blob: c3265ddaa14054312a331e3878edd24ccd73d6ec [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
import datetime
import logging
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from layerindexlib.plugin import LayerIndexPluginUrlError
logger = logging.getLogger('BitBake.layerindexlib')
# Exceptions
class LayerIndexException(Exception):
'''LayerIndex Generic Exception'''
def __init__(self, message):
self.msg = message
Exception.__init__(self, message)
def __str__(self):
return self.msg
class LayerIndexUrlError(LayerIndexException):
'''Exception raised when unable to access a URL for some reason'''
def __init__(self, url, message=""):
if message:
msg = "Unable to access layerindex url %s: %s" % (url, message)
msg = "Unable to access layerindex url %s" % url
self.url = url
LayerIndexException.__init__(self, msg)
class LayerIndexFetchError(LayerIndexException):
'''General layerindex fetcher exception when something fails'''
def __init__(self, url, message=""):
if message:
msg = "Unable to fetch layerindex url %s: %s" % (url, message)
msg = "Unable to fetch layerindex url %s" % url
self.url = url
LayerIndexException.__init__(self, msg)
# Interface to the overall layerindex system
# the layer may contain one or more individual indexes
class LayerIndex():
def __init__(self, d):
if not d:
raise LayerIndexException("Must be initialized with") = d
# List of LayerIndexObj
self.indexes = []
self.plugins = []
import bb.utils
bb.utils.load_plugins(logger, self.plugins, os.path.dirname(__file__))
for plugin in self.plugins:
if hasattr(plugin, 'init'):
def __add__(self, other):
newIndex = LayerIndex(
if self.__class__ != newIndex.__class__ or \
other.__class__ != newIndex.__class__:
raise TypeError("Can not add different types.")
for indexEnt in self.indexes:
for indexEnt in other.indexes:
return newIndex
def _parse_params(self, params):
'''Take a parameter list, return a dictionary of parameters.
Expected to be called from the data of urllib.parse.urlparse(url).params
If there are two conflicting parameters, last in wins...
param_dict = {}
for param in params.split(';'):
if not param:
item = param.split('=', 1)
param_dict[item[0]] = item[1]
return param_dict
def _fetch_url(self, url, username=None, password=None, debuglevel=0):
'''Fetch data from a specific URL.
Fetch something from a specific URL. This is specifically designed to
fetch data from a layerindex-web instance, but may be useful for other
raw fetch actions.
It is not designed to be used to fetch recipe sources or similar. the
regular fetcher class should used for that.
It is the responsibility of the caller to check BB_NO_NETWORK and related
if not url:
raise LayerIndexUrlError(url, "empty url")
import urllib
from urllib.request import urlopen, Request
from urllib.parse import urlparse
up = urlparse(url)
if username:
logger.debug("Configuring authentication for %s..." % url)
password_mgr = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
password_mgr.add_password(None, "%s://%s" % (up.scheme, up.netloc), username, password)
handler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_mgr)
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(handler, urllib.request.HTTPSHandler(debuglevel=debuglevel))
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPSHandler(debuglevel=debuglevel))
logger.debug("Fetching %s (%s)..." % (url, ["without authentication", "with authentication"][bool(username)]))
res = urlopen(Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (bitbake/lib/layerindex)'}, unverifiable=True))
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
logger.debug("HTTP Error: %s: %s" % (e.code, e.reason))
logger.debug(" Requested: %s" % (url))
logger.debug(" Actual: %s" % (e.geturl()))
if e.code == 404:
logger.debug("Request not found.")
raise LayerIndexFetchError(url, e)
logger.debug("Headers:\n%s" % (e.headers))
raise LayerIndexFetchError(url, e)
except OSError as e:
error = 0
reason = ""
# Process base OSError first...
if hasattr(e, 'errno'):
error = e.errno
reason = e.strerror
# Process gaierror (socket error) subclass if available.
if hasattr(e, 'reason') and hasattr(e.reason, 'errno') and hasattr(e.reason, 'strerror'):
error = e.reason.errno
reason = e.reason.strerror
if error == -2:
raise LayerIndexFetchError(url, "%s: %s" % (e, reason))
if error and error != 0:
raise LayerIndexFetchError(url, "Unexpected exception: [Error %s] %s" % (error, reason))
raise LayerIndexFetchError(url, "Unable to fetch OSError exception: %s" % e)
logger.debug("...fetching %s (%s), done." % (url, ["without authentication", "with authentication"][bool(username)]))
return res
def load_layerindex(self, indexURI, load=['layerDependencies', 'recipes', 'machines', 'distros'], reload=False):
'''Load the layerindex.
indexURI - An index to load. (Use multiple calls to load multiple indexes)
reload - If reload is True, then any previously loaded indexes will be forgotten.
load - List of elements to load. Default loads all items.
