blob: 1c24aaacd3fdb690440cc28c846955ede47ea0b0 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/bash -e
# Purpose:
# This script is responsible for determining the owner of a gerrit
# commit, verifying they are within an approved gerrit group, and
# then updating gerrit with that verification info.
# Note: It is assumed this script is run as a part of a jenkins job triggered
# by the gerrit plugin. Therefore it assumes certain env variables
# provided by that plugin are avialable (i.e. GERRIT_PROJECT, ...)
# Required Inputs:
# SSH_KEY: Path to private ssh key used to post messages to gerrit
GERRIT_COMMAND="curl -s --anyauth -n"
ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i "$SSH_KEY" \
-p 29418 gerrit \
# shellcheck disable=2086 # GERRIT_COMMAND is purposefully wordsplit.
COMMITTER_EMAIL=$(${GERRIT_COMMAND}/a/changes/${GERRIT_PROJECT/\//%2F}~${GERRIT_BRANCH}~${GERRIT_CHANGE_ID}/revisions/${GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION}/commit | python2 -c "import sys, json;; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['committer']['email'])")
if [ "x${COMMITTER_EMAIL}" == "x" ]; then
echo "Unable to find committer."
"${GERRIT_SSH_CMD[@]}" review \
--ok-to-test=0 "--message='Unable to determine committer'"
exit 1
#echo "Commit by '${COMMITTER_EMAIL}'"
# shellcheck disable=2086 # GERRIT_COMMAND is purposefully wordsplit.
COMMITTER_USERNAME=$(${GERRIT_COMMAND}/a/accounts/${COMMITTER_EMAIL} | python2 -c "import sys, json;; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['username'])")
if [ "x${COMMITTER_USERNAME}" == "x" ]; then
echo "Unable to determine github user for ${COMMITTER_EMAIL}."
"${GERRIT_SSH_CMD[@]}" review \
--ok-to-test=0 "--message='Unable to determine github user'"
exit 1
# Reset the vote to 0 so jenkins will detect a new +1 on retriggers
"${GERRIT_SSH_CMD[@]}" review \
--ok-to-test=0 -t autogenerated:jenkins --notify=NONE
# Write full list of users to a file
alibaba/ci-authorized \
amd/ci-authorized \
ami/ci-authorized \
ampere/ci-authorized \
aspeed/ci-authorized \
bytedance/ci-authorized \
code-construct/ci-authorized \
erg/ci-authorized \
facebook/ci-authorized \
fii/ci-authorized \
gager-in/ci-authorized \
google/ci-authorized \
hcl/ci-authorized \
hpe/ci-authorized \
ibm/ci-authorized \
individual/ci-authorized \
inspur/ci-authorized \
intel/ci-authorized \
inventec/ci-authorized \
lenovo/ci-authorized \
nineelements/ci-authorized \
nuvoton/ci-authorized \
nvidia/ci-authorized \
openbmc/ci-authorized \
pcpartner/ci-authorized \
quanta/ci-authorized \
rcs/ci-authorized \
supermicro/ci-authorized \
wistron/ci-authorized \
wiwynn/ci-authorized \
yadro/ci-authorized \
rm -f "$WORKSPACE/users.txt"
for g in "${GERRIT_CI_GROUPS[@]}"; do
"${GERRIT_SSH_CMD[@]}" ls-members "$g" --recursive \
>> "$WORKSPACE/users.txt"
# grep for the specific username word in the file
if grep -q -w "${COMMITTER_USERNAME}" "$WORKSPACE/users.txt"; then
"${GERRIT_SSH_CMD[@]}" review \
--ok-to-test=1 -t autogenerated:jenkins --notify=NONE \
"--message='User approved, CI ok to start'"
# Immediately erase the score to prevent infinite triggers.
"${GERRIT_SSH_CMD[@]}" review \
--ok-to-test=0 -t autogenerated:jenkins --notify=NONE
exit 0
echo "${COMMITTER_USERNAME} is not on the approved list."
"${GERRIT_SSH_CMD[@]}" review \
--ok-to-test=0 -t autogenerated:jenkins \
"--message='User not approved, see admin, no CI'"
exit 0