blob: 4f6b304dd622b3ec24e8065bca196aff9974ee16 [file] [log] [blame]
"use strict";
function customRecipePageInit(ctx) {
var urlParams = libtoaster.parseUrlParams();
(function notificationRequest(){
if (urlParams.hasOwnProperty('notify') && urlParams.notify === 'new'){
$("#recipeselection").on('table-done', function(e, total, tableParams){
/* Table is done so now setup the click handler for the package buttons */
addRemovePackage($(this), tableParams);
function addRemovePackage(pkgBtn, tableParams){
var pkgBtnData =;
var method;
var buttonToShow;
if (pkgBtnData.directive == 'add') {
method = 'PUT';
buttonToShow = '#package-rm-btn-' + pkgBtnData.package;
} else if (pkgBtnData.directive == 'remove') {
method = 'DELETE';
buttonToShow = '#package-add-btn-' + pkgBtnData.package;
} else {
throw("Unknown package directive: should be add or remove");
type: method,
url: pkgBtnData.packageUrl,
headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')},
success: function(data){
/* Invalidate the Add | Rm package table's current cache */
tableParams.nocache = true;
$.get(ctx.tableApiUrl, tableParams);
/* Swap the buttons around */