Note: plugs may ignore this.
The format of the indexURI:
Note: the 'branch' parameter if set can select multiple branches by using
comma, such as 'branch=master,morty,pyro'. However, many operations only look
at the -first- branch specified!
The cache value may be undefined, in this case a network failure will
result in an error, otherwise the system will look for a file of the cache
name and load that instead.
For example:;branch=master;desc=OpenEmbedded%20Layer%20Index
if reload:
self.indexes = []
logger.debug('Loading: %s' % indexURI)
if not self.plugins:
raise LayerIndexException("No LayerIndex Plugins available")
for plugin in self.plugins:
# Check if the plugin was initialized
logger.debug('Trying %s' % plugin.__class__)
if not hasattr(plugin, 'type') or not plugin.type:
# TODO: Implement 'cache', for when the network is not available
indexEnt = plugin.load_index(indexURI, load)
except LayerIndexPluginUrlError as e:
logger.debug("%s doesn't support %s" % (plugin.type, e.url))
except NotImplementedError:
logger.debug("No plugins support %s" % indexURI)
raise LayerIndexException("No plugins support %s" % indexURI)
# Mark CONFIG data as something we've added...
indexEnt.config['local'] = []
# No longer permit changes..
def store_layerindex(self, indexURI, index=None):
'''Store one layerindex
Typically this will be used to create a local cache file of a remote index.
We can write out in either the restapi or django formats. The split option
will write out the individual elements split by layer and related components.
if not index:
logger.warning('No index to write, nothing to do.')
if not self.plugins:
raise LayerIndexException("No LayerIndex Plugins available")
for plugin in self.plugins:
# Check if the plugin was initialized
logger.debug('Trying %s' % plugin.__class__)
if not hasattr(plugin, 'type') or not plugin.type:
plugin.store_index(indexURI, index)
except LayerIndexPluginUrlError as e:
logger.debug("%s doesn't support %s" % (plugin.type, e.url))
except NotImplementedError:
logger.debug("Store not implemented in %s" % plugin.type)
logger.debug("No plugins support %s" % indexURI)
raise LayerIndexException("No plugins support %s" % indexURI)
def is_empty(self):
'''Return True or False if the index has any usable data.
We check the indexes entries to see if they have a branch set, as well as
layerBranches set. If not, they are effectively blank.'''
found = False
for index in self.indexes:
if index.__bool__():
found = True
return not found
def find_vcs_url(self, vcs_url, branch=None):
'''Return the first layerBranch with the given vcs_url
If a branch has not been specified, we will iterate over the branches in
the default configuration until the first vcs_url/branch match.'''
for index in self.indexes:
logger.debug(' searching %s' % index.config['DESCRIPTION'])
layerBranch = index.find_vcs_url(vcs_url, [branch])
if layerBranch:
return layerBranch
return None
def find_collection(self, collection, version=None, branch=None):
'''Return the first layerBranch with the given collection name
If a branch has not been specified, we will iterate over the branches in
the default configuration until the first collection/branch match.'''
logger.debug('find_collection: %s (%s) %s' % (collection, version, branch))
if branch:
branches = [branch]
branches = None
for index in self.indexes:
logger.debug(' searching %s' % index.config['DESCRIPTION'])
layerBranch = index.find_collection(collection, version, branches)
if layerBranch:
return layerBranch
logger.debug('Collection %s (%s) not found for branch (%s)' % (collection, version, branch))
return None
def find_layerbranch(self, name, branch=None):
'''Return the layerBranch item for a given name and branch
If a branch has not been specified, we will iterate over the branches in
the default configuration until the first name/branch match.'''
