blob: d8611c8b3087433b4d2f53ed6ba2616d237167a3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation
# Released under the MIT license (see COPYING.MIT)
import os
import subprocess
from import OETestCase
class OESDKTestCase(OETestCase):
def _run(self, cmd):
return subprocess.check_output(". %s > /dev/null; %s;" % \
(, cmd), shell=True,
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)
def fetch(self, workdir, dl_dir, url, archive=None):
if not archive:
from urllib.parse import urlparse
archive = os.path.basename(urlparse(url).path)
if dl_dir:
tarball = os.path.join(dl_dir, archive)
if os.path.exists(tarball):
return tarball
tarball = os.path.join(workdir, archive)
subprocess.check_output(["wget", "-O", tarball, url])
return tarball
def check_elf(self, path, target_os=None, target_arch=None):
Verify that the ELF binary $path matches the specified target
OS/architecture, or if not specified the currently configured MACHINE's
import, oe.elf
if not target_os or not target_arch:
output = self._run("echo $OECORE_TARGET_OS:$OECORE_TARGET_ARCH")
target_os, target_arch = output.strip().split(":")
machine_data = oe.elf.machine_dict(None)[target_os][target_arch]
(machine, osabi, abiversion, endian, bits) = machine_data
elf =
self.assertEqual(machine, elf.machine(),
"Binary was %s but expected %s" %
self.assertEqual(bits, elf.abiSize())
self.assertEqual(endian, elf.isLittleEndian())