blob: c57b4213569f3e41e30ac3c7aa752e41807fea5c [file] [log] [blame]
[PATCH] not check libperl under cross compiling
Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [configuration]
libperl ldflags returned by PGAC_CHECK_PERL_EMBED_LDFLAGS are native,
can not be used to check target library.
postpresql has the dependency on perl, so not need to check libperl
again, like in postgresql-9.2.4
Signed-off-by: Roy Li <>
--- | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
Index: postgresql-9.4.20/
--- postgresql-9.4.20.orig/
+++ postgresql-9.4.20/
@@ -1931,7 +1931,7 @@ if test "$with_tcl" = yes; then
# check for <perl.h>
-if test "$with_perl" = yes; then
+if test "$with_perl" = yes && test "$cross_compiling" = no; then
CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS $perl_includespec"
AC_CHECK_HEADER(perl.h, [], [AC_MSG_ERROR([header file <perl.h> is required for Perl])],