if branch:
branches = [branch]
branches = None
for index in self.indexes:
layerBranch = index.find_layerbranch(name, branches)
if layerBranch:
return layerBranch
return None
def find_dependencies(self, names=None, layerbranches=None, ignores=None):
'''Return a tuple of all dependencies and valid items for the list of (layer) names
The dependency scanning happens depth-first. The returned
dependencies should be in the best order to define bblayers.
names - list of layer names (searching layerItems)
branches - when specified (with names) only this list of branches are evaluated
layerbranches - list of layerbranches to resolve dependencies
ignores - list of layer names to ignore
return: (dependencies, invalid)
dependencies[] = [ LayerBranch, LayerDependency1, LayerDependency2, ... ]
invalid = [ LayerItem.name1, LayerItem.name2, ... ]
invalid = []
# Convert name/branch to layerbranches
if layerbranches is None:
layerbranches = []
for name in names:
if ignores and name in ignores:
for index in self.indexes:
layerbranch = index.find_layerbranch(name)
if not layerbranch:
# Not in this index, hopefully it's in another...
def _resolve_dependencies(layerbranches, ignores, dependencies, invalid, processed=None):
for layerbranch in layerbranches:
if ignores and in ignores:
# Get a list of dependencies and then recursively process them
for layerdependency in layerbranch.index.layerDependencies_layerBranchId[]:
deplayerbranch = layerdependency.dependency_layerBranch
except AttributeError as e:
logger.error('LayerBranch does not exist for dependent layer {}:{}\n' \
' Cannot continue successfully.\n' \
' You might be able to resolve this by checking out the layer locally.\n' \
' Consider reaching out the to the layer maintainers or the layerindex admins' \
if ignores and in ignores:
# Since this is depth first, we need to know what we're currently processing
# in order to avoid infinite recursion on a loop.
if processed and in processed:
# We have found a recursion...
logger.warning('Circular layer dependency found: %s -> %s' % (processed,
# This little block is why we can't re-use the LayerIndexObj version,
# we must be able to satisfy each dependencies across layer indexes and
# use the layer index order for priority. (r stands for replacement below)
# If this is the primary index, we can fast path and skip this
if deplayerbranch.index != self.indexes[0]:
# Is there an entry in a prior index for this collection/version?
rdeplayerbranch = self.find_collection(
if rdeplayerbranch != deplayerbranch:
logger.debug('Replaced %s:%s:%s with %s:%s:%s' % \
deplayerbranch = rdeplayerbranch
# New dependency, we need to resolve it now... depth-first
if not in dependencies:
# Avoid recursion on this branch.
# We copy so we don't end up polluting the depth-first branch with other
# branches. Duplication between individual branches IS expected and
# handled by 'dependencies' processing.
if not processed:
local_processed = []
local_processed = processed.copy()
(dependencies, invalid) = _resolve_dependencies([deplayerbranch], ignores, dependencies, invalid, local_processed)
if not in dependencies:
dependencies[] = [deplayerbranch, layerdependency]
if layerdependency not in dependencies[]:
return (dependencies, invalid)
# OK, resolve this one...
dependencies = OrderedDict()
(dependencies, invalid) = _resolve_dependencies(layerbranches, ignores, dependencies, invalid)
for layerbranch in layerbranches:
if not in dependencies:
dependencies[] = [layerbranch]
return (dependencies, invalid)
def list_obj(self, object):
'''Print via the plain logger object information
This function is used to implement debugging and provide the user info.
