meta-bletchley: motor-ctrl: add host status checking

Use mdio-util command to communicate with switch phy, and get port link
status represent for host status.

This feature is not support with EVT system due to MDIO0 is not connected.

Tested on reworked EVT HW:

root@bletchley:~# power-ctrl sled6 off
Power off sled6
Motor go forward to press Power key
Power key switch triggered
Press power key for Sled6 5 seconds...
Motor reverse to initial position successful
root@bletchley:~# power-ctrl sled6 status

root@bletchley:~# power-ctrl sled6 on
Power on sled6
Motor go forward to press Power key
Power key switch triggered
Press power key for Sled6 0.5 seconds...
Motor reverse to initial position successful
root@bletchley:~# power-ctrl sled6 status

Signed-off-by: Potin Lai <>
Change-Id: I523013447da9ed210499f5dca960f708292a4b33
diff --git a/meta-facebook/meta-bletchley/recipes-bletchley/motor-ctrl/files/power-ctrl b/meta-facebook/meta-bletchley/recipes-bletchley/motor-ctrl/files/power-ctrl
index 9395b9d..523eb26 100755
--- a/meta-facebook/meta-bletchley/recipes-bletchley/motor-ctrl/files/power-ctrl
+++ b/meta-facebook/meta-bletchley/recipes-bletchley/motor-ctrl/files/power-ctrl
@@ -159,6 +159,78 @@
+function get_host_status()
+    SLED_NUM=$1
+    MDIO_BUS=0
+    HOST_ST_UNKNOW="Unknow"
+    HOST_ST_ON="On"
+    HOST_ST_OFF="Off"
+    declare -a PORT_MAP=(0 3 2 1 7 6 5)
+    # check /dev/mem
+    if ! create_dev_mem; then
+        return 1
+    fi
+    CHECK_CNT=0
+    while true
+    do
+        if POST_ST_VAL=$(mdio-util c22 r $MDIO_BUS "${PORT_MAP[SLED_NUM]}" 0); then
+            if [ $((POST_ST_VAL&16#0800)) -eq $((16#0800)) ]; then
+                TMP_HOST_ST="$HOST_ST_ON"
+            else
+                TMP_HOST_ST="$HOST_ST_OFF"
+            fi
+            if [ "$CUR_HOST_ST" == "$TMP_HOST_ST" ]; then
+                CHECK_CNT=$((CHECK_CNT+1))
+            else
+                CUR_HOST_ST=$TMP_HOST_ST
+                CHECK_CNT=0
+            fi
+            if [ "$CHECK_CNT" -ge 5 ]; then
+                echo "$CUR_HOST_ST"
+                break
+            fi
+        else
+            MDIO_ERR_CNT=$((MDIO_ERR_CNT+1))
+            if [ "$MDIO_ERR_CNT" -ge 5 ]; then
+                echo "$HOST_ST_UNKNOW"
+                return 1
+            fi
+        fi
+    done
+    return 0
+function create_dev_mem()
+    CHECK_CNT=0
+    while true
+    do
+        CHECK_CNT=$((CHECK_CNT+1))
+        if [ -c /dev/mem ]; then
+            # /dev/mem already exist
+            return 0
+        elif mknod /dev/mem c 1 1; then
+            # mknod success
+            return 0
+        elif [ "$CHECK_CNT" -ge 5 ]; then
+            break
+        fi
+        sleep 1
+    done
+    echo "create /dev/mem failed"
+    return 1
 function show_usage(){
     echo "Usage: power-ctrl [sled1 | sled2 | sled3 | sled4 | sled5 | sled6]  [on off ac-on ac-off status]"
     echo "       power-ctrl chassis-cycle"
@@ -201,23 +273,45 @@
 if [[ "$ACTION" == "on" ]]; then
     if [ "$(get_ac_status "$SLED_NUM")" == "AC on" ];then
-        echo "Power on ${SLED}"
-        trigger_power_button  "$SLED_NUM"  "$DELAY_POWER_ON"
+        host_power_st=$(get_host_status "$SLED_NUM")
+        if [ "$host_power_st" == "On" ]; then
+            echo "${SLED} is already On"
+        elif [ "$host_power_st" == "Off" ]; then
+            echo "Power on ${SLED}"
+            trigger_power_button  "$SLED_NUM"  "$DELAY_POWER_ON"
+        else
+            echo "${SLED} power state is $host_power_st"
+            exit 1
+        fi
         echo "${SLED} is ac-off, please turn on ac before power on"
         exit 1
 elif [[ "$ACTION" == "off" ]];then
     if [ "$(get_ac_status "$SLED_NUM")" == "AC on" ];then
-        echo "Power off ${SLED}"
-        trigger_power_button  "$SLED_NUM"  "$DELAY_POWER_OFF"
+        host_power_st=$(get_host_status "$SLED_NUM")
+        if [ "$host_power_st" == "On" ]; then
+            echo "Power off ${SLED}"
+            trigger_power_button  "$SLED_NUM"  "$DELAY_POWER_OFF"
+        elif [ "$host_power_st" == "Off" ]; then
+            echo "${SLED} is already Off"
+        else
+            echo "${SLED} power state is $host_power_st"
+            exit 1
+        fi
         echo "${SLED} is already ac-off"
         exit 1
 elif [[ "$ACTION" == "status" ]];then
-    get_ac_status "$SLED_NUM"
-    #TODO : check or record Host(DC) power status
+    AC_ST=$(get_ac_status "$SLED_NUM")
+    if [ "$AC_ST" == "AC on" ]; then
+        # check host power status if AC is on
+        get_host_status "$SLED_NUM" || exit 1
+    else
+        # AC off
+        echo "$AC_ST"
+    fi
 elif [[ "$ACTION" == "ac-on" ]];then
     set_gpio "power-host${SLED_NUM}" 1
 elif [[ "$ACTION" == "ac-off" ]];then
diff --git a/meta-facebook/meta-bletchley/recipes-bletchley/motor-ctrl/ b/meta-facebook/meta-bletchley/recipes-bletchley/motor-ctrl/
index 41e0ce9..3cab5e2 100644
--- a/meta-facebook/meta-bletchley/recipes-bletchley/motor-ctrl/
+++ b/meta-facebook/meta-bletchley/recipes-bletchley/motor-ctrl/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 RDEPENDS:${PN} += "bash"
 RDEPENDS:${PN} += "i2c-tools"
 RDEPENDS:${PN} += "libgpiod-tools"
+RDEPENDS:${PN} += "mdio-util"
 S = "${WORKDIR}"
 SRC_URI += " \