URI[patch.md5sum] = "ea3592f49ac8380962bc4d9b66c7e7e9"
+SRC_URI[patch.sha256sum] = "aeeeafaff68866a446f01bb639d4e0146a60af34dcd20e31a3e46585022fc76c"
+inherit gettext
+# The Makefile is lame, no parallel build
+# Unlike other Debian packages, net-tools *.diff.gz contains another series of
+# patches maintained by quilt. So manually apply them before applying other local
+# patches. Also remove all temp files before leaving, because do_patch() will pop 
+# up all previously applied patches in the start
+nettools_do_patch() {
+	cd ${S}
+	quilt pop -a || true
+	if [ -d ${S}/.pc-nettools ]; then
+		rm -rf ${S}/.pc
+		mv ${S}/.pc-nettools ${S}/.pc
+		QUILT_PATCHES=${S}/debian/patches quilt pop -a
+		rm -rf ${S}/.pc ${S}/debian
+	fi
+	patch -p1 < ${WORKDIR}/${BPN}_${PV}.diff	
+	QUILT_PATCHES=${S}/debian/patches quilt push -a
+	mv ${S}/.pc ${S}/.pc-nettools
+do_unpack[cleandirs] += "${S}"
+# We invoke base do_patch at end, to incorporate any local patch
+python do_patch() {
+    bb.build.exec_func('nettools_do_patch', d)
+    bb.build.exec_func('patch_do_patch', d)
+do_configure() {
+	# net-tools has its own config mechanism requiring "make config"
+	# we pre-generate desired options and copy to source directory instead
+	cp ${WORKDIR}/net-tools-config.h    ${S}/config.h
+	cp ${WORKDIR}/net-tools-config.make ${S}/config.make
+do_compile() {
+	# net-tools use COPTS/LOPTS to allow adding custom options
+	export COPTS="$CFLAGS"
+	export LOPTS="$LDFLAGS"
+	unset CFLAGS
+	unset LDFLAGS
+	oe_runmake
+do_install() {
+	oe_runmake 'BASEDIR=${D}' install
+inherit update-alternatives
+base_sbindir_progs = "arp ifconfig ipmaddr iptunnel mii-tool nameif plipconfig rarp route slattach"
+base_bindir_progs  = "dnsdomainname domainname hostname netstat nisdomainname ypdomainname"
+ALTERNATIVE_${PN} = "${base_sbindir_progs} ${base_bindir_progs}"
+python __anonymous() {
+	for prog in d.getVar('base_sbindir_progs', True).split():
+		d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME', prog, '%s/%s' % (d.getVar('base_sbindir', True), prog))
+	for prog in d.getVar('base_bindir_progs', True).split():
+		d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME', prog, '%s/%s' % (d.getVar('base_bindir', True), prog))