for lix in self.indexes:
if not hasattr(lix, object):
logger.plain ('')
logger.plain ('Index: %s' % lix.config['DESCRIPTION'])
output = []
if object == 'branches':
logger.plain ('%s %s %s' % ('{:26}'.format('branch'), '{:34}'.format('description'), '{:22}'.format('bitbake branch')))
logger.plain ('{:-^80}'.format(""))
for branchid in lix.branches:
output.append('%s %s %s' % (
for line in sorted(output):
logger.plain (line)
if object == 'layerItems':
logger.plain ('%s %s' % ('{:26}'.format('layer'), '{:34}'.format('description')))
logger.plain ('{:-^80}'.format(""))
for layerid in lix.layerItems:
output.append('%s %s' % (
for line in sorted(output):
logger.plain (line)
if object == 'layerBranches':
logger.plain ('%s %s %s' % ('{:26}'.format('layer'), '{:34}'.format('description'), '{:19}'.format('collection:version')))
logger.plain ('{:-^80}'.format(""))
for layerbranchid in lix.layerBranches:
output.append('%s %s %s' % (
'{:19}'.format("%s:%s" %
for line in sorted(output):
logger.plain (line)
if object == 'layerDependencies':
logger.plain ('%s %s %s %s' % ('{:19}'.format('branch'), '{:26}'.format('layer'), '{:11}'.format('dependency'), '{:26}'.format('layer')))
logger.plain ('{:-^80}'.format(""))
for layerDependency in lix.layerDependencies:
if not lix.layerDependencies[layerDependency].dependency_layerBranch:
output.append('%s %s %s %s' % (
'{:11}'.format('requires' if lix.layerDependencies[layerDependency].required else 'recommends'),
for line in sorted(output):
logger.plain (line)
if object == 'recipes':
logger.plain ('%s %s %s' % ('{:20}'.format('recipe'), '{:10}'.format('version'), 'layer'))
logger.plain ('{:-^80}'.format(""))
output = []
for recipe in
output.append('%s %s %s' % (
for line in sorted(output):
logger.plain (line)
if object == 'machines':
logger.plain ('%s %s %s' % ('{:24}'.format('machine'), '{:34}'.format('description'), '{:19}'.format('layer')))
logger.plain ('{:-^80}'.format(""))
for machine in lix.machines:
output.append('%s %s %s' % (
for line in sorted(output):
logger.plain (line)
if object == 'distros':
logger.plain ('%s %s %s' % ('{:24}'.format('distro'), '{:34}'.format('description'), '{:19}'.format('layer')))
logger.plain ('{:-^80}'.format(""))
for distro in lix.distros:
output.append('%s %s %s' % (
for line in sorted(output):
logger.plain (line)
logger.plain ('')
# This class holds a single layer index instance
# The LayerIndexObj is made up of dictionary of elements, such as:
# index['config'] - configuration data for this index
# index['branches'] - dictionary of Branch objects, by id number
# index['layerItems'] - dictionary of layerItem objects, by id number
# ...etc... (See:
# The class needs to manage the 'index' entries and allow easily adding
# of new items, as well as simply loading of the items.
class LayerIndexObj():
def __init__(self):
super().__setattr__('_index', {})
super().__setattr__('_lock', False)
def __bool__(self):
'''False if the index is effectively empty
We check the index to see if it has a branch set, as well as
layerbranches set. If not, it is effectively blank.'''
if not bool(self._index):
return False
if self.branches and self.layerBranches:
return True
except AttributeError:
return False
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name.startswith('_'):
return super().__getattribute__(name)
if name not in self._index:
raise AttributeError('%s not in index datastore' % name)
return self._index[name]
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if self.isLocked():
raise TypeError("Can not set attribute '%s': index is locked" % name)
if name.startswith('_'):
super().__setattr__(name, value)
self._index[name] = value
def __delattr__(self, name):
if self.isLocked():
raise TypeError("Can not delete attribute '%s': index is locked" % name)
if name.startswith('_'):
def lockData(self):
'''Lock data object (make it readonly)'''
super().__setattr__("_lock", True)
def unlockData(self):
'''unlock data object (make it readonly)'''
super().__setattr__("_lock", False)
# When the data is unlocked, we have to clear the caches, as
# modification is allowed!
def isLocked(self):
'''Is this object locked (readonly)?'''
