| require recipes-graphics/xorg-app/xorg-app-common.inc |
| SUMMARY = "XKeyboard (XKB) extension to the X11 protocol" |
| xkbutils is a collection of small utilities utilizing the XKeyboard (XKB) \ |
| extension to the X11 protocol. \ |
| xkbbell - generate XKB bell events \ |
| xkbvleds - display the state of LEDs on an XKB keyboard in a window \ |
| xkbwatch - reports changes in the XKB keyboard state \ |
| LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=64322fab5239f5c8d97cf6e0e14f1c62" |
| DEPENDS += "libxaw libxkbfile" |
| SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "f6a4a8e9c54582beb3787b1faa8168caab125c1fee0ca9cfa5b6c9c1df25eea4" |