blob: 715c89338f7a5e4cea4e7d46e184b442da77b35d [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages"
SECTION = "devel/python"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=141643e11c48898150daa83802dbc65f"
inherit pypi python_setuptools_build_meta
SRC_URI:append:class-native = " file://0001-conditionally-do-not-fetch-code-by-easy_install.patch"
SRC_URI += " \
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "be1af57fc409f93647f2e8e4573a142ed38724b8cdd389706a867bb4efcf1e78"
DEPENDS += "python3"
python3-2to3 \
python3-compile \
python3-compression \
python3-ctypes \
python3-email \
python3-html \
python3-json \
python3-netserver \
python3-numbers \
python3-pickle \
python3-pkg-resources \
python3-pkgutil \
python3-plistlib \
python3-shell \
python3-stringold \
python3-threading \
python3-unittest \
python3-xml \
BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
# The pkg-resources module can be used by itself, without the package downloader
# and easy_install. Ship it in a separate package so that it can be used by
# minimal distributions.
PACKAGES =+ "python3-pkg-resources "
FILES:python3-pkg-resources = "${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}/pkg_resources/*"
RDEPENDS:python3-pkg-resources = "\
python3-compression \
python3-email \
python3-plistlib \
python3-pprint \
# This used to use the bootstrap install which didn't compile. Until we bump the
# tmpdir version we can't compile the native otherwise the sysroot unpack fails
INSTALL_WHEEL_COMPILE_BYTECODE:class-native = "--no-compile-bytecode"