return self._lock
def add_element(self, indexname, objs):
'''Add a layer index object to index.<indexname>'''
if indexname not in self._index:
self._index[indexname] = {}
for obj in objs:
if in self._index[indexname]:
if self._index[indexname][] == obj:
raise LayerIndexException('Conflict adding object %s(%s) to index' % (indexname,
self._index[indexname][] = obj
def add_raw_element(self, indexname, objtype, rawobjs):
'''Convert a raw layer index data item to a layer index item object and add to the index'''
objs = []
for entry in rawobjs:
objs.append(objtype(self, entry))
self.add_element(indexname, objs)
# Quick lookup table for searching layerId and branchID combos
def layerBranches_layerId_branchId(self):
def createCache(self):
cache = {}
for layerbranchid in self.layerBranches:
layerbranch = self.layerBranches[layerbranchid]
cache["%s:%s" % (layerbranch.layer_id, layerbranch.branch_id)] = layerbranch
return cache
if self.isLocked():
cache = getattr(self, '_layerBranches_layerId_branchId', None)
cache = None
if not cache:
cache = createCache(self)
if self.isLocked():
super().__setattr__('_layerBranches_layerId_branchId', cache)
return cache
# Quick lookup table for finding all dependencies of a layerBranch
def layerDependencies_layerBranchId(self):
def createCache(self):
cache = {}
# This ensures empty lists for all branchids
for layerbranchid in self.layerBranches:
cache[layerbranchid] = []
for layerdependencyid in self.layerDependencies:
layerdependency = self.layerDependencies[layerdependencyid]
return cache
if self.isLocked():
cache = getattr(self, '_layerDependencies_layerBranchId', None)
cache = None
if not cache:
cache = createCache(self)
if self.isLocked():
super().__setattr__('_layerDependencies_layerBranchId', cache)
return cache
# Quick lookup table for finding all instances of a vcs_url
def layerBranches_vcsUrl(self):
def createCache(self):
cache = {}
for layerbranchid in self.layerBranches:
layerbranch = self.layerBranches[layerbranchid]
if layerbranch.layer.vcs_url not in cache:
cache[layerbranch.layer.vcs_url] = [layerbranch]
return cache
if self.isLocked():
cache = getattr(self, '_layerBranches_vcsUrl', None)
cache = None
if not cache:
cache = createCache(self)
if self.isLocked():
super().__setattr__('_layerBranches_vcsUrl', cache)
return cache
def find_vcs_url(self, vcs_url, branches=None):
''''Return the first layerBranch with the given vcs_url
If a list of branches has not been specified, we will iterate on
all branches until the first vcs_url is found.'''
if not self.__bool__():
return None
for layerbranch in self.layerBranches_vcsUrl:
if branches and not in branches:
return layerbranch
return None
def find_collection(self, collection, version=None, branches=None):
'''Return the first layerBranch with the given collection name
If a list of branches has not been specified, we will iterate on
all branches until the first collection is found.'''
if not self.__bool__():
return None
for layerbranchid in self.layerBranches:
layerbranch = self.layerBranches[layerbranchid]
if branches and not in branches:
if layerbranch.collection == collection and \
(version is None or version == layerbranch.version):
return layerbranch
return None
def find_layerbranch(self, name, branches=None):
'''Return the first layerbranch whose layer name matches
If a list of branches has not been specified, we will iterate on
all branches until the first layer with that name is found.'''
if not self.__bool__():
return None
for layerbranchid in self.layerBranches:
layerbranch = self.layerBranches[layerbranchid]
if branches and not in branches:
if == name:
return layerbranch
return None
def find_dependencies(self, names=None, branches=None, layerBranches=None, ignores=None):
'''Return a tuple of all dependencies and valid items for the list of (layer) names
The dependency scanning happens depth-first. The returned
dependencies should be in the best order to define bblayers.
names - list of layer names (searching layerItems)
branches - when specified (with names) only this list of branches are evaluated
layerBranches - list of layerBranches to resolve dependencies
ignores - list of layer names to ignore
return: (dependencies, invalid)
dependencies[] = [ LayerBranch, LayerDependency1, LayerDependency2, ... ]
invalid = [ LayerItem.name1, LayerItem.name2, ... ]'''
invalid = []
# Convert name/branch to layerBranches
if layerbranches is None:
layerbranches = []
for name in names:
if ignores and name in ignores:
layerbranch = self.find_layerbranch(name, branches)
if not layerbranch:
for layerbranch in layerbranches:
if layerbranch.index != self:
raise LayerIndexException("Can not resolve dependencies across indexes with this class function!")
