| SUMMARY = "Xmu and Xmuu: X Miscellaneous Utility libraries" |
| DESCRIPTION = "The Xmu Library is a collection of miscellaneous (some \ |
| might say random) utility functions that have been useful in building \ |
| various applications and widgets. This library is required by the Athena \ |
| Widgets. A subset of the functions that do not rely on the Athena \ |
| Widgets (libXaw) or X Toolkit Instrinsics (libXt) are provided in a \ |
| second library, libXmuu." |
| require xorg-lib-common.inc |
| LICENSE = "MIT & MIT-style" |
| LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=def3d8e4e9c42004f1941fa22f01dc18" |
| DEPENDS += "libxt libxext" |
| FILES_libxmuu = "${libdir}/libXmuu.so.*" |
| SRC_URI[md5sum] = "41d92ab627dfa06568076043f3e089e4" |
| SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "756edc7c383254eef8b4e1b733c3bf1dc061b523c9f9833ac7058378b8349d0b" |