blob: 4ca8ffb7aac4d896c97f14f4b398ccf2b40e56ae [file] [log] [blame]
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
from import OESelftestTestCase
from oeqa.core.decorator import OETestTag
from oeqa.utils.commands import bitbake, runqemu
class LocalesTest(OESelftestTestCase):
def run_locales_test(self, binary_enabled):
features = []
features.append('EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = "empty-root-password allow-empty-password allow-root-login"')
features.append('IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " glibc-utils localedef"')
features.append('GLIBC_GENERATE_LOCALES = "en_US.UTF-8 fr_FR.UTF-8"')
features.append('IMAGE_LINGUAS:append = " en-us fr-fr"')
if binary_enabled:
features.append('ENABLE_BINARY_LOCALE_GENERATION = "1"')
features.append('ENABLE_BINARY_LOCALE_GENERATION = "0"')
# Build a core-image-minimal
with runqemu("core-image-minimal", ssh=False, runqemuparams='nographic') as qemu:
cmd = "locale -a"
status, output = qemu.run_serial(cmd)
# output must includes fr_FR or fr_FR.UTF-8
self.assertEqual(status, 1, msg='locale test command failed: output: %s' % output)
self.assertIn("fr_FR", output, msg='locale -a test failed: output: %s' % output)
cmd = "localedef --list-archive -v"
status, output = qemu.run_serial(cmd)
# output must includes fr_FR.utf8
self.assertEqual(status, 1, msg='localedef test command failed: output: %s' % output)
self.assertIn("fr_FR.utf8", output, msg='localedef test failed: output: %s' % output)
def test_locales_on(self):
Summary: Test the locales are generated
Expected: 1. Check the locale exist in the locale-archive
2. Check the locale exist for the glibc
3. Check the locale can be generated
Product: oe-core
Author: Louis Rannou <>
AutomatedBy: Louis Rannou <>
def test_locales_off(self):