blob: cc435aba1e8917f178d59fef206f29107faa2388 [file] [log] [blame]
# Inherit this class when you want to allow Mozilla Socorro to link Breakpad's
# stack trace information to the correct source code revision.
# This class creates a new version of the symbol file (.sym) created by
# Breakpad. The absolute file paths in the symbol file will be replaced by VCS,
# branch, file and revision of the source file. That information facilitates the
# lookup of a particular source code line in the stack trace.
# Use example:
# BREAKPAD_BIN = "YourBinary"
# inherit socorro-syms
# We depend on Breakpad creating the original symbol file.
inherit breakpad
PACKAGE_PREPROCESS_FUNCS += "symbol_file_preprocess"
PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-socorro-syms"
FILES_${PN}-socorro-syms = "/usr/share/socorro-syms"
python symbol_file_preprocess() {
package_dir = d.getVar("PKGD")
breakpad_bin = d.getVar("BREAKPAD_BIN")
if not breakpad_bin:
package_name = d.getVar("PN")
bb.error("Package %s depends on Breakpad via socorro-syms. See "
"breakpad.bbclass for instructions on setting up the Breakpad "
"configuration." % package_name)
raise ValueError("BREAKPAD_BIN not defined in %s." % package_name)
sym_file_name = breakpad_bin + ".sym"
breakpad_syms_dir = os.path.join(
package_dir, "usr", "share", "breakpad-syms")
socorro_syms_dir = os.path.join(
package_dir, "usr", "share", "socorro-syms")
if not os.path.exists(socorro_syms_dir):
breakpad_sym_file_path = os.path.join(breakpad_syms_dir, sym_file_name)
socorro_sym_file_path = os.path.join(socorro_syms_dir, sym_file_name)
create_socorro_sym_file(d, breakpad_sym_file_path, socorro_sym_file_path)
arrange_socorro_sym_file(socorro_sym_file_path, socorro_syms_dir)
def run_command(command, directory):
(output, error) =, cwd=directory)
if error:
raise bb.process.ExecutionError(command, error)
return output.rstrip()
def create_socorro_sym_file(d, breakpad_sym_file_path, socorro_sym_file_path):
# In the symbol file, all source files are referenced like the following.
# FILE 123 /path/to/some/File.cpp
# Go through all references and replace the file paths with repository
# paths.
with open(breakpad_sym_file_path, 'r') as breakpad_sym_file, \
open(socorro_sym_file_path, 'w') as socorro_sym_file:
for line in breakpad_sym_file:
if line.startswith("FILE "):
socorro_sym_file.write(socorro_file_reference(d, line))
def socorro_file_reference(d, line):
# The 3rd position is the file path. See example above.
source_file_path = line.split()[2]
source_file_repo_path = repository_path(
d, os.path.normpath(source_file_path))
# If the file could be found in any repository then replace it with the
# repository's path.
if source_file_repo_path:
return line.replace(source_file_path, source_file_repo_path)
return line
def repository_path(d, source_file_path):
if not os.path.isfile(source_file_path):
return None
# Check which VCS is used and use that to extract repository information.
(output, error) ="git status",
if not error:
# Make sure the git repository we just found wasn't the yocto repository
# itself, i.e. the root of the repository we're looking for must be a
# child of the build directory TOPDIR.
git_root_dir = run_command(
"git rev-parse --show-toplevel", os.path.dirname(source_file_path))
if not git_root_dir.startswith(d.getVar("TOPDIR")):
return None
return git_repository_path(source_file_path)
# Here we can add support for other VCSs like hg, svn, cvs, etc.
# The source file isn't under any VCS so we leave it be.
return None
def is_local_url(url):
return \
url.startswith("file:") or url.startswith("/") or url.startswith("./")
def git_repository_path(source_file_path):
import re
# We need to extract the following.
# (1): VCS URL, (2): branch, (3): repo root directory name, (4): repo file,
# (5): revision.
source_file_dir = os.path.dirname(source_file_path)
# (1) Get the VCS URL and extract the server part, i.e. change the URL from
# to just
source_long_url = run_command(
"git config --get remote.origin.url", source_file_dir)
# The URL could be a local download directory. If so, get the URL again
# using the local directory's config file.
if is_local_url(source_long_url):
git_config_file = os.path.join(source_long_url, "config")
source_long_url = run_command(
"git config --file %s --get remote.origin.url" % git_config_file,
# If also the download directory redirects to a local git directory,
# then we're probably using source code from a local debug branch which
# won't be accessible by Socorro.
if is_local_url(source_long_url):
return None
# The URL can have several formats. A full list can be found using
# git help clone. Extract the server part with a regex.
url_match =".*(://|@)([^:/]*).*", source_long_url)
source_server =
# (2) Get the branch for this file.
source_branch_list = run_command("git show-branch --list", source_file_dir)
source_branch_match =".*?\[(.*?)\].*", source_branch_list)
source_branch =
# (3) Since the repo root directory name can be changed without affecting
# git, we need to extract the name from something more reliable.
# The git URL has a repo name that we could use. We just need to strip off
# everything around it - from to
# SomeRepo.
source_repo_dir = re.sub("/$", "", source_long_url)
source_repo_dir = re.sub("\.git$", "", source_repo_dir)
source_repo_dir = re.sub(".*[:/]", "", source_repo_dir)
# (4) We know the file but want to remove all of the build system dependent
# path up to and including the repository's root directory, e.g. remove
# /home/someuser/dev/repo/projectx/
source_toplevel = run_command(
"git rev-parse --show-toplevel", source_file_dir)
source_toplevel = source_toplevel + os.path.sep
source_file = source_file_path.replace(source_toplevel, "")
# (5) Get the source revision this file is part of.
source_revision = run_command("git rev-parse HEAD", source_file_dir)
# Assemble the repository path according to the Socorro format.
socorro_reference = "git:%s/%s:%s/%s:%s" % \
(source_server, source_branch,
source_repo_dir, source_file,
return socorro_reference
def arrange_socorro_sym_file(socorro_sym_file_path, socorro_syms_dir):
import re
# Breakpad's minidump_stackwalk needs a certain directory structure in order
# to find correct symbols when extracting a stack trace out of a minidump.
# The directory structure must look like the following.
# YourBinary/<hash>/YourBinary.sym
# To be able to create such structure we need to extract the hash value that
# is found in each symbol file. The header of the symbol file looks
# something like this:
# MODULE Linux x86 A079E473106CE51C74C1C25AF536CCD30 YourBinary
# See
# Create the directory with the same name as the binary.
binary_dir = re.sub("\.sym$", "", socorro_sym_file_path)
if not os.path.exists(binary_dir):
# Get the hash from the header of the symbol file.
with open(socorro_sym_file_path, 'r') as socorro_sym_file:
# The hash is the 4th argument of the first line.
sym_file_hash = socorro_sym_file.readline().split()[3]
# Create the hash directory.
hash_dir = os.path.join(binary_dir, sym_file_hash)
if not os.path.exists(hash_dir):
# Move the symbol file to the hash directory.
sym_file_name = os.path.basename(socorro_sym_file_path)
os.rename(socorro_sym_file_path, os.path.join(hash_dir, sym_file_name))