def _resolve_dependencies(layerbranches, ignores, dependencies, invalid):
for layerbranch in layerbranches:
if ignores and in ignores:
for layerdependency in layerbranch.index.layerDependencies_layerBranchId[]:
deplayerbranch = layerdependency.dependency_layerBranch or None
if ignores and in ignores:
# New dependency, we need to resolve it now... depth-first
if not in dependencies:
(dependencies, invalid) = _resolve_dependencies([deplayerbranch], ignores, dependencies, invalid)
if not in dependencies:
dependencies[] = [deplayerbranch, layerdependency]
if layerdependency not in dependencies[]:
return (dependencies, invalid)
# OK, resolve this one...
dependencies = OrderedDict()
(dependencies, invalid) = _resolve_dependencies(layerbranches, ignores, dependencies, invalid)
# Is this item already in the list, if not add it
for layerbranch in layerbranches:
if not in dependencies:
dependencies[] = [layerbranch]
return (dependencies, invalid)
# Define a basic LayerIndexItemObj. This object forms the basis for all other
# objects. The raw Layer Index data is stored in the _data element, but we
# do not want users to access data directly. So wrap this and protect it
# from direct manipulation.
# It is up to the insantiators of the objects to fill them out, and once done
# lock the objects to prevent further accidently manipulation.
# Using the getattr, setattr and properties we can access and manipulate
# the data within the data element.
class LayerIndexItemObj():
def __init__(self, index, data=None, lock=False):
if data is None:
data = {}
if type(data) != type(dict()):
raise TypeError('data (%s) is not a dict' % type(data))
super().__setattr__('_lock', lock)
super().__setattr__('index', index)
super().__setattr__('_data', data)
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
return False
res=(self._data == other._data)
return res
def __bool__(self):
return bool(self._data)
def __getattr__(self, name):
# These are internal to THIS class, and not part of data
if name == "index" or name.startswith('_'):
return super().__getattribute__(name)
if name not in self._data:
raise AttributeError('%s not in datastore' % name)
return self._data[name]
def _setattr(self, name, value, prop=True):
'''__setattr__ like function, but with control over property object behavior'''
if self.isLocked():
raise TypeError("Can not set attribute '%s': Object data is locked" % name)
if name.startswith('_'):
super().__setattr__(name, value)
# Since __setattr__ runs before properties, we need to check if
# there is a setter property and then execute it
# ... or return self._data[name]
propertyobj = getattr(self.__class__, name, None)
if prop and isinstance(propertyobj, property):
if propertyobj.fset:
propertyobj.fset(self, value)
raise AttributeError('Attribute %s is readonly, and may not be set' % name)
self._data[name] = value
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
self._setattr(name, value, prop=True)
def _delattr(self, name, prop=True):
# Since __delattr__ runs before properties, we need to check if
# there is a deleter property and then execute it
# ... or we pop it ourselves..
propertyobj = getattr(self.__class__, name, None)
if prop and isinstance(propertyobj, property):
if propertyobj.fdel:
raise AttributeError('Attribute %s is readonly, and may not be deleted' % name)
def __delattr__(self, name):
self._delattr(name, prop=True)
def lockData(self):
'''Lock data object (make it readonly)'''
super().__setattr__("_lock", True)
def unlockData(self):
'''unlock data object (make it readonly)'''
super().__setattr__("_lock", False)
def isLocked(self):
'''Is this object locked (readonly)?'''
