blob: b63fac979178e5012f9e1f0e37bb32f231defef0 [file] [log] [blame]
DESCRIPTION = "Incremental is a small library that versions your Python projects"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=6ca9b07f08e2c72d48c74d363d1e0e15"
SRC_URI[md5sum] = "602746e0d438e075a5a9e0678140bba2"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "7b751696aaf36eebfab537e458929e194460051ccad279c72b755a167eebd4b3"
inherit pypi
RDEPENDS_${PN} += " \
${PYTHON_PN}-twisted \
${PYTHON_PN}-click \
# -native is needed to build python[3]-twisted, however, we need to take steps to
# prevent a circular dependency. The build apparently does not use the part of
# python-incremental which uses python-twisted, so this hack is OK.
RDEPENDS_${PYTHON_PN}-incremental-native_remove = "${PYTHON_PN}-twisted-native"
BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"