blob: 4285d11b72407cc65435994b6936920a1d91dcfb [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "Provides API for encoding/decoding of data to/from D-Bus wire format"
DESCRIPTION = "This crate provides API for encoding/decoding of data to/from D-Bus wire format.\
This binary wire format is simple and very efficient and hence useful outside of D-Bus context as well.\
A modified form of this format, GVariant is very commonly used for efficient storage of arbitrary \
data and is also supported by this crate."
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=b377b220f43d747efdec40d69fcaa69d"
SRC_URI = " \
git://;protocol=https;branch=main;subpath=zvariant \
file://0001-Tweak-zvariant-crate-config.patch;striplevel=2 \
SRCREV = "07506776fab5f58e029760bb4b288f670c7eecd6"
S = "${WORKDIR}/zvariant"
python do_clean_lic_file_symlink() {
addtask clean_lic_file_symlink after do_unpack before do_patch
inherit cargo cargo-update-recipe-crates
# Remove this when the recipe is reproducible
require ${BPN}
require ${BPN}