return self._lock
# Branch object
class Branch(LayerIndexItemObj):
def define_data(self, id, name, bitbake_branch,
short_description=None, sort_priority=1,
updates_enabled=True, updated=None,
update_environment=None): = id = name
self.bitbake_branch = bitbake_branch
self.short_description = short_description or name
self.sort_priority = sort_priority
self.updates_enabled = updates_enabled
self.updated = updated or
self.update_environment = update_environment
def name(self):
return self.__getattr__('name')
def name(self, value):
self._data['name'] = value
if self.bitbake_branch == value:
self.bitbake_branch = ""
def name(self):
self._delattr('name', prop=False)
def bitbake_branch(self):
return self.__getattr__('bitbake_branch')
except AttributeError:
def bitbake_branch(self, value):
if == value:
self._data['bitbake_branch'] = ""
self._data['bitbake_branch'] = value
def bitbake_branch(self):
self._delattr('bitbake_branch', prop=False)
class LayerItem(LayerIndexItemObj):
def define_data(self, id, name, status='P',
layer_type='A', summary=None,
vcs_url=None, vcs_web_url=None,
updated=None): = id = name
self.status = status
self.layer_type = layer_type
self.summary = summary or name
self.description = description or summary or name
self.vcs_url = vcs_url
self.vcs_web_url = vcs_web_url
self.vcs_web_tree_base_url = vcs_web_tree_base_url
self.vcs_web_file_base_url = vcs_web_file_base_url
self.index_preference = index_preference
self.classic = classic
self.updated = updated or
class LayerBranch(LayerIndexItemObj):
def define_data(self, id, collection, version, layer, branch,
vcs_subdir="", vcs_last_fetch=None,
vcs_last_rev=None, vcs_last_commit=None,
updated=None): = id
self.collection = collection
self.version = version
if isinstance(layer, LayerItem):
self.layer = layer
self.layer_id = layer
if isinstance(branch, Branch):
self.branch = branch
self.branch_id = branch
self.vcs_subdir = vcs_subdir
self.vcs_last_fetch = vcs_last_fetch
self.vcs_last_rev = vcs_last_rev
self.vcs_last_commit = vcs_last_commit
self.actual_branch = actual_branch
self.updated = updated or
# This is a little odd, the _data attribute is 'layer', but it's really
# referring to the layer id.. so lets adjust this to make it useful
def layer_id(self):
return self.__getattr__('layer')
def layer_id(self, value):
self._setattr('layer', value, prop=False)
def layer_id(self):
self._delattr('layer', prop=False)
def layer(self):
return self.index.layerItems[self.layer_id]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError('Unable to find layerItems in index to map layer_id %s' % self.layer_id)
except IndexError:
raise AttributeError('Unable to find layer_id %s in index layerItems' % self.layer_id)
def layer(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, LayerItem):
raise TypeError('value is not a LayerItem')
if self.index != value.index:
raise AttributeError('Object and value do not share the same index and thus key set.')
self.layer_id =
def layer(self):
del self.layer_id
def branch_id(self):
return self.__getattr__('branch')
def branch_id(self, value):
self._setattr('branch', value, prop=False)
def branch_id(self):
self._delattr('branch', prop=False)
def branch(self):
logger.debug("Get branch object from branches[%s]" % (self.branch_id))
return self.index.branches[self.branch_id]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError('Unable to find branches in index to map branch_id %s' % self.branch_id)
except IndexError:
raise AttributeError('Unable to find branch_id %s in index branches' % self.branch_id)
def branch(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, LayerItem):
raise TypeError('value is not a LayerItem')
if self.index != value.index:
raise AttributeError('Object and value do not share the same index and thus key set.')
self.branch_id =
def branch(self):
del self.branch_id
def actual_branch(self):
if self.__getattr__('actual_branch'):
return self.__getattr__('actual_branch')
def actual_branch(self, value):
logger.debug("Set actual_branch to %s .. name is %s" % (value,
if value !=
self._setattr('actual_branch', value, prop=False)
self._setattr('actual_branch', '', prop=False)
def actual_branch(self):
self._delattr('actual_branch', prop=False)
# Extend LayerIndexItemObj with common LayerBranch manipulations
# All of the remaining LayerIndex objects refer to layerbranch, and it is
# up to the user to follow that back through the LayerBranch object into
# the layer object to get various attributes. So add an intermediate set
# of attributes that can easily get us the layerbranch as well as layer.
class LayerIndexItemObj_LayerBranch(LayerIndexItemObj):
def layerbranch_id(self):
return self.__getattr__('layerbranch')
def layerbranch_id(self, value):
self._setattr('layerbranch', value, prop=False)
def layerbranch_id(self):
self._delattr('layerbranch', prop=False)
def layerbranch(self):
return self.index.layerBranches[self.layerbranch_id]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError('Unable to find layerBranches in index to map layerbranch_id %s' % self.layerbranch_id)
except IndexError:
raise AttributeError('Unable to find layerbranch_id %s in index branches' % self.layerbranch_id)
def layerbranch(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, LayerBranch):
raise TypeError('value (%s) is not a layerBranch' % type(value))
if self.index != value.index:
raise AttributeError('Object and value do not share the same index and thus key set.')
