| DESCRIPTION = "cmocka is an elegant unit testing framework for C with support for mock \ |
| objects. It only requires the standard C library, works on a range of computing \ |
| platforms (including embedded) and with different compilers." |
| HOMEPAGE = "https://cmocka.org/" |
| |
| LICENSE = "Apache-2.0" |
| LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=3b83ef96387f14655fc854ddc3c6bd57" |
| |
| SRCREV = "56eb3a183fc222120f86d0c54fd033992c30135e" |
| SRC_URI = "git://git.cryptomilk.org/projects/cmocka.git \ |
| file://run-ptest \ |
| file://cmocka-uintptr_t.patch \ |
| " |
| |
| S = "${WORKDIR}/git" |
| |
| inherit cmake ptest |
| |
| EXTRA_OECMAKE = "${@bb.utils.contains('PTEST_ENABLED', '1', '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DUNIT_TESTING=ON', '', d)}" |
| |
| do_install_append () { |
| install -d ${D}${datadir}/${BPN}/example |
| install -d ${D}${datadir}/${BPN}/example/mock/chef_wrap |
| install -d ${D}${datadir}/${BPN}/example/mock/uptime |
| |
| install -m 0755 ${B}/example/*_test ${D}/${datadir}/${BPN}/example |
| install -m 0755 ${B}/example/mock/chef_wrap/waiter_test_wrap ${D}/${datadir}/${BPN}/example/mock/chef_wrap |
| install -m 0755 ${B}/example/mock/uptime/uptime ${D}/${datadir}/${BPN}/example/mock/uptime |
| install -m 0755 ${B}/example/mock/uptime/test_uptime ${D}/${datadir}/${BPN}/example/mock/uptime |
| } |
| |
| do_install_ptest () { |
| install -d ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/tests |
| install -m 0755 ${B}/tests/test_* ${D}${PTEST_PATH}/tests |
| } |
| |
| PACKAGE_BEFORE_PN += "${PN}-examples" |
| |
| FILES_${PN}-examples = "${datadir}/${BPN}/example" |