self.layerbranch_id =
def layerbranch(self):
del self.layerbranch_id
def layer_id(self):
return self.layerbranch.layer_id
# Doesn't make sense to set or delete layer_id
def layer(self):
return self.layerbranch.layer
# Doesn't make sense to set or delete layer
class LayerDependency(LayerIndexItemObj_LayerBranch):
def define_data(self, id, layerbranch, dependency, required=True): = id
if isinstance(layerbranch, LayerBranch):
self.layerbranch = layerbranch
self.layerbranch_id = layerbranch
if isinstance(dependency, LayerDependency):
self.dependency = dependency
self.dependency_id = dependency
self.required = required
def dependency_id(self):
return self.__getattr__('dependency')
def dependency_id(self, value):
self._setattr('dependency', value, prop=False)
def dependency_id(self):
self._delattr('dependency', prop=False)
def dependency(self):
return self.index.layerItems[self.dependency_id]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError('Unable to find layerItems in index to map layerbranch_id %s' % self.dependency_id)
except IndexError:
raise AttributeError('Unable to find dependency_id %s in index layerItems' % self.dependency_id)
def dependency(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, LayerDependency):
raise TypeError('value (%s) is not a dependency' % type(value))
if self.index != value.index:
raise AttributeError('Object and value do not share the same index and thus key set.')
self.dependency_id =
def dependency(self):
self._delattr('dependency', prop=False)
def dependency_layerBranch(self):
layerid = self.dependency_id
branchid = self.layerbranch.branch_id
return self.index.layerBranches_layerId_branchId["%s:%s" % (layerid, branchid)]
except IndexError:
# layerBranches_layerId_branchId -- but not layerId:branchId
raise AttributeError('Unable to find layerId:branchId %s:%s in index layerBranches_layerId_branchId' % (layerid, branchid))
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError('Unable to find layerId:branchId %s:%s in layerItems and layerBranches' % (layerid, branchid))
# dependency_layerBranch doesn't make sense to set or del
class Recipe(LayerIndexItemObj_LayerBranch):
def define_data(self, id,
filename, filepath, pn, pv, layerbranch,
summary="", description="", section="", license="",
homepage="", bugtracker="", provides="", bbclassextend="",
inherits="", disallowed="", updated=None): = id
self.filename = filename
self.filepath = filepath = pn
self.pv = pv
self.summary = summary
self.description = description
self.section = section
self.license = license
self.homepage = homepage
self.bugtracker = bugtracker
self.provides = provides
self.bbclassextend = bbclassextend
self.inherits = inherits
self.updated = updated or
self.disallowed = disallowed
if isinstance(layerbranch, LayerBranch):
self.layerbranch = layerbranch
self.layerbranch_id = layerbranch
def fullpath(self):
return os.path.join(self.filepath, self.filename)
# Set would need to understand how to split it
# del would we del both parts?
def inherits(self):
if 'inherits' not in self._data:
# Older indexes may not have this, so emulate it
if '-image-' in
return 'image'
return self.__getattr__('inherits')
def inherits(self, value):
return self._setattr('inherits', value, prop=False)
def inherits(self):
return self._delattr('inherits', prop=False)
class Machine(LayerIndexItemObj_LayerBranch):
def define_data(self, id,
name, description, layerbranch,
updated=None): = id = name
self.description = description
if isinstance(layerbranch, LayerBranch):
self.layerbranch = layerbranch
self.layerbranch_id = layerbranch
self.updated = updated or
class Distro(LayerIndexItemObj_LayerBranch):
def define_data(self, id,
name, description, layerbranch,
updated=None): = id = name
self.description = description
if isinstance(layerbranch, LayerBranch):
self.layerbranch = layerbranch
self.layerbranch_id = layerbranch
self.updated = updated or
# When performing certain actions, we may need to sort the data.
# This will allow us to keep it consistent from run to run.
def sort_entry(item):
newitem = item
if type(newitem) == type(dict()):
newitem = OrderedDict(sorted(newitem.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
for index in newitem:
newitem[index] = sort_entry(newitem[index])
elif type(newitem) == type(list()):
newitem.sort(key=lambda obj: obj['id'])
for index, _ in enumerate(newitem):
newitem[index] = sort_entry(newitem[index])
logger.error('Sort failed for item %s' % type(item))
return newitem